Channa Shingon

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67 (2): 173 –178

© Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 2017. 24.10.2017

Description of a new dwarf snakehead (Perciformes:

Channidae) from western Yunnan

Marco Endruweit

Kunming College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650204, China — Kunming Institute of Zoo­
logy, State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223, China; endruweit­@

Published online at on 13.x.2017.

Channa shingon, new species, is described from small mountainous rivulets associated with the Irrawaddy drainage in western Yunnan
Province, China. Its maximum SL of about 100 mm makes it the smallest pelvic-fin bearing dwarf snakehead. Further specific characters
are lateral head length 27 – 30 % SL; interorbital width 33 – 35 % HL; 25 – 27 anal-fin rays; 44 – 45 lateral-line scales; 4 – 5 scale rows
between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line; 8 – 9 scale rows between lateral line and anal-fin origin; 1 mandibular scale; 43 – 44 vertebrae; in-
feromesial process of parasphenoid very shallow and straight; dorsal profile conspicuously bulging in front of dorsal fin; juveniles without
ocellus-like mark on posterior part of dorsal fin; and a pectoral-fin pattern of 3 – 4 broad gray to black bands alternating with cream to white
interspaces, bands increasingly wide towards distal edge of the fin, interspaces equally wide as bands or narrower.

Key words
Channa; new species; Irrawaddy; Salween; taxonomy.


Dwarf snakeheads are a common element of Southeast Britz (2008). The complex comprises taxa with and
Asia’s freshwater ichthyofauna. They are esteemed food without pelvic fins. Dwarf snakeheads are benthic fish
fish for their tasty and firm, muscular flesh, and provide inhabiting sluggish water bodies or quiet backwaters of
important subsistence fisheries in rural areas. Due to their streams with little water movement. A dense network of
ability to breathe atmospheric air, dwarf snakeheads are aquatic vegetation, twigs, and leaf litter provide hidea-
easily transported over short distances and sold alive in ways to lurk for prey. They usually avoid waters more
village markets. A thin layer of water is sufficient to keep than about 50 cm deep. Even large specimens up to 20
them alive for days. Owing to their accessory respiratory cm in total length are often encountered in waters shal-
organ, a non-labyrinthic subrabranchial chamber, dwarf lower than knee-depth.
snakeheads manage to survive in hypoxic water. They are The sole Chinese species of dwarf snakehead is the
often the only fish species in sewage drainages, where pelvic-fin bearing ‘Channa gachua’ which is present in
they chiefly feed on aquatic and terrestrial insects, gastro- all major drainages in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and
pods, all metamorphic stages of anuran frogs, and their Hainan Provinces (Zhang & Zhao, 2016). During an ex-
own offspring. cursion to tributaries of the Irrawaddy and Salween in
Dwarf snakeheads are species allocated within the western Yunnan Province, a second species of pelvic-
Channa gachua complex sharing alternating dark and fin bearing snakehead was collected. In the field, it was
light transverse bands on the pectoral fin as defined by readily distinguishable from the ubiquitous ‘C. gachua’

ISSN 1864-5755 173

Endruweit, M.: A new dwarf snakehead from Yunnan

Fig. 1. Channa shingon; Erganya, Yingjiang; Jieyanghe River: a, KIZ 2014005982, 89.7 mm SL, holotype; b, KIZ 2014005980, 90.2 mm
SL, paratype, reversed; c, KIZ 2014005971, 89.4 mm SL; Cangyuan; Nangunhe River.

by its miniature size, ‘humpbacked’ appearance, and the Abbreviations

well contrasting black and white bands on the pectoral
fin. This species is herein described as new, based on 7 EPC, Endruweit personal collection, Qingdao, China;
specimens obtained from the ankle-deep waters of small HL, lateral head length; KIZ, Kunming Institute of Zoo­
mountainous rivulets running in an Irrawaddy affluent in logy, Kunming, China; SL, standard length; TL, total
Dehong, Yunnan, China. length.
Spellings of Chinese toponyms follow the Mandarin
spelling reform of 1958. Median values are given in
square brackets; holotype values are included in the batch
Material and methods values. Diagnostic data on Channa aurantimaculata and
C. barca were obtained from Vishwanath & Geetakumari
(2009); on C. melanostigma from Geetakumari & Vish­
Morphometrics and meristics follow Hubbs & Lagler wanath (2011); on C. orientalis from Courtenay & Wil­
(1947), except for: cheek scales are counted from the liams (2004); on C. ornatipinnis and C. pulchra from Britz
posterior rim of the orbit to the hindmost preopercular (2008); and on C. pardalis from Knight (2016). Me­ristic
scale, usually contiguous to the first pored lateral-line and morphometric values of C. harcourtbutleri used for
scale; mandibular scales are the paired cycloid scales on comparison stem from middle reaches of the Sal­ween as
the lower side of the mandible; scales tangential to the listed under comparative material.
first ray of the fin are counted as a full scale in transverse
counts; circumpeduncular scales are counted transversely
along the series with the lowest number of scales around
the peduncle; the lateral head length is measured from Channa shingon new species
the tip of the snout to the rearmost edge of operculum (Figs. 1, 2)
and includes the opercular membrane; eye diameter is
measured horizontally; interorbital width is the narrow- Holotype. KIZ 2014005982, 89.7 mm SL; Erganya village,
Tong­biguan town, Yingjiang Cty., Dehong Pref., Yunnan Prov.,
est bony distance between the orbits, measured with gen- China; Erganyahe River, Jieyanghe River, Irrawaddy drainage;
tly applied pressure. Pharyngeal teeth were cleared using 24°36.310’N, 97°36.318’E, elevation 1320 m; coll. M. Endruweit,
Proteinase K. Osteologic features and rays of paired fins T. Qin & Z.Y. Sha, 19 Aug. 2014.
were observed on radiographs, those of the paired fins Paratypes. KIZ 2014005980, 5981, 5983, 3 specimens, 69.5 –
under a binocular microscope. 95.8 mm SL; data as holotype; KIZ 2014005977 – 5979, 3, 68.6 –


parasphenoid very shallow and straight; dorsal profile

conspicuously bulging in front of dorsal fin; pelvic fin
present; juveniles without ocellus-like mark on posterior
part of dorsal fin; a pectoral-fin pattern of 3 – 4 broad gray
to black bands alternating with cream to white interspac-
es, width of bands increasing towards distal edge of the
fin, interspaces equally wide as bands or narrower; and a
maximum standard length of about 100 mm.

Description. Body elongate, anteriorly cylindrical, pos-

teriorly compressed, body depth at anal-fin origin 14 – 16
% SL; proportions given in Table 1, general appearance
as in Figure 1. Head short, lateral length 27 – 29 % SL,
strongly depressed, depth at nape 13 – 14 % SL, wider
than deep, widest at about preoperculum. Dorsal profile
of head straight to slightly convex, conspicuously bulg-
ing in predorsal area, with dorsal-fin origin representing
deepest point of body. Eye small, located dorsolaterally
well within a horizontal through hindmost edge of max-
illa. Interorbital slightly convex.
Mouth terminal, oblique, 35 – 45° to body axis. Lips
fleshy. Lower jaw protruding. Premaxilla with a broad
pad of minute conical teeth, teeth larger and somewhat
recurved in anteromesial portion (Fig. 3b). Prevomer pro-
truding, with a row of 3 – 5 large conical teeth. Palatine
with 1 – 3 rows of small, conical teeth. Dentary with a
broad pad of many small conical teeth; anteromesial por-
tion of pad notably broader and with larger and recurved
teeth (Fig. 3a). Upper pharyngeal pad with large, conical,
conspicuously hooked retrorse teeth. Lower pharyngeal
teeth arranged in two pads: anteromesial pad with large,
conical teeth, directed nearly vertical to body axis; poste-
Fig. 2. Channa shingon, KIZ 2014005983, 69.5 mm SL, paratype; rolateral pad with short, conical teeth. Tongue narrow, tip
lower side of head and thorax. free and widely rounded. Isthmus slightly narrower than
Suprabranchial chamber simple; dermal surface with-
99.3 mm SL; location as holotype; coll. M. Endruweit & Z.Y. Sha,
28 Jan. 2014. out bulging or cavernous structures (Fig. 3a). Inferomesial
process of parasphenoid rudimentary, very shallow, hori-
Non-typic material. KIZ 2014005984 – 5987, 4 specimens, 52.6 –  zontally straight (Fig. 5a). Hyomandibular process sim-
89.3 mm SL; Shengli village, Xima town, Yingjiang Cty., De­ ple, straight, triangular-shaped; running approximately
hong Pref., Yunnan Prov., China; Huanglianhe River, Jie­yanghe parallel to parapshenoidal process. Epibranchial process
River, Irrawaddy drainage; coll. M. Endruweit, 29 Jan. 2014.
KIZ 2014005988 – 5989, 2, 55.0  – 
77.3 mm SL; 1 km down­ slightly curved following shape of branchial arch, thin,
stream of Houshigou village, Xima town, Yingjiang Cty, Dehong flap-like with a rounded edge. First branchial arch with
Pref., Yunnan Prov., China; Mengnaihe River, Jieyanghe River, 2 – 6 tooth plates; epibranchial with many minute conical
Irrawaddy drainage; coll. M. Endruweit, 30 Jan. 2014. KIZ projections, without plates.
2014005971 – 5976, 6, 57.8 – 89.4 mm SL; Bangao village, Banlao Dorsal-fin rays 35 – 37 [36]. Anal-fin rays 25 – 27
town, Cangyuan Cty., Lincang Pref., Yunnan Prov., China; trib. to
Nangunhe River, Salween drainage; coll. M. Endruweit & T. Qin, [26]. Caudal-fin rays iv – v, 5+5, iv – iii. Pectoral-fin
24 Aug. 2014. KIZ 2014005991 – 6013, 23, 36.9 – 82.3 mm SL; rays 14 – 16 [15], fin tip reaching anus. Pelvic fin with 6
about 8 km southwest of Mangyun town, Yingjiang Cty., Dehong rays, origin slightly anterior to dorsal-fin origin, length
Pref., Yunnan Prov., China; trib. to Dayingjiang River, Irrawaddy 2.3 – 2.6 times in pectoral-fin length. Vertebrae 43 – 44
drainage; coll. M. Endruweit, 1 Feb. 2014. [44].
Cephalic lateralis system with single pores, without
Diagnosis. Channa shingon is distinguished from other satellite openings. Lateral line with 44 – 45 [45] scales,
members of the C. gachua-complex (Britz, 2008) by dropping one scale row after scale 10 – 13. Transverse
having a lateral head length 27 – 30 % SL; interorbital scales to dorsal-fin origin 4 – 5 [4], to anal-fin origin 8 – 9
width 33 – 35 % HL; 25 – 27 [26] anal-fin rays; 44 – 45 [8]. Predorsal scales 13 – 15 [14]. Circumpeduncular
[45] lateral-line scales; 4 – 5 [4] transverse scales to dor- scales 24 – 26 [24]. Cheek scales 7. Mandibular scales
sal-fin origin and 8 – 9 [8] to anal-fin origin; 1 mandibu- 1. Gular scales absent. Largest known size 99.3 mm SL,
lar scale, 43 – 44 [44] vertebrae; inferomesial process of 122 mm TL (KIZ 2014005979).

Endruweit, M.: A new dwarf snakehead from Yunnan

a b

Fig. 3. Channa shingon, KIZ 2014005979, 99.3 mm SL, paratype; ipp, inferomesial process of parasphenoid: a, upper jaw and supra­
branchial chamber; b, lower jaw. Scale bar = 2 mm

a b
Fig. 4. Pectoral-fin pattern: a, Channa shingon, KIZ 2014005997, 59.7 mm SL; Yingjiang; Dayingjiang River; b, C. harcourtbutleri, EPC
4843, 127.0 mm SL; Zhenkang; Nandinghe River.

region uniformly gray. Dorsal and anal fin uniformly

a gray with a cream edge in adults, light gray with irreg-
ular dark gray spots in juveniles. Caudal fin gray, with
10 – 15 irregular rows of faint, dark brown spots, edge
cream. Pelvic fin cream turning gray distally, edge cream.
Pectoral fin with a broad black basal band followed by
3 – 4 gray to black transverse bands, bands increasing in
b width towards distal edge; interspaces cream to white,
narrower to equally wide as bands.

Distribution. Known from the Irrawaddy and Salween

Fig. 5. Inferomesial process of parasphenoid; lateral view, arrow drainages in Dehong and Lincang prefectures, Yunnan,
points towards head: a, Channa shingon, KIZ 2014005979, 99.3 China; expected to occur in the same drainages in Myan­
mm SL, paratype; b, C. harcourtbutleri, EPC 4599, 106.0 mm SL; mar.
Cangyuan; Nangunhe River.
Ecology. Channa shingon prefers weedy, stagnant water
sections of small mountainous rivulets. These rivulets are
Coloration in alcohol. Head and body gray, gradually often redirected to irrigate rice paddies. At the type local-
turning darker on dorsum; lower side of head and ab- ity, the ankle-deep water was clear, with a pH of 5.9, a
domen cream. Mandible cream-whitish marbled. Gular conductivity of 20 µS/cm, and a temperature of 12 ºC in


the afternoon. The lower reaches of these rivulets, short- Table 1. Morphometrics of Channa shingon, n = 7; SD, standard
ly before the influx into a larger stream are usually also deviation.
inhabited by Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and juveniles
of C. harcourtbutleri. Another habitat of C. shingon, the   holotype median range SD

Mengnaihe River upstream of Xima at an elevation of SL in mm 89.7 68.6 – 99.3

In percent of SL
1730 m, had a water temperature of just 8 ºC in the morn-
Lateral head length 28.5 28.5 27.1 – 29.7 1.0
ing (pH 6.7; 20 µS/cm); some backwaters had a thin layer
Predorsal length 35.9 35.2 33.2 – 36.4 1.1
of ice after a chilly night. Vast areas of C. shingon’s habi-
Prepelvic length 33.6 33.7 33.1 – 34.8 0.6
tats are ephemeral and desiccate during droughts.
Preanal length 51.7 50.2 49.2 – 52.0 1.2
Pre-anus length 50.2 48.5 46.6 – 50.4 1.4
Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from a char-
Head depth (at eye) 9.5 9.6 8.8 – 10.1 0.5
acter in Burmese spiritualism. Shingon, also referred to
Head depth (at nape) 13.4 13.4 12.5 – 13.7 0.4
as Lady Humpback, is one of the 37 officially recognized
Body depth (at anal-fin origin) 16.1 15.3 14.1 – 16.1 0.7
spirits (nats) in Myanmar; an allusion to the species’ Caudal-peduncle depth 9.9 10.3 9.9 – 11.2 0.4
humpbacked appearance; a noun in apposition. Caudal-peduncle length 7.1 6.9 5.7 – 8.6 0.9
Head width (at eyes) 12.7 13.7 12.7 – 14.2 0.6
Maximum head width 19.5 19.7 18.9 – 20.4 0.5
Body width (at dorsal-fin origin) 14.9 15.2 14.6 – 16.0 0.5
Discussion Body width (at anal-fin origin) 10.6 12.1 10.6 – 13.8 1.1
Eye diameter 4.5 4.1 3.7 – 4.6 0.3
Interorbital width 9.8 9.7 9.3 – 9.9 0.2
Channa shingon possesses alternating dark and light Length of dorsal-fin base 60.8 61.4 59.4 – 62.8 1.2
transverse bands on the pectoral fin and is therefore as- Length of anal-fin base 41.2 42.5 40.9 – 43.6 1.1
signed to the C. gachua-species complex as defined by Gape width (at rictus) 10.9 11.9 10.9 – 12.5 0.6
Britz (2008). It may be allocated in a subgroup composed Gape length 11.3 11.5 11.1 – 12.3 0.4
of C. burmanica and C. orientalis sharing a miniature In percent of HL
size of less than 100 mm SL (Bloch & Schneider, 1801; Snout length 23.0 22.8 19.6 – 25.4 2.4
Chaudhuri, 1919). Although elsewhere otherwise stated Postorbital length 65.2 65.7 64.4 – 66.8 0.8
(Courtenay & Williams, 2004), C. burmanica seem to be Eye diameter 15.6 14.5 13.2 – 16.1 1.1
of very small size not exceeding a TL of about 120 mm. Interorbital width 34.4 34.0 33.2 – 35.1 0.7
Both, C. burmanica and C. orientalis lack pelvic fins (vs. Head depth (at eye) 33.2 33.5 31.6 – 36.9 1.7
present in C. shingon). Channa shingon differs from both Head depth (at nape) 46.9 46.9 43.6 – 50.8 2.3
in having 25 – 27 anal-fin rays (vs. 28 in C. burmanica; Ratios
20 – 22 in C. orientalis); 44 – 45 lateral line scales (vs. 48; Pectoral-fin length/pelvic-fin length 2.3 2.4 2.3 – 2.6 0.1
36 – 42). Besides, juveniles and females of C. orientalis Gape length/width 1.0 1.0 0.9 – 1.0 0.1

possess an ocellus on the posterior part of the dorsal fin

(vs. absent in C. shingon); and radiographs of C. bur-
manica show 47 vertebrae (vs. 43 – 44 in C. shingon).
Channa shingon often coexists with C. harcourtbut- noidal inferomesial process is very shallow and straight
leri. It is easily distinguishable from the latter by having (vs. deep and distinctively pointed in C. harcourtbutleri;
a pectoral-fin pattern of 3 – 4 broad gray to black bands, Fig. 5).
their width gradually increasing distally, with cream to Channa shingon differs noticeably in morphometrics
white interspaces, narrower or equally wide as bands (vs. and meristics from C. gachua in having 25 – 27 anal-fin
5 – 7 faint, thin, gray bands, all approximately equally rays (vs. 22 – 23 in C. gachua); lateral head length 27 –
wide, and gray-brown interspaces, conspicuously wider 30 % SL (vs. 32 – 34); preanal length 49 – 52 % SL (vs.
than bands; Fig. 4); a conspicuously bulging predorsal 53 – 57); length of anal-fin base 41 – 44 % SL (vs. 37 – 40);
profile giving the specimen a humpbacked appearance head depth at nape 13 – 14 % SL (vs. 14 – 17 % SL); and
(vs. predorsal profile usually straight in equally sized postorbital length 18 – 19 % SL (vs. 22 – 24). The ocellus
specimens); and a significantly shorter maximum stand- in the posterior part of the dorsal fin reported from juve-
ard length of about 100 mm (vs. about 200 mm). Further nile C. gachua is absent in C. shingon (Hamilton, 1822;
meristic and morphometric differences are 25 – 27 anal- Ng et al., 1999; Vishwanath & Geetakumari, 2009).
fin rays in C. shingon (vs. 23 – 25 in C. harcourtbutleri); With a maximum SL of about 100 mm C. shingon
modally 4 transverse scales to dorsal-fin origin and 8 marks the smallest species among pelvic-fin bearing spe-
to anal-fin origin (vs. 5 and 9); 1 mandibular scale (vs. cies of the C. gachua-complex. Aside from its miniature
2 – 3); lateral head length 27 – 30 % SL (vs. 31 – 37); and size C. shingon is easily distinguished from C. auran-
interorbital width 33 – 35 % HL (vs. 28 – 31). The su- timaculata, C. barca and C. melanostigma in having
prabranchial chamber is simple in C. shingon. Bulging 25 – 27 anal-fin rays (vs. 28 – 30 in C. aurantimaculata;
or cavernous structures to increase the chamber’s surface 33 – 34 in C. barca; 24 – 25 in C. melanostigma); 44 – 45
and thereby its efficiency are absent, and the parasphe- lateral-line scales (vs. 51 – 54; 62 – 62; 46 – 47) and 43 –

Endruweit, M.: A new dwarf snakehead from Yunnan

44 vertebrae (vs. 51; 56; 50 – 51). It is distinct from a Acknowledgements

group of species within the C. gachua-complex sharing
black spots along the flanks, namely C. ornatipinnis,
The author is indebted to the Jingpo people of Erganya village
C. pardalis, C. pulchra and C. stewartii, in lacking these supporting the collection of ichthyological samples. In particular,
spots and in having modally 4 scale rows between lateral Ziying Sha guided and helped in many instances to obtain the type
line and dorsal-fin origin (vs. 5 in all species of the com- series of Channa shingon. In fact, his knowledge of the flora and
parison group) and 25 – 27 anal-fin rays (vs. 24 – 25 in fauna of the Tongbiguan area is impressive, and it was he who
C. ornatipinnis; 23 – 25 in C. pardalis; 23 – 24 in C. pul- pointed the author to the occurrence of a second snakehead species
living in the irrigation ditches and flooded pastures. Junxing Yang,
chra). Further meristic differences to C. stewartii are Lina Du and Kunfeng Yang deserve acknowledgement for their
35 – 37 dorsal-fin rays in C. shingon (vs. 39 – 41); 44 – 45 persistent advice and support, and Richard Greene (Smithsonian,
lateral line scales (vs. 48 – 49) and 43 – 44 vertebrae (vs. Washington) for the supply of hard-to-obtain literature. The author
47 – 48). was funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (GJHZ201317)
within the scope of an international biodiversity assessment of
Southeast Asia and by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (31372182).
Comparative material
Channa burmanica: KIZ 2014005917, 1 specimen, 80.4 mm SL;
Putao, Kachin, Myanmar; coll. X.Y. Chen & T. Qin, 24 Nov. 2014. References
Channa gachua: KIZ 2006012617, 622 – 629, 9, 96.4 – 191.1 mm
SL; Dibrugarh, Assam, India; Brahmaputra, coll. D.X. Feng, 28
Oct. 2006. Channa harcourtbutleri: EPC 3757 – 61, 4321 – 48; 32, Bloch, M.E. & Schneider, J.G. (1801): M. E. Blochii, Systema
42.5 – 148.5 mm SL; Tongbiguan, Yingjiang, Dehong, Yunnan, Ichthyologiae Iconibus cx Ilustratum. Post obitum aucto-
China; Jieyanghe River, Irrawaddy; coll. M. Endruweit & Z.Y. Sha, ris opus inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit Jo. Gottlob
28 Jan. 2014. EPC 4840 – 54, 15, 39.8 – 143.5 mm SL; Zhenkang, Schneider, Saxo. Berolini. Sumtibus Auctoris Impressum et Bi­
Lincang, Yunnan, China; Mengduihe River, Salween; coll. M. blio­polio Sanderiano Commissum, 584 p.
Endruweit & T. Qin, 21 Aug. 2014. EPC 4562 – 65, 4599 – 4601, Britz, R. (2008): Channa ornatipinnis and C. pulchra, two new
7, 52.0 – 134.0 mm SL; Banlao, Cangyuan, Lincang, Yunnan, species of dwarf snakeheads from Myanmar (Teleostei:
China; Nangunhe River, Salween; coll. M. Endruweit & T. Qin, Channidae). – Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 18:
23 Aug. 2014. EPC 4913 – 22, 4937 – 53, 27, 37.2 – 124.6 mm SL; 335 – 344.
Tongbiguan, Yingjiang, Dehong, Yunnan, China; Jieyanghe River, Chaudhuri, B.L. (1919): Report on a small collection of fish from
Irrawaddy; coll. M. Endruweit, T. Qin & Z.Y. Sha, 19 Aug. 2014. Putao (Hkamti Long) on the northern frontier of Burma. –
KIZ FDX20070839 – 844, 6, 80.7 – 169.0 mm SL; Putao, Kachin, Records of the Indian Museum, 16: 271 – 287.
Myanmar; Ziya River, Irrawaddy; coll. D.X. Feng, 18 March Courtenay, W.R. & Williams, J.D. (2004): Snakeheads (Pisces,
2007. KIZ 1976001139 – 1140, 2, 116.3 – 134.2 mm SL; Mangshi, Channidae). A Biological Synopsis and Risk Assessment.
Dehong, Yunnan, China; Longchuanjiang River, Irrawaddy; coll. United States Geological Survey circular 1251, Denver, 143 p.
1976. KIZ 1983001627 – 1630, 4, 83.7 – 106.2 mm SL; Longchuan, Geetakumari, K. & Vishwanath, W. (2011): Channa melanostigma,
Dehong, Yunnan, China; Longchuanjiang River, Irrawaddy; coll. a new species of freshwater snakehead from north-east In­
1983. KIZ 1987005079 – 5080, 2, 110.4 – 134.5 mm SL; Ruili, dia (Teleostei: Channidae). – Journal of the Bombay Natural
Dehong, Yunnan, China; Longchuanjiang River, Irrawaddy; coll. History Society, 107: 231 – 235.
1987. KIZ 2002002381 – 2382, 2, 129.5 – 138.4 mm SL; Daxue Mt., Hamilton, F. (1822): An account of the fishes found in the river
Yongde, Lincang, Yunnan, China; Nandinghe River, Salween; coll. Ganges and its branches. Edinburgh, London, 405 p.
G.H. Cui & X.Y. Chen, 18 June 2002. KIZ 2002002995 – 3000, Hubbs, C.L. & Lagler K.F. (1947): Fishes of the Great Lakes re-
6, 108.0 – 148.3 mm SL; Daxue Mt., Yongde, Lincang, Yunnan, gion. – Cranbrook Institute of Science Bulletin, 26: 1 – 186.
China; Ganahe River, Salween; coll. G.H. Cui & X.Y. Chen, 18 Knight, J.D.M. (2016): Channa pardalis, a new species of snake-
June 2002. KIZ 2002003196, 1, 111.0 mm SL; Yongkang, Yongde, head (Teleostei: Channidae) from Meghalaya, northeastern
Lincang, Yunnan, China; Nanqiaohe River, Salween; coll. G.H. India. – Journal of Threatened Taxa, 8: 8583 – 8589.
Cui & X.Y. Chen, 20 June 2002. KIZ 2006004293 – 4295, 3, Ng, H.H., Ng, P.K.L. & Britz, R. (1999): Channa harcourtbutleri
80.8 – 104.2 mm SL; Longdao, Ruili, Dehong, Yunnan, China; (Annandale, 1918): a valid species of snakehead (Perciformes:
Nanwanhe; coll. X.Y. Chen & Y.E. Jiang, 15 Nov. 2006. KIZ Channidae) from Myanmar. – Journal of South Asian Natural
2006012348, 1, 177.0 mm SL; Wuhe, Tengchong, Baoshan, History, 4: 57 – 63.
Yunnan, China; Longchuanjiang River, Irrawaddy; coll. X.Y. Chen Vishwanath, W. & Geetakumari, K. (2009): Diagnosis and inter-
et al., 18 April 2006. KIZ 2006012351 – 12352, 2, 54.7 – 131.0 mm relationships of fishes of the genus Channa Scopoli (Teleostei:
SL; Tengchong, Baoshan, Yunnan, China; Longchuanjiang River, Channidae) of northeastern India. – Journal of Threatened
Irrawaddy; coll. X.Y. Chen et al., 23 April 2006. KIZ 2006012356, Taxa, 1: 97 – 105.
1, 90.2 mm SL; Bawan, Baoshan, Yunnan, China; Salween; Zhang, C.G. & Zhao, Y.H. (Eds.) (2016): Species Diversity and
coll. X.Y. Chen et al., 5 May 2006. KIZ 2007004070 – 4082, Distribution of Inland Fishes in China. – Science Press, Bei­
12, 113.0 – 194.0 mm SL; Huli, Kunlong, Shan State, Myanmar; jing, 284 p. [in Chinese]
Nandinghe River, Sal­ween; coll. D.X. Feng, 28 Nov. 2007. KIZ
2013001298 – 1299, 2, 79.1 – 90.6 mm SL; Tongbiguan, Yingjiang,
Dehong, Yunnan, China; Jieyanghe River, Irrawaddy; coll. S.W.
Liu, 10 June 2013. KIZ 2014000030 – 32, 3, 80.0 – 111.3 mm
SL; Longchuan, Dehong, Yunnan, China; Longchuanjiang River,
Irrawaddy; coll. M. Endruweit, 6 Feb. 2014. Channa stewartii:
KIZ 2006012613 – 12616, 12630-12635, 10, 114.3 – 224 mm SL;
Dibrugarh, Assam, India; Brahmaputra, coll. D.X. Feng, 28 Oct.


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