Synthesis of Zeolite A A Review

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Synthesis of Zeolite A: A Review

Ivan Petrov, Todor Michalev

A Synthesis of Zeolite A: The report shows how to obtain synthetic zeolites type A, their properties
and applications in modern industry. The purpose of this paper is to review the current trends in synthesis
and their structure and classification. Attention is paid to how synthesis of zeolites type A, from low cost
material like kaolin, natural clinker, fly ash and industrial waste, and particularly their role in solving
Key words: Synthetic zeolites, structure, properties, industrial and environmental applications.

Zeolites are crystalline, microporous, hydrated aluminosilicates of alkaline or alkaline
earth metals. The frameworks are composed of [Si04]4- and [A104]5- tetrahedra, which
corner-share to form different open structures. The tetrahedra are linked together to form
cages connected by pore openings of defined size; depending on the structural type, the
pore sizes range from approximately 0.3-1 nm [1]. The negative charge on the lattice is
neutralized by the positive charge of cations located within the material's pores. In the
basic zeolites, these are usually univalent and bivalent metals or a combination. The metal
cations may be replaced by acidic protons via ion-exchange to ammonium and
subsequent calcination. By reason of electrostatic forces it is not possible to make an Al-
O-Al bond. They are made up of "Т-atoms" which are tetrahedrally bonded to each other
with oxygen bridges. Other "Т-atoms" such as P, Ga, Се, В and Be can also exist in the
framework. Due to their exceptional properties, zeolites have been widely used in
numerous technical applications as catalysts, adsorbents and ion exchangers [2,3].
The structure formula of zeolite is based on the crystallographic unit cell :
Mx/n [(AlO2)x(SiO2)y] wH2O, where (M) is an alkali or alkaline earth cation, (n) is the
valence of the cation, (w) is the number of water molecules per unit cell, x and y are the
total number of tetrahedra per unit cell, and the ratio y/x usually has values of 1 to 5,
though for the silica zeolite, y/x can be raging from 10 to 100.
Zeolites have been well studied in terms of the relations among structure, properties
and synthesis. Nowadays 180 synthetic zeolites are known. Some of the earlier synthetic
zeolites include zeolites A, X, Y, L, ZSM-5 and omega. The Atlas of Zeolite Structure
Types [4] , published and frequently updated by the IZA Structure Commission, assigns a
three - letter code to be used for a known framework topology irrespective of composition.
Illustrative codes are LTA for Linde zeolite A, FAU for molecular sieves with a faujasite
topology (e.g., zeolites X, Y), MOR for the mordenite topology, MFI for the ZSM - 5 and
silicalite topologies and AFI for the aluminophosphate AlPO4-5 topology. The acceptance
of a newly determined structure of a zeolite or molecular sieve for inclusion in the offi cial
Atlas is reviewed and must be approved by the IZA Structure Commission. The IZA
Structure Commission was given authority at the Seventh International Zeolite Conference
(Tokyo, 1986) to approve and/or assign the three - letter structure code for new framework
topologies [4].
A typical crystal chemical formula for zeolite A (LTA) [5] would be:
| Na12 (H2O)27 | [ Al12 Si12 O48 ] (1)
This formula can be expanded to include information about the host and pore structure:
|Na12 (H2O)27 | [ Al12 Si12 O48 ] h{3 [46] } p{0 [4668] / 3 [4126886] <100> (0.41)} (2)
Here, the fact that the host is 3-dimensional and can be constructed by linking
double 4-rings as composite building units is highlighted. The description of the pores
indicates that there are sodalite cages and a 3-dimensional channel system which
contains α-cavities. The channels run parallel to <100> (i.e.,parallel to [100], [010], and
[001]), and have an effective channel width of 0.41 nm (Fig.1) [5].

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Fig.1. Features of the pores in zeolite A (IZA code LTA):

the sodalite cage ([4668]), the a-cavity ([4126886]), the 3-dimensional channel system,
and the 8-ring defining the 0.41nm effective channel width.

In most zeolite structures the primary structural units, the AlO 4 or SiO 4 tetrahedra,
are assembled into secondary building units which may be simple polyhedra, such as
cubes, hexagonal prisms or cubo - octahedra. The fi nal framework structure consists of
assemblages of the secondary units. More than 70 novel, distinct framework structures of
zeolites are known. They exhibit pore sizes from 0.3 to 1.0 nm and pore volumes from
about 0.10 to 0.35 cm3/g. Typical zeolite pore sizes include: (i) small pore zeolites with
eight - ring pores, free diameters of 0.30 – 0.45 nm (e.g., zeolite A), (ii) medium pore
zeolites with 10 – ring pores, 0.45 – 0.60 nm in free diameter (ZSM - 5), (iii) large pore
zeolites with 12 – ring pores of 0.6 – 0.8 nm (e.g., zeolites X, Y) and (iv) extra - large pore
zeolites with 14 -ring pores (e.g., UTD - 1) [4, 5].
The zeolite framework should be viewed as somewhat fl exible, with the size and
shape of the framework and pore responding to changes in temperature and guest
species. For example, ZSM - 5 with sorbed neopentane has a near - circular pore of 0.62
nm, but with substituted aromatics as the guest species the pore assumes an elliptical
shape, 0.45 to 0.70 nm in diameter. Some of the more important zeolite types, most of
which have been used in commercial applications, include the zeolite minerals mordenite,
chabazite, erionite and clinoptilolite, the synthetic zeolite types A, X, Y, L, “ Zeolon ”
mordenite, ZSM - 5, beta and MCM - 22 and the zeolites F and W [5].
R. M. Barrer [1] began his pioneering work in zeolite adsorption and synthesis in the
mid - 1930s to 1940s. He presented the fi rst classifi cation of the then - known zeolites
based on molecular size considerations in 1945 and in 1948 reported the fi rst defi nitive
synthesis of zeolites, including the synthetic analog of the zeolite mineral mordenite and a
novel synthetic zeolite much later identifi ed as the KFI framework. Barrer ’ s work in the
mid - to late 1940s inspired R. M. Milton of the Linde Division of Union Carbide
Corporation to initiate studies in zeolite synthesis in search of new approaches for
separation and purifi cation of air. Between 1949 and 1954 Milton and coworker D. W.
Breck discovered a number of commercially signifi cant zeolites, types A, X and Y. In 1954
Union Carbide commercialized synthetic zeolites as a new class of industrial materials for
separation and purifi cation. The earliest applications were the drying of refrigerant gas
and natural gas. In 1955 T.B. Reed and D.W. Breck reported the structure of the synthetic
zeolite A . In 1959 Union Carbide marketed the “ISOSIV” process for normal – isoparaffi n
separation, representing the fi rst major bulk separation process using true molecular
sieving selectivity. Also in 1959 a zeolite Y - based catalyst was marketed by Carbide as
an isomerization catalyst [1-3] .
In 1962 Mobil Oil introduced the use of synthetic zeolite X as a hydrocarbon
cracking catalyst. In 1969 Grace described the fi rst modifi cation chemistry based on
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steaming zeolite Y to form an “ ultrastable ” Y. In 1967 – 1969 Mobil Oil reported the
synthesis of the high silica zeolites beta and ZSM - 5. In 1974 Henkel introduced zeolite A
in detergents as a replacement for the environmentally suspect phosphates. By 2008
industry - wide approximately 367 000 t of zeolite Y were in use in catalytic cracking . In
1977 Union Carbide introduced zeolites for ion – exchange separations [3].

The synthetic zeolites are used commercially more often than natural zeolites due to
the purity of crystalline products and the uniformity of particle sizes. The sources for early
synthesized zeolites were standard chemical reagents. Much of the study of basic zeolite
science was done on natural zeolites. The main advantages of synthetic zeolites in
comparison to naturally-occurring zeolites are that they can be engineered with a wide
variety of chemical properties and pore sizes and that they have greater thermal stability.
The zeolite synthesis involves the hydrothermal crystallization of aluminosilicate gels
(formed upon mixing an aluminate and silica solution in the presence of alkali hydroxides
and/or organic bases), or solutions in a basic environment. The crystallization is in a
closed hydrothermal system at increasing temperature, autogenous pressure and varying
time (few hours to several days). The type of the zeolite is affected by the following factors
- Composition of the reaction mixture (silica to alumina ratio; OH-; inorganic cations).
Increasing the Si/Al ratio strongly affects physical properties of the zeolites. OH- modifies
the nucleation time by influencing transport of silicates from the solid phase to solution.
Inorganic cations act as structure directing agents and balance the framework charge.
They affect the crystal purity and product yield.
- Nature of reactants and their pretreatments. The zeolite synthesis is carried out
with inorganic as well as organic precursors. The inorganic precursors yielded more
hydroxylated surfaces whereas the organic precursors easily incorporated the metals into
the network.
- Temperature of the process. The rate of crystallization is directly proportional to
temperature while the rate of nucleation is inversely proportional to temperature).
- Reaction time. Crystallization parameter must be adjusted to minimize the
production of the other phases while also minimizing the time needed to obtain the desired
crystalline phase.
- pH of the reaction mixture. The process of zeolitezation is carried out in alkaline
medium (pH>10).
- Other factors. The synthesis can be carried out on a continuous or semi continuous
mode, which enhances the capacity, making it compatible for industrial applications.
The main problem in zeolite researchs is the availability and cost of raw material
specifically the silica source. On the other hand, commercial silica (made of sand) which is
available in gel, sol, fumed or amorphous solid is found to be variable in reactivity and
selectivity. The preparation of synthetic zeolites from silica and alumina chemical sources
is expensive. Yet, cheaper raw materials, such as clay minerals, natural zeolites, coal
ashes, municipal solid waste incineration ashes and industrial slags, are utilized as starting
materials for zeolite synthesis. The use of waste materials in zeolite synthesis contributes
to the mitigation of environmental problems, generally in the field of water purification,
removing heavy metals or ammonium, and turns them into attractive and useful products.
Kaolin based zeolites. Kaolin is clay mineral which structure represent SiO4
tetrahedral sheets joined to Al(O,OH)6 octahedral sheets through shared oxygens. Zeolites
prepared from natural kaolin are always contaminated with trace amount of iron, titanium,
calcium, magnesium, etc. which are originally present in the natural kaolin. These
elements may have some influence on the zeolite properties such as brightness,
hardness, catalytic activity, electrical properties, etc. Presently, many researchers are
working actively in various aspects on the synthesis of zeolite from kaolin. Clay minerals,
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such as kaolin , illite, smectite, interstratified illite-smectite, montmorillonite and bentonite

are widely used for synthesis of zeolites. The benefits of using kaolin as an aluminosilicate
source in zeolite synthesis widely known. These authors have already studied the
preparation of various zeolites from kaolin or other ashes and have made great progress in
synthesis of 4A, mordenite, X, Y zeolites, etc. Kaolin is usually used after calcination at
temperatures between 550-950°C to obtain a more reactive phase metakaolin under
chemical treatments, with the loss of structural water. Only a small part of AlO6 octahedra
is maintained, while the rest are transformed into much more reactive tetra- and penta-
coordinated units . The conditions of the kaolin calcination strongly influence the reactivity
of the obtained solids. The best conditions for obtaining a very reactive metakaolin have
been discussed by several authors who reported values between 600-800 °C [6-8].
Environmental impact. Globally, millions of tones of miscellaneous solid, liquid and
gaseous waste materials, such as household, commercial, industrial, agricultural,
radioactive and clinical wastes, are generated annually. It follows that for efficient use of
the world’s resources recycling and reuse of waste is necessary. On the other hand, large
daily output and the limited landfill capacity have resulted in social and environmental
problems. Furthermore, the amount of these material is expected to increase dramatically
in the near future and may cause major challenges and serious environmental problems.
Fly ash based zeolites. Various processes have been developed for synthesis of
zeolite from fly ash, which have been reported by several patents and research articles.
The processes developed include five different methodologies with variations in
pretreatment steps, sodium aluminate addition, etc. as a function of structure development
and exchange capacity. Fly ash is an inorganic residue resulting from the combustion of
coal in electricity generating plants, consisting mostly of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3. As an
industrial by-product fly ash is in the process of being beneficially used in several
applications. Although the Si and Al concentrations are determined by the starting fly ash
composition, the type and yield of synthesized zeolite strongly depended on alkaline
condition and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of the starting fly ash. This ratio is important to predict
whether the fly ash could successfully be converted into a specific zeolitic material by the
adopted synthesis procedures. On the other hand, it is necessary to clarify the influence of
the silica–alumina composition for the zeolite formation because the fly ash composition
seriously changes depending on the origin of coal sources, in order to synthesize a
specific zeolite from any fly ash source [8].
Classical hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites from kaolin include: (i) thermally
activated of kaolinite in order to get metakaolinite; (ii) hydrothermal reaction of
metakaolinite with various aqueous alkali media;(iii) purification and activation of the
resulting zeolite. Numerous papers have appeared on the subject of synthesized zeolites.
The synthesis of zeolite Type NaA from Bulgaria kaolinite by conventional alkaline
activation was investigated in [9-12]. The recommended molar composition for NaA zeolite
synthesis was Na20/AI203 ratio of 1-2 and Si02/AI203 ratio of 1-2. In this research, NaA
zeolite was synthesized via hydrothermal method. Also, the effects of reaction time and
temperature on morphology and crystalline of the synthesized zeolites were investigated.
The final products were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM). It is found that the reaction time has a great effect on the crystalline of
the synthesized zeolites. The low grade Kalabsha kaolin coexisting with quartz, anatase
was thermally activated between 600 and 1000 °C and treated hydrothermally with 2–8 M
NaOH solution with or without added water glass, using water bath or autoclave. Zeolite
4A, zeolite P, analcim and hydroxy sodalite were identified by [13]. In [14] produced zeolite
NaA from the synthesis mixture which has a composition of 1SiO2:1Al2O3:1.5Na2O:6.5H2O
molar ratios by using a microwave oven. They characterized the products by XRD and
SEM techniques. In [15] synthesized laumontite in a wide temperature range (between
30 °C and 450 °C) by hydrothermal treatment of artificial glasses of composition 1CaO–
1Al2O3–4SiO2 at 1 kbar water pressure. Chandrasekhar et al. [13] synthesized zeolite NaX
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from locally available natural kaolinite. First, they obtained the metakaolinite at 900 °C.
Then, the metakaolinites were separately mixed with the calculated amount of NaOH
solution and sodium silicate to get molar ratio (SiO2/Al2O3) = 3; (Na2O/SiO2) = 1.1 and
(H2O/Na2O) = 40 for the reaction mixture. This was aged for 24 h at room temperature and
heated in air oven at 87 ± 2 °C. In [15] synthesized zeolite A and X from kaolin activated
by mechanochemical treatment. They used kaolinite with a mean particle size of 1.7 μm.
The process consists of grinding of kaolinite and subsequent reaction with NaOH solution
at 60 °C. In [16] have achieved zeolite synthesis by hydrothermal treatment of the waste
solution from selective leaching by 2 M NaOH solution of kaolinite calcined at 1000 °C for
the preparation of mesoporous γ-Al2O3. The spent leaching solution was hydrothermally
treated at 100 °C and 150 °C for 12–72 h. The initial product, hydroxy sodalite, was
converted to zeolite P, after a reaction time of 72 h [17,18].
The possibility to prepare synthetic zeolites A, X from Bulgarian kaolin as the basic
raw material was studied in [19-21]. The synthesis of zeolites A, X involves preliminary
formation of granules granules by the method of “fluidized bed”, followed by crystallization
(zeolitization). Thus, the following experimental results were obtained: using the method of
“fluidized bed”, the conditions for preparation of suitable granules (“Blackberry” type) with
preferred size (1-3 mm) were studied with five amorphous ceramic blends containing
kaolin, amorphous SiO2, sodium silicate and sodium aluminate at proper quantitative
ratios; five crystallizing reactive solutions containing sodium hydroxide and lithium
hydroxide as additive were developed, hhe role of the additive in the crystallization
process optimization and in the achievement of high phase purity of the zeolite
synthesized was established; the conditions for hydrothermal crystallization (zeolitization)
of granules were found to be: 36 h at temperature of 95oC. The structure of the synthetic
product Zeolites A,X , was studied by the methods of XRD, DTA/TGA, SEM and IR
In recent years there has been considerable progress made in the field of
accelerating the kinetics of low-temperature inorganic synthesis. Several techniques, like
sonochemical (acoustic wave stimulation), ionizing and nonionizing radiation, microwave
hydrothermal, hydrothermal process with superimposed electric fields, hydrothermal
process with mechanical forces, and mechanochemical, including very high uniaxial
pressure and shear [22].

The article reviews the synthesis of zeolites, in particular zeolite type A. Shown are
the structural features, nomenclature for labeling and recording of synthetic zeolites. The
main methods for zeolites and their commodity and factors gets clean and efficient zeolite
phases shows.

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About the autors:

Ph.D student Ivan Petrov, Department of Material Science, Bourgas Prof. Assen
Zlatarov Universiry, Tel. 359 56 858 441; Fax. + 35956880249; e-mail address:
[email protected]

The paper is reviewed.

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