Maxwell'S Demon, Szilard'S Engine and Quantum Measurements

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Wojciech Hubert Zurek
Theory Division, Mail Stop B213, LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

We propose and analyze a quantum version of Szilard’s “one-molecule engine.” In particular,

we recover, in the quantum context, Szilard’s conclusion concerning the free energy “cost” of
measurements: ∆F ≥ kB T ln 2 per bit of information.

arXiv:quant-ph/0301076v1 15 Jan 2003

In 1929 Leo Szilard wrote a path-breaking paper1 entitled “On the Decrease of Entropy in a Thermodynamic
System by the Intervention of Intelligent Beings”. There, on the basis of a thermodynamic “gedankenexperiment”
involving “Maxwell’s demon,” he argued that an observer, in order to learn, through a measurement, which of the
two equally probable alternatives is realized, must use up at least

∆F = kB T ln 2 (1)

of free energy. Szilard’s paper not only correctly defines the quantity known today as information, which has found a
wide use in the work of Claude Shannon and others in the field of communication science.3 It also formulates physical
connection between thermodynamic entropy and information-theoretic entropy by establishing “Szilard’s limit”, the
least price which must be paid in terms of free energy for the information gain.
The purpose of this paper is to translate Szilard’s classical thought experiment into a quantum one, and to explore
its consequences for quantum theory of measurements. A “one-molecule gas” is a “microscopic” system and one
may wonder whether conclusions of Szilard’s classical analysis remain valid in the quantum domain. In particular,
one may argue, following Jauch and Baron,4 that Szilard’s analysis is inconsistent, because it employs two different,
incompatible classical idealizations of the one-molecule gas – dynamical and thermodynamical – to arrive at Eq. (1).
We shall show that the apparent inconsistency pointed out by Jauch and Baron is removed by quantum treatment.
This is not too surprising, for, after all, thermodynamic entropy which is central in this discussion is incompatible
with classical mechanics, as it becomes infinite in the limit h̄ → 0. Indeed, information–theoretic analysis of the
operation of Szilard’s engine allows one to understand, in a very natural way, his thermodynamical conclusion, Eq.
(1), as a consequence of the conservation of information in a closed quantum system.
The quantum version of Szilard’s engine will be considered in the following section. Implications of Szilard’s
reasoning for quantum theory and for thermodynamics will be explored in Sec. III – where we shall assume that
“Maxwell’s Demon” is classical – and in Sec. IV, where it will be a quantum system.


A complete cycle of Szilard’s classical engine is presented in Fig. 1. The work it can perform in the course of one
cycle is
∆W = p(v)dv = kB T dv/v = kB T ln 2 (2)
V /2 V /2

Above, we have used the law of Gay-Lussac, p = kT /V , for one-molecule gas. This work gain per cycle can be
maintained in spite of the fact that the whole system is at the same constant temperature T . If Szilard’s model
engine could indeed generate useful work, in the way described above at no additional expense of free energy, it would

∗ This paper has appeared in 1984 as a Los Alamos preprint LAUR 84-2751. It is based on talks given by the author in 1983 and 1984,
including an invited presentation at the APS Spring 1983 meeting. It was circulated as a preprint in 1984, and eventually published in
Frontiers of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, NATO ASI Series B: Physics Vol. 135, G. T. Moore and M. O. Scully, eds. (Plenum, New
York, 1986). It was also reprinted in Maxwell’s Demon: Entropy, Information, Computing, H. S. Leff and A. F. Rex, eds. (Princeton
University Press, 1990). The posted version is essential identical to the original, although a few typos have been corrected.

constitute a perpetuum mobile, as it delivers mechanical work from an (infinite) heat reservoir with no apparent
temperature difference. To fend off this threat to the thermodynamic irreversibility, Szilard has noted that, “If we
do not wish to admit that the Second Law has been violated, we must conclude that . . . the measurement . . . must
be accompanied by a production of entropy.” Szilard’s conclusion has far-reaching consequences, which have not yet
been fully explored. If it is indeed correct, it can provide an operational link between the concepts of “entropy” and
“information.” Moreover, it forces one to admit that a measuring apparatus can be used to gain information only if
measurements are essentially irreversible.
Before accepting Szilard’s conclusion one must realize that it is based on a very idealized model. In particular, two
of the key issues have not been explored in the original paper. The first, obvious one concerns fluctuations. One may
argue that the one-molecule engine cannot be analyzed by means of thermodynamics, because it is nowhere near the
thermodynamic limit. This objection is overruled by noting that arbitrarily many “Szilard’s engines” can be linked
together to get a “many-cylinder” version of the original design. This will cut down fluctuations and allow one to
apply thermodynamic concepts without difficulty.
A more subtle objection against the one-molecule engine has been advanced by Jauch and Baron.4 They note that
“Even the single-molecule gas is admissible as long as it satisfies the gas laws. However, at the exact moment when
the piston is in the middle of the cylinder and the opening is closed, the gas violates the law of Gay-Lussac because
gas is compressed to half its volume without expenditure of energy.” Jauch and Baron “. . . therefore conclude that
the idealizations in Szilard’s experiment are inadmissible in their actual context . . .” This objection is not easy to
refute for the classical one-molecule gas. Its molecule should behave as a billiard ball. Therefore, it is difficult to
maintain that after the piston has been inserted, the gas molecule still occupies the whole volume of the container.
More defensible would be a claim that while the molecule is on a definite side of the partition, we do not know on
which side, and this prevents extraction of the promised kB T ln 2 of energy. (This was more or less Szilard’s position.)
The suspicious feature of such argument is its subjectivity: Our (classical) intuition tells us that the gas molecule is
on a definite side of a partition. Moreover, what we (or Maxwell’s demons) know should have nothing to do with
the objective state of the gas. It is this objective state of the gas which should allow one to extract energy. And,
objectively, the gas has been compressed to half its volume by the insertion of the partition no matter on which side of
the piston the molecule is. The eventual “observation” may help in making the engine work, but one may argue, as do
Jauch and Baron, that the “potential to do work” seems to be present even before such a measurement is performed.
To re-examine arguments of Jauch and Baron, consider the quantum version of Szilard’s engine, shown in Fig. 1.
The role of the container is now played by the square potential well. A single gas molecule of mass m is described by
the (nonrelativistic) Schrodinger equation with the boundary conditions ψ(−L/2) = ψ(L/2) = 0. Energy levels and
eigenfunctions are given by

E = n2 π 2 h̄2 /(2mL2 ) = ǫn2

(2/L)1/2 cos 2πnx/L for n = 2k + 1
hx|ψn i =
(2/L)1/2 sin 2πnx/L for n = 2k

At a finite temperature T = 1/(β kB ) the equilibrium state of the system will be completely described by the
density matrix:
ρ = Z −1 exp(−βEn )|ψihψn | . (3)

Above, Z is the usual partition function:

X ∞
Z= exp(−βEn2 ) = ςn2 (4)
n=1 n=1

For 1/2 < ς < 1, Z can be adequately approximated by:

1 p 
Z= π/| ln ς| − 1 . (5)
For our purposes a still simpler, high-temperature approximation
Z = (π/ǫβ)1/2 /2 = L/ h2 /2mkB T . (6)

valid for ǫ ≪ kB T , will be sufficient most of the time. This is, of course, the familiar Boltzmann gas partition function.
It can be readily generalized to the three-dimensional box

Z = Lx Ly Lz /(h2 /2πmkB T )3/2 , (7)

as well as to the case when there are N “classically” indistinguishable particles. The point of this elementary
calculation is to demonstrate that, in the further analysis, we can rely on classical estimates of pressure, internal
energy, entropy, etc. . . . for one molecule gas which were used by Szilard1 : A partition function completely determines
thermodynamic behavior of the system.
Consider now a “piston,” slowly inserted in the middle of the potential well “box“. This can be done either (1)
while the engine is coupled with the reservoir, or (2) when it is isolated. In either case, it must be done slowly, so that
the process remains either (1) thermodynamically or (2) adiabatically reversible. We shall imagine the piston as a
potential barrier of width d ≪ L and height that eventually attains U ≫ kB T . The presence of this barrier will alter
the structure of the energy levels: these associated with even n will be shifted ”upwards” so that the new eigenvalues

E2k = ǫ′ (2k)2 + ∆k = Ek + ∆k (8)


ǫ′ = ǫL2 /(L − d)2 (9)

∆k ∼
= (4ǫ′ /π) exp −d 2m(U − Ek )/h̄ . (10)

Energy levels corresponding to the odd values of n are shifted upwards by ∆En ∼ (2n + l)ǫ′ so that

E2k−1 = ǫ′ (2k)2 − ∆k = Ek − ∆k (11)

A pair of the eigenvalues E2k ′
, E2k−1 can be alternatively regarded as the kth doubly degenerate eigenstate of the
newly created two-well potential with degeneracy broken for finite values of U .
For U → ∞ exact eigenfunctions can be given for each well separately. For finite U , for these levels where ∆k ≪ Ek ,
eigenfunctions of the complete potential can be reconstructed from the kth eigenfunctions of the left (|Lk i) and right
(|Rk i) wells:

Ek + ∆k ↔ |ψk+ i = (|Lk i − |Rk i)/ 2 (12a)

Ek − ∆k ↔ |ψk− i = (|Lk i + |Rk i)/ 2 (12b)

Alternatively, eigenfunctions of the left and right wells can be expressed in terms of energy eigenfunctions of the
complete Hamiltonian

|Lk i = (|ψk+ i + |ψk− i) 2 (12c)

|Rk i = (|ψk− i − |ψk+ i) 2 (12d)


Consider a measuring apparatus which, when inserted into Szilard’s engine, determines on which side of the partition
the molecule is. Formally, this can be accomplished by the measurement of the observable

Π̂ = λ(|LihL| − |RihR|) . (13)

Here λ is an arbitrary eigenvalue while;

|LihL| = |Lk ihLk | , (13a)

|RihR| = |Rk ihRk | , (13b)

and N is sufficiently large, N 2 ǫβ ≫ 1. The density matrix before the measurement, but after piston is inserted, is
given by
ρ̃ = Z̃ −1 k=1 exp(βEk ) exp(−β∆k )|ψk+ ihψk+ |

= Z̃ k=1 exp(−βEk ) {cosh(β∆k )(|Lk ihLk | + |Rk ihRk |) + sinh(β∆k )(|Lk ihRk | + |Rk ihLk |)}

Depending on the outcome of the observation, the density matrix becomes either ρL or ρL where;

ρL = ZL−1 exp(−βEk ) cosh β∆k |Lk ihLk | , (15a)

ρR = Z R exp(−βEk ) cosh β∆k |Rk ihRk | . (15b)

Both of these options are chosen with the same probability. The classical “demon” “knows” the outcome of the
measurement. This information can be used to extract energy in the way described by Szilard.
We are now in a position to return to the objection of Jauch and Baron. The “potential to do work” is measured
by the free energy A(T, L) which can be readily calculated from the partition function

A(T, L) = −kB T ln Z(T, L) .

For the one-molecule engine this free energy is simply

A = −kB T ln[L/(h2 /2πmkB T )1/2 ] (16)

before the partition is inserted. It becomes

à = −kB T ln[(L − d)/(h2 /2πmkB T )1/2 ] (17)

after the insertion of the partition. Finally, as a result of the measurement, free energy increases regardless of the

AL = −kB T ln[((L − d)/2)h2 /2πmkB T )1/2 ]

= −kB T (Ã − ln 2) (18)

Let us also note that the change of A as a result of the insertion of the partition is negligible:

à − A = kB T ln(L/(L − d)) ∼ 0(d/L) . (19)

However, the change of the free energy because of the measurement is precisely such as to account for the W = kB T ln 2
during the subsequent expansion of the piston:

AL − Ã = kB T ln 2 . (20)

It is now difficult to argue against the conclusion of Szilard. The formalism of quantum mechanics confirms the key
role of the measurement in the operation of the one-molecule engine. And the objection of Jauch and Baron, based
on a classical intuition, is overruled.
The classical gas molecule, considered by Szilard, as well as by Jauch and Baron, may be on the unknown side of
the piston, but cannot be on “both” sides of the piston. Therefore, intuitive arguments concerning the potential to do
useful work could not be unambiguously settled in the context of classical dynamics and thermodynamics. Quantum
molecule, on the other hand, can be on “both” sides of the potential barrier, even if its energy is far below the energy
of the barrier top, and it will “collapse” to one of the two potential wells only if Π̂ is “measured.”

It is perhaps worth pointing out that the density matrix ρ̃, Eq. (15), has a form which is consistent with the
“classical” statement that “a molecule is on a definite, but unknown side of the piston” almost equally well as with
the statement that “the molecule in in a thermal mixture of the energy eigenstates of the two-well potential.” This
second statement is rigorously true in the limit of weak coupling with the reservoir: gas is in contact with the heat
bath and therefore is in thermal equilibrium. On the other hand, the off-diagonal terms of the very same density
matrix in the |Lk i, |Rk i representation are negligible (∼ sinh β∆k ). Therefore, one can almost equally well maintain
that this density matrix describes a molecule which is on an “unknown, but definite” side of the partition. The phase
between |Rn i and |Ln i is lost.
The above discussion leads us to conclude that the key element needed to extract useful work is the correlation
between the state of the gas and the state of the demon. This point can be analyzed further if we allow, in the next
section, the “demon” to be a quantum system.


Analysis of the measurement process in the previous section was very schematic. Measuring apparatus, which has
played the role of the “demon” simply acquired the information about the location of the gas molecule, and this was
enough to describe the molecule by ρL or ρR . The second law demanded the entropy of the apparatus to increase in
the process of measurement, but, in the absence of a more concrete model for the apparatus it was hard to tell why
this entropy increase was essential and how did it come about. The purpose of this section is to introduce a more
detailed model of the apparatus, which makes such an analysis possible.
We shall use as an apparatus a two-state quantum system. We assume that it is initially prepared by some external
agency – we shall refer to it below as an “external observer” – in the “ready to measure” state |D0 i. The first stage
of the measurement will be accomplished by the transition:

|Ln i|D0 i → |Ln i|DL i (21a)

|Rn i|D0 i → |Rn i|DR i (21b)

for all levels n. Here, |DR i and |DL i must be orthogonal if the measurement is to be reliable. This will be the case
when the gas and the demon interact via an appropriate coupling Hamiltonian, e.g.:

Hint = iδ (|Ln ihLn | − |Rn ihRn |) (|DL ihDR | − |DR ihDL |) (22)

for the time interval ∆t = πh̄/(4δ)5,6 , and the initial state of the demon is:

|D0 i = (|DL i + |RR i) / 2 (23)

For, in this case the complete density matrix becomes:

P = exp (−iHint ∆t/h̄) ρ̃|D0 ihD0 | ∼

= (ρL |DL ihDL | + ρR |DR ihDR |) /2 (24)

Here and below we have omitted small off-diagonal terms ∼ β∆n present in ρ̃, Eq. (14) and, by the same token, we
shall drop corrections (∼ β 2 ∆2n ) from the diagonal of ρL and ρR . As it was pointed out at the end of the last section,
for the equilibrium there is no need for the “reduction of the state vector.” The measured system – one molecule gas
– is already in the mixture of being on the left and right-hand side of the divided well.
To study the relation of the information gain and entropy increase in course of the measurement, we employ the
usual definition of entropy in terms of the density matrix3,6,7,8

S(ρ) = −kB T rρ ln ρ (25)

The information is then:

I(ρ) = ln(DimH) − S(ρ)/kB , (26)

where H is the Hilbert space of the system in question. Essential in our further discussion will be the mutual
information Iµ (PAB ) defined for two subsystems, A and B, which are described jointly by the density matrix PAB ,
while their individual density matrices are ρA and ρA :

Iµ (PAB ) = I(PAB ) − (I(ρA ) + I(ρB )) . (27)


In words, mutual information is the difference between the information needed to specify A and B one at a time
and jointly. When they are not correlated, PAB = ρA ρB , then Iµ (PAB ) = 0. The readoff of the location of the gas
molecule by the demon will be described by an external observer not aware of the outcome by the transition:

ρ̃|D0 ihD0 | → (ρL |DL ihDL | + ρR |DR ihDR |) /2 (28)

The density matrix of the gas is then:

exp −βǫn2 (|Ln ihLn | + |Rn ihRn |) = (ρL + ρR ) /2

ρ̃ = Z̃ −1 (29)

Thus, even after the measurement by the demon, the density matrix of the gas, ρG will be still:

ρG = hDL |P |DL i + hDR |P |DR i ∼

= ρ̃ (30)

The state of the demon will, on the other hand, change from the initial pure state |D0 ihD0 | into a mixture:
ρD = (hLn |P |Ln i + hRn |P |Rn i) = (|DL ihDL | + |DR ihDR |) /2 (31)

Entropy of the gas viewed by the external observer remains constant:

S(ρG ) = S(ρ̃) = ∂(β ln Z̃)/∂β (32)

Entropy of the demon has however increased:

S(ρD ) − S(|D0 ihD0 |) = kB ln 2 (33)

Nevertheless, the combined entropy of the gas-demon system could not have changed: In our model evolution during
the read-off was dynamical, and the gas-demon system was isolated. Yet, the sum of the entropies of the two
subsystems – the gas and the demon – has increased by kB ln 2. The obvious question is then: where is the “lost
information” ∆I = I(P ) − (I(ρ̃) + I(ρD ))? The very form of this expression and its similarity to the right-hand side
of Eq. (27) suggests the answer: The loss of the information by the demon is compensated for by an equal increase
of the mutual information:

∆Iµ = Iµ (P ) − Iµ (ρ̃|D0 ihD0 |) . (34)

Mutual information can be regarded as the information gained by the demon. From the conservation of entropy
during dynamical evolutions it follows that an increase of the mutual information must be compensated for by an
equal increase of the entropy.

∆Iµ − ∆S/kB = 0 (35)

This last equation is the basis of Szilard’s formula, Eq. (1).

At this stage readoff of the location of the gas molecule is reversible. To undo it, one can apply the inverse of the
unitary operation which has produced the correlation. This would allow one to erase the increase of entropy of the
demon, but only at a price of the loss of mutual information.
One can now easily picture further stages of the operation of Szilard’s engine. The state of the demon can be used to
decide which well is “empty” and can be “discarded.”6 The molecule in the other well contains twice as much energy
as it would if the well were adiabatically (i.e. after decoupling it from the heat reservoir) expanded from its present
size ∼ L/2 to L. Adiabatic expansion conserves entropy. Therefore, one can immediately gain ∆W = hEi/2 = kB T /4
without any additional entropy increases. One can also gain ∆W = kB T ln 2, Eq. (2), by allowing adiabatic expansion
to occur in small increments, in between which one molecule gas is reheated by the re-established contact with the
reservoir. In the limit of infinitesimally small increments this leads, of course, to the isothermal expansion. At the
end the state of the gas is precisely the same as it was at the beginning of the cycle, and we are ∆W “richer” in
energy. If Szilard’s engine could repeat this cycle, this would be a violation of the second law of thermodynamics.
We would have a working model of a perpetuum mobile, which extracts energy in a cyclic process from an infinite
reservoir without the temperature difference.
Fortunately for the second law, there is an essential gap in our above design: The demon is still in the mixed state,
ρD Eq. (31). To perform the next cycle, the observer must “reset” the state of the demon to the initial |D0 i. This
means that the entropy dS = kB ln 2 must be somehow removed from the system. If we were to leave demon in

the mixed state, coupling it with the gas through Hint will not result in the increase of their mutual information:
The one-bit memory of the demon is still filled by the outcome of the past measurement of the gas. Moreover, this
measurement cannot any longer be reversed by allowing the gas and the demon to interact. For, even though the
density matrix of each of these two systems has remained the same, their joint density matrix is now very different:

ρ̃ ⊗ ρD = {(ρL |DL ihDL | + ρR |DR ihDR |)/2 + (ρL |DR ihDR | + ρR |DL ihDL |)/2} (36)

One could, presumably, still accomplish the reversal using the work gained in course of the cycle. This would, however,
defy the purpose of the engine. The only other way to get the demon into the working order must be executed by an
“external observer” or by its automated equivalent: The demon must be reset to the “ready-to-measure” state |D0 i.
As it was pointed out by Bennett in his classical analysis, this operation of memory erasure is the true reason for
irreversibility, and the ultimate reason why the free energy, Eq. (1), must be expended.9 Short of reversing the cycle,
any procedure which resets the state of the demon to |D0 i must involve a measurement. For instance, a possible
algorithm could begin with the measurement whether the demon is in the state |DR i or in the orthogonal state
|DL i. Once this is established then, depending on the outcome, the demon maybe rotated either “rightward” from
|DL i, or “leftward” from |DR i so that its state returns to |D0 i. The measurement by some external agency – some
“environment” – is an essential and unavoidable ingredient of any resetting algorithm. In its course entropy is “passed
on” from the demon to the environment.


The purpose of our discussion was to analyze a process which converts thermodynamic energy into useful work.
Our analysis was quantum, which removed ambiguities pointed out by Jauch and Baron in the original discussion
by Szilard. We have concluded that validity of the second law of thermodynamics can be satisfied only if the
process of measurement is accompanied by the increase of entropy of the measuring apparatus by the amount no
less than the amount of gained information. Our analysis confirms therefore conclusions of Szilard (and earlier
discussion of Smoluchowski10 , which has inspired Szilard’s paper). Moreover, we show that the ultimate reason for
the entropy increase can be traced back to the necessity to “reset” the state of the measuring apparatus9 , which,
in turn, must involve a measurement. This necessity of the “readoff” of the outcome by some external agency –
the environment of the measuring apparatus – has been already invoked to settle some of the problems of quantum
theory of measurements11 . Its role in the context of the above example is to determine what was the outcome of the
measurement, so that the apparatus can be reset. In the context of quantum measurements its role is very similar: it
forces one of the outcomes of the measurement to be definite, and, therefore, causes the “collapse of the wavepacket.”
In view of the title of Szilard’s paper, it is perhaps worthwhile to point out that we did not have to invoke
“intelligence” at any stage of our analysis: all the systems could be presumably inanimate. However, one can imagine
that the ability to measure, and make the environment “pay” the entropic cost of the measurement is also one of the
essential attributes of animated beings.


I would like to thank Charles Bennett and John Archibald Wheeler for many enjoyable and stimulating discussions
on the subject of this paper. The research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant
No. PHY77-27084, supplemented by funds from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.


[1] L. Szilard, “On the Decrease of Entropy in a Thermodynamic System by the Intervention of Intelligent Beings,”
Z. Phys. 53:840 (1929): English translation reprinted in Behavioral Science 9:301 (1964), as well as in Ref. 2,
p. 539.
[2] J.A. Wheeler and W.H. Zurek, eds., Quantum Theory and Measurement (Princeton University Press, Princeton,
[3] C.E. Shannon and W. Weaver, The Mathematical Theory of Communication, (University of Illinois Press, Ur-
bana, 1949).
[4] J.M. Jauch and J.G. Baron, “Entropy, Information, and Szilard’s Paradox,” Helv. Phys. Acta, 45:220 (1972).

[5] W.H. Zurek, “Pointer Basis of Quantum Apparatus: Into What Mixture Does the Wavepacket Collapse?” Phys.
Rev. D 24:1516 (1981).
[6] W.H. Zurek, “Information Transfer in Quantum Measurements: Irreversibility and Amplification”, in
Quantum Optics, Experimental Gravitation and Measurement Theory, eds: P. Meystre and M.O. Scully
(Plenum Press, New York, 1983). quant-ph 0111137
[7] J.R. Pierce and E.C. Rosner, Introduction to Communication Science and Systems (Plenum Press, New York,
[8] H. Everett III, Dissertation, Princeton University, 1957, reprinted in B.S. DeWitt and N. Graham, eds.,
The Many – Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1973).
[9] C.H. Bennett, “The Thermodynamics of Computation” Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21:305 (1982).
[10] M. Smoluchowski, “Vorträge liber die Kinetische Theorie der Materie und Elektrizitat,” Leipzig 1914.
[11] W.H. Zurek, “Environment-Induced Superselection Rules” Phys. Rev. D26:1862 (1982).

FIG. 1 A cycle of Szilard’s engine. a) Original, classical version; b) Quantum version discussed here. The measurement of the
location of the molecule is essential in the process of extracting work in both classical and quantum design.

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