Further Reading: See Also: Compatibility Group Plasmids
Further Reading: See Also: Compatibility Group Plasmids
Further Reading: See Also: Compatibility Group Plasmids
This article is reproduced from the previous edition, volume 3, p 1428, © 2001, Elsevier Inc., with revisions made by the Editor.
pBR322 is a double-stranded, circular, 4361 base pair plasmid See also: Compatibility Group; Plasmids.
cloning vector (Figure 1). pBR322 was the first artificial plasmid,
containing the ampR gene (encoding ampicillin resistance)
derived from plasmid RSF2124, the tetR gene (encoding tetracy Further Reading
cline resistance) derived from plasmid pSC101, and the origin of
replication from pMB1 (a plasmid in the ColE1 compatibility Balbás P and Bolívar F (2004) Back to basics: pBR322 and protein expression systems in
group). pBR322 also encodes the rop gene product, which reg E. coli. Methods in Molecular Biology 267: 77–90.
ulates plasmid replication by stabilizing the interaction between Balbas P, Soberon X, Bolivar F, and Rodriguez RL (1988) The plasmid, pBR322.
Biotechnology 10: 5–41.
RNAI and RNAII transcripts, and thereby maintains the plasmid
at ∼20 copies per bacterium. To facilitate its use as a cloning
vector, pBR322 was constructed to have unique sites for a variety
of useful restriction endonucleases. pBR322 was created by Relevant Websites
Bolivar and Rodriguez in 1977, where p stands for plasmid, B
for Bolivar, and R for Rodriguez. pBR322 was one of the most http://ecoliwiki.net – EcoliWiki; pBR322.
widely used plasmid cloning vectors. The complete DNA http://www.neb.com – New England BioLabs Inc.; pBR322 Vector.
Cla I - BspD I 23
EcoR I - Apo I 4359 Hind III 29
Aat II 4284 EcoR V 185
BclV I 4209
BsrB I 4205 Nhe I 229
Ssp I 4168 BamH I 375
Ear I 4155 SgrA I 409
Eco57 I 4048 Ban II 471
Ban II 485
Hine II 3905 Xmn I 3961 Btg I 528
Sca I 3844 Sph I 562
Bts I 3787 EcoN I 622
Bts I 3759 Sal I 651
pυu I 3733 Hine II 651
pst I 3607 Acc I 651
BsrD I 3602
PshA I 712
Ase I 3537
PfIM I 1315
Eco57 I 3000 Bsm I 1353
Sty I 1369
PflM I 1364