Wehaveatsooeffi: Bodies. No

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Terms & Conditions

Compliance by CPCBL
Storage of raw We always maintain coal sto-age wiihin tfre
quantity, lndustrial shall operate the effluent permissible
limit. We have adequate safe &
treatment arrangement regularly and maintain scientific arrangement
theses properly. lndustry shall ensure treatment disposal
for handling and
of all wastes.
effluent quality meets the standard prescribed by
the Board published in Gazette Notification dated The present
facilities are given as below:
25.03.1988. The treated effluent shall be utilized in 1.
We are having three water tank & fully
plant operations or for plantation within premises.
uttlasatloning waste water through Clean
All the effluent treatment system shall be kept in coal water Tank and also recycle the
good running condition all the time and failure (if
waste water again & again.
any), shall be immediately rectified without delay, 2.
Having suitable arrangement of drains
otherwise, similar attempt arrangement shall be
and piping networks and connects with
made, in the event of any failure of any pollution
water harvesting pond.
control system adopted by the lndustry. The 3. We
are proper monitoring the whole
respective production unit shall not be restarted
system and maintain the parameters on
until the control measures are rectified to achieve
routine basis.
the desire efficiency. lndustry shall not discharge
any treated/related effluent in to the river or any
surface water bodies. No effluent
(treated/untreated) shall be discharge outside
the factory premises in any circumstances; hence
zero discharge condition shall be maintained at all
the time.
Good House t<eeping@ We have proper arrangemGnt oF House
the Industry.
Keeping Department and they are regularly
cleaning the plant & nearby area
lndustry stratt Oe
and fly ash based products in Whenever required w@
the based products i.e. Bricks etc. for
construction/repairi ng activities.
construction and repair works
Wide and dense grm
species shall be developed all atong the plant
factory compound along with road side and
premises and towards Abhilasha pariser.
As far as we have all ready planted about
possible maximum area of open spaces 1000 trees
shall be in factory area Land & also 1200
utilized for plantation purposes. Green around trees all
belt/plantation shall be developed within
the Factory and nearby area of
and Abhilasa Parisar.
around the plant premises in at least 33%
area of
total plant area. Fruit bearing species like mango,
tamarind, guava etc. shall be given preference
this regards. Local leguminous grass land
also be preferred for green belt development.
lndustryshalt submiiffi We will suOm
Board as per provision of Environment (protection)
Board as per provision of Environment
amendment Rule, 1gg3 for the previous y"ri
(Protection) amendment Rule, 19g3.
ending 31't March on or before 30th September
every year.
lndustry s
Settling pond has b@
treatment system effectively and regularly. and zero discharge is being maintained in
lndustry shall ensure treated effluent
quality within our existing plant.
the standards prescribed by Board published
Gazette Notification dated 2S.Og.gg.
The treated
effluent shall be utilized in plant operations
or for
plantation within premises.
lndustry shall not
discharge any treated/untreated emuent
in to the
river or any surface water bodies.
No effluent
(treatediuntreated) shall be discharged
outside of
the factory premises in any circumJtances;
zero discharge condition shafl be
maintained at ail
the times.

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