Taurus Man and Capricorn Woman

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Learn All About How A Capricorn Woman And a
Taurus Man Really Match...
Are you a Capricorn woman looking to snatch a Taurus man's heart
away? Yes, there is a way to make him fall head over heels in love
with you, and it's simpler than you think. Boost your astrological
compatibility and have him see you as "The One". Here's how the
two of you work together and how you can "click" like destiny.

You would think this would be a match for the ages -

and oh, it can be.

With both partners being incredibly realistic and quite well grounded,
the Taurus man finds that he rather enjoys the Capricorn woman’s
pragmatic nature.

Right up until she comes completely unglued because she’s bored.

Or wants him to help clean the house.
Or Taurus just won’t get up and go- and she has no idea where the
relationship is actually heading.

If you’re a Capricorn woman, and you’re looking for information on

your Taurus man, you have come to the right place. However, with this
Earth Sign, Earth sign pairing, you may need to do just a little bit of

You, as a Capricorn, are most definitely one of the most pragmatic,

intellectual and grounded of the signs. That comes through to a
certain degree- but, when it comes to how you feel and what you
need: you may often notice...oddly, you don’t seem to be very
Capricorn at all!

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Here is where the homework comes in, because if you want to
effectively convey what you need and want to your Taurus man- you
need to figure that out, first, otherwise: he’s just going to think you’re
that “cool chick” who doesn’t need or want for very much in terms of

Don’t get me wrong, he is likely deeply romantic- but, from you, he

almost breathes and audible sigh of relief. Because the two of you
have a fantastic level of common sense and you’re both very
materially oriented: he may believe that all is well when in fact...all is
not well, is it?

Let’s Talk About The Moon Sign of a Capricorn


The Moon is a very fast moving luminary- and it plays a big role in our
relationships because your Moon sign is how you emote- how you
feel, what you need emotionally, and so on. To find out your Moon
sign, you’ll need a copy of your natal chart. To understand what a big
difference it makes- think about your friends.

Do you have friends who have the same sign but are like night and
day? The Moon sign may have a role in this. Your natal chart is
actually a complex picture of you- and it contains a wealth of
information beyond your Sun sign! Because the Moon moves through
the signs about every 2 or 3 days, you’ll find that you can in fact, be
remarkably different from even another Capricorn woman born in the
same month!

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If you happen to know your Moon sign- here’s a quick
run down of what that means, sign by sign:

● Aries- craves challenges, risk taking, attention seeking, wants to

be put first in all things.
● Taurus- loves beautiful things, craves stability, materially
minded, has to feel that the relationship has long term potential
● Gemini- very chatty and needs to be in touch constantly, loves
meeting people and flirtatious
● Cancer- must feel safe, loves family and building a home,
requires a lot of emotional reassurance, needs safety, very
● Leo- loves all things glamorous, craves attention and will be very
adept at getting it, strong leader- needs to be in a position of
authority, loves attention and affection, playful.
● Virgo- Wants things to be organized, needs to feel useful,
desires constant mental gymnastics and problem solving, can be
a bit of a worry-wart
● Libra- loves beauty, needs things to be on equal footing, averse
to conflict, loves fine clothing, art and food, needs to feel as
though things are fair
● Scorpio- often withdrawn, very sexual, needs to feel in control,
intense, craves privacy and isolation at times, has difficulty
trusting others
● Sagittarius- loves the thrill of taking risks, adventurous, needs to
feel stimulated, open minded and loves travel, and variety
● Capricorn- has to feel as though they are building something
long term and likes to be in control, can be very introverted and a
bit down from time to time, seems emotionally distant, but is
actually very intense, loyal

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● Aquarius- wants to feel partner is their best friend, loves like
minds and is a bit rebellious, needs freedom to express
themselves and craves the ability to make a difference
● Pisces- highly compassionate, may be a little escapist, very
creative, needs security yet adores fantasy, hard to get to know,
very sensual, often spiritual

Once you know your Moon sign, you can certainly see how, perhaps:
you may be a Capricorn woman- but you often don’t “feel” like one.

Do remember, this may also hold true of his Moon sign- it just tends to
not be such a remarkable difference and may perhaps be more subtly
expressed. If you would like to find out BOTH of your Moon signs and
so much more: pop on over and order one of my Full Compatibility

These comprehensive reports will detail every little thing about your
charts, your challenges, your strengths and more.

Copyright 2018 TaurusManSecrets.com

The Capricorn Woman and Her Taurus Man

The truth is, the two of you have one of the more harmonious
relationships among zodiac signs- though he may drive you a little
crazy and he may think you’re a bit on the sanctimonious side.

You are very ambitious, hardworking and tend to be a bit more serious
than he is- the image you often project without trying is that of
someone who is very self-sufficient, strong, and often, aloof: though
you know deep down, you would love to be able to rely on someone
and you are anything but aloof!

He, too, can seem to be this very strong, very practical man. Except,
he’s got this gluttonous streak that goes through everything he does-
and that can be a bit mind boggling for you on several levels. You see,
for him, comfortable often means familiar. Even when whatever it is
he’s familiar with is a crummy situation: he’ll often be very, very slow to
change it.

You’d think that wouldn’t hold true for a great

relationship in the making- but, you’d be wrong.

I know that for you, it gets tiresome always being the one in charge.
Always the one to make the moves, always the one getting things set
up. No doubt, in your life there are a lot of people who rely upon you:
even on emotional levels.

You’d love to be able to have someone to take care of you for a

change, to make those moves and you kind of thought that’d be this
Taurus man. Except...now he isn’t. As a matter of fact, he may have
pulled away entirely!

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Why is he NEVER on time? And other questions you
may have about the Taurus Man

From the outset, to a Capricorn woman, the Taurus man looks like a
considerable catch- the kind of guy she’s been waiting for. And in the
early days, he may well lay it on thick which...you might not be used to
at all. He may court you, he may not- this one depends a great deal on
how you’ve presented yourself. The key here is, do not let him get into
the habit of thinking you are low maintenance!

I know, I know- you can take care of yourself but you know that you
don’t always want to have to do that. Is it really worth being able to
smugly talk about how you’re not like the other women? Because, I’m
here to tell you- it isn’t. He’ll find out as time goes on you’re not but
when it comes to romance and other love related things: the last thing
in the world you want to do is to approach this with pragmatism and

Be the queen you’re meant to be, Capricorn. He will be the most loyal
of your subjects and certainly be your King: but he has to know that’s
what you want and if you lean in too much on the idea of being low-
key in terms of romance, you’ll find yourself wanting. Bored. It

You need to realize, you will not change him. He won’t change you,
either. But oh, you’ll both sure give it the ol’ college try at first and that
can cause a lot of heartache and conflict.

Instead, recognize that often, these differences you have can be very
complimentary if you allow them to be: and help you both learn a great
deal about yourselves as well as bringing you closer rather than
tearing you apart!

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In any relationship, no matter how healthy and wonderful- there are
bound to be arguments or disagreements. When you have a strong
personality- such as you, a Capricorn woman have, and another
strong personality- which the Taurus man has: it can be pretty tense at
times but it doesn’t have to be. Understanding first off- that these
things happen and it doesn’t mean the relationship is bad or over is

In the healthiest relationship, you’ll find that mutual choices matter.
You’ve got to be careful with that line between making an actual
compromise and simply tolerating bad behavior- but, once you have
made a real compromise, they’re easy to recognize.

Whenever it’s a real compromise and not just one partner “giving in” to
the other- you should feel a sense of relief, rather than a grumbling
sort of acceptance. 

Watch that sharp tongue, Capricorn!

Before we get into what you can do about the problem, let’s take a
look at one of the most common issues between a Capricorn woman
and a Taurus man: how you two deal with conflict.

You may have noticed, whereas you want to solve the problem: he
seems to want to avoid it. This is because though Taurus is no slouch
when it comes to standing up for himself- he doesn’t particularly care
for confrontational situations. What do you do then, if you need to talk
to him about an important issue?

Taurus men aren’t stupid. They like to keep things simple, but, that
doesn’t mean they lack intelligence- on the contrary, they’re usually

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very smart. Smart enough that to avoid conflict, they will often resort to
passive aggressive behavior that may make you crazy!

The first step, is knowing how to talk to him about the things that
bother you. Neither one of you is particularly flexible, that’s for sure!
However, there are ways that you can engage in a healthy
conversation with your Taurus man that gets the job done- maybe. I’ll
get to that maybe in a minute.

Copyright 2018 TaurusManSecrets.com

Here are the 5 Top Ways To Talk About a Problem
With a Taurus Man

1. Own your own feelings and choices. Hold him to owning his.
In many cases, because you are a Cardinal sign and he is a
Fixed sign: you may find you make a lot of the decisions which
means, ultimately, that’s your responsibility. That doesn’t mean
you have to do it alone, mind- if you calmly explain why it is you
are doing something, though, your Taurus man may be your
biggest supporter. On that same note, you have to acknowledge
that your feelings are a reaction to his behavior: but, your
feelings are YOUR feelings. Using statements like “You being
late all the time makes me so mad!” isn’t going to do the trick
here. Instead, own your anger- take a step back to cool down,
and then, explain to him how being late impacts your plans.

2. Respect his valid input. Now, I am making a distinction for valid

here, as there are a few things he may try that are not conducive
and certainly not valid. But, when you’re talking to him about the
things that bother you- listening to him when he explains why
he’s done something or didn’t do it may help him to open up. Of
course, there are certain things you don’t need to put up with-
we’ll get to that shortly. Feeling heard, feeling understood will
make him more open to your constructive criticism and more
likely to change the behavior.

3. Just the facts, ma’am. Stick to one issue and stick to factual
elements about it. If you dogpile him with twenty different things
that have been eating at you, you’re just going to have a big fight
to nowheresville.

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4. Don’t avoid your problems and don’t put off talking about
them. You as a Capricorn woman have this tendency to bottle
your feelings up- little things pile on top of each other to become
big resentment: which doesn’t do any good and can make your
temper explode. Instead of silently seething and expecting him to
just...stop whatever it is, or do whatever it is: address it calmly
and right away.

5. Follow up with him about it later on. This holds particularly

true if you two talked and worked it out- and you saw results. Let
him know how much you appreciate it, and encourage him to
continue discussing things with you in the future. This is also a
good way to prevent yourself from sitting on unresolved issues
until you lose your cool.

But... what if he doesn’t respond very well to this?

The most common Taurus male reaction to confrontation, no matter

how polite you are: is to shut down or distance himself. Do not be
afraid of this and do not take it as necessarily a bad thing.

Whatever you do - don’t keep after him to be in touch or he’ll retreat

even further!

He may try to deflect or out right deny there’s an issue at all- and in
this case, this frustrating behavior can be avoided simply in the way
you address the issue. Sometimes, if you approach your issues with
him the wrong way, he will be critical.

He may even become so defensive that he makes really insulting

statements or otherwise, just balks about the whole thing.

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A lot of these criticisms are deflections- this is what happens when you
bring a problem to someone’s attention and they bring up one of
theirs. Usually, with a Taurus man- this will be the first you’re hearing

Compromise Builds Trust- Except When it Doesn’t

You probably know and have heard repeatedly that compromise helps
in keeping conflict out of your relationship or, at the very least, to a

Now, neither of your signs is particularly keen on that- the middle

ground really isn’t a favorite for either of you. This, however, does
have certain exceptions: you don’t hear this very often, but,
sometimes compromise just isn’t the answer. 

So, how do you know when you should compromise and when you

For instance, if you and your Taurus man are supposed to go out
tonight at 8, but, he calls you and says that he’s had something come
up, can you go out around 10 instead? Perhaps you have to work the
next day, so you ask if it would be possible to go out the next day and
he says he already has something going on.

So, you two decide together to go out to lunch instead. That, would be
an example where compromise is completely understandable and

But, when this is something of a long running problem or involves bad
behavior on one partner or both partner’s parts: here we get into
where it’s a little more complicated. If he’s stood you up several times
or somehow always has an excuse for not going out, you may be less

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likely to want to compromise and rightfully so! 

Now, on the surface, some might say you are a bit rigid to not want to
change the time- but, if they knew the whole story...they might not be
so inclined to think so. As a Capricorn woman, you may have been
dealing with this issue with your Taurus man for some time and it’s
important to recognize where something IS in fact, a long standing
problem and when it’s not. 

If you notice that this is something he does all the time, or it involves
things that are important to you, or, if there is a lot of resentment
around whatever the issue is: then, no. Compromise may not be the
best way to resolve this- but what is? 

When things happen between the two of you, when conflict arises, you
may realize that you need to talk to him- and get him to respond! 

The problem is, all too often we don’t know how to talk to each other in
such a way that our partners hear: and they aren’t that great at it,
either! With a Capricorn woman and a Taurus man- this holds
particularly true.

Though you both prefer a simple, direct approach, at times- you can
come across as being much more aggressive and possibly even
confrontational than he does. You might note he is a little bit passive
aggressive about addressing any problems HE may have- which can
be infuriating to you! 

There are two approaches to this- you can either blame him or you
can just get into the problem. What usually ends up happening in
relationships, on both sides: we blame each other rather than ever get
to the problem. 

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It’s fairly normal when we’re angry with one another to point out that
the behavior itself is what has made us mad, to focus on that, and it
makes sense: you think that if you let him know that you’re upset by it
and what went wrong, he’ll change the behavior- but that doesn’t
happen very often. 

You will find with your Taurus man that it’s often easier for him to
actually get his head around things if you stick to how you feel about it
but do so calmly. This takes him off of the defensive and helps him
feel a little more open to what you have to say, as a result. 

For example: 

Instead of saying something like, “Can’t you ever be on time?! This
makes me so mad!” which might seem like you’re telling him a...sort of
“I feel” statement: it’s not. This puts him on the defensive and he may
push back rather than see the problem. 

Avoiding blame entirely is your best bet. Pull the focus off of him, and
rather, more on your feelings about what he’s done, “I feel like I’m not
important to you when you are late.” Owns your feelings but it also
doesn’t put him on the defensive as badly. 

Copyright 2018 TaurusManSecrets.com

Who am I and how can I help you with your Taurus

I am Anna Kovach and I have helped many, many women just like
you, navigate their Taurus man’s mind using one powerful, ancient
tool. You might not know this, but using astrology can not only help
you better relate to your partner, but may answer some questions for
you that you have yet to even ask!

If you’d like a peek into what’s going on in his mind and heart, you
need to check out my book series, Taurus Man Secrets right now. This
comprehensive expose will help you to better know your Taurus-
plenty of information, all in one place!

If you want to take it a step further, though, there IS more we can do.
Remember above when I was talking about Moon signs? Well, you
can know not only his Moon sign, but his Venus and Mars- which will
tell you about love, sex and motivation, his Mercury, which will tell you
how he communicates- and how you might better communicate with
him: and actually the list goes on and on! 

I truly you hope enjoy this little peak into what's going on in a
Taurus man's mind, heart and soul.

Thousands of women have taken their love to the next level

thanks to my advice. It's your turn now. You are here for a
reason. This is no accident.

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

Copyright 2018 TaurusManSecrets.com

P.S. Don't forget, your order of Taurus Man Secrets is 100%-risk
free and is protected by my 60-day, no questions asked money-
back guarantee. So you having nothing to lose to give this a try and
see it work for you. I'll see you soon on the other side.

See you inside!

Copyright 2018 TaurusManSecrets.com

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