Viola Jones Algorithm
Viola Jones Algorithm
Viola Jones Algorithm
Abstract—This paper presents to detect the faces in an image and pattern here. The specified information which is effective
and locates the facial features in an image. The detection of the from the detection of eye and noise is performed using face
facial parts such as eyes, nose, mouth and face is an important feature extraction module. This is very useful in differentiating
task in this process. This system is used to recognize and detect the faces and the non-faces part with respect to several
the parts of the human facial factors in an image. The study photometric and the geometric variations. Finally these images
involves the algorithm of Viola-Jones Cascade Object Detector can be used to detect the facial parts such as eyes, nose, mouth
which gives various combination of filters and methods to detect and upper body based on the extracted features.
these facial expressions.
2017 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2015), Jan. 06 – 07, 2017, Coimbatore, INDIA
2. Ada boost is a machine-learning method for detecting camera to detect a face object wherever we move the camera
the face. The term ‘boosted’ determines the classifiers that with a region of the box.
are complex in itself at each stage, which are built of basic
classifiers using any one of the four boosting techniques. The face objects detection algorithm here consists of
variations like illumination, poses and even rotated faces on it.
3. Cascade classifier used to combine many of the This is detected by getting several window classifiers on the
features efficiently. The term ‘cascade’ in a classifier Viola Jones algorithm.
determines the several filters on a resultant classifier.
C. Viola-Jones Eye Detection Algorithm
The region of the eye is darker related to other parts of
the face, so finding the regions of the eye is based on
segmenting a small region of the image which is specified as a
darker region. The center part of the eye region is darker than
the other region based on this model the eyebrow region has
been removed.
After the region of the selected eye region is done using
the histogram analysis, as the region of eye exhibits two peaks
whereas the region of eyebrow shows only one peak. The 2
major axis has the alignment of which is the final constraint
here, so that the two eye regions corresponds to the same line.