Block Chain
Block Chain
Block Chain
Windows of Opportunity:
Facilitating Trade with
Blockchain Technology
July 2019
Preface 3
Introduction 4
Benefits 5
Pain points 7
Challenges 11
Use-cases 11
Next steps 19
Appendix 20
Acknowledgements 21
Endnotes 22
Within trade facilitation, trade single windows serve as the single electronic point
for exporters and importers to submit regulatory and commercial documents to
respective government ministries and agencies. However, promises of increased
efficiency are hindered by pain points and challenges, such as the lack of
Pablo M. Garcia,
interoperability among agencies, persistence of outdated processes and limited
Director of the
visibility and traceability of shipped goods.
Institute for the
Integration of
By exploring the application of new technology – blockchain – in the trade single
Latin America and
windows network, this White Paper outlines the current obstacles governments
the Caribbean,
face in implementing and maintaining single windows, and the potential for
blockchain to address those issues – while understanding the experimental nature
of the technology. The White Paper draws on the expertise of more than 80
project community members globally across various industry sectors, government
agencies, intergovernmental organizations and academic institutions as well as in
civil society. The policy framework laid out in this White Paper is also intended to
be applied in a proof of concept with the support of the IDB.
This project reflects the mission of the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the
Fourth Industrial Revolution: to provide an international platform of expertise,
knowledge-sharing and public-private collaboration and to co-design and pilot
innovative new approaches to policy and governance in the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. This project will encourage proofs of concept within and outside of the
project community, share and scale lessons learned using the World Economic
Forum’s platform on international trade and investment.
Trade costs – the costs of moving cargo from one country The purpose of this policy framework is to help
to another – are a leading constraint for companies wanting governments in these explorations by focusing on the
to engage in trade. A significant share of these costs potential for blockchain in single windows. Blockchain,
stems from the time and money that companies spend a database that retains information on all transactions
on paperwork and in multiple submissions of the same on a ledger visible to all stakeholders, is already being
information, as required by various government border considered and piloted in various areas of world trade
agencies to release goods for export and allow them to – such as trade logistics, supply-chain management,
enter the importing country. Trade single windows have customs and border regulatory processes, cross-border
considerably improved this process, acting as one-stop payments and trade finance. This policy framework (1)
electronic platforms for registered users to lodge the analyses the main pain points in single windows around the
required import and export trade documents. Studies world; (2) assesses specific use-cases where blockchain
suggest that electronic single windows have helped halve might alleviate some of these pain points; and (3) develops
document processing times in border agencies, cut guidelines for governments to consider and apply
trade compliance times to one-third, increased adopting blockchain in trade single windows. The policy framework
countries’ exports and gross domestic products (GDPs) is aimed at government agencies involved in border
and encouraged an overall improvement in transparency clearance; however, private-sector organizations engaged
and user experience for border clearance. in trade can also use this report to consider how best to
encourage governments to use this technology.
Single windows have proliferated in recent years; as of
2017, 27 countries had a full electronic single window The following section discusses the importance of trade
and 36 had a partial single window. All 164 signatories single windows in trade facilitation and reviews the main
to the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), which entered pain points experienced by single window operators and
into force in 2017, are encouraged to adopt an electronic users. The next section assesses the value propositions
single window. Their benefits notwithstanding, single of blockchain and analyses how these are best applied
windows leave a good deal of room for improvement. to remove the main pain points experienced by single
Implementation has been challenging, especially for window operators and users, while also developing a
many developing countries; surveys have revealed such series of use-cases for blockchain in single windows.
problems as agencies’ long response times, a reliance on The section thereafter focuses on the considerations for
paper-based documents and a requirement to submit the operationalizing blockchain use-cases in single windows.
same data multiple times to different authorities. The final section discusses what steps can be taken next.
Exploring blockchain’s usefulness in single windows fisheries, environment, energy and mining, and enables
requires an understanding of the essential challenges traders to submit 127 different types of documents
facing single windows and their users. This section required by the various border agencies.
discusses the gains and pain points single windows have
created, based on academic literature and structured Single windows have delivered a notable return on
interviews with single window operators in various investment in a wide range of countries, facilitating trade
geographic regions. considerably and lowering companies’ international trade
costs (Table 1). Their benefits have been compounded by
Benefits the digitization of trade documents: such “paperless trade”
obviates the need for exporters and importers to spend
Introduced in the late 1980s in Sweden and Singapore, time filling out paper documents, re-entering the same data
where they reduced border clearance times from four multiple times and visiting government agencies in person
days to 15 minutes, trade single windows have become a to secure signatures and stamps.3 Many governments have
centrepiece of trade facilitation efforts around the world. digitized customs clearance and duty payments; research
The TFA encourages signatories to adopt electronic suggests this has cut border compliance time for imports
single windows – single windows powered by information by one-third, and significantly reduced corruption in the
technology. The United Nations Economic Commission customs process.4
for Europe has been instrumental in developing definitions,
guidelines and standards for single windows, and several Such efficiency gains can be even greater when trade
entities including development banks and the World Customs single windows are combined with port community
Organization have helped countries build and finance them. systems (PCS) that enable the exchange of information
among players in port environments. For example, in
By 2017, trade single windows had been adopted in full Benin, Togo and Democratic Republic of the Congo,
or in part in 63 countries (Figure 1). They typically bring traders receive a “single invoice”, where all costs at the port
together dozens of government agencies in charge of (such as terminal handling charges) and regulatory costs
such areas as health, agriculture, quarantine, immigration (for instance, duties and taxes) are combined into a single
and technical standards. For example, in Uruguay, the invoice that is automatically sent to the importer or relevant
single window brings together 27 agencies such as tax party. Once the full invoice is paid, the bank pays all of the
and customs authorities and ministries of agriculture and individual stakeholders and goods are released.
Figure 1: Trade single window adoption among 120 analysed countries, 2017
Persistence Businesses are unfamiliar with digital processes Perpetuates use of paper in regulatory filings,
of paper and lack ICT skills to perform digital filings wastes firms’ time in mundane processes.
Blockchain has several useful properties for settings that “blocks” of data that are visible to all stakeholders – and
characterize single windows – multistakeholder systems thus enables disparate parties in a network to access the
in which users struggle to share data with each other are same data in real time, reducing all parties’ transaction
forced to continue performing manual processes and costs and enabling stakeholders to share data and
question the trustworthiness of their data. For example, interact more fluidly.
blockchain can help diverse stakeholders interoperate by
enabling them to access the same data at the same time Why is blockchain useful?
(hence the term “distributed ledger”); smart contracts built
on a blockchain can automate stakeholders’ compliance Blockchain also holds promise for authenticating data
with various contractual obligations; and blockchain data and improving the trustworthiness of data. Shortly after
is a stream of reliable information on past transactions each transaction occurs, it is put into a block on the
as they are immutable once entered (Box 1). This section blockchain. These blocks are mathematically “chained”
assesses potential use-cases to alleviate the pain points in together. The blocks are verified and managed by the
single windows using blockchain.25 network nodes (computers or users participating in a
blockchain network) via a shared governance protocol;
Box 1: What is blockchain? each node contains a complete record of all of the
transactions ever recorded in that blockchain. No single
There are a great many definitions and descriptions of node can change or delete a block – which means data
blockchain. For the purposes of this paper, blockchain on blockchain is immutable and tamper-evident. With
can be defined as a shared, distributed ledger of records immutable blocks of data, blockchain also enhances a
or transactions that is open to inspection by every party’s ability to trace transactions, such as shipments in
participant, such as countries’ trade agencies that form world trade.
part of single windows.
Blockchain can also automate the fulfilment of contractual
To understand blockchain’s various properties, it is obligations via smart contracts built on a blockchain, and
useful to think of a typical trade transaction. It involves thereby reduce intermediation costs.
several documents and bilateral interactions, such as
between importers and trade finance banks, exporters Who can use blockchain?
and shipping lines and exporters and importers and
their countries’ regulatory authorities. These interactions Often, blockchain is thought of as a database anyone
amount to a significant waste of time: Parties fill out can use – and it is the case that blockchains can be
numerous documents, often entering the same data “permissionless” like bitcoin, where anyone can join the
multiple times; they email and call each other to verify network of users. But in most commercial applications,
and often correct information that was entered; they they are permissioned, meaning that users need
check on each other’s processing times, often bilaterally permission to join.26 Though permissionless networks
in each individual transaction. are open, transparent and decentralized, they are also
anonymous, unregulated, usually crypto-based and
Each of these bilateral messages and interactions holds have high transaction fees. Meanwhile, permissioned
its own version of “truth” about the product’s journey blockchains are not decentralized or open to all, but they
from seller to buyer. The multiple bilateral “truths” often have low transaction costs and identifiable participants,
lead to error, fraud, delays and inefficiency, including in and they can be regulated. This paper focuses on
border clearance. permissions ledgers – bearing in mind that there is a
continuum of blockchain applications falling between the
Blockchain can reduce the number of steps and permissioned and permissionless models, with different
processes among the network of players involved in governance and revenue models.
any one trade transaction and give every player a bird’s
eye view of any one shipment. As a distributed ledger
technology (DLT), blockchain can slash the number of
bilateral communications and informational linkages
and leakages by providing a single ledger that records
the transactions as they occur and enables all parties,
such as trade agencies, to access this data in real time.
Blockchain enables transactions to be recorded in
Table 3 and the following discussion lay out several potential
use-cases to address selected pain points in single windows
for which blockchain could be a particularly useful solution,
along with further complementary technologies and policy
National single windows Interoperability and Improve all national single windows’ visibility Big data and AI;
disconnected from each data share among two into supply chains, ability to manage risks harmonization of
other or more national single and recognize patterns and conduct pre- national documentation
windows arrival processing; share data on Authorized requirements, agreements to
Economic Operator certifications share data across borders
Distrubuted database
Limited sharing of data End-to-end visibility into Enable more complete data on shipments Internet of things
across the trade network shipments and supply and supply chains and audit trails on traders applications; agreements
among border agencies chains by bringing together single windows and/ to share data with private
and the private sector or private-sector trade intermediaries on a sector and across borders;
Limited common blockchain with immutable streams machine learning to detect
of data anomalous patterns in data
of shipments
Inefficiencies in making Automation of processes Automate payments and their reconciliation; Robotic process automation;
and reconciling customs to make and reconcile accelerate revenue collection deferred duty payments;
Inefficient duty and fee payments duty and fee payments
information-rich electronic
manual payments
Smart contracts Auditability
Limited trustworthiness Improved reliability of Make data entered into single windows Data standards; data-
of data entered on single data entered on single immutable and unauthorized modification to security protocols; AI to
windows windows the data traceable detect fraudulent and
erroneous data entries
trustworthiness Distrubuted database Auditability Immutability
and portability
of identities Companies are unable Authentication of Provide single window users with a unique Development of a unique
and data to access and use identities and portability identity and enable users to apportion relevant ID such as Global Trade
their identities and of identities and data parts of their identities and transactional data Identity (GTID); government
data included in single across service providers, to third-party service providers regulations to encourage or
windows including for commercial demand portability of data
purposes (e.g. access
trade finance)
Pillars for blockchain in single windows: electronic signatures and transactions laws, solid IT Infrastructures,
mobile-enabled interfaces
Authentication of identities and portability of identities Robotic process automation can further streamline well-
and data across service providers, including for functioning single windows’ workflow by automating
commercial purposes. Blockchain can help users mundane and repetitive processes, enabling agency staff to
to authenticate and control their identities and data. invest their time in serving users and performing other higher-
Blockchain-based identities can be “self-sovereign”, value work, and reducing the odds of human error. Internet
administered by the identity holder and based on the of things (IoT) applications can further border agencies’ and
decentralized identifiers (DIDs) that are much like a secure single window users’ visibility of shipments end-to-end –
website. Each DID can be assigned to different parts of for example, IoT-enabled physical tamper detection with
a user’s identity; one DID could be a company’s name; edge-computing and sensors can enhance the integrity and
another, its federal identification number; still another, availability of data for border agencies on the blockchain and
its Harmonized System (HS) codes, and so on. Single enable ledger updates and payment transactions.
window users could be encouraged to access and carry
these pieces of their digital identity and use their DIDs and Single windows can gain when blockchain is adopted
transactions authenticated by blockchain for commercial in the broader trade ecosystem. Gains from blockchain
purposes. For example, companies that have managed in single windows can also expand as blockchain becomes
to secure an AEO status could use that data point to more widely adopted in the trade network, and as banks,
negotiate better cargo or corporate insurance rates, and ports, terminal operators, logistics providers and tax
small companies could use their blockchain-based trade authorities adopt blockchain solutions to streamline their
compliance data to better access trade finance.36 operations. Bringing the various players that “touch” a trade
transaction on a common blockchain could drastically
The concept of a Global Trade Identity (GTID) – to reduce reduce re-entry of data in trade transactions, enhance
supplier and customer risk in supply chains by enabling any intermediaries’ visibility of shipments end-to-end and enable
supply chain partner to validate the trustworthiness of a border agencies to access more diverse and reliable supply-
legal entity with which it looks to do business – can, in the chain data – which can help optimize their risk-targeting and
blockchain environment, offer a commercially and politically verify the origin of products, for example. Multistakeholder
neutral identity infrastructure.37 It would help develop the blockchains will have a critical need for common
concept of a trade data pipeline, in which commercial, understandings on governance and data, and IP rights.
logistics and regulatory trade data associated with an
operation “travels” through a pipeline that could be read Such multistakeholder solutions are already being
and used by public and private stakeholders according to developed, including the Maersk-IBM TradeLens platform
their level of access to the data. for logistics, the platform for trade finance and
a range of national initiatives. For example, Mexican
customs, customs brokers, Hutchison Ports, and the Port
of Veracruz are together piloting a blockchain solution
that provides them with common, real-time data on the
location and documents associated with a given export
shipment. The Korean Customs Service has worked with
the logistics community to explore blockchain’s usefulness
in the accuracy and transparency of data on certificates
of origin; more than 50 Korean companies on the export
side, alongside five working groups and ten companies
based in Viet Nam and Singapore on the import side,
have participated in pilots.38 The European Commission’s
Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union
(DG-TAXUD) recently tested blockchain’s value added in
temporary admission and excise domains, finding that
blockchain has significant potential in these specific areas
of trade and revenue collection.39
14 Windows of Opportunity: Facilitating Trade with Blockchain Technology
Guidelines for operationalizing use-cases
Ensure political support Establish a governance Develop the technology Test a single, Develop and track Assess the pilot and
exists for trade facilitation structure with mandate, architecture, acquire interoperable identity for KPIs, e.g. time release consider ways to
scope, responsibilities blockchain technologies single window users and indicators; operational improve and scale it
Establish a “grand and data-share rules and integrate blockchain enable them to make efficiency in border
vision” for blockchain with existing databases their data portable agencies; and trade Consider blockchain’s
in the single window Standardize data entered and technologies facilitation and SME emerging capabilities and
Actions and a business case for on blockchain and data- Possibly develop a new trade growth rethink its governance
stakeholders security protocols Retrain agencies’ IT identity for blockchain
staff and acquire new users, e.g. GTID Reward agencies’ staff Assess governance
Adopt blockchain in Define reward systems capabilities with technical for meeting targets structure built into step 2
pilots and iterating to for staff in agencies to knowledge of blockchain Communicate technology defined in steps 1 and 2
improve outcomes implement blockchain improvements to users Consider range of
applications in other
Bring together a Define data-storage niche areas in single
multidisciplinary team needs windows
to pilot and apply
blockchain Assess compatibility of
blockchain with existing
Define how to cover regulations; consider
costs and how to regulatory sandboxes
engage development to fuel blockchain’s
banks and donors development
Who Head of state, agency Agency heads, IT leads Agency IT leads, experts Agency heads, IT leads Agency front-line staff, Implementors, private-
drives heads, private-sector and users; international report to head of state sector users
users, focus groups experts
of effort
What is the outcome Where is blockchain How does the new Could users make their What is the improvement How to improve on the
to be attained by using managed from? solution integrate data portable and for from baseline and last process and outcomes in
blockchain? with the current what purposes, and how measurement? steps 1-5?
Key What are the solutions (process and is off-chain data shown
questions What is in it for each responsibilities of the technology)? to outsiders certified as What are the weakest What new properties of
to address stakeholder? different stakeholders and “real”? links in implementation blockchain technology
what are stakeholders Can IT create a and why? and other technologies
How are costs covered? rewarded for? functionable “digital twin” Are data-storage needs could be employed?
of a trade? an issue? How does my country
How could development How are data and compare to others that What is the optimal
banks and donors best document-sharing Does blockchain provide How to best are also working on trade governance structure
support via technical governed among a trusted interaction layer communicate the facilitation, before and if pilot is scaled or
advice and funding? stakeholders? for sharing events and benefits of blockchain after blockchain was replicated?
information/data? to firms that use single adopted?
How to define and windows? In which other areas of
differentiate access Does blockchain also trade facilitation could
privileges? need to account for and blockchain be tested?
support wider supply
Which international data chain business models?
standards should be
Ensure high-level political support exists for trade The Korean Customs Service (KCS) has been highly
facilitation. Single windows work best in countries in which active in piloting blockchain. In 2018, KCS conducted
the leadership is firmly committed to trade facilitation. The three pilot projects: the E-clearance Blockchain
same is true for blockchain applied in single windows: It has Project; the Blockchain Cross-Border Project with
a fighting chance to work if its adoption and implementation Viet Nam, aimed at enhancing the reliability of shared
are supported by the highest levels of government.40 certificates of origin data via blockchain; and the
Export Logistics Blockchain Project with Samsung,
Establish a “grand vision” and make the business case Hyundai Glovis, Busan Port Terminal, Shinhan Bank and
for stakeholders. The decision to use blockchain requires more than 60 Korean companies, aimed at exploring
a vision of the benefits that it can generate for border whether blockchain could enhance the accuracy
agencies and trade facilitation. This initial vision will inform and transparency of data generated by the logistic
further steps, such as specific key performance indicators community.
(KPIs), blockchain’s governance model and technology
architecture and agencies’ reward systems. Since the main To pave the way for the pilots, KCS created a dedicated
impediment to blockchain’s adoption tends to be defining a division for blockchain’s adoption, and selected as
business model in which all stakeholders perceive benefits, project managers staff with a strong understanding
blockchain champions need to spend time and energy to of blockchain technology. These staff had gained the
develop compelling value propositions for each stakeholder necessary knowledge through training, participation in
group – in this case, border agencies and the private forums and seminars and capacity-building provided by
sector (Box 4). Focus groups are a useful way to quickly blockchain service providers. To develop the pilots, KCS
understand players’ pain points and preferences. Activities worked extensively to interact and engage stakeholders,
and games in which players are encouraged to work holding many meetings and workshops at which the
together can also be useful – such strategies have been stakeholders could define the data that could be shared,
used to train agencies to use customs software and for port and share information related to export logistics and
ecosystem actors to use a PCS. their respective business processes.
Adopt blockchain in pilots and iterating to improve KCS’s ICT Development Division led the technology’s
outcomes. It is useful to define the initial steps towards the adoption; the blockchain platform was developed by
grand vision as pilots that enable stakeholders to test the Samsung and KCnet. It was geared to generating and
blockchain technology and explore its benefits in various sharing information such as trade documents, export
specific use-cases, rather than being locked into using declarations, bills of lading and letters of credit among
it indefinitely. Experimentation is also important in that others. The platform minimized manual work in the trade
blockchain is a nascent technology in which the benefits process and greatly improved the transparency and
have yet to come to full view, and stakeholders need to be reliability of data, as the data is collected from multiple
socialized into using it. sources and is immutable.
Bring together a multidisciplinary team to implement The main driver of success behind KCS’s effort was its
pilots. Implementing blockchain in single windows will early realization that the most important challenge in
require multidisciplinary teams of technology experts and using blockchain is not the adoption of the technology,
domain experts in trade facilitation, as well as input from but (1) consensus-building on the need for, and
private-sector users. benefits of, blockchain with internal staff and external
stakeholders; and (2) extensive dialogues on how
Define how costs are covered. Questions related to blockchain will be applied – especially how stakeholders’
funding and burden-sharing should not derail a blockchain business processes ought to be updated to best
project before it gets started. It is important to define early facilitate trade when blockchain is used.
on how the blockchain project is paid for and articulate that
to stakeholders.
2: Create a governance structure, including
Partner with development banks for technical advice for data, and an implementation plan
and funding. Developing countries can tap development
agencies to bring valuable technical knowledge and Establish a governance structure around blockchain.
financial resources into blockchain pilots. Multilateral Blockchain’s governance architecture needs to be
development banks and donors are starting to increase sorted out early on, as many subsequent decisions
their experience in blockchain implementation and can also flow from it. This includes the mandate, scope and
help developing countries learn from each other, cooperate responsibilities of each participating stakeholder, as well as
and measure blockchain’s effects on trade costs and trade understanding how data is shared and which technologies
flows. For their part, development organizations could are used. It is also important to define from where the
condition their support on recipient governments’ actions to blockchain application will be managed, a particularly
digitize trade documents and processes and report on KPIs important question in multi-country and/or multi-ledger
from the blockchain pilots. implementations. Important approaches include standards
16 Windows of Opportunity: Facilitating Trade with Blockchain Technology
and solutions such as IDB’s LACChain where countries Box 5: Enabling blockchain development in Latin
can plug the blockchains in their single windows as nodes America and the Caribbean
into an interoperable regional blockchain architecture (Box
5). Governments that are interested in making their single Over the past five years, different blockchain-based
windows interoperable with each other will also need to solutions have been attempted in the LAC region. Even if
review the interoperability of their regulations and standards. some of them have been successful at a pilot stage, few
have scaled. In 2018, IDB Lab, the innovation laboratory
Standardize and secure data. The use of standardized of the Inter-American Development Bank, launched
data (data semantic, data format and data access protocol, the Global Knowledge Alliance for the Development
perhaps as in the WCO Data Model) ensures that any of the Blockchain Ecosystem in Latin America and the
stakeholder’s systems interface seamlessly with the Caribbean (LACChain).
blockchain network.41 Blockchain’s governance structure
should inform how data on a blockchain is secured; for LACChain is aimed at accelerating the development of
example, agency staff’s access to review the data on a the blockchain network in LAC. It solves several specific
blockchain is a vulnerability to be managed. Encryption challenges to blockchain’s scalability in the region:
techniques used today may be compromised in the future, limited coordination among network stakeholders in
and thus the security management needs to continually exploring an alternative to governance structures; limited
evolve. Implementations will also need to consider how infrastructure capabilities; lack of standards for scalable
stakeholders’ off-chain data is integrated with on-chain and interoperable solutions; and high transaction costs.
data in a secure manner. Mitigating these types of risks LACChain works in four areas: (1) partnerships between
will introduce some moderate cybersecurity costs. The public-private stakeholders, (2) the technological
ISO 27000 series of standards regarding the security of IT infrastructure, (3) the marketplace of applications, and (4)
systems can provide general guidance.42 data analytics to measure social impact.
Define reward and accountability systems for blockchain LACChain is creating a hybrid public-permissioned
adoption. Blockchain pilots need to be co-owned by network that combines the features of public and
stakeholders in the agencies that are responsible for their permissioned blockchains. It offers networks that
implementation. In particular, a sense of co-ownership are decentralized, while requiring that users are
among two IDB departments and beneficiary customs was authenticated and comply with the law, as the
vital to CADENA’s shift and successful implementation. blockchain will be regulated and there are no transaction
Primary staff need to coordinate work through weekly fees. In late 2018, LACChain launched its first public-
meetings, and be rewarded when meeting milestones and permissioned test-net using the software Quorum, and,
KPIs, and for transparently measuring impacts. in 2019, will release a second test using Pantheon.
Define needs for data storage. Whether data is stored architecture and to integrate existing systems with the
directly on the ledger or off-chain with hashes on the ledger, newly developed blockchain system. However, these fixed
the storage costs will need to be covered. Data storage upfront costs may be offset by the increased efficiency
costs can be roughly based on typical data storage costs. and lower variable costs over time, comparable to
conventional IT systems.
Consider blockchain’s compatibility with digital
regulations and establish regulatory sandboxes for Train IT staff and acquire new technical capabilities to
blockchain. Ultimately, legal frameworks on electronic operationalize blockchain in agencies’ day-to-day work.
signatures, data privacy and transfer, and internet Optimizing blockchain in single windows takes both
intermediary liability need to be made compatible with domain expertise and technical know-how. It requires
aspirations for digitization and use of technologies such as the training of agencies’ existing IT personnel – Korea
blockchain. For example, smart contracts, if used, need Customs Service set up a dedicated team that had to
to be embedded in laws that make digital signatures and undergo training to manage blockchain pilots. For non-IT
smart contracts enforceable in courts and, if used among personnel and businesses that use single windows, the
players from two different countries, are understood in impacts are minor, as front-end interfaces can remain the
the same way in these countries’ legal frameworks. It will same or show little change.
also be useful to consider a regulatory sandbox approach
to blockchain, for companies to bring new blockchain 4: Manage user identities and data
applications to market without having to comply with the
gamut of regulations that might otherwise apply.43 Test a single, interoperable identity for single window
users and enable them to make their data portable. A
3: Build technology architecture and blockchain pilot can enable a government to test, perhaps in
integrate technology partnership with various public- and private-sector entities,
the concept of a single digital identity for single window
Develop the technology architecture, acquire blockchain users. Enabling companies to make their transactional data
technologies and integrate blockchain with existing portable and use it for commercial purposes, such as for
databases and technologies. Blockchain deployment securing insurance or trade finance, could be tested as a
requires unique upfront costs to develop the IT standalone use-case or in the context of any one use-case
to understand how the stakeholders respond.
Windows of Opportunity: Facilitating Trade with Blockchain Technology 17
Communicate technology improvements to users and
ask about their user experience. Single window users
need to be educated about the benefits of blockchain, and
their views need to be included in assessments of pilots
and implementations.
6: Iterate
Assess the pilot and consider ways to improve
and scale it, including by considering blockchain’s
emerging capabilities and rethinking its governance.
Often, blockchain models and governance discussions
are “frozen in place”, anchored in a certain understanding
of the technology when it was first tested – even though
blockchain and its user base are rapidly evolving, offering
and demanding different functionalities. As they experiment
with blockchain and other technologies, single windows
need to keep up with how the technology is maturing, what
new providers are emerging and which new players are
adopting blockchain – and ask themselves whether the
governance and IT architectures that were initially put in
place continue to optimize outcomes.
Create vision and Create governance Build technology Manage user Measure impact Iterate
business case structure, including architecture identities and report on it
for data, and and integrate and data
implementation plan technology with
other systems
In early 2018, the IDB The pilot project was Together with the Data privacy and user Approach developed in The pilot project resulted
staged a workshop crafted collaboratively selected technological identities were managed phases 1 and 2 allowed in a globally innovative
to identify three Latin during the workshop, vendor, an ad hoc to control access to for a fast and measurable customs management
American countries’ by first learning about blockchain architecture and functions in the pilot over the pilot system and in several
customs pain points blockchain as the was adopted for blockchain, thereby project. Among gains: lessons learned related
when sharing data with proposed technology, validating the exchange preventing the deletion to the governance, data
AEO-certified companies and then developing of data or alteration of data and Accelerated process privacy and additional
common understandings enabling audit trails of granting benefits functionalities of the
Together with these of the business Beneficiary customs to new AEO-certified solution. These will be
countries’ customs, the challenges to be tackled opted out of integrating Portability of user firms in the countries addressed during the
IDB drafted a vision and CADENA with legacy identities and data is of destination for their second phase, CADENA
business case; the aim This resulted in the systems during the pilot, explored in future cargo operations v.1
was to contribute to the definition of the to keep the focus on the
facilitation and securing functionalities, technical exchange of data Increased transparency CADENA v.1 will
of trade through the requirements and and traceability of catalyse synergies with
sharing of each other’s data management Customs agreed that cross-border data LACChain, a region-wide
AEO certification data in requirements for the CADENA would be initiative facilitated by the
a secure fashion in real solution, and were enhanced with a Power Strengthened security IDB to develop a regional
time included in RFP App to enable customs of supply chains by blockchain ecosystem
specifications officials and AEO- facilitating access to in Latin America and the
Blockchain was identified certified companies to data of new AEO- Caribbean
as the technology to An ad hoc governance access the platform certified companies
be validated to create structure was defined through mobile devices and also to AEO CADENA v.1 will evolve
efficiency and security in for the pilot project, suspensions and towards a model of
the exchange of data consisting of a private cancellations in real autonomous and
blockchain ecosystem time across countries’ sustainable governance
The project was branded of the customs customs and to one for data
“CADENA” (“Chain”) administrations with privacy provisions, by
the initial support and Increased knowledge benefiting from the
The IDB funded the pilot participation of the IDB of the application of technology architecture
project and created an and the technological new technologies provided by LACChain.
interdisciplinary team vendor among customs and This will further enable
with IDB’s trade and the broader trade CADENA’s scalability to
technology experts Interaction and constant community further customs such as
and beneficiaries – the feedback among the that of Colombia
customs administrations IDB, countries and the
of Costa Rica, Peru and technology vendor
Mexico. Chile joined were established
afterwards during the design and
implementation phase
throughout 2018
The World Economic Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Nicolas Buhmann, A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S
Industrial Revolution and the Inter-American Development Pandey Pashupati, World Customs Organization (WCO)
Bank would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions Philippe Isler, World Economic Forum
from the individuals below. Rebecca Liao, SKUchain
Richard Morton, International Port Community
The Global Trade Single Window project involved a global, Systems Association (IPCSA)
multi-industry and multistakeholder community to co- Saverio Puddu, Linklaters
design and pilot proofs of concept and then share lessons Sean Doherty, World Economic Forum
learned in implementing policy frameworks. This report is Soichi Furuya, Hitachi
based on numerous discussions, interviews, workshops Solomon Anzagra, United Nations Conference on Trade
and webinars – and the combined effort of all involved. and Development (UNCTAD)
Opinions expressed herein may not necessary correspond
Stuart Davis, Latham & Watkins
with those of everyone involved with the project.
Theodore Waddelow, Visa
Tomás Deane, Ministry of Production and Labor
of Argentina
Project Team
Virginia Cram-Martos, Triangularity Sàrl
Inter-American Development Bank Young-Mi Kim, Korean Customs Service
Alejandra Radl, Integration and Trade Specialist Yves Jobin, Jobin Consult
Sandra Corcuera-Santamaria, Customs and Trade
Facilitation Senior Specialist
Lorena Cano, Open Knowledge Senior Associate Interviewees
World Economic Forum Aurelio Garcia, Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
Ziyang Fan, Head of Digital Trade Avi Dutt, Ministry of Shipping of India
Jesse Lin, Project Specialist, Digital Trade Beth Frisher, Port of Oakland
Carmen Ivonne Gómez Díaz, Ministry of Commerce,
Nextrade Group LLC Industry, and Tourism of Colombia (MINCIT)
Kati Suominen, Chief Executive Officer Cecilia Fernandez Ruiz, Everis
Cecilia Valenzuela, Inter-American Development Bank
Eduardo Rodriguez Apolinario, Customs of Dominican
Contributors Republic
Emmanuelle Ganne, World Trade Organization (WTO)
Ady Beitler, Inter-American Development Bank Frank Heijmann, Customs Administration of the Netherlands
Agnes Budzyn, ConsenSys AG John Bescec, Microsoft
Avi Dutt, Ministry of Shipping of India Marco Antonio Siqueira, Federal Revenue Service of Brazil
Barbara Kotschwar, Visa Rodrigo Contreras Huerta, Inter-American
Cecilia Fernandez Ruiz, Everis Development Bank
Cuitlahuac Baños, Inter-American Development Bank
Tomás Deane, Ministry of Production and Labor of Argentina
Emmanuelle Ganne, World Trade Organization (WTO)
Vincent Annunziato, United States Customs and Border
Erin English, Microsoft
Gadi Benmoshe, Israel Ports Development
& Assets Company
Henrik Hvid Jensen, TrustWorks
Jaime Granados, Inter-American Development Bank Contacts
Jan Hoffmann, United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD) For questions about the World Economic Forum’s work
Jens Munch Lund-Nielsen, IOTA Foundation in Digital Trade, please contact:
John Bescec, Microsoft
Krista Lucenti, Inter-American Development Bank Ziyang Fan, Head of Digital Trade,
Michele Nati, IOTA Foundation [email protected]
Luca Castellani, United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Jesse Lin, Project Specialist, Digital Trade,
Nadia Hewett, World Economic Forum [email protected]
Windows of Opportunity: Facilitating Trade with Blockchain Technology 21