Assessment Diagnosis Planning Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Impaired mood At the end of 4-6 Independent: At the end of 6 hours of
regulation related hours of nursing nursing interventions the
“minsal galit tapos to functional interventions, the -Determine specific -Allows for accurate patient was able to
biglang masaya impairment as patient will be able to reasons for client’s mood planning of care. acknowledge reality of
ulit”, as verbalized evidenced by acknowledge reality swings. mood problems.
by the patient’s irritability, mood of mood
sister swings and problems/needs. - A negative outlook is
impaired -Discuss how client associated with
concentration. perceives the current difficulty in cognitive
-Irritability situation and how it is control and emotional
affecting emotions. regulation strategies.
-Sad affect
-Discuss the use of -This helps the client
-Impaired relaxation techniques divert her attention
-Short attention
span -Encourage the client to -Help the client gain
make the decision to independence
change and set
personally achievable
Subjective: Labile emotional At the end of 4-6 Independent: At the end of 6 hours of
control related to hours of nursing nursing interventions the
“madali akong functional interventions, the -Determine individual -Many different factors patient was able to
magalit at impairments as patient will be able to factors related to client may be involved in the acknowledge emotional
magtampo”, As evidenced by acknowledge situation. loss of emotional control and participate in
verbalized by the absence of eye emotional control and control. recommended activities.
patient contact and participate in
uncontrolled recommended -Note feeling of
emotional activities. emotional exhaustion. -To recognize the
Objective: outburst. situation.
-easily irritable
-difficulty in use of
facial expressions -Encourage the client to
make the decision to -Help the client gain
change and set independence
personally achievable