Question Papers of Last 7 Years MB & Supplementary Exam: 3 Professional Part-II M.B.B.S. Examination
Question Papers of Last 7 Years MB & Supplementary Exam: 3 Professional Part-II M.B.B.S. Examination
Question Papers of Last 7 Years MB & Supplementary Exam: 3 Professional Part-II M.B.B.S. Examination
Janmenjoy Mondal
Subject PaPer Page no.
Paper-II 19-32
Surgery Paper-I 34-47
Paper-II 49-62
Paper-II 79-92
Paediatrics 94-107
You will see what you want to see; you will hear what you want to hear
Group- A
1. What do you mean by atrial fibrillation (AF) and lone AF? What are the common
causes and usual consequences of AF? Enumerate the drugs used in the treatment
of AF? 2+6+2
Group- B
2. a) A 30 year alcoholic male patient presents with hematemesis and melena. How
will you manage the case? 10
b) A 60 years old female presents with anasarca. How will you proceed to
diagnose and treat the patient? 5+5
Group- C
3. Write briefly on the following (any five)
a) Clinical features of ulcerative colitis 5*4=20
b) Dilated cardiomyopathy
c) Types of tremor
d) Vitamin D deficiency
e) Treatment of P. falciparum malaria
f) Neurotoxic snake bite
g) Treatment of acute gouty arthritis.
Group- D
4. Write short notes on any five of the following
a. Tetany 5*4=20
b. Lepra reaction
c. Thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction
d. Antiphospholipid antibody
e. Post exposure prophylaxis of hepatitis B infection
f. Jugular venous pulse
g. Prophylaxis of Rheumatic fever
Group- A
1. Enumerate respiratory function tests. Name three obstructive and three
restrictive lung diseases. How will you differentiate obstructive and restrictive
lung diseases by respiratory function tests? 5+3+2
Group- B
2. a) Discuss risk factors for acute stroke. What are the steps in the management
of patient with acute ischemic stroke? 5+5
b) Discuss the clinical and laboratory features of hypothyroidism. How will
you manage myxoedema coma? 5+5
Group- C
3. Write briefly on the following (any five) 5*4=20
a) Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
b) Treatment of Status epilepticus
c) Opportunistic infections in an AIDS patient
d) DOTS therapy
e) Clinical features of lepromatous leprosy
f) Vitiligo
g) Management of a patient with depression
Group- D
4. Write short notes on any five of the following 5*4=20
a. Etiology of peripheral neuropathy
b. Eosinophilia
c. Kidney involvement in diabetes mellitus (DM)
d. Anorexia nervosa
e. Secondary syphilis
f. Management of septic shock
g. Clinical features of Parkinsonism
Group- A
1. Define haemoptysis. What are the different causes of haemoptysis? Discuss the
treatment of haemoptysis. 2+4+4
Group- B
2. a) What are the clinical manifestations of a patient with lobar pneumonia?
What the diagnostic test and treatment plan for lobar pneumonia 3+3+4
b) What are the clinical features and diagnostic test in a patient with diabetic
ketoacidosis. Discuss the principle of treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis.
Group- C
3. Write briefly on the following (any five) 5*4
a) Causes of iron deficiency anaemia
b) Antiretroviral therapy
c) Intracranial haemorrhage
d) Delirium
e) Treatment of acute pyogenic meningitis
f) Clinical features of syphilis
g) Treatment of leprosy
Group- D
4. Write short notes on any five of the following 5*4
a. Myxoedema coma
b. Treatment of septic shock
c. Causes of peripheral neuropathy
d. Clinical features of haemolytic anaemia
e. Causes of chronic diarrhoea
f. Complication of cancer
g. Risk factor of ischemic stroke
Group- A
1. Discuss causes, investigations and treatment of haematuria. 4+3+8=15
Group- B
2. a) What are the different types of renal calculi? Discuss the clinical features
and management of renal calculi. 3+4+8=15
b) What are the clinical features of primary hyperparathyroidism? Discuss the
investigation and management of primary hyperparathyroidism. 6+5+4=15
Group- C
3. Write short notes on the following (any three) 3*5=15
a) Parotid abscess
b) Patent Ductus arteriosus
c) Chordee
e) Chronic Subdural haematoma
Group- D
4. Answer in brief on any three of the following: 3*5=15
a. Dentigerous cyst
b. Local anaesthesia in inguinal hernia surgery
c. Venous ulcer
d. Transluminal USG
e. Radio-active Iodine
Group- A
1. What are the indications for induction of labour? What are the different
methods of induction? Write briefly its complication. 3+3+4=10
Group- B
2. Define PPH. How would you classify PPH? How would you manage a case of
atonic PPH? 2+3+5=10
Group- C
3. Write short notes on the following (any two) 2*5=10
a. Importance of USG in obstetrics.
b. Morbidly adherent placenta.
c. Follow-up in Molar pregnancy.
d. Importance of Ischial spine in obstetrics.
Group- D
4. Answer briefly on any two of the following: 2*5=10
a. MVA (Manual Vacuum Aspiration) is preferable over other methods of
termination of pregnancy in early first trimester- Justify.
b. Ventouse is preferable over obstetric forceps- comment.
c. All post caesarean pregnancy at term do not required caesarean section to
terminate the pregnancy- Comment
d. Treatment of anaemia in pregnancy reduces maternal mortality- Justify
Group- A
1. Define menopause. What are the clinical problems associated with menopause?
How are those problems addressed? 2+3+5=10
Group- B
2. A lady, 40 years of age, presents with a lower abdominal lump. Enumerate the
possible causes. How would you investigate such a case? 5+5=10
Group- C
3. Write short notes on the following (any two) 2*5=10
a. Metrorrhagia.
b. Stress urinary incontinence.
c. Granulosa Cell tumour.
d. Findings of normal semen analysis.
Group- D
4. Answer briefly on any two of the following: 2*5=10
a. IUCD is not contraceptive of choice in a newly married woman- Justify.
b. Something coming down per vagina does not necessarily mean- it is a case
of genital prolapsed- Comment.
c. Combined oral contraceptive pills have more benefits than risks-
d. Medical therapy is preferred over surgical therapy in the management of
DUB cases- Comment.
January 2008
Subject: - Paediatrics including neonatology
Group- A
Group- B
2. Write briefly on the following (any two) 5*2=10
a. Give an outline of the clinical features of neonatal sepsis
b. Describe briefly the Complications of low birth weight (LBW) babies
c. Write in short the indications and complications of phototherapy
Group- C
3. Write short notes on (any three) 4*3=12
a. Dietary management of severe Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
b. Congenital hypothyroidism
c. Clinical features of pyogenic meningitis in children
d. Complications of Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
Group- D
4. A 4 year old boy was presented at the emergency room with acute onset of
cough and respiratory distress. He has no fever. His father also suffers from
recurrent episodes of similar problem. The child was admitted three times with
similar complications in the preceding one year. What is your most probable
diagnosis? How will you manage the condition? 1+7
May 2008
1. What is balanced diet? What are the constituents of balanced diet? Describe
dietary source, absorbsion & function of vitamin A. 1+3+6
Group- B
2. Write briefly on the following (any two) 5*2=10
a. Advantage of breast feeding
b. Clinical features and management of Hemorrhagic disease of newborn
c. Cause & management of hypothermia in newborn
Group- C
3. Write short notes on (any three) 4*3=12
a) BCG vaccination
b) Modified Jones criteria for rheumatic fever
c) Acute laryngotracheobronchititis
d) Laboratory diagnosis of childhood nephritic syndrome
Group- D
4. A 2 year old boy presented with acute onset weakness of both lower limb.
Discuss the differential diagnosis. What is AFP surveillance? 4+4
May 2011
Group- A
May 2012
Group- A
1. How the tone of child is maintained? What are the causes of hypotonic child?
Write the management of GB syndrome. 4+3+3
Group- B
2. Write briefly on the following (any two)
a) Assessment of gestational age in newborn 5*2=10
b) Complication of measles
c) Kernicterus
Group- C
3. Write short notes on (any three) 4*3=12
a) Neonatal transport
b) Bronchodilator aerosols
c) Clinical features of chikungunya fever
d) WHO classification of PEM
Group- D
4. 3 yr old child with generalised seizure for >45 minutes. What is your
provisional diagnosis? How will you mange the case? 1+7
May 2013
Group- A
Group- B
2. Write briefly on the following (any two) 5*2=10
a) Complication of LBW baby
b) Physiological jaundice
c) Cerebral malaria & complication
Group- C
3. Write short notes on (any three) 4*3=12
a. Common causes of hypertension in children
b. Early predictor of cerebral palsy
c. Radiological features of active & healing rickets
d. Developmental milestones of 2 year old child
Group- D
4. A 3 year old child presented with cough & cold for 5 days & respiratory distress
for 5 days. On examination child look toxic & drowsy with head nodding &
central cyanosis. What is the diag as per who criteria. How you manage the case?
May 2014
Group- A
Group- B
2. Write briefly on the following (any two) 5*2=10
a. Neonatal seizure
b. Acute constrictive pericarditis
c. Screening of neonatal sepsis
Group- C
3. Write short notes on (any three) 4*3=12
a) Status epilepticus, causes & management
b) Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
c) Diet of 1 year old infant
d) Congenital hypothyroidism
Group- D
4. A 4 yr old child with fever, pallor, gum bleeding a 1.5 cm palpable spleen.
Mention the differential diagnosis of the case & investigate to confirm the
diagnosis. 3+5=8