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Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 28 December 2017 doi:10.20944/preprints201712.0197.


Peer-reviewed version available at Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2, 5; doi:10.3390/bdcc2010005

A Machine Learning Approach for Air Quality
Prediction: Model Regularization and Optimization
Dixian Zhu 1 *, Changjie Cai 2 , Tianbao Yang 3 and Xun Zhou 4
1 Department of Computer Science, University of Iowa; [email protected]
2 Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, University of Iowa; [email protected]
3 Department of Computer Science, University of Iowa; [email protected]
4 Department of Management Sciences, University of Iowa; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]

1 Abstract: In this paper, we tackle air quality forecasting by using machine learning approaches to
2 predict the hourly concentration of air pollutants (e.g., Ozone, PM2.5 and Sulfur Dioxide). Machine
3 learning, as one of the most popular techniques, is able to efficiently train a model on big data by using
4 large-scale optimization algorithms. Although there exists some works applying machine learning
5 to air quality prediction, most of the prior studies are restricted to small scale data and simply train
6 standard regression models (linear or non-linear) to predict the hourly air pollution concentration.
7 In this work, we propose refined models to predict the hourly air pollution concentration based
8 on meteorological data of previous days by formulating the prediction of 24 hours as a multi-task
9 learning problem. It enables us to select a good model with different regularization techniques. We
10 propose a useful regularization by enforcing the prediction models of consecutive hours to be close
11 to each other, and compare with several typical regularizations for multi-task learning including
12 standard Frobenius norm regularization, nuclear norm regularization, `2,1 norm regularization. Our
13 experiments show the proposed formulations and regularization achieve better performance than
14 existing standard regression models and existing regularizations.

15 Keywords: air pollutant prediction; multi-task learning; regularization; analytical solution

16 1. Introduction
17 Adverse health impacts from exposure to outdoor air pollutants are complicated functions of
18 pollutant composition and concentration [1]. Major outdoor air pollutants in cities include ozone
19 (O3 ), particle matters (PMs), sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx ),
20 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, and metals among others [2,3]. Increased mortality
21 and morbidity rates have been found in association with increased air pollutant (such as O3 , PMs and
22 SO2 ) concentrations [3–5]. According to the report from the American Lung Association [6], 10 part
23 per billion (ppb) increase in O3 mixing ratio might cause over 3,700 premature deaths annually in the
24 United States (U.S.). Chicago, like many other megacities in U.S, has struggled with air pollution due to
25 the industrialization and urbanization. Although O3 precursor (such as VOCs, NOx , and CO) emissions
26 have significantly decreased since the late 1970’s, O3 in Chicago has not been in compliance with
27 standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to protect public health [7]. Particle size is
28 critical in determining the particle deposition location in human respiratory system [8]. PM2.5 , referring
29 to particles diameter smaller than or equal to 2.5 micrometer (µm), has been increasingly concerned
30 since they can deposit into the lung gas-exchange region-Alveoli [9]. The U.S. EPA revised the annual
31 standard of PM2.5 by lowering the concentration to 12 microgram per cubic meter (µg/m3) to provide
32 improved protection against health effects associated with long- and short-term exposures [10]. SO2 ,
33 as an important precursor of new particle formation and particle growth, has also been found to be
34 association with respiratory diseases in many countries [11–15]. Therefore, we selected O3 , PM2.5 and
35 SO2 for testing in this study.

© 2017 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 28 December 2017 doi:10.20944/preprints201712.0197.v1

Peer-reviewed version available at Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2, 5; doi:10.3390/bdcc2010005

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36 Meteorological conditions, including regional and synoptic meteorology, are critical in

37 determining the air pollutant concentrations [16–21]. According to the study from Holloway et
38 al. [22], the O3 concentration over Chicago was found to be the most sensitive to air temperature,
39 wind speed and direction, relative humidity, incoming solar radiation, and cloud cover. For example,
40 the lower ambient temperature and incoming solar radiation slows down photochemical reactions
41 and leads to less secondary air pollutants, such as O3 [23]. Increasing wind speed could either
42 increase or decrease the air pollutant concentrations. For instance, when the wind speed was
43 low (week dispersion/ventilation), the pollutants associated with traffic were found at highest
44 concentrations [24,25]. However, the strong wind speed might form the dust storms by blowing
45 up the particles on the ground [26]. High humidity is usually associated with high concentrations of
46 certain air pollutants (such as PMs, CO and SO2 ), but with low concentrations of other air pollutants
47 (such as NO2 and O3 ) due to various formation and removal mechanisms [25]. In addition, high
48 humidity can be an indicator of precipitation events, which results in strong wet deposition leading to
49 low concentrations of air pollutants [27]. Since various particle compositions and their interactions
50 with light were found as the most important factors in attenuating visibility [28–30], low visibility could
51 be an indicator of high PM concentrations. Cloud can scatter and absorb the solar radiation, which
52 is significant for the formation of some air pollutants (e.g., O3 ) [23,31]. Therefore, these important
53 meteorological variables were selected to predict air pollutant concentrations in this study.
54 Statistical models have been applied for air pollution prediction based on meteorological data [33,
55 34,36]. However, existing studies on statistical modeling are mostly restricted to simply utilizing
56 standard classification or regression models, which have neglected the nature of the problem itself or
57 ignore the correlation between each hour’s model. On the other hand, machine learning approaches
58 have been developed for over 60 years and have achieved tremendous success in many areas [32,
59 42–46]. There exist various new tools and techniques invented in machine learning community,
60 which allow for more refined modeling for a specific problem. In particular, model regularization
61 is a fundamental technique for improving the generalization performance of a predictive model.
62 Accordingly, many efficient optimization algorithms have been developed for solving various machine
63 learning formulations with different regularizations.
64 In this study, we focus on refined modeling for predicting hourly air pollutant concentration
65 based on historical metrological data and air pollution data. A striking difference between this work
66 and the previous works is that we emphasize on how to regularize the model in order to improve
67 its generalization performance, and how to learn a complex regularized model from big data with
68 advanced optimization algorithms. We have collected 10 years of meteorological and air pollution
69 data in the Chicago area. The meteorological data is from MesoWest [53] and the air pollutant data
70 is from the EPA [51,52]. From their databases, we fetch consecutive hourly measurements of various
71 meteorological variables and pollutants reported by two air quality monitoring stations and two
72 air pollutant monitoring sites in the Chicago area. Each record of hourly measurements includes:
73 meteorological variables like solar radiation, wind direction and speed, temperature, atmospheric
74 pressure; and air pollutants include PM2.5 , O3 , SO2 . We use two methods for model regularization:
75 (i) explicitly control the number of parameters in the model; (ii) explicitly enforce certain structure
76 in the model parameters. For controlling the number of parameters in the model, we compare three
77 different model formulations which can be considered in a unified multi-task learning framework
78 with a diagonal or full matrix model. For enforcing the model matrix into a certain structure, we will
79 consider the relationship between prediction models of different hours and compare three different
80 regularizations with standard Frobenius norm regularization. The experimental results show that
81 the model with the intermediate size and the proposed regularization that enforces the prediction
82 models of two consecutive hours to be close achieve the best results and are much better than standard
83 regression models. We also develop efficient optimization algorithms for solving different formulations
84 and demonstrate their effectiveness through experiments.
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 28 December 2017 doi:10.20944/preprints201712.0197.v1

Peer-reviewed version available at Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2, 5; doi:10.3390/bdcc2010005

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85 The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we discuss related work. In section
86 3, we describe data collection and preprocessing. In section 4, we described the proposed solutions,
87 including formulations, regularizations and optimizations. In section 5, we present the experimental
88 studies and the results. In section 6, we give conclusions, and indicate future work.

89 2. Related Work
90 A large number of previous work has been done to apply machine learning algorithms onto air
91 quality predictions. Some researchers aimed to predict targets into discretized levels. Kalapanidas et
92 al. [34] elaborated effects on air pollution only from meteorological features such as temperature, wind,
93 precipitation, solar radiation, and humidity, and classified air pollution into different levels (low, med,
94 high, alarm) by using a lazy learning approach, Case Based Reasoning (CBR) system. Athanasiadis et
95 al. [35] employed σ-fuzzy lattice neurocomputing classifier to predict and categorize O3 concentration
96 into 3 levels (low, mid, and high) based on meteorological features and other pollutants like SO2 ,
97 NO, NO2 and so on. Kunwar et al. [36] utilized principle component analysis (PCA) and ensemble
98 learning models to predict categorized air quality index (AQI) and combined air quality index (CAQI).
99 However, the process of converting regression tasks to classification tasks is problematic, as it ignores
100 the magnitude of the numeric data and consequently is inaccurate.
101 Other researchers worked on predicting concentrations of pollutants. Corani [37] worked on
102 training neural network models to predict hourly O3 and PM10 concentration based on data from the
103 previous day. Performances of Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) and Pruned Neural Network
104 (PNN) were mainly compared. More efforts have been made on FFNN, Fu et al. [38] applied a rolling
105 mechanism and gray model to improve traditional FFNN models. Jiang et al. [39] explored multiple
106 models (physical & chemical model, regression model, multiple layer perceptron) on the air pollutant
107 prediction task and their result shows statistical models are competitive to the classical physical &
108 chemical models. Ni, X. Y. et al. [40] compared multiple statistical models based on PM2.5 data around
109 Beijing, which implies linear regression models sometimes can be better than the other models.
110 Multi-task Learning (MTL) focuses on learning multiple tasks that have commonalities
111 together [41], which can improve the efficiency and accuracy of the models. It has achieved
112 tremendous successes in many fields such as: natural language processing [42], image recognition [43],
113 bioinformatics [44,45], marketing prediction [46], etc. A variety of regularizations can be utilized to
114 enhance the commonalities of the tasks including `2,1 -norm [47], nuclear-norm [48], spectral norm [49]],
115 Frobenius norm [50], etc. However, most of former machine learning works on air pollutant prediction
116 don’t consider the similarities between the models and only focus on improving model performance
117 for a single task.
118 Therefore, we decide to use meteorological and pollutant data to do prediction for hourly
119 concentration based on linear models. In this work, we focus on three different prediction model
120 formulations and using MTL framework with different regularizations. To the best of our knowledge,
121 this is the first work that utilizes MTL on air pollutant prediction task. We exploit analytical approaches
122 and optimization techniques to obtain the optimal solutions. The model evaluation metric is rooted
123 mean squared error (RMSE).

124 3. Data Collection and Preprocessing

125 3.1. Data Collection

126 We collected air pollutant data from two air quality monitoring sites, and meteorological
127 data from two weather stations from 2006 to 2015 (summarized in Table 1). The air pollutants
128 include the concentrations of O3 , PM2.5 and SO2 in this study. We downloaded the air pollutant
129 data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (U.S. EPA) Air Quality System (AQS)
130 database (, which has been widely used for model
131 evaluation [51,52]. We selected the meteorological variables which would affect the air pollutant
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 28 December 2017 doi:10.20944/preprints201712.0197.v1

Peer-reviewed version available at Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2, 5; doi:10.3390/bdcc2010005

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Table 1. Summary of measurement sites and observed variables

Measurement sites Variables

Alsip Village (AV) O3 and PM2.5
Lemont Village (LV) O3 and SO2
temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction,
Lansing Municipal Airport (LMA) wind gust, precipitation accumulation, visibility, dew point,
wind cardinal direction, pressure, and weather condition
Lewis University (LU) The same as LMA site

132 concentrations including air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, wind gust,
133 precipitation accumulation, visibility, dew point, wind cardinal direction, pressure, and weather
134 condition. We downloaded the meteorological data from MesoWest (, a
135 project within the Department of Meteorology at the University of Utah, which has been aggregating
136 meteorological data since 2002 [53].
137 The locations of the two air quality monitoring sites and two weather stations are shown in
138 (Figure 1). The Alsip Village (AV) air quality monitoring site is also located in a suburban residential
139 area, which is in south Cook County, Illinois (AQS ID: 17-031-0001; lat/long: 41.670992/-87.732457).
140 The Lemont Village (LV) air quality monitoring site is located in a suburban residential area, which is
141 in southwest Cook County, Illinois (AQS ID: 17-031-1601; lat/long: 41.66812/-87.99057). The weather
142 state situated in Lansing Municipal Airport (LMA) is the closest meteorological site (MesoWest ID:
143 KIGQ; lat/long: 41.54125/-87.52822) to the AV air quality monitoring site. The weather station
144 positioned in Lewis University (LU) is the closest meteorological site (MesoWest ID: KLOT; lat/long:
145 41.60307/-88.10164) to the LV air quality monitoring site.

Figure 1. Locations of measurement sites. Blue stars denote the two air quality monitoring sites. Red
circles denote the two meteorological sites.

146 3.2. Preprocessing

147 We paired the collected meteorological data and air pollutant data based on time to obtain the
148 required data format of applying the machine learning methods. In particular, for each variable we
149 form one value for each hour. However, the original data may contain multiple values or missing
150 values at some hours. To preprocess the data, we calculated the hourly mean value of each numeric
151 variable if there are multiple observed values within an hour, and chose the category with the highest
152 frequency per hour for each categorical variable if there are multiple values. Missing values exist for
153 some variables, which are not tolerable of applying the machine learning methods used in this study.
154 Therefore, we imputed the missing value by using the closest neighbor value for four continuous
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 28 December 2017 doi:10.20944/preprints201712.0197.v1

Peer-reviewed version available at Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2, 5; doi:10.3390/bdcc2010005

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155 variables and one categorical variable, including wind gust, pressure, altimeter, precipitation, and
156 weather condition. We deleted the days which still have missing values after imputing. We applied
157 dummy coding for two categorical variables, the cardinal wind direction (16 values) and weather
158 condition (31 values). Then, we added weekday and weekend as two boolean features. Finally,
159 we obtained 60 features in total (9 numerical meteorological features + 16 dummy coding for wind
160 direction + 31 dummy coding for weather condition + 2 boolean feature for weekday/weekend + 1
161 numerical feature for pollutant + 1 bias term). We apply normalization for all the features and pollutant
162 targets to make their values fall in [0, 1].

163 4. Machine Learning Approaches for Air Pollution Prediction

164 In this section, we will describe the proposed approaches for predicting the ambient concentration
165 of air pollutants.

166 4.1. A General Formulation

167 Our goal is to predict the concentration of air pollutants of next day based on the historical
168 meteorological and air pollutant data. In this work we focus on using the former day’s data to
169 predict this day’s hourly based pollutants. In particular, let (xi ; yi ) denote the i-th training data where
170 yi ∈ R24×1 denotes the concentration of a certain air pollutant at a day and xi = (ui ; vi ) denotes
171 the observed data in the previous day that include two components, where ‘;’ represents column
172 layout. The first component ui = (ui,1 ; . . . ; ui,D ) ∈ R24· D×1 include all meteorological data of 24
173 hours in the previous day, where ui,j ∈ R24×1 denotes the j-the meteorological feature of 24 hours and
174 D is the number of meteorological features, and the second component vi ∈ R24×1 include hourly
175 concentration of the same air pollutant in the previous day. The general formulation can be expressed
176 as:

W n ∑ k f (W, xi ) − yi k22 + ϕ(W ) (1)
i =1

177 where W denote the parameters of the model, f (W, xi ) denotes the prediction of air pollutant
178 concentration, and ϕ(·) denotes a regularization function of the model parameters W.
179 Next, we introduce two levels of model regularization. The first level is to explicitly control the
180 number of model parameters. The second level is to explicitly impose a certain regularization on the
181 model parameter. For the first level, we consider three models that are described below:

• Baseline Model. The first model is a baseline model that has been considered in existing
studies and has the least number of parameters. In particular, the prediction of the air pollutant
concentration is given by

f k (W, xi ) = ∑ e>k ui,j · w j + e>k vi · wD+1 + w0 , k = 1, . . . , 24
j =1

182 where ek ∈ R24×1 is a basis vector with only one at the k-th position and zeros at other positions.
183 w0 , w1 , . . . , w D , w D+1 ∈ R are the model parameters, where w0 is the bias term. Denote by W =
184 (w0 , w1 , . . . , w D+1 )> for this model. It is notable that this model predicts the hourly concentration
185 based on the same hour historical data in the previous day and has D + 2 parameters. This
186 simple model assumes that all 24 hours share the same model parameter.
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 28 December 2017 doi:10.20944/preprints201712.0197.v1

Peer-reviewed version available at Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2, 5; doi:10.3390/bdcc2010005

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• Heavy Model. The second model will take all the data in previous day into account when
predicting the concentration of every hour in the second day. In particular, for the k-th hour, the
prediction is given by

f k (W, xi ) = ∑ ui,j > wk,j + vi> wk,D+1 + wk,0 , k = 1, . . . , 24
j =1

where wk,j ∈ R24×1 , j = 1, . . . , D + 1 and wk,0 ∈ R. For this model, we define:

 
w1,0 w2,0 ... w24,0
 w1,1 w2,1 ... w24,1 
 
... ... ... ...

 
w1,D+1 w2,D+1 ... w24,D+1

187 Note that each column of W corresponds to the prediction model for each hour. There are a total
188 of 24 × (24 ∗ ( D + 1) + 1) parameters. It is notable that the baseline model is a special case by
189 enforcing all columns of W to be the same and each wk,j has only one non-zero element in the
190 k-th position.
• Light Model. The third model is between the baseline model and the heavy model. It considers
the 24 hours pattern of the air pollutant in the previous day and the same hour meteorological
data in the previous day to predict the concentration at a particular hour. The prediction is given

f k (W, xi ) = ∑ e>k ui,j · wk,j + vi> wk,D+1 + wk,0 , k = 1, . . . , 24
j =1

where wk,j ∈ R, j = 1, . . . , D and wk,D+1 ∈ R24×1 . For this model, we define:

 
w1,0 w2,0 ... w24,0
 w1,1 w2,1 ... w24,1 
 
... ... ... ...

 
w1,D+1 w2,D+1 ... w24,D+1

191 It is also notable that each column correspond to the predictive model of one hour, and W has a
192 total of 24 ∗ ( D + 1) + 24 ∗ 24 ∗ 1 parameters.

193 4.2. Regularization of Model Parameters

194 In this section, we describe different regularizations for the model parameter matrix W in the
195 heavy and light model. We consider the problem as multi-task learning, where predicting the
196 concentration of air pollutant at one hour is one task. In literature, a number of regularizations have
197 been proposed by considering the relationship between different tasks. We first describe three baseline
198 regularizations in literature and then present the proposed regularization that take the dimension of
199 time into consideration for modeling the relationship between models at different time.

• Frobenius norm regularization. Frobenius norm regularization is a generalization of standard

Euclidean norm regularization to the matrix case, where

ϕ(W ) = λ||W ||2F ,

200 where λ > 0 is a regularization parameter.

• L2,1 -norm regularization. The L2,1 norm regularization has been used for feature selection in
multi-task learning. It is formed by first computing the `2 norm of each row of the W matrix
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 28 December 2017 doi:10.20944/preprints201712.0197.v1

Peer-reviewed version available at Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2, 5; doi:10.3390/bdcc2010005

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(across different tasks) and the computing the `1 norm of the resulting vector. In particular, for
W ∈ Rd × K
kW k2,1 = ∑ kWj,∗ k2 ,
j =1

201 where Wj,∗ denotes the j-th row of W. We will consider a L2,1 -norm regularizer ϕ(W ) = λkW k2,1 .
202 • Nuclear norm regularization. Nuclear norm is defined as the sum of singular values of a matrix,
203 which is a standard regularization for enforcing a matrix to have a low rank. The motivation
204 of using a low rank matrix is that models for consecutive hours are highly correlated, which
205 could render the matrix W to be low rank. Denote by kW k∗ the nuclear norm of a matrix W, the
206 regularization is ϕ(W ) = λkW k∗ .
• Consecutive-Close (CC) Regularization. Finally, we propose a useful regularization for the
considered problem that explicitly enforces the predictive models for two consecutive hours to
be close to each other. The intuition is that usually the concentration of air pollutants for two
consecutive hours are close to each other. Denote by W = (w1 , . . . , wK ) and by Cons(W ) =
[(w1 − w2 ), (w2 − w3 ), ..., (wK−1 − wK )]. The consecutive-close regularization is given by

K −1
∑ k w j − w j +1 k p
ϕ (W ) = λ (2)
j =1

207 where p = 1 or p = 2.

208 4.3. Stochastic Optimization Algorithms for Different Formulations

209 Except that Frobenius norm regularized model (with `2 norm consecutive-close regularization
210 or not) has a closed-form solution, we solve the other models via advanced stochastic optimization
211 techniques. Denote F (W, xi ) = [ f 1 (W, xi ), ..., f 24 (W, xi )], Yi = [yi,1 , ..., yi,24 ], and the total number of
212 feature is D. Although the standard stochastic (sub)gradient method [54] can be utilized to solve all the
213 formulations considered in this work, it does not necessary yield the fastest convergence. To address
214 this issue, we will consider advanced stochastic optimization techniques tailored for solving each
215 formuation.

216 4.3.1. Optimizing `2,1 -norm Regularized Model

We utilize Accelerated Stochastic Subgradient (ASSG) Method [55] with proximal mapping to
optimize this model. The algorithm runs in mutliple stages and each stage calls the standard stochastic
gradient method with a constant step size. To handle the non-smooth `2,1 norm, we use the proximal
mapping [56]. The stochastic gradient descent part is:

∂F (Wt−1 , xi ) >
Wt0 = Wt−1 − 2ηs e ( F (Wt−1 , xi ) − Yi ) (3)

where ηs is stage-wised stepsize, i is a sampled index, and e is a vector with all 1 as its elements. Then
a proximal mapping is followed (denote by λ̃ = 2ηs λ):

Wt = arg min kW − W 0 t k2F + λ̃kW k2,1 (4)

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Peer-reviewed version available at Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2, 5; doi:10.3390/bdcc2010005

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The above problem can solved exactly. Denote wi as column vector for W > , wi0 as column vector for
W 0 t . Then the solution to (4) can be computed by [47]:

(1 − )w0 , λ̃ > 0, kwi0 k2 > λ̃

kwi0 k2 i

wi = (5)

 0, λ̃ > 0, kwi0 k2 ≤ λ̃

wi0 , λ̃ = 0

217 The pseudocode of the algorithm is as following:

Algorithm 1: ASSG with proximal mapping solving `2,1 norm regularized model
Input: X, Y, W0 , η0 , S, T
for s = 1, . . . , S do
ηs = ηs−1 /2
for t = 1, . . . , T do
Sample i ∈ {1, ..., n}
218 Update Wt0 using equation (3)
Update Wt using equation (4)
W0 = ∑tT=1 W1 /WT
Output: W0

219 4.3.2. Optimizing Nuclear norm Regularized Model

220 The challenge in solving a nuclear norm reguralized problem of most optimization algorithm
221 lies at computing the full singular value decomposition (SVD) of the inovlved matrix W, which is
222 an expensive operation. To avoid full SVD, SVD-freE CONvex-ConcavE Algorithm Extension to
223 Stochastic Setting (SECONE-S) [57] is employed to solve the problem. The algorithm solves the
224 following min-max problem:
min max
W ∈R D × K U ∈R D × K n ∑ k F(W, xi ) − Yi k22 + λtr(U > W ) − ρ[kU k2 − 1]+ .
i =1

Then Stochastic gradient descent and ascent are used to update W and U at each iteration:

∂F (Wt−1 , xi ) >
Wt = Wt−1 − ηt−1 (2 e ( F (Wt−1 , xi ) − Yi ) + λUt−1 )
∂Wt−1 (6)
Ut = Ut−1 + τt−1 (λWt−1 − ρ∂[kUt−1 k2 − 1]+ ),

225 where ρ ≥ kY k2F , and ∂[kUt k2 − 1]+ can be computed by u1 v1> 1[σ1 > 1] with (u1 , v1 ) being the top left
226 and right singular vectors of Ut and σ1 being the top singular value. The pseudocode for the algorithm
227 is as following:
Algorithm 2: SECONE-S solving Nuclear norm Regularized Model
Input: X, Y, T, η0 , τ0
for t = 1, . . . , T do
Sample i ∈ {1, ..., n}
228 Update Wt and Ut using equation (6).
√ √
ηt = η0 / t, τt = τ0 / t
Output: ŴT = ∑tT=1 Wt /T
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 28 December 2017 doi:10.20944/preprints201712.0197.v1

Peer-reviewed version available at Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2, 5; doi:10.3390/bdcc2010005

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229 4.3.3. Optimizing Consecutive-Close Regularized Model

230 The challenge of tackling the proposed consecutive-close regularization lies that the standard
231 proximal mapping cannot be computed efficiently. We address this challenge by using alternating
232 directon method of multipliers. We utilize a recently proposed locally adaptive stochastic alternating
233 direction method of multipliers (LA-SADMM) [58] to solve consecutive-close regularized model.
234 Below, we discuss the updates for the choice of p = 1 (i.e., using the `1 norm) in (2). The updates for
235 the choice of p = 2 can be derived similarly.
The objective function can be written as:
W ∈R D × K n ∑ k F(W, xi ) − Yi k22 + λkWEk1,1 ,
i =1

where E = (ê1 , ..., êk−1 ), êi = (0, ..., 1, −1, ..., 0) T , i = 1, ..., k − 1, where i-th element is 1 and i + 1-th
element is −1. Therefore, Cons(W ) = WE. A dummy variable U = WE is introduced to decouple the
last term from the first term and a Lagrangian function is formed as follows:
1 β
L(W, U, Λ) =
n ∑ k F(W, xi ) − Yi k22 + λkU k1,1 − tr(Λ> (WE − U )) + 2 kWE − U k2F , (7)
i =1

236 where Λ is the Lagrangian multiplier and β is the penalty parameter.

Then it can be solved by optimizing each variable alternatively. The update rules for stochatic
∂ F̃ (Wτ −1 , xi )
Wτ = arg min L(W, Uτ −1 , Λτ −1 ) = arg min F̃ (Wτ −1 , xi ) + tr{ (W − Wτ −1 )}
W ∈R D × K W ∈R D × K ∂W
β 1 kW − Wτ −1 k2F
+ kWE − Uτ −1 − ΛτT−1 k2F +
2 β η τ −1
β 1
Uτ = arg min L(Wτ , U, Λτ −1 ) = arg min γkU k1,1 + kWτ E − U − ΛτT−1 k2F
U ∈R D × K U ∈R D × K 2 β
Λτ = Λτ −1 − β(Wτ E − Uτ ) ,

237 where F̃ (Wτ −1 , xi ) = k F (Wτ −1 , xi ) − Yi k22 .

238 LA-SADMM solve the problem more efficiently by doing stage wised penalty increasing. The
239 pseudocode for the algorithm is as following:
Algorithm 3: LA-SADMM solving Consecutive-Close Regularized problem with `1 norm
Input: X, Y, W0 , U0 , Λ0 , β 1 , η1 , S, T
for s = 1, . . . , S do
for τ = 1, . . . , T do
Sample i ∈ {1, ..., n}
Update Wτ , Uτ , Λτ using equation (8).
240 end
WT = ∑τT=1 Wτ /T
W0 = WT , U0 = UT , Λ0 = Λ T
β s+1 = 2β s , ηs+1 = ηs /2
Output: WT
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241 5. Experiments
242 We use the names of the paired air quality monitoring sites and two weather stations to denote
243 the two datasets, i.e., LU-LV and LMA-AV. The LU-LV contains the data to predicting the concentration
244 of two air pollutants, i.e., O3 and SO2 . The LMA-AV contains the data to predicting the concentration
245 of two air pollutants, i.e., O3 and PM2.5 .
246 We compare 11 different models that are learned with different combinations of model
247 formulations and regularizations. The 11 models are:

248 • Baseline: the baseline model with a standard Frobinus norm regularization.
249 • Heavy-F: the heavy model with a standard Frobinus norm regularization.
250 • Light-F: the heavy model with a standard Frobinus norm regularization.
251 • Heavy-L2,1 : the heavy model with a L2,1 -norm regularization.
252 • Heavy-Nuclear: the heavy model with a nuclear-norm regularization.
253 • Heavy-CCL2: the heavy model with the consecutive-close regularization using `2 norm.
254 • Heavy-CCL1: the heavy model with the consecutive-close regularization using `1 norm.
255 • Light-L2,1 : the light model with a L2,1 -norm regularization.
256 • Light-Nuclear: the light model with a nuclear-norm regularization.
257 • Light CCL2: the light model with the consecutive-close regularization using `2 norm.
258 • Light CCL1: the light model with the consecutive-close regularization using `1 norm.

259 We divide each dataset into two parts: training data and testing data. Each model is trained on
260 the training data with a proper regularization parameter selected based cross-validation. Each trained
261 model is evaluated on the testing data. The splitting of data is done by dividing all days into a number
262 of chunks of 11 consecutive days, where the first 8 days are used for training and the next 3 days are
263 used for testing. We use the root mean square error (RMSE) as the evaluation metric.

15 15
Improving Percentage (%)
Improving Percentage (%)

10 10

5 5

0 0
F L2,1 Nuclear CCL2 CCL1 Heavy Light

Heavy Light F L2,1 Nuclear CCL2 CCL1

(a) grouped by regularizations (b) grouped by model formulations


3 3
Improving Percentage (%)
Improving Percentage (%)

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1
F L2,1 Nuclear CCL2 CCL1 Heavy Light

Heavy Light F L2,1 Nuclear CCL2 CCL1

(c) grouped by regularizations (d) grouped by model formulations

Figure 2. Improvement of Different Methods over the Baseline Method on LU-LV dataset.

264 We first report the improvement of each method over the Baseline method. The improvement
265 is measured by positive or negative percentage over the performance of the Baseline method, i.e.,
266 (RMSE of compared method - RMSE of the Baseline method)*100/RMSE of the Baseline Method. The
267 results are shown in Figure 3 and 2. To facilitate the comparison between different methods, for each
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15 15

Improving Percentage (%)

Improving Percentage (%)
10 10

5 5

0 0
F L2,1 Nuclear CCL2 CCL1 Heavy Light

Heavy Light F L2,1 Nuclear CCL2 CCL1

(a) grouped by regularizations (b) grouped by model formulations


10 10

Improving Percentage (%)

Improving Percentage (%)

8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
F L2,1 Nuclear CCL2 CCL1 Heavy Light

Heavy Light F L2,1 Nuclear CCL2 CCL1

(c) grouped by regularizations (d) grouped by model formulations

Figure 3. Improvement of Different Methods over the Baseline Method on LMA-AV dataset.

268 air pollutant of each dataset, we report two figures with one grouping the results by regularizations
269 and another one grouping the results by the model formulations. From the results, we can see
270 that (i) the light model formulation has clear advantage over the heavy model formulation and the
271 baseline model formulation, which implies that controlling the number of parameters is important for
272 improving generalization performance, and (ii) the proposed consecutive-close regularization yields
273 better performance than other regularizations, which verifies that considering the similarities between
274 models of consecutive hours are helpful. We also report the exact RMSE of each method in Table 2.

Table 2. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) for all approaches and datasets

Approaches LMA-AV: O3 LMA-AV: PM2.5 LU-LV: O3 LU-LV: SO2

Baseline 0.1324 0.0399 0.0971 0.0334
Heavy-F 0.1193 0.0394 0.0882 0.0333
Heavy-L2, 1 0.12569 0.041 0.0883 0.033591
Heavy-Nuclear 0.1197 0.0398 0.0893 0.0333
Heavy CCL2 0.11896 0.0391 0.0882 0.033148
Heavy CCL1 0.11897 0.039134 0.0882 0.033261
Light-F 0.1158 0.0372 0.0848 0.0331
Light-L2,1 0.11591 0.037 0.085376 0.033411
Light-Nuclear 0.1161 0.0368 0.0849 0.0326
Light CCL2 0.116 0.0369 0.0845 0.03253
Light CCL1 0.11535 0.03684 0.085 0.03248

275 Finally, we compare the convergence speed of the employed optimization algorithms with their
276 standard counterparts. In particular, we compare ASSG vs SSG for optimizing L2,1 regularized problem,
277 compare vs SSG for solving nulcear norm regularized problem, and compare with SADMM for solving
278 CC regularized problem. The results are plotted in Figure 4, which demonstrates that the employed
279 advanced optimization techniques converge much faster than the classical techniques.
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ASSG-prox vs SSG-prox (L21-norm) SECONE-S vs SSG-prox (Nuclear norm) LA-SADMM vs SADMM

57 90 62
SSG-prox SSG-prox SADMM
55 58


54 56
53 54
52 60 52

51 55 50
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
# of iterations # of iterations # of iterations ×104

(a) Light-L2,1 (b) Light-Nuclear (c) Light-CCL1

Figure 4. Optimization techniques

280 6. Conclusions
281 In this paper, we have developed efficient machine learning methods for air pollutant prediction.
282 We formulated the problem as regularized multi-task learning and employed advanced optimization
283 algorithms for solving different formulations. We have focused on alleviating model complexity
284 by reducing the number of model parameters, and improving the performance by using structured
285 regularizer. Our results shows that the proposed light formulation achieves much better performance
286 than the other two model formulations, and the regularization by enforcing prediction models for two
287 consecutive hours to be close can also boost the performance of prediction. We have also shown that
288 advanced optimization techniques for important to improving the convergence of optimization and
289 speed up the training process for big data. For future work, we can further consider the commonalities
290 between nearby meteorology stations and combine them in a multi-task Learning framework, which
291 may further provide a boosting for the prediction.

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