Metabolic Waste Organism
Metabolic Waste Organism
Metabolic Waste Organism
What is Nutrition?
- Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and
other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth,
reproduction, health and disease of an organism.
- It includes food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis,
catabolism and excretion. Commented [u1]: Definition of terms:
Plants are unique organisms that can absorb nutrients and water through Reference-
their root system, as well as carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Soil
quality and climate are the major determinants of plant distribution and
growth. The combination of soil nutrients, water, and carbon dioxide,
along with sunlight, allows plants to grow.
1. Water
2. Carbon dioxide
Water and carbon dioxide are the raw materials needed for photosynthesis,
the process by which plants convert the energy from sunlight into chemical
The majority of volume in a plant cell
is water; it typically comprises 80 to
90 percent of the plant’s total weight.
A. Symplast Route
- The symplast route is where water moves between adjacent cells through
the plasmodesmata, which are gateways for the exchange of molecules
of adjacent cells. It occurs by means of osmosis.
B. Apoplast Route
- Facilitates the transportation of water and solutes across a tissue or
organ. Apoplast route includes the cell wall and intercellular spaces,
which are fully permeable. This route takes water and solute near the
xylem until it reaches the Casparian strip where water and solutes shifts
to the cytoplasm to continue. It occurs by means of passive diffusion.
Autotrophic Plants
Nitrogen Fixation: Root and Bacteria Interactions
Nitrogen is an important macronutrient because it is part of nucleic acids and proteins. Atmospheric
nitrogen, which is the diatomic molecule N2, or dinitrogen, is the largest pool of nitrogen in terrestrial
However, plants cannot take advantage of this nitrogen because they do not have the necessary
enzymes to convert it into biologically useful forms. However, nitrogen can be “fixed,” which
means that it can be converted to ammonia (NH3) through biological, physical, or chemical
processes. As you have learned, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is the conversion of
atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonia (NH3), exclusively carried out by prokaryotes such as
soil bacteria or cyanobacteria. Biological processes contribute 65 percent of the nitrogen used in
agriculture. The following equation represents the process:
The most important source of BNF is the symbiotic interaction between soil bacteria and
legume plants, including many crops important to humans The NH3 resulting from fixation
can be transported into plant tissue and incorporated into amino acids, which are then made into
plant proteins. Some legume seeds, such as soybeans and peanuts, contain high levels of protein,
and serve among the most important agricultural sources of protein in the world.
Soil bacteria, collectively called rhizobia, symbiotically interact with legume roots to form specialized Commented [u3]: root nodules – localized swellings in
structures called nodules, in which nitrogen fixation takes place. This process entails the reduction of roots of certain plants where bacterial cells exist
symbiotically with the plant. The bacteria help the plant
atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia, by means of the enzyme nitrogenase. fix nitrogen and in turn, the
bacteria are able to utilize some organic compounds
provided by the plant.
Through symbiotic nitrogen fixation, the plant benefits from using an endless source of nitrogen from
the atmosphere. The process simultaneously contributes to soil fertility because the plant root system
leaves behind some of the biologically available nitrogen. As in any symbiosis, both organisms benefit
from the interaction: the plant obtains ammonia, and bacteria obtain carbon compounds generated
through photosynthesis, as well as a protected niche in which to grow.
A nutrient depletion zone can develop when there is rapid soil solution uptake, low nutrient
concentration, low diffusion rate, or low soil moisture. These conditions are very common; therefore,
most plants rely on fungi to facilitate the uptake of minerals from the soil. Fungi form symbiotic
associations called mycorrhizae with plant roots, in which the fungi actually are integrated into the
physical structure of the root. The fungi colonize the living root tissue during active plant growth.
Through mycorrhization, the plant obtains mainly phosphate and other minerals, such as zinc and
copper, from the soil. The fungus obtains nutrients, such as sugars, from the plant root (Figure 6).
Mycorrhizae help increase the surface area of the plant root system because hyphae, which are narrow,
can spread beyond the nutrient depletion zone. Hyphae can grow into small soil pores that allow access
to phosphorus that would otherwise be unavailable to the plant. The beneficial effect on the plant is
best observed in poor soils. The benefit to fungi is that they can obtain up to 20 percent of the total
carbon accessed by plants. Mycorrhizae functions as a physical barrier to pathogens. It also provides an
induction of generalized host defense mechanisms, and sometimes involves production of antibiotic
compounds by the fungi.
Heterotrophic Plants
Some plants cannot produce their own food and must obtain their nutrition from outside
sources—these plants are heterotrophic. This may occur with plants that are parasitic or
saprophytic. Some plants are mutualistic symbionts, epiphytes, or insectivorous.
Plant Parasites
A parasitic plant depends on its host for survival. Some parasitic plants have no leaves. An
example of this is the dodder (Figure 7a), which has a weak, cylindrical stem that coils around
the host and forms suckers. From these suckers, cells invade the host stem and grow to connect
with the vascular bundles of the host. The parasitic plant obtains water and nutrients through
these connections. The plant is a total parasite (a holoparasite) because it is completely
dependent on its host. Other parasitic plants (hemiparasites) are fully photosynthetic and only use
the host for water and minerals. There are about 4,100 species of parasitic plants.
A saprophyte is a plant that does not have chlorophyll and gets its food from dead matter,
similar to bacteria and fungi (note that fungi are often called saprophytes, which is incorrect,
because fungi are not plants). Plants like these use enzymes to convert organic food materials
into simpler forms from which they can absorb nutrients (Figure 7b). Most saprophytes do not
directly digest dead matter: instead, they parasitize fungi that digest dead matter, or are
mycorrhizal, ultimately obtaining photosynthate from a fungus that derived photosynthate from
its host. Saprophytic plants are uncommon; only a few species are described.
An epiphyte is a plant that grows on other plants, but is not dependent upon the other plant for
nutrition (Figure 8b). Epiphytes have two types of roots: clinging aerial roots, which absorb
nutrients from humus that accumulates in the crevices of trees; and aerial roots, which absorb
moisture from the atmosphere.
Insectivorous Plants
An insectivorous plant has specialized leaves to attract and digest insects. The Venus flytrap is
popularly known for its insectivorous mode of nutrition, and has leaves that work as traps
(Figure 9).
The minerals it obtains from prey compensate for those lacking in the boggy (low pH) soil of its
native North Carolina coastal plains. There are three sensitive hairs in the center of each half of
each leaf. The edges of each leaf are covered with long spines. Nectar secreted by the plant
attracts flies to the leaf. When a fly touches the sensory hairs, the leaf immediately closes. Next,
fluids and enzymes break down the prey and minerals are absorbed by the leaf. Since this plant is
popular in the horticultural trade, it is threatened in its original habitat.