Blind OFDM Channel Estimation Through Simple Linear Precoding
Blind OFDM Channel Estimation Through Simple Linear Precoding
Blind OFDM Channel Estimation Through Simple Linear Precoding
Abstract—A novel approach of blind channel estimation for of the last IDFT samples, called cyclic prefix (CP), is ap-
orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is pended in front of the IDFT block. The augmented blocks are
proposed. A linear transformation is applied on each block before sent one after the other through the communications channel.
it enters the OFDM system. The transform imposes a correla-
tion structure on the transmitted blocks, which is exploited at As long as the channel length is smaller than the length of the
the receiver to recover the channel via simple cross-correlation cyclic prefix, the spreading of the block, caused by the convo-
operations. The proposed approach is computationally simple and lution with the channel, affects less than symbols. Thus,
converges fast, which makes it a good candidate for estimation interference occurs between two adjacent blocks only. At the re-
of fast-varying channels. Its performance is tested analytically, ceiver, the cyclic prefix part is discarded, and an -point DFT is
through a mean-square error analysis, and also via simulations.
Results show that it compares favorably to the training-based performed on the remaining -symbol segment of the block. It
scheme used in the IEEE 802.11a wireless standard. can be shown that the received symbol at the th carrier equals
the transmitted one scaled by the channel frequency response
Index Terms—Blind channel estimation, orthogonal frequency-
division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, precoding. at frequency . Thus, multicarrier modulation armed with a
cyclic prefix effectively turns the wideband frequency-selective
channel into a number of parallel narrowband frequency-flat
I. INTRODUCTION subchannels.
Although ISI can be avoided, via the use of cyclic prefix,
I T IS well understood that the communication channel sets a
limit to the transmission rate of the communication system.
Signal pulses are broadened in time as they travel through the
the phase and gain of each subchannel is needed for coherent
symbol detection. An estimate of these parameters can be ob-
channel (multipath effect), leading to intersymbol interference tained with pilot/training symbols [8], [14], [19], [20], [26], at
(ISI). The pulse spread limits the speed at which adjacent data the expense of bandwidth. Blind channel estimation methods
pulses can be sent without overlap, thus limiting the maximum avoid the use of pilot symbols, which makes them good can-
information rate of the wireless system. One technique to avoid didates for achieving high spectral efficiency. Existing blind
the effect of multipath, without sacrificing the transmission channel estimation methods for OFDM systems can be classi-
rate, is multicarrier modulation [29]. This is a parallel trans- fied as statistical and deterministic. The statistical methods ex-
mission scheme, where the overall frequency band is divided plore the cylcostationarity that the cyclic prefix induces to the
into a number of subbands with separate subcarriers. On each transmitted signal. They recover the channel using cyclic sta-
subcarrier, the modulated symbol rate is low in comparison to tistics of the received signal [16] or subspace decomposition
the channel delay spread, thus ISI can be prevented. An increas- of the correlation matrix of the pre-DFT received blocks [11],
ingly popular multicarrier modulation technique is orthogonal [27], [32]. The deterministic methods process the post DFT re-
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) [6], [9], [13]. It has ceived blocks and exploit the finite-alphabet property of the in-
been implemented in several wireline and wireless high-speed formation-bearing symbols. A maximum likelihood approach
data communications standards (ADSL [1], IEEE 802.11 [5], has been proposed in [12], and iterative Bayesian methods that
HiperLAN [2]) and has been adopted by the European digital alternate between channel estimation and symbol detection/de-
audio and video broadcasting standards (DAB [4] and DVB coding have been proposed in [22], [24], and [30] for the case
[3]). of coded OFDM systems. Taking into account specific proper-
OFDM modulation is performed using the following steps. ties of -PSK or QAM signals while utilizing an exhaustive
First, the information-bearing symbol, modulated via any type search, a blind method has been proposed in [31]. In compar-
of constellation (e.g., BPSK, QAM) is segmented into blocks of ison to the statistical methods, the deterministic ones converge
length . An -point inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) much faster; however, they involve high complexity, which be-
is then performed on each block, and a preamble, consisting comes even higher as the constellation order increases. A deter-
ministic blind channel estimation method that takes advantage
Manuscript received July 9, 2002; revised December 6, 2002 and March 20, of receive diversity and does not require an exhaustive search
2003; accepted March 21, 2003. The editor coordinating the review of this paper
and approving it for publication is G. Leus. This work was supported by the
has been proposed in [28]. Receive diversity has also been pro-
ONR under Grant N00014-03-1-0123. posed for blind channel estimation in OFDM systems without
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, cyclic prefix in [7] and [18].
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA (e-mail: [email protected].
edu). In this paper, we propose an approach that belongs to the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TWC.2003.821140 statistical class. It consists of a simple linear transformation
1536-1276/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE
applied to blocks of symbols before they enter the OFDM The coded block goes through
system, which enables blind channel estimation at the output the regular OFDM transmission steps. The th received OFDM
of the OFDM system via cross-correlation operations. Unlike block after removal of the CP and DFT is
other coded OFDM schemes [10], [22]–[25], [30], the proposed
one does not introduce redundancy to the block, nor does it
change the block length. The proposed channel estimation
method is computationally simpler than deterministic methods
and subspace approaches. (2)
The paper is organized as follows. Section II specifies the where is the complex gain of the th subcarrier, and
proposed OFDM system and Section III presents the proposed models the noise. In the following discussions, we will assume
blind channel estimation method. Section IV provides analytic that: 1) the baud-rate channel can be modeled as a finite im-
expressions for the normalized mean-squared error of the pulse response (FIR) filter of length with tap coefficients ,
channel estimates, which were obtained based on the proposed ; hence, ,
approach. Section V includes simulation results that test the ; 2) the channel stays the same for at least
performance of the proposed approach and also compares it to the duration of the block, and is quasistationary between blocks;
the subspace approach of [27]. Finally, concluding remarks are and 3) the noise is complex, circular Gaussian, zero-mean,
presented in Section VI. variance, white across subcarriers and blocks, and indepen-
dent of the information symbols.
II. SIGNAL PRECODING The channel frequency response , , or
Let us consider an OFDM system and apply at its input a equivalently, the channel impulse response ,
linear precoding block that performs the following task. It trans- , is needed in order to recover the transmitted signal ; con-
forms the th OFDM block of information symbols sequently, the information symbols , . In
according to Section III, it is shown how the correlation structure introduced
by the proposed precoding facilitates blind channel estimation.
, ,
, , (4)
Examining (3) and (4), we can see that is the only Subsequently, the channel estimate obtained based on (7) can
sample of the channel response estimate that contains the effect be normalized with respect to .
of noise. To eliminate the noise contribution, one could com-
pletely discard that sample. There is enough redundancy within IV. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
the remaining s to recover the missing sample, via inter-
The expectation needed in (3) [or (6)] can be implemented as
polation, for example.
averaging over a finite number of OFDM symbols, i.e.,
A potential problem with the estimate of (4) might arise when
the th carrier is in deep fade, in which case is close to zero
for all s. However, it is interesting to note that, at the receiver, (10)
any subcarrier can play the same role as the th one. Let be an
integer in with . Then we have (6), shown where is referred to as the smoothing factor.
at the bottom of the page. Based on (6), the channel response We next investigate the effect of finite sample averaging on
can be estimated within the complex constant the performance of the channel estimation. We consider here
as the case in which the th subcarrier is used for the correlation
operation at the receiver. The case where the th subcarrier is
used can be treated similarly. As a performance metric we use
, (7)
the normalized mean square error (NMSE), which is defined as
Although there is no way of knowing in advance what the
locations of the channel nulls are, a criterion for selecting
can still be implemented at the receiver. Observing that (11)
scales the amplitude of , can be selected as
(9) (12)
, , ,
, (6)
where is the kurtosis of the information divided into groups of blocks, where was selected so that
symbol and is the signal-to-noise ratio. The the channel did not change significantly during each -block
details of the derivation can be found in Appendix A. segment.
The following observations can be drawn from (12). Let denote the channel estimate obtained based on
1) decreases almost linearly with the SNR and the the th group of received blocks, or, equivalently, the blocks
smoothing factor . corresponding to
2) As , .
For the proposed method, was obtained based on
(13) where
Fig. 1. Slowly varying channel: NMSE of proposed and training-based
method. Further reduction of NMSE of the proposed method by combining
(23) along with (7) for SNR > 15 dB (solid/star line). Result corresponding
to the estimate obtained based on (7) only is shown in dotted/star line.
Fig. 4. BER performance of the proposed approach and the training-based
method. Ideal value of BER for 64-QAM, when the channel is perfectly known,
for proposed approach is shown by dashed/triangle line.
Fig. 3. Fast varying channel: proposed versus training-based method.
(a) Channel estimation error per J = 100 blocks at SNR = 20 dB. (b) NMSE
of proposed approach and training-based method.
Fig. 5. Fast-varying channel: NMSE of proposed approach and that of the
blind subspace method of [27].
The BER performance of the subspace method of [27] is also
shown in Fig. 2(b), obtained based on the same parameters used
can be seen from Figs. 3 and 4, the proposed blind channel es-
for the proposed method. It can be seen that it is comparable to
timation approach not only achieves lower channel error than
that of the training method and slightly better than the proposed.
the training-based one, but also results in lower BER. This be-
It should be noted though that the complexity of the subspace
havior suggests that 600 blocks is too long for the channel to be
approach is significantly higher as it is based on singular value
assumed constant [which can also be seen from Fig. 3(a)] and
decomposition of the autocorrelation matrix.
that the training method would have to use additional training
data in order to guarantee low BER.
B. Fast-Varying Channel On the other hand, the proposed method tracks the channel
Next, we consider the case of a fast-varying channel with very well. To get an idea of how much the channel errors affect
and simulated transmission of the BER, we also provide in Fig. 4 the BER of 64-QAM cor-
OFDM symbols. Fig. 3(a) shows the versus , for the responding to the proposed approach operating under perfect
proposed and training-based methods, at dB. Here, channel estimation.
averaging was performed over blocks, and we took Figs. 5 and 6 compare the performance of the subspace
and . The minimum channel gain was 16.5 dB. method of [27] against the proposed one for the fast-varying
The average NMSE is shown in Fig. 3(b) as a function of the channels based on OFDM symbols, , and
SNR, while the corresponding BER is shown in Fig. 4. As it smoothing factor . The value of is still as above.
A. Proof of (12)
It is convenient to use matrix representations. The following
notation is used for special matrices and operations:
vector with 1 at even indexed entries and 1
at the odd indexed entries;
vector with 1 at the th entry and 0 at others;
identity matrix;
matrix composed of the first columns of
an DFT matrix, the th element being
matrix for vector transpose;
matrix, vector, or scalar conjugate;
diagonal matrix with the elements of the vector on
the diagonal.
We also define
Fig. 6. BER performance of the proposed approach and that of the blind
subspace method of [27].
One can see that the proposed approach outperforms the sub-
space method. It should also be noted that the performance of
the subspace method could not be improved by decreasing the
smoothing factor in anticipation of the fast-varying channel. In With the above conventions, we rewrite (2) in matrix form as
theory, it requires a smoothing factor of at least twice the block
length (i.e., ). Our simulations actually suggested that (A.1)
had to be greater than 130 for the method to produce mean- where is an vector with at each entry.
ingful results even for slowly varying channels. The channel estimate obtained using the proposed method and
based on finite samples can be expressed as [cf. (4)]
We propose a computationally simple approach for blind
channel estimation in OFDM systems. At the transmitter, a where is an vector with 1 at the th entry and
simple preprocessing is performed at each block, which induces at the th entry. From
correlation structure to the block. This structure is exploited at (A.2), we have
the receiver to estimate the channel within a complex scalar.
Simulations showed that the proposed method compares favor- (A.3)
ably to training-based and subspace approaches.
The improvement of channel estimate by enforcing the channel
Although it might appear that adding a constant to the block memory length at time-domain can be described as [cf.(5)]
during the precoding step would result is a simpler channel esti-
mation method that would employ first-order statistics of the re- (A.4)
ceived signal, such an approach would introduce a bias to each
carrier. Such a bias is not desirable in a practical system. The Consequently, the defined in (11) becomes (A.5),
proposed precoding maintains the zero-mean of each carrier. as shown at the bottom of the page. Using (A.2) and
Substituting (A.7) into (A.6) and then into (A.5), the desired
result of (12) follows.
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