Gideons Army of 300
Gideons Army of 300
Gideons Army of 300
Army of 300
Free Bible lesson for under 5s
Last week, we learned about God calling Gideon to be a judge. Today, we will
Video playlist
read about Gideon conquering the Midianites who had taken over the
Israelites’ land. The passage is found in Judges 7:1-25. Some of the key points
Lesson guide
Remind the child of Gideon and his call to be a judge and conquer the Midianites. Ask the child if Gideon
was excited or scared when God called him. Point out that the army of the Midianites was very large and
Ask the child if they think a big or a small army would be be�er to defeat an enemy with lots of soldiers.
Point out that God told Gideon to make the army smaller so that everyone would know that God alone
gave Gideon the victory. Remind the child that God s�ll can provide people who trust Him with the
Put out a bowl of water and tell your child to take a drink (this is be�er done outside to avoid a mess).
Depending on how your child chooses to drink, you can talk about whether or not he would have been
part of Gideon’s army. Point out that if someone drinks with their face in the water, they cannot see what
is going on around them. Talk about how the men who drank by cupping their hands and li�ing the water
to their mouths showed wisdom by watching their surroundings and being aware.
Read Psalm 20:7, “Some trust in chariots, others in horses. But we trust the Lord our God.” Gather a
flashlight/torch, a paper bag, and a horn or paper towel tube. Ask the child if it looks like these items
would defeat an enemy. You can play with the items and use them as they appeared in the story by hiding
the torch in the paper bag, and using the paper towel tube to create a trumpet. Shout, “The sword of the
Lord and of Gideon,” as you reenact the steps the soldiers took to defeat the Midianites. Point out that
even though things might seem silly and small, God can use them to give us the victory.
Think about some talent that your child has. Consider some ways that God can use the talent to glorify
him. Point out that if God can use torches and trumpets, he can also use our abili�es.
Talk about how anyone can pray. Think about someone in need of prayers for health, salva�on, etc. Set
aside a period of �me (according to child’s age) and teach them a simple prayer for that person.
Pray with your child and thank God that He can give the victory to those who call on His name.
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1 2
God told Gideon it was time to God told Gideon that if anyone
free the land. was afraid they could go home
Lots of people came to help More than half of Gideon’s army
Gideon. went home.
God said there were too many That's a lot of people!
people. God said there were still too
God wanted to show it was Him many people.
who would let them win.
3 4
God told Gideon to take the men Gideon gave them trumpets and
to have a drink. empty jars with torches.
Some used their hand to drink The men surround the enemy at
the water. night. They blew their trumpets
and showed torches.
Some drank the water like a dog.
The enemy was really scared.
God said that only the ones who They fought themselves. Some
used their hands could be in the ran away.
God saved Gideon and the
There were only 300 left. people.
Games and Activities
Find with a torch
Sit in the middle of a dark room
with a torch.
Take it in turns to say a item. The
other person must point to that
item and quickly as possible.
Toy subtraction
Place some toys on the floor
or table. You can use
something your child likes,
building blocks, toy cars, dolls,
crayons etc
Remove some each time and
count how many are left
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Circle the items that would
help you see in the dark
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Things look different in the dark
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How many are left?
X -1
XX -2
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Colour by
number 4
1 - Brown
2 - Yellow 1
3 - Orange
4 - Red
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Papier-mâché Bowl
Gideon hid the lights
under a bowl, so
that’s what we will do
for this week’s craft.
What to do
Mix equal parts PVA glue Blow up a balloon. Rip up Dip or brush newspaper
with water or follow a floor bits of news paper. with the glue mix & cover
glue recipe ( just search balloon until covered at
online.) least 4 times. Allow to dry.
Pop the Balloon to leave a Paint the Papier-mâché When dry, You can place a
bowl shape. with poster paints. Any touch or battery lantern
design you like. inside.
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Worship Time
Giddy-Up, Gideon
I will trust in you
Proverbs 3:5-6
Prayer Time
Ask God to put your trust in Him more than
things and people.
Thank God for the gifts and tallents He has
given to you.
Next Week
Uploaded 12th July 2019
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