Correlation Between Level of Anxiety and Public Speaking Performance Through Systematic Learning Approach in Foreign Language
Correlation Between Level of Anxiety and Public Speaking Performance Through Systematic Learning Approach in Foreign Language
Correlation Between Level of Anxiety and Public Speaking Performance Through Systematic Learning Approach in Foreign Language
Abstract: The learners experienced public speaking anxiety in their own learning, oral presentation, and delivering speech. Thus, this
study described the relationship between level of anxiety and public speaking performance. It was also the effort to know the role of
Systematic Learning in influencing Public Speaking Anxiety of students in Foreign Language. An approach called systematic learning
process was expected to give a big contribution to overcome the problems so that they can have good capacity to speak in public well.
The stage of process of systematic learning is presentation, application, and feedback. Moreover, the study focused within generalize-
context in speech and presenting. One hundred and thirty five participants were the samples for the study. This study applied mixed
method research. Recording video of the participants’ speech and presenting, observing and giving questionnaire were used to collect
the data. The data were analyzed through analysis called discourse analysis and SPSS 18. The result of the study showed that there was
significant negative correlation between level of anxiety and public speaking performance. It provided a result that although the
participant was in low level anxiety then it didn’t mean the participant then had a good public speaking, and vice versa. Next, the role of
the systematic learning to influence the public speaking was contributing toward the score of the public speaking performance which
the mean was 81 that was categorized good. This proved that the systematic learning approach provided good result for the participants’
public speaking performance.
Keywords: Level of Anxiety, Public Speaking Performance, Systematic Learning, Foreign Language, Speech, Presenting
Author Profile
Kamridah Habe is an English lecturer in Nautics of
Maritim Science College, Makassar, Indonesia. She
was born in Hulo, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi,
Indonesia on Januari 2nd, 1985. She got her bachelor
degree (S.Pd.I) in 2008 at Faculty of Teacher Training from
Alauddin State Islamic University in Makassar, Indonesia and her
magister degree (M.Pd.) in 2011 at Postgraduate Program in
Faculty of Language and Literature from State University of
Makassar, Indonesia. In 2013 up to present, she continued her
study to get her doctorate degree on Linguistics at Faculty of
Cultural Science at Hasanuddin University of Makassar, Indonesia.
This paper is a part of her dissertation entitled „Correlation between
Level of Anxiety and Public Speaking Performance through
Systematic Learning Approach in Foreign Language‟ which is
supervised by Prof. Dr. Abd. Hakim Yassi, Dipl. TESL., M.A
(promotor), Prof. Dr. H. Burhanuddin Arafah, M.Hum., Ph.D, and
Dra. Nasmilah Imran, M.Hum., Ph.D. (Co-promotors).