Pachman's Decisive Games
Pachman's Decisive Games
Pachman's Decisive Games
Ludek Pachman
Translated by A. S. Russell
This edition first published 1975
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G4549: 14
A. S. Russell
Preface v
A glance at a tournament table gives the even cases where unbelievable blunders
impression that every game is of equal have decided a match for the world cham
importance; after all, in the final reckon pionship title.
ing every win counts as a full point and
1. Steinitz-Chigorin
every draw half a point. In actual fact,
however, there is a great diffe ence be (
tween a game played at the beginning of a
tournament, when everything is open,
and one played in the last two rounds,
where a special effort often has to be
made to obtain a particular result. To
wards the end of a tournament or match
a player is frequently in a situation in
which he has to win at all costs. Then he
faces a task that puts not only his c hess
knowledge and ability to the test but
Position after Black's 8th move
even more so his nerves. Such games are
convinc ing proof of the fact that chess is This position occurred in the twenty
neither a science nor an art, but rather a second game of the worl d championship
battle of minds. match in 1892. With rules stipulating that
In this book I have analysed sixty-five the first player to win ten games was the
games played in an exceptionally tense victor, the match was now nearing its
atmosphere; each one had a decisive climax, eight games having been won by
bearing on the outcome of an important both players and six drawn. On his ninth
international tournament or match. None move Chigorin, who had Black, made an
of the games is technically or aesthetic elementary mistake.
ally outstanding; in fact, many of them
9 PxP NxP?
contain bad mistakes. That, however,
makes them all the more instructive. This loses at least a pawn without the
These games show how players of differ slightest compensation. I t is interesting to
ing styles tackle the extremely difficult note that in this game Chigorin chose a
problem of winning a game that has to be defence to the Queen's Gambit that was
won. later adopted by Tartakower and which
A perusal of tournament books shows now bears his name.
us an interesting fact. Many games played
10 NxN BxN
at a dec isive phase contain m istakes that
11 BxB QxB
are hardly to be expected of a player of
12 RxP Q-Q3
the calibre making them. Obviously
13 R-B3 BxP?
ner vous tension, often coupled with
fatigue following the previous games, in It i s possible that, when making his
fluences the quality of play. There are ninth move, Tartakower assumed that he
2 Pachman 's Decisive Games
would recover his pawn by capturing with well have cost him his title. He did the
the bishop on QR7. However, by so same against Petrosian three years later.
doing, he loses a piece, for the bishop In the match against Tai, Botvinnik,
cannot escape. although two points behind after sixteen
games, was by no means without hope, as
14 P-K4 Q-NS
his strong finish showed. In the seven
I S Q-Rl 8-N6
teenth game, however, where he had won
1 6 N -Q2 8-87
3. Tal-Botvinnik
There is no way of avoiding loss of
material: e.g. 16 . . . Q-RS 17 NxB or
16 .. . B-RS 17 R-B4.
17 R-84 Q-Q3
1 8 Rx8 QxQP
1 9 G-0 and wins.
5 . Keres-Filip
QxP 26 R-KBl would have led to a Realizing that he has already squan
decisive win of material. Instead Anders dered his advantage, Bogolyubov makes a
sen made an interesting mistake. bad mistake, which leads to the clear loss
of a pawn. However, after 20 BxB QxBch
24 Q-K2?
21 K-Rl KR-Ql Black would have had
8. Zuk ertort-Winawer
17 P-84? N-84!
18 NxN 8xNch
19 8·K3 8-Q5
20 Q·K82? Position after White's Hrd move
Introductory 5
Position after White's 23rd move Position after White's 31st move
6 Pachman's Decisive Games
catch Schlechter and Mar6czy, who were The former world champion, Lasker, is
half a point in front of him and who both in a difficult situation, being faced by the
drew in the final round. That explains threat of 28 P-K5, which would give his
why the Czech grandmaster, playing the opponent a considerable advantage in
white pieces, embarked on such a doubt space. He therefore decides on a counter
ful enterprise in the following game. attack, after which the game takes a
dramatic turn. It should be noted that 27
31 Nx8 . . . NxRP? 2 8 R(Kl)·Ql N-B4 29 N-N6
32 RxR RxR loses the exchange.
33 QxRP? NxP! 27 P.K4! ?
34 KxN Q-8 5 28 Q-85 N·K7ch? ! ?
All at once the situation looks bad for 29 K-81
White, for 35 QxR is answered by 35 . . . White rightly avoi ds losing the ex
q-N5ch 36 K-Rl (3 6 K-Bl B-N4ch) 3 6 change by 29 RxN QxR 30 QxBPch
. .. Q xNch 37 K-Nl B-B3 38 K-Bl K-Rl! However, the continuation he
Q-R6ch 39 K-K2 B-N4ch 40 K-Ql ( 40 chooses isn't good either. He could have
K-Q2 B-R 3ch) 40 . . . Q-Bdch, etc. refuted Black's combination by moving
35 P·R 3 8-8 3 the king in the other direction, e.g. 2 9
29 N-Q5
Once again fortune favours the bold,
30 QxKP NxP
for Black now goes wrong. He should first
31 N·N6 N·Q7ch !
have played 39 . . . B-K5! , after which
32 K·Nl N-8 5
RxQP really is a threat.
The tempo that Black gained by
40 Q·N8ch K-R 3
checking from Q7 decides the game in his
41 Qx8(R8) R-Q8
favour, for his passed pawn on the QN
42 R·K8 Resigns
file is a very strong weapon.
13. Rubinstein-Bogolyubov
4S .. . 8xP?
46 RxNP Q·R6
47 K-Q2 8-K2
48 R-N7
RxRP 3S Q ·KRl!
49 QxP R·R4 A remarkable way of getting the
SO QxP R·KR4 queen into play. White cannot now con
Sl K·Q3 Q·Rl tinue with 36 RxNP because of 3 6 . . .
S2 Q·K6 Q·R6 QxP! 3 7 RxRch K-R3 3 8 Q-Q3 Q·B7ch
53 R-Q7 R(R4)-K84 3 9 K-R3 P-N4 with a mating attack.
S4 R-N3 Q·R8
SS Rx8 Q·KB8ch 36 Q-Q3 PxP
S6 K-Q2 Resigns 37 R·NS Q-Q.81
38 RxQP R-87
Reshevsky won the ·tournament with 39 Q·NS K·R3
7'h points, just half a point in front of 40 K-83 R-Q7
Capablanca, who was well ahead of the
other participants. The former world Threatening Q- B8. White, however, has
champion was thus very near to winning. an adequate defence.
A single accurate defensive move would
41 Q-84 QxQ
have sufficed.
42 8xQ RxP
A very important asset for tournament Black has made the most of the
play is the ability to overcome a state position. Even so, after the correct con
of depression caused by a loss. Some tinuation 43 B-Q3 the game should have
players lose their self-confidence after ended in a draw, e.g. 43 . . . R-N6 44
8 Pachman 's Decisive Games
The first part of the 1870 international Anderssen. In the seven games from
tournament, which was held in July and rounds eleven to seventeen he scored 5 'h.
August at the German spa of Baden points and in the last round had to face
Baden, later the venue for many a chess an opponent who was in the lower half of
contest, proved to be most interesting. A the table-de Ver e. Anderssen also had to
system of matches consisting of two play someone who was not in the best of
games each having been adopted, Anders form, though his opponent was one of
sen defeated his main rival, Steinitz, the leading players of that time. This
before causing the greatest surprise of the game between two old rivals was to
whole tournament by losing 2:0 to determine the winner of the tournament.
One of the participants, the German Ruy Lopez
master Stern, had to leave after playing
four games. The war between France and Anderssen Paulsen
Prussia had just broken out and Stern was 1 P-K4 P.K4
given the opportunity of seeking fame in 2 N·KB3 N·QB3
the uniform of a P russian officer but had 3 B·NS P·QR3
to forgo the attempt to achieve less 4 B·R4 N·B3
glorious, but also less dangerous, success 5 P·Q3 P·Q3
in the tournament. 6 BxN
The outbreak of war caused a lively
Anderssen again adopts the system he
discussion among the participants about
had successfully employed in London
whether or not the tournament should be
eight years previously against the same
continued. Baden-Baden was not far from
opponent in an equally vital game. On
the French border, and, as the French
that occasion the exchange BxN occurred
army was still of high repute, the pos
one move earlier, for Paulsen had played
sibility of the town being occupied could
3 . . . N-KB3, omitting 3 .. . P-QR 3.
not be ignored. However, professional
solidarity, or the desire to win the prizes,
6 PxB
prevailed, and the tournament continued, P·N3
7 P·KR3
though, according to press reports, in a
fairly nervous atmosphere. In London Paulsen had developed the
After ten rounds the position was as bishop to K2, but now he improves on his
follows: Neumann 7'h., Anderssen and defence by adopting a fianchetto, which
Blackburne 7, Steinitz 6. Then, however, is still considered strong today in such
Neumann dropped back. First he lost two positions.
games to Steinitz and then one each to
8 N·B3
Rosenthal and de Vere. Steinitz, on the
other hand, played with great energy and More than three decades later, Duras
at the beginning of the last round w as was very keen on such attacks against the
only half a point behind t h e leader, castled king as played here by Anderssen.
10 Pachman's Decisive Game s
The only difference was that he first after the text-move, White's attack is not
made the advance P-QB4 and then devel particularly effective.
oped by N-QB3, B-K3, Q-Q2, etc.
19 Q-Q81
8 . .. 8-KN2 20 N-8 3 P-R5
9 8-K3 G-0 21 N-Q2 N-K2
1 0 Q-Q 2 K-R l ! 22 P-8 3 ?
Black is now ready to play P-KB4, been 22 P-B4, although after 22 . . . PxP
which White must prevent. If he tries to 23 QxKBP N-B 3 Black would have had a
counter in the centre with 13 P-Q4 Black sound position (e.g. 24 Q-B6ch K-Nl 25
gets a very good game after 13 . . . PxP 14 P-R4 Q- Ql or 24 P-R4 N-K4 25 Q-B6ch
QxPch Q-B3 15 Q-Q2 (15 Q-R4 N-K2) 15 K-Nl 26 P-R5 Q-Ql! 27 PxP QxQ 2 8
. . . R-Kl or 14 NxP Q-Kl 15 Q-84 N-B3. PxRPch K-Rl 29 PxQ NxQPch) .
If White plays 19 P- KR4, Black can Black's pieces are actively placed, and
reply P-KR3 and prevent a file on the an objective evaluation would indicate an
king's side being forced open. However, exchange of queens for White to ensure a
Baden-Baden 1 870 11
46 R-R2
47 P-85ch K-N2
48 Q-N5ch K-Rl
49 Q-86ch R(R2)-N2
41 R(86)x8P ! ? 50 RxP Resigns
Baden-Baden 1 870
2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 Pts Prize
1 Anderssen 1 1 1 y, 0 0 1 1 Y, l 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 13 I
2 Steinitz 0 0 0 1/z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1/z 1 y, 1 1 1 21/z II
3 Blackburne 0 y, 1 y, 1/z O 0 1 1 1 1 y, 1 1 y,y, 1 12 III, IV
4 Neumann 1 1 0 0 Y, l 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1/z O 1 1 12 III, IV
S L Paulsen 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Y, 1 1 y, 1 y, 1 1 9y, v
6 de Vere Y, O 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8Y2
7 Winawer 0 1 0 0 0 y, 0 0 y, 0 0 1 1 1 1 1;, 1 1 81/z
8 Minckwitz 0 0 1 y, 0 0 0 0 0 y, 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 7
9 Rosenthal 1 0 0 y, y, y, y, 1 0 'h 0 0 0 'h 0 0 1 1 7
1 0 Stern 0 0 ('/, 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 0 ) 0 0
The German player Stern p layed only the four games shown in brackets. Then he had to leave because
of the outbreak of war. All his games were deemed to have been won by his opponents.
3 Vienna 1873
Failure at the Post
1 1 QN-Q2 K·Rl
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts Prize
1 Steinitz - 0 y, 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y, 1 y, 1 1 Vi 1 y, 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 I
2 Blackburne 1 Vi 1 - 0 1 1 0 Vi 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Vi 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 10 II
3 Anderssen 0 0 1 0 0 - 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 Vi 0 1 1 Vi y, 1 1 1 0 1 1 Vi 1 1 81/i Ill
4 Rosentha! 0 0 1 y, 1 1 0 0 - 0 0 1 0 Vi 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 71/i IV
5 Bird 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1/i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6\li V, VI
6 L Paulsen 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 y, 1 1 - 1 1 0 1 y, y, 1 1 1 1 1 0 Vi 1 1 61/i V, VI
7 Fleissig y, 0 y, 0 1 0 1 0 Vi 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 Vi 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Vi 1 1 1 3\li
8 Heral 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Yi 1 1 0 y, 1 y, 0 0 Yi 1 y, 0 1 y, 1 0 0 1 0 3
9 Meitner y, 0 y, 0 0 Vi y, 0 0 0 0 0 y, 0 0 1 0 0 1 Vi 0 - Vi 1 Vi Vi 1 1 1 1 31/i
10 Gelbfuss 0 0 y, 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 y, 1 0 y, 0 v, - y, Vi v, v, 1 1 3
11 Schwarz 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 y, 1 1/i 0 'h 0 1 1/2 0 0 'h 'h •;, - 'h 1 'h 3
12 Pitschel 0 0 0 1 0 y, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Vi 0 0 Vi 0 Vi - 1
In this tournament, matches of three games were played. If the first two games w ere won by t h e same player the third was not played. In the final result
onl y the matches, and not the games, counted. There was a play-off between Steinitz and Blackburne, w hich ended 2 :0 in favour of Steinitz.
4 The First World
Championship Match
Cool Calculation versus Attacking E lan
The 1 8 70s and 1 880s were dominated by level matters by 1 0 February, winning
two players of entirely different charac three and halving one. After a fortnight's
ter. The cosmopolitan Steinitz, who was break the match was continued in New
born in Prague, was too far ahead of his Orleans, where the tenth game was
time to enjoy any particular popularity in drawn. This was virtually the start of a
the chess world . He played a ponderous new match of ten games, with chances
type of chess, thinking over his moves equal. In the eleventh game Zukertort
slowly and calculating accurately. He had White, and it was assumed that he
µ-eferred dour defence and positional would make a renewed effort to go into
manoeuvres to brilliant attacks, indulging the lead.
in combinations only when the result
could be clearly foreseen. Four Knights Game
Zukertort, who was six years younger,
Zukertort Steinitz
played an elegant type of chess that was
understood by his contemporaries. He 1 P-K4 P-K4
never had difficulties with his clock, he 2 N-K83 N-Q83
worked out impressive combinations at 3 N-83 N-83
lightning speed, and he played for the 4 8-N S 8-N S
spectators, with whom he was very 5 0-0 0-0
popular. In 1878 and 1 8 8 3 Zukertort 6 N -QS
won two great international tournaments, Such sallies were very popular in the
in Paris and in London, the latter by a
last century. Current theory gives this
margin of three clear points from move a question-mark, though it should
Steinitz. In London and the previous year be remembered that the experience of
in Vienna these two players faced each several generations was necessary for this
other a total of four times, Zukertort conclusion to be reached. Correct is 6
winning twice, Steinitz once , with one P-Q3 , but 6 BxN QPxB 7 P-Q3 is also
game drawn. good.
After extensive· negotiations they met
6 . .. NxN
in 1 88 6 in the first match recognized by
7 PxN P-KS !
the chess world as a world championship
title match. It was played in the three A discovery of Steinitz's, which is the
American towns of New York, St Louis reason why 6 N-QS has completely dis
and New Orleans. Steinitz made a tragic appeared.
start, being 4: 1 down after losing four 8 PxN
and winning one of the five games played
The best way of attaining equality is 8
in New York. Not a single game was
N-Kl N-K2 9 P-Q3 . Now, however, the
drawn. That was the position on 20
initiative goes over to Black.
January. The scene then moved to St
Louis, where play in the sixth game began 8 PxN
on 3 February. Here Steinitz managed to 9 QxP
18 Pachman's Decisive Games
Not, o f course, 9 PxNP BxP o r 9 PxQP 1 7. Zukertort-Steinitz
PxNP! etc.
9 QPxP
10 8-Q3 8-Q3
1 1 P-QN 3
11 • . . Q-N4!
Position after Black's 1 6th move
With the unpleasant threat of Q-K4.
White could now preve nt a loss of sacrifice which Steinitz regarded as u n
material by 1 2 R-N l , but then his op sound. Obje ctive ly best, howeve r, is 1 6
pone nt would have a considerable lead in . . . QxP ! , for the rook on K 3 prevents
development after 1 1 . . . B-KN 5 . True to White from trapping Black 's queen. A
form Zukertort therefore sacrifices a possible continuation is then 1 7 BxB PxB
pawn and hopes for attacking chances. 18 Q- K4 P-KN 3 19 Q-Q4 Q-R 6 20 P-QN4
12 8-N 2 QxQP
1 3 8-81 17 8xPch?
Played with the intention of pre A move cypical of the times and of
venting the Black queen from retreating Zukertort's style. A better continuation
to KR 3 . The continuation 1 3 Q-R5 was 17 Q-R 3 P-KN 3 18 RxRch RxR 19
P-KN 3 1 4 Q-R4 Q- B 5 is not particularly BxB PxB 2 0 Q-Q7 with good drawing
good either, although it is possible that a chances.
modern master might choose such a line
17 Kx8
in the hope of achieving a draw following
18 Q·R5ch K-N l
an exchange of queens. In the last cen
19 R·R 3 P-8 3
tury , however, such tactics were con
20 Q-R7ch K-82
sidered degrading.
21 Q-R5ch K-8 1
13 Q·R4 22 Q-R8ch K-82
1 4 8-K84 8-K3 This series of checks requires an ex
1 5 QR-Kl KR-Kl ! planation . In the last century the rules of
It would be a mistake to take the play were laid down before each match or
second pawn, for after 15 . . . QxP? 1 6 tournament, and in world championship
B-Q2 ! White threatens to win the queen matches a draw could be claimed only
( 1 7 R-Rl Q-N7 18 B-B 3 ! ) , and if 1 6 . . . after the same moves had been repeated
Q-R6, White replies with 1 7 P-QN 4 ! , six times. More over, the first time-control
shutting Black's queen dangerously out of was after thirty moves, so that Steinitz
play. could repeat moves until then to allow
himself to work out the best continuation
16 R-K3 8·Q4? at home.
When Steinitz defended his title in a opponent, Lasker, also used it con
match against Dr Emanuel Lasker, he was sistently.
fifty-eight years old. His twenty-six year
4 P-Q4 8-Q2
old opponent was his first pupil. Among
5 N·83 KN-K2
their contemporaries, Lasker was the first
to recognize the depth of Steinitz's stra Later this development of the knight
tegical conceptions, but he was also aware became popular in the line 3 . . . P-QR 3 4
of the difficulties of their practical appli B-R4 P-Q3 5 P-8 3 B-Q2 6 P-Q4 KN-K2,
cation . Steinitz belonged to the nine for the pawn on QB 3 hampers White's
teen th century and now found himself development, allowing Black the privilege
faced by a thinker of the twentieth, who of adopting a slow mobilization of his
was a fighter too, for Lasker always forces.
considered chess to be a fight more than
6 8-K3
anything else.
The year 1 894 was really the start o f In the fourth game Lasker had played
Lasker's ch ess career, and the result of 6 B-QB4 PxP (answering the threat of
this contest between years of experience N-KN S ) 7 NxP N xN 8 QxN N-8 3 9 Q-K 3
and youthful elan was quite open. B-K3 1 0 N-QS B-K2 1 1 B-Q2 0-0 1 2 0-0
The first person to win ten games was N-K4 1 3 B-N3 BxN 14 BxB P-QB 3 1 5
to be the winner. In the first four games B-N 3, and gained a slight though lasting
both players managed to use the advan advantage. Nevertheless the game ended
tage of the white pieces to force wins. in a draw. This time Lasker hopes to
The next two games were drawn. There achieve more.
followed a break of three days ( 3 1
6 . . . N-N3
March- 2 April), after which the match
7 Q-Q2
was resumed at the New York Union
Square Hotel, where the seventh game Again a move of a decidedly aggressive
was played. Here the match really got character. White prepares to castle long,
going. Few people realized that that day so that he can launch a king-side attack.
was virtually to decide the outcome of The quiet continuation 7 0-0 would have
the match and the world championship given him a slight advantage in space.
7 8 -K2
Ruy Lopez 8 0-0-0 P-QR3
9 8-K2 PxP
Lisker Steinitz
10 NxP NxN
1 P-K4 P-K4 11 QxN 8 -K83
2 N-K83 N-Q83 12 Q-Q2 8-83
3 B-NS P-Q3 13 N-QS 0-0
pared attack, signalled by his next two R-K 7 ! 22 QxR QxQ 2 3 BxR Q-K6ch 24
moves, is an isolated occurrence in his K-N l QxP or 22 QR-K l RxQ 23 RxQ
games. NxR 24 KxR R-R2, the position would
be fairly straightforward.
14 P-KN4! ? R-Kl !
20 . . . Rx8
1 5 P-N 5 ? N·Rl
21 8·84
The previous move did not in itself A well-known principle postulated by
compromise White's position unduly. But Steinitz is that defence should be as
now Lasker fails to strengthen the centre economical as possible, that is it should
by 1 5 P-KB 3 , which was really necessary. tie up the minimum of one 's own forces.
For that reason, he protects the pawn
15 . . . BxN
with a knight and not a rook (R-KB l ) , so
16 Qx8
that the rook can control the open king's
The line 1 6 NPxB BxKP 1 7 P-KB3 file.
B-B 3 18 PxP Q-K2 loses at once, and 22 P·KR4 P-Q8 3
after 1 6 KPxB Black has the interesting 2 3 P·N6! ? P-Q4
positional exchange sacrifice 1 6 . . .
The simplest reply. Also possible is 2 3
RxB ! , which White could hardly accept,
. . . RPxP 2 4 P-R5 P-KN4 (not, however,
for 17 PxR ( 1 7 QxR?? BxKNP) 17 . . .
24 . . . P-Q4 25 PxP! NxP 26 B-Q3, which
BxKNP followed by N-K4 and B-B 3
gives White good attacking chances for his
leaves Black's pieces actively placed,
three pawns ) .
whereas White's bishop is powerless. On
24 PxRPch KxP
the other hand, 17 PxB R-K4 18 PxP
25 8-Q3 ch K-N l
Q-B 3 followed by R(R l )-Kl and N-B 5
26 P-R5 R-Kl
gives Black an obvious advantage .
27 P·R6 P·KN 3
16 . . . R·K4 28 P-R7ch K·N 2
1 7 Q-Q2 29 K-N l Q-K4
30 P-R3 P·Q84
Lasker had obviously overlooked the
31 Q·82 P-85
temporary piece sacrifice that now allows
32 Q-R4
Black to win material. Otherwise, he
would have played 1 7 QxNP, which leads 19. Lasker-Steinitz
to complications. In this case, however,
Black could have sacrificed a pawn to
gain a strong attack : 17 . . . R-N l 1 8
QxRP BxP 1 9 Q-Q3 N-B5 2 0 B x N BxBch
2 1 K-N l R-N5 22 P-KB 3 Q-N l , etc.
17 BxP!
18 P·K84 RxP!
19 Px8 Q-K2
20 R(Q1)·8 1 l
Strategically the game is already lost,
and Lasker can only hope to make the 32 . . . P-B 3
22 Pachman 's Decisive Games
Contemporary annotators regarded the unfortunate posmon of Black's
this move as incorrect, but quite wrongly, knight on Rl but rather the exposed
for it was the quickest way to win. position of the Black king. White's king,
Naturally 3 2 . . . K-B l is also good on the other hand, is quite safe, as a
enough, for 3 3 BxNP NxB 34 P-R8=Qch result of the remarkable cool-headedness
NxQ( R l ) 3 5 QxNch QxQ 3 6 RxQch K-K2 displayed by Lasker in making his
leaves Black with a won endgame and the twenty-ninth and thirtieth moves.
stronger 3 3 B-B 5 ! can be answered by
P-B 3 or P-Q5 , not, however, by 3 3 . . . 40 . . . R-K2?
PxB? 3 4 R(R l)-N l . When a player has had a winning
position for most of the game it is
3 3 8·8 5 ! K·82?
difficult for him to readjust his thinking
In attempting to drive off the troub le and be satisfied with a draw. Black could
some bishop, Steinitz has chosen the have attained this by 40 . . . Q-K2, for 41
wrong plan. The correct, and winning, R-B 8 R-K 3 42 R-B8ch R-QB 3 leads no
line is 3 3 . . . Q-N6! 34 Q-R6ch K-B2 where and 41 Q-B 8 QxQ 42 RxQ N-N 3
followed by R-K8ch. 43 R-KN8 R-R6 44 RxN RxRP 45 P-B3
is a typically drawn roo k endgame.
34 R(Rl )-Nl ! Px8? Steinitz, however, was still dreaming
His previous move had made the task abo u t winning and wanted to prepare the
of winning more difficult, for after the manoeuvre Q-Q2 and RxP. He saw that
correct 34 . . . P-KN4 35 Q-R 5 ch K-K2 41 R-B8 RxP! was not possible for White,
36 Q-R 6 it is no easy matter to convert but he failed to see the main danger-his
the advantage of the two pawns. Taking exposed king.
the bishop, however, leads to a quick and
unexpected change of fortune. 41 Q-R 2 ! Q�2
The name of the English seaside resort of Steinitz, Schiffers, J anowski, Mason and
Hastings is now automatically linked with Teichmann. His run of victories was quite
the traditional annual chess congress, a sensation in the chess world.
which first took place in 1 8 9 5 . A year The world champion, Lasker, began
previously Lasker had gained the world very badly, losing to Chigorin in the
championship title by his victory over the second round and Bardeleben in the
ageing Steinitz. But the chess world was fou rth. He then improved his position by
not yet convinced of his supremacy. He victories over Bird, J anowski, Pollock,
needed to win a great tournament in Walbrodt, Steinitz and Gunsberg. He also
which the elite of the chess world had won the impo rtant twelfth round game
participated. against Pillsbury.
The Hastings organizers succeeded in In the seventeenth round Pillsbury had
the by no means easy task of creating a walkover, his opponent, Bardeleben,
such a tournament. There were thirty failing to turn up for the game-a rare
eight entries from the best chess masters occurrence in such a tournament. How
of the time, sixteen of whom had to be ever, this was characteristic of
turned down. Only in one case was this Bardeleben : in his game against Steinitz
for reasons other than playing ability or he simply walked out of the tournament
previous performance. The Polish master hall, leaving his opponent the task of
Winawer was not accepted because the showing the spectators the final phase of
organizers refused to accept his demand the mating sequence.
to play under a pseudonym. Clearly At the start of the twentieth and
masters of that era also had strange penultimate round of this historic tourna-.
wishes at times! ment the position was as follows:
Chigorin was the hero of the first pa rt Chigorin 1 5 , Lasker and Pillsbury 1 4'h.
of the tournament. In the first round he The next two, Tarrasch and Steinitz, were
defeated Pillsbury and in the second two and a half points behind . In the last
Lasker, who, as it later turned out, were two rounds Chigorin had White against
his main rivals for first place. In the Janowski and Black against Schlechter,
fourth round, however, he suffered a while Lasker had White against Blackburne
defeat at the hands of his fellow and Black against Burn. In the twentieth
countryman Schiffers, the game lasting round Pillsbury faced by far the weakest
only twenty moves. Then there followed participant in the tournament, Vengani,
a series of victories, which was ended by a and had White in the last round against
Joss in the thirteenth round, an Evans Gunsberg. It was thus clear that Chigorin
Gambit, to his opponent in a previous and, even more so, Lasker would have to
world championship match, Steinitz. play for a win in the twentieth round, for
After his set-back in the first round, their games in that round were of great
Pillsbury began to catch up by winning importance m determining the final
against Tarrasch , Pollo ck, Albin, Mieses, victor.
24 Pachman 's Decisive Games
This makes Black's elegant finish pos
Vienna Game sible. However, 1 3 K-Nl is not much
Chigorin better on account of 1 3 . . . P-QN4! 1 4
P-QN 3 B-N5 1 5 K-N2 N-Q5 with the
1 P-K4 P-K4 threat of 1 6 . . . Q-R6ch and (after 1 7
2 N-Q8 3 N-KB3 K-N l ) a double piece-sacrifice on QN 6.
3 P-Q3
21. Chigorin-J anowski
The choice of such an opening by so
aggressive a player as Chigorin is hard to
understand, especially as he was in the
lead . It is one of those mysteries that
occur at exciting and exhausting
moments of a tournament.
3 P-Q4
4 PxP
11 Q·8 3 ! ?
1 2 Q-QN 3 ( ? )
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Pts Prize
4 Tarrasch 0 0 1 1 Yi 0 Yi 1 0 1 Yi 0 llz 14 IV
The history of chess tournaments in the whereas Tarrasch was drawn againi;t
nineteenth and the early twentieth cen Chigorin, Alapin and Walbrodt. Moreover,
turies was marked by a series of real Pillsbury had White in two of his games
marathons. The most important of these, and Tarrasch Black in two of his. The
both from the point of view of its length very next round, however, changed the
and the strength of the competitors, was situation somewhat, for although
the Emperor's Anniversary Tournament Tarrasch only drew his game with
in Vienna, which took place at the Chigorin he nevertheless caught up with
Vienna Chess Club fro m 3 1 May to 2 5 his rival, who had one of his worst days in
July. With twenty competitors playing the tournament.
each other twice there were thirty-eight
24. Pillsbury-Burn
rounds plus the four games of the play
off for first place. Apart from Lasker, all
the leading masters of the world were
present, making it virtually a review of
the possible candidates for a world
championship match.
It is interesting to note that after the
first half of the tournament the position
of the first four players was the same as
at the end . After the 19th round the
leading scores were : Pillsbury and
Tarrasch 1 5 , Janowski 1 3 'h, Steinitz 1 2 'h,
White has no real prospects of a
Chigorin 1 2 , Alapin 1 1 'h, Lipke 1 1 , Burn,
king-side attack, so his next move is not
Mar6czy and Schlechter 1 0\.2.
very accurate.
For the rest of the tournament the
two rivals for first place ran neck and 19 R-K 3 ( ? ) N-Q2 !
neck. They either had the same score, or 2 0 BxB QxB
one of them-usually Pillsbury-had a 21 N-N4?
lead of half a point. In the 3 3rd round
One of those automatic moves often
they met for the second time, when
made without much thought and which
Tarrasch, avenging his defeat in the 1 4th
sometimes cause irreparable damage .
round, took the lead, which he lost in the
After the correct 2 1 NxN or 2 1
next round by failing to score against
R(Ql )-Kl the game i s even and Pillsbury
Janowski. At the end of the 3 5th round
would have stood to win an extra 2,000
Pillsbury, with 2 6 \.2 points, was half a
Austrian crowns, for the first prize (apart
point ahead of Tarrasc h and seemed to
from the gold cup) was 6,000 crowns, the
have a very good chance of securing first
second "only" 4,000.
place. Apart from his lead, he had much
easier opponents in the next three 21 P·KR4!
rounds-Bum, Trenchard and Baird, 22 N-K5
30 Pachman 's Decisive Games
I t is probable that Pillsbury only now 7 8·N5 BxN
realized that the attack 22 N-R6ch K-N2 8 Px8 N-K2
23 N-B 5 ch NPxN 24 QxRP is simply
answered by 24 . . . Q-B 3, when the Black This manoeuvre was introduced by
king escapes via KB l . After the text Pillsbury. Today it is considered satis
move, however , White loses a pawn. factory, though without the exchange on
the previous move.
22 NxN
23 RxN RxP 9 8-Q84
24 R(Ql )·Kl R(85)-Q5
This quiet continuation, stem ming
White has not got the slightest com from J an owski, should not cause Black
pensation for his pawn . After a long any real trouble. A much stronger line
struggle (ninety moves) , Burn managed to is 9 N-R4 N-N 3 10 NxN BPxN 1 1
convert his advantage into a win. B(QN5 )-B4ch K-R l 1 2 P-B4 or 1 0 . . .
RPxN 1 1 P-KB4 P-B 3 1 2 B-B4 Q-N 3 ch 1 3
K-R l N-N5 1 4 Q-K l and if 1 4 . . . N-K6
Both Tarrasch and Pillsbury won their
then 1 5 P-B 5 ! NxR 1 6 P-B 6 ! winning.
remaining games, so that the chess mara
thon had to be continu ed. According to 9 . . . 8-K3?
the rules, the first prize could not be
shared, so a play-off consisting of four This is a severe weakening of Black's
games had to take place. It began after a king-side pawns. In 1909 Lasker, in his
break of one day on 27 J uly and ended match with J anowski, played 9 . . . N-N 3 !
on 30 July. Tarrasch won the first game, 1 0 N-R4 N-B 5 ! 1 1 BxN(B4) PxB 1 2 N-B 3
Pillsbury the second. Thus, after nearly B-N 5 with a very good game.
three months' play, no decision had been
reached. The third game was played on 10 8xN ! Px8
29 July. 11 8x8 Px8
12 N·R4 N-N 3
13 NxN PxN
Four Knights Game
It was Tarrasch who discovered that
Tarrasch Pillsbury this position is not even . Here we have a
1 P·K4 P·K4 good example of how exposed the castled
2 N·K8 3 N·Q8 3 king is when the p awns in front of it have
3 8-N5 N-83 left their original squares. In a strategic-
4 N·83 2 5 . Tarrasch-Pillsbury
4 8-N 5
5 0-0 0-0
6 P-Q3 P-Q 3 Position after Black's 14th move
Vienna 1 898
1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pts Prize
1 Tarrasch 0 1 0 1 Y.z 1 Y.z 1 Y.z Y.z 1 Y.z Y.z l/zl •;, 1 Y.z •;, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y.z 1 1 Y.z 1 1 1 1 1 Y.i 271/z I, I I
3 Janowski 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1/z 1 1 1 1/z 0 0 Y.z Y.z 1 1 Y.z O 1 1 Y.z 1 1 1 o O Y.z 1 1 1 1 1 2 S Y.z Ill
4 Steinitz 0 1/z Y.z O 0 0 Y.z l 1 0 Y.z Y.z 1 1 l 'h 1/z l Y.z Y.z 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1/z 1 Y.z 1 1 1 1 2 3Y.z IV
S Schlechter 0 Y.z 0 Y.z 0 •;, Y.z O Y.z Y.z 1 1 Y.i Y.z •;, Y.i Y.z 1 0 •;, 1 Y.z Y.z 1 1 Y.z 1 1 0 •;, Y.z 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 '/z v
7 Burn Y.z O Y.z l O Y.z Y.z 'h 0 0 0 1 l Y.z O Y.z •;, Y.z 'h 'h Y.z O Y.z O 1 0 1 1 1 Y.z 1 1 1 1 20 VI, V I I
8 Lipke 1/z Y.z O Y.z 1 1 0 0 Y.z Y.z 1 0 0 1/z Y.z Y.z Y.z Y.z 1/z 0 1 Y.z 1 1 1 l/z 0 Y.z Y.z 1 1/z Y.z 1 1 Y.z Y.z 1 9 Y.z V I I I , IX
9 Maroczy Y.z 0 1 0 •;, Y.z 0 Y.z 1/z Y.z 0 Y.z 1 'h Y.z Y.z - •;, •;, 1 •;, 1 1 Y.z 1/z 0 1 0 1/z 0 1 1 Y.z Y.z 1/z 1 1 1 9 1/z VI I I , I X
10 Alapin •;, 0 Y.z 0 0 0 Y.z 0 Y.z 0 0 Y.z •;, Y.z •;, llz Y.z •;, - llz 1 1 Y.z 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 Y.z 1 1 0 1 1 18
1 1 Blackburne Y.z Y.z 0 0 Y.z 1 Y.z 1/z 1 Y.z Y.z 1 Y.z Y.z 1/z 1 0 1/z 1/z 0 v.. v.. •;, o o v.. •;, o •;, v.. o o 1 1 •;, 1 17
1 2 Schiffers 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 O Y.z 0 1 Y.z l 0 1/z 0 0 0 1/z llz Y.z 0 1 l Y.z 1 1 1/z l Y.z l 1 1 1/z l 17
1 3 Marco 0 0 0 1/z O Y.z 0 0 Y.z O 1 0 Y.z l 0 0 Y.z 1/z 0 0 Y.z l 1 0 1 1 Y.z 1 1 Y.z •;, 1 Y.z 1 1 0 1 6Y.z
16 Halprin o •;, 0 0 1 1 O Y.z 1 1/z 0 0 0 0 Y.z O 1 0 0 0 'h 'h Y.z O O Y.z 0 0 1 1 Y.z •;, 1 'h Y.z 1 14
17 Caro 0 0 0 0 Y.z O O Y.z 1/z O 0 1 0 1/z Y.z llz O Y.z Y.z O 1 1 Y.z O Y.z O 0 0 0 0 'h 'h 1 1 Y.z 1 1 2Y.z
� � � �
� .
K-8 3
Position after Black' s 45th move 50 Q-Q2 K-K 2!
34 Pacbman 's Decisive Gam es
Black needs to get rid of t h e weak KP. play. The continuation 43 B-Q6 BxB 44
After 5 0 . . . K-B 3 5 1 K-N 3 there is no PxB K·Q2 4 5 R-N8 N-K 3 46 N-B5ch KxP
suitable continuation, e.g. 51 . . . P-K4? is inadequate, because Black retains his
52 Q-Q6ch or 5 1 . . . Q-B4 52 Q-Q4ch or extra pawn.
5 1 . . . K-B4 5 2 Q-R 5 ch (or 5 2 P-R4).
43 N-N4! RxQP
51 P-QN4 P-K4 44 NxBP R-QSch
52 P-N 3 ? 45 K·N2 BxP
46 R·N 7 !
With this move White weakens his
pawns and throws away all his winning With his last few moves White has
chances. He should have played 5 2 achieved counter-play. If now 46 . . .
K-N 3 ! , e.g. 5 2 . . . PxPch 5 3 QxP or 5 2 R-Q7, then 47 B -N6 ! , when 47 . . . RxPch
. . . Q-B4 5 3 PxP Q-N5 ch ( 5 3 . . . QxPch fails to 48 K-N 3 , winning (e.g. 48 . . .
54 Q-B4) 54 K-R 2 QxPch 5 5 K-N l Q-N 6 BxB ? 49 R-K7 mate or 48 . . . N-Q2 49
5 6 Q-Q6ch, etc. BxB NxB 5 0 R-K7ch) . And if 46
K-Q2, the reply 47 N-Q8 ! is very un
52 PxP
53 PxP P-R3
54 P-R4 Q-B 5 46 N-Q2
55 Q-K3ch K-Q2 47 B·N 3 P-Q5
56 Q-R7ch K-Ql 48 K-B3 R-K8
5 7 Q-N8ch K-Q2 49 R-B 7 ! P-Q6?
5 8 Q-N 7ch K-Ql This over-hasty pawn advance should
59 Q-N6 ch K-Q2 have cost Black half a point. There was a
Drawn win to be had by 49 . . . B-N 3 ! , e .g. 5 0
R-B8ch K-B2 5 1 N-N4 N-K4ch 5 2 BxN
27. Janowski-Berger PxB 53 R-B6 P-K 5 ch 54 K-N2 P-Q6! etc.
50 R-B8ch K-B2
51 R-Q8?
38 KxN Nx8
39 RxN K-K3
40 R-N 3 K-Q4
41 R-Q3 P-84
42 P-R 3 P-KR4
White is now in zugzwang.
43 K-K2 RxP
44 R-Q83 R-K5ch
45 K-Q2 P-R5
46 R-87 PxP
Position after White's 24th move
47 RxP RxP
B lack IS undoubtedly in the better 48 RxP K-K4
position. He has a superiority on the 49 K-K2 R-Q85
queen's wing, and White's bishop on QN2 50 R-N6 R-QR5
is a passive piece in view of the potential 51 R-N 3 P-8 5
blockade of the QP. The accurate way in 52 R-QN 3 R-85
which Black makes use of his advantage 53 K-Ql K-K5
reminds one of Capablanca's later per- 54 P-KR4 P-86
formances. 55 K-Kl K-8 5
56 P-R5 R-88ch
24 P-QN4 57 K-82 R-87ch
2 5 N-K5 P-83 58 K-Kl K-N6
26 N-8 3 R-Q81 ! 59 P-R6 R-K7ch
36 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
60 K-Ql R-KR7 knight, an u nnecessary course, for B lack
61 P-R4 P-N 5 could not in any case have utilized his
62 P-R7 RxP pawn majority. Nevertheless there is still
63 RxNP R-R 8ch a draw to be had if White places his KBP
64 K-Q2 P-87 and KNP on black squares to prevent
65 R-N8 P-88=Q them being blocked, e.g. 38 K-B l B-B l
66 Resigns 39 P-N 3 ! P-KB4 40 P-B4 draw.
39 K-81 B-K 3 ?
40 K-Q2? P-KB4
41 K-K3
The long trek by the White king was Or 48 N-N4 B-N2 49 P-Q5ch PxPch 50
for the purpose of exchanging off Black's K-Q4 K-Q3 51 N-B 2 B-B l .
Barmen 1905 37
48 PxP 34 Q-Q5 QxQ
49 K-Q4 K-Q3 3 5 R(Ql)xQ QR-Rl !
5 0 N-N4 B-K 3
Both 3 5 . . . P-B7 3 6 R-QB7 and 3 5
51 N-B2 B-B4
. . . R-B l ? 3 6 R-QS R(R7)-Rl 3 7 P-K7
52 N-N4 B-Q6
are weak.
53 NxP B-BS
54 N-B6 BxP 36 R-Ql ?
55 N-K4ch K-K3
Schlechter's first move in this endgame
56 K-B5 K-B4
is a mistake that leads to a Joss. After the
57 N-Q6ch K-N 3
correct 3 6 B-Q6 ! Black would have had
58 NxNP Bx RP
to be content with a draw ( 3 6 . . BxB 3 7
59 K-Q4 B-N7
R(Q5)xB R(Rl )-Bl 3 8 R-N6! P-B7 3 9
60 Resigns
R(N6)-N7), for the attempt to force a
30. Schlechter-Janowski win loses, e.g. 3 6 . . . R ( R l )-B l ? 3 7 BxB
P-B7 38 RxPch K-R l 39 R(Q5 )-Q7 P
BS=Q 40 RxPch K-N l 41 B-R 6! or 3 7 . . .
KxB 3 8 R-KBSch K-N l 39 R(Ql )-Q7
P-B 7 40 RxPch, etc.
36 . . . P-N 3 !
86 NxP N-84
Barmen 1 905
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 Pts Prize
1 Jan owski 'h 1 0 1 0 1 1 'h 1 1 1 1 1 0 'h lO'h I, I I
2 Marocz y 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 0 1 'h 1 1 1 'h 'h 1 1 lO'h I, II
3 Marshall 0 'h -
1 1 0 1 1 0 'h 1 'h 'h 1 1 10 III
4 Bernstein 1 'h 0 0 'h 1 0 1 'h 1 0 1 1 'h 1 9 IV, V
5 Schlechter 0 0 0 1 0 1 'h 1 'h 1 1 1 'h 'h 9 IV, V
6 Berger 1 'h 1 'h 1 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h 0 0 'h 'h 8 VI
7 John 0 1 0 0 0 'h -
0 'h 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 7 VII
8 Leonhardt 0 0 0 1 'h 1 1 0 'h 0 'h 1 0 1 'h 7 VII
9 Chigorin 'h 'h 1 0 0 0 'h 1 0 0 'h 'h 'h 1 1 7 VII
10 Wolf 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 7 VII
1 1 Bardeleben 0 0 0 0 0 'h 0 1 1 'h 1 'h 1 1 0 6'h
1 2 Siichting 0 0 'h 1 0 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 0 6 'h
1 3 Alapin 0 'h 'h 0 0 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 6
14 Burn 0 'h 0 0 'h 1 1 'h 0 0 0 'h 1 0 6
1 5 Gottschall 1 0 0 'h 'h 'h 0 0 0 'h 0 'h 'h 0 1 5
16 Mieses 'h 0 0 0 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h 1 1 0 1 0 5
9 Match Tournament
Ostend 1 9 0 7
First against Last
Normal tournaments are not always an dramatic game which had a vital bearing
accurate measure of the strength of the on the final result.
participants. As a rule there is quite a For nearly the whole of this four
difference between the players at the top round match tournament, the lead had
and the bottom, so that a chance result in been held by Dr Tarrasch, who, inciden
a game between a strong player and a tally , was to play a world championship
considerably weaker one can affect the match with Dr Lasker one year later. Two
order at the top of the table. Those who rounds before the end the position was as
can consistently win against outsiders are follows: Tarrasch l l 1h, Janowski 1 1 ,
at an advantage compared with those who Schlechter 1 01h , Marshall 9 1h , Burn 7,
play best against strong opponents. In Chigorin 4'h . A dramatic finish was o n
addition, the draw is of considerable the cards . As Tarrasch had Black against
importance. It is by no means immaterial Schlechter in the last round-a very diffi
whether one has White or Black against cult task-he needed to win his game in
one's main rivals. the previous round to be sure of first
For these reasons there have occasion place. Here he was to play Chigorin, while
ally been tournaments with a small Janowski and Schlechter were drawn
number of evenly matched players where against each other. In his previous games
each played the others several times. with Chigorin in the tournament,
Some of these tournaments of the elite Tarrasch had lost one, drawn one (after
have been a virtual prelude to a world reaching a theoretically won game) and
championship title match , for, in the won one. So his task here was by no
opinion of the public, the winner had a means easy.
greater moral right to such a match than
the winner of a normal international Queen's Pawn Opening
Tarra sch Chigorin
One of these forerunners of the candi
dates' tournaments took place from May 1 P-Q4 P-Q4
to June 1 90 7 at the Belgian seaside resort 2 N-K B 3 P-QB3
of Ostend. The world's six strongest This move has the slight disadvantage
players were invited : Lasker, Tarrasch, that White can, if he chooses, continue
Janowski, Marshall, Schlechter and with 3 B-B4, after which Black will
Mar6cz y. Two of these, Lasker and sooner or later have to play P-QB4,
Mar6cz y, declined th e invitation and were involving a loss of a tempo.
replaced by masters of the older genera White can, of course, opt for 3 P-B4,
tion, Chigorin and Burn. The competition going into the n ormal position of the Slav
was too strong for these two , however, Defence. Tarrasch chooses another
and they finished in the last two places. course, a completely innocuous line
Nevertheless, one of them, Chigorin, who which permits the active development of
was at the bottom, was involved in a Black's queen's bishop.
40 · Pacbman 's Decisive Games
3 P-K3 ( ? ) B-N 5 B-K3 Q-N 5 20 P-QR 3 , when B lack loses a
4 P-B4 P-K 3 piece. After the text-move, on the other
5 N-B 3 N-Q2 hand, Black has nothing to fear. If, for
6 B-Q3 KN-B3 example, 1 8 Q-Q3 , then 18 . . . N-K4 1 9
7 0-0 B-Q3 QxB QxB.
8 PxP 1 8 Q-K2 N-B 3 !
This exchange leads to an isolated QP. 19 B-K3 Q-K4
On the other hand, the immediate 8 P-K4 20 Q-Q3
gives Black an excellent game after 8 . . . White could have won back the pawn
PxBP 9 BxBP P-K4. but only at the cost of a positional
disadvantage : 20 BxBP B-B4 21 B-Q3
8 KPxP
BxB 22 PxB QR-Kl.
9 P-K4 PxP
10 NxP NxN 20 N-Q4
11 BxN 0-0 21 B-Q4 Q-K2
12 Q-B2(?)
12 . . . P-KB4?
Ostend 1 907
2 3 4 5 6 Pts Prize
1 Tarrasch 1h 1h 1h 1 1h 1 1 1h 1 1h 1 2 1h I
1 0 1h 1h 1h 1 1 0 0 1
2 Schlechter 1h 1h 1h 0 1 1 1h 1 1h 1h 12 II
0 1 1 0 1h 1h 'h 1h 1 1
3 Marshall 1h 0 1;., 1 0 1 0 1h 1h 1h 1 1 1h III
'h 1h 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
4 Janowski 1h 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 I 1 1 1h III
1h 0 1h 1h 1 0 1 y, 1
5 Burn 0 'h 1h 0 1 1h 0 0 1h 1 8
0 1 1h 1h 0 0 0 0 1 1
6 Chigorin 0 1h 1h 1h 1h 'h 0 0 'h 0 41h
1 0 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 0
IO St Petersburg 1 909
A Reputation Saved in the Last Round
The years in which Dr E. Lasker held the going down in many books of instruction
world championship title proved to be as a brilliant example of active defence.
rather barren as regards world title Prior to the last round the leading
matches. Steinitz had in his time sought scores were Rubinstein 1 4, Lasker 1 3 �.
out those opponents he considered to be Spielmann 1 1 , Duras and Teichmann 1 0 .
most dangerous. Lasker, on the other The superiority o f the top two was clear;
hand, avoided matches with players of his so too was the importance of the final
own strength. He only agreed to a match result, for if Rubinstein, after his victory
with Tarrasch when the German grand over Lasker in their individual game, were
master was already past his peak, and also to come out ahead of him in the
Marshall and Janowski were not really in tournament, then a world title match
the same class. would be inevitable.
In the first decade of the present Lasker had White in the last round
century, a dangerous rival appeared on against Teichmann, one of the leaders and
the scene, the Polish player Akiba Rubin a player, moreover, who was well known
stein. The latter was noted for his for his ability to put up stubborn defence
wonderful knowledge of the mysteries of in inferior positions. Rubinstein had
the positional game; he was, moreover, an Black, though against a much weaker
endgame virtuoso who had the ability to opponent, the twenty-two year old
utilize minute advantages to secure a win. Tartakower. The latter only reached the
In that respect he was unrivalled until the ranks of the chess elite after the war and
appearance of J . R. Capablanca. in the St Petersburg tournament ended up
For years Lasker had managed to in the bottom half of the table.
avoid a title match with Rubinstein, It looked very much as though Rubin
although the latter had been victorious in stein had everything in his favour. How
several important international tourna ever, in past tournaments a serious weak
ments and had won matches against both ness had shown up in his armour-his
Marshall (twice) and Schlechter-two nerves. In vital games he tended to make
players against whom Lasker defended his elementary mistakes that were unworthy
title! Rubinstein also defeated of a player of his ability. Lasker, on the
Bogolyubov, Teichmann, Mieses and Salwe other hand, had the knack of applying all
in matches. his energies at decisive moments and
Once, however, it looked as though concentrating fully on th e task in
Lasker's delaying tactics might fail to question. The difference in purely sport
work. In the great St Petersburg tourna ing qualities made itself felt in this case.
ment, played in February and March Rubinstein only just managed to share
1 909, there was a keen duel b etween the first place, thus failing to demonstrate his
world champion and his would-be superiority over the world champion. It
challenger. Soon after the start-in the was perhaps the decisive moment of his
third round-they faced each other, and chess career, for he was never given an
Rubinstein emerged victorious, the game opportunity to measure swords with
44 Pachman 's Decisive Games
Lasker m a world championship title For present-day annotators there is
match . nothing simpler than to call this move a
serious mistake. However, it must not be
Ruy Lopez forgotten that all the question and ex
clamation marks of chess theory have
Lasker Teichmann
first to be discovered, which often takes
generations. The correct continuation is
1 P·K4 P·K4 14 . . . N-R4 1 5 B-B2 Q-Q2 (or P-KB 3 ) .
2 N·KB3 N·QB3
3 B:N 5 P·QR3 1 5 P·KR3 B-R4
4 B·R4 N·B 3 Here Black cannot play 1 5 . . . BxN
5 0-0 B·K2 because his QP is under attack after 1 6
6 Q·K2 QxB . The retreat 1 5 . . . B-K 3 i s not good
At the time the game was played a either on account of 16 PxP RxP 17 B-N5
completely unknown system . Lasker evi R-N 3 18 B-B 2 ! And the passive 15 . . .
dently wanted to confuse his opponent in B-B l 1 6 P-QR4 is advantageous to White.
the opening, which he managed to do. 16 P·N4 B-B2
6 P-QN4 Black entices the KP to advance in the
7 B·N3 P-Q3 hope that it will prove to be a weakness
8 P·B 3 0-0 and give Black's pieces access to the
9 P-Q4 PxP square Q3 . The only problem is that
1 0 PxP B·NS Black's king is open to attack. However,
1 1 R-Ql P-Q4 after the alternative, 1 6 . . . B-N 3 , White
1 2 P·K5 has two good continuations, 1 7 N·R4 and
17 PxP RxP 1 8 N-K5 .
There is nothing to be feared from this
17 P·K6 B·N 3
move, which is one reason why 12 PxP
1 8 N·R4 N-R4
has been tried several times. If then 1 2
1 9 NxB PxN
. . . KNxP, White secures a slight advan
20 B·B2 P-KB4
tage by 1 3 Q-K4 B-K3 14 N-B 3 . However,
Black has a stronger counter in 1 2 . . . 21 K·Rl !
N-QR4! 1 3 B-B2 R-K 1 . White's plan of attack is now clear:
after exchanging pawns on KB4 he will
12 N-K5 play R·KN l and Q-R5 , e.g. 2 1 . . . N-B 5
1 3 N-B 3 NxN 22 PxP PxP 2 3 R-KNl N-Q3 24 Q-R5
14 PxN. P·B 3 ? B-B 3 25 B-R6 Q-Kl 2 6 R-N 6 ! followed
3 4 . Lasker-Teichmann by 27 QR-KNl (26 . . . QxP 27 BxNP ! ) .
21 B-Q3
22 PxP Q·R5
2 3 Q-B 3 PxP
24 R-KN l
Threatening both 2 5 BxP and 25
B-N 5 . I f Black replies with 24 . . . Q-B 3
White has several possibilities, among
them the elegant 25 B-N5 QxKP 26
QR-Kl Q-Q2 27 B-R6 R-B2 28 BxNP!
RxB 29 BxP R-KB 1 30 RxRch winning.
St Peters burg 1 909 45
24 P-B 5 3 5. Tartakower-Rubinstein
25 R-N4 Q-R 3
26 P-K7! BxP
27 BxP Q-K3
Or 2 7 . . . Q-KB 3 28 QR-KN l R-B2 29
Q-N 3. Immediately after making his move
Black resigned m anticipation of the
pretty finish 28 RxPch! KxR 29
R-KNlch .
French Defence
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 1 6 17 1 8 1 9 Pts Prize
1 Lasker 0 1 y, y, 1 1 1 1 'h 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4Yi I, II
2 Rubinstein 1 1 y, y, y, 1 1 1 1 y, 0 1 y, 1 1 1 1 14'11 I, II
3 Duras 0 0 0 0 1 y, 0 1 y, 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 Ill, IV
4 Spielmann y, 0 -
0 1 1 'h y, l 'h 'h l 0 y, 1 1 11 III, IV
5 Bernstein y, 'h 1 1 -
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 y, 0 0 0 y, y, l O Y, v
6 Teichmann 0 y, 0 0 0 'h y, y, 1 y, 1 'h l 'h l y, 1 0 VI
7 Perlis 0 y, 'h 0 0 y, 1 Y, l Y, y, 'h 0 0 1 9 y, VII
8 Cohn 0 0 1 y, 1 'Ii y, 0 O Yi l 'h O Y, Y, Y, l 1 9 VIII
9 Sal we 0 0 0 •;., 0 'h 0 1 O l 'h l l 'h 0 1 1 1 9 VIII
10 Schlechter y, 0 y, 0 0 y, y, 1 1 0 0 'h O l 'h 9 VIII
11 Mieses 0 0 0 'h 0 0 0 y, 0 1 1 y, 1 1 1 0 1 S Y,
1 2 Tartakower 0 y, 1 y, 0 y, y, 0 'h 1 0 0 0 Yi 1 1 1 Yi S 'h
1 3 Dus Chotimirski 1 1 0 0 y, 0 0 y, 0 0 'h 1 1 0 1 8
14 Forgacs 0 0 0 1 1 y, y, 1 0 0 0 1 y, y, 'h 'h 0 y, 7 'h
1 5 Burn 0 y, 0 y, 1 0 0 y, y, y, 0 y, y, y, 1 y, y, 0 7
16 Vidmar 0 0 0 0 1 y, y, y, 1 1 0 0 y, y, 0 y, 1 0 7
1 7 Speyer 0 0 0 •;., y, 0 1 'h 0 0 1 0 0 Yi 1h 'h 'h y, 6
1 8 Freymann 0 0 0 y, y, 0 1 0 0 'h 0 0 l l Yi O Y:z 0 S 'h
19 Snosko-Borowski 0 0 0 0 0 y, 0 0 0 0 0 y, O 'h l l 'h l s
St Petersburg 1 909 47
32 R-R8? N-8 5 ! 36 P-QR4 N-N 3
After White's mistake, everything is 37 R-N8 NxP
now in order for Black. He has no 38 NxP RxN
difficulty in achieving a draw. 39 B-86 K-K2
33 BxBch N ( B 5)xB 40 RxNch K-Q3
34 N-Q4 R-82 41 BxN RxB
35 N-86 N-B l Drawn
11 World Championship Match
A Strange Conclusion to a Strange Match
The world championship match between ninth he drew a lost ending when his
Dr Emanuel Lasker and C. Schlechter, opponent blundered. Prior to the last
which took place in Vienna in January game, Schlechter was thus still in the lead
1 9 1 0 , was unusual in one respect. It was ( 5 : 4) and very close to becoming world
played over ten games, the shortest title champion. He only needed to hold the
match in the history of chess. last game, in which his opponent had
C. Schlechter was a player with an White. Everyone expected him to remain
unusually so.lid style ; he rarely lost a true to style and play cautiously. What
game, but, on the other hand, had a large actually happened is therefore an almost
percentage of draws, which reduced the inexplicable psychological mystery.
number of his successes in tournament
play. To be faced by such a player in a Queen's Gambit
short match was extremely risky for the
world champion, and it is a great mystery Lasker Schlechter
why Lasker agreed to such conditions. A
chance loss could easily have been deci 1 P-Q4 P-Q4
sive . And that is what very nearly 2 P-Q84 P-Q8 3
happened! 3 N-K83 N-8 3
The first three games were on the 4 P-K3 P-KN 3
whole quite even and without any great Later the system was named after
complications, all of them ending in Schlechter, and it still enjoys a good
draws. The fourth was also drawn, though reputation. But the simplest way to
not without some very dramatic equalize is 4 . . . B-B4.
moments. Lasker, who had White, won a
5 N-8 3 8-N2
pawn, and after simplifying reached a
won endgame. But then he made a single 6 8-Q3 0-0
7 Q-82
mistake, which allowed his opponent to
achieve a draw. In the fifth game Lasker If 7 0-0, Black can reply 7 . . . B-N 5 ,
again made the running, reaching a posi which i s why 6 B-K2 i s nowadays pre
tion in which his heavy pieces gave him ferred to 6 B-Q3.
the upper hand. Then Schlechter sacri
7 . . . N-R 3 ( ? )
ficed a pawn for some nebulous attacking
chances. In time-trouble Lasker Black could have attained equality
blundered twice, which changed the situa quite easily by 7 . . . PxP 8 BxBP P-B4 9
tion completely, and Schlechter was able PxP QN-Q2 or 8 . . . B-B4 and if 9 P-K4
to press home a mating attack. then 9 . . . B-NS with a good game.
The rest of the match was charac Instead of choosing a quiet continuation,
terized by Lasker's onslaught and some Schlechter starts off on his first adventure
hard-fought games. In the sixth on the queen's wing. How can such a
Schlechter managed to save a game in decision be explained? Schlechter's con
which he was a pawn down, and in the temporaries, among them the well-known
World Championship Match 1 9 1 0 49
chess annotator G . Marco, attributed i t to counter action on the queen's wing, e.g.
a desire to avoid having the outcome of 1 5 . . . KR-Nl 16 P-N4 BxN 17 B PxB
the match depend entirely on the chance N-N 2, threatening P-QB4 and B-B l .
win in the fifth game. But is it possible
15 BxN
that a chess player would be influenced
16 PxN! B-N 2
by such exaggerated scruples? I consider
17 PxP RPxP
it to be unlikely. A more logical explana
18 Q·B4 B-81
tion is that both players were labouring
under such nervous stress that their White was threatening both 19 RxB
power of judgment was not working as and 19 BxP. Apart from being a direct
well as it normally did. answer to the first of these threats, the
text-move deals with the second in
8 P-QR3 PxP
directly, e.g. 1 9 BxP B-K 3 ! 20 QxN PxB,
9 8x8P P-N4
giving Black the strong pair of bishops for
The logical continuation in view of his the pawn . White dare not try to win a
previous decision. Nevertheless the second pawn, e.g. 20 BxPch? RxB 21
passive 9 . . . N-B2 is objectively better. QxN B-Q4.
12 PxP 8-N2
the queen for the defence of the king-side
13 R-QN l Q-82
and, as we shall see later, for a councer
14 N-K5 ! ?
attack there.
Lasker can hardly b e criticized for
20 B·Q2 Q-Q4
going in for this sharp attack instead of
21 R-QB l
striving to maintain his small positional
advantage by 1 4 0-0 followed by B-Q2. White has no objection to an exchange
The game soon takes on an exciting of queens, provided, of course, it does
character. not improve his opponent's pawn po
14 . . . N-R4
21 . . . 8·N2
Not, of course, 14 . . . N-Q2? 1 5 RxB !
22 Q·82 Q-KR4
QxR 1 6 BxN.
38. Lasker-Schlechter
37. Lasker-Schlechter
Prior to the start of the first international White is two pawns down and must
tournament in the Spanish town of San prevent an exchange of queens ( 24 . . .
Sebastian, there was some disagreement Q·B4). Bernstein obviously assumed that
about one of the participants. The Cuban his queen would become active on the
champion, j. R. Capablanca, at that time long diagonal, but it is already too late
unknown, had been brought in at the last for such a procedure.
moment and was in the opinion of some 24 Q·N7
of the other competitors, especially Dr R·KRl
25 N·R 5 !
Bernstein, not up to world standard. As
luck would have it the renowned Not 25 . . . P-N3 26 QxKRPch K-Nl
grandmaster was drawn against the 27 P-K5 PxN(R4) 28 NPxP, when Black
youngest competitor in the very first has no defence against the manoeuvre 29
round. K-R l followed by R-KN l ch.
42. Vidmar-Capablanca
28 P·K6ch !
29 PxKP PxKPch?
30 K-Bl BxP 3 1 RPxP ( 3 1 N-K5ch BxN Position after White's 1 7th move
San Sebastian 1 9 1 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 Pts Prize
1 Capablanca 0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 1 'h 1 9 'h I
2 Rubinstein 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 1 9 II, I I I
3 Vidmar 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 'h 1 1 1 9 II, I I I
4 Marshall 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 l 'h 'h 0 1 8 'h IV
5 Nimzowitsch 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 7'h V-VII
6 Schlechter 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 'h 7 'h V-VII
7 Tarrasch 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 0 'h 'h 1 0 'h 7 'h V-Vll
8 Bernstein 0 'h 0 'h 'h 1 0 1 1 'h 1 0 1 0 7
9 Spielmann 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 1 'h l 1 7
10 Teichmann 'h 'h 'h 0 0 'h 1 0 'h 0 'h 'h 1 1 6'h
11 Janowski 0 0 0 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 1 1 1 6
u Maroczy 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 0 6
1 3 Burn 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 0 'h 0 'h 5
14 Duras 'h 0 0 1 'h 0 1 0 0 0 0 'h 'h 5
1 5 Leonhardt 0 0 0 0 0 'h 'h 1 0 0 0 'h 'h 4
San Sebastian 191 1 55
In the last round Capablanca had an 1 9 PxN BxP
easier task. He only needed a draw to win Has Black perhaps failed t o see the
the tournament, and he achieved this imminent loss of the exchange?
with the help of one of his typical minor
combinations. 20 BxB R-Ql !
Black's position looks uncomfortable,
Not of course 20 . RxB ?? 2 1 BxPch
for his opponent's knight is threatening
. .
4 NxP N-Q2
5 8-Q3 KN-83
6 NxNch NxN
7 N-8 3 8-K2
Rubinstein used to play 7 . . . P-QN3
instead . In the 1 9 1 2 San Sebastian
tournament Schlechter tried to refute this
by 8 N-K 5 , which was answered by B-N2!
19 8xPch Kx8
9 B-QN 5 ch P-B 3 1 0 BxPch. At this stage
20 N-N5ch K-N l
10 NxQBP Q-Q.4 1 1 NxPdis ch K-Ql is
Other king moves do not help either, bad for White. A playable alternative,
e.g. 20 . . . K-N 3 21 Q-N4 P-KR4 22 however, is 10 Q- B 3 Q-Q.4 1 1 QxQ NxQ
N-R4ch or 20 . . . K-B 3 21 NxRPch K-B 2 12 BxPch BxB 1 3 NxB R-B l 14 NxP
22 N-N5 ch K-B 3 23 NxNP ! , winning RxP, when Black has counter-play for the
pawn. Another possibility for Black on
the seventh move is P-QB4.
21 Q-R5 NxN 8 0-0 0-0
22 QxPch K-81 9 8-KN S P-QN 3
23 QxNch K-N l
The continuation 9 . . . P-B4 1 0 PxP
The Black king cannot escape from the BxP merely wastes a tempo.
mating net. If 2 3 . . . K-K2 , then 24
10 Q-K2 8-N2
Q-K6ch K-Ql ( 24 . . . K-B l 25 N-R7
1 1 QR-QI Q-Q4?
mate) 25 N-B 7ch, winning the queen.
White's eleventh move prevented 1 1
24 Q-N6! . . . P-B4. Black could, however, play 1 1
. . . P-B 3 followed by Q-B2, QR-Ql and
The most accurate move. There were, P-B 4, after which he has a passive but
however, also wins to be had from 24 sound position. Another possibility is 1 1
R-K3 P-N3 25 QxNPch Q-N 2 26 Q-R 5 . . . BxN 1 2 QxB Q-Q.4 ! , forcing an
and 24 Q-R7 ch K-Bl 2 5 R-K3 , etc. exchange of queens. Then after 1 3 QxQ
NxQ (or 1 3 . . . PxQ) 14 B-Q.2 his
24 Q-Q2 position is only slightly inferior.
2 5 R-K3 Resigns
1 2 P-84 Q-Q3
In view of 2 5 . . . N-Ql 26 R-R 3 N-B 2 1 3 N-K5 QR-QI
27 NxN QxN 28 R-R8ch! etc. 14 KR-Kl N-Q2
Karlllbad 1 91 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Pts Prize
1 Teichmann llz y, 1 \lz 0 1 'h 'h \lz 1 0 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 1 1 1 18
2 Schlechter 0 'h 0 'h llz 'h 1 'h 0 'h 1 1 1 1 1 0 'h 1 1 1 11.z 1 1 1 17 11, Ill
3 Rubinstein 0 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 1 1 'h 1 1 1 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 1 17 I I , III
4 Rotlevi 0 'h 1 0 0 0 'h 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 16 IV
5 Marsha.II \lz 'h 0 11z 0 'h y, 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1lz 1 0 'h 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 5 llz V, VI
6 Nimzowitsch 0 'h V2 0 'h 'h 'h 0 0 0 'h 1 1 1 'h 'h 1 1 'h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 11.z V , VI
7 Vid mar 'h 'h 'h 1 llz 0 \lz 0 1 1 'h 0 1 'h 1 0 0 Y, 'h 1 1 'h 1 1 15 VII
8 Alekhin 0 0 0 llz llz 0 1 0 0 1 'h 1 0 'h 0 1 0 1 1 1 'h 1 1 3 11.z VIII-XI
9 Tartakower 0 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'lz 1 'h llz 'h 'h 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 'h VIII-X I
10 Leonhardt 'h 0 0 llz 'h 0 'h 'h 0 0 'h 1 'h 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 311.z VIII-XI
1 1 Duras 1 0 y, 0 0 0 0 0 'h 1 0 0 llz 1 1 'h 'h 1 llz 1 'h 1 1 3\lz VIII-XI
1 2 Spielmann 0 'h 1 0 llz 1lz 0 1 'h 'h 0 1 1 'h 'h 'h 1 · 'h 'h 1 0 0 1 0 13 XII
1 3 Perlis 'h 0 llz 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 1 0 11z 1 0 0 0 0 1 12 XIII
14 Cohn 'h 0 0 1 'h 0 0 'h 1 0 0 'h - 'h 'h 1 0 1 0 1 0 'h 1 1 0 1 1 11..
1 5 Lowenfisch 'h 0 0 0 0 0 0 1lz 'h 1 1 0 0 'h 1 1 'h 'h 1 'h 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 11.z
16 Siichting 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 - 1 1 0 0 'h 1 'h 1 1 1 1 1\lz
17 Burn 1 0 0 1 llz y, 0 1 0 'h 'lz 0 0 0 0 - 0 'h 'h 1 1 1 1 0 0 11
18 Salwe llz 1 0 0 0 0 1 'h 0 llz 0 \lz 0 1 llz 0 1 - 1 'h y, 0 y, 'h 1 'h 1 1
19 Johner 1lz 'h 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 'h 1 \lz 0 - 1 'h 0 1 1 0 0 10\lz
20 Kostic 0 0 llz 0 'h 'h 'h 0 0 0 'h 'h 'h 1 0 1 'h 'h 0 - 'h 'h 1 1 0 1 1011.z
21 Rabinowitsch 'h 0 'h 0 0 0 'h 1 0 1 'h 'h 0 0 'h 'h 0 'h 'h llz - 1 'h 0 1 1 1 0\lz
22 Dus Chotimirski 0 0 llz 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 'h 0 - 1 0 0 1 10
2 3 Alapin 'h 'h 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 'h 1 1 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 0 'h 0 - llz 'h 0 811.z
24 Chajes 0 0 0 0 0 0 'h 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 'h 0 0 1 1 'h - 0 1 811.z
2 5 Fahrni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 llz 0 'h 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 'h 1 - 0 811..
23 R-K3 R-KNl
24 8xKRP! RxRch
1 8 P-QS ! 25 QxR R-Ql
Neither the hero of the first tournament, other, Spielmann was already out of the
J. R. Capablanca, nor the world cham running for first prize.
pion, Dr E. Lasker, took part in the Nimzowitsch only needed a draw to
second international tournament in the win the tournament, but his opponent,
casino of the Spanish seaside resort of who was at the peak of his career, had
San Sebastian. Their absence was due in White. Moreover, the latter had just had
part to negotiations that were taking an excellent run of victories, which had
place on a world championship title netted him 6lh points from his last e ight
match. If, however, Capablanca had games, so he must have been full of
hopes that these negotiations would confidence at the start of the game.
quickly prove successful, he was soon to
find that his rival was not only an Old Indian
excellent chess player but that he also
excelled in the field of chess diplomacy. Rubinstein Nimzowitsch
The match did not take place until
1921. 1 P-Q4 N-KB 3
Apart from these two grandmas�ers It is amusing to see what the world
the strongest at that time-the rest of the champion, Dr Lasker, wrote in the
world's chess elite assembled at San tournament book : "This is also possible,
Sebastian. The tournament was a double if you have patience and then play very
round affair, and at the half-way stage it well. But 1 . . . P-Q4 is less of a
looked as if there were not going to be commitment. "
any real struggle for first place, the A few years later, Lasker was to
leading scores being Spielmann 8 , witness the upsurge of the Indian systems
Marshall and Nimzowitsch 5 lh, Rubin arising from 1 . . . N-KB 3 , propagated by
stein and Tarrasch 5. In the second half those grandmasters, of whom
the scene c hanged radically, for Spiel Nimzowitsch was one, who called them
mann did not even manage to score 5 0 selves neo-romanticists and who revo
per cent from his remaining games. He lutionized chess theory. Their period of
was still in the lead with three rounds to fame, however, did not arrive until after
go, but then he lost with White to the first world war. In fact the name
Tarrasch and scored only half a point " Indian system" did not exist in 1 9 1 2,
from the last two games, losing with when this game was played, and
White to Rubinstein and drawing with Nimzowitsch used a set-up (2 . . . P-Q3 )
Leonhardt. that had been played by Chigorin and
The position prior to the last round Burn among others in the previous
was Nim zowitsch 1 2 , Spielmann 1 2, but century.
with one more game, for the Hungarian
player Forgacs had withdrawn after the 2 P-QB4 P-Q3
first half, Rubinstein 1 1 lh. As Rubinstein 3 N-KB3 QN-Q2
and Nimzowitsch were to play each 4 N-83 P-K4
San Sebastian 1 91 2 61
5 P-K4 8-K2 15 PxP PxP
6 8-K2 0-0 16 NxP!
7 0-0 R-Kl
A pretty combination which com
8 Q-82 8-81
pletely thwarts Black's plans. As a result
9 P-QN 3 P-8 3
of neglecting his development Black will
10 8-N2 N-R4?
now be unable to consolidate the position
Up to this move the game could easily of his minor pieces.
have been played by present-day grand
16 RxN
masters. But the attempt to attack on the
1 7 8-K8 1
king-side is not sufficiently well prepared,
and Black soon gets into an inferior Another strong continuation is 1 7
position. It is apparent that, in the BxR NxBch ( 1 7 . . . QxB? 1 8 PxN QxBP
struggle fo r first place, Nimzowitsch did 19 Q-B3) 18 QxN QxB 19 R-Q8 , which
not succeed in keeping a cool head. He prevents B lack fro m completing his
had already proved in earlier games that development, e.g. 19 . . . P-KN 3 20 Q-K3
he understood how to handle such Q-K2 (20 . . . K-N2 2 1 R x B KxR 22
positions-first concentrating on patient QR6ch) 2 1 KR-Ql, and 2 1 . . . B-Q2 is
defence and only at a later stage striving answered by 22 R(Ql )xB !
for active play. Nowadays, instead of 1 0 17 N-Q2
. . . N-R4, Black either plays 1 0 . . . 1 8 Q-Q2?
P-QR3 , preparing P-QN4, or the waiting
move 1 0 . . . P-KN3. This is rather too subtle. After the
simple continuation 18 BxB NxBch 19
1 1 P-N 3 N-N l K-N 2, there are two Black pieces under
attack. Black's only reasonable chance of
Black wants to exploit the slight attack is then 19 . . . Q-K3 20 RxN !
weakness in his opponent's king-side N-B 5ch ! , but White has no difficulty in
position, but neglects his own develop beating it off: 21 PxN Q-N5ch 22 K-Bl
ment on the queen's wing . A better R-KR4 23 R-Q3 RxP 24 R-N 3 QxP 2 5
continuation is 1 1 . . . P-KN 3. B-Q4. If Black deviates with 20 . . . QxR
(instead of N-B 5 ) he is admittedly only a
1 2 QR-Ql Q-8 3
pawn down after White's reply 2 1 BxR,
1 3 N-N l !
but all his attacking chances have gone.
When two players do the same thing,
18 . . . 8x8
the result is not necessarily the same.
1 9 Rx8
Unlike B lack 's knight move , this one does
not shut the rook out of play. Besides, it As a result of White 's mistake on the
is part of a concrete tactical plan . previous move, Black has strong counter
play. If 1 9 KxB, Black can reply 1 9 . . .
13 8-R6 N-R6 20 K-N2 B-B4! , e.g. 2 1 KxN
1 4 KR-Kl N-8 5 Q-K3ch 22 K-N2 RxP 23 RxR QxRch 24
P-B3 Q-K2 2 5 QxN Q-K7ch or 21 BxR
Although this move leads to a lost NxB 22 KxN N-B6.
position it is difficult to attach a question
19 N-R6ch
mark to it, for it is the logical
. . .
20 K-N2 N-N4
continuation of the manoeuvre started on
move 1 0. If B lack did not continue like Threatening mate in two and enabling
this, the set-up with his knight on KR4 Black to exploit the tactical weakness of
and his queen on KB 3 would be pointless. White's KP after the forced reply.
62 Pachman 's Decisive Games
21 P-84 Q·N 3 ! perpetual check. If he tries to avoid it, he
22 PxN RxKP! has to resort to the risky 30 K-R4, when
Black has good chances with 30 . . .
An excellent move. A speedy loss B-K2! threatening P-KR 3 , e.g. 3 1 Q-B4
would result, on the other hand, from 2 2 Q-B7 3 2 Q-Q4 QxRPch 3 3 K-N4 Q-K7ch
. . . QxKPch 23 K-R 3 ! R-K2 24 KR-K l , 34 K-B4 P-B 3 ! or 3 1 P-KN4 Q-B 6 ! ( 3 1
when Black loses a knight. . . . BxPch? 3 2 K-N 3 ! ) , and Black has the
strong threat of BxPch!
2 3 QxN R-K7ch
25 8-84??
24 R-82 Q·K 5 ch
26 8-Q4? ?
2 5 K-N l
One of the most unbelievable
45 . Rubinstein-Nimzowitsch examples of chess blindness in a grand
master game. First Black opens himself to
a simple mate in two that even a rabbit
would see ( 2 6 QxBPch K-R8 27 QxKNP
mate) , and then White fails to take
advantage of it. Luckily for Rubinstein
his continuation also wins.
26 8x8
27 Qx8 R-K8ch
28 R-K8 1 RxR(88)ch
29 KxR Q-R8ch
30 K-82 QxPch
It is quite clear that Black will have to 31 K-83 P-8 3
attack the weakened king's position , after
which a perpetual check is on the cards. Parrying the threatened mate ( 3 2
Of course, 25 . . . R-K8ch 26 RxR QxRch Q-Q8ch) and a t the same time trying to
27 K-N 2 Q-K5ch ( 27 . . . QxN? 28 initiate an attack on the KB file. White
QxKBPch) 2 8 K-R3 is not good for must now refrain from 3 2 PxP on
Black, but after the correct 2 5 . . . RxR! account of 3 2 . . . R-KB l !
26 KxR Q-B 7ch! (not 26 . . . B-B4ch? 27
B-Q4) 2 7 Q-Q2 B-B4ch 2 8 K-N2 Q-K 5 ch 32 Q-Q2 ! Q-R6
29 K-R 3 Q-B4ch, White is faced with 33 Q-Q7 ! P-K84
San Sebastian 1 9 1 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pts Prize
1 Rubinstein Yz 1 0 1 Yz 1 Yz Yz 1 Yz 0 1 1 1 Yz Yz Yz 1 Yz 1 2 Yz I
2 Nimzowitsch y, 0 0 1 1 y, 0 y, 1 1 1 1 y, y, y, y, 1 1 y, 12 I I , Ill
3 Spielmann 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 y, y, 1 y, y, y, 1 y, y, 1 y, 1 12 I I , III
4 Tarrasch y, 0 y, 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 y, 0 y, y, 1 1 1 1 1 1 \lz IV
5 Perlis y, y, 1 'h 0 'h 0 0 1 1h y, 1 y, y, y, y, 1 y, 'h 10 v
6 Marshall 0 y, 0 0 y, 0 1 0 0 y, y, 1 1 y, y, y, 1 1 9 \lz
7 Duras 1 0 0 0 y, y, y, 1 y, 0 'h 0 y, y, y, 1 0 1 y, 8 'h
8 Schlechter 0 0 'h 'h 'h 0 y, 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h y, y, 1 y, 'h 8
9 Teichmann y, 'h y, y, 'h y, 0 0 y, y, y, 'h y, 0 y, 'h y, 'h 'h 8
10 Leonhardt y, 0 0 0 0 y, 0 0 0 'h 0 0 1 0 0 y, 'h v. 1 5
11 Forgacs y, y, 0 0 'h 0 y, 'h y, 0 -
San Sebastian 1 9 1 2 63
34 N-83 Q-R4ch deprive the White king of the last pawn
35 K-N2 QxP protecting it.
36 Q-K6ch K-Rl 37 Q-R4
37 N-K2 38 R-Q7 R-Kl
39 N-84! RxQ
Preventing 37 . . . P-B S , which would 40 NxQ Resigns
15 St Petersburg 1 9 1 4
Drawing Variation-The Way to Victory
Since 1 9 1 1 , Lasker's dominance in world Capablanca did not falter either. He had
chess had not remained uncontested. A White against his main rivals and sub
great rival had entered the scene in the jected them to considerable pressure . In
person of the young Cuban grandmaster, fact he was within an ace of inflicting
J. R. Capablanca, and it seemed only a defeat on Lasker, which would have
matter of time before a world champion virtually decided the tournament.
ship match between them would take Towards the end of the first four
place. That the chess world had to wait rounds Lasker managed to reduce the
ten years for this meeting was mainly due lead by half a point, the scores being
to external circumstances. For four years Capablanca 1 1 , Lasker 10, A lekhin 8 'h,
there was a struggle on a much bigger Marshall 7, Tarrasch 6'1z.
chessboard, and altogether more than There were only four rounds to go
half a decade passed without a major when Lasker and Capablanca sat down to
chess event. play each o ther for the last time in the
Virtually on the eve of the less noble tournament. It was clear that Lasker's
world confron tation, Lasker and Capa only chance lay in winning that game.
blanca met in the strong St Petersburg This time he had White, but Capablanca
Grandmaster Tournament, for which was already well known for his excellent
invitations had only gone out to those technique and his powers of defence.
chess masters who had already had at How does one win a game that really
least one victory in an international has to be won? That is a problem of the
tournament to their credit. The system of most difficult kind. In fact, between
play was unusual. First, all eleven high-class players of the same level it is an
contestants played each other in a almost insoluble problem if one of the
one-round tournament; then the top five two is content with a draw. In such
went on to play a two-round final, the situations most chess players choose the
points obtained in the preliminary tourna obvious and logical way : they go in for
ment also being counted. sharp play. However, not everyone is a
At the end of the preliminary natural attacking player, and anyone who
tournament, the situation was fairly tries too much in a sphere in which he
clear : first, Capablanca with 8 points, does not feel at home has little chance of
equal second, Lasker and Tarrasch with success.
6'h points, equal fourth, Alekhin and Lasker's strength lay in positional
Marshall with 6 points. Bernstein, Rubin play, especially defence. This fact alone
stein, Nimzowitsch, Blackburne, reduced his prospects against such a
Janowski and Gunsberg were eliminated. perfect master of technique as Capa
In the first half of the restricted blanca. The world-champion, however,
tournament the position changed only had one advantage. There was one sphere
slightly. Lasker played with great elan. where he was undoubtedly superior to his
(His historic game against Alekhin is opponent-the field of psychology and its
found in many books of instru ction.) But application to chess. In a note to one of
St Petersburg 1 9 1 4 65
his games h e once wrote : "This move is In order to get a better understanding
very good against Tarrasch ; in the game of Lasker's strategy, let us have a close
against Janowski it would have been a look at the position in diagram 46.
grave error." Lasker did not consider a White has a favo urable pawn structure.
game of chess to be something objective, His k ing-side pawn majority will enable
bound by scientific laws. It was, rather, a him, after further simplification, to
fight waged by means of a strategy which advance his pawns and eventually attain
varied with the opponent and his an important strategic goal-the creation
momentary mental state. of a passed pawn. Black's queen-side
majority, on the other hand, suffers fro m
Ruy Lopez the fact that it includes doubled pawns
on the QB file, so that a passed pawn
Lasker Capablanca cannot be created without tactical
measures (support from pieces). I recom
1 P-K4 P-K4
mend the reader to make the following
2 N-K8 3 N-QB 3
interesting experiment: Remove all the
3 8-N S P-QR 3
pieces except the king and the pawns. It
4 BxN QPxB
is then quite easy to show that the pawn
5 P-Q4 PxP
ending is won for White.
6 QxP QxQ
White's strategy in the diagrammed
7 NxQ
position is clear cut : he must exchange
There can be no doubt that the off as many pieces as possible and after
opening moves, which had been awaited the simplification make use of his mobile
with enormous interest, proved to be a pawn majority. What should Black do ?
disappointment to the spectators. Even at His highest card is his bishop pair, for in
that time the exchange variation of the open positions two bishops are stronger
Ruy Lopez was considered to be a than a bishop and a knight. In order to
colourless drawing system . It looked very make use of this advantage he must be
much as if Lasker had given up the active and go on to the attack.
struggle to win the tournament and, by Capablanca, ho wever, had not had any
avoiding risks, was intent on making sure thoughts of attack in mind when he
of second prize. Yet nothing could be started the game. He had sat down at the
further from the truth. The choice of the chessboard intent o n avoiding compli
colourless opening system was in reality cations; he wanted to simplify and was
an ingenious idea : it was a psychological content to draw, seeing this as a means of
attack on his opponent. making sure of first place. But that is
exactly what Lasker had been counting
46. Lasker-Capablanca
on. The intentions of his opponent were
in complete contrast to the requirements
of the position on the board.
7 . . . 8-Q3
Position after White's 7th move N-K2 B-Q2 followed by 0-0-0 are better.
66 Pachman 's Decisive Games
8 N-Q8 3 N-K2 for Black to defend the point K3 . If now
9 0-0 0-0 1 5 . . . B-B l , White wins the QP by 1 6
10 N-N3 R-KI QR-Ql followed b y R-Q2 and KR-Ql .
37 8-81
38 NxR 8xN
39 R-R7 R-81
40 R-QRl K-Ql
41 R-QRSch 8-81
Position after Black's 3 4th move 42 N-85 Resigns
St Petersburg 1 9 1 4
2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pts
1 Capablanca 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 1 1 1 1 8
2 Lasker 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 v.. 1 1 1 6'h
3 Tarrasch v.. 'h 'h v.. 1 'h 1 1 0 1 6'h
4 Alekhin 0 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 1 6
5 Marshall 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 1 1 'h 6
6 Bernstein 0 1 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 1 1 5
7 Rubinstein 'h 0 v.. 0 'h v.. v.. v.. 1 1 5
8 Nimzowitsch 0 v.. 0 'h y, 'h 'h 0 'h 1 4
9 B lackburne 0 0 0 v.. 0 'h v.. 0 3 V..
10 Janowski 0 0 1 v.. 0 0 0 v.. 1 v.. 3 'h
1 1 Gunsberg 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 0 0 'h 1
After the first part of the tournament the top five played a double round all-play-all for the prizes, the
results from the preliminary being added to their scores.
queen-side. As White has the unpleasant One of the most effective defences
threat of 23 P-QR4 (after moves like 22 against this opening. Black makes it
. . . Q-Ql ) , the logical continuation for difficult for his opponent to fianchetto
Black is 22 . . . QR-K l , after which White his queen's bishop, a course which in
can, however, play 23 B-K4 Q-K2 24 some variations is very strong, e.g. 2 . . .
QR-Kl Q-B 3 25 B-N 7 . Instead of P-QB4 3 P-K3 N-QB 3 4 B-N 5 B-Q2 5
choosing this line Spielmann made a P-QN3 P-K3 6 B-N 2 . A defence which has
blunder that, far from harming him , been popular of late is 2 . . . N-KB 3 .
actually proved beneficial. He played 22 3 P·K3
. . . KR·Kl , whereupon his opponent
missed the correct reply, the game ending Probably m ore promising than 3
in a draw after 23 QR·Kl ? K·Bl 24 K·Bl P-KN3 followed by B-N2.
(24 B-K4 QR-Ql 2 5 B-B6 RxR) 24 . . . 3 B·N2
QR·Bl 2 5 RxRch RxR 26 RxRch QxR 4 P-Q4
2 7 Q·K4 QxQ 28 BxQ. What White failed
to see is that after 2 3 B-K4! Black has to Tartakower decides to adopt the
give up the exchange by 2 3 . . . RxB in Stonewall System , a line c ommonly
view of the decisive threat 24 B·B6, chosen by Black in the Dutch Defence
which cannot be countered by 2 3 . . . after 1 P-Q4 P-KB4. Another possibility is
Q-K2 because o f 24 P-B 6 ! PxP 2 5 BxPch, to copy B lack's moves in the closed
winning the queen. system of the Dutch, e.g. 4 B-K2 N·KB3
5 0-0 0-0 6 P-Q3 . In neither of these
Of the three leaders, Tanakower had cases, however, does the additional tempo
the best chance of winning. He was that White has, compared with Black in
opposed by Teichmann, a master of the the Dutch , suffice to achieve the
older generation whose chess career was initiative.
drawing to a close and who in this
tournament had at the most prospects of 4 N·KB3
gaining the last ( seventh) prize. Moreover, 5 B·Q3
Tanakower had White. This looks more active than 5 B-K 2 ,
though i t has its disadvantages, o n e of
Bird's Opening
them being that Black can oppose the
bishop with his own (5 . . . B-B4 ) . The
Tartakower Teichmann
pawn weakness that Black gets after the
1 P-KB4 exchange of bishops (6 BxB PxB) is less
Teplitz-Schonau 1 922 71
important than the fact that he has got 1 5 N-83 N-83
rid of his opponent's active p iece and has 16 NxNch PxN ! ?
increased his control over K 5 .
This move i s not actually bad : Black
5 . .
. 0-0 gives his opponent a passed pawn, but in
6 QN-Q2 P-N3 return gets pressure along the K-file on
7 Q-K2 P-84 his opponent's weak KP. However, it
8 P-83 8-N2 would have been simpler to take with the
9 0-0 N-K5 bishop and then play P-K3 and Q-B 2 .
White would then have had no real
50. Tartakower-Teichmann
chances on the king's wing in spite of the
needless weakness caused by Black's 1 4
. . . P-KR 3 .
17 8-QZ R-Kl
18 R-Ql QR-Bl
19 8-81 Q-K2
20 P-Q5
12 BxR
1 3 QxB N-Q2
14 QNxP P-KR3
Teplitz-Schonau 1 9 2 2
2 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 Pts Prize
1 Reti 1 Y.z 1 1 1 Y.z 1 0 0 1 0 9 I, I I
2 Spielmann 0 1 Y.z Y.z 1 11.z 1 1 Y.z 1 Y.z Y.z 1 9 I, I I
3 Griinfeld Y.z 0 Y.z Y.z 1 Y.z 1 Y.z Y.z 1 1 Y.z 1 8112 III, IV
4 Tartakower 0 Y.z 1;, 1 0 0 1 1 1 Y.z g11.z I I I , IV
S Rubinstein 0 Y.z Y.z 0 0 1 Y.z 1 1 Y.z 1 8 v
6 Kostic 0 0 0 0 1 Y.z 1 1 Y.z Y.z Y.z Y.z 6Y.z VI
7 Teichmann 0 Y.z Y.z 1 0 0 Y.z Y.z Y.z Y.z 1 Y.z Y.z 6 VII
8 Maroczy Y.z 0 0 0 0 Y.z Y.z 1 1;, 1 0 Y.z 1 S Y..
9 Treybal 0 0 Y.z 1 Y.z 0 11.z 0 1 1 0 1 0 S Y..
10 Wolf 1 11.z Y.z 0 0 0 Y.z Y.z 0 Y.z Y.z Y.z 1 S Y..
1 1 Mieses 1 0 0 0 0 Y.z 11.z 0 0 Y.z 1 Y.z 1 s
1 2 Siimisch 0 Y.z 0 0 Y.z Y.z 0 1 1 11.z 0 0 1 s
1 3 Tarrasch 0 11.z Y.z 0 0 Y.z Y.z Y.z 0 Y.z Y.z 1 11.z s
1 4 Johner 1 0 0 1;., 0 Y.z Y.z 0 1 0 0 0 Y.z 4
17 New York 1 9 24
Victory i n D anger
Capablanca had been world champion for behind Lasker and only half a point
three years, but in the chess world his ahead of Reti.
dominance was not beyond all doubt. His It soon became apparent, however,
match with Lasker in 1 9 2 1 had not had that the world champion intended to
the appearance of a real fight. On that fight hard. He proceeded to win three
occasion it had seemed as if Lasker had games in a row, the last in a dramatic
handed over his title rather than losing it encounter with Lasker. Typically, the
in a match between equals. Nor had the latter refused to be intimidated and by
1914 St Petersburg Grandmaster Tourna the beginning of the nineteenth round
ment been forgotten, in which the ex had again achieved a lead of one point. In
world champion with a unique show of that round, however, he was in danger,
will-power had defeated and overtaken for both his game and Capablanca's could
his great opponent. The question Capa have easily ended differently.
blanca or Lasker had not been unequi
vocally decided . 5 3 . Yates-Capablanca
On 1 5 March 1924 in New York,
eleven of the very top grandmasters and
masters met in a tournament that turned
out to be a further round in the duel
between the two giants of the early
twentieth century. Only Nimzowitsch
and R ubinstein were missing, and this, in
view of the other participants, was not
sufficient to detract from the enormous
importance of the tournament.
The final table gives no indication of
the dramatic struggle for first place, and In the opening Capablanca had secured
yet the tournament was marked by a duel the two bishops, which gave him a dis
which was much closer than the result tinct advantage. Now he exploits the
suggests. In the penultimate round exposed position of Black's rook by
Lasker's victory was in great danger. means of a pawn sacrifice.
In the first half of the tournament the
21 P-Q.4 !
ex-world champion produced a magnifi
22 RxP Q-K2?
cent performance. He scored 7Yi points
from ten games and was the only com An inaccuracy. The correct way to
petitor to go through undefeated. Capa exploit the exposed rook is 22 . . . B-K2 ! ,
blanca suffered a defeat at the hands of threatening N-Q6 o r N-K 3 . Black then
Reri in the fourth round, the game later attains a decisive advantage, as the follow
appearing in many books of tuition as an ing variations, given by Alekhin, show :
example of the strategical concept of the (i) 23 P-N4 N-K3 24 R-N7 RxB 2 5
neo-romantics. He remained one point PxB B-B4 2 6 N-K4 PxN! 2 7 RxQ RxR 2 8
New York 1 924 75
QxP RxBP or 26 R-B l RxR 27 QxR by Nimzowitsch, was still in its infancy.
Q-B l ! threatening QxR and BxPch. Lasker never bothered much about the
(ii) 23 N-B4 BxN 24 PxB N-Q6 ! 25 latest discoveries of chess fashion , a fact
BxN BxR 26 QxB Q-N4ch 27 K-Rl PxN which led to several unpleasant defeats.
and wins.
4 P-K5 P-Q84
23 Nx8 ! 5 P-QR3
This shows up the difference between Partly as a result of this game, 5 B-Q2
22 . . . Q-K2 and B-K2. By means of a was, for some time, considered stronger
simple tactical thrust, White forces a and more solid.
draw. In the tournament book Alekhin
5 PxP
maintained that Black could have PxN
6 Px8
retained winning chances by playing 2 3
7 PxP?
. . . QxN. He then analysed the pos
sibilities arising from 24 P-KN4 B-N3 2 5 It was later discovered that Black
BxB BPxB! H e overlooked, however, should reply to 5 P-QR3 by 5 . . . BxN
that White does not need to weaken his and not, as in this game, by 5 . . . PxP.
king-side but can cope with all tactical The reason is that White could now either
threats by 24 R-B l . If then 24 . . . B-N 3 , go in for the very promising pawn sacri
White first plays 2 5 R-N4 and then BxB . fice 7 N-B3 Q-B 2 8 Q-Q.4 ! N-K2 9 B-Q3
N-Q2 10 0-0 PxP 1 1 BxP, which gives him
23 8xR excellent attacking chances, or continue 7
24 8xPch K-Rl Q-N4 K-B l 8 N-B 3 , which may even be
2 5 R-KR4! better. The move played by Lasker, 7
PxP, is a serio us waste of time, for White
But not 25 P-B4 P-N3 26 Q-R4 B-R4
has no good way of holding the pawn on
27 P-KN4 N-K3 ! 28 PxB NxN 29 PxN
QB 3 .
QxKP 30 PxP Q-K6ch, and Black wins.
7 . . . Q-82
25 QxN
8 N-83 N-K2 !
26 P- 84 Q-K2
27 8-82dis ch K-N l White's weak pawn on QB 3 cannot run
28 8-R7ch K-Rl away; Black therefore first goes after the
29 8-82dis ch more important KP.
9 8-Q3 N-N3
10 0-0! N-Q2
Capablanca thus unnecessarily
dropped half a point. Lasker, on the Black wisely refrains from capturing
other hand, was blessed by good fortune the KP , for the continuation 10 . . . NxP
in his game and gained the full point. 1 1 B-KB4 NxNch ( 1 1 . . . P-B 3 12 NxN
PxN 1 3 Q-R5 ch ) 1 2 QxN P-K4 ( 1 2 . . .
French Defence Q-K2 1 3 Q-N 3 N-B3 14 QxP) 1 3 KR-Kl
P-B 3 14 QxP would be favourable to
Lasker Maroczy White.
25 Q-N4 K-N2
42 Q-N6 N-K7ch
43 K-R2 Q-K 3 ? ?
35 QxRP?
This incomprehensible move leads t o a
Lasker considers the situation ripe for
loss. Instead 43 . . . R-K3 ! 44 Q-N 8
an attempt to seize the initiative and in
Q-Q3 ch 4 5 QxQ RxQ 4 6 K-N2 R-QR3 47
doing so makes one of those mistakes
R-R4 R-R7 would have resulted in a
that have so often led to victory. Dis
drawn ending.
turbing the equilibrium of the position
often upsets the opponent to an extent 44 QxNP ! Q-Q3ch
that is more significant than the posi 45 K-N2 N-85ch
tional or material disadvantage incurred.
It is difficult to understand what Black
35 . . . P-Q.5 ! had in mind when making his 43rd move.
Of course, not 3 5 . . . QxP � ? 3 6 B-K3 , At any rate he gets no compensation for
etc. the pawn, since both kings are equally
78 Pachman 's Decisive Games
exposed. The text-move leads to a queen 47 QxR Q-N S ch
ending m which Black loses another 48 K-B l QxR
pawn. 49 Q-KS ch K-N l
46 BxN QxB 50 QxBP Resi!Jls
2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pts Prize
1 Lasker 'h 0 1 11.z 'h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'h 1 'h 1 'h 1 1 16 I
2 Capablanca 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 1 1 1 1 1 1 'h 'h 1 'h 1 1 4\1.z II
3 Alekhin 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 0 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 'h 'h 1 1 12 III
4 Marshall 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 0 'h 0 1 'h 0 'h 1 1 'h 1 1 11 IV
s Reti 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 'h 'h 'h 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 l O'h v
6 Maroczy 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 1 Yz 'h 'h 0 1 'h Yz 1 1 'h 1 1 0 10
7 Bogoljubov 0 0 0 0 'h 'h 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 'h 1 0 1 9'/z
8 Tartakower 'h 0 0 0 Yz 'h 'h 1 0 0 'h 'h 1 0 1 0 'h 0 Yz 1 8
9 Yates 'h 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 'h 1 7
10 Ed. Lasker 'h 0 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 0 1 'h 0 'h 0 11.z 1 0 0 0 Yz 611.z
11 Janowski 0 0 11.z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Yz 0 Yz 0 1 'h s
International Tournament�
Semmering 1 926
Sensational Victory b y an Outsider
It was the intention of the organizers of tim es nervous fight for top place was
the tournament at the Austrian mountain Tartakower. In the twelfth round he lost
hotel of Panhans on the Semmering to to Reti in an endgame with b ishops of
bring together the elite of the chess opposite colours which could have been
world. Only after the withdrawal of drawn in several ways. The same round
Capablanca and Lasker and the refusal of also proved tragic for Nimzowitsch.
the Soviet chess organization to allow As a result of an earlier positional
Bogolyubov to participate was a player advantage Black is a pawn up. He now
brought in who had originally been left breaks open White's king-side position,
out because of his poor results prior to which induces the latter to go in for a
the tournament. That player proved to be desperate counter-action.
the eventual winner. Although not an
33 P-R5 !
unique case-there had been doubts as to
34 P-Q.5 ! ? PxNP
Capablanca's skill prior to the San
3 5 N-Q.4 QxBP
Sebastian tournament-it was nevertheless
36 R-KB l Q-Q.3 ? ?
The tournament was played from 6 to This converts a won position into a
30 March 1926, and the closing phase was lost one. After the correct 3 6 . . . Q-K4 !
exceptionally dramatic. After the the game would have been virtually
eleventh round Tartakower was in the decided (e.g. 3 7 N(Q2 )-B3 Q-Q3 ! 3 8 PxP
lead with 9 points, ahead of Nimzowitsch PxP 39 N-KN5 R-K l ) and N imzowitsch
( 8 'h ) , Spielmann and Alekhin (both 8). would have had good prospects of
The first four had opened up such a gap winning first prize.
from the rest of the field (Rubinstein,
Tarrasch and Vidmar 6'h each) that it was 37 N-K4 Q-82
almost certain that one of them would Here 3 7 . . . NxN is not possible
emerge victorious. because of 3 8 N-B5 dbl ch followed by
The first victim of the hard and at mate. And 3 7 . . . Q-K4 38 NxN NxN 3 9
56. Vidmar-Nimzowitsch NxPch loses Black his queen.
38 NxN NxN
39 N-N5
39 Q·K2
Position after White's 3 3 rd move 40 P-Q.6 Q·Bl
80 Pachman 's Decisive Games
41 QxNch K-N l threatening both 41 QxN and 41 Q-R8ch .
42 R-B4! R-Q.2 Black, however, has a pretty counter.
43 R-R4 Q-N2
40 B-N2 !
44 QxQch KxQ
41 QxB?
45 R-Q.4 P-R3
46 N-B7 K-B 3 This is being a little too ambitious.
47 R-Ql K-K4 Although a piece down Alekhin continues
48 N-K8 P-R4 to play for a win, trusting that Black's
49 KxP P-RS badly placed knights will be unable to
50 K-N4 P-R6 stop the White passed pawns. The correct
5 1 R-QRl ! K-QS continuation is 41 QxN! BxP 42 Q-QB 5 !
52 N-B6 ! RxP (not 42 Q-KB 5 ? B-K5 43 Q-B8ch K-R2
5 3 R-Qlch KxP and White loses his bishop on N2) 42 . . .
Q-K8ch 43 K-B4 B-K7ch 44 K-Q5 B-B6ch
If 5 3 . . . K-K4 , then 54 N-Q7ch, and
45 K-B4 Q-K7ch 46 K-B3 draw.
if 5 3 . . . K-B4, then 54 N-K4ch.
41 Q-K8ch
54 RxR P-R7 42 K-B4 QxR
55 R-B6ch ! K-N4 43 B-B3 Q-KB4
56 R-Bl K-RS 44 Q-N8ch K-R2
57 N-Q.7 P-QN4 45 P-RS QxBP
58 N-BSch K-R6 46 Q-B7 NxP
59 N-Q3 K-N6 47 K-N4 N-BS !
60 N-B S ch K-R6 48 K-R3 N-K3
61 N-Q.3 K-N6 49 Q-KS N-KS
62 K-B3 Resigns Q-Q.6
50 B-N4
5 1 K-R4 N-QS !
The other two leaders, Alekhin and
Spielmann, both won ( against Tarrasch Both knights have performed excel
and Kmoch respectively) in spite of lently, which enables Black to win the
having Black. But in the next round game.
Alekhin dropped out of the race. He lost 52 Q-QS P-B4
to Nimzowitsch's conqueror, not, how 53 Q-B4 Q-Q.8
ever, as the result of a blunder but 54 B-R3 Q-QR8
through trying too hard for a win. 55 P-R6 N-QB6ch
56 K-N4 N-B7ch
5 7 . Alekhin-Vidmar QxBch
57 K-BS
58 K-N6 N-K6!
59 Resigns
In the same round Spielmann drew
with Reri and Nimzowitsch with Kmoch.
By virtue of his victory over Vajda,
Tartakower took the lead with 10 points
followed by Spielmann with 9'h. The
next round brought these two together.
Whereas many of his grandmaster con
temporaries would h ave been content
It looks as if White's risky play in this with a lead of half a point and laid out
important game is paying off, for he is the key game of the tournament solidly,
In ternatio nal Tournament, Semmering 1 926 81
Tartakower decided to use the advantage 16 N·K4
of the White pieces to put matters 17 8·K2 8-84
beyond all doubt. 18 N-83 NxNch
19 8xN 8xN P!
Queen's Gambit 20 8xPch K·Rl
58. Tartakower-Spielmann
Tartakower Spielmann
1 N·K83 P-Q4
2 P-Q4 N·K83
3 P·84 P·K3
4 B-N 5 QN-Q2
5 P·K3 P-83
6 QN·Q2
41 . . . PxP
42 K·N 2 ?
After this mistake the game i s lost. A
much stronger line is 42 Q-K8 ! R-B3 43
International Tournament, Semmering 1 926 83
Q-QB8 ! , when Black has nothing better 6 0 . Spielmann-Nimzowitsch
than 42 . . . R-B7ch 43 K-N3 RxP 44
QxP . Then, in view of the threats Q-KS
and Q-B 3 , a draw seems likely.
42 R-Q6
43 Q-K8 R-Q3
44 Q-QB8 R-Q7ch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pts Prize
The encounter between Capablanca and ability. They explain his defeat by saying
Alekhin in Buenos Aires in 192 7 is still that he did not prepare himself suf
considered by many to have been the ficiently for the match, that his opening
greatest of all world championship repertoire was not sophisticated enough
matches. or that he simply underestimated his
The Cuban grandmaster was at the opponent. My opm1on is that the
peak of his career. Since 192 1 , when he explanation for the unexpected result has
had won the title from Lasker without to be sought in the realm of psychology.
any great resistance on the latter's part, In the years preceding the match Capa
he had raced from success to success. For blanca had become so unaccustomed to
years he had not made a single serious losing that he was badly affected not only
mistake, and his opponents were faced by the loss of a game but also by any
with the seemingly impossible task of set-back at all, such as the failure to
beating a "chess machine", as he was exploit a decisive advantage, for example.
often called. The first game of the match was won
In February and March 1 9 2 7 there had by Alekhin. This did not upset Capa
been a match tournament contested by blanca as much as what later followed,
the strongest grandmasters of the time, for it was a chance result caused by a
the four-round system guaranteeing an blunder on the sixteenth move, and the
objective assessment of the individual reigning world champion succeeded in
performances. The result had been plain squaring the match in the third game. In
for all to see : Capablanca 14, Alekhin the sixth he successfully parried Alekhin's
l l 'h, Nimzowitsch l O 'h, Dr Vidmar 1 0 , violent attack, and thereafter there fol
Spielmann 8 , Marshall 6. Not only had lowed a series of draws. The first really
Capablanca succeeded in gaining first critical stage was reached in the eleventh
place ; he had also defeated each of the game. Capablanca came out of the
other contestants in their individual opening with a clear superiority in space,
matches. but as a result of three mistakes he
Six months later, on 1 6 September, conceded his opponent an unmistakable
the match between the top two in that advantage. Although Alekhin then played
tournament began. The victor was to be a little inaccurately, giving his opponent
the first player to win six games, irrespec drawing chances on several occasions, the
tive of the number of draws. This system latter failed to hold the game. This
seemed to be very much in favour of second defeat with White affected Capa
Capablanca, for no one could imagine blanca considerably . In the next game he
that a player who had hardly lost a game had a wonderful opportunity to square
for years could lose six in a single match. matters again, but he missed his way and
Even today there is no agreement on got no more than a draw. After a long
why Capablanca was defeated. Most chess series of draws, most of them colourless,
historians are of the opinion that in 1 9 2 7 Capablanca lost his third game, again with
Capablanca possessed the greater chess White. Of course, that did not by any
World Champ ionship 1927 87
means signify the end of the match. I n 7 8-Q3 8-K2
the 3 1 st game, with t h e score 4: 3 i n 8 KN-K2
Alekhin's favour, Capablanca was a pawn
Developing the knight o n K 2 has
up in the endgame, and the win was so
become popular here-mainly as a result
easy that even a player of much inferior
of Alekhin's success in this game.
playing strength should have had no
difficulty in winning. But two moves 8 0-0
before the time-check, he threw the win 9 N-N 3
away and with it the chance of squaring
Today 9 Q-B2 or 9 0-0 is usually
the match. Undoubtedly that was a great
played. The text-move is the prelude to a
disappointment for the Cuban, and he
king-side attack, which does not really
was clearly suffering from depression
correspond to the character of the
when, after a break of three days, the
position. White has the choice between
match was resumed. The game that
two logical plans: the preparation of the
follows was without doubt the one that
minority attack (P-QN4-N5 ) and an
virtually decided matters.
action in the centre (P-B3 and P-K4).
6 PxP
In the eleventh game the main varia
tion had been played : 6 N-B 3 Q-R4 7
N-Q2 B-N5 8 Q-B 2 PxP 9 BxN NxB 1 0
NxP Q-B2 1 1 P-QR3 B-K2. Today the
continuation 7 PxP NxP 8 Q-Q2 is con
sidered stronger.
37 8-87 8-K8ch
90 Pachman 's Decisive Games
Here 3 7 . . . R-N4 would allow the R-K Sch ) . Now White's king enters the
simple reply 3 8 R-KN S ! because the QRP game with decisive effect.
is protected. 48 P-N 3
38 K-N4 R-N7ch 49 R-K S ch K-Q.2
39 K-R3 R-K87 SO P-RS ! PxP
40 K-N4 R-KN7ch S1 K-83 P-RS
41 K-R3 R- K87 S2 R-RS R-86ch
42 P-84! R-86ch S3 K-N4 R-8S
S4 K-8 S ! 8xP ! ?
At the moment Black is operating SS R-R7ch !
with mate threats. For example, on
move 39 or 4 1 , White could not have Care i s still required. A n attempt to
played K-B4 because of B-Q7 mate. Now win the piece would lead to a catas
there is another such threat: 43 K-N4 ? ? trophe: SS BxB R-B4ch S6 K-N4 ? ? RxR
S7 KxR P-R6.
R-KN6 mate.
43 K-N2 R-87ch SS . . . K-83
44 K-R3 R-86ch S6 8x8!
4S K-N2 R-87ch White avoids falling into the last trap :
46 K-N l R-87 S6 R-QB 7ch? K-N4 S 7 RxR KxR S B BxB
47 8-N6 and White cannot stop the KRP.
63. Alekhin-Capablanca S6 R-84ch
S7 K-K6 ! Rx8
S B P-8S
S9 P-86 R-K86
60 P-87 P-N4
61 R-R S ! P-R6
62 R-K8S Rx R
47 R-8 S ? 63 PxR Resi gns
Until the sixteenth round of the tourna time-trouble on two occasions, he finally
ment at Karlsbad, played from 3 1 July to had to submit to the inevitable.
26 August , it looked as if the chess Spielmann took the sole lead by
machine that had suffered a reverse in the drawing his game, though he was caught
match with Alekhin was still going strong. by Capablanca again in the eighteenth
It is true that , in a field containing all the round. Then began the final drama. Capa
world's strongest players apart from the blanca drew with Vidmar in the nine
new and the former world champions, teenth round, where he was joined in the
Alekhin and Dr Lasker, Capablanca began lead by Nimzowitsch, who defeated Spiel
modestly with five draws. In the second mann in a double rook ending after
game he was even lucky to save half a winning a pawn. In the last round but
point against Thomas, and in another one one, Nimzowitsch only managed to draw
he defended excellently against Rubin against Maroczy owing to an inaccuracy
stein. In an exciting encounter with in a won endgame. Capablanca, however,
Bogolyubov he failed to make the most of lost from the following position and so
his chances. dropped out of the running.
From the sixth round, however, it was
64. Spielmann-Capablanca
the Capablanca of old. His excellent
positional performance enabled him to
notch up one point after the other, and
he climbed higher and higher up the
table, going into the lead in the thirteenth
round. This he maintained until the end
of the fifteenth round, where he defeated
his old rival Marshall. He and Spielmann
had 11 points, a full point ahead of
Nimzowitsch, who was followed by
Rubinstein, Vidmar and Euwe.
What happened in the sixteenth round
Such a position is unusual after
has gone down in chess h istory as one of
twenty-two moves in the Orthodox
the most unbelievable blunders ever per Queen's Gambit. Black's pieces lack co
petrated by a grandmaster. Capablanca, ordination, and in spite of the forced
who had Black against Samisch, made a
transposition into an endgame White has
mistake on his ninth move that lost a a clear advantage.
piece. The game went 1 P-Q4 N-KB3 2
P-QB4 P-K 3 3 N-QB3 B-N5 4 P-QR3 2 3 R-Q6 QxQch
BxNch 5 PxB P-Q3 6 P-B 3 P-K4 7 P-K4 24 KxQ R-Kl
N-B 3 8 B-K3 P-QN3 9 B-Q3 B-R3 ? ? 1 0 2 5 BxP
Q-R4 B-N2 1 1 P-Q5 . Although he There was a more stylish win by 25
struggled on valiantly until the 62nd K-Q3 N-K3 26 B-Q5 R-K2 27 R-Kl
move, even getting his opponent into dire R(R l )-Kl 28 P-KN4.
92 Pachman 's Decisive Games
2S R-K7ch mann did not manage to repeat his
2 6 K-Q 3 ! Rx8P success at Semmering 1926, though in the
27 R-Kl R-83 last round he got very near to doing so.
28 8-QSch K-N 3
29 RxRch KxR
30 R-K8! P-KR4
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Pts Prize
1 Nimzowitsch 'lz 'lz 'lz 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'lz 15
2 Capablanca 'lz 0 'lz 1 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 1 1 1 'lz 0 'h 14'1z II, Ill
4 Rubinstein 'h 'h y, 'lz 'lz 'lz 1 1 1 y, 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 0 'lz 1 3 '1z IV
5 Becker 'lz 0 'h 'h 0 0 'h 'lz 'h 'h 'h 'h Yz 0 12 V-VII
6 Euwe 0 'h 'h 'lz 0 0 'lz 'lz 1 y, 'lz 'h 'lz 'h 'lz 'h 12 V-VII
8 Bogo l y ubov 0 'lz 'h 'lz 0 'h 'lz 'lz 'lz 1h 0 0 0 1h 1 1 1h VIII
10 Canal 1h 'lz 1h 1h
'h 1 0 1 0 'lz 'lz - 1 0 0 y, 0 1 0 'lz lO'lz X, X I
14 Tartakower 0 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 0 'h 'h 0 'lz 'lz - 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 'lz 10
17 Yates 0 'h 'h 0 'h 1h 0 0 0 0 0 'lz 'lz 'lz 'h 'lz 1 9 '1z
38 Nx P Q-Rl
39 NxR QxN
40 P-NS ! KPx P
41 PxP Q-R2
36 8-KB l ? ? 42 QxP 8xP
43 Q-86ch K-8 1
This makes the win much easie\" and 44 N-8 5 ! 8xN
assures Nimzowitsch of first prize in the 45 Px8 K-N2
tournament. Tartakower intends to 46 Q-N6 R-Rl
counter White's positional threat of 47 QxQ RxQ
P-QN4, P-QB S by preventing the ex 48 R-N6 K-81
change of his king's bishop, but com 49 P-86 R-R l
pletely overlooks that he thereby loses SO 8-N4ch K-Ql
the exchange and a pawn. After the game 51 8-K6 K-Kl
he recommended a re-grouping of B lack's 52 8xNch Kx8
pieces by 36 . . . Q-KR2 followed by 53 R(R2)x8 Resigns
21 Ziirich 1 9 3 4
A Strong Finish
The glorious Alekhin era was drawing to its having lost in the eighth, tenth and
close . After a few tournaments in which twelfth rounds.
he was well ahead of the rest of the In the thirteenth round the main
field-at San Remo he won by 3 � points question was : Which of the two leaders
and at Bled in 1 9 3 1 by 5 �. an unequalled would be able to forge ahead? Flohr came
feat in international tournaments-his very close to doing so .
rivals began to cause him more and more White can do nothing to hold the
trouble. queen's side. Bogolyubov, however, uses
At a tournament in Zurich from 14 to his doubled rooks to mount a rescue
29 July 1 9 34, to celebrate the 1 2 5th action.
anniversary of the Zurich Chess Society,
57 N·8 5 ! 8xN
there was an illustrious collection of
58 Px8 R·KN2
players. Although Capablanca and
59 R-Q.7 R·Q82
Reshevsky as well as the Soviet contin
60 P-86! Q·8 5 !
gent were missing (the latter only
entering the international arena a year O f course , not 60 . . . RxP? 61 RxRch
later), it was the strongest field that could KxR 62 Q-R 7ch followed by 63 R-Q7 . In
be assembled at that time. answer to the text-move White must not
After the seventh round Lasker and be too aggressive, e.g. 61 RxR( B 7 ) RxR
Flohr were ahead with 5 � points, and 62 R-Q7ch? RxR 63 PxR Q-Q4! , when
from then until the eleventh round Flohr Black has the double threats of Q-R 8
was in the sole lead. In the twelfth round mate and QxP.
he was caught by Alekhin, both of them
61 RxR(87 ) RxR
having ten points, being half a point
62 R·Q6 ! RxP
ahead of Euwe and a full point ahead of
63 R·Q7ch K·N l
Bogolyubov. The others were already out
64 R·Q8ch K-82
of the running, Lasker, for example,
65 Q·R7ch R-8 2
66 R·Q7ch RxR
68 . Bogolyubov-Flohr 67 QxRch
Dutch Defence
Stihlberg Alekhin
1 P-Q.4 P-K3
Position after Black's 5 6th move 2 P·Q84 P-K84
98 Pachman 's Decisive Games
3 P-KN 3 N-KB 3 1 6 Q-B4 QR-Bl
4 B-N2 B-N 5ch 17 Q-Q.6 Q-B2
5 B-Q.2 BxBch 1 8 PxP?
6 QxB 0-0
7 N-QB 3 P-Q.4{ ? ) This relieves Black of all his worries.
Much stronger is 1 8 Q-N4.
From the strategical point of view a
doubtful move . The Stonewall System is 18 BxP
playable if the black-squared bishops have 19 Q·N4 Q-Q.2
not been exchanged ( i.e. after 4 . . . 20 P-K3 N·K5
B-K2). In this case White often tries to 21 KR-Kl ( ? )
force the exchange by P-QN 3 and B-QR 3 .
In the present game he does not need to Another inaccuracy. Better is 21
go to such trouble. His opponent has KR-Ql followed b y B-B l .
already done it for him.
21 P-QN 3
8 N-8 3 N-B 3 ! ? 2 2 P-B 3 NxN
2 3 RxN B-N4
Operating with the threat of QPxP.
24 B-Bl ?
The immediate 8 . . . QPxP is not good on
account of 9 N-KS . Yet another mistake. Now Black will
be able to control the QB file and have a
9 PxP PxP distinct advantage in the endgame. White
10 N-K5 N-K2 should have preceded B-B l by 24
11 0-0 P-B 3 R( K l ) -QB l B-BS 25 P-QR4.
12 QR-Bl
24 . . . BxB
A rather stereotyped move. The rook
25 KxB RxR
is better placed on QN 1 to prepare the
26 QxR(B 3 ) R·B l
minority attack . A good move is 1 2 P-QN4,
27 Q-Q.3 P-N 3
69. Stahlberg-Alekhin 28 K-B2
28 Q-R5
29 R-K2 R-BS
30 R-N2 K-N2
31 Q-N 3 Q·B 3
35 Q·K l !
36 R·N 3 RxR
37 PxR RPxP
3 8 PxP Q-KSch
Ziirich 19 34
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Pts Prize
1 Alekhin 0 Y.z Y.z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 I
2 Euwe 1 -
Y.z 1 0 1 Y.z 'l.z 1 1 1 1 'l.z 1 1 1 12 II, Ill
3 Flohr 'l.z 'l.z 'l.z 'l.z 'l.z 'l.z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 II, Ill
4 Bogolyubov 'l.z 0 'l.z 1 'l.z 'l.z 'l.z 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l Y.z IV
5 Lasker 0 1 Y.z 0 -
1 0 0 Y.z 1 1 1 1 1 10 v
6 Bernstein 0 0 Y.z Y.z 0 Y.z 1 Y.z Y.z Y.z l 1 1 1 9 VI, V I I
7 Nimzowitsch 0 Y.z Y.z 'l.z 1 Y.z - 11.z 0 0 1 1 Y.z 1 1 9 VI, VII
8 Stahlberg 0 Y.z 0 Y.z 1 0 Y.z Y.z 1 0 1 1 Y.z 1 Y.z 8 Vlll
9 Johner 0 0 0 0 \lz Y.z 1 Y.z -
0 1 1 1 1 Y.z Y.z 7Y.z
10 Henneberger 0 0 0 0 0 Y.z 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 5 '1.z
1 1 Gygli 0 0 0 0 0 Y.z 0 1 0 1 Y.z 0 Y.z Y.z 1 5
12 Rosselli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Y.z 'l.z 1 1 Y.z 4Y.z
1 3 Grob 0 Y.z 0 0 0 0 Y.z 0 0 0 1 'l.z 0 Y.z 1 4
14 Miiller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y.z 0 1 Y.z 0 0 1 4
1 5 Naegeli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'l.z 0 11.z 0 Y.z 1 -
Y.z 3
16 Joss 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y.z Y.z 0 0 Y.z 0 0 Y.z -
Moscow 1 9 3 5
Thirteen-Botvinnik's Unlucky Number
27 PxP( ? )
28 PxP RxP
29 RxR QxR
Position after White's 2 1 st move 30 N·Q S !
102 Pachman's Decisive Games
There i s n o w n o effective way of exchange of rooks. 47 K-B2 would have
stopping the knight fr om moving on to given Black drawing chances.
KB 6, for 30 . . . N-R4? loses to 31 R-Kl
47 RxR
QxQ 32 RxRch K-B2 33 R-K7ch
followed by 3 4 PxQ. 48 NxR K-K3
49 N-85ch K-Q3
30 . . . QxQ SO 8-82 N-82
31 N-86ch K-8 2
Black loses a piece by 5 0 . . . N-Bl ?
After 3 1 . . . K-R l 3 2 PxQ White 5 1 P-R 7 ! NxP 52 N-N3 N-N4 5 3 B-B 5ch .
threatens both NxR and N-R5.
5 1 P-N 3 N-QRl
32 PxQ R-Ql 5 2 K-N2 N-K2
Black would also lose a piece by 3 2 53 K-8 3 P-N3
. . . R-K7 3 3 N-R5dis ch N-B4 34 N-N3 54 N-Q3
R-QB7 3 5 NxN BxN ( 3 5 . . . RxB 36 Threatening 5 5 B-B 5 ch followed by
NxQPdbl ch) 36 RxBch K-K3 3 7 R-B6ch
BxN and NxP.
K-K2 38 B-R l R-B8ch 39 R-B l '.
54 N-81
33 N-Q5dis ch N-84
55 8-85 ch K-K3
If the king moves to N3 or N l , 3 4 56 N-N 2 ! N-Q3
N-K7ch followed b y R-B7 i s decisive. 57 8xN! Kx8
58 N-84ch K-84 .
34 P-KN4 R-Kl
35 PxN R- K 7 Otherwise the White king would get to
36 R-83 R-Q87 QR5 , when the passed QRP would cost
37 8-Kl P-N5 Black a piece.
38 R-81 Resigns
59 NxP K-N 3
7 3 . Flohr-Romanovski KxP
60 NxNP
61 P-K 5 K-N2
62 K-K4 K-8 2
63 K-85 K-Q2
64 P-K6ch K-Kl
65 N-K5 P-84
66 N-Q7 P-8 5
67 N-86ch K-81
68 N-Q5 K-N2
69 K-K4! Resigns
15 N-KS P-QN 3
Reti System 1 6 8-Q3 PxP
2 Flohr y, 'h 'h y, 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h '1 'h 1 'h \lz 13 I, II
4 Capablanca 'h 'h 0 y, y, 'h 'h 'h .() 'h 'h Y.i 1 12 IV
6 Kan y, 0 0 'h 'h 0 0 'h Y.i 0 'h 'h l OY.i VI, VII
7 Lowenfisch 0 y, 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 1 'h 0 1 l 0 1h V I , VII
12 Goglidse 0 0 0 y, 'h 'h \lz 'h 'h 'h y, 'h 'h 'h 0 1 9 Y.i
15 Lisizin 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 9
16 Bogatyrtschuk 1 0 'h y, 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h y, 'h 0 1 Y.i 'h 0 y, 8
This was the title of an article in the explains the uneven course of the match,
magazine Cesk oslovensky Sach com which began on 3 October.
menting on the result of the match In the first seven rounds Alekhin won
between Alekhin and Euwe. Capablanca's four times and his opponent only once.
renowned conquerer, the master who No one at the time believed that a
outclassed his rivals in a number of reversal was possible. But that is what
international tournaments, had lost his happened, the next seven games going
title in a match that should have been a exactly the other way, so that the match
clear-cut affair. The question mark in the was all square at the end of the four
headline was meant to indicate that the teenth round. After that the world cham
fall of the king was difficult to believe. As pion used all his powers and won the
things turned out, it was not a permanent sixteenth and nineteenth games. But then
fall, for two years later Alekhin recovered he dropped two , the second with White
his title by a great margin, and everything after an unbelievably poor performance.
was in order again. There followed three draws and then
The result of the 1 9 3 5 match was like another defeat for Alekhin, again with
a bomb going off and was the subject of White. He incorrectly sacrificed three
numerous debates. The Russian master pawns in the opening, but his attacking
Snosko-Borovski, who had emigrated to chances came to nothing as a result of a
Paris, explained it as the work of simple tactical counter on Euwe's part.
mysterious forces. " Euwe is not a great The match was to be played over thirty
personality, because he is merely a tool in games and it seemed clear that another
the hands of fate ; and fate always finds defeat would really be the end for
some means of deposing a genius." Alekhin when the two rivals met for the
Assertions of this kind were really unj ust 26th game on 3 December.
to the new world champion. Admittedly
Euwe's tournament results were not up to Dutch Defence
those of Alekhin. On the other hand,
Euwe was at the height of his chess Euwe Alekhin
career. In addition, he displayed a
1 P-Q4 P·K3
remarkably thorough knowledge of chess
2 P-QB4 P-KB4
strategy and showed wonderful per
severance and great will-power. The main In the situation Alekhin's choice of
reason for Alekhin's defeat, however, was opening was tactically unwise. He still
the hectic life he was leading at the time. had two more games with White, so the
Prior to the match he paid no attention usual match tactics were called for :
to his physical condition. He took part in playing solidly with Black and making the
the Warsaw Olympiad in August before winning attempts with White. The world
doing a tour of the Baltic states. Then he champion, however, had obviously under
played in Paris on 15 September. This estimated his opponent right from the
World Championship Match 1935 107
start and was now all out to get revenge 1 7 P-84 P-K5
for the reverses he had suffered . A single 18 N -N4 P-84
win leading to a drawn match was not 1 9 N-82 N·Q2
enough for him.
The immediate B-B3 i s safer, e.g. 1 9
3 P-KN 3 8-N5ch . . . B-B 3 2 0 B x B RxB 2 1 N-K3 R-B2
4 8-Q2 8-K2 followed by N-Q2-B 3 .
5 8-N2 N-K83
20 N-K 3 8-8 3 ! ?
6 N-Q8 3 0-0
7 N-83 N-K5 I f 2 0 . . . N-B 3 , White would have a
positional advantage thanks to his strong
Alekhin was very fond of this knight bishop. Black therefore tries to exchange
sortie, adopting it also after a different off this piece. There is, however, a snag :
order of moves. Today it is considered White is given the opportunity to make a
unfavourable, for White can continue dangerous piece sacrifice.
with 8 P-Q5 ! followed by Q-B 2 , forcing
the exchange of the knight and main 76. Euwe-Alekhin
taining superiority in the·centre.
8 0-0 P-QN 3
34 . • . R-K2
3 5 N-K6 R-KBl
Again the QNP cannot be taken : 3 5
. . . QxNP 36 P-Q6 R-Q2 37 N-N 5 ,
threatening 38 Q-K6 o r 3 8 Q-KSch. When
the endgame is reached the QNP will not
be of any great importance. The decisive
31 . • . Q·B 3? factor will be whether Black will have
W h y Alekhin made this losing move is enough time to stop the passed pawns.
difficult to explain. After the correct 3 1 36 Q·KS !
. . . Q·B4! 3 2 PxN RxRch 3 3 KxR
QxP(Q2) 34 K·B2 Q·KN2 he would have The clearest way to victory. If 36 P-N 3
had nothing to fear. The important dif· or 36 Q-KN3, White would have the
ference between the two queen moves is better position, though the situation
that, after 3 1 . . . Q-B4 ! , White cannot would be less clear cut.
reply 3 2 N-N 5 ? on account of 32 . . . 36 . . . QxQ
P-KR 3 ! ( 32 . . . RxN 3 3 PxR Q-K5ch 3 7 PxQ R·B 4
would give Black a draw, but there is
more than that in it for him) 3 3 N-B7ch Here Black could have tried to save
K-R 2, leaving Black a rook up. It is himself by going into a rook ending by 37
probable that Alekhin either failed to see . . . RxN 38 PxR R-B4 39 R-K l K-Nl 40
White's reply or underestimated it and R-K3 K-B l . If White then continues with
assumed that the position justified an 41 R-QR 3 ? , Black has drawing chances
attempt to play for a win. The reason for with 41 . . . RxP 42 RxP R-K8ch 43
such a bad mistake is certainly a psycho· K-N2 R-K7ch 44 K-N 3 RxNP.
logical one, for the tactical consequences However, White has a stronger line in
41 K-N2 ! K-K2 42 R-QR3 RxP 43 RxPch
of 3 1 . . . Q-B4 are easy to see.
KxP 44 K-B 3 R-R4 45 R-QN 7 , etc.
3 2 N·NS ! R·N2
38 R·Kl
If 32 . . . P-KR 3 ? , White can finish the
There is also a win by 38 R-N5 RxR
game off prettily by 3 3 N-B 7 ch K-R2 34
39 NxR K-N 2 40 P-K6 K-B 3 41 N-K4ch
Q-Q3ch R-N3 35 N-K5 ! NxN 36 PxN
K-K4 42 P-Q6 ! etc.
Q-N2 37 P-Q6 R-KNl 38 QxRch QxQ 39
RxQ KxR 40 P-Q7. The exchange sacri- 38 . . . P-KR 3
World Championship Match 1935 109
Both sides were in dire time-trouble 41 N-86 R-Kl
and did not even give RxN a thought. 42 P-K7 P-N4
After 38 . . . K-N l , the simplest way to 43 N-QS! K-N2
win is 3 9 R-KN l ch K-Rl 40 R-N S . 44 N-N7 K-83
45 R-K6ch K-N4
39 N-QS ! R-87 46 N-Q6 RxKP
40 P-K6 R-Q7 47 N-K4ch ! Resigns
AVRO Tournament 1 9 3 8
Fine's Poor Second Half
The idea of getting the world 's greatest cut : Fine S \12 , Keres 4, Alekhin and
chess players together in a single tourna Botvinnik 3. In the last round of the first
ment is an old one. Many tournament half the two leaders came face to face. As
organizers have done their best to put it Fine had White it was not expected that
into effect. But whether it was St Peters there would be any great change in the
burg 1 909, San Sebastian 1 9 1 1 or table.
Semmering-Baden 1 9 3 7, there were al Keres's great knowledge of opening
ways some of the to p stars missing . The theory-in this case the Ruy Lopez
first complete success was achiev<!d by proved to be an asset, and the game soon
the A VRO broadcasting corporation, reached the endgame stage, where White 's
which organized a tournament that was weakened pawns were compensated for
played in several Dutch towns. All the by possession of the two bishops.
top grandmasters, including the world
78. Fine-Keres
champion, Alekhin, took part. The chess
world saw it as the first candidates
tournament for the world championship.
It was generally expected that there
would be a title match between the
winner (or number two if Alekhin should
win) and the world champion.
The tournament was a double-round
one, and in the case of a tie the winner
was to be determined by the Sonneborn
Berger System . The American grand
master Fine had a brilliant start. He
Position after White's 25th move
defeated Botvinnik in the first round and
Reshevsky, with B lack, in the second. 25 . . . NxQP
Then, after drawing with Capablanca in a
dramatic game, he produced a fine posi This leads to great complications,
tional performance to defeat Euwe. He which White should avoid . Instead 26
followed this up with victories over NxQP BxN 27 BxN would give him a
Flohr, in impressive combinational style, draw, for 27 . . . NxP is not possible on
and Alekhin , against whom he had Black account of 28 R-N 2 .
in the sixth round.
2 6 N-Q4?
Keres started much more modestly,
drawing his first three games. Then, how Fine trusts that the threat 27 RxB
ever, he exploited an opening error to win KxR 28 N-B 6ch will see him through, but
against Reshevsky, and after a draw with Keres has calculated further.
Alekhin he won in excellent style against
Capablanca. Nevertheless the position 26 N-N S
after the sixth round seemed fairly clear 27 B-Q2
Avro Tournament 1 938 11I
Not good is 2 7 NxP on account of 27 56 K-Q3 K-8 5
. . . B-B 3 followed by P-Q4. After the 5 7 R-N8 K-N6
text-move it looks as if Black has no 58 Resigns
adequate defence to 28 BxN RxB 29
The second half produced some sur
N-B6. The point of Black 's whole man
prises. Keres played extremely cautiously
oeuvre, however, rests on a pretty
and drew all his games. The leader,
exchange sacrifice.
Fine, seemed to have lost his form
27 P-Q4! completely. After a draw against
28 8xN Rx8 Botvinnik in the ninth round he ran into
29 N-8 6 Px8 difficulties in a game where he had White
30 NxR PxP against Reshevsky. He also got into time
31 N-Q5 N-Q6! trouble and had to make twelve moves in
32 R-Q2 P-N7 three minutes. Although he succeeded in
33 R-Ql P-84 reaching the time control, even improving
34 R-QNl P-85 his position considerably into the bargain,
35 K-81 8-84 he again became very short of time before
the next time control and had to make
Winning the third pawn, which vir eight moves in one minute. On this
tually decides the game.
occasion he was not so successful and
36 K-K2 8xP
exceeded the time in a drawn position on
37 N-K3 P-86! his 5 5th move, with one more move to
38 N-82
go. He then had an interesting draw with
Capablanca, but in his game with Euwe
If 38 KxN, then 38 . . . BxN 39 KxP he suffered another unnecessary loss
B-B8. again with the White pieces-this time
owing to an error in the opening. As a
38 N-K8! result he lost his lead. In the next round
39 N-R3 he had a quick draw with Flohr, but only
managed to stay in second place because
If 39 NxN, then 39 . . . BxN 40 K-Q3 Botvinnik, in a good position , blundered
B-Q7 . against Euwe and lost. Two rounds before
the end the leading scores were Keres 7'h,
39 8-84
Fine 7, Alekhin and Botvinnik 6'h.
40 KxN 8xN
41 K-Ql 8-Q3 The dramatic penultimate round vir
42 K-82 8xP tually decided the tournament. Here
43 R-KRl 8-K4
44 RxP K-8 2
45 R-Rl P-N4
46 R-Kl K-8 3
47 R-KNl K-N 3
48 R-Kl 8-8 3
49 R-KNl P-N 5 !
50 PxP P-8 5
51 P-N5 8-Q5
52 R-Ql 8-K6
53 Kx8P 8-88
54 R-Q6ch KxP
55 R-QN6 P-86 Position after Black's 3 6th move
1 12 Pachman 's Decisive Games
Keres was lucky to escape with half a 8 PxP NxP(? )
A s a result of this game, taking by the
White can win here by 37 N-K8 ! , for
knight is considered weaker than 8 . . .
Black cannot effectively defend his QP,
e.g. 37 . . . B-B8dis ch 38 K-B 3 R-N4 39
R-Q8 o r 3 7 . . . B-R4dis ch 38 K-B 3 9 NxN PxN
R-N4 39 N-Q6. Capablanca, however, 1 0 P-K84! 8x8
went after a less important pawn.
In some books of instruction 10
37 NxP? PxP B-N4 is recommended, but then 1 1
38 N-KS BxBch PxB 1 2 Q-N3 is unpleasant .
Or 38 PxP B-B8dis ch 39 K-B 3 R-KR7.
11 Qx8ch Q-Q2
38 8-88dis ch 12 QxQch KxQ
39 K-Q3 R-Q7ch 13 PxP K-K3
40 K-83 R-KN7 14 8-84 R-K8 1
41 PxP 8xP
42 R-R7ch Black must not delay recapturing the
Drawn pawn even if it involves this unnatural
looking move, for otherwise White could
This gift of half a point proved to be use the manoeuvre 15 N-Q2-B 3, after
very valuable to Keres, for his rival Fine which it is no easy matter to get the pawn
was m very aggressive form in the same back.
1 5 N-Q2 8xP
1 6 N-N 3 8x8
Ruy Lopez
1 7 Rx8 P-N 3
Fine Alekhin 80. Fine-Alekhin
1 P-K4 P-K4
2 N-KB 3 N-Q83
3 8-NS P-QR 3
4 8-R4 P-Q 3
5 0-0
This natural developing move is now
considered to be the best continuation.
But first the theoreticians had to show
that the reply 5 . . B-NS 6 P-KR3
AVRO Tournament 1 9 38
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pts Prize
1 Fine 0 'h 1 1h 1 1 1 0 1 0 'h 'h 1 1h B'h I , II
2 Keres 1 1h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 'h 'h B'h I, I I
3 Botvinnik 0 1h 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 7'h Ill
4 Alekhin 0 0 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 1h 1 'h 1 7 IV
5 Euwe 0 1 'h 'h 'h 1 0 'h 0 1h 0 1 1 1h 7 IV
6 Reshevsky 0 1 0 1h 0 'h 'h 'h 1 1h 'h 'h 1 'h 7 IV
7 Capablanca 'h 'h 0 'h 1h 0 'h 0 1 0 'h 'h 'h 1 6
8 Flohr 0 1h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 0 'h 0 'h 'h 0 4'h
Prague 1 942
Alekhin Announces Mate in Seven
The Duras Masters Tournament, played in the public would have been in normal
Prague in December 1 942, was the first circumstances. But the circumstances
big chess event I had ever watched. At were not normal. T here was fighting
that time I had no inkling of the fact that going on near Stalingrad and the news
I myself would be taking part in a major from there was beginning to fill us with
tournament some four months later-and optimism. My brother was still in a
if I had, I wouldn't really have believed it. concentration camp after three years, and
But to return to the matter in question. I had already been subjected to interro
My visit to the tournament hall filled me gation by the Gestapo. For more than
with awe and a deep feeling of satis four hours I watched the slender youth ,
faction, even though in my worn-out suit the feelings of a chess player attracting
and exp erien cing pangs of hunger I did me to him. At the same time I knew he
not quite feel at my best. was the symbol of something I could
After a certain time the awe and the never like. Such feelings were shared by
shyness of a person from the provinces the great majority of the spectators,
visiting the capital were forgotten. In feelings that expressed themselves in a
fact, at one stage I was so vociferous in rather naive form of pan-Slavism . For us
expressing my feelings that I received a Alekhin was neither the world champion
friendly, though energetic, warning fro m nor an emigre. Nor was he a person
the chief organizer, Mr Kende. This enjoying the protection of the rulers of
occurred during a game which created an this part of the world. He was first and
atmosphere of tense excitement in the foremost a Slav and therefore one of us.
hall and which, for all those present, had It was a key game, played in the last
an importance going far beyond the field round, Alekhin having White. J unge was
of chess. in the lead with 8� points from 1 2
Seated at the board were the world games ; Alekhin had one point less, so the
champion, A. Alekhin, and the nineteen scene had been wonderfully set for this
year-old German champion, Klaus Junge. last-round game, which was later awarded
At that time I had already heard some a brilliancy prize. When news got around
very unfavourable stories about Alekhin's that Alekhin h ad announced mate in
past and present way of life. He drank a seven, I forgot my awe of the masters and
lot, he was difficult to get on with, he began to recite the mating variation to
was irritable, he tortured the organizers in the spectators around me. Today I do not
every tournament, and he was brusque to know whether I got it right or not, but in
the spectators. His opponent, a tall, the excited atmosphere prevailing that
slender youth with sincere eyes who, at was of no great importance.
the age of nineteen, had already attained
a higher level of play than many present Catalan System
day grandmasters , was a modest and
likeable person. Alekhin J unge
T here can be no doubt on whose side 1 P-Q4 P-Q4
Prague 1942 115
2 P-QB4 P-K3 8 1 . Alekhin-J unge
3 N-KB 3 N-KB 3
4 P-KN 3
1 5 N-Q2 P-K4
16 N-N 3 N-84 ! ?
Prague 1942
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts Prize
1 Alekhin 1 'h 1 'h 1 'h 1 'h 'h 1 B'h I, I I
2 Junge 0 'h 'h 1 1 1 1 'h 1 1 B 'h l, I I
3 Foltys 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 'h 1 'h 7 II I
4 Opocensky 0 'h 0 0 1 1 'h 'h 6 'h IV, V
5 Zita 'h 0 'h 1 'h 0 'h 'h 1 1 6'h IV, V
6 Kottnauer 0 0 0 1 'h 0 1 1 1 'h 1 6 VI
7 Rejfir 'h 0 'h 0 1 1 0 1 'h 0 S 'h
s Hromadka 0 0 0 0 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h 1 4
9 Podgorny 0 'h 'h 0 'h 0 0 'h 0 1 4
10 Thelen 'h 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 4
1 1 Samisch 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 3
1 2 Prokop 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 'h -
2 'h
26 Groningen 1 9 46
Defeat of the Two Leaders
The chess world had been without a Euwe had quite a b it of luck and as a
champion for about six months, the result managed to win his game against
previous title-holder having died while the oldest competitor, t he 6 5-year-o ld Dr
still in possession of his title-the only Bernstein.
world champion to do so. While his
8 3. Bernstein-Euwe
departure put an end to speculation
about his chess future and his non-chess
exploits, it left unsolved the question of
who was to ascend the vacant throne. The
Dutch Federation claimed the title for
their representative, Dr Euwe, on the
grounds that he had at least temporarily
taken the title from Alekhin and that he
had been the last to play a match with
him. However, although Euwe was at the
height of his chess powers, there were a
number of others who were at least as Position after Black's 3 6th move
well qualified as he was . The almost
unanimous opinion of the chess world 37 P-QR4? ?
was, therefore, that the title should be One of those inexplicable psycho
fought for. The first tournament of the logical mysteries that influence the result
elite to help throw light on the question of nearly every tournament. After a
of determining the future champion took waiting move the game would be drawn.
place at Groningen, Holland, in August The following continuation would also
and September 1 946. lead to a draw : 3 7 N-B 5 ch K-Q4 38 N-N7
The tournament could not boast of P-R5 39 PxP BxP 40 N-R 5 .
the participation of all the top p layers, 37 BxN
for the American grandmasters Reshevsky 38 KxB K-Q4
and Fine (the latter having virtually 39 P-QN4
retired from active chess) were missing.
So too was the winner of the 1 9 38 Bernstein had based his original calcu
AVRO Tournament, Keres, who at the lations on 39 K-B 3 K-B4? 40 P-QN4ch
time was not taking part in international PxPch 41 K-N 3 P-B4 42 P-R5 P-K5 43
tournaments. PxP PxP 44 P-R6 K-N 3 45 KxP, but then
The struggle for first place was con he realized that 39 K-B 3 loses to 3 9 . . .
fined to two players. After the thirteenth P-B4! 40 P-QN4 PxPch 41 KxP K-Q5 ! ,
round Botvinnik was in the lead with 1 1 Vi for although White pushes his pawn
points, one point ahead of Dr Euwe. Next through first, his opponent does so with
came Smyslov and Szabo with 8Vz points, check and then wins White's queen.
b ut both of them were virtually out of 39 PxP
the ru nning . I n the fourteenth round 40 P-R5 P-84
Groningen 1 946 119
41 P-R6 P-K5ch 23 QxNch !
42 PxP PxPch 2 4 KxQ N-K5ch
43 K-K3 K-8 3 2 5 Resigns
44 KxP K-N 3
45 K·Q3 KxP
Euwe had thu s caught up with
Botvinnik. In the next round he even
and Black wins. went ahead by a full poi:it. He defeated
Dr Vidmar in a well-played positional
Botvinnik had White against Kotov
game, while his rival, Botvinnik lost his
and unexpectedly departed from his own
second consecutive game, and this time
system. After 1 P-Q4 N-KB 3 2 P-QB4
quite unnecessarily.
P-K3 3 N-QB3 B-N5 4 P-QR 3 BxNch 5
PxB P-Q4 6 PxP PxP he played 7 B-N5 8 5. Yanofsky-Botvinnik
instead of 7 P-K3 , and later got into a
strategically lost position.
84. Botvinnik-Kotov
Kotov Euwe
1 P·Q4 P-Q4
2 P-Q84 P·K 3
3 N·K8 3 N·K8 3
4 N·8 3 QN-Q2
5 PxP PxP
6 8·84 P.8 3
7 P·K3( ? )
Position after White's 29th move
This makes the development o f the
29 N-K2 bishop to KB4 a loss of tempo. Correct is
30 Q-R4 P-84? 7 P-KR 3 .
7 N·R4
After 30 . . . N-KN 3 ! 3 1 Q-N 3 N-K2
8 8·KN5 8·K2
( 3 1 . . . N-N3 3 2 P-B 4 ! ) , White has the
9 8x8 Qx8
u npleasant continuation 32 Q-B 7, though
10 8·Q3 N-8 5
Black could then put up a fight by 32 . . .
1 1 0-0 Nx8
P-QR 3 . After the text-move, o n the other
1 2 QxN 0-0
hand, he is in dire straits.
1 3 KR·Kl
> > -
� -
- > > > >< >< ><
� � �
N .... .... 0 0
.... .... .... .... ....
°' .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0
N .... ....
.... 0 0
.... ....
.... 0 0
0 0 0 �
.... � 0 0 0 0 0 � � � � � 0 0 0
N � .... � 0 0 � � � 0 .... � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
r: ..
'i3 Ji.
.3 Q
00 0
124 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
he was looking for. However, his 26 N-K4 RxNP 27 N-Q6 ! QxN 28 QxNch
opponent, if he had wished, could now Q-B l 29 QxKPch. After the text-move,
have brought about a d rawn position by however, White has actually two ways of
1 7 P-QS PxP 18 NxQP. winning, that chosen by Kotov ( 2 6 Q-Q8)
and the even quicker 26 Q-B8, e.g. 26 . . .
17 QR-Ql R-Ql
PxN 2 7 RxP or 26 . . . R-B7 27 K-B l
1 8 N-Q3 N-83
RxN 28 N-B7 !
1 9 Q-K5 R-Q3
20 N-84 R(81)-Ql ? 26 Q-Q8 QxQ
The first inaccuracy, which, however, 27 NxQ K-8 1
does not lead to a lost game. On the other
The knight on QB is now trapped, so
hand, 20 . . . Q-Q2 ! would have given
White is forced to play very accurately.
Black considerable pressure on the QP,
leaving White to look for a way of 28 P-N 3 P-KN 3
equalizing. 29 N-K4! P-R 3
21 Q-QR5 RxP Or 29 . . . K-K2 30 N-B6dis ch.
Again not the most accurate move. 30 N-85 N-Q3
Correct is 21 . . . P-QN 3 . 31 R-Ql K-K2
32 N(Q8)xNP
22 RxR RxR
2 3 QxP R-Q7 This wins the exchange, which is more
24 Q-R8ch N-Kl than sufficient for victory. (If Black takes
25 Nx8 the knight with his own knight, he will be
a piece down after 3 3 R-Q7ch.)
88. Kotov-Euwe
32 RxN
33 NxR NxN
34 K-N2 N-Q3
35 K-8 3 K-Q2
36 K-84 P-8 3
37 P-KR4 P-Q84
38 R-QNl K•82
39 R-N2 N-N2
40 K-K4 K-8 3
41 RxN ! P-84ch
42 K-Q3 KxR
43 K-84
25 . . . RxNP ? ?
Now the issue is decided by a distant
One of those moves that cannot even passed pawn.
be explained by the player making them.
After 25 . . . PxN Black would have had 43 K-N 3
no trouble in holding the game; in fact, 44 P-84 K-8 3
Kotov had intended to force a draw by 45 P-R4 Resign s
European Zonal 1 947
Strategy not Supported by Tactics
At the first post-war congress, which took When I arrived at Hilversum I did not
place in 1 9 46, the International Chess have a great number of successes to my
Federation discussed a question that was credit: victory in the Czechoslovak
of great interest to chess players through championship, a tie for first place in a
out the world, namely, how the new small tournament in Arbon and a tie for
world champion should be chosen; for 2nd- 5th places in the Warsaw tourna
A. A. Alekhin had died in Lisbon a few ment. I therefore had everything to play
months previously under mysterious cir for and nothing much to lose. I have
cumstances (suicide? ac c;,ident? ) . The con rarely played with such e!an , notching up
gress decided on a new solution: the new six victories in the first six rounds. Then,
world champion was to be determined by in the next, where I had Black , I drew
a match tournament of the six strongest with O'Kelly after failing to press home
players of the time-Botvinnik, Smyslov my advantage. (At the time no one
and Keres from the USSR, Reshevsky and realized what a vital effect this game was
Fine from the USA and Dr Euwe fro m to have on the final result. ) I followed
Holland. Fine declined the invitation to this up with a win in the eighth round,
take part , so the to urnament took the but then I slipped up and suffered two
unusual form of a quintuple-round event severe defeats, which seemed to put an
with five competitors. At the same time a end to all my hopes. However, in their
decision was taken on a system of quali youth people are inclined to fight on to
fying tournaments, which would produce the end , and against all expectations I
a challenger to the world champion two managed to make up lost ground by
years after the match tournament. winning against such strong opponents as
The syste m was not very well thought Dr Trifunovic and Szabo. Prior ro the last
out. For the whole of Europe, apart fro m round the leading scores were : O'Kelly
the USSR, there was to be only one zonal (who had played calmly and consistently
tournament, which meant that the throughout the tournament without
strongest chess natio ns were at a distinct losing a game) and Pachman 91h ,
disadvantage. However, any system was Scheltinga and Dr Trifunovic 9. The next
better than the arbitrary way in which players in the table were 2\12 points
the world champions had previously behind. O'Kelly had White against the
chosen their own opponents. tail-ender Doerner of Luxemburg, so I
In July 1 947 the champions of four realized that I would have to win at all
teen European cou ntries assembled in the costs. My task , however, was much more
Dutch town of Hilversum for F IDE's first difficult. I had Black against the Bul
zonal tournament. The right to go on to garian champion Zvetkov, who was well
the next stage was restricted to one known for his solid style of play.
player, the winner, though the "1umber Admittedly he had been completely out
was later in creased. In the case of a tie of form throughout the tournament, so
the Sonnenborn-Berger system was to he did not by any means present an
decide. insurmountable obstacle. And if I were to
126 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
win and tie with O ' Kelly, the Sonnen I4 N-84
born-Berger would split the tie in my Now White is threatening N-Q3
favour. followed by P-K 5 .
I4 . . . Q-N 2
Four Knights
I 5 QR-QI KR-QI ( ? )
30 BxN Rx B
31 P-R6
90. Zvetkov-Pachman
27 B-Q4 PxP
28 PxP RxNP Now Black is suddenly confronted
29 P-RS ! ? N-K4?? with a violent attack. He cannot take the
KP ( 3 1 . . . RxKP 32 PxP KxP ( 3 2 . . .
An inexplicable case of hallucinations. BxP 3 3 N-B6ch) 3 3 N-B6 R-K4( K3) 34
Prior to making this move I had analysed Q-R4, winning), and 31 . . . P-N 3 is
29 . . . RxKP 30 N-B6ch NxN 3 1 PxN answered by 32 N-B6ch K-R l 33 Q-B4,
RxB ! 32 RxR RxP 3 3 Q-N2 Q-N6, which e.g. 3 3 . . . Q-N 3 ch 34 K-R2 Q-K6 35
leaves White hopelessly lost, for he is QxQ RxQ 3 6 R-QR l followed by 37
faced with the double threat of 34 . . . R-R 8. The only chance is 3 1 . . . R-K 3 !
R-N6 and 34 . . . RxP. Then at the last 3 2 PxP BxP 3 3 N-B6ch K-B l 34 N xPch
moment-when I was beginning to run K-K2 , with a defensible position though
into time-trouble-I took fright at the with no winning chances.
possibility of my opponent deviating with
30 BxP? BxB ? 3 1 N-B6ch, completely 31 R-NS?
failing to see that the king can capture on 32 PxP BxP? ?
Hilversum 1947
3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pts Prize
1 O'Kelly 'h 'h 1 1 1 1 'h 1 1 1 1 lO'h I
2 Pachman 'h 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 9 'h II, Ill
3 Trifunovic 'h 0 1 'h 1 'h 1 1 'h 1 1 1 9'h II, Ill
4 v. Scheltinga 'h 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 'h 1 1 9 IV
5 Alexander 0 1 'h 0 1 0 1 'h 'h 'h 1 1 7 'h V, VI
6 Szabo 0 0 0 1 0 1 'h 1 'h 1 1 1 7 'h V, VI
7 Blau 'h 0 'h 0 'h 'h 0 0 1 'h 1 1 1 6 'h VII
8 Rossolimo 0 0 'h 0 1 0 1 0 'h 'h 1 1 6 'h VII
9 Castaldi 0 1 0 0 0 'h 0 0 1 'h 1 1 6
10 Zvetkov 'h 1 0 0 'h 0 0 1 1 0 0 'h 1 S'h
11 Foerder 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 0 0 1 5
12 Plater 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h 0
1 3 Doerner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'h
14 O'Sullivan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'h
128 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
Or 32 . . . KxP 3 3 Q-R4 RxRch 34 RxR 3 3 N-B6ch K-Rl
K-N 3 3 5 P-B4, when Black has to give up 34 QxR! ! Resigns
the exchange by 3 5 . . . RxN because 3 5
. . . RxKP loses to 36 N-B6. After Black's In view of 34 PxQ 3 5 R-Q8ch
blunder the game at least has a fine finish. B-Bl 36 RxBch K-N2 37 R-KN8 mate.
Chigorin Memorial�
Moscow 1 947
Depression Overcome
At the time this game was played, the When Keres made this move he prob
Stonewall System of the Dutch Defence ably did not realize that Black, thanks to
was a favourite weapon of several Soviet the fact that his knight is still on QNB,
grandmasters; apart from Botvinnik, it can now advantageously retake with the
was employed among others by QBP and then develop the knight to QB 3
Bondarevski and Bronstein. The choice of without loss of time. White would have
this opening was an indication that , des done better to reply to Black's waiting
pite his defeat in the previous round , move with a waiting move of his own, e.g.
Botvinnik was not in a conciliatory 9 Q-B2.
mood. Keres was for him not only a
9 8PxP
contender for first prize in this tourna
ment; he was also a personal rival of 10 8-84 N-8 3
many years standing. In the AVRO 1 1 N-KS
Tournament he had tied for first place 1 1 N-QNS N-KR4 1 2 B-B7 Q-Q2
while Botvinnik had had to be content would be ineffective.
with third place. They had also measured
swords with each other in the match 11 8-Q2
tournament of 1 941 for the "absolute 1 2 R-81 R-81
champion of the USSR". On that 1 3 Q-Q3 N-KR4
occasion Botvinnik had come out 2 '!.z 14 8-Q2 8-Q3
Chigorin Memorial, Moscow 194 7 131
92. Keres-Botvinnik Now White equalizes. If 1 9 . . . P-KR3
20 BxN RxB 21 P-B4 P-KN4 22 P-K 3, the
two bishops are of no advantage to Black,
while if 1 9 . . . N-K5 , White can reply 20
NxN followed by 21 Q-Q2 . Should Black
return to KR4 with his knight, White can
continue 20 P-K 3 ! P-KR 3 2 1 B-B4.
19 N-N 5
20 Q-Q2 N-83
21 8-84
16 . . . Q·Kl !
1 7 Q-Q3 N-8 3 ( ? )
Moscow 1947
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 Pts Prize
1 Botvinnik 'h 'h 'h 1 1 0 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 11 I
2 Ragosin 0 -
0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 1 1 1 'h 1 lO'h II
3 Boleslavski 'h -
'h 'h 0 'h 'h 1 'h 1 1 'h 'h 1 10 I I I , IV
4 Smyslov 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 'h 1 1 1 10 III, I V
5 Kotov 'h 'h 'h 1 0 1 'h 'h 1 0 'h 'h 1 1 9'h v
6 Keres 0 0 1 'h 1 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 'h 1 9 VI, VII
7 Novotelnov 0 'h 'h 'h 0 -
'h 0 1 'h 1 1 1 'h 9 VI, V i l
8 Pachman 1 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h -
0 1 'h 0 'h 1 B 'h VIII
9 Trifunovic 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 1 1 -
'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 8
10 Gligoric 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 0 0 'h -
'h 1 1 1 'h 1 7 'h
1 1 Bondarevski 'h 0 0 0 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 1 0 1 6'h
12 Kholmov 0 0 0 'h 'h 0 0 0 'h 0 'h 1 'h 1 5 'h
1 3 Kottnauer 0 'h 'h 0 'h 0 0 1 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 5
1 4 Plater 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 0 'h 'h 0 0 0 -
'h 'h 4
15 Sokolski 0 0 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 1 'h 'h 'h -
'h 4
16 Zvetkov 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 0 'h 'h 'h -
Cbigorin Memorial, Moscow 194 7 133
61 K-N4 R-Q.87 72 K-R4 N-N7ch
62 K-N 3 N-QSch 73 K-R5 N-85ch
63 K-Ni R-85ch 74 K-R4 R-Nl
64 K-R5 N-84 75 N-N4ch K-K3
65 K-N6 P-Q.5 76 N-86 N-N7ch
66 N-R6 N-Q.3 77 K-R3 N-85ch
67 N-85 K-Q4 78 K-R4 R-N8
68 N-Q.3 P-K4 79 R-R6ch K-84
69 R-KR7 R-83ch
70 K-R5 N-85ch White resigned after the second
71 K-N5 R-Q.N 3ch adjournment.
Interz�nal JI 948
Szabo 's Wasted Chance
Tartakower was always fond of experi The Black bishop controls Black's KS,
ments in the opening. Here , instead of the so it is necessary to exchange it off. Black
usual 2 . . . P-Q4, he chooses the type of is now faced with a very unpleasant
set-up found in the Pirc Defence ( 1 . . .
choice. If he allows White to exchange
P-Q3 ) . ( 1 4 BxBch PxB ) he weakens his pawn
structure, whereas if he exchanges himself
3 P-Q4 8-NS ( 1 3 BxB 14 QxBch) he loses his extra
pawn. And the third alternative ( 1 3
More precise is first 3 . . . N-KB 3 and Q-Q3 1 4 N-K4) wastes time.
then ( after 4 N-B 3 ) 4 . . . B-N 5 . This
could be followed up with P-K3 and 13 . . . NxB
P-Q4, giving a sort of French set-up in 1 4 BxBch PxB
which the problem of the development of 15 PxN Q-Q6
the Queen's bishop has been solved. After 16 Q-8 3 P-K3
136 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
1 7 Q-K4! QxQ outcome is not so clear, e.g. 26 R·Ql
1 8 NxQ RxR 27 KxR P-B4 28 N·B6 P-R4 29 P·K4
K·B 2 30 K·B2 K·Kl 3 1 K·N 3 K·Q2 3 2
95 . Bronstein-Tartakower
26 P·QR4 R-84
27 P·K4
96. Bronstein-Tartakower
22 . . . P-N 3 31 R-RS
2 3 N-82 3 2 RxR PxR
This knight manoeuvre is crowned 3 3 N-N8 P-R6
with unexpectedly speedy success. A 34 PxP 8xP
good alternative is 2 3 P-QR4 possibly 35 NxP 8-84
followed by R-QR l and P-R S . If Black 36 K-84 8-N8
tries to hold up the pawn advance by 3 7 K-NS K-82
P·QR4, White gets an excellent square on 38 K-R6 K-8 3
QB 4 for his knight. 39 NxRP K-N4
40 P-N3 8-87
23 R-Q4 41 P-84 K-8 3
2 4 N-Q3 8-83 42 N-86 8xP
2 5 N-N4 R·N4? 43 P-8 5 K-82
The wrong square for the rook . 44 K-N6 K-Kl
Correct is 25 . . . R-Q3, after which the 45 P-R6 Resigns
lnterzonal 1948 1 37
10 0-0 N-Q2
Hromadka System 1 1 8-84 0-0
1 2 Q-K2
Szabo Lundin
A more natural developing move is 1 2
1 P-Q4 N-K 8 3
Q-Q2, threatening B-R6. The probable
2 P-Q84 P-Q84
reply is then 1 2 . . . Q-N 3 1 3 QR-Nl
3 P-Q5 P-QN4! ? KR-N l , when Black's queen is not par
4 PxP P-QR3 ticularly well placed on QN 3 .
5 PxP
The move 5 P-K 3 is also played in this 12 Q-82
position. 1 3 KR-Q81 KR-Nl
Black's pawn sacrifice, often called the 14 QR-Nl
Volga Gambit, is not quite correct, but
gives considerable practical chances. Up 97 . Szabo-Lundin
to this point Lundin had only managed
seven draws, and here hi: was all out to
get a win irrespective of the state of the
tournament and regardless of who his
opponent was. Such tactics are often
successful against someone fighting for
first place and are in any case more
promising than defending a strategically
inferior position as Tartakower did.
5 . . . P-N 3
More usual is 5 . . . P-K 3. Lundin
prepares to transpose into the Hromadka It is now apparent that Black has
System, in which the QNP is often failed to obtain adequate compensation
sacrificed for tactical reasons. However, for his pawn. The most natural way of
the fact that it has already been sacrificed continuing is 14 . . . R-N5 (or R-N2)
(on the third move) gives White the followed by R(Rl )-N l in order to keep
opportunity to choose the most advan up the pressure on the QN file.
tageous set-up.
14 . . . 8xN ! ?
6 N-Q8 3 8xP
7 P-K4 P-Q3 A strange continuation, which, how
ever, leads· to unexpected success. The
If instead 7 . . . BxB 8 KxB, White can
exchange is made for tactical reasons, for
castle artificially by P-KN 3 and K-N2.
strategically the disappearance of the
Nevertheless such a coptinuation would
king's bishop is bad for Black.
have been more promising for Black than
that chosen in the game. In the
1 5 Rx8
Hromadka System Black does not usually
sacrifice the QNP until his opponent has The natural reply, but there is a
developed his bishop to K2, after which stronger move in 1 5 PxB, threatening 1 6
the exchange BxB involves a loss of P-K5 and forcing Black to waste an
tempo for White.
important tempo playing 1 5 . . . P-B 3.
8 8x8 Nx8
9 N-8 3 8-N2 15 . . . Q-R4!
138 Pach man 's Decisive Games
Threatening both QxP and QxR. Capturing the QP would have led to a
White, however, is able to parry both quick draw, e.g. 26 QxP QxNP 27 R-N l
threats. RxRP 28 RxQ RxQ 29 P-B 3 . But the
text-move is even worse , for Black wins
16 N-Q2 ! N-82
two pawns . The correct move is 26
Not, of course, 16 . . . QxP? 17 Q-B 3 ! , e.g. 2 6 . . . R-B4 27 N-B 4 RxN ! ?
R-QR 3 , after which the queen is trapped. 2 8 QxR QxNP 2 9 Q-B8ch ! K-N2 3 0 Q-B 3
and White, the exchange u p , has good
17 R-QR3 Q-N3 prospects of making use of his material
18 RxR RxR
19 P-QR3 N-N4
20 8-K3 R-R5 ! 26 QxNP
Preventing the knight going to QB4, 27 P-K5 ! ? QxN
e.g. 21 N-B4 RxN 22 QxR NxP! 28 PxN PxP
29 P-KR4 K-N2
21 R-Q8 1 N-Q5 30 Q-8 3 QxQ
22 8xN Px8 31 RxQ RxQP
2 3 N-83 32 R-8 1 P-N4?
It is by no means easy to make use of
the extra pawn. Pirc recommends 2 3 Black misses the win by 32 . . . R-QR4
Q-Ql R-R l 2 4 Q-N 3 QxQ 2 5 NxQ, but 3 3 R-B 3 P-Q7 34 R-Q3 RxP 3 5 RxP(Q2)
then 25 . . . R-N l 26 NxP RxP gives R-R 3 .
Black good prospects of saving the game.
If, on the other hand, 2 3 N-B4, the pin 3 3 K-81 PxP
34 R-Rl P-84
23 . . . Q-N4 is unpleasant. The stro ngest
line seems to be 2 3 Q-Ql R-R l 24 N-B4. 35 P-R4 K-8 3
The text-move, however, does not throw 36 K-Kl ? ?
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pts Prize
Bronstein 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 1 1 1 1 3'h
2 Szabo 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 'h 1 1 'h 'h 1 0 1 2 'h II
3 Boleslavski 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 'h 12 III
4 Kotov 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 Yi 'h 1 1 1 1 'h 1 1 'h IV
5 Lilienthal 'h 0 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 11 v
6 Bon derevski 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 1 1 lO'h VI-IX
7 Flohr 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 1 lO'h VI-IX
8 Najdorf 'h 0 1 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 0 'h 0 1 'h 'h 1 1 lO'h VI-IX
9 St� lberg 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 lO'h VI-IX
10 Trifunovic 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 0 1 0 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 1 'h 10 x
11 Biiiik 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 9'h
12 G ligoric 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 0 0 'h 1 'h 'h 1 1 'h 0 1 9'h
1 3 Pirc 0 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 0 0 'h 1 'h 'h 9'h
14 Yanofsky 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 0 1 0 'h 'h 'h 1 8'h
1 5 Ragosin 0 0 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 0 'h 'h 1 0 0 'h 0 'h 1 8'h
16 Tartakower 0 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 1 1 0 'h 'h 'h 8
17 Pachman 'h 'h 0 0 0 0 0 'h 'h 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 1 1 'h 1 7'h
18 Stoltz 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h 1 'h 0 'h 'h 6'h
19 L. Steiner 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 0 'h 0 0 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 5 'h
20 Lundin 0 'h 'h 0 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 0 (I' 'h 0 'h 'h 4'h
30 Candidates' Tournament
1 950
A Drama in Instalments
The first Candidates' Tournament bc:gan The spectators who filled the great hall
in Budapest on 9 April 1 95 0 . Seven of of the Budapest metal workers' cultural
the participating grandmasters were from centre were very disappointed by what
the same country-the Soviet Union-and happened in the game between
towards the end a duel unparalleled in the Boleslavski and St ahlberg.
history of the Candidates' Tournament
took place between two of them. Sicilian Defence
The tournament was a double-round
affair, for it was only later tlpt F I D E
Boleslavski St3hlberg
decided that eighteen games were not
sufficient to determine the challenger to 1 P-K4 P-QB4
the world champion. 2 N-KB3 P-Q3
For most of the tournament the lead 3 P-Q4 PxP
was held by Boleslavski, who was in 4 NxP N-KB3
excellent form. At the half-way stage the S N-QB3 P-QR3
scores were : Boleslavski 6, Keres 5 11z, 6 B-K2 P-K4
Bronstein and St ahlberg S, Kotov and 7 N-N3 B-K 3
Smyslov 4Yz, Lilienthal and Najdorf 4, 8 0-0 B-K2
Szabo 3 11z, Flohr 3. In the tenth round 9 P-84 PxP
Boleslavski increased his lead to a full
point and then continued to play solidly, Later the continuation 9 . . . Q-B2
not losing a single game. Nevertheless came into fashion.
there gradually appeared a rival on the
10 Bx BP 0-0
scene in the person of Bronstein. The
11 K-Rl N-8 3
latter had started badly, losing to
12 B-Q3 Q-N 3
Smyslov and St ahlberg in the first half of
13 Q-K2 KR-Kl
the tournament, but then he had re
14 QR-Kl QR-Bl
covered and scored six points from eight
15 B-K3 Q-82
games. Prior to the last round he was only
16 N-Q4
half a point behind Boleslavski, who had
l l 11z points. In the last round Boleslavski In this position, m which he has
had to play St ahlberg, who, after an slightly the better of it, Boleslavski
excellent start, had gradually slipped accepted a draw. Obviously he chose the
down the table ; in the previous round he tactics we have already mentioned, that
had lost with White to Bronstein. It is, with half a point lead in the last round
therefore looked as if Boleslavski, at the try for a quick draw and thus put one's
time in excellent form, had everything in rival under the psychological pressure of
his favour, especially as he had White. having to play for a win. But every rule
Bronstein also had White in his game, has its exception, and tactics which prove
though against a much more dangerous good a hundred times may fail to work
opponent, Keres. on one occasion.
Candidates ' Tournament 1950 1 41
Boleslavski was thus only a spectator he tried to get his opponent on to
i:o the game that was to decide his fate. unexplored and complicated paths.
13 . . . N-QR4
Ruy Lopez
A logical plan. Black needs to mobilize
his queen-side majority by playing P-QB4.
Bronstein Keres
The fact that his QP will then become
1 P-K4 P-K4 weak is not so important, for White is
2 N-KB3 N-QB 3 more or less ob liged to concentrate on
3 B-N5 P-QR3 direct attack and not on the exploitation
4 B-R4 N-83 of small positional advantages.
5 0-0 B-K2
1 4 8-8 2 R-K l
6 R-Kl P-QN4
7 B-N3 0-0 Black could have played P-QB4 at
8 P-Q4 P-Q3 once : e.g. 1 4 . . . P-B4 1 5 P-B4 N-B 3 .
9 P-8 3 B-N5 Instead he prepares a manoeuvre which
10 P-KR3 BxN
16 NxN
1 7 QxN
6 N·KB3
13 Q-84
1 4 N-Q4
14 Q-N3
After the game, which on account of
1 5 N·N3 N-N5
its importance aroused considerable
16 N-K2 N(83 )·Q4
interest, it was discovered that 1 1 B-K2 is
17 N-83
the only satisfactory continuation. White
then threatens both BxR and R-B 1 , and After 1 7 B-B l P-K6! White would have
Black can hardly adopt the passive 1 1 . . . difficulty in defending the pawn on QB 2,
R-N 3 , because of 1 2 P·KN4! , after which e.g. 18 N(K2)-Q4 P-K4.
12 . . . P-K4? is answered by 1 3 B-K 3 .
There are , however, two alternatives for 17 NxN
Black : 1 8 PxN N·Q4
(i) 1 1 . . . R-R5 1 2 QxR QxQ 1 3 19 8-Q4 R-N4!
Budapest 1950
· 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts Prize
Boleslavski 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 1 1 'h 1 'h 1 12 I , II
2 Bronstein 'h 'h 0 1 'h 1 1 1 1 'h 0 1 'h 1 'h 'h 1 'h 12 I, II
3 Smyslov 0 'h 1 0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 0 1 'h 'h 'h 1 y, 'h 10 III
4 Keres 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h y, 'h 1 0 1 'h y, y, y, 'h 'h 1 9'h IV
5 Najdorf 'h 'h 0 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 'h 1 9 v
6 Kotov 0 'h 0 'h y, 0 0 1 'h 'h 'h 1 1 y, 1 0 1 0 BY..
7 St�lberg 'h 'h 1 0 1 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h y, 'h 'h 8
8 Flohr 0 0 'h 0 'l.z 'l.z 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'l.z 'l.z 'h y, 'h 0 1 7
9 Lilienthal 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 0 0 0 1 'h 'h 'l.z 'h 1 0 7
10 Szabo 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'l.z 0 0 1 'h 'h 1 0 0 1 7
1 46 Pachman 's Decisive Games
With the irresistible threat of P-K4. 24 RxRch KxR
White's position is now in its last throes. 2 5 R-Qlch 8·Q3
26 8-K3 P·K84
20 P-N4 P·K4 27 N-8 5 P-85
Zl 8·82 8 xP 28 N-K6ch K·K2
22 RxN 8xQ 29 8xRP R·R4
23 8x8 R·Ql Resigns
World Championship Match
1 95 1
Saved at the Last Moment
The most dramatic chess event I have ever adjournment. This defeat with the White
witnessed was without doubt the pieces was obviously a severe blow to
Botvinnik-Bronstein Match in 1 95 1 . Botvinnik, whose hopes of a peaceful
Three years previously Botvinnik had finish to a match that had appeared to be
won the match tournament by a large over were now shattered. The 22nd game
margin ( ( 1 ) Botvinnik 14, ( 2 ) Smyslov saw him produce one of his weakest
1 1 , ( 3 - 4) Keres and Reshevsky l O 'h , (5) performances, leading to a loss before the
Euwe 4) , and a s a result 9 f his clear-cut adjournment. The scales had thus tipped
victory there were many pundits who the other way ; it was now Bronstein who
forecast a long era dominated by this sole only needed to draw the remaining
representative of t c'e pre-war Soviet games. His main task was to hold the
grandmasters. In the same year as his 2 3rd game, for it was difficult to imagine
victory a new star had come to the that, if it did end in a draw, Botvinnik
fore-in the lnterzonal-but the general would win the last game, in which he had
view was that he lacked the experience to Black.
win against Botvinnik, who, for almost
twenty years, had been measuring swords Griinfeld Indian
with such players as Alekhin, Capablanca,
Flohr, Reshevsky and Euwe. Moreover, Botvinnik Bronstein
Bronstein had only won the Candidates'
1 P·Q4 N·KB 3
Tournament 1 9 5 0 after a play-off with
2 P·QB4 P·KN3
Bo leslavski.
3 P-KN 3 P-83
The world championship match began
on 1 6 March in the Tchaikovsky Concert The opening moves often give an
Hall in Moscow. In the first phase Bron indication of the players' approach to the
stein gave the title-holder plenty to worry game in question. The variation beginning
about, but by the time the match was with 3 . . . P-B 3 is considered very solid,
adjourned for four days for the May usually leading to a symmetrical position
celebrations everything seemed to be cut with marked drawing characteristics. That
and dried. With twenty games played, Bronstein should choose such a line i s
Botvinnik had a lead of one point, and, as understandable i n view o f t h e state o f the
a tied match was enough for him to retain match. Why Botvinnik should have
his title, he only needed 1 'h points from allowed it by playing 3 P-KN 3 is at first
the last four games-not, one would sight less clear. The idea behind it is
imagine, a particularly difficult task. reminiscent of Lasker's way of handling
The position, however, soon became his game against Capablanca at St Peters
more complicated. On 4 May Bronstein burg. In both cases a grandmaster did
used his favourite opening for the first nothing to avoid a "drawing" variation in
time in the match, the Old Indian a vital game that had to be won at all
Defence, and won the game after the costs, and the decision was based on an
148 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
accurate assessment of the personality 1 1 B-Q2 R-QB l
and mental state of the opponent. Lasker 1 2 0-0 N-Q2
chose to bring about a position that 1 3 N-K2 Q-N 3
demanded the sort of treatment that was 14 B·QB3
opposed to Capablanca's preconceived
Botvinnik himself criticized this move,
aims; Botvinnik opted for a position that,
which merely wastes time. The immediate
in his opinion, did not suit his opponent.
Q-N 3 is stronger, for White will sooner or
At the time the game was played Bron
later have to exchange queens. Although
stein was at the height of his creative
such a decision is by no means easy in a
powers and was noted for his remarkable
game as vital as this one, it is, neverthe
imaginative combinational play. His weak
less, both from the psychological and
points were the imperfections in his
strategical point of view, the logical
endgame technique and his play when
quiet positional manoeuvring was re
quired. 14 KR-Ql
The world champion staked everything 1 5 N-B4
on one card : his psychological a�sessment
of his opponent. And that card finally Now 1 5 Q-N3 would be answered by
turned u p, although at various stages of 15 . . . B-B 1 ! with the threat of B-NS
the game it looked as if Botvinnik's exchanging bishops. After the text-move
chances were virtually nil. White can reply to 15 . . . B-B l by 1 6
N-Q3 o r 1 6 P-QR 3 .
4 B-N2 P-Q4
5 PxP PxP 15 N-B 3
6 N-QB 3 B-N2 1 6 Q-N 3
7 N-R3 BxN 1 0 3 . Botvinnik-Bronstein
This helps Black with his development
and is, objectively seen, the strongest
continuation . And yet after the game
Botvinnik told me that he had breathed a
sigh of relief when his opponent made
this move. The reason for such a reaction
is that White gets at least one lasting
asset-the two bishops-prior to the pro
tracted positional manoeuvring that is
now about to take place. An alternative
for Black which also suffices for equality
is 7 . . . 0-0 8 N-B4 P-K3 9 0-0 N-B 3 . An interesting question from the
strategical point of view is whether It 1s
8 BxB N-B 3 better for Black to exchange queens
9 B-N2 himself and double his opponent's pawns
or to allow his opponent to exchange.
White withdraws his bishop partly to
ensure that his opponent does not play Bronstein chooses the latter course be
cause his pieces thereby become very
N-K5 and partly because, after Black's
P-K3, it would have no great future on active. Obj ectively his decision is the right
the diagonal KR 3-QB8. one ; as we shall see later he gets several
opportunities to equalize. On the other
9 P-K3 hand, it requires j ust a few inaccuracies
1 0 P-K3 0-0 for the doubled pawns to become a
World Champ ionship Match 1951 1 49
16 N-K5
1 7 QxQ PxQ
1 8 B-Kl
well remember that most commen play P-KB4 and thus prevent him fro m
tators had a poor opinion of Botvinnik 's pushing forward in the centre at a later
position at this point. What was he to do stage by P-K4. The simplest way of doing
about the threat 19 . . . R-B7? this is 2 3 . . . N-B4! In this case Black
would have to be prepared for 24
19 N-Q3 B-B l ( ? )
P-KN4 ! ? N(B4)xKP 25 B-R 3 (threatening
Playing the rook to the seventh would 26 P-N 3 ) , though after 25 . . . NxKNP!
not cause White much trouble, for after 26 BxN BxR 27 RxB N-Q3 he is quite
19 . . . R-B7 20 N-N4! Black cannot well placed.
continue with 20 . . . RxNP? 2 1 BxN PxB 23 N-R4
22 B-B 3 R-K7 23 KR-QB l followed by 2 4 K-B l B-N2
24 K-B l , when his rook is trapped. 2 5 P-KN4 N-B 3
Nevertheless the text-move is an 26 P-N 3 ?
inaccuracy, albeit a minor one. Better is
In his subsequent analysis Botvinnik
19 . . . N-B5 , making it difficult for White
expressed dissatisfaction with this move.
to activate his pieces, e.g. 20 R-Ql B-B l .
The weakening of the squares QB 3 and
Botvinnik gives another possibility : 20
QR 3 will soon become noticeable.
B-N4 B-B l 21 BxB KxB 22 KR-QB l , but
although White has a slight advantage it is 26 . . . N-N4!
merely of a symbolic character. 27 K-K2?
In Botvin nik's opinion the correct
20 p B3 N-Q3 move is 27 P-KR4. As a result of this
21 B-B 2 ( ? )
second inaccuracy White has lost all
More accurate i s 2 1 R-B 2. After the winning chances. Black's simplest reply to
text-move Black is given a chance to get the text-move is 27 . . . N-R6, and the
active play by 21 . . . R-B7. blockade of the queen's wing neutralizes
any advantage that the two bishops might
21 B-R 3 ( ? ) otherwise have for White . Bronstein , how
22 QR-B l N(R4)-B5 ever, chooses another continuation ,
2 3 KR-Kl which i s also good.
Bronstein's principal mistake is that he
27 . . . B-B l
largely conducts the game without a real
strategical plan, relying instead on tactical This threatens B-R6 and thereby
manoeuvres. Strategically Black's main forces White to play P-QR4, weakening
task should be to force his opponent to his QN P.
1 50 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
28 P-QR4 N-B2 106. Botvinnik-Bronstein
2� B-N 3 N-R 3
30 B-Bl P-B 3
31 KR-Ql N-R4!
32 RxR RxR
33 R-B l RxR
34 NxR B-R6
35 K-Ql
1 0 5 . Botvinnik-Bronstein
44 . . . BPxP
14 B·QBl
1 5 P-R3 Q-B 2
16 N-R4
25 B·B S ! N-K S ! ?
Here 1 6 N x R P can b e answered simply
by 1 6 . . . NxN 1 7 BxN P-KN 3 , and Black has n o good way o f protecting
the QNP, so he decides to go in for
although White gets three pawns for his
piece (after 18 BxP), this is not sufficient complications. This has the disadvantage
that White could simply continue 26 NxN
compensation in view of Black's two
BxB 27 N-B6ch PxN 28 QxB, destroying
bishops and the harmonious co-operation
Black's pawn position with fatal effects.
of his pieces.
At this stage of the game Dr Trifunovic
16 . . . B·Q3 was very near to winning the tournament,
1 7 N·BS P-KR3 for he had one of the less dangerous
Staunton Memorial Tournament 1951 15 5
players a s a n opponent i n the last round, a 33 RxKPch !
member of the home contingent, Klein. 3 4 KxR QxRPch
29 . . . Q·R7ch
30 K-81 Q-RSch ?
Smunton Memorial 1 9 5 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Pts Prize
1 Gligoric 1 1 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 'h 'h 'h 10 I
2 Pirc 0 'h 0 'h 0 1 1 'h 'h 1 1 1 1 'h 9 'h II-IV
3 St� lberg 0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 'h 'h 'h 1 9 'h II-IV
4 Trifunovic 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 0 'h 'h 1 1 1 9 'h I I - IV
5 Alexander 1 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h 1 1 B 'h v-vm
6 Matanovic 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 1 B 'h V-VIII
7 Rossolimo 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h B 'h V-VIII
8 Unzicker 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 1 'h 'h 'h I 1 B 'h V-VIII
9 Donner 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 0 'h 'h 0 0 'h 7
10 Klein 0 'h 0 0 1 'h 1 0 0 1 'h 1 1 'h 0 7
11 Bogolyubov 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 'h 6'h
12 Golombek 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 0 1 'h 'h 6
1 3 Broadbent 0 0 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 0 1 1 'h 'h 0 S 'h
14 Tartakower 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h 'h 1 0 0 0 'h - 1 'h S 'h
1 5 v. Scheltinga 'h 0 'h 0 0 0 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 5
16 Wade 'h 'h 0 0 0 0 'h 0 'h 1 0 'h 1 'h 0 5
156 Pachman's Decisive Games
3 7 Q-K4 P·KB4! 40 K·Q3 Q·Q7ch
38 QxKBP R·K l ch 41 K·B4 RxQ
Now White is lost, for 39 K-Q3 is 42 PxR Q-QB7ch
answered decisively by 39 . . . Q-K7ch 40
K-83 R·K6ch 41 K-N4 B·Q3ch. Confronted with mate on the next
39 Q·K4 B·BS ch move, White resigned.
33 Mar6czy Memorial,
Budapest 1 95 2
A Precise Positional Performance
master Geza Mar6czy, in his day one of QxQP is not possible on account of 28
the strongest players in the world. The Q-K8 mate.
organizers succeeded in getting together a
23 PxN QxQ
very powerful field, including the world
24 RxQ RxR
champion, M. M. Botvinnik, who was at
25 BxR BxP
that time a rare participant in inter
26 P-QR4!
national events. Along with Keres and
Smyslov, Botvinnik was one of the Not, of course , 26 R-Ql ? R-K l 2 7
favourites for first place. All three grand RxB RxB o r 26 BxP R-R l 27 P-QB 4?
masters, however, suffered defeats within RxB 28 PxB R-R4, in both cases the
the first few rounds. In the second round ending being drawn.
Botvinnik with White lost to Geller, and
26 R-Q3
Keres fell to Petrosian , who was just at
27 R-Ql K-B2
the start of his international career; in the
28 P-R 5 ! R-K3
third round Smyslov was beaten by
29 B-Bl
Keres. The latter then proceeded to make
up lost ground with victories over Pilnik, If 29 BxP, then 29 . . . B-N6.
Sliwa and Geller. Keres's important win
29 B-N6
over Geller was achieved in a pretty game.
30 R-Q7ch K-Bl
1 1 0. Keres-Geller 31 RxBP R-K4
32 R-86 Rx P
33 R-QN6!
33 B-B7
3 4 RxP R-QB4
35 R-R3 R-Q4
36 P-B3 R-Q8
37 K-B2 R-B8
38 P·R4 B-N3
39 B-B4 K-K2
Position after Black's 1 7th move 40 P-N4 P-R3
18 NxP! QxN 41 B-Q5 Resigns
19 B-N3 N-B 5 Botvinnik suffered a further, and even
20 NxN PxN more unexpected, defeat in the seventh
21 BxP N-Q4 round. Instead of coutinuing with 3 9 . . .
24 PxB
25 N-RS RxRch !
26 BxR
1 8 B-K 3 ?
White would lose a piece by 26 RxR?
A bad positional mistake. White was Q-N 3 .
already worse off, and should have sought
to ease his position by exchanging 26 Q-N3
knights, e.g. 1 8 NxN QxN 19 B-K3. 2 7 Q-Ql
Maroczy Memorial, Budapest 1952 161
1 1 4. Barcza-Keres 28 N-87
29 N(RS )-86
29 RxN
30 NxR QxN
3 1 R·R2 N·NS
27 R-Q81 !
Better than 3 1 . . . NxP 3 2 B-K3. Now
Black could instead win a pawn by 27 White will not be able to get his rook
. . . N-B7 2 8 R-R2 QxPch 29 QxQ NxQ, into play.
but he is quite rightly not content with
that. The text-move threatens 28 . . . RxB 32 R·K 8 2 Q-86
29 RxR QxN and leaves White no way of 33 8·N2 N-Q6!
avoiding loss of material. 34 R·Q82 Nx8
35 Q-Q.8 1 QxNP
2 8 K-Rl
36 RxN Q-85
In order to reply to 28 . . . RxB ? by 37 R·Q82 Q·88ch
29 QxR. 38 Resign s
Budapest 1 9 5 2
2 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 Pts Prize
1 Keres -
1 'h 1 'h 0 0 1 1 'h 1 1 'h 'h 1 1 1 1 1 2 'h I
2 Geller 0 - 1 'h 'l.z 1 'h 1 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 1 12 II
3 Botvinnik 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 'h 'h 0 1 1 1 1 1 1h 1 1 III - V
4 Smyslov 0 'h 'l.z -
'h 'h 'h 0 1 1 1 'h 0 1 1 1 1 11 I I I -V
5 St�lberg 'h 'l.z Vz 'h 0 1 'h 'h 0 'h 1 1 'h 1 1 1 11 I I I -V
6 Szabo 1 0 'h 'h 1 - 1 'l.z 'h 1 1 0 'h 0 0 1 lO'h VI
7 Petrosian 1 'h 'h 'h 0 0 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 9 '1.z VII, VIII
8 Pilnik 0 0 0 1 'h 'h 'l.z 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 9'h VII , V I I I
9 O'Kelly 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'l.z Vz 1 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 1 'h 9 IX
1 0 Benko 'h 'h 'l.z 0 1 0 1 'h 0 -
0 1 1 1 'l.z 0 0 1 8 'h
1 1 Barcza 0 0 'h 0 'h 0 0 1 'h 1 'h 'h 1 1 0 'h 1 8
12 Szily 0 'h 1 'h 0 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h -
'h 1 1 0 1 1 8
1 3 Golombek 'h 'h 0 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h -
'l.z 1 1 1 1 7
14 Kottnauer 'h 'h 0 1 0 1 'h 'h 'h 0 0 0 'h - 0 1 1 0 7
15 Gereben 0 0 0 0 'h 'h y, 'l.z 'h l4 0 0 0 1 - 1 0 1 6
16 Trolanescu 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -
'l.z 5 'h
17 Sliwa 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 'h 0 0 0 1 'h 5
18 Platz 0 0 'h 0 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
34 World Championship Match
1 957
A Draw Worth its Weight in Gold
The match between Botvinnik and came back into the match in the thir
Smyslov played in 1 9 5 7 is often com teenth game, which he conducted in his
pared to one that took place thirty years best style and won after making use of a
earlier, that between Alekhin and Capa small positional advantage in an exem
blanca. If we ignore the draws, then the plary manner. Two days later, in a game
challenger won by the same score, 6 : 3 . in which he had Black, he came very near
Even more interesting i s the fact that the to winning again, Smyslov only escaping
order of the won games was the same, viz. by the skin of his teeth in an endgame in
1 : 0, 1 : 1 , 1 : 2 , 2 : 2, 3 : 2, 4 : 2 , 4 : 3 , 5 : 3 , 6 : 3 . which he was virtually a pawn down.
The bare figures might lead one to con When the fifteenth game started, it was
clude that the decisive game was again fairly clear that Botvinnik would make a
that in which the challenger chalked up big effort to win. And, in fact, he did
his fifth win to take a two-point lead, in have a clearly won game at the adjourn
this case the seventeenth game, in which ment. But then he relaxed and allowed
Botvinnik had White. But a closer look at his opponent to draw.
the game itself shows that Botvinnik
hardly put up a real fight at all. He played Nimzo-Indian
well under his normal strength and at
variance with his usual style. He conceded Botvinnik Smyslov
his opponent the two bishops in the
1 P-QB4 N-K B 3
opening; then he unnecessarily weakened
2 N-QB 3 P-K 3
his pawn structure. He lost a pawn in the
3 P-Q4 B-N5
ending and missed a drawing line after the
4 P-K3 P-QN 3
second time control. This was, of course,
5 KN-K2 B-R3
virtually the end. After two quiet draws,
6 P-QR3
the second of which lasted only fifteen
moves, Smyslov won the twentieth game, Prior to 1 95 7 this continuation was
and the next two games, drawn in thir considered strong, because Black usually
teen and twenty-one moves respectively, replied by withdrawing his bishop to K 2 .
were only a form of capitulation. Smyslov had made excellent preparation
The real turning-point in the match for the match and had discovered that
occurred earlier, in the fifteenth round to Black has another move, and one, more
be precise. But first let us go back a little. over, that equalizes. As a result, in later
Smyslov managed to build up a lead of years 6 N-N 3 was often seen. If the game
7: 5 in the first half of the match, and at then continues 6 . . BxNch (the sharp
that stage few observers gave Botvinnik advance 6 . . . P-R4 ! ? is interesting) 7 PxB
much of a chance. His opponent, after all, P-Q4 8 Q-B 3 (the pawn sacrifice 8 B-R3
was noted for his strong finishing powers, BxP 9 BxB PxB 1 0 0-0 ! ? is less clear) 8
which had helped him in many a tourna . . . 0-0 9 PxP, the natural reply 9 . . PxP
ment to make up lost ground after an gives White an advantage, e.g. 10 BxB
indifferen t start. Nevertheless Botvinnik NxB 1 1 Q-K2 N-Nl 1 2 P-B 3 . A better
World Championship Match 1 95 7 163
line for Black is 9 . . . QxP ! 10 P-K4 R-Kl 1 3 N-N5 P-B 3 ! 1 4 N-Q6 R-K2,
Q-QR4. which leads to equality.
The idea behind the exchange. Black Better than 1 3 B-R 3 . White keeps the
gets an attack on the QBP in return for square QR 3 free for his knight.
the two bishops.
13 N-QR4
8 P-QN3 0-0 14 Q-B2 P-B 3
9 B-K2 15 N-R3 Q-K2
16 0-0 P-B4
This whole variation occurred in the
17 N-N5 B-N2
match three times altogether. Two games
18 B-R3
previously, Botvinnik had played the
immediate 9 P-QR4. If Smyslov had then A natural-looking move, but probably
replied with 9 . . . PxP followed by N-B 3 , not the best. The bishop is better placed
the same position as i ft the present game on QN2, so the immediate 18 P-B3 is
would have been reached, for White preferable.
would certainly have developed his
bishop to K2. Smyslov, however, chose 18 N-B 3
a sharper continuation , 9 . . . P-B4! ? and 19 KR-Ql P-QR3
got a satisfactory position after 1 0 B-R3 20 N-B3 N-QN5
QPxP 11 NPxP N-B 3 ! 12 PxP PxP 1 3 21 Q-N3 P-QR4
QxQ R(B l )xQ 1 4 BxP N-QR4, though he 22 N-N 5
later lost the game. Now the knight takes up a permanent
9 . . . PxP position on this strong post after having
1 0 PxP N-B 3 ! previously occupied it twice. White's
pieces are all concentrated on the queen's
This, when followed b y N-QR4, will side, a fact which Smyslov quite rightly
put increased pressure on the QBP. In the exploits by preparing a dangerous king
seventh game, a draw was agreed after 1 1 side attack.
N-N5 N-QR4 1 2 B-Q2 P-B3 1 3 B xN PxB !
1 4 N-B 3 P-B4 1 5 N-R4 PxP 16 PxP Q-Q3 22 P-R3
1 7 0-0 QR-Ql 1 8 Q-Q2 QxQP 1 9 QxP 23 B-N 2 QR-Bl
Q-K5 20 N-B 3 Q-B 3 2 1 N-N 5 Q-N3 22 24 P-B3 PxP
QxQ PxQ 23 KR-Ql N-K5. Match play 25 PxP N-R4
has its peculiarities. One of these is the 26 B-KBl Q-N4
endeavour to discover weaknesses in the 27 B-R3
opponent's theoretical armour and to
strengthen one's play in vananons This wins a pawn, for the Black knight
specially prepared for the match by the cannot withdraw, e.g. 27 . . . N-QB 3 28
opponent. The next move is obviously a N-Q6 R-B2 29 P-Q5 .
result of Botvinnik's preparations. N-B 5
27 . . .
Later analysis showed that this move, The first crisis in the game. It is fairly
which makes way for the roo k, is super clear that Black must pursue his king-side
fluous. Black would have done better to action energetically. Strategically the
continue with 1 1 . . . N-QR4 1 2 B-R3 advance of the KRP to KR 6 to weaken
1 64 Pachman 's Decisive Games
1 1 5 . Botvinnik-Smyslov ever, the attack he gets there does not
seriously endanger White.
3 2 R-K l R-KB4
1 1 6 . Botvinnik-Smyslov
37 . . . RxN 41 Q-B S
42 Q-QB6 R-B4
Not, of course, 37 . . . KxN 38 BxPch
K-B 3 39 QxP, etc. Meeting the main threat, 43 P-R S .
White has now several ways of strength
38 BxP RxP? ening his position , e.g. 43 R-R l or 43
R-KN l . Botvinnik opts for the simplest
This gets Black into a lost position,
way of all, an exchange of queens, but in
though it is not the last surprise in this
doing so has to give up one of his extra
interesting · but nervously played game.
The correct move is 38 . . . Q-B 3 ! , when
Black can hold the game thanks to the 43 Q-R8ch K-R2
weakened position of the White king, e.g. 44 Q-K4 QxQ
39 BxRch KxB 40 P-QS Q-KB6ch 41 4S RxQ R-QR4
K-N l Q-N Sch 42 K-B2 Q-B Sch 43 K-K2 46 K-N2 K-N3
R-Klch 44 K-Ql Q-NSch! 4S K-Q2 47 K-B 3 ? ?
Q-QSch 46 K-B2 RxR 47 QxR QxBPch,
draw, or 39 Q-B 3 RxP and the extra On occasions even the greatest of
pawn is not sufficient to win in this players make quite elementary technical
position. mistakes. In rook endings like this one,
the most important thing is to keep the
39 QxP R(QS)-BS opposing king away from the pawn .
40 BxRch RxB There was a simple win by 47 R-B4 ! , e.g.
41 Q-K6 47 . . . K-N4 48 K-B 3 RxP 49 K-K3
R-R6ch S O K-K4 R-KR6 ( S O . . . R-QB6
The game was adjourned at this stage,
S l P-R4ch K-R4 S 2 K-Q4) S l R-82 or 49
and some commentators thought Smyslov
. . . P-N3 S O P-R4ch K-R4 5 1 K·Q4.
might resign without resuming play.
Botvinnik himself was probably so in K-B4
fluenced by the general feeling that he 48 R-B4ch
did not give his full attention to the
adjournment analysis. His weak play on Other moves are no better, e.g. 48
resumption was a rarity for him and in K-K3 RxP 49 P-R4 R-R8 or 49 K-Q4
complete contrast to his normal fine R-R7, draw.
166 Pachman 's Decisive Games
48 K-K4 S3 P-R4 R-QB 3
49 R-K4ch K-B4 S4 P-RS K-K3
so R-B4ch K-K4 SS K-N6 K-K4dis ch
Sl K-N4 RxP S6 K-N S K-K3
S2 K-N S R-R 3 ! Drawn
35 lnterzonal 1 9 5 8
Success for Tal, Catastrophe for Bronstein
19 NxR !
2 0 NxQ B-B4
2 1 Q-KB 3 QRxN
22 RxB BxN
14 P-K 5 ! ?
23 BxP
At the first oppartunity Tai compli
cates the game, though not in a way that 1 1 9. Tal-Panno
is unfavourable to his opponent. How
ever, the quiet continuation 14 PxP PxP
15 Q-K2 does not offer much hope of
gaining an advantage and neither does 1 5
QxQ RxQ 1 6 P-QN4 N-N2.
14 • · . . PxKP!
32 P-N3 B-K 5 !
3 3 P-KR4ch !
Cardoso was in nineteenth place in the This move, which threatens 22 PxP
tournament and had no hope of improv PxP 23 N-B4, looks good . However,
ing his position. The daring way in which White thereby misses the chance of
he conducts the struggle with the re gaining a clear advantage. The modest 2 1
nowned grandmaster therefore deserves N-Ql would have answered Black 's threat
our admiration . of 21 . . . NxP 22 PxN BxP (attacking
both the knight on KN3 and the QBP)
14 . . . P·R4 and at the same time have prepared the
This does not stop the opening of lines way for an attack on the KR file.
on the king's side . Black has two better
21 P·KN4!
alternatives : 1 4 Q-K2 followed by
22 P.R6 B·Rl
KR-B l and 1 4 . . . BxN followed by
23 N·RS
23 . . . QR·Bl
'lit 0 0 'It 0 'i\ 0 0 'It 0 0 'Yi 'It 'It 0 0 0 'i\ 0 0 JJ!"J� "P OZ
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I A 'A Zl l l l 'It l 'It 'It 'i\ 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It 0 0 'It 'i\ 'It J;JQ �S! ,f 9
IA 'A Zl l l l 0 0 l 0 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It 0 'It 'It 'It UOSSJ'BJO S
AI 'III 'lt Z l l l l 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It 0 'i\ 'i\ 'It l 'ii 'i\ 'It 0 Q'l\U;J!:( t
AI 'III 'ltZ l l 'It l l 0 'i\ 'i\ 'It 'It l 'i\ l 'Yi 'Yi 'It 'i\ 'It 'It 'Yi U'B !SOJJ;Jd f
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;n:!ld S1d lZ OZ 61 81 ll 91 s[ tl fl Zl n 01 6 8 l 9 s t f z
8S 61 ZOWlJ<Jd
lnterzonal 1 958 1 73
24 R-QBl QxBP BxN(Q6) 30 BxB, with the threat of 3 1
25 QxQ RxQ B-N 5 , would have saved the game, but 2 9
26 B-Q2 ? . . . PxP! 3 0 NxP(K6) R-B 3 would not
have been too bad.
This should have cost White the game.
The correct line is 26 K-Q2 KR-Bl 2 7 30 N-82!
N-B 2.
Now Black's position i s very bad. The
26 R-R6 threat of 3 1 BxNch forces him to give up
27 B-Nl the exchange
1 2 2 . Cardoso-Bronstein
30 RxB
31 RxR PxP?
32 NxP R-81
At this stage Bronstein was very near 33 R-R3 PxP
to qualifying. He could have done so by 34 NxQP BxN
choosing the obvious continuation 27 . . . 35 PxB R-8 3
BxN 28 PxB RxRP 29 R-B7 R-Ql . The 36 QR-N 3 !
difference between this variation and that
White's rooks enter the game i n an
in the game is that here White's bishop on
interesting way-via the third rank. The
QN l is out of play, whereas it becomes a
strong pawn on KR6 prevents Black from
strong attacking piece in the actual game.
making use of his only assets-the united
27 RxRP? passed pawns on the queen's wing.
28 P-8 3 P..8 3 ? 36 . . . K-82
Overlooking White's shrewd reply, 37 R(N3)-K3 N(Q2)-B3
which causes some difficulty. The correct Black is at a loss for a good move, for
move is 28 . . . R-B5 followed by R-B 2 , 37 . . . P-R5 fails to 3 8 B-N4.
which would, however, have led to
nothing more than equality, for White 38 R-K5 R-K3
can resort to the manoeuvre N-B2-R 3 . 39 RxR KxR
40 R-QN 3 N-Q.2
2 9 N-N 7 ! R-R8? 41 N-R3 K-8 3
42 NxP
Few positions can absorb three con
secutive mistakes. Of course, neither 29 This was the sealed move. Black now
. . . BxN(N2 ) ? 30 PxB KxP 31 N-N 2 , with resigned, for if he captures twice on KN4
a typical double attack, nor 29 . . . he has no way of stopping the KRP.
Zurich 1 9 59
Victory in the Balance
The first strong tournament in Switzer K-N l 58 P-R4 followed by K-R6 and
land for a considerable time took place in P-R 5 , winning without difficulty in a few
May and June 1 9 5 9. Several of the moves. Unfortunately for him the Swiss
world's leading players were present, master succumbed to the temptation of
among them Tai (who a year later became advancing his passed pawns and allowed
world champion by beating Botvinnik), his opponent to draw the game.
Fischer, Keres, Larsen, Unzicker, Barcza,
54 P-R4? K-B2
Olafsson and Donner-all well-known
55 P-N4 K-N l
international grandmasters. As early as
56 P-R5 K-R2
the first round there were signs that an
57 K-B4 B-N6
exceptionally dramatic struggle was on
58 K-N3 B-K8
the cards. The two main favourites were
59 K-R4 B- Q7
drawn against players from the host
60 B-R5 B-K8
country, Switzerland, but the games were
61 P-N5 B-B7!
very far from being the walk-overs
62 B-K2 B-K6
63 K-N 3 B-Q7
1 2 3. Walther-Fischer 64 P-N6ch K-N2
65 K-R4 K-B 3 !
66 B-N 5 ch K-B4
67 B-K8 B-K8
1 24. Tal-Bhend
26 P-KR4 RxR
27 RxR P-KR3
28 Q-85 B-N l
29 Q-K4 P-Q4
30 PxP QxP
31 Q-N6 Q-Q5
Position after Black's 20th move
32 Q-N 3 R-82
33 R-K4 Q-N 7 Tai has given his opponent the bishop
34 8-Q3 8-Q5 pair and has allowed his king-side pawns
35 R-K2 Q-88ch to be weakened-all for the sake of some
176 Pachman 's Decisive Games
nebulous attacking chances. Now h e tries Swiss player Keller in the next round and
to renew his attack, but in so doing he had , moreover, the White pieces, whereas
compromises his position even further. his rival Tai had Black against Donner. In
the final round they were due to p lay
21 P-KR4 Q-Q2 each other. The penultimate round, how
22 N-K3 ever, upset things considerably. First, Tai
The advance 22 P-R5 would have been obtained a decisive advantage by means
more consistent. of an interesting positional manoeuvre in
a position typical of the Hromadka
22 8-82 System.
2 3 K-82 P-83
1 26. Donner-Tai
24 P-R 5 ! ? 8xRP!
25 R-Rl Q-K8 2 !
Ruy Lopez
In the same round Fischer, playing
Black , drew level with Tai by beating
Fischer Keller
Donner. It was generally agreed that he
thus had excellent chances of winning the 1 P-K4 P-K4
tournament, for he was drawn against the 2 N-KB 3 N-Q8 3
Zurich 1959 1 77
3 8-N5 P-QR 3 12 7. Fischer-Keller
4 8-R4 N-8 3
5 0-0 8-K2
6 R-Kl P-QN4
7 8·N 3 P-Q3
8 P-8 3 0-0
9 P-KR 3 N-Q2
10 P-Q4 N-N3
11 NxP 21 P-K84!
1 2 NxN PxN 22 P-R5 P-85
1 3 Q-R5 8-8 3 23 N-81 NPxP
24 QxRP R-8 3 !
This continuation is adequate. The
25 N·R2 ? R·N3
queen now has access to K2, and after the
26 N-8 3
exchange of the white-squared bishops
(following B-K3 by Black) White will White will get no compensation for the
have no real attacking chances. pawn, but as a result of the mistake on
his previous move he had no satisfactory
14 N-Q2 Q-K2
continuation. If instead 26 K-N2, Black
15 N-81 8-K3
could reply 26 . . . R-KB l with the strong
16 N-K3 P-N 3
threat of R-R 3 , and if 26 P-KN4, there
17 Q-8 3 8x8
follows 26 . . . N-Q2 27 P-B 3 N-B 3
18 Px8 8-N2
followed by P-KR4 and Black again wins
19 P-QN4 P-Q8 3
a pawn.
The game is now completely equal, for
White has no way of exploiting his 26 PxP
opponent's only weakness, the QRP. The 27 PxP RxPch
logical result would have been a draw, but 28 K-R2 Q-N 5 !
1 78 Pachman 's Decisive Games
Forcing an exchange of queens, so that 38 R-KN2 K-Rl
the game, notwithstanding certain tech- 39 N-N 5 R-K81 ch
nical difficulties, is already decided. 40 K-Kl N-Q.5
41 8xN Px8
29 QxQ RxQ 42 N-K6 R-Kl
30 R-KNl RxR 43 P-87 8-K4
31 Kx R N-R5 44 K-Q2 R-Q81
32 K-8 1 P-84 45 R-N5 8xP
33 P-N 3 ! ? 46 RxP 8-Q.3
47 K-Q.3 R-Rl
I f 3 3 P-84, Black has a strong reply in
48 R-N6 8-N6
3 3 . . . R KB l !
49 R-N7 P-R5
50 N-N5 P-R6
33 NxP
51 RxPch K-Nl
3 4 PxP NxP
5 2 R-Rl P-R7
35 P-86
53 R-QRl 8-K4
or 3 5 P-N4 NxP! 36 PxN P-K5 54 N-K6 R-R6ch
55 K-K4 8-8 3
35 N-84 56 K-85 K-8 2
36 8-K3 NxP 57 N-N5ch 8xN
37 R-R2 P-QR4 Resigns
Zi.irich 1 9 59
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 Pts Prize
1 Tai 0 'l:z 'l:z 'h 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l 'h I
2 Gligoric 1 0 'l:z 0 1 'l:z 1 'l:z 1 'l:z 1 1 1 11 II
3 Fischer 'l:z 0 'l:z 'l:z 1 1 1 1 0 'l:z 1 'h 1 l O 'l:z III, IV
4 Keres 'l:z 1 0 'l:z 'l:z 'h 1 'l:z 1 1 'h 1 'l:z lO'l:z I I I , IV
5 Larsen 0 0 'l:z 'h 'l:z 0 1 'l:z 'l:z 1 1 1 1 9 '1:z V , VI
6 Unzicker 0 'l:z 0 0 'l:z -
'l:z 'l:z 1 1 'h 1 1 9 '1:z V, VI
7 Barcza 'l:z 1 'h 'l:z 1 'l:z 0 0 0 'l:z 1 0 8'1:z VII
8 Olafsson 0 0 0 'h 0 'h 1 0 1 Yz 1 Yz 1 8 VIII
9 Kupper 0 y, 0 0 'l:z 0 1 1 'h 0 'l:z 1 'h 'h 7
10 Bhend 1 0 0 'l:z 'l:z 0 1 0 'l:z -
1 0 0 Yz Yz 6 '1:z
1 1 Donner 0 Yz 0 0 0 0 Yz 'h 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 6Yz
1 2 Keller 0 0 1 0 0 'l:z 0 0 'l:z 0 1 1 0 6
1 3 Walther 0 'l:z 'h 0 0 0 0 'l:z 0 0 0 1 'l:z 1 5
14 Di.ickstein 0 0 0 'l:z 0 0 1 0 'h 0 0 0 1 1 5
1 5 Blau 0 0 'h 0 0 0 0 0 'l:z 'l:z 0 0 'h 0 'l:z 2 1h
16 Nievergelt 0 0 0 'l:z 0 0 0 0 0 'l:z 0 1 0 0 'h 2'/:z
37 Candidates' Tournament
1 9 59
First Place Saved
17 B-B 4 ! ? Q-B 3
1 8 Q-B 3 QxN !
19 BxP Q-B 3
1 3 B-Q5
13 R-R2
14 BxN PxN Fischer is apparently a little confused
1 5 BxP as a result of his opponent's manoeuvre
Both 15 B-Q5 and 15 B-B 3 are good and fails to find the right path. After the
alternatives, for Black's pawn on KB4 is fairly obvious 22 QR-Kl ! White retains a
worth very little. Fischer, however, m certain advantage. His opponent can reply
tends an attack along the KB file. with neither 22 KR-N Z ? ? 2 3
Q-Q.B6ch, which leads to a quick mate,
15 . . . R-K2 nor 22 . . . RxR ? 2 3 QxPch K-Ql 24
16 BxB QxB RxR. There remains only 22 . . . K-Ql 2 3
Black now has scattered pawns and, in RxR BxR 2 4 QxP (threatening both
addition, has lost the right to castle. QxRch and R-Ql ch) 24 . . . R-N 3 25 QxP
Fischer's only problem is finding a good Q-Q3 . Black is then in no immediate
place for his knight, for Black is threat danger, but White has three pawns for the
ening Q-0.B 3. Players of a quiet dis piece and good prospects of making
position would be satisfied with 1 7 N-N6 something of the somewhat exposed
Candidates ' Tournament 1 959 181
position o f his opponent's king, e.g. 2 6 35 K-N2 K-B 3
Q-R8ch K-B2 2 7 Q-K8 or 26 . . . K-Q2 2 7 36 K-B3 K-K4
Q-R 3ch K-B2 28 Q-K 3. 37 K-K3 B-N4ch
38 K-K2 K-Q4
22 Q-QB6ch? R -Q2
39 K-Q3 B-B 3
23 QR-Klch B-K2
40 R-B2 B-K4
24 RxP KxR
41 R-K2 R-KB3
25 Q-K6ch K-B l
42 R -QB 2 R-B6ch
It is unbelievable that, in the course of 43 K-K2 R-B2
a few moves, Black has miraculously 44 K-Q3 B-Q5
overcome all his difficulties and attained 45 P-QR3
a won position. White achieves nothing
by 26 R-KB l ch K-N2 27 QxR Q-Q3 or There is no way of saving the game.
27 R-B7ch K-Rl 28 QxR R-Ql ! 29 Q-N4 Against other moves Black can play 45
Q-K 4. . . . R-B6ch followed by K-K5 .
Candidates' Tournament 1 9 5 9
2 4 5 6 7 8 Pts Prize
Tai 0 0 'h 'h 0 1 'h 1 1 1 1 1 20 I
1 0 Yz Yz Yz 1 1 1 1 1 Yz 'h
2 Keres 1 1 0 'h 1 Yz 'h 'h 0 1 1 1 1 1 8 1h II
0 1 Yz Yz Yz 0 1 1 0 1 l 0 1
3 Petrosian Yz Yz 1 Yz Yz Yz 0 Yz 1 1 1 0 'h 1 l S'h Ill
'h 'h Yz Yz 0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 0 Yz 1 Yz
4 Srnyslov 1 0 0 Yz Yz Yz 0 'h Yz 'h 'h 1 'h 0 15 IV
Yz 0 Yz 1 1 Yz 1 0 1 0 'h 1 1 1
5 Gligoric 0 'h Yz 'h 1 'h 1 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h 1 1 2 1h
0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h 1 0 'h Yz
6 Fischer 0 0 1 0 0 0 Yz Yz 1 0 0 'h 1 1 2 'h
0 0 1 0 'h 'h 0 1 Yz 'h 'h Yz 1
7 Olafsson 0 0 0 0 0 1 'h 0 Yz Yz 0 0 0 10
0 Yz 0 1 1 'h Yz 0 0 1 'h 0 'h 1
8 Benko 0 0 0 0 'h 0 Yz 1 Yz 0 'h 0 1 8
0 'h 0 0 0 'h 0 0 Yz Yz Yz 0 Yz 0
Candidates' Touurnament
1 96 2
The Tragedy o f Paul Keres
There are few examp les in the history of At the half-way stage of the tourna
chess of a player producing top-class ment, Geller and Petrosian had 9 points,
performances over such a lengthy period Keres B'li and Korchnoi 8. Later Petrosian
as Paul Keres has done. He was a world went into the lead, thanks to a factor that
championship candidate in 1 9 38 , but his distinguished him from all the other
match with Alekhin never too k place. At players in this extremely difficult chess
the world championship in 1 948, after marathon : he did not lose a single game.
several years of below-average chess He advanced steadily by half a point or a
activity, he was not in particularly good full point, whereas his rivals suffered
form and shared third and fourth places. several severe defeats . In the 24th round,
In the Cand idates' Tournament of 1 9 5 0 however, he was caught up by one of
h e was "only" fourth, but i n 1 9 5 3 , 1 9 5 6 those at his heels. Unlike the previous
and 1 95 9 only one place separated him tournaments, it looked as if fortune were
from the right to contest the highest title dealing kindly with Keres this time, for
of all. He was second three times because he won a drawn ending against Fischer
Smyslov, on two occasions, and Tai, on after prolonged tacking manoeuvres.
one, played in their very best form. In In the next two rounds both Petrosian
1 9 5 9 Keres had the magnificent score of and Keres had draws, the second against
1 5 ( ! ) victories, six defeats and seven each other. Going into the final two
draws, i.e. 1 8 Y, points from 28 games, rounds they not only had the same score
and still did not manage to win. but also opponents of similar strength:
Three years later Keres again tried his Petrosian was to play Fischer and Filip,
luck in a candidates' tournament, the first while Keres had Benko and Fischer.
to be played outside Europe. It was held Petrosian was obviously determined
in the exotic atmosphere of the island of not to risk anything and to rely on the
Curar,:ao in the Dutch Antilles. nervous atmosphere of the last round to
As early as the first round there were see him through. He offered F ischer a
signs that the two favourites-Tai, victor draw in the opening, and obtained it on
over Botvinnik in 1960, and Fischer , who the 3 5th move.
two months previously had had a scintil Keres had Black against Benko. In
lating victory in the lnterzonal-were their previous games in the tournament
going to make heavy going of things. Tai Keres had won all three games. It was
lost in the first round to Petrosian, in the now a question of continuing the good
second, with White, to Keres, and in the work or at least not losing. Benko, his
third to Benko. Three quarters of the way opponent, had not the slightest chance of
through the tournament his kidney winning the tournament, so there was
trouble got worse and he had to give up. nothing at stake for him. But just that
Fischer suffered an unexpected and de very fact was dangerous for Keres, who
pressing defeat in the first round against had unpleasant memories of a similar
Benko and lost the following day to Geller. situation, when he played Filip in the
After that he never got among the leaders. penultimate round of the tournament in
Candidates ' Tournament 1 962 183
1 9 5 6 . On that occasion he had had White, weakens the queen's side, which will have
and a victory would have given him a its effect later.
good chance of winning the tournament .
As it was, he had lost-likewise against an 1 2 QN·R4! B·K2
opponent for whom there was nothing at Otherwise White plays 1 3 P-BS with
stake-and so was out of the running. the threat of P-R 3 .
6 P·KR3 B· R4
7 P.84 PxP
8 PxP KN-8 3
9 B·K3 Q-82
44 P·B4
45 PxP Q-B2
46 BxP P..N 3
41 . . . R-RS?
47 R-B8 Resigns
Even after the time-contro l Keres 1 32 . Geller-Benko
endeavours i:o keep the rook in an active
position and thereby loses quickly on
account of the weakness of the back
rank. After the correct 41 . . . R·Rl 42
Q-Q4 Q-K2 43 Q-Q6 QxQ 44 RxQ R·K l ,
Black would have had a defensible, albeit
difficult, position.
42 P-N S R-R7?
Driving the queen to a better post,
Black 's only chance lay in 42 . . . R-Rl,
accepting the loss o f tempo this involves. Black to play
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pts Prize
1 Petrosian 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 'h 1 1 7 'h I
'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 'h 'h - 1 'h
2 Geller 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 17 II, Ill
'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 1 1 1 'h
3 Keres 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 1 1 1 'h 'h 1 17 II, Ill
'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 'h 1 0 1 - 1 'h
4 Fischer 'h 0 0 0 'h 0 1 0 1 'h l 'h 14 IV
'h 'h 'h 1 0 'h 0 'h 'h 1 'h - 1 'h
5 Korchnoi 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 1 0 1 1 1 3 y,
0 0 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h - 1 1
6 Benko 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 0 0 'h 'h 1 0 0 1 12
0 'h 'h 0 0 1 'h 0 'h 1 'h - 1 'h
7 Tai 0 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h 0 0 1 0 1 0 7
'h - 0 0 'h - 'h 'h - 'h -
8 Filip 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 0 'h 0 0 1 0 0 7
0 'Ii 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 0 0 'h 'h -
For reasons o f health Tai retired before the start of the last leg.
186 Pachman 's Decisive Games
Keres w as thus half a point behind ment the player who plays best ends up
Petrosian, and both drew their last round in second place; the winner is the one
games. In the end Keres was caught up by with the most luck. Keres was second in
Geller, whose opponent exceeded the four consecutive candidates' tournaments
time-limit on the 5 4th move in the won and thereby had the best average perfor
position shown in diagram 1 3 2 . mance of all the top players in the world.
But he did not manage-or has not yet
Tartakower once came up with the managed-to win the right to a world
following original aphorism : I n a tourna- championship match.
39 Los Angeles 1 96 3
How to Win with Black
was as follows : Petrosian 8, Keres 7 'h. , not good on account of 22 R-K3 B-B5 2 3
Najdorf and Olafsson 7 . T h e top two B-KB l , after which the knight cannot
players had B lack, Petrosian against escape.
Reshevsky and Keres against Gligoric .
The chances were that both games would 22 BxR QxB
be drawn, leaving the position unchanged, 23 R(Kl )-QBl N-Q5
for it is an extremely difficult job to win 24 N-QB5 Q-K2
a decisive game against a strong player 25 K-R2?
with Black. After this unnecessary loss of time,
Petrosian did in fact draw in the last Black can equalize by advancing his
round, though the game was not without passed pawn. White had two promising
its exciting moments. lines which would have given him good
prospects of making use of his material
1 3 4. Reshevsky-Petnisian advantage : 25 N-KB 3 to eliminate the
unpleasant Black knight, and 25 NxB
QxN 26 Q-R 2.
25 P-N 5 !
26 R-R6 N-QB6
27 NxB NxN
28 R(Bl)-Rl N-B2
29 R-B6 N(B2)-N4
30 R-Kl R-Ql
31 R-B4 N-R6
32 RxN PxR
Position after Black 's 1 7th move 33 QxBP Q-Q3
34 Q-R5 N-B7
In view of the endangered pawn on
Not 34 . . QxP? 35 R-K3
QN4, the most obvious line for White is
9 P-QR 3
1 0 P·QR4
10 . . . Q-82!
19 N-N S!
As we shall see, the queen is well A typical attack on the king's wing,
placed here , quite unlike White's queen, where Black's pawn on KS guarantees
which will be in a rather vulnerable him an advantage in space . Now 20 NxB
position after Black's next move-a fact
fails to 20 . . . QxPch 2 1 K-Bl Q-R5 ! etc.
that will impede the development of an
After White's best reply, 20 P-N 3 , Black
active plan for White. Gligoric decides to
maintains the upper hand by 20 . . .
transfer his bishop to QB 2 and aim at
N(Q2)-K4! with the threat of RxN and
attacking the castled king. However, the
N-B6ch. The continuation chosen by
conditions are no t ripe for such an
Gligoric loses quickly.
undertaking, so the modest 1 1 B-Q2
followed by QR-B l would have been
20 P-R3 ? Q·R7ch
better. The move 1 1 P-Q5 is answered by
2 1 K-8 1 N(Q2)-K4 !
1 1 . . PxP 1 2 NxP NxN 1 3 BxN N-B 3 .
14 NxB RPxN
15 R·Kl P-K4
22 PxN B·Q4!
Also good is 1 5 P-QN4. With the
text-move Black starts operating on the Threatening B-B5 ch, thus forcing
king's side. He now threatens P-KS , and White to give up his queen.
the preventive 1 6 PxKP NxP would be to 2 3 QxB RxQ
his advantage. 24 BxP R(Rl)-Ql
25 P-8 3
16 Q- N 3 B·N2
1 7 PxBP P-K5 ! Or 2 5 BxR RxB 26 P-B 3 N-Q6.
190 Pachman 's Decisive Games
25 R(Q4)-Q3 31 P-QN 3 N-Q7ch
26 P-R 5 PxP 32 K-8 2 PxN
27 RxP R-Kl 33 8xP Q-R5ch
28 N-85 R(Q3)-Ql 34 K-K2 RxPch
29 8-Nl N-85 35 KxR QxRch
30 R-Rl P-N 3 36 Resigns
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pts Prize
1 Keres 'h 'h 'h 0 1 1 0 0 'h 1 1 1 'h 1 8'h I, I I
2 Petrosian 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 1 'h 1 8'h I, I I
3 Najdorf 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 71h I I I, I V
4 Olafsson 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 1 0 'h 'h 7'h III, IV
5 Reshevsky 1 1 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 1 'h 0 'h 7
6 Gligoric 'h 0 1 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 6
7 Benko 0 0 0 0 1 'h 0 1 0 'h 'h 1 0 S'h
8 Panno 'h 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h v.. 1 'h 0 'h 0 S 'h
Curious Positions
The six years from 1 962 to 1 967 marked giving me White against my strongest
a glorious era for chess on the island of opponents, so that I managed to go
Cuba. In 1966 there was the chess through the tourn ament undefeated.
olympiad, which in spite of certain tech Among my wins were two against such
nical difficulties produced a record entry formidable adversaries as Korchnoi and
of teams. In the other years there were lvkov.
category A international tournaments to Korchnoi also lost to his fellow
commemorate the former world cham countryman Geller, but unlike the latter,
pion J. R. Capablanca. I played in all of who lost to the Cuban Garcia as well as
these tournament� until 1 9 6 7 , being Tai and the tail-ender Calero, he was
absent for the first time at the 1 9 68 merciless with all his opponents from the
Capablanca Memorial Tournament, which bottom half of the table. His good record
was only a poor image of the previous there, however, was not completely ob
ones. tained without luck. His victory against
The atmosphere on Cuba, brimming the English champion Wade in the de
over as it was with enthusiasm for chess, cisive phase of the tournament-round
certain ly appealed to me. On two 1 5 -came at the end of a very strange
occasions in Havana I again reached game.
grandmaster level, and on one of these I
1 36. Korchnoi-Wade
was within an ace of occupying first place.
This occurred in the second of the
tournaments, in August and September
I t was the second year of the tourna
ment. In view of the competition it
seemed hopeless to entertain thoughts of
gaining first place, for there were entries
from three top-notch Russian grand
masters-Tai, Korchnoi and Geller-as
well as eight other grandmasters-lvkov,
Trifunovic, Uhlmann, Robatsch, Barcza,
Position after White's 2 3 rd move
O'Kelly and Darga. This seemed too
tough an assignment, and, as I personally A few moves previously Wade had
was partly involved in the organizing of sacrificed a piece, which he now recovers
the tournament, I occasionally blamed in an ingenious manner.
myself in my unguarded moments for
23 . . . P-KN4!
setting up such a hurdle as that field of
abnormally gifted players. Yet one never If now 24 BxP Black replies 24
knows when success is just around the P-B 3 followed by P-K4. Then, in spite of
comer. the equality of material, the long diagonal
The draw was very favourable for me, QR 1 -KR8 controlled by Black would
192 Pachman 's Decisive Games
confront his opponent with a hopeless There would be no point in doing
task. things by halves. Now at least the mate
threat on KR2 has been eliminated.
24 R-K2 Px8
25 QxP P-K4 31 NxR
26 Q-85 3 2 QxN Q-K3
3 3 Q-84 R(Ql)-Kl
Korchnoi was now in severe time
Black can now win very much as he
trouble, and no one realized what he was
wants. But the wisest course would be to
trying to do . However, it soon became
get rid of the troublesome pawn by KxP,
clear that he was resolved to risk every
depriving White of his last hope.
thing, including material loss, in an en
deavour to gain counter-play. Such tactics 34 N-K5 8-N 3 ? ?
are suitable for lightning games, but it
The miracle has happened. White h as
seems unbelievable that they should bear
now got a draw. Black missed a n easy win
fruit in an international tournament of
by 34 . . . B-R l 35 N-N 6 ! PxN 36 RxQ
masters. But the mysteries of chess are
35 Nx8 PxN ? ?
26 PxN
Now the game is won for White. I f
Winning a piece is without doubt Black had instead taken with his queen he
sound strategy. But here Black had some would have had a perpetual check after
thing better. After 26 . . . RxP ! threat 36 RxR Q-N8ch 3 7 K-N2 Q-B 7ch, for the
ening RxPch ! White could well have White king cannot go to KR3 because of
resigned. Q-B l ch, which stops the mating threat
and allows the rook to be taken.
27 R-K8 1 R-8 2
28 PxP 36 RxQ RxR
After the game Korchnoi admitted Unfortunately for Wade, Korchnoi was
that his own time-trouble had saved him, not affected by his time-trouble and went
for he hadn't had time to resign. Now on to convert his advantage in the endgame.
Black can win without any unnecessary
37 K-N2 KxP
delays by 2 8 . . . R-Q3 followed by KxP
38 P-Q5 R-K5
(which is also decisive after 29 R-K8ch
39 Q-Q87ch R(Kl )-K2
because of the mate threat on KR7).
40 Q-86 R-K7ch
28 . . . R-K2 41 K-R3 K-R2
24 N-N 5
25 N-K4 Q-Ql
26 P-B3 N-R3
27 P-B4 P-KB4
28 N·N5 NxN
29 RPxN N-NS
The game is now virtually level. It is
Position after Black's 1 8th move true that the White rook on R7 is
Havana 1 963 195
unpleasant for Black, as it prevents him continuation 40 . . . N-K6ch 4 1 K-B 3
from playing P-QB 3 driving the knight R-KB lch 42 N-B4 Q-KN7ch 43 KxN
away from its dominating position. But QxPch 44 K-Q2! Two things, however,
Black's own knight on KN5 is by no were not quite clear. First, was the rook
means badly placed. And his position has ending after 44 . . . QxNch 45 QxQ RxQ
no weaknesses. 46 K-Q3 actually drawn? And, second,
30 B-B3 R-B2 should I give up all chances of playing for
31 P-K4 K-Nl a win? The answer to the first question is
32 PxBP RxP that 46 . . . P-R5 does actually ensure a
33 R-B 3 Q-Q.2 draw. As regards the second, the move I
34 PxP PxP chose left me in a slightly inferior
35 RxR PxR position, so that I should not really have
36 Q-B 3 been thinking in terms of a win.
In fact, when analysing the game in
1 3 8 . Barcza-Pachman
the adjournment, I even rebuked myself
for playing QxP on my 40th move . But as
things worked out the pendulum swung
back and the game again took a dramatic
turn .
41 1l-R 3 ( ? )
66 R-N8 K-N 2
of a pawn several moves previously when
Barcza had simply overlooked a pawn Or 66 . . . K-B4 67 R-QB8ch K-NS 68
fork, the position was still dtawn. lt R-Q8 ! draw, but not 68 N-B 7 ? NxN 69
would have sufficed for White to play S4 RxN R-R 7 !
K-N4! R-QB4 SS N-K6. But this present,
and less obvious, mistake allows White's 67 R-N S !
knight to be driven into the corner. lt is The subtlety o f White's 6Sth move is
only a miracle that Black cannot force a now apparent. lf the rook had been on
KR8 White might as well have resigned
S4 R-QB4! (67 R-RS N-B S ch). As it is there is
SS N-R8 R-B 3 nothing Black can do. The position is one
56 R-Rl K-B2 of those exceptions where the result does
S7 K-Q4 K-K 3 not accord with chess logic. lf now 67 . . .
S8 R-QN l P-N4 K-B 3, the reply 68 RxN! draws.
S9 R-K l ch K-Q2 67 R-R6ch
60 K-QS N-B l ! 68 K-Q4 N-B6
Answering the threat o f 61 R-K7ch.
70 N-B7 K-N 3
At the same time Black prepares to
71 K-B4 P-N6
regroup his pieces, thus preventing the
72 N-QSch NxN
unfortunate knight from escaping.
73 RxN K-B 3
1 3 9. Barcza-Pachman 74 R-QBSch
Thanks to the present FlDE rules it
can happen that even games which do not
affect the final placings can have a
dramatic character. International grand
master and master titles are obtained by
reaching a standard, that is attaining a
certain score, which is determined accord
ing to the strength of the tournament. ln
the final round of the Havana Tourna
ment, Klaus Darga had no chance of
Position after Black 's 64th move ending up in one of the first five places.
Havana 1 963 197
Yet his game was of enormous import 11 8-81 P-QR4
ance, for in the event of victory he would 12 P-8 3 N-84
have reached the grandmaster standard. 13 8-K3 KN-Q2
That is not just a mere matter of a title. 14 Q-Q2 8-K4
The fact is grandmasters are more often There is n o question that such
invited to international tournaments and positions in the King's Indian or Old
are given better conditions. For that Indian are more comfortable for White,
reason the last few years have witnessed a who has a clear-cut plan : placing his
hunt for titles which is not always in the pieces so that they exert the maximum
ethical and aesthetic interest of chess. pressure on Q6 and, possibly, preparation
In this case, however, it was an of an action on the queen's wing (P-QN 3 ,
honourable struggle and an example of P-QR 3 , P-QN4, etc.) . Black, for his part,
how to solve the not too easy task of has no real strategical plan. He must more
beating an admittedly weaker opponent or less play a waiting game, at the same
in a decisive game when one has Black. time trying to keep his opponent
occupied answering small tactical threats,
King's Indian. even merely apparent ones. Black's last
move belongs to this latter category.
De Greif£ Darga Black threatens a queen sally to KRS and
1 P-<l.4 induces his opponent to make a weaken
2 P-QB4 ing move on the king's side. In actual fact
P-KN 3
3 N-QB 3 White had no need to worry about the
4 P-K4 P-Q3 threat. He should have played 1 6 P-QN 3 ,
S 8-K2 0-0 which i s i n any case a useful move. I f his
6 N-8 3 P-K4 opponent had then gone in for Q-RS
7 o-o QN-Q2 there was still time for 1 6 P-KN 3 .
1 5 P-KN 3 ( ? ) 8·N 2
On his previous move Darga had been
afraid of the simplifying 7 PxP PxP 8 QxQ. Now that the bishop has done its job
He does not want to risk it a second time. of provoking a king-side weakness, it
returns home, thus preventing 1 6 P-B4
8 R-Kl P-8 3
followed by B-N2.
9 R-Nl
1 6 QR-QI ( ? )
I consider 9 B-Bl R-Kl 10 P-QS P-B4
11 P-KN3 to be stronger, though that is There w as still time for P-N 3 .
a purely subjective assessment. Those who 16 P-R S !
prefer open games like to retain the 1 7 Q-Q82 Q-R4
tension in the centre, but in that case 9 1 8 K-N2 N·K4
B-B l R-Kl 1 0 R-Nl is better.
A good continuation is 18 . . . P-R6 1 9
P-N 3 N-R 3 followed b y N-N S . How
9 PxP
ever, although blockading the queen's
10 NxP R-Kl
wing gives Black a satisfactory game,
Black can equalize at once by 1 0 . . . there is little scope for introducing com
P-Q4 1 1 KPxP PxP 1 2 PxP N-N 3 or 1 2 plications, which is what Darga needs.
N(Q4)-NS PxP 1 3 BxP N-N 3 followed by For that reason he decides to keep his
B-B4. For Darga, of course, such a con opponent occupied in the centre and on
tinuation with prospects of an early draw the king's wing, holding back the advance
was out of the question . P-R6 for a more favourable occasion.
198 Pachman 's Decisive Games
1 9 P-84 N-N5 has its positive sides-it can if necessary
20 8-Nl N-8 3 threaten P-R 5 . On the other hand, it has
21 N-83 the drawback that it does change the
position, for White can now take the QP
1 40 . De Greiff-Darga
and the complications that ensue should
lead to a draw.
25 RxP! KNxP
26 RxN 8xN
27 RxRch RxR
28 RxNPch!
An unpleasant surprise for Black, who
now seems to be lost. If he plays 28 . . .
PxR there follows 29 QxPch K-B l 30
Q-B 5 ch K-N l 3 1 BxN B-N2 32 B-Q3
Black's QP is under attack and direct
protection (R-Ql , B-B l or Q-B2) would 28 . . . 8-N 2 !
lessen the effectiveness of Black's pieces.
Luckily for Darga there is still this
There now follows an exciting tactical
resource. In view of the threat Q-K8
duel revolving around the pawn in
White is farced to sacrifice the exchange,
for after 29 R-N 5 ? Q-K8 30 BxN QxBch
21 P-R6! 31 Q-B2 Q-Q6ch 32 B-K3 Q-K 5 ch 3 3
K-K2 K-B l (threatening B-Q5 ) 3 4 K-Q2
At first sight not a very impressive R-Ql ch 3 5 K-K2 R-Q6 Black's threat of
move. In fact it looks as if White can B-Q5 cannot be answered by 3 6 Q- B3 on
simply take the QP. But there is some account of the elegant rej oinder 3 6 . . .
thing else beneath the surface : 22 RxP? R-Q7ch ! And after the alternative 29
KNxP! 23 NxN NxN 24 RxN RxR 2 5 B-Q4 Black does not have to be content
QxR B·B4 followed b y. PxP winning with a draw ( 2 9 . . . PxR 30 QxP R-K2 3 1
material. BxB RxB 3 2 Q-K8ch, perpetual check),
but can play 29 . . . N-K 3 !
22 P-N3 8-N 5 !
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Pts Prize
2 Geller y, 0 y, y, y, y, y, 1 0 16 II-IV
5 B arcza 0 y, y, 0 'lz y, 1 y, y, 1 1 y, 1 5 1h V, V I
9 Trifunovic 0 'h y, y, 'lz y, 'h 'h 'h 'h y, y, y, 'h 'h 'h y, 1h 1 1 1 '/z IX
18 Garcia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
34 R-Q8
35 8-K2 R-QR8
Position after White 's 3 3rd move 36 8-8 3 RxP
37 P-Q85 R-87
38 8-K5 P-R7
It is hard to believe that Black cannot
39 K-K 3 RxP
win even though he is the exchange up.
40 8-Q4
However, his knight is out of pla.y, and
attempts to protect it by R-Rl or P-N 3 White resigned without waiting for his
lead to a draw after 34 P-QB 5 . But Darga opponent's reply. The most accurate
finds a last chance, and it is that which reply is 40 . . . P-R5 and if 41 P-N4 then
gains him the grandmaster title. R-B 8.
Candidaltes' Tournamenlt
][ 96 5
Unsuccessful Surprise in the Opening
Since 1 9 65 the former candidates' was at one stage a forced win for his
tournaments have been replaced by a opponent. But then Spasski convincingly
knock-out system of matches of ten won a series of three games and it looked
games each. In the first round eight as if the match had lost all its drama.
grandmasters take part. The four success However, after two draws Keres hit back,
ful contestants then play a second match winning a great game and reducing his
of ten games, the winners meeting in the opponent's lead to one point with two
final, where victory determines the rounds to go . In the ninth game the
challenger to the world champion. In the match might well have come to a con
first of these new candidates' tourna clusion, for Spasski overlooked a simple
ments, the draw brought two of the manoeuvre that would have gained a
favourites together in the first round. One piece. This bad mistake, which cost him
of these, the 49-year-old Estonian grand half a point, heightened the drama. The
master, Paul Keres, had won the 1 9 3 8 score was now 5 : 4 in Spasski's favour,
A VRO Tournament, which had been but Keres had White, and by winning the
regarded as the qualifying tournament for next game could have squared the match
a world championship title match against and forced a continuation.
the world champion, Alekhin. This On 23 August 1 9 6 5 the officers' mess
tournament was thus virtually the first in Riga was full of spectators, most of
candidates' tournament, being like those whom were interested in which of the
regular three-yearly tournaments which two contestants would emerge as the
were started after World War I I . The title chief rival to their chess idol, Michael Tai.
match between Alekhin and Keres never
took place. During the war the front King's Indian
moved twice over Tallin, where Keres
lived. Keres Spasski
In the candidates' tournaments since
1 P-<l.4 N-KB 3
the war Keres had achieved the best
2 P-QB4 P-KN3
overall result, but had lacked that last
3 N-QB 3 B-N2
little piece of luck necessary for victory.
It was clear that 19 65 would be the last The opening set-u p chosen by both
chance for Keres, who was now nearly players is highly surprising, for it was the
fifty years old. His opponent in the first first tournament game between Keres and
round was Boris Spasski, a thirty-year-old Spasski in which the King's Indian De
master with an all-round style, who was fen ce had occurred. The Estonian grand
excellently equipped both physically and master almost always opens with 1 P-K4.
mentally. However, in the second game he nearly
Keres won the first encounter with lost an d in the fourth game he actually
Black, a very sharply played game, and did lose, in both cases in a Ruy Lopez. So
managed to scrape a draw in the second his change of repertoire is under
in a very difficult endgame in which there standable.
202 Pachman 's Decisive Games
It is less clear why Spasski in such an NxB RxN or 14 N-B4 Q-R 3 1 5 N-K3
important game should choose a defence N-Q2, etc. Theorists began to write about
that he only occasionally adopts. His a pawn sacrifice advocated by Pachman.
usual defences to 1 P-Q4 are the Nimzo Actually, it happens quite frequently that
I ndian and, more often, the Tartakower a mistake later turns out to be a combina
variation of the Queen's Gambit. The tion. Of course, the reverse is by no
choice of the King's Indian seems to be means less common.
tactically wrong in view of the fact that
10 P-K 5! Px P
Black only needed a draw. Why should he
1 1 Px P N-N5
risk getting into a complicated position?
1 2 B-KB4
The explanation of Spasski's psycho
logical approach to the final game can be Several games have shown that after
found by looking at the eighth. In that , a 12 BxP NxKP 1 3 0-0 the passed pawn
Nimzo-Indian, Keres had sacrificed two gives White no advantage . On the con
pawns and shattered his opponent in trary, it is Black with his active bishop on
twenty-five moves. This time Spasski KN2 and the open QN file who has the
decides not to play for a ,draw. He initiative.
calculates that sharp play will upset An interesting variation is 1 2 B-KN5
Keres, who in any case faces a stiff Q-N 3 1 3 0-0 P-B5 dis ch 1 4 K-Rl NxKP
mental test. His decision , which very few (not 1 4 . . . N-B7 ch? 1 5 RxN QxR 1 6
present-day grandmasters would have NxP with a won position for White) 1 5
taken, pays off handsomely in the end. B-K7 QN-Q2 o r better 1 5 NxN BxN 1 6
4 P-K4 B-K7. I t is, however, understandable that
in this game Keres did not want to choose
5 P.B4
a line that at the time enjoyed widespread
With his choice of this two-edged interest. Instead, he hoped to spring a
system, Keres returns to a favourite line surprise on his opponent.
of his in his youth-as played, for
example, in a game against Hrom;idka in 12 N-Q2
19 3 7. Here he has prepared a little 1 3 P-K6!
surprise in a modern variation.
1 42 . Keres-Spasski
5 P-B4
6 P-Q5 0-0
7 N-B 3 P-K3
8 B-K2 PxP
9 BPxP P-QN4! ?
1 5 Q-Q5
10 Q-N l
1 1 P-KN4 ! ? P.QR 3
1 2 N-Q.4 NxN
1 3 BxN P-QN4?
The final of the candidates' tournament, reached in the ninth game, when Tai tried
at Tbilisi in November 1 9 65, brought Tai to force a win by going on the offensive.
and S passki together. Their match had After his loss there he failed to recover.
one strange aspect: contrary to the usual
run of t hings, most of the games not
Ruy Lopez
drawn were won by Black. Tai took the
lead in the second game, a Sicilian
Tai Spasski
Defence, when his opponent attacked too
vigorously on the king-side and got a lost 1 P-K4 P-K4
ending after twelve moves. In the next 2 N-KB3 N-QB 3
game it was Spasski who got the better 3 B-NS P-QR 3
endgame, which he managed to win after 4 B-R4 N-KB 3
Tai had missed excellent drawing chances. s 0-0 B-K2
After five drawn games Spasski was 6 R-Kl P-QN4
victorious in the ninth , again with the 7 B-N 3 0-0
black pieces. In the following game he 8 P.QR4
used a remarkable method to thwart his
In the first, fifth and seventh games
opponent's bid to equal matters. Playing
Tai had played 8 P-QB 3 , whereupon
White, he deployed his forces in such a
Spasski opted for the Marshall Attack: 8
passive manner that, a short time after
. . . P-Q4 9 PxP NxP 10 NxP NxN 1 1
the opening, it looked as if he were
RxN P-QB 3 . At one time this was con
playing with the black pieces ; but these
sidered to be a very sharp attacking line,
strange tactics paid off and he won the
but today it tends to be looked upon as a
game. He also won the next, in which he
reliable way of drawing. All three games
really did have Black, and with it the
did in fact end in a draw, and for that
match. Afterwards the commentators had
the difficult task of explaining the strange reason Tai decided to try something else
superiority of the black pieces. towards the end of the match.
It is probable that Spasski, after his
8 . . . P-N S !
early defeat, thought out his tactics for
the future games very carefully. His oppo F o r a long time the move 8 . . . B-N2
nent is well known for his powers of was customary in this position. However,
imagination, which sometimes run to after White's reply 9 P-Q3 the bishop is
excess, and for his aggressive style of confined to playing a passive role.
play. Spasski therefore decided to adopt a
9 P-B3 P-Q3
waiting policy, using the opportunities
1 0 P.RS
that would arise when Tai, throwing
caution to the wind, plunged into risky By no means new, but at the time a
adventures. These tactics paid off in the continuation that had almost been for
end. gotten. After the better-known 10 P-Q4
T h e real decision i n the match was the best line is 1 0 . . . PxP 1 1 NxP ( 1 1
Candidates ' Tournament 1 965 211
PxP B-N 5 ) 1 1 B-Q2 and Black has a the next few moves. A more logical
good game. continuation is 20 . . . N-K2 2 1 N-R4
K-R2 (not 21 . . . NxN? 22 NxP) 2 2
10 PxP( ? )
N-B 5 ! NxN(B4) ! 2 3 PxN N-B 3 24 PxPch
The lesson to be drawn from the PxP and Black has almost equalized.
present game is that this exchange is not
2 1 Q-Q3 N-N l ?
advantageous, mainly because it helps
White to develop and obtain good In the opinion o f the former world
chances on the queen's wing. According champion Petrosian Black could have
to my analysis the immediate 10 . . . sacrificed a pawn here by 2 1 . . . K-R2 2 2
B-K3 ! is much stronger. Black need not BxQRP P-KB4.
worry about his pawn, for the line 1 1
22 B-K3 N-KB 3
BxB PxB 1 2 Q-N 3 Q-Q2 1 3 PxP QR-N l
14 R-R4 N-KR4 is obviously good for 147. Tal-Spasski
11 QPxP! B-K3
12 QN-Q2 R-Nl
A very fine move, which threatens 29 White was threatening not only 3 3
. . . P-B5 30 PxP PxP 31 B-Q4 N-K4 R-KN4 but also 3 3 R-QN4 Q-R 7 34
followed by Q-N 5ch. In addition the N-N 3 . The latter threat, however, could
Black queen is ready to move to QN 2. have been ignored, e.g. 32 . . . N-B 3 ! 3 3
R-QN4 Q-R7 3 4 N-N3 ( 3 4 R-N7 R-B2 ! ) ,
1 48 . Tal-Spasski
for Black can easily free his queen b y the
manoeuvre 34 . . . P-K5 35 Q-B4 N-N 5 .
The text-move allows White a certain
3 3 R·KR4 N·B 3
The fourth Capablanca Memorial Tourna easier opponents than his rivals, having to
ment, which took place from August. to face Garcia from Cuba and Robatsch
September 1 9 6 5, was responsible for from Austria, whereas Smyslov and Geller
quite a sensation. Bobby Fischer had had to play each other in the penultimate
been invited to the tournament, but did round. For Ivkov to win the tournament
not receive the necessary permission to it looked as though two draws would
travel ; so the organizers arranged for him suffice, which no one considered particu
to participate in an extraordinary way. A larly difficult.
teleprinter was ins,t:alled in the tourna In the penultimate round, however,
ment hall in the Havana hotel, estab the situation took a turn for the worse.
lishing communication for seven hours a lvkov's opponent played the opening very
day with the Manhattan Chess Club in weakly, and it looked as if everything
New York. At the same time a telephone would be over within two hours.
line was reserved. In this rather expensive Although Garcia then defended stub
way Fischer was enabled to compete with bornly, lvkov was the exchange and three
the stars gathered together at this tourna pawns up shortly before the first time
ment. Of course, the American player was check, so that victory seemed imminent.
handicapped by the longer playing session There remained only one hurdle, that of
resulting from the time wasted in trans completing the required forty moves
mitting the moves, and that is one reason before the time-check. In time-trouble he
why he lost to three of his chief rivals. threw away the game, which from the
The o nly players to remain undefeated position in Diagram 1 50 continued 36 . . .
were the Soviet representatives Geller and P-Q.6 ? ? 3 7 B-B 3 Resigns.
Kolmov, whereas Smyslov, the winner,
1 50. Garcia-Ivkov
and the Yugoslav grandmaster Ivkov, who
shared second to fourth places with
Fischer and Geller, both suffered three
For Ivkov, who shared second place in
such a strong field, the tournament was
certainly a fine success. However, he will
always remember it as one of the black
spots in his career, for he was within an
ace of an even greater success. Right from
the start he went into the lead, which he
maintained even after his loss to Kolmov Position after White's 36th move
in the fourteenth round. Two rounds
before the finish everything seemed to be Instead of the terrible blunder 3 6 . . .
cut and dried, the position being Ivkov P-Q6 , Ivkov could have won with almost
1 5 , G eller and Smyslov 1 4, Fischer and any move. His best course, tactically,
Kolmov 1 3 , etc. Moreover, Ivkov had would have been to move his rook back-
216 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
wards and forwards along the back rank Ivkov also had White in the last round
and wait for the adjournment. and it was expected that he would try to
In Smyslov's game with Geller, both make the most of this advantage. How
players exchanged one piece after the ever, it soon became clear that he was
other, so that at the end of the round the suffering from depression following his
ex-world-champion had reduced Ivkov's defeat in the previous game. In addition,
lead to half a point. Then he went on to his opponent had done some excellent
defeat the Polish player Doda by means preparation for the game and played the
of some accurate positional play. opening both accurately and in an
original manner.
1 5 1 . Smyslov-Doda
Ruy Lopez
lvkov Robatsch
1 P-K4 P-K4
2 N-KB 3 N-QB 3
3 B-N5 P-Q.R 3
4 B-R4 N-B 3
5 0-0 B-K2
6 R-Kl P-Q.N4
7 B-N 3 P-Q3
8 P-B 3 0-0
24 Q-B 5 ! QxQ
9 P-KR 3 N-QR4
2 5 NxQ B-B l
10 B-B2 P-B4
26 N ( B 3 )-R4 P-QR4
11 P-Q4 Q-B2
There was no way of avoiding the loss 12 QN-Q2 N-B 3
of a pawn, e.g. 26 . . . R-Kl 27 N-N6
The assessment of the individual
R-N l 28 N(N6)-Q7 BxN 29 RxB
opening variations often changes. The
R ( K l)-QB l 30 NxNP.
manoeuvre with the knigh t is one of the
oldest defences to the closed system of
27 N-N6 R-R2
the Ruy Lopez. Later it went out of
28 NxB RxN
fashion, but now it is again considered to
29 NxNP! RxN
be the best way of achieving equality.
30 BxN R-N3
31 B-Q7 R(B l )-N l 13 PxBP PxP
32 QR-B l N-Q4
14 N-Bl B-K 3
33 P-N5 P-N 3
15 N-K 3 QR-Ql
34 P-QR4 P-R4
16 Q-K2 P-B5
35 B-B6 P-R5
36 BxN PxB The revival of the move 12 . . . N-QB 3
37 RxP PxP 1s associated with this advance. Black
38 K-N2 P-B 3 gives his bishop access to the square QB4,
39 KxP PxP confident that he has nothing to fear
40 PxP K-B 2 from 1 7 N-N 5 P-R 3 18 NxB PxN, after
41 R-B7ch K-K3 which his active pieces make up for his
42 R(Q5)-B5 K-B4 weakened pawns. In the game Kolmov
43 R-B7 ch K-K5 Fischer, play continued 1 9 P-QN4? N-Q.5
44 R-KB4ch Resigns 20 PxN PxP 2 1 P-R3 P-Q6 22 BxP RxB,
Capablanca Memorial Tournament, Havana 1965 217
and Black soon had a considerable advan- 24 P-QN4 B-N 3
tage. 2 5 KR-QI ?
27 N-B 3 P.K5
28 N·Q4 Q·Q4
29 R·R6 BxN
30 QxB QxQ
31 PxQ R·N l
32 K·B l N·Q4
1 5 3. Ivkov-Robatsch
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Pts Prize
3 G eller 'lz 1lz 1;, 1/z 1/z 1/z 1/z 1/z 1;,
y, 'lz y, 15 II-IV
5 Kholmov 1lz 1;, 1lz 1lz 1lz 1lz y, 1lz 1lz 1/z 1/z 1/z
'h 1 41/, v
6 Pachman 1/z 1/z 1/z 1/z 1;, 0 1lz 1lz y, 1lz 1lz 1lz 1lz 1lz 1/z 13 VI
7 Donner 0 0 1;, 0 1lz 0 1lz 1lz 1 1lz 1lz 1lz 1lz 1lz 1 2 1/z VII
8 Robatsch 1/z 1/z 0 y, 1 0 1/z 1;, 0 1lz 1lz 1lz 1lz 1lz y, y, 1 12 Vlll
9 Bilek 0 0 0 0 1lz 1lz 0 1lz - 1lz 1lz 1lz 'h 1lz M 1 1 1 1/z IX
12 Pietzsch 0 1/z 1/z 0 •;, 1/z 0 1/z 1/z 1/z 1/z 1/z 1/z
0 0 y, 1 0 1/z XI
1 3 O 'Kelly 0 0 1;, 1;, 1/z 1/z 0 1/z 1/z 1/z •;, 1/z •;, 1/z 0 1/z 1/z 1;, 10
16 Ciocaltea 0 1/z •;, 1/z 0 1/z 1/z 1;, 0 1/z 0 1/z 1/z 1/z 1;, 1/z
0 0 9
18 Lehmann 0 0 0 0 y, •;, 1/z 1;, 0 1/z 1/z 1/z y, 0 1/z 0 •;, 1/z 0 7 1/z
19 Wade 0 0 1/z 1/z 1/z 0 'lz 1/z 0 0 0 1/z 1/z 0 1/z 1/z
0 0 7'1z
Ruy Lopez
Spasski Donner
1 P-K4 P-K4
2 N-K8 3 N-QB 3
3 8-N5 P-QR3
222 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
4 B-R4 N-B 3 Here S passki rejected 16 PxP N(Q2)xP
5 Q-K2 17 NxN NxN 18 N-B5 in view of the
queen sacrifice by 18 . . . BxN! 19 RxQ
At the beginning of his career Spasski
R(R l )xR , which gives Black active play
was very fond of this move. Now, in this
with his pieces.
important match, he returned to his "first
love", as he called it. 16 Q-B l
1 7 P-B4 NxP
5 P-QN4 18 N(N3)xN PxN
6 B-N3 B-K2 19 P-KS B-B l ?
7 0-0 0-0
I t is well known that exchanging
8 P-B 3 P-Q.4
pieces o ften eases a cramped position.
This push forward in the centre seems For that reason 19 . . . B-K2 was called
to give White greater chances than the for. Black does indeed adopt this idea
quiet 8 . . . P-Q3 . After the text-move, two moves later, thoug� only after
however, White should avoid 9 PxP P-K 5 wasting an important tempo.
10 PxN B-KN5 , which gives Black excel
20 RxP P-B 3
lent counter-play .
21 R-R4 B-K2
9 P-Q3 ! P-Q5 1 5 5 . Spasski-Donner
10 R-Ql !
10 . . . B-K3
31 PxP
32 N·B6ch K·Rl
33 R·QS R·QB2
3 4 Q·N6 PxN
3 5 QxBPch Resigns
The Spanish island resort of Palma de this round the position was a s follows:
Mallorca, one of the main centres of Larsen 1 1 'h, Botvinnik and Smyslov 1 0,
European tourism, has in the last few Gligoric B'h, Portisch 8, etc. In the next
years become well known for its strong round, two of the top favourites met in
international tournaments. The second of the following dramatic game.
the now traditional tournaments began
on 25 November 1967 after a rather Catalan System
dramatic series of events. The Ru ssian
players originally announced , for the Botvi nnik Larsen
tournament, Botvinnik and Suetin, were
1 P-Q.B4 N-KB 3
changed to Smyslov and Spasski just a
2 N-KB 3 P-K3
week before the tournament was due to
3 P-KN3 P-Q.4
begin . Then Spasski withdrew, and the
4 B-N2 B-K2
organizers hurriedly called in T atai and
5 0-0 0-0
Dr Lehmann. On the first day o f the
6 P-N3
tournament a telegram was received
saying that Botvinnik, together with Up to a short time ago this was not
Smyslov, would be arriving two days considered to be a particularly active
later. Thus at the last moment the tourna continuation. A number of games have
ment gained in interest , for a tough shown, however, that the system gives
struggle was expected between Larsen White good chances. His plan consists in
and the two Soviet representatives. The delaying the advance P-Q4 and the open
group of favourites also included the ing of the game until he has completed
Yugoslav grandmasters Gligoric and lvkov his development.
as well as the Hungarian Portisch.
6 P-B4
For a long time it looked as if there
7 B-N2 N-B 3
were not going to be a real struggle for
first place. Larsen began with a series of
After 7 . . . P-Q.5 , both 8 P-K3 and 8
five wins, and after the fifth round he had
P-Q.N4 are good.
a lead of one point over Ivkov and 1 'h
points over Botvinnik and Smyslov. 8 P-K3 P-QN 3
Smyslov lost his first game in the fourth
Advancing the pawn to Q5 is not good
round-with White against Donner-and
Botvinnik his first in the next game at this stage either, e.g. 8 . . P-Q5 9 PxP
12 Q-K2 R-QZ
1 3 KR-Q.1 R-Kl
Position after Black's 20th move
Black should again have exchanged
pawns. elegant, and quicker, win by means of
the following combination : 21 N-B6ch
14 Px P NxP PxN 22 Q-N4ch K-R2 23 B-K4ch P-B4 24
Retaking with the pawn would not be R-Q7 ! (stronger than 2 4 BxPch PxB 2 5
so good, for White could then continue QxPch K-N l 2 6 Q-B6 N-K4) 2 4 . . . N-Ql
with 1 5 P-Q.4, threatening 1 6 PxP PxP 1 7 25 RxPch ! NxR 26 BxPch PxB 27 QxPch
N-QR4. K-N l 28 Q-N6ch or 24 . . . N-K2 2 5
RxN ! RxR 26 BxPch PxB 2 7 QxPch
1 5 NxN RxN
K-N l 28 Q-B 6 K-R2 29 P-KN4, and there
16 P-Q.4
is no way of preventing mate by 30
With this move White achieves some QR8ch K-N 3 31 Q-N8ch, etc.
initiative. Black cannot reply 16 . . . PxP
21 . . . P-84
because of 1 7 NxP NxN 18 BxN R-Q2 1 9
BxB RxB 2 0 BxKNP. After 2 1 . . . R-K2, White wins by 2 2
N-B6ch K-R l ( 2 2 . . . PxN 2 3 Q-N4ch) 2 3
16 . . . Q-Rl Q·B 2 PxN 2 4 BxPch K-Nl 2 5 Q-Ql .
T h e Black queen would not be particu 22 N-Q6?
larly well placed on the QB or Q files.
The attempt to do everything in this
However, Black now gives up control of
game by positional means could well have
the square QZ , thus enabling the White
cost Botvinnik an important half point.
rook to penetrate to the seventh rank.
The knight sacrifice on KB6 would again
17 PxP RxRch have won : 22 N-B6ch ! PxN 2 3 Q-R 5
18 RxR 8xP R-K2 24 Q-N6ch R-N2 2 5 RxR BxR 2 6
19 N-N5 ! P-KR3 BxN BxB 2 7 BxP Q-KB l 2 8 BxB Q-B2
20 N-K4 8-K8 1 ? (28 . . . QxB 2 9 QxKPch) 29 QxR P
winning or 24 . . . B-N2 2 5 B x N R x R 26
This natural-looking retreat, which BxR B-R8 2 7 BxPch K-Rl 28 P-B 3 BxP
defends the square KN2 , should have led 29 B (K6)xP, etc.
to a quick loss. The correct move is 20
. . . B-K2, after which Black can reply to 22 8xN
21 Q-N4 by P-K4. 23 Rx8(Q6) N-Q5 !
1 58 . Botvinnik-Larsen 41 P-B5 Px P
42 BxP K-B 3
43 B-N4 K-N 3
44 P-N4!
White needs another passed pawn,
which he can only obtain by means o f
this tactical break-through.
44 . . . RPxP
34 . . . K-QZ ?
35 QxRPch K-B l
36 Q-R6ch K-B 2 Position after Black's 2 4th move
Palma de Mallorca 1967 227
I t looks almost as if White could Smyslov 1 2 , Portisch 1 1 , Gligoric 1 0 , etc.
resign. Medina, however , finds a line Larsen's two rivals for first place had
which gives him some chances. difficult o pponents-Smyslov was to play
Gligoric and Botvinnik, Ivkov. Moreover,
25 QxR ! QxQ
they both had Black. As expected, the
26 RxN P-QR4?
two games ended in a draw (Botvinnik's
Black obviously underestimates his after a mere ten moves), so that victory in
opponent's threats. There were two ways the tournament hinged on the following
of winning in this position : game.
(i) 26 . . . P-N6 2 7 PxP PxP 28 B-Q5 ch
K-R l 29 R-B 3 P-N7 30 N-B l R-B4! I n King's Indian
this line the move 2 7 . . . P-N7 (instead of
27 . . . PxP) is not good on account of 28 �rsen Diez Corral
N-R 5 PxP 29 RxBch K-R l 30 R-QN7 1 N-KB3 N-KB3
PxN 3 1 B-K4. 2 P-QB4 P-KN 3
(ii) 26 . . . PxP 27 B-R 3 ( 2 7 N-R 5 3 N-B 3 B-N2
B-R 3) 27 . . . QxP, etc. 4 P-K4 P-Q3
27 PxP PxP 5 P-Q.4 0-0
28 B-Q5ch K-Rl 6 B-N5 B-N 5
29 R-B 3 !
Whereas the development of White's
White has suddenly got some strong bishop on KN5 is quite common, the
threats. If now 29 . . . P-N6, the reply is same move by Black is not recommended
30 N-K4 R-B4 3 1 R-R 3ch R-R4 3 2 by theory. The reason is that after the
RxRch PxR 33 R-K8ch K-R2 34 N-N 5 ch, exchange BxKN Black gives up an active
etc. bishop which could later play a useful
29 Q-B4 role on the king's side.
30 B-K6 B-B 3 7 B-K2 P-B3
31 R-Q.7 Q-B 8ch
32 K-N2 Q-Q7ch 7 . . . N-B 3 followed by N-Q2 would
33 K-R3 ? have been more in the spirit of the set-up
chosen by Black.
The right move was 3 3 K-Bl , leaving
the square KR 3 free for the rook. Black 8 0-0 QN-Q2
would then have had nothing better than 9 R-Kl
repetition of moves.
White has better chances with 9 N-Q2,
33 . . . Q-Q.8? for the knight is more active than the
This loses. The correct move was bishop once the centre is blocked.
3 3 . . . P-R 5 , and if 34 P-B5 then 34 . . . 9 BxN
P-N4. 10 BxB P-K4
34 B-Q5 ! P-R 5 11 P-Q5 P-KR3
35 P-B 5 ! B-K4 12 B-K3 P-B4
Or 35 . . . P-N4 36 K-N4, followed by 13 P-QR3 Q-KZ
K-R5-N6, to which there is no defence. 14 R-N l KR-Q.B l
33 KxR B-R5ch
34 K-N2 BxR
2 3 P-B 3
If White now had to protect his knight
With his 2 1 st move Black offered a
( 3 5 R-N 3) he would have to give up all
pawn to speed up his king-side play.
thoughts of winning. As it is, the exposed
Larsen, however, decides to proceed care
position of Black's king soon decides the
fully and play positionally, in order not
to give his opponent any tactical chances
in such an important game, though it 35 B-N 5 ch K-B 2
looks as if he could have taken the pawn
without any danger : 2 3 BxP R-R l 24 Or 3 5 . . . N-B 3 36 RxP.
Palma de Mallorca 196 7 229
3 6 R-R4! 8xN 44 P-NS R-KB8ch
37 R-R7 R-Q.8 1 45 K-N2 R-K8
38 RxNch K-K l 46 K-82 K-82
39 RxP RxP 47 R-N7ch K-N 3
40 K-83 P·N4 48 P-Q6 R-Q.8
41 RxP P-NS 49 P-Q7 K-R4
42 R-QN6 R-QS SO K-K2 Resigns
43 8-K3 R-Q.8
Two of the contestants in the first round it and spent the night analysing the game
of the 1 9 68 Candidates' Tournament and looking for wins he had missed.
were players of completely different Thus when the final and decisive game
styles. The Danish player Larsen simply took place Portisch 's nerves were in a
abounds in self-confidence and optimism ; very bad state. That is the reason why a
he avoids no risk and plays for a win even match that up to then had been even was
in bad positions. The Hungarian player ended by a game that looked as if it had
Portisch, on the other hand, i6 noted for been conducted by players of completely
the cool and obj ective way he assesses his different playing strengths.
chances; he likes clear and tidy positions,
especially favourable endings. He is very Vienna Game
strong in defence; he goes on the attack,
however, only after a thorough positional Larsen Portisch
assessment of the situation.
1 P K4
- P·K4
The match took place in the Yugoslav
2 N-Q8 3 N·Q8 3
coastal town of Poreci on the Adriatic.
3 8·84 N·83
Larsen was an odds-on favourite, and he
4 P·Q3 N·QR4
did nothing to hide the fact that he was
determined to win his way to the world Theory recommends 4 . . . B-NS 5
championship title. His forecast for the B·KNS P-KR 3 or 5 KN-K2 P-Q4.
match was S'!:z to 2'!:z in his favour. Portisch, however, had done well in the
However, he soon found himself facing eighth game with 4 . . . N-QR4 5 B-N 3 ?
tough resistance, and after the eighth NxB 6 R PxN P-Q4! 7 PxP B-QNS 8 N-83
gam e the match was all square, he having NxP 9 B-Q2 NxN 10 PxN B-Q3 , which
won the second and third games, Portisch gave him an advantage thanks to his two
the fourth and seventh. bishops.
In the ninth game Larsen very nearly
5 KN·K2!
paid a high price for his tremendous
optimism. In an even position he declined After the game some annotators re
his opponent's offer of a draw and then ferred to this move as an innovation.
went on incautiously to weaken his pawn However, the move had already occurred
position, with the result that he got into a in the game Schlechter-Steinitz in 1898,
lost ending. After the adjournment which continued 5 . . . NxB 6 PxN P-Q3 7
Portisch could have pressed home his 0-0 B-K3 8 P-QN3 P-8 3 9 Q-Q3 B-K2 10
advantage in several ways. However, B-N5 P-KR 3 11 BxN BxB 12 QR·Ql
fortunately for Larsen he played irreso B-K2 1 3 P-8 5 ! PxP 1 4 Q-N 3 with advan
lutely and gradually let the win slip away. tage to White. In that game Black would
The game lasted 77 moves and played have done better with 9 . . . P-Q4 ! 1 0
havoc with Portisch's nerves. It is BPxP P x P 1 1 PxP NxP 1 2 Q-N 5 ch Q-Q2
reported that he was unable to sleep after 1 3 QxQch KxQ 1 4 R·Ql K-8 3 and if
Candidates ' Tournament 1968 231
White had played 1 2 R-Ql then 1 2 . . . This is not a loss o f tempo, as some
NxN, etc. annotators critical of the move main
Larsen was obviously familiar with this tained. It is true that after 1 1 Q-K l
game-it often pays to study old books Black's queen is forced to retreat on
and hit on the idea of fianchettoing his account of the threat 12 N-Q5 . On the
queen's bishop to prevent his opponent other hand, White's queen is no better
from freeing himself by P-Q4. placed on Kl than on Ql .
27 P-B6! Q-N5
18 R-QR 3 ?
Ljubljana 1969
2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 Pts Prize
1 Planinc 0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 lO'h I
2 Gligoric 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 10 II
3 Unzicker 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 1 9'h III
4 Tringov 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 9 IV
5 R. Byrne 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 8 'h V, VI
6 Matanovic 0 'h 'h 'h 'h - 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h •n 8% V, V I
7 Gheorghiu 0 'h 'h '/2 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 1 8 VII, VIII
8 Puc 'h 0 0 'h '/2 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 8 V I I, V I I I
9 Barcza 0 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 1 7
10 Damjanovic 'h \12 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 7
1 1 Parma 'h \12 0 'h 'h 'h 0 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 7
12 Musil 0 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 6'h
1 3 Robatsch 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'ii 'h 6'h
14 B ajec 'h 0 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 5'h
1 5 Forintos 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 1 5'h
16 Stu pica 0 0 0 0 0 'h 0 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 3
236 Pachman 's Decisive Games
2 4 R-N7ch K-8 3 RxR leads to mate in one. Preceding the
25 Qx8 R-QN l exchange of rooks by checking does not
help either, for Black then loses his
The unfortunate position of the Black
queen, e.g. 28 . . . Q-B8ch 29 K-R2 RxR
king makes an adequate defence impos
30 QxRch K-B4 31 Q-B7ch or 28 . . .
sible. There was the threat of 26 Q-R4ch Q-N8ch 29 K-R2 RxR 30 QxRch K-B4
K-Q4 27 R-N5 , and if 25 . . . P-Q4, then
3 1 Q-R7ch, etc.
26 Q-R4ch K-Q3 27 B-Q3 Q-B 8 ch 28
B-N l Q-B 5 29 Q-R7, etc . 28 . . . Q-R4
We have already mentioned that the last The Soviet grandmaster Taimanov
round is enveloped in a special type of played in great style, going through the
atmosphere which tends to produce bad tournament undefeated and chalking up
mistakes rather than good games. I per wins against such redoubtable opponents
sonally have ruined my chances in the last as Gligoric and Gheorghiu. His fellow
round of many a tournament, mainly countryman Vasjukov dropped back after
through going in for complications and losing to Gligoric but then brought off a
trying to bring off combinations that series of victories against players in the
were incorrect. I •can recall the inter lower half of the table. Nevertheless with
national tournament at Trencianske 1 0 points he was still half a point behind
Teplica in 1 949, where I was in the lead Taimanov at the start of the last round.
up until near the end. Then in the last The race was between these two, for
round but one I lost with White to Gheorghiu with 9 Yi points was virtually
Rossolimo through trying too hard for a out of the running. In the last round
win, so that I was caught by St ahlberg. In Taimanov was pitted against Browne,
the last round t he latter wisely went in whereas Vasjukov had a tough opponent
for a quick draw, whereas I, because of in Matanovic , a player who very rarely
my youth, played in a wild fashion loses. In these circumstances the wisest
against Golombek, even sacrificing a course for Taimanov seemed to be to take
piece. As a result of losing the game I no risks and be content with a draw, for
ended up half a point behind St ahlberg. the encounter Vasj ukov-Matanovic
At the time, a friend of mine said to me, would probably end the same way. But it
"Never go in for a combination in the last did not turn out like that, for Vasjukov
round." This advice, of course, goes too produced one of the finest games of the
far, as several of the games in this book , tournament.
including the next one, show. The
question posed at the head of th is chapter Ruy Lopez
can therefore be answered in the affirma
tive . It is all right to go in for a Vasj ukov Matanovic
combination in the last round, provided
the combination is sound. 1 P-K4 P-K4
2 N KB 3 N QB 3
Our next drama is again set in Yugo
- -
3 B-N5 P·QR 3
slavia. The Macedonian capital, Skopje,
4 B-R4 N-B 3
has been the venue of several important
5 0-0 B-K2
tournaments in recent years. They are
6 R-Kl P-QN4
called "tournaments of solidarity " to
7 B N3 P-Q3
commemorate the great earthquake . The
8 P B3 0-0
fourth such tournament, which took
9 P-Q4
place in J une 1 9 7 0 , bro ught together ten
grandmasters, four international masters This variation has not been subjected
and two national masters. to the same amount of analysis as 9
238 Pachman 's Decisive Games
P-KR 3 . As this game shows it can there passive position in which his bishop on
fore produce innovations. KR4 is a strategical weakness.
And here we have one. It is not always The move P-QR4 occurs quite fre
necessary to prevent the "Spanish" quently in the Ruy Lopez and is generally
bishop from being exchanged. After the given an exclamation mark by annotators
logical reply 1 1 . . . NxB 1 2 PxN B-Q2 1 3 -even in this case. Here, however, it is
P-B4 Black's two bishops are of no real doubtful whether such an assessment is
importance, which, of course, does not correct, for the opening of the game on
mean that he would be unable to attain the queen's wing gives Black so me
equality. counter-play. A more consistent, and
stronger continuation is 18 N(R 4)-B5
11 8-R4
followed by 19 P-KR4.
This involves a slight con�ession, for 18 N-Q2
the bishop is rarely well placed on KR4 in 1 9 N(R4)-85 N-N 3
this variation.
This removes an important piece from
12 8-82 P-8 3 the defence of the king's side. The
1 3 PxP Q-82
immediate 19 . . P-B 3 followed by B-B2
27 . . . Q-B2
28 B-K 3 RxR
2 9 RxR N-R5 Position after White's 3 1 st move
The position still does not look too
bad for Black , for all his weak points are . . . Q-N2 allows the combination that
covered and White has no more pieces to occurs later in the game, viz. 32 RxB !
throw into his king-side attack. But now PxR 3 3 N-R6ch ! PxN 34 N-K7dbl ch.
there comes an ingenious sacrifice of two Apart from the move played the only
pawns. other plausible alternative is 3 1 . . . N-B4
32 P-QN 3 ! BxP 3 3 NxB RxN ( 3 3 . . .
30 P-QB4 BxP KxN? 3 4 NxQP) 3 4 BxN PxB 3 5 RxP!
It is understandable that Black is Q-R2 ( 3 5 . . . Q-N2 36 RxNP or 3 5 . . .
reluctant to have his bishop on QN 6 cut Q-Q2? or Q-KB 2 ? 3 6 N-R6ch) 3 6 N-R6ch
off from the defence of the king's side. K-R l 37 R-B8 Q-R6 ( 3 7 . . . Q-K2? 3 8
Nevertheless 30 . . . PxP would have been QQ7 ! ) 3 8 R-B7 winning.
better, to which White would have replied
31 NxP
3 1 P-KN3 followed by K-N 2 , R-KR l and
32 B-N6! !
P-R6 !
The culmination of a combination
3 1 R-QB l !
which resembles a study. If now 32 . . .
The bishop is now pinned and there is QxB, White wins by 3 3 NxB Q-B2 34
the threat of 32 P-QN 3 . Unpinning by 3 1 N-Q7 ! QxN 3 5 N-R6ch.
Skopje 1970
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Pts Pri ze
1 Taimanov 'h 1 1 'h 1 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h Y.i 1 1 1 11 I, II
2 Vasjukov 'h 'h 'h Y.i 'h 0 1 1 1 1 1 Y.i 1 1 1 11 I , II
3 Gheorghiu 0 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 1 'h 'h 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 III
4 Marovic 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h Y.i Y.i 'h 1 1 1 Y.i 1 9 IV
5 B alaschow 'h 'h 'h 'h Y.i 0 'h 'h 1 1 Y.i 'h 0 1 8'h v
6 Forintos 0 'h 1 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 'h 'h 1 'h Y.i 0 Y.i 8 VI - V III
7 Gligoric 0 'h 'h 1 'h 'h Y.i 'h 'h 'h Y.i 'h Y.i 'h 8 VI-V III
8 Matulovic 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 \12 'h 'h 'h 'h 1 1 8 VI-VIII
9 B rowne 'h 0 'h 'h Y.i 0 'h 0 Y.i 1 0 'h 1 1 1 7'h
10 Matanovic 'h 0 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h Y.i Y.i 'h 'h 1 1 7 'h
1 1 Reshevsky 'h 0 0 'h 0 Y.i 'h 'h 0 'h 1 1 'h 1 'h 7
12 J anosevic 'h 0 0 0 'h 0 'h 'h 1 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 'h S Y..
1 3 Sofrevski 'h 'h 0 0 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 'h 0 'h 0 'h 'h 5 'h
14 B arczay 0 0 0 0 1 Y.i 'h 'h 0 'h 'h 'h 1 0 0 5
1 5 Nicebski 0 0 0 'h 0 1 'h 0 0 0 0 'h Y.i 'h 4'h
16 Panov 0 0 0 0 0 'h 'h 0 0 0 'h 'h Y.i Y.i -
240 Pachman 's Decisive Games
32 . . . Q-N 2 37 QxPch K-K3
3 3 Rx8 ! 38 QxQ Nx8
39 QxN P-84
White has carried out his plan . The
40 QxNP R-Ql
bishop must now be eliminated to 41 Q-Q5ch K-8 3
prevent it going to K8 2. 42 PxP KxP
33 43 Q-87ch K-KS
34 NxR6ch! 44 Q-Q87
3 5 N-K7dbl ch K-82 Now the ro ok is caught. Black there
36 Q-N8ch KxN fore resigned.
50 Candidates' Tournament
1 97 1
Bobby on the Way to the World Championship
Many a strong player of world class has hearts he must have been extremely
started his career inconspicuously, then annoyed with himself.
by diligence and perseverance slowly in Three years later he was again in the
creased his list of successes until he Interzonal-though only after certain dif
finally reached chess maturity. ficulties had been overcome, for he had
True chess geniuses, however, travel refuse d to take part in the US Champion
along a different path. They are admired ship. This time he was determined to
while still young boys and within a short achieve his aim. His opponents in Palma
time they demon9trate their ability to the de Mallorca were no real problem for
whole chess world. So it was with Paul him ; he outdistanced them by the
Morphy on his trip to Europe in 1 85 8 unbelievable margin of 3 'h points. A
and 1 8 5 9 and also with J ose Raoul remarkable fact is that he won his last six
Capablanca at San Sebastian in 1 9 1 1 . games in a row.
It was the same with Fischer. He The first of the elimination matches
played in the USA Championship for the began in Vancouver on 16 May 197 1 . His
first time in 1 9 5 7 , winning the title a full opponent was Taimanov, who in the
point ahead of the great Sammy Interzonal had shared fifth and sixth
Reshevsky. At the age of fifteen he places and who, objectively seen, was no
played in the Interzonal in 1 9 5 8 for the real danger. Interest in this match was
first time and qualified for the strongest world wide. In these topsy-turvy times,
of all chess competitions, the Candidates' everything is elevated to the realm of
Tournament. He played in the Candi politics. We cannot really say that man
dates' Tournament for the first time in kind is conquering space but rat.her that
1 9 5 9 and . . . . No, it was not quite as two super-powers are in a race one against
simple as that. The world championship the other to do so. Nor do individual
title is not so easily gained in the twen athletes compete against each other at the
tieth century as it was at the time of Olympic Games; there are the national
Bobby 's fellow-countryman Morphy. flags in the background waiting for the
In 1 96 7 Bobby was mature enough to victory ceremonies. It is no different in
accomplish the task. In the Interzonal he chess. The first twenty-five years after the
annihilated one opponent after the other. war were dominated by Soviet masters,
True, out of o bstinacy he lost a game by the world championship matches being a
default in the tenth round, but he won purely domestic affair. Then for the first
the next two games and kept well in the time Soviet dominance seemed to be
lead. Then in his antipathy towards the threatened, and, what is more, by a
organizers he pushed matters to a head representative of the other super-power.
and hurriedly departed from Sousse, Taimanov was therefore playing not as
throwing away a great chance of be Taimanov but as the first Soviet barrier to
coming world champio n . After this epi the invader.
sode he criticized the organizers, F I D E , This additional psychological burden
and everyone else, but i n h i s heart of played its part in Taimanov's tragedy.
242 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
Although he is a very sound player he lost loses, as many games with Black as with
all six games. The reporters were natur White.
ally cock-a-hoop, for, after winning his
last six gam es in Palma, Fischer had now 4 P-K 5 N-K2
won a further six, and, what is more, 5 P-QR3 BxNch
against an opponent with a grandmaster 6 PxB P-QB4
title. 7 P-QR4
Fischer's match in Denver in July
If Larsen had had White he would
looked to be a much tougher proposition.
probably have chosen the sharper con
In the course of the previous few years
tinuation 7 Q-N4, which leads to great
Larsen had chalked up several excellent
tactical complications. Quieter moves like
victories in tournaments, often against
7 P-QR4 or 7 N-B 3 are favoured by
competition from Soviet grandmasters.
players who prefer clear strategical ideas
Just like Fischer he declared at the start
to tactical complexities, such as Smyslov,
of the Candidates' Tournament that he
who has been called Capablanca's suc
intended to become world champion and
cessor. Fischer has something of Capa
that he was not afraid of any player. But
blan ca's style , but gives it more
only one of these two optimists could
dynamism in accord with the general
survive the match at Denver and go on to
tendency in the second half of the twen
compete for the world title ; so a bitter
tieth century.
struggle was expected. The result is well
known, and it may surprise the reader to 7 QN- B 3
hear us talk of a decisive game. The score 8 N-B 3 B-Q2
was again 6 : 0 , so that the excited re
porters were able to write down for The general opinion is that the best
Fischer's last eighteen games the un post for the Black queen is QR4, and
believable result, won : 1 8 ; drawn : O; lost : consequently Black 's best defence the
0. As Larsen, however , is a player of immediate 8 . . . Q-R4. In the game
stature, there must have been a reason for Fischer-Uhlmann from the 1 9 62
his 6 : 0 defeat . And it is evident that it Olympiad Black attained equality after 8
can only have been a psychological . . . Q-R 4 9 Q-Q2 B-Q2 10 B-Q3 P-B 3 1 1
reason . We can spot it by playing over the 0-0 PxKP 1 2 NxP NxN 1 3 PxN 0-0 1 4
first game of the match . P-QB4 QxQ 1 5 BxQ B-B 3 . A n improve
ment, however , was found by Stein in his
game with Doroshkevich in the 1 9 70
French Defence
Soviet Championsh ip, when he played 1 1
KPxP! PxBP 1 2 PxP P-K4 1 3 P-B4 PxP 1 4
Fischer Larsen BxBP 0-0-0 1 5 0-0 QxBP 1 6 B-N 3 B-NS
1 P-K4 P-K 3 1 7 Q-R 6 , retaining a slight advantage .
2 P-Q4 P-Q4 Larsen has a different idea : he will post
3 N-QB 3 B-N5 his queen on QB 2 and thus increase his
control over K4. It is unlikely that
Such vanat10ns are not chosen by Fischer was prepared for this plan ; never
anyone playing for a draw. One sensible theless he found an excellent tactical
approach to marches is to play for a win refutation over the board.
with White and a draw with Black. But
such tactics do not suit Larsen. He never 9 B-Q3 Q-B 2
plays for a draw, and in fact he cannot 10 0-0 P-B5
play for a draw. That is why he wins, and 1 1 B-K2 P-B3
Candidates' Tournament 1971 243
Now i f 1 2 PxP, Black gets a strong 17 B-R5 K-B2
centre by 1 2 . . . PxP followed by P-K4. 1 8 P-B4 KR-Kl
36 Q-QN7
37 B·Q8ch K-K3
38 P·R6 Q·R6
39 B-N7 Q-B4
40 R·QNl ! P·QB6
In working out the line he had chosen
41 B·N6
Larsen had seen 28 Q-B 5 ? R·B7ch 29
K-Nl RxBdis ch, winning, which would Black resigned after the adj ournment.
have been a fine start to the fulfilment of
the claim he had made before the match Larsen is a do-or-die player who often
( " I am going to be the challenger to suffers defeats but who has the ability to
world champion Spasski, and I'm not overcome their psychological effects. This
afraid of Fischer " ) . But the next move, time, however, it was to be different . His
which Fischer had seen several moves hopes had been set too high and the way
previously, put an end to his dreams. he lost had been too humiliating. In the
second game he inexplicably failed to
28 B-B5 ! R-B7ch hold a drawn endgame, and in the third he
was in a hopeless position after a mere
Winning the queen, but at too high a
fifteen moves-and that in a system of the
price. However, 28 . . . Q-K4 29 B-Q4 is
Sicilian he could almost certainly have
even worse.
expected. Of the other three games he
29 K·Nl RxNPdbl ch had drawing chances in only two at the
30 KxR Q·Q7ch most .
Candidates ' Tournament 1971 245
Whereas Fischer disposed of both op-
ponents in an almost unbelievable Nimzowitsch Attack
manner, the ex-world-champion Petrosian
played rather modestly. He defeated his Petrosian Fischer
first opponent Hilbner in a match that P-Q84
1 N-KB 3
gave rise to quite a heated discussion. P·Q4
2 P·QN 3
Following six drawn games, Petrosian 3 8-N 2 ?
won the seventh after coming out of the
opening in an almost lost position. His Nimzowitsch knew why 3 P·K 3 should
opponent thereupon resigned the match precede B·N 2. Every book on theory has
and protested at the unacceptable playing a note such as : 3 B·N2? is bad on account
conditions in the tournament room in of 3 . . . P-B 3 followed by P-K4. And that
Seville. is certainly true.
In his match with Korchnoi, Petrosian
3 P-8 3 !
again only succeeded in winning one
4 P-84
game-the ninth-but that was enough for
victory , for the oth.ers were all drawn. It is interesting to compare the first
Expressed mathematically in terms of few moves with a rarely played opening,
wins the relationship was thus 1 2 : 2 in in which the colours are reversed, viz. 1
Fischer's favour. However, they were not P·Q4 N-KB 3 2 P·QB4 P·QN 3 3 N-QB 3
competing in a tournament but in a B·N2 4 P·B 3 P-Q4 5 PxP NxP 6 P·K4
match, where such mathematical relation NxN 7 PxN. In this, Black was able to
ships do not apply. play 4 . . . P-Q4 and then exchange
The first game was won, on 30 knights, going into a form of the Griin
September, by Fischer, his nineteenth feld. In the present game White cannot do
win in succession. In the opening his the same, for Black's knight has not been
opponent came out with an innovation , developed . If he tries 4 P-Q4 PxP 5 NxP
but Fischer then transposed into an end P·K4 he gets the worst of it. So instead he
game in which Petrosian failed to find the must look for other ways of attacking his
best defence. The second round brought a opponent's centre.
surprise . In his favourite opening
Griinfeld-Indian-Fischer was in a lost 4 P-QS
pos1t10n after only twenty moves and 5 P-Q3 P·K4
resigned twelve moves later. The great 6 P·K3 N-K2 !
question was: Would this mean the psy A good manoeuvre. Black intends to
chological turning-point for Fischer? At post his king's knight on QB 3 and his
any rate his run of wins had been broken. queen 's knight on Q2. He has, of course,
The next three games were drawn to be prepared for White's pieces getting
although Fischer had White in two of active on the queen's wing by 7 PxP BPxP
them. Petrosian even had winning chances 8 P·QN4, but he has a good counter in 8
in the third game. In the sixth game . . P-QR4 9 P·QNS N-Q2 10 P·N 3 P-QN 3
Petrosian had White. Would he attempt to 1 1 B-N2 B·N2 1 2 B-QR 3 N-N 3 1 3 BxB
seize the initiative? Those who expected N(N3)xB followed by N-K3 or 9 P·QR 3
such a course must have been very dis PxP 10 PxP RxR 1 1 BxR KN·B 3 12 P-NS
appointed. The decisive game of the B·NSch 1 3 QN-Q2 N-K 2, in both cases
whole Candidates' Tournament was one with control of the strategically im
of those psychological mysteries that portant square QB4.
keep cropping up in chess and which gi ve
the game an irrational element. 7 8"K2?
246 Pach man 's Decisive Games
Petrosian 's tactics after his success in transpose into an endgame. As he has the
the second game are to goad his spirited initiative on the queen's wing, he could,
opponent into impatience by a series of after an exchange of queens, quietly
draws. These are actually very wise tactics strengthen his position by N-Q2, N-N 3
and probably his only c:1an ce. But in and PxP without having to fear a counter
putting them into effect he goes astray. It attack on the king's wing.
just can n ot be right for him when playing
14 Q-K2 N-Q2
with White to present Fischer with the
initiative and confine himself to passive 15 N-B 2?
defence. A b etter line was 7 PxP followed Petrosian loses this game, and con
by 8 P-N 3 , after which his queen's bishop sequently the match, beca4se he plays
is, admittedly, by no means well placed. completely planlessly. He should have
The disadvantage this entails is, however, started operating on the king's side, and
bearable. that called for 1 5 P-N 3 followed by
7 KN-B3 P-KB4. There is nothing to be achieved
8 QN-Q.2 B-K2 on the queen's wing.
9 0-0 0-0 15 R-N l
10 P-K4 1 6 KR-Bl Q-K l
1 7 B-R3 ? B-Q3
As the bishop is passive on K2,
opening the centre by P x P would no 1 8 N-Kl P-N 3
longer be good. One might well ask why Black is not subjected to any threats
White did not play 6 P-K4 at once. Now and can safely start operations on the
he has lost a tempo in an Old Indian opposite wing. He now prepares P-KB4.
set-up, and in addition his queen's bishop White's position is still fairly sound and
is badly placed. he could continue with 19 P-N 3 followed
by N-N2. Instead he chooses to open up
10 P-QR3 the game on the queen's wing, which is
1 1 N-Kl P-QN4 strategically wrong, for his pieces are less
1 2 B-N4 BxB well posted than his opponent's.
1 3 QxB Q-B l !
19 PxP? PxP
A positional manoeuvre typical o f the 20 B-N2 N-N3
American. He does not necessarily want 21 N(Kl )-B3 R-Rl
to exploit his space advantage in the 22 P-QR3 N-R4
middle-game, but would be content to
23 Q-Ql Q-B2
1 69. Petrosian-Fischer 24 P-QR4? PxP
25 PxP P-B 5 !
26 PxP N(N3)xP
27 NxN NxN
28 Q-K2 NxB
29 QxN KR-Nl
1 7 1 . Petrosian-Fischer
Straight wins in the last seven games of to the only opponent who can endanger
the 1 9 70 Interzonal, a clean score of 6: 0 him. That single dangerou s opponent is
against Taimanov, a similar crushing 6 : 0 called Bobby Fischer.
victory against his great rival Larsen, then Those words almost proved prophetic.
a 6'h : 2'h result against Petrosian in a The match in R eykjavik had a sensational
match where the latter's much stiffer prelude and a dramatic first act, with the
resistance had to be broken down-that result that the whole chess world was
was Fischer's glorious path to the 1 9 7 2 kept in breathless excitement. The story
world championship title match. has been told so fully-though not always
In the spring of 1972 the chess world accurately-and is so recent that it hardly
was buzzing with excitement. For the needs retelling. To recapitulate, however,
first time since the war the world cham Fischer began by adopting the risky ploy
pionship was not to be decided by Soviet of demanding that the already fantastic
grandmasters alone. As a result a chess ally high purse for both winner and loser
event was transferred to the sphere of should be raised by an enormous amount.
politics because it echoed the rivalry of This was risky because it could well have
the two mightiest countries on our jeopardized all his chances of becoming
planet. The present century has become world champion. That it worked wonder
so crazy that not only space flight but fully was due to the fact that there was in
also sporting or chess events are treated London one of those strange people who
by one or the other of the great powers as are prepared to spend any amount of
matters of the utmost importance. money on their hobby and at the same
Most of the pundits naturally favoured time to expose themselves to the pos
Fischer, though there were not sur sibility of ridicule from the rest of the
prisingly some who thought Spasski had world and even to open themselves to the
good chances. The former world cham suspicion of acting in such a way simply
pion Botvinnik, for example, unequi to gain popularity.
vocally tipped Spasski to win, main Contrary to the rules, the match in
taining that Fischer's previous successes Reykjavik began on 1 1 July, that is nine
were by no means convincing proof of his days late . The reigning world champion
superiority . That, however, was probably had White in the first game, but treated
wishful thinking, for Spasski had not the opening so placidly that the con
been playing particularly well, as witness testants would have been justified in
his failure m the Alekhin Memorial agreeing to a draw after about fifteen
Tournament in the autumn of 1 97 1 . moves. Each game, however, was being
I n an article from a series that played for more than ten thousand
appeared in Schach-Echo in the spring of dollars, and it is possible that professional
1 9 7 2 I voiced the following opinion : honour forbade the acceptance of such a
Fischer is very much superior to all his high sum for so little work. At any rate
opponents and will certainly become the game continued, and the following
world champion if he does not fall victim position was reached after the 28th move.
World Championship 1 9 72 25 1
1 7 2. Spasski-Fischer (iii) Was Fischer, thinking that the
position was still a dead draw after the
loss of the bishop, simply playing to the
gallery ? It is possible, though irrespon
30 P-N 3 P-KR4
3 1 K-K2 P-R5
32 K·B 3 ! K-K2
Other defences are : Black has only one more move with
(i) 39 . . . K-Q4 40 B-B8 P-N3 41 B-K7 his KP, after which he will be virtually in
P-B4 42 K-B4 or 41 . . . K-K4 42 K-N4, zugzwang.
46 P·K5
(ii) 39 . . . P-K4 40 K-N4 P-N 3 41
47 8-K3 K-8 3
K-N 3 ! P-B4 42 K-R4 P-B 5 43 PxP KxP
48 K·N4! K-K4
(43 . . . PxP 44 K-N 5 ) 44 B-K7 ! P-K5 45
49 K-N 5 K-Q4
B-N5ch K-B6 46 B-Bl ! P-K6 47 K-N5 P-R4
so K-84
P-K7 48 B-Q2 K-B7 49 KxP or 45 . . . 51 8-82 P-N4
K-B4 46 B-Q2 . K-8 5
52 KxNP
P-8 5 53 K-8 5 K-NS
40 K-R4
54 KxP KxP
After the game a widely held view was 5 5 K-Q5 K-N4
that Black could have saved the game by 56 K-Q6 Resigns
World Championship 1 9 72 253
The next game was due to be played would have been the best way o f up
on 1 3 July. Fischer protested about the setting his ambitious but somewhat un
television cameras, and because of his stable opponent and of making up for the
lack of success in carrying his point with distinct difference in pure chess ability.
the organizers he did not show up for the When, however, Spasski instead chose a
second game. At 5 p.m. his clock was sharp opening in the third game and one,
started and one hour later Spasski was moreover , that belong ed to Fischer's
declared the winner of the second game. specialities-the American pulled himself
The American protested , but it did not together and produced a great game. That
change the result, so that Spasski was in virtually decided the match, the re
the lead by 2 : 0. Moreover, the latter had maining games going as was to have been
the advantage of only having to tie the expected. They merely showed up the
match, which meant that, mathe difference in playing strength of the two
matically , he was really 2'h points ahead. players. Spasski was not given another
Fischer's. most dangerous opponent had chance. "The damage done in one second
thus done his work. Spasski was given a cannot be made good in a life-time. "
chance he could hardly even have In the normal course of events there is
dreamed of. not another player with a chance against
Would Fischer break off the match? Fischer. And now that he has the title
Apparently there was some danger of there is no reason why he should not play
this, but then President Nixon's foreign his normal game. The world champion of
policy adviser is supposed to have phoned the 1 9 70s is therefore Robert James
him, saying that such a step would be Fischer.
harmful to the interests of the United
States. Whatever it was, something Benoni Defence : Hromadka System
happened that gave the world new hope
that the great chess battle would be Spasski Fischer
1 P·Q4 N·KB 3
The third game took place as planned ,
2 P·QB4 P.K3
though not in the tournament hall but in
3 N·KB3 P-84
another room. According to eye-witnesses
4 P·QS PxP
Fischer looked tired and haggard. The
5 PxP P-Q3
great question was : Would he stand up to
6 N·QB 3 P-KN3
the mental strain? Spasski was certainly
7 N-Q2 QN-Q2
of the opinion that his great moment had
8 P·K4 B·N2
come and that he must act energetically
9 B·K2 0-0
to finish off his opponent once and for
10 0-0 R·Kl
all. It was like a boxing match. The
opponent was groggy and the time had This position from the Hromadka
come to deliver the coup de grfice. System is usually reached by the
Was this calculation correct? No, it sequence 1 P-Q4 N-K83 2 P-Q84 P-84 3
was not. It was a terrible miscalculation P-Q5 P-K3 4 N-Q8 3 PxP 5 PxP P-Q3 6
on the part of Spasski and probably also P-K4 P-KN3 7 N-8 3 8-N2 8 8-K2 0-0 9
on the part of his advisers. With the score 0-0 R-Kl 1 0 N-Q2 QN·Q2 . From the
at 2: 0 in his favour Spasski was still in the theoretical point of view it is worth while
match with a chance-albeit a small one making a few comments on the order of
but to make use of it he needed to choose the moves played.
super-safe openings and aim at simplifi (i) In the normal Hromadka System
cation and a draw in every game. That the set-up 7 P-84 8-N2 8 8-N5 ch is quite
254 Pacbman 's Decisive Games
move introduced by Fischer.
11 . . . N-R4!
1 2 BxN ( ? )
Position after Black's 10th move Black was threatening N-B 5 a s well as
Q-R5, and 12 N-B4 could have been
dangerous for Black. In the present game, answered by 1 2 . . . N-K4, after which 1 3
of course, it is not possible. N-K 3 is not good on account of 1 3 . . .
(ii) On move 7 of the yariation N-KB 5 . Nevertheless, taking the bishop is
occurring in the game, Black usually plays suspect. White ought to have played 1 2
7 . . . B-N 2, which allows him the choice P-B4, which, though it does not look
of developing his knight on QR 3 or Q2. good , would have prevented him from
He need not fear 8 N-B4 0-0 9 B-B4 N-Kl slipping into a bad game despite his weak
10 N-N5 P-N 3 ! , for he can adequately eleventh move. If play had then con
counter the threat to his QP. tinued 12 . . . B-Q5ch ( 1 2 . . . Q-R 5 ? 1 3
(iii) After 7 . . . QN-Q2 White can N-B 3 ) 1 3 K-Rl Q-R5 , White would have
attain an advantage by 8 N-B4 N-N 3 9 had the reply 1 4 R-B 3 ! , after which Black
P-K4! NxN 1 0 BxN. For that reason I has nothing better than 14 . . . Q- K8ch 1 5
consider 7 . . . B-N2 to be more accurate. R-B l Q-R 5 with repetition o f moves, for
A more important fa ctor for a general if 1 4 . . . N(Q2)-B 3 , there follows 1 5
assessment of the whole opening system P-KN 3 , which is good for White. This
is that it leads to a strategically and concealed twist would have been un
tactically complicated game. Black has welcome to Fischer, who, it is safe to
many ways of seizing the initiative and is assume, would not have been happy with
by no means confined to passive defence. a draw.
Fischer understands the system better
12 PxB
than anyone else and is more familiar
1 3 N-B4 N-K4
with the position arising from it than
14 N-K3 Q-R 5
Spasski. The choice of opening was there
1 5 B-Q2 ?
fore a mistake for the defending world
champion. With a lead of 2 : 0 he ought to This move shows that Spasski has
have adopted a quieter set-up, such as 4 under-estimated the dangers facing him .
P-K 3 , which would have been much more The correct continuation is 1 5 P-B 3 ! ,
unpleasant for his opponent. after which his pawns remain intact and
mobile. Black would admittedly be
11 Q-B2?
actively placed, though he would not find
An innovation, though an unfortunate it easy to strengthen his position.
one. The usual continuation is 1 1 P-QR 4 The seemingly active 1 5 P-B4 would,
(preventing the advance P-QN4!) 1 1 . . . on the other hand , be weak, because of
N-K4 1 2 Q-B 2 , which could be met by 1 2 1 5 . . . N-N5 16 P-KR 3 ? NxN 1 7 BxN
. . . P-KN 4! ? , a n interesting though risky BxP! , winning for Black, while the
World Championship 1 9 72 255
immediate 1 5 P-KR 3, to be followed by 20 KR-Kl P-QR3
P-KB4, is answered by the dangerous 21 R-K2 P-N4
piece sacrifice 1 5 . . BxP! 1 6 PxB QxRP;
. 22 QR-Kl
e.g. 1 7 P-B4 N-B6ch 18 K-B2 N-R5 19
Now White has his first threat in the
K-Kl P-B4 or 1 8 RxN QxR 1 9 Q-N2
game-the breakthrough P-K 5 , which, if
QxQch 20 KxQ BxN followed by RxP.
successful, would be a great achievement.
15 . . . N-N 5 ! Unfortunately for him, the threat is easily
1 6 NxN countered.
29 K-R2
Position after White's 22nd move 30 R-K3 K-Nl
31 R(Kl)-K2 BxN !
by 1 8 . . . B-Q2 followed by P-KR4, after
32 QxB RxP
which Black again has the better chances.
33 RxR RxR
18 B-Q2 34 RxR QxR
1 9 P-QR4 P-N 3 35 B-R6
256 Pacbman's Decisive Games
White' s second threat in the game, and Black was threatening 41 . . . Q-KB6ch
this time quite a strong one, though again 42 K-Kl Q-R8ch 43 K-K2 B-Q6ch 44
it can be easily countered. Now that the K-K3 Q-KS mate, and 41 Q-NSch B-N 3
KP has fallen Black has a won game, for does n ot save the game. Now, however, it
White's king is no less exposed than is all over.
35 Q-N 3
41 . . . B-Q6ch
36 B-Bl Q-N8
37 K-Bl B-B4
38 K-K2 Q-KSch
39 Q-K 3 Q-B7ch If 42 K-K 3 , Black plays 42 . . . Q-0.8
40 Q-Q2 Q-N6 with the double threat of Q-B6ch and
41 Q-Q4 QxBch.
Index of Games and Positions