V.B.S Purvanchal University, Jaunpur: Syllabus M.A.-English Literature
V.B.S Purvanchal University, Jaunpur: Syllabus M.A.-English Literature
V.B.S Purvanchal University, Jaunpur: Syllabus M.A.-English Literature
Sr. Name of the Theoretical/Practical Maximum Duration
Paper Viva-voce/Assignment Marks (hour)
5 Structure of Modern English Theoretical 100 3.00
6 Critical Theory Theoretical 100 3.00
7 Shakespeare Theoretical 100 3.00
8 Literary and Social History of Theoretical 100 3.00
9 Optional Theoretical 100 3.00
(Select anyone of the f0llowing
American Literature
Indian Writing in English
English Language Teaching
Study of a Genre: Fiction
The question paper shall be divided into three sections.
Section-A: One question consisting of ten parts to be answered in about 50 words each.
(10×2=20 marks)
Section-B: Five short answer questions including at least two passages for explanation with
internal choice. Each question shall be answered in about 200 words.
(5×10=50 marks)
Section-C: This section will have five long answer questions. Candidates will have to answer
any two of them in about 500 words each. (2×15=30 marks)
English Literature
Note: There shall be four papers in M.A-1 (English) each carrying 100 marks. The authors
marked with asterisk are meant for detailed study.
English Literature: Chaucer to 1660
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
Geoffrey Chaucer* - The Prologue
Edmund Spenser - Faerie Queene, Book I
John Donne* - The Canonization, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
Andrew Marvell* - To His Coy Mistress
William Shakespeare* - Sonnets XVIII, XXIX, XXX, LV, LXIII
Ben Johnson - The Alchemist
Christopher Marlowe* - Doctor Faustus
John Webster - The Duchess of Malfi
Francis Bacon* - Of Truth, Of Great Place, Of Delays, Of Empire, Of Friendship
English Literature
English Literature: 1660-1789
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
John Dryden* - Absalom and Achitophel
Alexander Pope* - The Rape of the Lock
Thomas Gray* - Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Henry Fielding - Joseph Andrews
Laurence Sterne - Tristramn Shandy
William Congreve* - The Way of the World
R. B. Sheridan* - The School for Scandal
Joseph Addison and Richard Steele* - The Spectator’s Account of Himself, Popular
Superstitions, Remarks on the English by Indian Kings, Sir Roger at the Assizes, The
Coverley Household
English Literature
English Literature : 1789-1914
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
English Literature
English Literature : 1914-2000
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
W.B. Yeats* - Coole Park and Balylee, Sailing to Byzantium, Byzantium
T.S. Eliot* - The Waste Land
W.H. Auden* - In Memory of W. B. Yeats, Song for the New Year, Witnesses
Philip Larkin* - Whistsun Weddings
Ted Hughes* - Wodwo, The Jaguar
D. H. Lawrence - Sons and Lovers
Graham Greene - The Power and the Glory
James Joyce - Portrait of the Artist as a Youngman
Samuel Beckett - Waiting for Godot
English Literature
Structure of Modern English
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
English Grammar - Word classes and their functions. Grammatical relation in sentences
and phrases: Subject, Object, Indirect Object etc. Subject-predicate, head-modifier etc. Basic
sentence patterns in ‘Kernel Sentences’ (i.e. simple sentences). Main verb and auxiliaries.
Modification: adjective and adjective phrases, adverbs and adverb phrases. Embedding:
Clauses in Subject/Object/ Prepositional Object Position, Clauses with a modifier function
etc. Relations between structures: 1- active-passive, 2- dative shift (i.e. the relation between
ditransitive complementation and the V-NP-to-NP Structure), 3- particle movement (i.e.
transitive phrasal verbs with the particle following the direct object), 4- alternation of
tensed and infinitival complements, 5- extraposition from ‘It’(i.e. extraposition of clausal
subject or clausal object ). Movement to clause initial position : (i) question-formation,
(ii) relativization, (iii) topicalization (thematic fronting). Rules of ellipsis: verb phrase
deletion (i.e. ellipsis of the predication), gapping (i.e. ellipsis of the verb) conjunction
reduction etc. Rules of ‘Focus’: Clefts, Pseudo-Clefts etc.
Phonetics and Spoken English - The use of spoken English in India. The need for a widely
intelligible and generally acceptable form of spoken English. Speech mechanism; organs of
speech; respiratory system; phonatory system and articulatory system. Description and
classification of speech sounds: Description and classification of vowel and consonant.
Phoneme, Syllable. Various accents of English: Native and non-native accents of English,
consonants of English, consonant-clusters. Word-accent. Accent and rhythm in connected
speech and rhythm in verse.
English Literature
Critical Theory
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
Aristotle – Poetics
John Dryden - An Essay of Dramatic Poesie
William Wordsworth- Preface to Lyrical Ballads
S.T. Coleridge - Biographia Literaria, Chapters XIII,XVII& XVIII
Matthew Arnold - The Study of Poetry
T.S. Eliot- Tradition and the Individual Talent, Hamlet and His Problems, Metaphysical
I.A. Richards - Principles of Literary Criticism, Chapter-I
J.C. Ranson – Poetry : A Note on Ontology
Ferdinand de Sassure - Nature of the Linguistic Sign
Georg Lukacs - The Ideology of Modernism
Jacques Derrida - Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of Human Sciences
Elaine Showalter - Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness
Northrop Fry - The Archetypes of Literature
Edward Said - Crisis in Orientalism (from Orientalism)
English Literature
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
Henry IV Part I*
The Tempest*
As you like it
All’s Well That Ends Well
Antony and Cleopatra*
Shakespeare Criticism from 18th to 20th century with special reference to the following
Samuel Johnson, S.T. Coleridge, A.C. Bradley, G. Wilson Knight, H. Granville Barker,
E. M. W. Tillyard, H.B. Charlton
English Literature
Literary and Social History of England
(From the Age of Chaucer to the Present Day)
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
Factual questions on authors and their works.
Social history of various ages
Literary characteristics of various periods
Study of literary trends
Detailed study of individual authors.
English Literature
Optional Group-A
American Literature
Optional- Group-B
Indian Writing in English
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
Aurobrindo* - Savitri, Book I
R.N. Tagore* - Gitanjali
Nissim Ezekiel*- Case Study; Virginal; Poet, Lover, Bird- Watcher; Women Observed; The
Railway clerk
A.K. Ramanujan* - A River; Obituary; Anxiety; Routine Day Sonnet; The Striders; Black
Kamala Das* - An Introduction; The Dance of the Eunuchs; The Freaks; In Love; The
Looking Glass
Raja Rao -The Serpent and the Rope
R.K. Narayan - The Guide
R.P. Jhabvala - Heat and Dust
Anita Desai - The Fire on the Mountain
Salman Rushdie - Midnight’s Children
Girish Karnad*- Hayavadana
J.L. Nehru - Autobiography (Chapters- 45, 47&51)
S. Radhakrishnan - East and West in Religion (Lectures II &V)
Optional Group-C
English Language Teaching
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
Grammar - Translation Method
Oral approach and Situational Language Teaching
Audio - Lingual Method
Communicative Language Teaching
Total Physical Response
The Silent Way
Community Language Teaching
The Natural Approach
Techniques of teaching Language skills
Teaching Aids
Optional Group-D
Study of a Genre: Fiction
M.M.: 100 Duration:-3.00 hours
Daniel Defoe- Moll Flanders
John Bunyan - The Pilgrim’s Progress
W.M. Thackeray - The Vanity Fair
Emile Bronte - Wuthering Heights
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
Virginia Woolf - Mrs. Dalloway
Arundhati Roy - The God of Small Things
Maxim Gorky - Mother
V.S. Naipaul - A House for Mr. Biswas
Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart
English Literature
M.M. : 100