Skema Klasifikasi Anbalagan 1992
Skema Klasifikasi Anbalagan 1992
Skema Klasifikasi Anbalagan 1992
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1 author:
Rathinam Anbalagan
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
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R. A n b a l a g a n
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Roorkee, India
(Received October 23,1990; revised version accepted January 14,1992)
Anbalagan, R., 1992. Landslide hazard evaluation and zonation mapping in mountainous terrain. Eng. Geol., 32: 269-277.
Landslide hazard zonation (LHZ) maps are of great help to planners and field engineers for selecting suitable locations to
implement development schemes in mountainous terrain, as well as, for adopting appropriate mitigation measures in unstable
hazard-prone areas. A new quantitative approach has been evolved, based on major causative factors of slope instability. A
case study of landslide hazard zonation in the Himalaya, adopting a landslide- hazard evaluation factor (LHEF) rating scheme,
has been presented.
Correspondence to: R. Anbalagan, Department of Earth The L H E F rating scheme is based on an empiri-
Sciences, University of Roorkee, India. cal approach which combines past experience
ity plane or the plunge of the line of intersection prone to mass wasting processes. Forest cover, in
of the two discontinuities does not exceed the general, smothers the action of climatic agents on
inclination of the slope, the failure potential the slopes and protects them from the effects of
remains high. Accordingly, the LHEF ratings have weathering and erosion. A well-spread root system
been assigned for various stability conditions, increases the shearing resistance of slope material.
broadly on the basis of the approach indicated by Agriculture, in general, is practised on low to very
Romana (1985). In the case of soil, the inferred low slopes, though moderately steep slopes are not
depth of the soil cover has been used for awarding spared at places. However, the agricultural lands
the ratings. represent areas of repeated water charging for
cultivation purposes and as such may be consid-
Slope morphometry ered stable. Based on criteria of intensity of vegeta-
tion cover, the ratings have been awarded.
Slope morphometry maps define slope categories
on the basis of the frequency of occurrence of Groundwater conditions
particular angles of slope. The distribution of the
slope categories is dependent on the geomorpho- Because groundwater in hilly terrain is generally
logical history of the area; the angle of slope of channeled along structural discontinuities of rocks,
each unit is a reflection of a series of localised it does not have a uniform flow pattern. The
processes and controls, which has been imposed evaluation of observations of the behavior of
on the facet. The slope morphometry map has groundwater on hill slopes is not possible over
been prepared by dividing the larger topographical large areas. Therefore, in order to make a quick
map into smaller units. The contour lines have the appraisal, the nature of surface indications of the
same standard spacing, i.e., the same number of behavior of groundwater will provide valuable
contour lines per km of horizontal distance. The information on the stability of hill slopes for
chosen categories are six in number, representing hazard mapping purposes. Surface indications of
the slopes of escarpment/cliff (> 45°), steep slope water such as damp, wet, dripping and flowing are
(35°-45°), moderately steep slope (25°-35°), gentle used for rating purposes. The observations taken
slope (15°-25 °) and very gentle slope (< 15°). after the monsoon, provide probably the worst
groundwater conditions possible.
Relative relief
Methodology for landslide hazard zonation (LHZ)
The relative relief map represents the local relief mapping
of maximum height between the ridge top and the
valley floor within an individual facet. This shows The LHZ mapping technique is a macro-
the major breaks in the slopes of the study area. zonation approach showing the probabilities of
Three categories of slopes of relative relief have landslide hazards. The LHZ maps are generally
been chosen for hazard evaluation purposes, prepared on 1:25,000 to 1:50,000 scales. The LHZ
namely low (< 100 m ), medium (101-300 m) and mapping comprises mainly two components: desk
high (> 300 m). study and field investigations. The desk study
consists of preparation of prefield maps showing
Land use and land cover the status of causative factors in the study area
with the help of aerial photographs, satellite imag-
Land cover is an indirect indication of the eries, topographic maps and geological maps. The
stability of hill slopes. Barren and sparsely vege- prefield maps, i.e., lithological map, structural
tated areas show faster erosion and greater instabil- map, slope morphometry map, relative relief map,
ity as compared to reserve or protected forests, rock outcrop and soil cover map, land use and
which are thickly vegetated and generally less land cover map, and hydrogeological map are
Rock type Type-1 Correction .factor ,for weather&g
Quartzite and limestone 0.2 (a) Highly weathered - - rock discoloured, joints open
Granite and Gabbro 0.3 with weathering products, rock fabric altered to
Gneiss 0.4 a large extent; correction factorC~
Type-H (b) Moderately weathered - - rock discoloured with
Well-cemented terrigenous fresh rock patches, weathering more around
sedimentary rocks, dominantly joint planes, but rock in-tact in nature;
sandstone with minor beds of correction factor C2
claystone 1.0 (c) Slightly weathered - - rock slightly
Poorly cemented terrigenous discoloured along joint planes,
sedimentary rocks, dominantly which m a y be moderately tight
sandstone with minor clay shale to open, in-tact rock; correction factor C 3
beds 1.3 The correction Factor for weathering should be
Type-Ill multiplied with the fresh rock rating to get the
Slate and phyllite 1.2 corrected rating
Schist 1.3 For rock type 1
Shale with interbedded clayey and Cl=4, C2=3, C3=2
nonclayey rocks 1.8 For rock type I1
Highly weathered shale, phyllite C 1 = 1.5, C2= 1.25, C 3= 1.0
and schist 2.0
Soil type Older well-compacted fluvial fill
material (alluvial) 0.8
Clayey soil with naturally formed
surface (eluvial) 1.0
Sandy soil with naturally formed ot.¢~
surface (alluvial) 1.4
Debris comprising mostly rock
pieces mixed with clayey/sandy
soil (colluvial)
Older well compacted 1.2
Younger loose material 2.0
~5" V *~j/*¢i
STRUCTURE Parallelism between the slope and the discontinuity
Relationship of (~j/c<,- ~).
Discontinuity with
Relationship of I >30 ° 0.20 cq = d i p direction of joint Bj = d i p of joint
parallelism between II 21°-30 ° 0.25 ~t~ = direction of line of B i = plunge of line of
the slope and the II 11°-20 ° 0.30 intersection of two intersection
discontinuity* IV 6°-10 ° 0.40 discontinuities of two discontinuities
Planar (cq - cq) IV < 5 ° 0.50 ~ = direction of slope B~ = inclination of slope
Wedge (cq - ~q) inclination
Relationship of dip of I > 10° 0.3 *Discontinuity refers to the I = very favourable
discontinuity* and II 0°-10 ° 0.5 planar discontinuity or the line II = favourable
inclination of slope II 0° 0.7 of intersection of two planar III = fair
Planar (Bj-Bs) IV 0°-( - 10°) 0.8 discontinities, whichever, is I V = unfavourable
Wedge (B~-B~) IV ( - 10°) 1.0 important concerning instability V = very unfavourable
TABLE 2 (continued)
Escarpment/cliff > 45 ° 2.0
Steep slope 36 ° 45" 1.7 Relationship of dip of discontinuity and the inclination of
Moderately steep slope 26°-35 '~ 1.2 s l o p e (flj/fli - fls).
Gentle slope 16" 25" 0.8
Very gentle slope < 15~' 0.5
Low < 100 m 0.3
medium 101-300 m 0.6
High > 300 m 1.0
prepared. The information collected from the desk Calculation of total estimated hazard (TEHD)
study helps to plan and execute the field investiga- and hazard zonation mapping
tions systematically. During the field study, more
detailed lithological and structural maps are pre- The total estimated hazard (TEHD) indicates
pared. The details of other maps prepared during the net probability of instability and is calculated
the desk study can be verified in the field and facet-wise, because adjoining facets may have
modified wherever necessary. The field studies are entirely different stability conditions. The TEHD
carried out to collect the required data facet-wise of an individual facet is obtained by adding the
for estimating the total hazards of the facets. The ratings of the individual causative factors obtained
general procedure of the LHZ mapping technique from the L H E F rating scheme.
is outlined in the form of flow a chart (Fig. 1). Total estimated hazard (TEHD) = R~tings of
other terrain evaluation maps [such as slope mor- belt to the south. Towards the north, a thick
phometry map (Fig. 5), relative relief map (Fig. 6) succession of predominantly Palaeozoic sedi-
and land use and land cover map (Fig. 7)] have mentary rocks is thrust over Lower Siwalik rocks,
been prepared, covering all the slope facets of the the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) marking the
area. The groundwater condition remained gen- contact. The Paleozoic sedimentary rocks are
erally dry though wet to flowing conditions have divided into the Nagthat, Blaini and Krol Forma-
been observed at some places. These conditions tions (Valdiya et al., 1984). The Nagthat Forma-
have been incorporated in the calculation of the tion comprises white and purple quartzarenites
TEHD of the facets. interbedded with minor grey and green slates and
phyllites. These are found to be associated with
Geology of the area Bhimtal volcanics comprising altered diabase,
amphibolite or chlorite schist. The Blaini Forma-
The autochthonous Lower Siwalik rocks consti- tion consists of red shales and paraconglomerates
tuting the Outer Himalaya are exposed in the interbedded with thin limestones beds. The Infra-
southern parts of the area. They comprise greyish Krols Formation, succeeding the underlying
brown and brownish yellow, fine- to medium- Blainis without any angular discordance, com-
grained, micaceous, thick sandstone beds with prises black carbonaceous slates and shales. The
subordinate siltstone and claystone beds. The Upper Krol Formation consists of massive lime-
Lower Siwalik rocks, exposed for 19 km along the stone and dolomites with minor bands of red and
road, are bounded by gravelly fans of the piedmont grey slates,the Lower and Middle Krols are com-
The LHZ map of the Kathgodam-Nainital area The planning of development schemes, including
(Fig. 8) indicates that the area has slopes of VLH road construction in hilly terrain, should take into
to VHH. The southern part of the area has gen- consideration existing instabilities of slopes, so
erally LH to MH slopes with narrow stretches of that schemes may be executed with minimum
H H slopes, trending E - W along the V-shaped disturbance to the environmental balance of the
gorges.In the middle altitudes, the Jeolikote valley area. Hence, a new quantitative approach based
shows LH slopes, generally bounded on either sides on a numerical rating scheme, the landslide hazard
by MH slopes. Few narrow strips of active land- evaluation factor (LHEF) rating scheme, has been
slides are present along the Balia river course close evolved. This scheme incorporates major inherent
to its confluence with the Kuria stream as well as causative factors of slope instability, and adopts a
the Nalena stream and fall under the V H H zone. simple practical and effective approach. It may
L A N D S L I D E H A Z A R D E V A L U A T I O N A N D Z O N A T I O N M A P P I N G IN M O U N T A I N O U S T E R R A I N 277