Security Fencing With Allied Infrastructure at Cod Under Ge (E) Jabalpur
Security Fencing With Allied Infrastructure at Cod Under Ge (E) Jabalpur
Security Fencing With Allied Infrastructure at Cod Under Ge (E) Jabalpur
Sl No Description Pages
1 2 3
1. Contents (INDEX SHEET) : 1
Total no of pages :
Total no of drawings :
CA No: CWE/ JBP/ E/ of 2019-2020 Serial Page No: 2
TENDER ID : 2019_MES_293803_2
1. Tender documents in respect of above work are uploaded on the site
The tender is on single stage two cover e-tendering system. The contents of Cover I & Cover II
are specified in NOTICE OF TENDER.
2. Bids will be received by ACCEPTING OFFICER upto the date and time mentioned in the
NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT). No tender/bid will be received in physical form and any
tender/bid received in such manner will be treated as non bonfide tender/bid.
3. Bid will be opened on due date and time fixed for opening in the presence of tenderers/
bidders or their authorized representatives, who have uploaded their quotation bid and who wish
to be present at the time of opening the bids.
4 Your attention is also drawn to instruction on filling and submission of tender attached
herewith. You may forward your points on tender document and/or depute your technical
representative for discussion on tender/drawings and to clarify doubts, if any, on or before bid
submission start date, you are requested not to write piece meal points and forward your points
duly consolidated before due date viz bid submission start date.
5. Unenlisted contractors are required to submit the scanned copies (in pdf file) of
documents required as per eligibility criteria mentioned in instructions for filling the tender
document and Appendix ‘A’ to NIT along with EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) and tender
fee on e-procurement portal and submit the physical documents in the office of Headquarters,
Commander Works Engineer, Supply Marg Post Box No.54 Jabalpur Cantt-482001 (MP)
within time limit specified in NIT. Inadequacy/deficiency of documents shall make the bid liable
for rejection resulting in disqualification for opening of finance bid.
6. Contractor having not executed standing security bond and standing security deposit in
any MES formation shall upload scanned copy of EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD)
mentioned in Notice of Tender and shall ensure receipt of hard copy of EMD in the office of
tender issuing authority before date & time fixed for this purpose. In case of failure to abide by
any of these two requirements, the finance bid will not be opened .
7. Enlisted contractor of MES shall submit the scanned copies (pdf file) of enlistment letter,
tender fee and such other documents as mentioned in Appx ‘A’ to NIT on e-procurement portal
and submit physical documents in the office of Headquarters, Commander Works Engineer,
Supply Marg Post Box No.54 Jabalpur Cantt-482001 (MP) before date & time fixed for this
purpose .
8. The contractor must ensure that the tender/bid on the proper form is uploaded in time as
the Accepting Officer will take no congnizance of any quotations/offer received in any other
electronic or physical from like email/fax/by hand/through post tenderer/bidder even if they are
received in time.
CA No: CWE/ JBP/ E/ of 2019-2020 Serial Page No: 3
10. General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print) and errata and amendments
thereto, Schedule of minimum fair wages and MES SSR (Part- I-2009 and Part- II-2010) are not
enclosed with these document. These are available for perusal in the Office of GE concerned
and this office
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Contractor
CA No: CWE/ JBP/ E/ of 2019-2020 Serial Page No: 4
NOTES:- Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of cheque/ Bank Guarantee etc will not
alongwith Technical Bid & physical copy before the date & time fixed for opening of BOQ)
5.1 The bids received only in the electronic form will be considered. All bids shall be
submitted on portal. Documents should be scanned and forwarded in
‘pdf’ form and ‘xls’ form as indicated.
5.2 Bid shall be uploaded on portal on or before the bid closing
date mentioned in the tender. No tender/bid in any other electronic or physical form like
email / fax /by hand /through post will be considered.
5.3 Bids should be DIGITALLY signed using valid DSC. All pages of tender
documents, corrections/alteration shall be signed/initialled by the lowest bidder after
5.4 Drawings, if issued in physical form, must be returned duly initialled by the
tenderer/bidder in separate envelope indicating his name and address.
5.5 The tender shall be signed, dated and witnessed at all places provided for in the
documents after acceptance. All corrections shall be initialled. The Contractor shall initial
every page of tenderand shall sign all drawings forming part of the tender. Any tender /bid,
which proposes alterations to any of conditions whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
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5.6 In the technical bid, a scanned copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the person
uploading the bid using his/ her DSC shall be uploaded. In case the Digital Signatory himself
is the sole proprietor, an affidavit on stamp paper of appropriate value to this effect stating
that he has authority to bind the firm in all matters pertaining to contract including the
Arbitration Clause, shall be attached in ‘pdf’ form. In case of partnership concern or limited
company, Digital Signatory of the bid/ tender shall ensure that he is competent to bind the
Contractor (through partnership deed, general power of attorney or Memorandum and
Articles of Association of the Company) in all the matters pertaining to the contracts with
Union of India including arbitration clause. A scanned copy of the documents confirming of
such authority shall be attached with the tender/bid in ‘pdf’ form, if not submitted earlier.The
person uploading the bid on behalf of another partner(s) or on behalf of a firm or company
using his DSC shall upload with the tender/bid a scanned copy (in ‘pdf’ form) of Power of
Attorney duly executed in his favour by such other or all of the partner(s) or in accordance
with constitution of the company in case of company, stating that he has authority to bind
such other person of the firm or the Company, as the case may be, in all matters pertaining
to the contract including the Arbitration Clause.
5.7 Even in case of Firms or Companies which have already given Power of Attorney
to an individual authorizing him to sign tender in pursuance of which bids are being
uploading by such person as a routine, fresh Power of Attorney duly executed in his favour
stating specifically that the said person has authority to bind such partners of the firm, or the
company as the case may be , including the condition relating to Arbitration Clause, should
be uploaded in ‘pdf’ form with the tender/bid; unless such authority has already been given
to him by the Firm or the Company. It shall be ensured that power of attorney shall be
executed in accordance with the constitution of the company as laid down in its
Memorandum & Article of Association.
5.8 Hard copies of all above documents should be sent by the contractor to the
Tender issuing authority well in advance to be received before the date & time fixed for the
5.10 The contractor shall employ Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and
loyalty. Attention is also drawn to special 3 referred hereinafter and also conditions 24 & 25
of IAFW 2249 (General conditions of contract).
5.11 Tenderers/bidders who uploaded their priced tenders/bids and are desirous of
being present at the time of openingof the tenders/bids, may do so at the appointed time.
5.12 The tenderer/ bidder shall quote his rate on the BOQ file only. No alteration to the
format will be accepted, else the bid will be disqualified and summarily rejected.
5.13 In case the tenderer/ bidder has to revise/ modify the rates quoted in the BOQ
(excel sheet) he can do so only in the BOQ, through site only before the
bid closing time and date.
6.1 Within 28 days of receipt of the letter of Acceptance, the successful contractor shall
deliver to the Accepting Officer a Performance Security in any of the forms given below
for an amohnt equal to 5% of the contract sum:-
6.2 If the performance security is provided by the successful Contractor in the form of
a Bank Guarantee, it shall be issued by Nationalized/ Scheduled Indian Bank but its
confirmation shall be done only form the Head Office of the Bank.
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6.3 Failure of the successful contractor to comply with the requirements of sub-
clause 6.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award of work and
forfeiture of the Earnest Money. In case of MES enlisted contractor, amount equal to
the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice Inviting Tender, shall be notified to the
tenderer for depositing the amount through MRO. Issue of tender to such tenderers
shall remain suspended till the aforesaid amount equal to the Earnest Money is
deposited in Government Treasury.
8. In the event of contract being cancelled under Conditions 52, 53 & 54 of General
Conditions of Contract, the Performance Security shall be forfeited in full and shall be
credited into Consolidated Fund of India.
9.2 The full amount of Performance Security for each contract shall be given by the
contractor in any one of the forms stipulated in Para 9.1 above. Mix of forms for
Performance Security for same contract shall not be allowed.
9.3 If the Performance Security is provided by the successful contractor in the form
of a Bank Guarantee, it shall be issued by Nationalized/ Scheduled Indian Bank but
its confirmation shall be done only from the Head office of the Bank.
9.4 Form for Bank Guarantee Bond against Performance Security Deposit shall be
same as Appendix 2.1 of MES Manual on Contracts 2007 (Reprint 2012) with “security
deposit” in Para 1 line 4 replaced by “Performance Security Deposit”.
9.5 The period of validity of the Bank Guarantee Bond against Performance
Security shall be up to including the scheduled date of expiry of Defects Liability
9.6 The original Bank Guarantee Bond against Performance Security along with
necessary certified copies shall be sent to the PCDA/ CDA by the Accepting Officer for
verification and then returning the original to the Accepting Officer and the certified true
copies to the CWE/GE(I), GE/AGE(I) & AAO. The original BGB shall be kept in the
custody of the Accepting Officer.
9.7 The Accepting Officer shall evolve a procedure to ensure that timely action is
intiated to have the validity date of the Bond extended by the Contractor, or to have it
encashed before the same expires. For this purpose a suitable register shall be
maintained by the Accepting Officer.
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9.8 In case at a later stage, on account of delay in completion of work or due to any
other reason, it is considered that the validity date stipulated in the Bank Guarantee
against Performance Security should be extended, then the contractor shall be directed
by the Accepting Officer of the contract to have the validity extended before the date of
validity expires. If the contractor fails to do so, the Bank Guarantee shall be encashed
before expiry. The encashment notice shall be similar to the format given in Appendix
18.5 of MES Manual on contract 2007 (Repirnt 2012) with “in lieu retention money” in
Para 1, line 2 replaced by “against Performance Security”.
9.9 In case the BGB is not encashed by the concerned Bank, the matter shall be
referred to the Central Office of RBI in Delhi and Mumbai at the following address or any
latest address which can be found from internet:-
(A) (B)
Jt Chief Officer Reserve Bank of India
Deptt of Banking and Operations Central Office
Reserve Bank of India Department of Banking Operations
Parliament Street, & Development Centre-1
New Delhi-110011 World Trade Centre
Cuffe Parade, Colaba
9.10 Bank Guarantee Bond in lieu of Performance Security is due for discharge on
expiry of Defects Liability Period. The Performance Security is therefore not required to
be retained after expiry of Defects Liability Period. Immediately after expiry of defects
liability period, the GE concerned shall intimate this fact to the Accepting Officer who
shall release the Bond duly discharged to the Contractor. Accepting Officers are
requested to ensure that no dalay occurs in releasing the Bank Guarantee. If any
recovery is outstanding against the contractor, release of Bank Guarantee is subject
to compliance of the procedure for effecting recovery/ withholding the due amount as
stipulated in Condition 67 of IAFW-2249 as amended/ Condition 34 of IAFW-1815Z as
11.2 The tenderer/bidder is expected to be fully conversant with the CPM technique
and employ technical staff who can use the technique in sufficient details. Sufficient
books and other literature on the subject are widely available in the market which the
tenderer/bidder may make use of.
CA No: CWE/ JBP/ E/ of 2019-2020 Serial Page No: 8
12.2 In case the BOQ is revised by the department and the bidder has failed to
quote in revised BOQ (i.e. he has quoted in previous BOQ), such bid shall be treated as
willful negligence by the bidder and his quotation shall be considered non- bonafide. In
such cases the lowest tender shall be determined by the lowest amount amongst the
valid/ bonafide bids only.
CA No: CWE/ JBP/ E/ of 2019-2020 Serial Page No: 9
1. A tender is invited for the work as mentioned in appendix ‘A’ to this NOTICE
4. Normally contractors whose names are on the MES approved list for the area
in which the work lies, and within whose financial category the estimated amount
would fall, may tender/bid but in case of term contracts, contractors of categories SS
to E may tender/bid. Contractors whose names are on the MES approved list of any
MES formation and who have deposited standing security and have executed
standing security bond may also tender/bid without depositing Earnest money along
with the tender/bid. Not more than one tender/bid shall be submitted/uploaded by
one contractor or one firm of contractors. Under no circumstances will a father and
his son (s) or other close relations who have business dealing with one another be
allowed to tender/bid for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this
condition will render bids of both the parties liable for rejection.
6. The Technical Bid and Financial Bid (Cover-1 and Cover 2) shall be uploaded
by the tenderer/ bidder on or before the date & time as fixed under critical dates.
A scanned copy of DD with enlistment details/ documents etc shall be uploaded as
packet 1/cover-1 (‘T’ bid) of the tenderer/ bidder on e-tendering portal. DD is
refundable in case T bid (Cover –1) is not accepted resulting in non-opening of ‘Q’
bid (Cover- 2). The applicant contractor shall bear the cost of bank charges for
procuring and encashing the DD and shall not have any claim from Government
whatsoever on this account.
6.1 Tender form and conditions of contract and other necessary documents shall
be available on site for download and shall
form part of contract agreement in case the tender/bid is accepted.
6.2 In case of contractor who has not executed the Standing Security Bond, the
cover-I shall be accompanied with by Earnest Money of amount as mentioned in
appendix ‘A’ in the form of deposit at call receipt in favor of concerned CCE/ GE/
GE(I)/ AGE(I) (see appendix ‘A’) by a scheduled Bank or in receipted treasury
Challan the amount being credited to the revenue deposit of the concerned CCE/ GE/
GE(I) AGE(I) (see Appendix ‘A’).
6.3 A Contractor who is not enlisted for the area in which the work lies but whose
name is in the MES approved list of any MES formation and who has deposited
standing security and executed standing security Bond may bid without depositing
earnest money along with the tender.
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6.4 --------BLANK--------
6.5 The GE/ GE(I)/ AGE(I) will return the Earnest Money wherever applicable to all
unsuccessful tenderers/bidders by endorsing an authority on the deposit-at-call
receipt for its refund, on production by the tenderer, bidder a certificate of the
Accepting Officer that a bonafide tender/bid was received and all documents were
6.6 The GE/ GE(I)/ AGE(I) will either return the Earnest Money to the successful
tenderers/ bidders by endorsing an authority on the deposit-at-call Receipt for its
refund on receipt of an appropriate amount of Performance Security Deposit as
per provisions made through Amendment No. 47 to IAFW-2249 General
Conditions of Contracts.
6.7 Copies of the drawings and other document pertaining to the work signed for the
purpose of identification by the Accepting Officer or his accredited representative,
sample of materials and stores to be supplied by the contractor will also be
available for inspection by the tenderer/bidder at the office of Accepting Officer and
concerned GE/ GE(I)/ AGE(I) during working hours.
7. The tenderers/bidders are advised to visit the site of work by making prior
appointment with GE/ GE(I)/ AGE(I) who is also the executing agency of the work
(see appendix ‘A’)the tenderers/bidders are deemed to have full knowledge of all
relevant documents, samples, site etc, whether they have inspected them or not .
8. Any tender/bid which proposes any alteration to any of the conditions laid down or
which proposes any other condition or prescription whatsoever, is liable to be
9. The uploading of bid implies that bidder has read this notice and the Conditions of
Contract and has made himself aware of the scope and specification of work to be
done and of the conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plants etc will be
issued to him and local conditions and other factors having bearing on the execution
of the work.
11. Invitation for e- tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of ‘T’ bid and
subsequent opening of finance bid of any applicant/bidder, even of enlisted
contractors of appropriate class, merely by virtue of enclosing DD. Accepting Officer
reserves the right to reject the ‘T’ bid and not open finance bid of any applicant/
bidder. ’T’ bid validation shall be decided by the Accepting Officer based on, inter
alia, capability of the firm as per criteria given in appx ‘A’ to this NIT. The applicant
contractor/ bidder will be informed regarding non-validation of his ‘T’ bid assigning
reasons thereof through the defproc/ eprocuremes website. The applicant contractor
/ bidder if he so desires may appeal to the next higher engineer authority viz HQ,
Chief Engineer Jabalpur Zone, Jabalpur on email id- [email protected] with copy to
the Accepting Officer on email before the scheduled date of opening of Finance Bid.
The decision of the Next Higher Engineer Authority (NHEA) shall be final and binding
.The contractor/bidder shall not be entitled for any compensation whatsoever for
rejection of his bid.
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12. The Accepting Officer reserves the right to accept a tender submitted by a public
undertaking, giving a price preference over other Tender(s)/bids which may be
lower, as are admissible under the Government Policy .No claim for compensation or
otherwise shall be admissible from such tenderer/bidder whose tender/bid is
13. Accepting Officer dose not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender/bid or to
give any reason for not doing so.
14. Court of the place from where tender has been issued shall alone have Jurisdition to
decide any dispute out of or in respect of this tender.
15. This Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) including appendix ‘A’ shall form part of the
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4 Cost of tender document Rs. 500/- in the shape of DD/Bankers cheque from any schedule Bank
in favour of GE(E) Jabalpur and payable at Jabalpur
6 Type of contract The tender shall be based on item rate and specifications
(IAFW-1779 A) and General Conditions of Contracts including
its errata/ amendments (IAFW-2249) with Schedule ‘A’/ BOQ
(list of item of work) to be quoted by bidders.
(B) For other contractors (a) The firms not enlisted with MES shall meet the enlistment
criteria of ‘D’ class MES contractors & category ‘a(i)’ i.e. with
regard to having satisfactorily completed requisite value
works, Annual turnover, Solvency, working capital,
immovable property / fixed assets, T&P, Engineering
establishment, no recovery outstanding in any Govt
Department, Police verification/Passport etc . Enlistment
criteria may be seen in Para 1.4 section 1 of part I of MES
Manual on Contracts – 2007 (Reprint 2012) as available in all
MES formations.
(b) These firms shall also submit copy of police verification from
police authority of the area where the registered office of
the firm is located / notarised copy of valid passport of
proprietor /each partner/each Director.
(c) They should not carry adverse remarks in WLR/or any other
similar report of any authority.
(C) For All Contractors Contractor will not be allowed to execute the work by subletting or
through power of attorney holder on his behalf to a third party/
another firm except sons/ daughter of proprietor / partner / Director
and firm’s own employees, Director, Project Manager. This shall be
subject to certain conditions which will be prescribed in the NOT
forming part of the tender documents.
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(a) The contractor one class below may also bid for this tender. Their Application shall be considered
subject to fulfillment of other eligibility criteria given in NIT when number of applicants of eligible
class qualifying for the tender are less than 7 (seven).
(b) In case number of eligible class contractors satisfying the eligibility criteria given in NIT are 7 or
more than 7, application of one class below the eligibility class shall not be considered except
those who have previously completed similar works satisfactorily and are meeting the criteria of
up-gradation in respect of past experience and / or average annual turnover as applicable and
financial soundness ( solvency / financial soundness and working capital ) provided the value of
work is less than twice the tendering limit of such contractors. Contractors one class below the
eligible class may upload necessary documents wrt works experience and financial soundness in
cover 1 of tender (T bid).
(c) (i) Applications/ bids not accompanied by scanned of requisite DD/ Bankers Cheque
towards cost of tender and earnest money (as applicable) shall not be considered for validation of
‘T’ bid and their finance bids will not be opened.
(ii) Contractors should ensure that their original DDs and earnest money (as applicable) are
received within 5 days of bid submission end date.
(iii) In case of applications/ bids from enlisted contractors of MES, where scanned copies of
requisite DD/ Bankers Cheque towards cost of tender has been uploaded but physical copies are
not received within 05 days after scheduled bid submission end date (excluding closing
date), their finance bids will be opened. However non-submission of physical copies of cost of
tender shall be considered as willful negligence of the bidder with ulterior motives and such
bidder shall be banned from bidding for a period of six months commencing from the date of
opening of finance bid (cover 2).
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(d) Contractors may note that they shall not be loaded beyond their tendering limit under:-
(i) In case contractors of eligible class are selected for issues of tender : 4 to 5 times the
tendering limit.
(ii) In case of one class below (two class in case of remote and difficult area as the case may be)
contractors are selected for issue of tender : 6 to 7 times.
(iii) In case of un-enlisted contractors : 2 times the upper tendering limit of case for which
contractor meets the criteria for enlistment.
(e) In case any deficiency is noticed, in the documents required to be uploaded by the tenderers as
per NIT, after opening of cover 1 (T bid) and during technical evaluation, a communication in the
form of e-mail/ whatsApp / sms/ speed post etc. shall be sent to the contractor to rectify the
deficiency within a period of 07 days from date of communication failing which, financial bid
(cover-2) shall not be opened and contractor shall not have any claim on the same.
(f) Contractors enlisted with MES will upload following documents for checking eligibility:-
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(h) In case of rejection of technical / prequalification bid, contractor may appeal to next higher
Engineer authority i.e i.e HQ CEJZ Jabalpur (E-mail: [email protected] ) against rejection,
whose decision shall be final and binding. However, contractor / bidder shall not be entitled to any
compensation whatsoever for rejection of technical / prequalification bid.
(j) Before release of work order after consideration of contract, the contractor shall produce
provident fund code number to Accepting Officer, In case of non-applicability; contractor shall
request Accepting Officer whose decision shall be final and binding. In case, work is allotted to
sub contractors with approval of accepting officer, EPF & Orissa Act 1970 up to latest
amendments shall also be applicable to subcontractor engaged by the contractor for the said
(k) The tenderers are required to note that “Court of the place from where tender has been issued
shall alone have Jurisdiction to decide any dispute out of or in respect of this tender. After
acceptance of tender Condition 72 - Jurisdiction of Courts of IAFW-2249 shall be applicable”.
Commander Works Engineers
Military Engineer Services
Supply Depot Road
Jabalpur-482001 (MP)
CA No: CWE/ JBP/ E/ of 2019-2020 Serial Page No: 16
TENDER ID : 2019_MES_293803_2
Any correspondence concerning to this tender, should be addressed to Commander Works Engineer,
PB No. 54, Supply Marg, Jabalpur - 482001(MP) duly quoting the reference and marked the TENDER
ID on outside and same be fowarded by post/ hand or Mail on : [email protected]
Signature of Contractor
Dated: ___________
DCWE (Contracts)
CA No: CWE/ JBP/ E/ of 2019-2020 Serial Page No: 17
Schedule ‘A’
List of Works & Prices
2. Description of items given in BOQ (in excel) is in brief. These are deemed to be
amplified and read in conjunction with special conditions, particular specifications,
specifications for materials and workmanship and conditions in relevant trade
sections of the MES Standard Schedule of Rates (Part-I) 2009 for specifications &
(Part II) 2010 for rates, preamble, special condition and contract drawings if any
including notes thereon.
3. The quantities shown in Schedule (BOQ sheet) are approximate and inserted as a
guide only. They do not constitute any guarantee of the ultimate quantities which
will be ordered on the contractor. They shall not however be varied beyond the
limits laid down in condition-7 of IAFW-2249, General Conditions of Contracts.
4. Period of Completion
4.1 Period of completion for the entire work shall be 90 (Ninety) days only including
Holidays from the date of handing over site as shown in work order No.1.
4.2 Site for all works shall be handed over simultaneously and date of commencement
for entire work under this contract shall start concurrently. In case it is not possible to
make the entire site available on the award of work, the Contractor will have to re-
arrange his working program accordingly. No claim what-so-ever, for not giving the
entire site on award of work and for giving the site(s) gradually, will be tenable.
5. The bidder shall enter the unit rate in BOQ on website The unit
rates shall be entered by the bidder in figure only.
6.1 The unit rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to include for material and
labour or supplying and fixing/ laying complete all as directed/ specified, unless
described otherwise in BOQ.
6.2 The unit rate quoted by the tenderer will be deemed to include for transportation of
contractors tools, plant and equipment required for execution at sites of work as
detailed in Schedule ‘A’/BOQ, removing the same from site of work after completion
and leaving the site clear to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
6.3 The rates quoted by the Contractor shall include for all taxes, GST and duties act
required to be paid by him to concerned authorities as per the rules and laws in
force. No additional payment on these accounts shall be made under this Contract by
the MES/ department.
7. Unit rate quoted by the tenderer against each item shall be deemed to include for all
incidental and additional materials and labour/ supply and fixing unless otherwise
specifically provided for, obviously required for completion of the particular items of
work in workman like manner described in MES Schedule 2009 Part I
(Specifications) and 2010 Part II (Rates) ,and preamble to analogous items in the
said schedule whether such additional items are included in the description of BOQ
or not but are essential for executing the work in a workman like manner and sound
Engineering practice. In case of any dispute whether any extra item/ items constitute
“Minor accessories/ part” are part of contract or not, the decision of Accepting Officer
shall be final conclusive and binding.
8. Measurements of work done shall be recorded as per the items and units as
mentioned in Schedule ‘A’/ BOQ and this mode of measurement shall take
precedence over the method/ mode of measurement as shown in the MES Standard
Schedule of Rates (Part-I) 2009 for specifications & (Part II) 2010 for rates, if any
variance noticed at later stage.
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9. Actual work done at site shall be measured and recoded in MB duly signed by all
10. Contract Sum” will be treated after deduction of “Schedule of Credit” amount if
any “Sch of Credit” are involved in the subject work.
(b) MES Model Rules for protection of health and sanitary arrangements for workers
employed by the contractor have been specified in Annexure 'C' to IAFW-2249.
As per condition 26 and 58 of IAFW-2249, the contractor during the progress of
the work should comply with all the rules and provisions contained in the various
Acts, Labour laws and MES Model Rules and should also arrange for safety
provisions as per MES Safety Code specified in Annexure 'B' to IAFW-2249.
(d) The Employees Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions (EPF & MP)
Act, 1952 The Contractor shall have the registration with EPFO and ESIC. The
EPF and ESI contribution on the part of employer in respect of this contract shall
be paid by the contractor. Accordingly, Contractor`s quoted rates shall be
deemed to include all these factors.
(e) The Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act 1996
The cess as per 'The Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act
1996' shall be deducted, as notified by respective State Government, from
payments to contractors.
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(ii) Mode of Payment. The payments will be made into AADHAAR linked
bank account of the employees by the contractor. Where the employee
insists on being paid in coins or currency notes or by cheque, the same
will not be denied. An undertaking may be obtained from such
employees. However, efforts shall be made to educate the employees on
benefits of bank/ digital payments and pursue with the individual(s) to
shift towards banking system/ digital modes.
13. Before release of work order after consideration of contract. The contractor shall
produce provisional fund code number to GE/AGE. In case of non applicability,
contractor shall request to Accepting Officer whose decision shall be final and
binding. In case work is allotted to sub contractors with approval of accepting
officer, EPF & MP Act 1952 shall also be applicable to sub-contractor engaged
by the contractor for the said work.
14. The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be include for incorporation of
materials as per make mentioned in BOQ, if makes is not available in BOQ
then as per list of product (GROUP OF PRODUCTS BASED ON MAKES
/BRAND, materials of Group-I shall be incorporated in the work. If make
of product/ materials in BOQ as well as in Group-I is not available then
Group-II/Group-III shall be used only after getting the written approval of
GE concerned.
15. Please note that work lies in RESTRICTED AREA and being security reasons, working
hours may be restricted as required.
16. Defect Liability Period of the Work (Refer Condition 46 of IAFW-2249) :-
As per condition 46 of IAFW-2249 (General Conditions of Contracts) amended through
Amendment No. 48. This is an express condition of this Contract that Defect liability
Period for the subject work under this Contract will be 24 Months after the works have
been handed over to Government.
18. Due to execution of this work, if any damage to existing building/ structure will
cause, same shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost. This aspect
should be born in mind by the contractor while quoting his rate/ rates and no
dispute will be entertained later on.
19. Unit RM, Cum or CUM, Sqm or SQM and Quintal or Qtl, Kg or KG wherever
mentioned in the tender documents denotes the unit Running metre, cubic metre,
square metre, Quintal and Kilogram respectively.
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Unit Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sl. Qty Particulars Details of Hire charges Stand by charges Place of Remarks.
No of T&P MES crew per unit per unit per off issue by
supplied working day. day name.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sl Qty. Particulars Rate per unit per working Place of issue by Remarks.
No. day name.
1 2 3 4 5 6
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5. General Conditions of Contracts IAFW-2249 (1989 print) together with Errata No. 1 to
20 and Amendments Nos. 1 to 48.
* (a) That the sum of Rs. 80,000.00 forwarded as earnest money and earnest money
shall either be returned or forfeited as per Amendment No. 47 to IAFW-2249 (General
Conditions of Contracts).
(b) To execute all the works referred to in the said documents upon the terms and
conditions contained/referred to therein and as detailed in the General Summary
hereinafter and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered vide Condition 7 of
IAFW-2249 up-to a maximum of 10% and further agree to refer all disputes as required
by Condition 70 of IAFW-2249 to the sole arbitration of a serving officer, to be
appointed by Chief Engineer Jabalpur Zone, Jabalpur or in the absence the officer
officiating as Chief Engineer Jabalpur Zone, Jabalpur, if specifically delegated in writing
by Chief Engineer Jabalpur Zone, Jabalpur, whose decision shall be final, conclusive and
*Retain where applicable.
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Tender (Contd…)
dated ____________________
______ alterations have been made in these documents and as evidence that these alterations were made
before the execution of the Contract Agreement; they have been initialled by the Contractor and BD
Rankho, AE (QS&C), Offg DCWE (Contracts).
The said officer is hereby authorised to sign and initial on my behalf, the documents forming part of this
The above tender was accepted by me on behalf of the President of India, for the Item Rate Contract of
Signature _________________
Dated ___________________
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A copy of the General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249) 1989 PRINT with errata
Nos. 1 to 20 and amendment Nos. 1 to 48 has been supplied to me/us and is in my/our
possession. I/We have read and understood the provisions contained in the aforesaid General
Conditions of Contracts before submission of this tender and I/We shall abide by the terms and
conditions there of, as modified, if any, elsewhere in these tender documents.
It is hereby further agreed and declared by me/us that the General Conditions of
Contracts (IAFW-2249-1989 Print) including condition 70 thereof pertaining to settlement of
disputes by Arbitration, containing 33 pages and Errata Nos. 1 to 20 and amendment Nos. 1 to
48 shall form part of this tender.
Note: “General Conditions of Contract IAFW-2249 (1989 Print)” referred to above is available
for reference in the office of the Commander Works Engineers, Jabalpur -482001.
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It is hereby agreed that the “Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages” (SMFW) as Published
vide Government of India Notification dated 10-3-92 comprising 10 pages Or the latest
notification of Central or state Govt.(whichever is higher) up-to the date of submission of tender
forms part of these tender documents.
My/ Our signature hereunder amounts to my/our having signed the aforesaid documents
forming part of this tender.
“Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages” referred to above is available for reference in the office
of the Commander Works Engineers, Jabalpur -482001.
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5.2 Motor transport vehicles, if any allowed by authorities to enter the concerned area, must
be fitted with serviceable fire extinguishers.
6. Safety precautions:
6.1 The Contractor shall take every precaution to control traffic on road by keeping danger
boards, necessary lighting arrangements, fencing & other location Viz; excavation,
scaffolding etc. & watchman to avoid any damage. In case due to excavation or
otherwise the road is to be blocked the contractor shall without any extra cost to the
Government Provide separate by pass so that normal traffic will not be disturbed.
6.2 Any damage to the existing road/building etc. shall be made good by the contractor with
the same specification as per existing work without any extra cost to the Government. In
the event of contractor not fully complying with the above provisions to the satisfaction
of the GE, the GE may provide the same for which the expenses incurred will be
recovered from the contractor.
7. Network Analysis:
7.1 The time and progress chart to be prepared as per condition 11 of General conditions of
contracts (IAFW-2249) shall consist of detailed net work analysis and time schedule.
The critical path net work will be drawn jointly by the GE and the contractor soon after
acceptance of tender. The time scheduling of the activities will be done by the contractor
so as to finish the work within the stipulated time. On completion of the time schedule a
firm calendar date schedule will be prepared and submitted by the contractor to the GE
who will approve it after due scrutiny. This net work analysis will be submitted in four
copies within two weeks from the date of handing over the site.
7.2 During the currency of the work, the contractor is to adhere to the time schedule and this
adherence will be a part of the contractor’s performance under the contract. During the
execution of Work, the contractor is expected to participate in the reviews & updating of
the net work undertaken by the GE. These reviews may be undertaken at the discretion
of the GE either as periodical appraisal measure or when the quantum of work ordered on
the contractor is substantially changed through deviation orders or amendments. Any
revision of the time schedule as a result of the review will be submitted by the contractor
to the GE within a week for his approval after due scrutiny.
7.3 The contractor shall adhere to the revised time schedule thereafter. In case of contractor
disagreeing with the revised schedule, the same will be referred to the Accepting Officer,
whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding. GE’s approval to the revised
schedule resulting in a completion date beyond the stipulated date of completion shall not
automatically amount to grant of extension of time. Extension of time shall be considered
and decided by the appropriate authority mentioned in condition 11 of IAFW-2249 and
separately regulated.
7.4 Contractor shall mobilize and employ sufficient resources to achieve the detailed
schedule within the broad frame work of the accepted methods of working and safety.
No additional payment will be made to the contractor for any multiple shift work or other
incentive methods contemplated by him in his work schedule, even though the time
schedule is approved by the department.
8. Security of classified documents: (Refer Condition 2A & 3 of IAFW-2249)
Contractor’s special attention is drawn to conditions 2A and 3 of General Conditions of
Contracts (IAFW-2249) and also to the Indian Official Secret Act-1923 (Particularly
Section 5). The contractor is bound by the provision of the act. The contractor shall not
communicate any classified information regarding works either to subcontractor(s) or
others without prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall also not make
copies of the design/drawings and other documents furnished to him in respect of works
and he shall return the entire document on completion of the work or on earlier
termination of the contract. The contractor shall along-with final bill attach a receipt
from the Engineer-in-Charge in respect of his having returned the classified documents as
per condition 3 of the General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249).
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23.3 The above provisions shall not however, absolve the contractor of his responsibility of
properly consolidating surfaces required under the provisions of the contract
Output of 8 to 10 tonne Road Roller per day of Eight hours.
(a) Consolidation of formation surfaces (sub-grade.) = 1850 Sq M.
(b) Consolidation of stone soling 20 Cm thick (spread thickness) = 590 Sq M.
(c) Consolidation of stone soling 15 Cm thick (spread thickness) = 800 Sq M.
(d) Consolidation of water bound macadam (Stone metal) 10 cm thick = 186 Sq M
including spreading and consolidation with binding materials
compacted thickness.
(e) Consolidation of water bound macadam (Stone metal) 7.5 Cm thick = 248 Sq M
including spreading and consolidation with binding materials
compacted thickness.
(f) Consolidation of 2.5 Cm thick pre-mixed carpet including seal coat. = 600 Sq M.
(g) Consolidation of moorum = 1865 Sq M
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29.2.2 Conciliation proceedings shall commence when the other party accepts in writing the
invitation to conciliate.
29.2.3 If the other party rejects the invitation, there will be no conciliation proceedings. If the
party initiating conciliation does not receive a reply within 30 days from the date on
which he sends or within such other periods of time as specified in the invitation, he may
elect to treat this as a rejection of the invitation to conciliate and if he so elects, he shall
inform in writing the other party accordingly.
29.3. Number of conciliators
There shall be a Sole conciliator
29.4. Appointment of conciliator
All disputes brought out in Para 29.1 (a) to (e) above shall be referred to the sole
Conciliator viz. Serving Officer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer/
Superintending Engineer (QS & C) having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having
passed final/direct final examination of Sub division II of Institution of Surveyors (India)
to be appointed by the Engineer-in-Chief, Army Headquarters, New Delhi or in his
absence the officer officiating as Engineer-in-Chief or Director General of works if
specifically delegated by the Engineer-in-Chief in writing.
29.5 Status of effect of settlement agreement
The settlement agreement signed by the parties as a result of conciliation proceedings
shall have the same status and effect, as it is an arbitral award on agreed terms.
30. Out of pocket expense
Out of pocket expenses incurred by the tenderer in submitting this tender shall not be
reimbursed whether tender is accepted or not.
31. Minor and missing details
31.1 The lump sum quoted by the tenderers shall also include for any minor details of works
and/or construction which are obviously and fairly intended and which may not have
been specifically referred to in the tender documents but which are essential for the
execution and completion of the work in a workman like manner and sound construction.
31.2 If certain details are missing, in that case, the details indicated elsewhere in the drawings,
which are similar or near to the missed out items of work shall be followed. In the
absence of any other similar and near details, the minimum essential requirement for the
completion of work from the structural and utility point of view shall be deemed to be
included in the amount quoted.
31.3 In the case of difference of opinion between the contractor and department as to whether
or not a certain item of work constitutes minor or extra constructional details included in
the lump sum amount quoted or not, the decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final,
conclusive and binding.
32. Structural and Architectural details
32.1 For structural details, refer structural drawings only. If there is any discrepancy between
architectural and structural drawing with regard to structural details, detail shown on
structural drawing shall prevail. Similarly, if there is discrepancy between structural and
architectural drawings with regards to architectural details, details shown in architectural
drawings shall prevail. The decision of the Accepting Officer as to what constitutes
structural or architectural details shall be final, conclusive and binding.
32.2 For missing reinforcement details of RCC works, minimum reinforcement as required as
per IS shall be adopted.
32.3 In case where type and size of beams, slabs and columns etc are not indicated, these shall
be provided as decided by the Accepting Officer without any extra cost to Government.
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32.4 If, there, is any discrepancy regarding general notes on RCC works, TD (Typical Detail)
drawing and structural drawing, the detail shown in main structural drawing shall be
followed. Similarly details shown in main drawings shall always be followed in case of
discrepancy between main drawing and TD (Typical Detail) drawings.
32.5 Nothing extra shall be admissible on account of work executed as stated above and the
contractor shall be deemed to have taken into consideration the above provisions before
quoting his lump sum and submitting his tender.
33. Materials and Samples (refer Condition 10 of IAFW-2249)
33.1 The tenderer is advised to inspect samples of the local building materials maintained by
the GE before submitting his tender. He will be deemed to have full knowledge of these
materials whether he inspects them or not. The materials to be provided by the contractor
shall conform to/shall be superior to the standard of samples displayed in the office of
Garrison Engineer in the matter of quality unless otherwise specified.
33.2 The contractor shall produce samples of materials for incorporation through Engineer-in-
Charge to the GE and get them approved in writing by the GE before commencement of
work. All approvals of materials shall be in writing from GE to contractor. The
materials, articles etc as approved shall be labeled as such and shall be signed by GE and
contractor and kept in the safe custody of GE/Engineer-in-Charge.
34. Record of Materials
34.1 Original vouchers for the proprietary materials required for execution of works shall be
produced by the contractor before claiming RAR payments.
34.2 The vouchers/invoices shall be from the manufacturers and/or from their authorised
agents for full quantity of respective items required for the work under this contract.
These vouchers shall be endorsed, dated and initialed by the Engineer-in-Charge giving
the contract number and name of work and a certified true copy of each such voucher
signed by both Engineer-in-charge and contractor shall also be kept on MES record.
34.3 The quantity brought to site shall be recorded in measurement books and signed by
contractor and Engineer-in-Charge as a check to ensure that the required quantity have
been brought to site for incorporation in the work.
34.4 Proprietary materials brought at site shall be stored as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
and those already recorded shall be suitably marked for identification.
34.5 The contractor shall ensure that materials are brought to site in original sealed containers
or packing bearing manufacturers marking except in the case of the total requirement less
than the smallest packing.
35. Refund/ Release of Performance Security Deposit (Refer condition 19 of IAFW-
35.1 The Performance Security Deposit mentioned in Condition-19 (Added through
Amendment No. 47 to IAFW-2249, General Conditions of Contracts) may be refunded to
the contractor after expiry of the defects liability period (vide Condition 46) by the GE
provided always that the Contractor shall first have been paid the final bill and have
rendered a No- Demand Certificate (IAFW-451).
35.2 The refund/ release of Performance Security Deposit will be allowed only if there are no
claims outstanding against the contractor in respect of the contract and the final bill is not
“minus”. In case any claims are outstanding against the contractor, and/or the final bill is
“minus”, the amount of Performance Security Deposit to be released, will be adjusted
against the outstanding amount due to the Government and the balance, if any, will be
released to the contractor.
36. Testing of building Materials
36.1 Sampling and testing of materials shall be done as per BIS stipulations and as modified in
tender documents. The cost of samples of materials and other expenses required to be
incurred for taking the samples, packaging, conveyance, preservation for future reference
and testing charges shall be borne by the contractor.
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36.2 Tests as described in tender documents including those enumerated in Appendix ‘B’ to
Particular specifications Part II, shall be carried out without any extra cost to Govt. Tests
stipulated as ‘Independent’ and by “Board of Officers” shall also be carried out without
any extra cost to Government.
36.3 Tests at different levels as provided and described in Appendix ‘B’ to Particular
specifications Part II, shall be carried out. Tests for which levels of testing have not been
defined shall be carried out as decided by GE.
36.4 Site lab tests shall be carried out in site lab established by the contractor. Tests in site lab
established by the contractor shall be carried out in presence of contractor’s rep and
Department’s rep and tests results shall be prepared and signed by contractor’s rep and
Engineer-in-charge. No charges for tests carried out in contractor’s site lab shall be
recovered from the contractor. In case contractor does not establish the site lab, the
testing of these materials shall be done in laboratories approved by GE without any extra
cost to Government. If theses tests are carried out in Department’s lab, the testing charges
as enumerated in Appendix ‘B’ to Particular specifications Part II, shall be recovered
from contractor.
36.5 Tests stipulated at “Command/Zonal Lab” shall be carried out in the Department’s
laboratories. Testing charges for tests carried out in “Command/Zonal Lab” shall be
recovered at the rates enumerated in Appendix ‘B’ to Particular specifications Part II. If
testing facilities is not available “Command/Zonal Lab” these tests shall be carried out in
approved laboratories without any extra cost to Government.
36.6 Testes stipulated at National Test House/ SEMT Wing, CME Pune shall be carried out in
approved laboratories other than “site lab” and Command/Zonal Lab”. Testing and
allied charges as charged by the concerned laboratories shall be borne by the contractor
without any extra cost to Government. The testing charges mentioned for these tests are
for guidance only and no compensation shall be admissible if testing and allied charges in
approved laboratories are higher than those stipulated by Department in tender
documents. No recovery shall be made from contractors for tests carried out in approved
laboratories by them.
37. Import Licence
37.1 Particular attention of the tenderer is drawn to the fact that all material to be supplied
under this contract shall be from the ready stock or such as would be available within
India except for such items are not of indigenous manufacture and are not otherwise
totally banned for import by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. No import license
will be arranged by the Department for such items and where required, such license will
have to be arranged by the contractor against their own import quota or through their
37.2 All equipments and material to be used in the work shall be new and of the best of their
respective kind.
37.3 No foreign exchange shall be provided by MES for any equipments/materials.
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[i] The Taxes which are levied by Government at certain percentage rates of Contract Sum/
Amount shall be termed as “Taxes directly related to Contract Value” such as GST, Sales
Tax/ VAT on Works Contracts, Turnover Tax, Labour Welfare Cess/ Tax and the like but
excluding Income Tax. The tendered rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all “Taxes
directly related to Contract Value” with existing percentage rates as prevailing on the last
due date for receipt of tenders. Any increase in percentage rates of “Taxes directly related
to Contract Value” with reference to prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of
tenders shall be reimbursed to the Contractor and any decrease in percentage rates of
“Taxes directly related to Contract Value” with reference to prevailing rates on last due
date for receipt of tenders shall be refunded by the Contractor to the Government/
deducted by the Government from any payments due to the Contractor. Similarly
imposition of any new “Taxes directly related to Contract Value” after the last due date
for receipt of tenders shall be reimbursed to the Contractor and abolition of any “Taxes
directly related to Contract Value” shall be refunded by the Contractor to the
Government/ deducted by the Government from payments due to the Contractor
[ii] The Contractor shall within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of variation in
percentage rates and/or imposition of any further “Taxes directly related to Contract
Value”, give written notice to thereof to the GE stating that the same is given pursuant to
this Special Condition, together with all information relating there to which he may be in
a position to supply. The Contractor shall submit the other documentary proof/
information as the GE may require.
[iii] The Contractor shall, for the purpose of this Condition keep such books of account and
other documents as are necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by the duly
authorised representative of Government and shall further, at the request of the GE
furnish, verified in such manner as the GE may require, any documents so kept and such
other information as the GE may require.
[iv] Reimbursement for the increase in percentage rates/ imposition of “Taxes directly related
to Contract Value” shall be made only if the Contractor necessarily & properly pays
additional “Taxes directly related to Contract Value” to the Government, without getting
the same adjusted against any other Tax liability or without getting the same refunded
from the concerned Government Authority and submits documentary proof for the same
as the GE may require.
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3.2 The Contractor shall obtain/procure materials from manufacturers’ authorised dealers/
stockist where such authorised stockist has been appointed. The Contractor shall produce
original receipted voucher of supplier to the GE, to ensure that the Contractor has
actually brought the all required quantity and the quality of the materials from the
authorised dealers/ manufacturers and also to find out the rates thereon. These vouchers
shall be endorsed, dated and initialled by the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor and
shall be kept on records with the Engineer-in-Charge who shall forward these to the GE
soon after completion of the works.
3.3 Materials brought at site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and those
already recorded in Measurement Book shall be suitably marked for identification.
3.4 The contractors shall ensure that the materials are brought to the site in original sealed
container or packing, bearing manufacturer's markings.
3.5 A Register showing the daily consumption of the chemical for anti-termite treatment shall
be maintained which will be signed by the Engineer-in-Charge & the contractor in token
of correctness of the entries therein. The Register shall also indicate the following:
(a) Name and address of the manufacturer and supplier.
(b) Requirement of chemical in the work as per specifications.
(c) The quantity actually used in the work.
(d) Batch number of chemical received and its date of expiry.
4. Production of purchase vouchers for materials procured
4.1 The contractor shall produce purchase vouchers from the manufacturer and/or their
authorised agents for the full quantity following materials as applicable as a prerequisite
before submitting claim in RAR as material lying at site for payment of advances on
account materials collected in accordance with condition 64 of General Conditions of
contracts IAFW-2249:
(a) Materials, which loose identity after incorporation such as water proofing compound,
paint, chemicals for anti-termite treatment etc
(b) MS/ CI/ GI/ DI pipes, fittings and pre-moulded bituminous boards, etc.
(c) Pipes and fittings.
(d) Steel windows and ventilators.
(e) Factory made door shutters, particle boards, plywood etc.
(f) Major E/M items such as DG Set, Transformer, VCB/OCB, LT/HT cable, Panel Board,
ACSR Conductor etc
(g) Electrical & water supply fittings/fixtures where name of manufacturers / brands are
specified or approved.
(h) Bitumen.
(j) Cement.
(k) All steel sections (including reinforcement).
(l) Epoxy compound for water proofing treatment.
(m) Polymeric water proofing membrane.
(n) Sealing compound
(o) Pre moulded bituminous filler etc
4.2 When the cost of each category of materials for entire contract is less than Rs 2500/-
productions of bills may not be insisted upon, if the GE is otherwise satisfied with the
quality and quantity of materials.
5.2 Unsuitable soil shall not be used in filling. Soil obtained from excavation if
approved by the Engr-in-Charge may be used for filling etc.
5.3 Before filling the ground shall be cleared of all vegetation, roofs etc.
5.4 The surplus spoil, if any shall be disposed to a distance as described in Sch 'A'.
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7.2.6 While using Portland Pozzolana cement, following requirement shall be met by the
(i) PPC shall meet the strength criteria of 43 Grade OPC as laid down in IS-8112
of 1989.
(ii)The minimum period before stripping formwork given in clause 11.3.1 of IS
456-2000 shall be increased at site by 03 (three) days. The contractor shall not claim any
thing extra on this account.
(iii) Wet curing shall be done for a period of 14 (Fourteen) days. Wet curing
for column shall be done through Hessian cloth wrapped on the column.
(iv) The contactor shall submit following certificates for each batch of
cement from the manufacturer;
(aa)The quality of fly ash is strictly as per IS 1489 (Part I) – 2002.
(bb)Fly ash is inter-ground with clinker and not mixed with clinker.
(cc)Dry fly ash is transported in closed containers and stored in silos.
Only pneumatic pumping has been used.
(dd)The fly ash as received from thermal power plants using high
temperature combustion above 1000oC has only been used.
(ee)The compressive strength of cement at 03 days, 07 days & 28 days
shall not be less than 23 Mpa, 33 Mpa & 43 Mpa respectively. Each lot
of cement brought at the site shall be tested for compliance by the GE
before acceptance.
7.2.7 Procurement of cement shall be done in such a phased manner so as to avoid storage
for long duration.
7.3 Testing
7.3.1 The manufacturer is required to carry out inspections and testing of cement in accordance
with the relevant BIS provisions. The contractor shall submit the Manufacturer’s Test
Certificate in original along with the test sheets giving the result of each physical test as
applicable and the chemical composition of the cement or authenticated copy thereof,
duly signed by the manufacturer, with each consignment as per the following IS
provisions: -
(a) Method of sampling hydraulic cement as per IS-3535 of 1986,
(b) Method of physical test of hydraulic cement as per IS-4031,
(c) Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement as per IS-4032 of 1985.
7.3.2 The test certificates & the test sheets shall be furnished by the contractor with ach batch
of cement. The Engineer-in-Charge shall record these details in the cement Acceptance/
Rejection Register as appended in Appendix ‘D’ to these particular specification, which
shall be signed by the JE (Civil), Engineer-in-Charge, GE & the Contractor, after due
7.3.3 The contractor shall however; organise ‘setting time’ and ‘compressive strength’ tests of
cement through designated laboratory on sample collected from the lot brought at site
before incorporation in the work. The contractor will be allowed to use the cement only
after satisfactory compressive strength of 7 (seven) days. To meet this requirement, the
contractor is required to keep minimum 10 days stock before any new lot is brought at
site, which can be used, in the work. The contractor will, be required to remove the
cement not meeting the requirement from site within 24 hours. Seven days strength will
be relied upon to accept the lot of cement to commence the work. 28 days compressive
strength test will be the final criteria to accept/ reject the lot.
7.3.4 The random samples as per relevant IS shall be selected by the GE before carrying out
testing. The record of such samples selected by the GE shall be properly maintained in
the Cement testing register giving cross reference to relevant consignment of cement &
quantity received etc.
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7.3.5 Cost of transportation of samples to the approved laboratory/ test house and all testing
charges including the cost of sample shall be borne by the contractor irrespective of
whether the sample passes or fails.
7.3.6 The contractor shall be required to setup adequate testing facilities at site to the entire
satisfaction of GE for conducting setting time test and compressing strength test as per IS
codes referred to in the clauses hereinbefore for the samples collected from the lot
brought at site. These tests shall be carried out within 7 days of receipt of cement at site.
The tests can alternatively be carried out at the Zonal Laboratory or any other recognized
laboratory so designated by the GE.
7.3.7 The GE shall also organise & carryout independent testing as per the tests mentioned in
the ‘Cement supply & acceptance/ rejection register’ at Appendix ‘D’ to these particular
specifications of random samples drawn from various lots. The test(s) shall be carried out
through National Test House, SEMT Wing CME Pune, Regional Research Laboratories,
Zonal laboratory, Government approved laboratory as per IS-3535 (method of sampling
hydraulic cement); IS-4031-1995 (Method of physical test for hydraulic cement) and IS-
4032-1985 (Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement). The decision as to where
the testing is to be done shall be taken by the GE. In case the cement is not of requisite
standard despite manufacturers’ test certificate, the contactor at his cost shall remove the
total consignment from the site after written rejection order of the consignment by the
GE. All cost of testing shall be borne by the contractor irrespective of the result.
7.3.8 The required quantity of samples of the cement shall be taken in two Polythene bags and
sealed by the Engineer-in-Charge in the presence of representative of the Contractor. The
seal shall be authenticated by the Engineer-in-Charge and representative of the
Contractor both. Out of two samples one sample shall be sent for testing and the other
retained by GE in his office. Record of these samples shall be kept by Engineer-in-
Charge in the register and copy of the same shall be sent to GE/ CWE/ CE by him for
record in concerned contract files.
7.3.9 Cement brought by the Contractor shall be allowed to be incorporated in the work only
after satisfactory test results of sample. GE shall inform the Contractor about the test
results and accord permission, to incorporate, in the work, in writing.
7.3.10 In case the sample got tested by the GE from the institutions/ laboratories mentioned
here-in-before fails, the concerned lot of cement shall stand rejected. The GE will inform
the Contractor in writing about the test result and direct him to remove the rejected
cement. Contractor shall remove the rejected cement from the site(s) of work(s) within
two days of the order by the GE. Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever on account
of rejection and removal of cement.
7.3.11 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange to procure cement well in
advance, to facilitate its testing before use in the work. The Contractor shall submit the
program of procurement of cement to the GE before the date of commencement of the
work indicating date of procurement and quantity. The contractor shall ensure that
procurement of cement is regulated in such a manner that adequate time is available for
its testing and progress of work is not hampered on this account.
7.3.12 The contractor shall submit original purchase vouchers for the total quantity of cement
supplied under each consignment to be incorporated in the work. All the consignments
received at the work site(s) shall be inspected by the GE alongwith the relevant
documents to ensure the requirements as mentioned hereinbefore, before acceptance. The
original purchase vouchers and the test certificates shall be verified for the subject
contract and defaced by the Engineer-in-Charge & kept on record in the Office of the GE
duly authenticated and with cross reference to the consignment/ control number recorded
in the ‘Cement Acceptance/ Rejection Register’. The ‘Cement Acceptance/ Rejection
Register’ shall be signed by the JE (Civil), Engineer-in-Charge, GE & the contractor. The
contractor shall maintain schedule of supply of cement for each consignment.
7.3.13 The Accepting Officer may order a Board of Officers for random check of the cement &
verification of connected documents during the currency of contract.
7.3.14 No extension of time shall be admissible on account of any delay in testing of cement.
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(c) Coarse aggregate (stone aggregate) 20 mm and below shall be machine crushed
and above 20 mm may be hand broken.
(d) Grading of Coarse aggregate (stone aggregate) unless specified otherwise in the
specifications here-in-after in various location /work i.e. PCC/RCC shall be as specified
in MES Schedule Part I.
(e) Coarse aggregate for the lime concrete & lean concrete filling in sunken floors/
slabs shall however be broken brick aggregate as specified in Clause 4.5 of MES
Schedule Part I.
(f) Aggregate shall comply with the requirements of IS: 383. 20 mm normal size
crushed stone aggregate shall be used for the work unless otherwise indicated. Size of
aggregate shall comply with the requirements of Clause 5.3.3 of IS 456-2000.
8.4.1 Water
Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils,
acids, alkalis, salt, sugar, organic material or other substances that may be deleterious to
concrete or steel. The PH value of water shall not be less than 6. The permissible limit
for solids shall be as per Table I of IS: 456-2000. Water to be used in this work shall
be all as specified in IS : 456 of 2000 and in clause 4.9 of MES Schedule Part-I
8.4.2 Admixture
[a] Admixture (super plasticizer) if used; shall comply with IS 9103 & Clause 5.5.1 of IS:
456 – 2000, to achieve the work-ability and to reduce the water content in design mix.
Admixtures shall confirm to IS 9103: 1999 and shall be liquid type only & shall be from
approved manufacturers as given below: -
(i) FOSROC Chemicals (India) Ltd.
(ii) ROFFE Construction Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
(iii) STP Specialty Chemicals Ltd.
(iv) CICO Technologies Ltd.
[b] Para 5.5 of IS 456: 2000 be also referred for quality of admixtures.
[c] For maximum dose of admixtures, refer Para 10.3.3 of IS 456: 2000.
[d] Various tests as specified in IS 9103: 1999 shall be carried out for each batch of
Admixtures at contractor’s cost.
[e] Contractor shall submit original purchase voucher and test certificate of manufacturer for
complete quantity of admixtures used in the work before claiming payment for the same.
[f] Complete quantity of admixtures including name of manufacturer, its brand name, date of
manufacturing, date of expiry, voucher No. and details of test certificates shall be entered
in MB as “ Not to be abstracted “ duly signed by JE, Engineer-in-Charge, GE and
representative of contractor before making payment in RAR.
[g] No deviation order shall be admissible for using admixture
8.4.3 Storage of materials
Storage of materials shall be as described in IS: 4082.
8.5 Water proofing compound
Water proofing compound complying with to IS-2645 (1975) and bearing ISI
certification marks shall be used in the work. Water proofing compound shall be mixed
to concrete/cement mortar as per manufacture’s instructions. However, while pricing any
deviation, waterproofing compound shall be considered as three percent by weight of
cement in omit portion of the deviation order.
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8.16 Curing
Curing of all concrete work shall be carried out all as specified in MES schedule Part-I
and Clause 13.5 of IS 456-2000. Period of curing shall be not less than continuous 10
days consecutive days in case of OPC. In case of concrete where mineral admixture or
blended cement or PPC is used curing period shall be minimum 14 days.
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9.2 Workmanship
9.2.1 Brick work in walls with one brick thick and above shall be as indicated in
Schedule A and if not mentioned otherwise shall be built in CM (1:6).
9.2.2 Brick work in half brick thick wall and under, independent pillars, brick parapet
walls of any thickness and steps as indicated in Schedule A and if not mentioned
otherwise shall be built in CM (1:4).
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(b) As the brick masonry work progresses, joints in the masonry work should
be raked property with suitable tool.
(c) Wherever length of half brick thick wall exceeds 3 metre, vertical RCC
band shall be provided as indicated in typical detail drawing No CEJZ/TD/813/91,
sheet 2/5.
Make of Fly ash Bricks: As approved by GE
9.4 Sand
9.4.1 Sand for mortar, brick work and all such other works shall be as specified under
Clause 5.4 of MES Schedule Part I and shall be procured from sources approved
by GE.
9.4.2 Sand shall be washed, if deleterious materials are beyond the limits specified in
the IS.
9.5 Stone Masonry
9.5.1 Stone
(a) Stone required for masonry and any other work unless otherwise specified
shall be Granite /Basalt/Black Trap and shall be equal or better than sample's kept
in GE’s office.
(b) The stone shall otherwise conform to the provision in MES Schedule Part-
I for various purposes.
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10.3 Chowkhat/Frame
10.3.1 Pressed steel frames
Pressed steel frame shall be as indicated in BOQ. If not indicated, the frames i.e.
Chowkhats shall be factory fabricated machine pressed steel rebated, made out of 1.25
mm thick MS sheet. Pressed steel frames shall comply with IS-4351 (1976) except butt
hinges, which shall be as specified under clause 11.2(a). Hollow space of (Chowkhats)
frames shall be filled with PCC (1:3:6) TYPE C-0 using 12.5mm graded stone aggregate.
Refer Clause 10.27.1 to 10.27.3 of MES Schedule Part I for other specification unless
specified otherwise hereafter. Profile and section/ size of frame and lugs/hold fasts shall
be as shown on drawing and not as in IS.
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10.5.2 PVC door shutter shall be as specified in BOQ if not mentioned in BOQ, same shall be
factory made solid panel 30mm thick conforming to IS: 4020 consisting of frame made of
MS tubes of 19 gauge thickness and of size 19 mm x 19 mm for stiles and 15 mm x 15
mm for rails or with solid panels as specified under Clause 8.34.2 of MES Schedule Part
I. Colour/ shade shall be as decided by the GE. Width of stiles and rails shall be as under.
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Welding to iron and steel work shall be metal arc electric welding and shall be
deemed as specified in clause 10.15 of MES Schedule Part-I and in approved
manner. Also refer IS-816 (1969) and IS-823 (1964).
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14.1 Workmanship shall be all as specified in clauses 13.25 of MES Schedule Part-I.
14.2 Glass diving strips 3mm thick shall be provided to form joints in PCC floors. The
width of glass, strips shall be equal to thickness of the floor concrete. The top of
glass diving strips shall be grounded smooth. Glass diving strips need not be
provided in sub base.
15.1 Taking down of cement plaster shall be done with due care without damaging the
existing structure/brick work and the debris are to be removed from site and
deposited at a distance not exceeding 50 Meters as directed by Engineer-in-
Charge and the rate quoted shall include for the removal.
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15.3. SAND : Sand for plastering work shall be fine sand of approved quality. Sand
shall be naturally occurring river sand conforming to specification as per Clause
No. 14.5 of SSR Part-I.
15.4 CEMENT PLASTERING : Plastering shall be carried out all as specified and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
White washing and distempering/ weather coat /cement paint/ OBD shall be
carried out as given in section 15 of SSR Part-I(2009).
17.1 Sheet Glass – Refer para 16.2 of MES Schedule Part-I. The sheet glass shall be
of ‘B’ quality i.e. ordinary quality for glazing purpose. The nominal thickness of
sheet glass shall be of 3mm as mentioned in Schedule ‘A’.
17.2 The glass shall be fixed with linseed oil putty conforming to IS-419 in addition to
steel clips as specified in clause No.16.5 of MES schedule Part-I.
18.1 Preparation surface of wood and steel work for painting shall be carried out as
specified in clause 17.6 and 17.8 respectively of MES schedule Part-I.The
contractor shall inform the GE with in three weeks of the acceptance of the
tender, the brand of names of the manufacturers of paint which he procure to
incorporate in the work .
18.2 Paint & Primer coat, under coat and finishing coat shall be of the same
18.3 The whole quantity of paint required for the work shall be procured direct for
authorised dealer brought at site in manufacture seal container and store
properly. They shall used in the work as directed by Engr.-in-Charge.
20.2 The contractor shall proceed with the work only after the approval of samples
and make of materials in writing by the GE. Approved sample shall be labeled as
such and signed by both GE and the representative of the contractor and shall be
kept in the custody of the GE sample room till the final completion of the work.
The contractor shall ensure that the materials used in the work are identical with
the approved samples.
The contractor shall responsible for provisions of guarantee for all items supplied
by him as per the period of guarantee given by the manufacturer. In addition, he
shall be responsible for one-year maintenance including replacement of all items
damaged / unserviceable during the defect liability period of the same
specifications, standard and manufacturer as the item being replaced.
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The contractor is required to afford all facilities for inspection and examination of
all materials used and workmanship in items assembled or manufactured by
them or their sub contractors. The inspection will be made of the works at all
responsible items and the contractor shall rectify defects pointed out without any
extra cost to the Government.
The unserviceable materials/ parts/ items other than “Sch of credit”, which are to
be replaced/removed, shall become the property of the government irrespective
of whatever mentioned else where in tender documents and same shall be
deposited to MES store yard as directed by Engr-in-Charge. Amount at the
double of market rate shall be effected/ recovered from the final bill, if dismantled
materials (other than “Sch of credit”) shall not be returned/ deposited by the
24.2 All the materials obtained from demolition and dismantling work shall be stacked
at site for carrying joint inspection and joint measurement of Engineer-in-Charge,
along with contractor. The serviceable materials obtained from the
dismantling/demolition work shall be separated as per the direction of the
Engineer-in-Charge and removing the MES store yard and stacked properly as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge without any extra cost to the department.
The unserviceable materials which are not disposed otherwise and credited to
contractor as listed in schedule of credit shall be removed by the contractor as
his own cost and arrangement after obtaining proper issue/receipt vouchers and
gate passes issued by the Engineer-in-Charge. Any other materials which are
not covered in schedule of credit shall be the property of the Government.
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Synthetic enamel ICI Paint (Dulux ICI Paint
paint Gloss) (Dulux Gloss)
Asian paint Asian paint
(Apcolite) (Apcolite)
Shalimar paints Shalimar
(Superiac Hi paints
Gloss) (Superiac Hi
Goodlass Goodlass
Nerolac paints Nerolac paints
(Nerolac) (Nerolac)
Nerolac (Nerolac Nerolac
full gloss) (Nerolac full
Jenson & Jenson &
Nicholson paints Nicholson
Ltd (Brolac) paints Ltd
Berger Berger
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Trading Co.
Company Name & Brand Address Type of Cement
A The Ramco Cements Ltd. (Formerly Aurus Corporate Centre, 98-A, ALL
Madras Cement ) Dr Radhakishnan Salai , Mylapore,
Brand : “RAMCO” Chennai-600004
Ph: 044-28478666
B M/s Ultra Tech Cement B Wing, 2nd Floor, Mahakali Caves ALL
Brand: “ULTRATECH” Road,
Andheri (East)
Mumbai – 400093
Ph : 022-66917800
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S M/s Chettinad Cement 4th Floor, Rani Seethai Hall (a) OPC 43 Gr
Corporation Ltd. Building, (b) PPC
Brand: “CHETTINAD CEMENT” 603, Anna Salai Hall,
Tel-No 044-42951800
E mail:-
info@chettinadcement. com
T M/s Shree Guru Kripa Cement 4/4 Trikuta Nagar, Jammu (a) OPC 43 Gr
(Pvt) Ltd Ph- 0191-2472043 (b) PPC
Brand: “SARTAJ”
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B Tata Iron & Steel Company (TISCO Bombay House, 2-4 Homi Modi For all types & dia of
or Tata Steel) Street TMT bars
Brand: “TATA” Mumbai – 400 001, India
Tel : (91 22) 204 9131
Fax : (91 22) 204 9522, 287 0840
Email : [email protected]
(Br office for North: Jeevan Tara
Bldg. Patel Chowk. New Delhi)
C Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited Visakhapatnam Steel Plant For all types & dia of
(RINL) Visakhapatnam – 530 031 India TMT bars
Brand: “ RINL” Tel : (91 891) 518226, 518376
Fax : (91 891) 518316
Email : [email protected]
D M/s Jai Balaji Industries Ltd 5 Bentek street, Kolkata-700001 TMT Bars of Gde
Brand: “Balaji Shakti” Delhi Office Fe 500
510, Block-b, Navraung House Fe 500D
21 Kasturba Gandhi Marg.
New Delhi-110001
011-43620219, 43620220
Mob: 7838272772/9958936103
E- mail: [email protected]
E M/s Shyam Steel Industries Ltd Shyam Towers EN-32, Sector- V, TMT Bars of Gde
Brand: “SHYAM” Salt Lake, Kolkatta - 700091 Fe 500
Tel-033-40074007, Fe 500D
Fax 033-40074010 CRS
E-mail : [email protected]
F ______BLANK________
G M/s Steel Exchange India Ltd. My Home Laxminivas Apartments, TMT Bars of Gde
Brand: “SIMHADRI TMT” Ameerpet,Hydrabad-500016, A.P. Fe 500
Tel-040-23403725, Fe 500D
Fax-040-23413267 HSCRM
E-mail : [email protected]
H M/s Jindal Steels and Power Ltd. OP Jindal Road, TMT Bars of Gde
Brand: “JINDAL PANTHER” Hissar,Haryana,PIN-125005 Fe 500 /Fe 500D
Tel : +91 1662222471-84 Fe 550 /Fe 550D
Fax: +91 1662220476 and CRS with sizes
I M/s SRMB Srijan Pvt Ltd SRMB House, 7, Khetra das lane TMT Bars of Gde
Brand: “SRMB ” Kolkatta – 700012 Fe 500 /Fe 500D
Tel – 033-6600 6600 Fe 550 /Fe 550D
Fax : 033-22110483 (8mm - 32mm)
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O ______BLANK________
P M/s Gallantt Metal Ltd Ward 10BC, Polt No. 123 TMT Bras of Gde
Brand: “GALLANTT TMX” Ground Floor, Gandhi Dham, Fe 500
Kutch, Gujarat - 370201 Fe 500D
Tel : 91-2836-228164 CRS
Fax : 91-2836-235787 (Size 8-32mm)
E-mail : gml@gallantt .com
Website : www.gallantt .com
Q M/s Electrotherm (India) Ltd Survey No.72, Palodia, TMT Bras of Gde
Brand : “ET TMT” Via-Thaltej, Ahmedabad Fe 500
Gujarat-382115 Fe 500D
Tel : 91-2717-660649/ 660550 CRS
Fax : 91-2217-234866 (Size 8-32mm)
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T M/s Super Smelters Ltd Premlata, 39, Shakespeare TMT Bras of Gde
Kolkata. Sarani, Fe 500
Brand: “SUPER SHAKTI” 3rd Floor, Kolkata -700017 Fe 500D
Tel/ Fax : 033-2289-2734/ 36 Fe 550
E-mail : [email protected] (Size 8-32mm)
B Tata Iron & Steel Company (TISCO Bombay House, 2-4 Homi Modi Structural Steel
or Tata Steel) Street (Angle, Beam, Column,
Brand: “TATA” Mumbai – 400 001, India Channel, Plate)
Tel : (91 22) 204 9131
Fax : (91 22) 204 9522, 287 0840
Email : [email protected]
(Br office for North: Jeevan Tara
Bldg. Patel Chowk. New Delhi)
D M/s Jindal Steels and Power Ltd. Jindal Centre, Plot No. 2, Structural Steel
Brand: “JINDAL” Sector- 32, Gurgaon – 122001 (Angle, Beam, Column,
Haryana Channel, Plate)
Tele : 0124 6612000
Fax : 0124 6612125
Website :
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Appendix ‘B’
Material Testing & Testing Charges
1. Levels of testing shown in Legend as A, B & C, are defined as under: -
1.1 Level ‘A’
(a) Level ‘A’, Site lab shall be established by the contractor.
(b) “Site Lab” means site lab established by contractor at the work site for such tests. This lab shall
house all the facilities including T&P, machinery, equipment, manpower etc required for
conducting tests. This lab shall be operative for entire duration of the contract till its completion.
Tests shall be carried out in the presence of Engineer-in-charge to be nominated by the GE.
Random check of compliance of frequency of testing shall be done by the GE. “Setting up site
laboratory is mandatory for all works Costing Rs. 1 crore (Rupees one crore) and above. The
Contractor may it his option set up site lab for work Costing less than Rs. 1 Crore (Rupees one
crore) also without any extra cost to Government.”The testing laboratory shall include the
following minimum machinery and testing equipments:-
Srl No Testing equipment
(a) Concrete cube testing machine of minimum capacity 100 tons
(b) Cube moulds : 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm – 24 Nos &
70.6 mm x 70.6 mm x 70.6 mm – 09 Nos
(c) Slump cone, tamping rod
(d) Vicat’s Apparatus
(e) Slandered Sand
(f) Moisture meter
(g) Digital Balance ( with battery backup) – 10 Kg to 0.001 gm accuracy
(h) Digital balance – 50 Kg to 0.001 Kg accuracy
(i) Core cutter
(j) Hot Air Oven – Temperature range 50° C to 300° C
(k) Measuring Cylinder – 2000 ml, 1000 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml
(l) Sieves
Coarse : 30 cm Dia
(25 mm, 20mm, 16mm, 12.5mm, 10 mm, 6.3mm, 4.75mm, Pan & lid)
Fine : 20 cm Dia
(4.75mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600 mic, 150 mic, Pan & lid
(m) Thermometer - 0° C to 100° C with accuracy of 1° C
(n) Megger and earth resistance tester
(o) Pumps and pressure gauges for hydraulic testing
(p) Curing tank (min 2000 ltr capacity)
(q) Miscellaneous
Sand Scoop, Spatula, straight edge gauged trowel, steel foot rules, scale, mortar pan,
spade, shovels, filter paper and wax
(r) Other equipment for site test as outlined in BIS
(s) Optical instrument to measure reflectance of marble grit plaster
(t) Total station for survey and lay out
(u) Rebound hammer test equipment for checking strength of concrete
(v) Hilti tool – PS200 Ferro scan for rebar verification, checking concrete coverage or
(c) Records shall be maintained at work site. These test results shall be signed by contractor of his
authorised representative and aforesaid departmental official.
(d) Within 15 days of placement of work order No.1 site lab shall be established and fact reported by
the contractor to GE in writing who will verify the fact and satisfy himself regarding the facilities
provided. Thereafter GE shall issue a certificate to this effect in writing listing out equipment
particulars etc of material test. Only after issue of this certificate by GE the tests shall be carried
out and materials so approved shall be incorporated in the work.
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Chlorides (%)
Alkalis (%)
Loss on ignition
Anhydride (%)
Magnesium (%)
Insoluble Residue
Lime Saturation
Factor (Ratio)
Lime Saturation
Factor (Ratio)
Consistency (%)
Temp during
testing 0C
28 Days
07 Days
03 Days
Initial Setting
Time (Minutes)
by Auto Clave
by Le Chatellar
Specific Surface
area (M2/Kg)