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Splunk Validated Architectures

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November 2018
Splunk Validated Architectures

Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
Document Structure ................................................................................................................ 2
Reasons to Use Splunk Validated Architectures ................................................................... 2
Pillars of Splunk Validated Architectures ............................................................................... 3
What to Expect from Splunk Validated Architectures ............................................................ 3
Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 4
Overview of the Splunk Validated Architectures Selection Process ..................................... 4
Step 1a: Define Your Requirements for Indexing and Search .............................................. 6
Step 2a: Choose a Topology for Indexing and Search ........................................................ 11
Step 1b: Define Your Requirements for Data Collection ..................................................... 22
Step 2b: Select Your Data Collection Components ............................................................. 26
Step 3: Apply Design Principles and Best Practices ........................................................... 38
Summary & Next Steps ...................................................................................................... 45
Next Steps ............................................................................................................................ 45
Appendix.............................................................................................................................. 46
Appendix "A": SVA Pillars Explained ................................................................................... 46
Appendix "B": Topology Components .................................................................................. 47

Splunk Validated Architectures (SVAs) are proven reference architectures for stable, efficient, and
repeatable Splunk deployments. Many of Splunk's existing customers have experienced rapid
adoption and expansion, leading to certain challenges as they attempt to scale. At the same time,
new Splunk customers are increasingly looking for guidelines and certified architectures to ensure
that their initial deployment is built on a solid foundation. SVAs have been developed to help our
customers with these growing needs.
Whether you are a new or existing Splunk customer, SVAs will help you build an environment that is
easier to maintain and simpler to troubleshoot. SVAs are designed to provide you with the best
possible results while minimizing your total cost of ownership. Additionally, your entire Splunk
foundation will be based on a repeatable architecture which will allow you to scale your deployment
as your needs evolve over time.
SVAs offer topology options that consider a wide array of organizational requirements, so you can
easily understand and find a topology that is right for your requirements. The Splunk Validated
Architectures selection process will help you match your specific requirements to the topology that
best meets your organization's needs. If you are new to Splunk, we recommend implementing a
Validated Architecture for your initial deployment. If you are an existing customer, we recommend
that you explore the option of aligning with a Validated Architecture topology. Unless you have
unique requirements that make it necessary to build a custom architecture, it is very likely that a
Validated Architecture will fulfill your requirements while remaining cost effective.
This whitepaper will provide you with an overview of SVAs. Within this whitepaper you will find the
resources you need to go through the SVA selection process, including the requirements
questionnaire, deployment topology diagrams, design principles, and general guidelines.
If you need assistance implementing a Splunk Validated Architecture, contact Splunk Professional
Services (https://www.splunk.com/en_us/support-and-services/splunk-services.html).

Splunk Validated Architectures

Document Structure
SVAs are broken into three major content areas:
1. Indexing and Search Topologies
2. Data Collection Architecture components
3. Design Principles and Best Practices
Indexing and search covers the architecture tiers that provide the core indexing and search
capabilities of a Splunk deployment. The data collection component section guides you in choosing
the right data collection mechanism for your your requirements.
Design Principles and Best Practices apply to your architecture as a whole and will help you make
the correct choices when working out the details of your deployment.

Reasons to Use Splunk Validated Architectures

Implementing a Validated Architecture will empower you to design and deploy Splunk more
confidently. SVAs will help you solve some of the most common challenges that organizations face,
• Organizations want to see improvements in performance and stability.
• Organizations sometimes run into the pitfalls of custom-built deployments, especially when they
have grown too rapidly or organically. In such cases, unnecessary complexity may have been
introduced into the environment. This complexity can become a serious barrier when attempting
to scale.
• To derive the maximum benefits from the Splunk deployment, organizations must improve the
efficiency of operations and accelerate time to value.
• Organizations are seeking ways to reduce total cost of ownership (TCO), while fulfilling all of
their requirements.
• Organizations will need to adapt to change as they scale and grow.
• Optimization of the environment is often necessary in order to reduce maintenance efforts.
• Organizations must have the ability to scale efficiently and seamlessly.
• Stakeholders within the organization want the assurance that their Splunk deployment is built
on best practices.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Pillars of Splunk Validated Architectures

Splunk Validated Architectures are built on the following foundational pillars. For more information
on these design pillars, refer to Appendix "A" below.


The system is The system can The system is The system is The system is
continuously maintain an designed to scale designed to centrally operable
operational and optimal level of on all tiers, protect data, and manageable
able to recover service under allowing you to configurations, across all tiers.
from planned and varying usage handle and assets while
unplanned patterns. increased continuing to
outages or workloads deliver value.
disruptions. effectively .
These pillars are in direct support of the Platform Management & Support Service in the Splunk
Center Of Excellence model.

What to Expect from Splunk Validated Architectures

Please note that SVAs do not include deployment technologies or deployment sizing. The
reasoning for this is as follows:
• Deployment technologies, such as operating systems and server hardware, are considered
implementation choices in the context of SVAs. Different customers will have different choices,
so a generalization is not easily possible.
• Deployment sizing requires an evaluation of data ingest volume, data types, search volumes,
and search use cases, which tend to be very customer-specific and generally have no bearing
on the fundamental deployment architecture itself. Existing sizing tools can help with this
process once you have established your deployment architecture. Splunk Storage Sizing
(https://splunk-sizing.appspot.com/) is one of the available tools.

SVAs will provide: SVAs do not provide:

Clustered and non- Implementation choices (OS, baremetal vs. virtual vs. Cloud etc.).
clustered deployment
options. Deployment sizing.

Diagrams of the A prescriptive approval of your architecture. Note: SVAs provide

reference architecture. recommendations and guidelines, so you can ultimately make the right
decision for your organization.
Guidelines to help
you select the A topology suggestion for every possible deployment scenario. In
architecture that is right some cases, unique factors may require a custom architecture to be
for you developed. Splunk experts are available to help with any custom solutions
you need. If you are an existing customer, reach out to your Splunk
Tier-specific Account Team. If you are new to Splunk, you can reach us here
recommendations. (https://www.splunk.com/en_us/talk-to-sales.html).

Best practices for

building out your Splunk

Splunk Validated Architectures

Roles and Responsibilities

Splunk Validated Architectures are highly relevant to the concerns of decision makers and
administrators. Enterprise architects, consultants, Splunk administrators, and managed service
providers should all be involved in the SVA selection process. You will find a description of each of
these roles below:

Role Description
Enterprise Architects Responsible for architecting Splunk deployments to meet enterprise
Consultants Responsible for providing services for Splunk architecture, design, and
Splunk Engineers Responsible for managing the Splunk lifecycle.
Managed Service Entities that deploy and run Splunk as a service for customers.

Overview of the Splunk Validated Architectures Selection Process

The Splunk Validated Architectures selection process will help you identify the simplest and most
streamlined architecture that meets all of your organization's needs.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Steps in the Goals Considerations

Selection Process

Step 1: Define Define requirements. • Decision-makers, stakeholders, and

Requirements for: admins should collaborate to identify and
define your organization's requirements.
a) Indexing and
Search • If you already have a deployment in
b) Data Collection place, you can evaluate your current
Mechanism(s) architecture to see what it would take to
move to a validated model.
For a questionnaire that will help you define
your requirements, refer to Step 1 below.

Step 2: Choose a Choose a topology that • You'll choose a topology that best meets
Topology for: meets identified your requirements.
a) Indexing and • Keep things simple and in accordance
Search with the SVA, so you can appreciate the
b) each data easier path to scalability.
collection mechanism For diagrams and descriptions of topology
options, refer to Step 2 below.

Step 3: Apply Prioritize your design • Each design principle reinforces one or
Design Principles principles and review tier- more of the pillars of Splunk validated
and Best Practices specific implementation best architectures.
• You'll prioritize design principles in
accordance with the needs of your
• Tier-specific recommendations will guide
your topology implementation.
For a breakdown of design principles, refer
to Step 3 below.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Step 1a: Define Your Requirements for Indexing and Search

To select the appropriate deployment topology, you will need to do a deep dive into your
requirements. Once you have defined your requirements you will be able to choose the simplest,
most cost-effective way to deploy Splunk. Below you will find a questionnaire that will help you
define key requirements areas for the indexing and search tiers of your deployment.
The requirements questionnaire focuses on areas that will have a direct impact on your deployment
topology. Therefore, we highly recommend that you record your answers to the questions below
before choosing a topology in the next step.

Things to Keep Under Consideration

Review your use cases
As you define your requirements, you should think about the intended use cases for your Splunk
infrastructure. For example, the topology for a departmental DevOps use case is often simpler than
a mission-criticial use case (though not in all cases).
You should fully consider use cases involving:
• Search
• Availability
• Compliance requirements (this is especially important if you need to have 100% data fidelity
and availability at all times)
• Other use case scenarios specific to your organization
Depending on your use case scenarios, your deployment may need to provide additional
architectural characteristics.
Think about future growth
You will need to think about your immediate needs in order to define your requirements. However,
you should also consider future growth and scalability. Scaling your deployment may require
expenditures, additional staffing, or other resources you may want to start planning for today.

Topology Categories
The following is a key to SVA topology categories. These categories are used in the questionnaire
below. You will also find references to these categories in the next steps of the SVA selection

Indexing Tier Categories

Category Code Explanation

S Category "S" indicates the indexer of a single-server Splunk deployment
D Category "D" indicates the need for a distributed indexer tier with at least 2
C Category "C" indicates the need for a clustered indexer tier (data replication is
M Category "M" indicates the need for a clustered indexer tier with multiple sites

Splunk Validated Architectures

Search Tier Categories

Category Code Explanation

1 Category "1" indicates a single search head may meet the requirements
2 Category "2" indicates multiple search heads are required to meet requirement
3 Category "3" indicates a search head cluster is required to meet requirement
4 Category "4" indicates a search head cluster that spans multiple sites (a
"stretched" SHC) is required to meet requirement
+10 Category "+10" indicates a dedicated search head (cluster) is required to support
Enterprise Security App. Add 10 to the search tier topology category and
carefully read the description for the topology for specific requirements for this

Questionnaire 1: Defining Your Requirements for Index and Search

♦ See the key above for an explanation of topology category codes. If you answer "yes" to multiple
questions, use the topology category code for the highest numbered question.
# Question Considerations Impact on Topology Indexer Search
Tier Tier
Topology Topology
Category Category
♦ ♦

1 Is your expected daily Consider short-term Candidate for a single S 1

data ingest less than growth in the daily server deployment,
~300GB/day? ingest (~6-12 month) depending on answers
to availability-related

2 Do you require high If you are not Requires distributed D 1

availability for data planning on using deployment to support
collection/indexing? Splunk for monitoring continuous ingest
use cases that
require continuous
data ingest, a
interruption of the
inbound data flow
may be acceptable;
assuming no log data
is lost.

3 Assuming an available If your use case is Requires clustered C 1

Search Head to run a calculating indexers with a
search: Does your data performance metrics replication factor of at
need to be completely and general usage least two (2). Note:
searchable at all times, monitoring using While a replication
i.e. you cannot afford aggregate functions, factor of 2 provides
any impact to search for example, a single minimal protection
result completeness? indexer outage may against a single indexer
not materially affect node failure, the

Splunk Validated Architectures

# Question Considerations Impact on Topology Indexer Search

Tier Tier
Topology Topology
Category Category
♦ ♦

the calculation of recommended (and

statistics over a large default) replication
number of events. factor is 3.
If your use case is
security auditing and
threat detection, blind
spots in search
results are very likely

4 Do you operate Disaster recovery Continuous operation M 2

multiple data centers requirements may will require multi-site
and require automatic dictate continuous indexer clustering and
recovery of your operation out of two at least two active
Splunk environment in facilities search heads to ensure
case of a data center (active/active) or failover at both the data
outage? prescribe RTO/RPO ingest/indexing tier as
goals for manual well as the search tier.
disaster recovery

5 Assuming continuous, If Splunk is being Requires redundant D/C/M 3

lossless data ingest, used for continuous, search heads,
do you require HA for near-time monitoring, potentially search head
the user-facing search interruptions in the clustering
tier? search tier are likely
not tolerable. This
may or may not be
true for other use

6 Do you need to Requirements for May require a topology D/C/M 3

support a large number more than ~50 that uses a search head
of concurrent users concurrent cluster in the search tier
and/or a significant users/searches
scheduled search typically require
workload? horizontal scaling of
the search tier

7 In a multi-data center This will decide Requires a "stretched" M 4

environment, do you whether users will search head cluster
require user artifacts have a current and across sites with
(searches, dashboards consistent experience appropriate
and other knowledge in case of a site configuration.
objects) to be outage. Important: While a
synchronized between stretched SHC can
sites? improve search
availability for users
during a complete site
failure, it cannot be
guaranteed that all

Splunk Validated Architectures

# Question Considerations Impact on Topology Indexer Search

Tier Tier
Topology Topology
Category Category
♦ ♦

artifacts are replicated

across both sites at all
times. This may affect
specific applications
that rely on consistent
and current artifacts,
like the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security.
Search Head Clustering
alone cannot provide a
complete DR solution.
Other benefits for SHC
still apply.

8 Are you intending to Please ensure you ES requires a dedicated D/C/M +10
deploy the Splunk App read and understand Search Head
for Enterprise Security the specific limitations environment (either
(ES)? the Splunk App for standalone or
Enterprise Security is clustered).
subject to as
documented with
each topology.

9 Do you have a Some countries' Such regulations Custom Custom

geographically regulations do not prevent deployment of
distributed allow data generated a central Splunk
environment that is within the country to indexing tier and
subject to data custody leave systems in that require a custom
regulations? country. architecture to be
developed by
collaboration between
Splunk/Partner and the
customer that considers
the details of such a
deployment in depth. In
other words, there is no
SVA to meet this

10 Do you have highly Highly sensitive log Multiple, independent Custom Custom
restrictive security data may not be indexing environments
policies that prevent allowed to be co- are needed, potentially
co-location of specific located with lower- with a shared, hybrid
log data sources on risk datasets on the search tier. This is
shared same physical beyond the scope of
servers/indexers? system/within the SVAs and requires
same network zone custom architecture
based on corporate development.

Splunk Validated Architectures

How to Determine Your Topology Category Code

Based on your answers to the requirements questionnaire above, you will end up with a combined
topology category indicator that will allow you to identify the best topology for your needs.
Instructions and examples are provided below.
1. Write down the questions to which you answered "yes".
2. If you answered "yes" to multiple questions, follow the topology recommendation for the highest
numbered question. If you see multiple topology options (for example, "D/C/M"), look at the
previous questions to determine which option is best suited for you.
3. Your topology category code will begin with the letter representing the the indexer tier (for
example, "C" or "M"). This letter will be followed by the number representing the search tier (for
example, "1" or "13").
Example #1
Let's say you answered "yes" to questions #3, #5 and #8. You will will end up with a topology
category of "C13", indicating the need for a clustered indexing tier with two search head clusters.

Example #2
Now, let's say you answered "yes" only to question #1. You will end up with a topology category of
"S1", indicating a single-server Splunk deployment as your ideal topology.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Step 2a: Choose a Topology for Indexing and Search

Topologies are generally split into non-clustered and clustered deployments. Non-clustered
deployments require the least amount of distinct components and have excellent scalability
characteristics. Keep in mind that even though non-clustered deployments come with reduced
availability and disaster recovery features, this deployment option may still be a good choice for
your organization.
Remember: The primary goal of the SVA selection process is to allow you to build what you need
without introducing unnecessary components.
While you may choose to implement a topology that provides additional benefits beyond your
immediate needs, keep in mind that this will likely result in unnecessary costs. Moreover, the
introduction of additional complexity is often counter-productive to operational efficiency.
Important Note about topology diagrams
The icons in the topology diagrams represent functional Splunk roles and do not imply dedicated
infrastructure to run them. Please see the Appendix for guidance as to which Splunk roles can be
colocated on the same infrastructure/server.

Using Your Topology Category Code

Before selecting a topology option, it is highly recommended that you complete the requirements
questionnaire to determine your topology category code. If you have not yet done this, please go
back and complete the previous step above. Once you have your topology category code you will
be able to identify the deployment option that is the best fit for your stated requirements.

Non-clustered deployment options

Below you will find the following topology options:

Type of Deployment Topology Category Code(s)

Single Server Deployment S1

Distributed Non-Clustered Deployment D1 / D11

For an explanation of topology components, refer to Appendix "B" below.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Single Server Deployment (S1)

Description of the Single Server Deployment (S1) Limitations

This deployment topology provides you with a very cost-effective • No High Availability for
solution if your environment meets all of the following criteria: a) you do Search/Indexing
not have any requirements to provide high-availability or automatic
disaster recovery for your Splunk deployment, b) your daily data ingest
is under 300GB/day, and c) you have a small number of users with • Scalability limited by
non-critical search use cases. hardware capacity
This topology is typically used for smaller, non business-critical use- (straightforward
cases (often departmental in nature). Appropriate use cases include migration path to a
data onboarding test environments, small DevOps use cases, distributed deployment)
application test and integration environments, and similar scenarios.
The primary benefits of this topology include easy manageability, good
search performance for smaller data volumes, and a fixed TCO.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Distributed Non-Clustered Deployment (D1 / D11)

Description of the Distributed Non-Clustered Deployment (D1 / Limitations


You need to move to a distributed topology in either of the following • No High Availability for
situations: a) your daily data volume to be sent to Splunk exceeds Search Tier
the capacity of a single-server deployment, or b) you want/need to
provide highly available data ingest. Deploying multiple, • Limited High Availability
independent indexers will allow you to scale your indexing capacity for indexing tier, node
linearly and implicitly increase the availability for data ingest. failure may cause
incomplete search results
The TCO will increase in a predictable and linear fashion as you for historic searches
add indexer nodes. The recommended introduction of the
Monitoring Console (MC) component allows you to monitor the

Splunk Validated Architectures

Description of the Distributed Non-Clustered Deployment (D1 / Limitations


health and capacity of your distributed deployment. Additionally, the

MC provides a centralized alerting system so you will be notified of
unhealthy conditions in your deployment.
The search head(s) will need to be configured manually with the list
of available search peers every time new indexers are added. Note
for ES Customers: If your category code is D1 (i.e. you intend to
deploy the Splunk App for Enterprise Security), a single dedicated
search head is required to deploy the app (this is not pictured in the
topology diagram).
The collection tier needs to be configured with the list of target
indexers (via a deployment server) every time new indexers are
This deployment topology can scale linearly to over 1000 indexer
nodes and can thus support extremely high data ingest and search
Search performance can be maintained across large datasets
through parallel search execution across many indexers
While not specifically broken out as a separate topology, a search
head cluster can be used to increase search capacity on the search
tier (refer to the search tier in topology C3/C13).

Clustered deployment options

Below you will find the following topology options:

Type of Deployment Topology Category Code(s)

Distributed Clustered Deployment - Single Site C1 / C11

Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Single Site C3 / C13

Distributed Clustered Deployment - Multi-Site M2 / M12

Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Multi-Site M3 / M13

Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Multi-Site M4 / M14

For an explanation of topology components, see Appendix "B" below.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Distributed Clustered Deployment - Single Site (C1 / C11)

Description of Distributed Clustered Deployment - Single Site Limitations

(C1 / C11)

This topology introduces indexer clustering in conjunction with an • No High Availability for
appropriately configured data replication policy. This provides high- Search Tier
availability of data in case of indexer peer node failure. However, you
should be aware that this applies only to the indexing tier and does • Total number of unique
not protect against search head failure. buckets in indexer
cluster limited to 5MM
Note for ES customers: If your category code is C11 (i.e. you intend (V6.6+), 15MM total
to deploy the Splunk App for Enterprise Security), a single dedicated buckets

Splunk Validated Architectures

Description of Distributed Clustered Deployment - Single Site Limitations

(C1 / C11)

search head is required to deploy the app (this is not pictured in the • No automatic DR
topology diagram). capability in case of
data center outage
This topology requires an additional Splunk component named the
Cluster Master (CM). The CM is responsible for coordination and
enforcement of the configured data replication policy. The CM also
serves as the authoritative source for available cluster peers
(indexers). Search Head configuration is simplified by configuring the
CM instead of individual search peers.
You have the option of configuring the forwarding tier to discover
available indexers via the CM. This simplifies the management of the
forwarding tier.
Be aware that data is replicated within the cluster in a non-
deterministic way. You will not have control over where requested
copies of each event are stored. Additionally, while scalability is
linear, there are limitations with respect to total cluster size (~50PB of
searchable data under ideal conditions).
We recommend deployment of the Monitoring Console (MC) to
monitor the health of your Splunk environment.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Single Site (C3 / C13)

Description of Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Single Limitations

Site (C3 / C13)

This topology adds horizontal scalability and removes the single point of • No DR capability in
failure from the search tier. A minimum of three search heads are case of data center
required to implement a SHC. outage
To manage the SHC configuration, an additional Splunk component • ES requires dedicated
called the Search Head Cluster Deployer is required for each SHC. This SH/SHC
component is necessary in order to deploy changes to configuration
files in the cluster. The Search Head Cluster Deployer has no HA • Managing an ES
requirements (no runtime role). deployment on SHC
supported, but

Splunk Validated Architectures

Description of Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Single Limitations

Site (C3 / C13)

The SHC provides the mechanism to increase available search capacity challenging (Involve
beyond what a single search head can provide. Additionally, the SHC PS)
allows for scheduled search workload distribution across the cluster.
The SHC also provides optimal user failover in case of a search head • SHC cannot have
failure. more than 100 nodes

A network load-balancer that supports sticky sessions is required in

front of the SHC members to ensure proper load balancing of users
across the cluster.
Note for ES customers: If your category code is C13 (i.e. you intend to
deploy the Splunk App for Enterprise Security), a dedicated search
head cluster is required to deploy the app (this is not pictured in the
topology diagram). The search tier can contain clustered and non-
clustered Search Heads depending on your capacity and organizational
needs (this is also not pictured in the topology diagram).

Distributed Clustered Deployment - Multi-Site (M2 / M12)

Splunk Validated Architectures

Description of Distributed Clustered Deployment - Multi-Site Limitations

(M2 / M12)

To provide near-automatic disaster recovery in case of a • No sharing of available

catastrophic event (like a data center outage), multi-site clustering is Search Head capacity
the deployment architecture of choice. A healthy multi-site cluster and no search artifact
requires acceptable inter-site network latency as specified in the replication across sites
Splunk documentation.
• Failure of Management
This topology allows you to deterministically replicate data to two functions need to be
or more groups of indexer cluster peers. You will be able to handled outside of Splunk
configure the site replication and search factor. This site-replication in case of site failure
factor allows you to specify where replica copies are being sent to
and ensures data is distributed across multiple locations. • Cross-site latency for
index replication must be
It is still managed by a single cluster master node, which has to be within recommended
failed over to the DR site in case of a disaster. limits
Multi-site clustering provides data redundancy across physically
separated distributed locations, with the possibility for
geographically separated distribution.
Users can fail over to the DR site automatically to ensure
availability. However, this topology does not provide a mechanism
to automatically synchronize the search tier configuration and
runtime artifacts across sites.
Available search peer (indexer) capacity across sites can be utilized
for search execution in an active/active model. When possible, site-
affinity can be configured to ensure that users logged on to a
specific site's search head will only search local indexers.

Note for ES customers: If your category code is M12 (i.e. you

intend to deploy the Splunk App for Enterprise Security), a single
dedicated search head is required to deploy the app (this is not
pictured in the topology diagram). For the ES search head, failover
involves setting up a "shadow" search head in the failover site that
is only activated and used in a DR situation. Please engage Splunk
Professional Services to design and implement a site failover
mechanism for your Enterprise Security deployment.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Multi-Site (M3 / M13)

Description of Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Multi-Site Limitations

(M3 / M13)

This topology adds horizontal scalability and removes the single point of • No search artifact
failure from the search tier in each site. A minimum of three search replication across
heads are required to implement a SHC (per site). sites, SHCs are
To manage the SHC configuration, an additional Splunk component
called the Search Head Cluster Deployer is required for each SHC. • Cross-site latency for
This component is necessary in order to deploy changes to index replication must
configuration files in the cluster. The Search Head Cluster Deployer has be within documented
no HA requirements (no runtime role). limits
The SHC provides the following benefits: a) increased available search • SHC cannot have
capacity beyond what a single search head can provide, b) scheduled more than 100 nodes
search workload distribution across the cluster, and c) optimal user
failover in case of a search head failure.
A network load-balancer that supports sticky sessions is required in
front of the SHC members in each site to ensure proper load balancing
of users across the cluster.
Note for ES customers: If your category code is M13 (i.e. you intend
to deploy the Splunk App for Enterprise Security), a single dedicated
search head cluster contained within a site is required to deploy the app
(this is not explicitly pictured in the topology diagram). To be able to
recover an ES SH environment from a site failure, 3rd party technology
can be used to perform a failover of the search head instances, or a

Splunk Validated Architectures

Description of Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Multi-Site Limitations

(M3 / M13)

"warm standby" ES SH can be provisioned and kept in synch with the

primary ES environment. It is strongly recommended to engage with
Splunk Professional Services when deploying ES in a HA/DR

Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Multi-Site (M4 / M14)

Description of Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Multi- Limitations

Site (M4 / M14)

This is the most complex validated architecture, designed for • Network latency across
deployments that have strict requirements around high-availability sites must be within
and disaster recovery. We strongly recommend involving Splunk documented limits
Professional Services for proper deployment. When properly
deployed, this topology provides continuous operation of your Splunk • Failover of the SHC may
infrastructure for data collection, indexing, and search. require manual steps if
only a minority of cluster
This topology involves implementation of a "stretched" search head members survive
cluster that spans one or more sites. This provides optimal failover
for users in case of a search node or data center failure. Search
artifacts and other runtime knowledge objects are replicated in the
SHC. Careful configuration is required to ensure that replication will
happen across sites, as the SHC itself is not site-aware (i.e. artifact
replication is non-deterministic).

Splunk Validated Architectures

Description of Distributed Clustered Deployment + SHC - Multi- Limitations

Site (M4 / M14)

Site-affinity can be configured to ensure the WAN link between sites

is utilized only in cases when a search cannot be satisfied locally.
A network load-balancer that supports sticky sessions is required in
front of the SHC members to ensure proper load balancing of users
across the cluster.
Note for ES customers: If your category code is M14 (i.e. you
intend to deploy the Splunk App for Enterprise Security), a single
dedicated search head cluster contained within a site is required to
deploy the app (this is not explicitly pictured in the topology diagram).
ES requires a consistent set of runtime artifacts to be available and
this cannot be guaranteed in a stretched SHC when a site outage
occurs. To be able to recover an ES SH environment from a site
failure, 3rd party technology can be used to perform a failover of the
search head instances, or a "warm standby" ES SH can be
provisioned and kept in synch with the primary ES environment. It is
strongly recommended to engage with Splunk Professional Services
when deploying ES in a HA/DR environment.

Step 1b: Define Your Requirements for Data Collection

The data collection tier is a core component of a Splunk deployment. It enables any device in your
environment to forward data to the indexing tier for processing, thereby making it available for
search in Splunk. The most important factor here is to ensure that forwarding and indexing happen
in the most efficient and reliable way, as this is critical to the success and performance of your
Splunk deployment.
Consider the following aspects for you data collection tier architecture:
• The origin of your data. Does it come from log files, syslog sources, network inputs, OS event
logging facilities, applications, message bus or elsewhere?
• Requirements for data ingest latency and throughput
• Ideal event distribution across the indexers in your indexing tier
• Fault tolerance and automatic recovery (HA)
• Security and data sovereignty requirements
This section of SVAs focuses on the common data collection methods. This section also discusses
architecture and best practices for each data collection method and calls out potential issues to
consider when making your implementation choice.

Important Architectural Considerations and Why They Matter

Given the essential role of the data collection tier, it’s important to understand the key
considerations involved in designing the architecture.
While some of these considerations may or may not be relevant to you based on your requirements,
the considerations in bold text in the table below describe fundamental items that are relevant for
every environment.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Consideration Why is this important?

Data is ingested properly The importance of ideal event distribution across indexers cannot be
(timestamps, line breaking, overstated. The indexing tier works most efficiently when all available
truncation) indexers are equally utilized. This is true for both data ingest as well
as search performance. A single indexer that handles significantly
more data ingest compared to peers can negatively impact search
response times. For indexers with limited local disk storage, uneven
event distribution may also cause data to be prematurely aged out
before meeting the configured data retention policy.

Data is optimally distributed If data is not ingested properly because event timestamps and line
across available indexers breaking are not correctly configured, searching this data will become
very difficult. This is because event boundaries have to be enforced at
search time. Incorrect or missing timestamp extraction configurations
can cause unwanted implicit timestamp assignment. This will confuse
your users and make getting value out of your data much more difficult
than it needs to be.

All data reaches the Any log data that is collected for the purpose of reliable analytics
indexing tier reliably and needs to be complete and valid, such that searches performed on the
without loss data provide valid and accurate results.

All data reaches the Delays in data ingest will increase the time between a potentially
indexing tier with minimum critical - event occurring and the ability to search for and react to it.
latency Minimal ingest latency is often crucial for monitoring use cases that
trigger alerts to staff or incur automated action.

Data is secured while in If the data is either sensitive or has to be protected while being sent
transit over non-trusted networks, encryption of data may be required to
prevent unauthorized third-party interception. Generally, we
recommend all connections between Splunk components to be SSL

Network resource use is The network resource impact of log data collection must be minimized
minimized so as not to impact other business critical network traffic. For leased-
line networks, minimizing network utilization also contributes to a
lower TCO of your deployment.

Authenticate/authorize data To prevent rogue data sources from affecting your indexing
sources environment, consider implementing connection
authentication/authorization. This may be covered by using network
controls, or by employing application-level mechanisms (e.g.,

Because of its vital role for your deployment, the guidance in this document focuses on
architectures that support ideal event distribution. When a Splunk environment does not provide
expected search performance, it is in almost all cases either caused by not meeting minimum
storage performance requirements and/or uneven event distribution that limits exploiting search
Now that you understand the most critical architectural considerations, let's find out what specific
data collection requirements you need to fulfill.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Questionnaire 2: Defining Your Requirements for Data Collection

Answering the following questions will give you a list of data collection components you need in
your deployment. You can use the keys in the rightmost column to find more details about each
component further down in the document.
# Question Considerations Impact on Topology Relevant Data

1 Do you need to This a core requirement for You will need to install UF
monitor local files or almost all Splunk deployment the universal forwarder
execute data scenarios. on your endpoints and
collection scripts on manage its configuration
endpoints? centrally.

2 Do you need to Syslog is a ubiquitous transport You will need a syslog SYSLOG
collect log data sent protocol often used by purpose- server infrastructure that
via syslog from built devices that do not allow serves as the collection
devices that you installation of custom software. point.
cannot install
software on
(appliances, network
switches, etc.)?

3 Do you need to Writing to log files on endpoints You will need to use the HEC
support collection of requires providing disk space Splunk HTTP event
log data from and management of these log collector (HEC) or
applications that log files (rotation, deletion, etc.). another technology that
to an API versus Some customers want to get serves as a log sink.
writing to local disks? away from this model and log
directly to Splunk using
available logging libraries.

4 Do you need to Many enterprises have adopted You will need an KAFKA
collect data from a an event hub model where a integration between the
streaming event data centralized streaming data streaming data provider
provider? platform (like AWS Kinesis or and Splunk. HEC
Kafka) serves as the message
transport between log data
producers and consumers.

5 Do you have non- Sometimes, network topologies You will need an IF

negotiable security consist of multiple network intermediary forwarding
policies that prevent zones with restrictive firewall tier that allows traffic to
log producers to rules between them and it may flow between network
establish TCP not be possible to generically zones.
connections directly allow traffic on Splunk ports to
with the indexing flow between zones.
tier? Configuring and maintaining
firewall rules for individual
source/target IP addresses
would be to cumbersome.

6 Do you need to Splunk provides various Your data collection tier DCN
collect log data using modular inputs that allow will require one or more
programmatic execution of scripts against data collection nodes
means, e.g., by APIs for a wide variety of data (DCN) implemented with

Splunk Validated Architectures

calling REST APIs or ingestion use cases, including a Splunk Heavy

querying databases? DBX for collecting data from Forwarder.
relational databases.

7 Do you need to route Some use cases require data Depending on the use HF
(a subset of) data to that is indexed in Splunk to also case specifics, you may
other systems be forwarded to another need an intermediary
besides — and in system. Often, the forwarded forwarding tier built with
addition to — data consists of only a subset a Heavy Forwarder to
Splunk? of the source data, or the data support event-based
has to be modified before being routing and filtering.
forwarded. Alternatively, you can
forward data post-
indexing by using the
cefout command
contained in the Splunk
App for CEF.

8 Do you have remote Filtering data before If you cannot reduce IF

sites with network transmitting requires a parsing your log volume at the
bandwidth (heavy) forwarder. The source, you will need an
constraints and outbound network bandwidth intermediary HF at your
require significant used by a HWF is about 5x that remote site that parses
filtering of data of a UF, so filtering only makes source data and filters
before it is being sense if a significant number of out events based on
sent over the events are filtered out (rule of configuration.
network? thumb: >50% of source data).
Ideally, you should adjust your
logging granularity to achieve
the needed reduction in log

9 Do you need to Sometimes, securing forwarder If you cannot mask data IF

mask/obfuscate traffic with SSL is not enough to in the producing
sensitive data before protect sensitive data in transit application, you will need
it is sent over a over public networks and an intermediary HF at
public network for individual parts of events must your site that parses
indexing? be masked before transmission source data and applies
(SSNs, CC data, etc.). Ideally, the required masking
such data masking will be done rules based on
in the application that produces configuration before the
the log data. data is sent to indexers.

10 Do you need to Statsd and collectd are Splunk supports specific METRICS
capture metrics ubiquitous technologies in use index types and
using statsd or to gather metrics from host collection methods to
collectd? systems and applications. feed those indices using
either UF, HF or HEC.

11 Do you require any Typically not applicable for Thought needs to be HA

of your data endpoints, availability may be a given to how outages will
collection concern for other data affect the availability of
components to be collection components, like each component, and
highly available? intermediary forwarders or data how to address it.
collection nodes.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Step 2b: Select Your Data Collection Components

After you complete the questionnaire, you will have a list of the required data collection components
to meet the requirements for your deployment. This section discusses each data collection
architecture component in more detail. Before we do that, let's briefly provide some general

General Forwarding Architecture Guidance

Ideally, the data collection tier is as "flat" as possible. This means that data sources are collected
locally by a universal forwarder and forwarded directly to the indexing tier. This is a best practice
because it ensures minimal data ingest latency (time to search) and enables proper event
distribution across available indexers. Following this best practice leads to ease of management
and operational simplicity. We often see customers deploy an intermediary forwarding tier.
Generally speaking, avoid this unless requirements cannot be met otherwise. Due to the potential
impact of intermediary forwarders, this document contains a separate section on this topic with
more details.
There are endpoints that do not allow installation of the universal forwarder (in other words, network
devices, appliances) and log using the syslog protocol. A separate best practice architecture to
collect such data sources is outlined in the section titled Syslog Data Collection.
For data sources that have to be collected using programmatic means (APIs, database access),
deploying a data collection node (DCN) based on a full Splunk enterprise install is recommended.
This is also known as a heavy forwarder. It is not recommended that you run these kinds of inputs
on the search head tier in anything other than a development environment.
The following diagram shows a general data collection architecture that reflects this guidance.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Data Collection Topology Overview

The diagram above shows the Deployment Server (DS) in the management tier, which is used to
manage the configurations on data collection components. Also, the License Master (LM) is shown
here since data collection nodes require access to the LM to enable Splunk Enterprise features.
The cluster master (CM), if available, can be used by forwarders for indexer discovery, removing
the need to manage available indexers in the forwarder output configuration.
In the above diagram, AutoLB represents the Splunk built-in auto-load balancing mechanism. This
mechanism is used to ensure proper event distribution for data sent using the Splunk proprietary
S2S protocol (default port 9997). Note: Using an external network load-balancer for S2S traffic is
currently not supported and not recommended.
To load-balance traffic from data sources that communicate with an industry-standard protocol (like
HTTP or syslog), a network load balancer is used to ensure even load and event distribution across
indexers in the indexing tier.

(UF) Universal Forwarder

The universal forwarder (UF) is the best choice for a large set of data collection requirements from
systems in your environment. It is a purpose-built data collection mechanism with very minimal
resource requirements. The UF should be the default choice for collecting and forwarding log data.
The UF provides:
• Checkpoint/restart function for lossless data collection.
• Efficient protocol that minimizes network bandwidth utilization.

Splunk Validated Architectures

• Throttling capabilities.
• Built-in, load-balancing across available indexers.
• Optional network encryption using SSL/TLS.
• Data compression (use only without SSL/TLS).
• Multiple input methods (files, Windows Event logs, network inputs, scripted inputs).
• Limited event filtering capabilities (Windows event logs only).
• Parallel ingestion pipeline support to increase throughput/reduce latency.
With few exceptions for well-structured data (json, csv, tsv), the UF does not parse log sources into
events, so it cannot perform any action that requires understanding of the format of the logs. It also
ships with a stripped down version of Python, which makes it incompatible with any modular input
apps that require a full Splunk stack tack to function.
It is normal for a large number of UFs (100s to 10,000s) to be deployed on endpoints and servers in
a Splunk environment and centrally managed, either with a Splunk deployment server, or a third-
party configuration management tool (like e.g. Puppet or Chef).
(HF) Heavy Forwarder
The heavyweight forwarder (HWF) is a full Splunk Enterprise deployment configured to act as a
forwarder with indexing disabled. A HWF generally performs no other Splunk roles. The key
difference between a UF and a HWF is that the HWF contains the full parsing pipeline, performing
the identical functions an indexer performs, without actually writing and indexing events on disk.
This enables the HWF to understand and act on individual events, for example to mask data or to
perform filtering and routing based on event data. Since it is a full Splunk Enterprise install, it can
host modular inputs that require a full Python stack to function properly for data collection or serve
as an endpoint for the Splunk HTTP event collector (HEC). The HWF performs the following
• Parses data into events.
• Filters and routes based on individual event data.
• Has a larger resource footprint than the UF.
• Has a larger network bandwidth footprint than the UF (~5x).
• GUI for management.
In general, HWFs are not installed on endpoints for the purpose of data collection. Instead, they are
used on standalone systems to implement data collection nodes (DCN) or intermediary forwarding
tiers. Use a HWF only when requirements to collect data from other systems cannot be met
with a UF.
Examples of such requirements include:
• Reading data from RDBMS for the purposes of ingesting it into Splunk (database inputs).
• Collecting data from systems that are reachable via an API (cloud services, VMWare
monitoring, proprietary systems, etc.).
• Providing a dedicated tier to host the HTTP event collector service .
• Implementing an intermediary forwarding tier that requires a parsing forwarder for

Splunk Validated Architectures

(DCN) Heavy Forwarder as Data Collection Node

Some data sources require collection by using some sort of an API. These APIs can include REST,
web services, JMS and/or JDBC as the query mechanism. Splunk as well as third-party developers
provide a wide variety of applications that allow these API interactions to occur. Most commonly,
these applications are implemented using the Splunk Modular Input framework, which requires a full
Splunk enterprise software install to properly function. The best practice to realize this use case is
to deploy one or more servers to work as a heavy forwarder configured to work as a Data Collection
Node (DCN).

Data Collection Node Topology

(HEC) HTTP Event Collector

The HEC provides a listener service that accepts HTTP/S connections on the server side, and an
API on the client side, allowing applications to post log data payloads directly to either the indexing
tier or a dedicated HEC receiver tier consisting of one or more heavy forwarders. HEC provides two
endpoints that support data to be sent either in raw format or in JSON format. Utilizing JSON can
allow for additional metadata to be included in the event payload that may facilitate greater flexibility
when searching the data later.

Splunk Validated Architectures

The following diagram illustrates the two deployment options for HEC:

HEC Topology Choices

The management tier contains the license master (required by HF) as well as the deployment
server to manage the HTTP inputs on the listening components. Note: If the indexing tier is
clustered and receives HEC traffic directly, HEC configuration is managed via the cluster master
instead of the deployment server.
The decision for which deployment topology you choose depends largely on your specific needs. A
dedicated HEC listener tier introduces another architectural component into your deployment. On
the positive side, it can be scaled independently and provides a level of isolation from the indexing
tier from a management perspective. Also, since the dedicated HEC tier requires a HF, it will parse
all inbound traffic, taking that workload off of the indexers.
On the other hand, hosting the HEC listener directly on the indexers will likely ensure better event
distribution across the indexing tier, because HTTP is a well-understood protocol for all network
load balancers and the appropriate load balancing policy can help ensure that the least busy
indexers get served first.
In the spirit of deploying the simplest possible architecture that meets your requirements, we
recommend you consider hosting your HEC listener on the indexers, assuming you have sufficient
system capacity to do so. This decision can easily be reverted later if the need arises, simply by
deploying an appropriately sized and configured HF tier and changing the LB configuration to use
the HF's IP addresses instead of the indexers. That change should be transparent to client
Note: If you do require indexer acknowledgment for data sent via HEC, a dedicated HEC listener
tier is recommended to minimize duplicate messages caused by rolling indexer restarts.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Note: This HEC deployment architecture is providing the transport for some of the other data
collection components discussed later, specifically Syslog and metrics data collection.

(IF) Intermediary Forwarding Tier

In some situations, intermediary forwarders are needed for data forwarding. Intermediary forwarders
receive log streams from endpoints and forward it on to an indexer tier. Intermediary forwarders
introduce architectural challenges that require careful design in order to avoid negative impacts to
the overall Splunk environment. Most prominently, intermediary forwarders concentrate connections
from 100s to 10,000s of endpoint forwarders and forward to indexers using a far smaller number of
connections. This can materially affect the data distribution across the indexing tier, because only a
subset of indexers are receiving traffic at any given point in time. However, these negative side
effects can be mitigated by proper sizing and configuration.
The following diagram illustrates this challenge well:

Intermediary Forwarding Topology

In a scenario with a single intermediary forwarder, all endpoints connect to this single forwarder
(potentially thousands), and the intermediary forwarder in turn only connects to one indexer at any
given time. This is not an optimal scenario because the following consequences are likely to occur:
• A large data stream from many endpoints is funneled through a single pipe that exhausts your
system and network resources.
• Limited failover targets for the endpoints in case of IF failure (your outage risk is reverse
proportional to the number of IFs).
• Small number of indexers are served at any given point in time. Searches over short time
periods will not benefit from parallelization as much as they could otherwise.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Intermediary forwarders also add an additional architecture tier to your deployment which can
complicate management and troubleshooting and adds latency to your data ingest path. Try to
avoid using intermediary forwarding tiers unless this is the only option to meet your requirements.
You may consider using an intermediary tier if you have:
• Sensitive data needs to be obfuscated/removed before sending across the network to indexers.
An example is when you must use a public network.
• Strict security policies do not allow for direct connections between endpoints and indexers such
as multi-zone networks or cloud-based indexers.
• Bandwidth constraints between endpoints and indexers requiring a significant subset of events
to be filtered.
• Event-based routing to dynamic targets is requirements.
Consider sizing and configuration needs for any intermediary forwarding tier to ensure availability of
this tier, provide sufficient processing capacity to handle all traffic, and support good event
distribution across indexers. The IF tier has the following requirements:
• Sufficient number of data processing pipelines overall.
• Redundant IF infrastructure.
• Properly tuned Splunk load-balancing configuration. For example, autoLBVolume,
The general guideline suggests to have twice as many IF processing pipelines as indexers in the
indexing tier.
Note: A processing pipeline does not equate to a physical IF server. Provided sufficient system
resources. For example, CPU cores, memory and NIC bandwidth, are available, a single IF can be
configured with multiple processing pipelines.
If you need an IF tier (see questionnaire), default to using UF for the tier since they provide higher
throughput at a lower resource footprint for both the system and network. Use HF if you the UF
capabilities do not meet you requirements.

(SYSLOG) Syslog Data Collection

The syslog protocol delivers a ubiquitous source for log data in the enterprise. Most scalable and
reliable data collection tiers contain a syslog ingestion component. There are many ways to get
syslog data into Splunk. Consider the following methods:
• Universal forwarder (UF)/heavy forwarder (HF): Use a Splunk UF or HF to monitor (ingest)
files written out by a syslog server (such as rsyslog or syslog-ng).
• Syslog Agent to HEC: Use a syslog agent that is capable to output to Splunk's HEC. (there are
third-party modules for rsyslog and syslog-ng that can output to HEC). .
• Direct TCP/UDP Input: Splunk has the ability to listen on a TCP or UDP port (default port is
UDP 514) and ingest sources here (not recommended for production use).

Syslog (File Monitoring in conjunction with a SCD)

Splunk can use monitoring, with inputs.conf, on a UF/HF to process and ingest syslog sources
that are written to disk on an endpoint by a syslog collection daemon (SCD). Most commonly
encountered, both rsyslog, syslog-ng, and Fastvue offer commercial and free solutions that
are both scalable and simple to integrate and manage in both low volume environments and large
scale distributed environments.
To learn more about how to configure monitors, see Monitor files and directories in Getting Data In.

Splunk Validated Architectures

This architecture supports proper data onboarding in the same way a universal forwarder does on
any other endpoint. You can configure the SCD to identify multiple different log types and write out
log events in appropriate files and directories where a Splunk forward can pick them up. This also
adds a level of persistence to the syslog log stream by writing events to disk, which can limit
exposure to data loss for messages sent using the unreliable UDP as transport.

Syslog Data Collection Topology using UF

The diagram shows syslog sources sending data using TCP or UDP on port 514 to a load-balanced
pool of syslog servers. Multiple servers ensure HA for the collection tier and can prevent data loss
during maintenance operations. Each syslog server is configured to apply rules to the syslog stream
that result in syslog events being written to dedicated files/directories for each source type (firewall
events, OS syslog, network switches, IPS, etc.). The UF that is deployed to each server monitors
those files and forwards the data to the indexing tier for processing into the appropriate index.
Splunk AutoLB is used to distribute the data evenly across the available indexers.
The deployment server shown in the management tier can be used to centrally manage the UF

Syslog Agent to HEC

With the increased adoption of the HEC, there are increasing numbers of deployments that are
utilizing their deployment of the HEC to ingest syslog. To learn more, see the Splunk Blogs post
Syslog-ng and HEC: Scalable Aggregated Data Collection in Splunk.
The diagram below shows syslog sources sending data on port 514 using a network load balancer
to a syslog server farm. Appropriate syslog policies with a custom syslog destination, a python
script utilizing the HEC API, get applied and the events are sent to a HEC listener, also with a
network traffic load balancer for indexing:

Splunk Validated Architectures

Syslog Data Collection Topology using HEC

A benefit of this topology is it eliminates the need to deploy and configure UF/HF. The HTTP load
balancer serves the HEC listeners on the indexers (or a dedicated HEC listener tier) to ensure the
data being spread across the HEC endpoints evenly. Configure this load balancer with the "Least
Connections" policy.

Splunk UDP Input

Splunk can utilize a direct UDP input on a UF or HF to receive data from syslog. To learn about
configuring TCP and UDP ports, see Get data from TCP and UDP ports in Getting Data In. The
ability to receive events on UDP 514 relies on the ability of the UF/HF to run as root. Additionally,
the agent must be available 100% of the time to avoid the possible of data loss. Forwarders may be
restarted frequently to apply configuration changes, which pretty much guarantees data loss. For
these reasons, this is not considered a best practice for a production deployment.

(KAFKA) Consuming Log Data from Kafka Topics

Splunk provides a supported sink connector for consuming data from Kafka topics called "Splunk
Connect for Kafka". See Apache Kafka Connect in the the Splunk Connect for Kafka Manual for
detailed product documentation. The Splunk Connect for Kafka package is installed into a properly
sized Kafka Connect cluster (outside of Splunk), where it can subscribe to topics as configured and
send consumed events using the HEC to be indexed:

Splunk Validated Architectures

Data Collection Topology using Kafka and HEC

The diagram shows Kafka Publishers sending messages to the Kafka bus. The tasks hosted in the
Kafka Connect cluster consume those messages via the Splunk Connect for Kafka and send the
data to the HEC listening service using a network load balancer. Again, the HEC listening service
can be either hosted directly on the indexers, or on a dedicated HEC listener tier. Please refer to
the HEC section for details. Management tier components are only required if a dedicated HF tier is
deployed to host HEC listeners.

Splunk Validated Architectures

(KINESIS) Consuming Log Data from Amazon Kinesis Firehose

Splunk and Amazon have implemented an integration between Kinesis and the Splunk HEC that
enables you to stream data from AWS directly to a HEC endpoint, configurable via your AWS
console. This is complemented by the Splunk Add-On for Kinesis Firehose which provides CIM-
compliant knowledge for various data sources originating in AWS.

Data Collection Topology using Amazon Kinesis

Splunk Validated Architectures

The diagram shows AWS log sources being sent using a Kinesis stream to the Firehose, which —
with proper configuration — will send the data to the HEC listening service via an AWS ELB. Again,
the HEC listening service can be either hosted directly on the indexers, or on a dedicated HEC
listener tier. Please refer to the HEC section for details.
Management tier components shown are only required if a dedicated HF tier is deployed to host
HEC listeners.

(METRICS) Metrics Collection

Splunk has the capability to receive and collect system and application performance data, or
Metrics data, from a variety of 3rd party software. Metrics in the Splunk platform use a custom index
type that is optimized for metric storage and retrieval.
There are different ways to consume metrics data and the collection method is based upon the
technology used. The most common form of metrics collections comes in the form of a software
daemon, such as collectd, statsd or using a customized metrics data file and valid configuration for
the data source.
There are primarily two methods for getting metrics into Splunk when using agents such statsd and
collectd. Either using a Direct TCP/UDP input or via the HEC.
Using HEC is considered a best practice due to the resiliency and scalability of the HEC endpoint,
and the ability to horizontally scale the collection tier easily.

Metrics Data Collection Topology

Statsd currently supports UDP and TCP transport, which you can use as a direct input on a Splunk
Forwarder, or Indexer. However, it is not a best practice to send TCP/UDP traffic directly to
forwarders in production as the architecture is not resilient and prone to event loss (see Syslog
collection) caused by required Splunk forwarder restarts.

(HA) High-Availability Considerations for Forwarding Tier components

There is a common concept of high availability (HA) in the digital world. However, depending upon
the organization, the meaning can vary and be more in line with disaster recovery (DR) as opposed
to high availability. These two concepts, while similar, do have different meanings. HA is a
characteristic of a system, which aims to ensure an agreed level of operational performance,
usually uptime, for a higher than normal period. DR involves a set of policies, tools, and procedures
to enable the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a

Splunk Validated Architectures

The following outlines various forms of HA at the intermediate/aggregation tier:

Intermediate Tier
• For customers with intermediate/aggregate tier deployments, HA of forwarders is mission
critical. At the application layer, Splunk currently does not have a native support method for HA.
There are other strategies for providing HA at the operating system level that are not native to
Splunk. Common solutions include VMWare VMotion, AWS Autoscaling Groups, and Linux
Clustering. Consult with your Splunk Architect to discuss other design options available to you.
• For environments with an HA requirements for a dedicated HEC tier, it's a best practice to use a
network traffic load balancer (NTLB), such as NGINX, in front of multiple Splunk heavy
forwarders. This provides the advantage of maximum throughput, scale and availability. You
have a dedicated pool of HTTP event collector instances whose only job is to receive and
forward data. You can add more HEC instances without necessarily having to add more
indexers. If your indexers becomes a bottleneck, add additional indexers.
• For environments with an HA requirement for syslog collection, it's a best practice to use
multiple Syslog servers served by a cluster (virtual) IP address hosted by a load balancing
solution, like HAProxy or F5 to provide maximum throughput, scale and availability. You have a
dedicated pool of Splunk instances whose only job is to receive and forward data. You can add
more instances without necessarily having to add more indexers. If your indexers become a
bottleneck, add additional indexers.
Forwarding Tier
• At the forwarding (endpoint) tier, HA for the agent itself is dependent upon the underlying OS.
At the very minimum, you should ensure that any services that implement forwarding
functionality are restarted automatically when the host OS restarts. Outside of that, best
practices for the forwarders would involve the configuration and proper use of AutoLB from the
forwarders to multiple indexers. This also involves use of indexer acknowledgement in order to
guarantee data arrives to the indexing tier.

Step 3: Apply Design Principles and Best Practices

Below you will find design principles and best practices separated by deployment tier.

Deployment Tiers
SVA design principles cover all of the following deployment tiers:
Tier Definition
Search • Search heads
Indexing • Indexers
Collection • Forwarders
• Modular Inputs
• Network
• HEC (HTTP Event Collector)
• etc
Management / Utility • CM
• DS
• LM

Splunk Validated Architectures

Aligning Your Topology with Best Practices

You will need to keep your requirements and topology in mind in order to select the appropriate
design principles and best practices for your deployment. Therefore, you should consider best
practices only after you have completed Steps 1 and 2 of the Splunk Validated Architectures
selection process above.

Best Practices: Tier-Specific Recommendations

Below you will find design principles and best practices recommendation for each deployment tier.
Each design principle reinforces one or more of the SVA pillars: Availability, Performance,
Scalability, Security, and Manageability.

Search Tier Recommendations

(Your requirements will determine which

practices apply to you)



1 Keep search tier close (in network terms)
to the indexing tier
Any network delays between search and
indexing tier will have direct impact on
search performance

2 Avoid using multiple independent search

Independent search heads do not allow
sharing of Splunk artifacts created by
users. They also do not scale well with
respect to resource utilization across the
search tier. Unless there is a specific
need to have isolated search head
environments, there is a better option to

3 Exploit Search Head Clustering when

scaling the search tier
A search head cluster replicates user
artifacts across the cluster and allows
intelligent search workload scheduling
across all members of the cluster. It also
provides a high availability solution.

4 Forward all search heads' internal logs to

indexing tier
All indexed data should be stored on the
indexing tier only. This removes the need

Splunk Validated Architectures

to provide high-performing storage on the

search head tier and simplifies
management. Note: This also applies to
any other Splunk roles.

5 Consider using LDAP auth whenever

Centrally managing user identities for
authentication purposes is a general
enterprise best practice, simplifies
management of your Splunk deployment
and increases security.

6 Ensure enough cores to cover concurrent

search needs
Every search requires a CPU core to
execute. If no cores are available to run a
search, the search will be queued,
resulting in search delays for the user.
Note: Applicable to Indexing Tier as well.

7 Utilize scheduled search time windows as

possible / smooth scheduled search load
Often, scheduled searches run at specific
points in time (on the hour, 5/15/30
minute after the hour, at midnight).
Providing a time window that your search
can run in helps avoiding search
concurrency hotspots.

9 Limit the number of distinct search head

clusters so as not to overwhelm indexing
Search workload can only be governed
automatically within a SH environment.
Independent SHCs have the potential to
create more concurrent search workload
than the indexer (search peer) tier can
handle. The same is true for carefully
planning the number of standalone
search heads.

10 When building Search Head Clusters,

use an odd number of nodes (3,5,7,etc.)
SHC captain election is peformed using a
majority-based protocol. An odd number
of nodes ensures that a SHC can never
be split into even numbers of nodes
during network failures.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Indexing Tier Recommendations

(Your requirements will determine which


practices apply to you)

1 Enable parallel pipelines on capable
servers to
Parallelization features enable
exploitation of available system
resources that would otherwise sit idle.
Note that I/O performance must be
adequate before enabling ingest
parallelization features.

2 Consider using SSDs for HOT/WARM

volumes and Summaries
SSDs have reached economical prices
and remove any possible IO limitations
that are often the cause for unsatisfactory
search performance.

3 Keep indexing tier close (in network

terms) to the search tier.
Lowest possible network latency will have
positive effect on user experience when

4 Use index replication when historical data

/ report HA is needed.
Index replication ensures multiple copies
of every event in the cluster to protect
against search peer failure. Adjust the
number of copies (replication factor) to
match your SLAs.

5 Ensure good data onboarding hygiene

(e.g. line breaking, timestamp extraction,
TZ, and source, source type, host are
properly and explicitly defined for each
data source) and establish ongoing
monitoring using the Monitoring Console.
Explicitly configuring data sources vs.
relying on Splunk's auto-detection
capabilities has been proven to have
significant benefit to data ingest capacity
and indexing latency, especially in high-
volume deployments.

Splunk Validated Architectures

6 Consider configuring batch mode search

parallelization setting on indexers with
excess processing power
Exploiting search parallelization features
can have a significant impact on search
performance for certain types of searches
and allows you to utilize system
resources that may otherwise be unused

7 Monitor for balanced data distribution

across indexer nodes (=search peers).
Even event/data distribution across the
search peers is a critical contributing
factor for search performance and proper
data retention policy enforcement.

8 Disable web UI on indexers in

distributed/clustered deployments.
There is no reasonable need to access
the WebUI directly on indexers.

9 Consider Splunk pre-built Technology

Add-Ons for well-known data sources
Rather than building your own
configuration to ensure data onvoarding
hygiene for well understood data
sources, Splunk-provided TAs can
provide faster time to value and ensure
optimal implementation.

10 Monitor critical indexer metrics

Splunk provides you with a monitoring
console that provides key performance
metrics on how your indexing tier is
performing. This includes CPU and
memory utilization, as well as detailed
metrics of internal Splunk components
(processes, pipelines, queues, search).

Splunk Validated Architectures

Collection Tier Recommendations

(Your requirements will determine which


practices apply to you)

1 Use UF to forward data whenever
possible. Use of the Heavy Forwarder
should be limited to the use cases that
require it.
Built-in autoLB, restart capable, centrally
configurable, small resource demand

2 Use at least 2x intermediary forwarding

pipelines to indexers when funneling many
Multiplexing a large number of endpoint
forwarders across a small number of
intermediary forwarders impacts even
event distribution across indexers, which
affects search performance. Only deploy
intermediary forwarders if absolutely

3 Consider securing UF-IDX traffic using


4 Use native Splunk LB to spray data to

indexing tier
Network load-balancers are not currently
supported between forwarders and

5 Use dedicated syslog servers for syslog

Syslog servers can persist TCP/UDP traffic
to disk based on source and enable proper
sourcetype configuration for processing
with a universal forwarder. Required
forwarder restarts will not cause data loss.

6 Use HEC for agent-less collection (instead

of native TCP/UDP)
The HTTP Event Collector (HEC) is a
listening service that allows events to be
posted via the HTTP[/S] protocol. It can be
enabled directly on indexers, or configured
on a heavy forwarder tier; both served by a
load balancer.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Management / Utility Tier Recommendations

(Your requirements will determine which


practices apply to you)

1 Consider consolidating LM, CM, SHC-D and
MC on a single instance for small
These server roles have very little resource
demands and are good candidates for
colocation. In larger indexer clusters, the CM
may require a dedicated server to efficiently
manage the cluster.
2 Consider a separate instance for DS for
medium to large deployments
Once a significant number of forwarders are
managed via the Deployment Server, the
resource needs will increase to where a
dedicated server is required to maintain the
3 Consider multiple DSs behind LB for super
large deployments
Note: This may require help from Splunk
professional services to be setup and
configured properly
4 Determine whether DS
phoneHomeIntervalInSecs can be backed off
the 60 second default
A longer phone home interval will have
positive effect on DS scalability
5 Use dedicated/secured DS to avoid client
exploitation via app deployment
Anyone with access to the Deployment
Server can modify Splunk configuration
managed by that DS, including potentially
deploying malicious application to forwarder
endpoints. Securing this role appropriately is
6 Use the Monitoring Console (MC) to monitor
the health of your deployment and alert on
health issues.
The monitoring console provides a pre-built,
splunk-specific set of monitoring solutions and
contains extensible platform alerts that can
notify you about degarding health of your

Splunk Validated Architectures

Summary & Next Steps

This whitepaper has provided a general introduction to Splunk Validated Architectures. A Validated
Architecture ensures that your organization's requirements are being met in the most cost-effective,
manageable, and scalable way possible. SVAs offer best practices and design principles built upon
the following foundational pillars:
• Availability
• Performance
• Scalability
• Security
• Manageability
This whitepaper has also covered the 3-step Splunk Validated Architectures selection process: 1)
Definition of requirements, 2) Choosing a topology, and 3) Applying design principles and best
practices. Now that you are familiar with the multiple benefits of Splunk Validated Architectures, we
hope you are ready to move forward with the process of choosing a suitable deployment topology
for your organization.

Next Steps
So, what comes after choosing a Validated Architecture? The next steps on your journey to a
working environment include:

• Consider any necessary customizations your chosen topology may need to meet specific
Deployment Model
• Decide on deployment model (bare metal, virtual, cloud).
• Select your technology (servers, storage, operating systems) according to Splunk system
• Gather all the relevant data you will need to size your deployment (data ingest, expected search
volume, data retention needs, replication, etc.) Splunk Storage Sizing (https://splunk-
sizing.appspot.com/) is one of the available tools.
• Evaluate your staffing needs to implement and manage your deployment. This is an essential
part of building out a Splunk Center of Excellence.

We are here to assist you throughout the Validated Architectures process and with next steps.
Please feel free to engage your Splunk Account Team with any questions you might have. Your
Account Team will have access to the full suite of technical and architecture resources within
Splunk and will be happy to provide you with further information.
Happy Splunking!

Splunk Validated Architectures

This section contains additional reference information used in the SVAs.

Appendix "A": SVA Pillars Explained

Pillar Description Primary Goals / Design Principles

Availability The ability to be continuously operational and 1. Eliminate single points of failure
able to recover from planned and unplanned / Add redundancy
outages or disruptions. 2. Detect planned and unplanned
3. Tolerate planned/unplanned
outages, ideally automatically
4. Plan for rolling upgrades

Performance The ability to effectively use available 1. Add hardware to improve

resources to maintain optimal level of service performance; compute, storage,
under varying usage patterns. memory.
2. Eliminate bottlenecks 'from the
bottom up'
3. Exploit all means of concurrent
4. Exploit locality (i.e. minimize
distribution of components)
5. Optimize for the common case
(80/20 rule)
6. Avoid unnecessary generality
7. Time shift computation (pre-
compute, lazily compute,
share/batch compute)
8. Trade certainty and accuracy
for time (randomization,

Scalability The ability to ensure that the system is 1. Scale vertically and horizontally
designed to scale on all tiers and handle 2. Separate functional
increased workloads effectively. components that need to be
scaled individually
3. Minimize dependencies
between components
4. Design for known future growth
as early as possible
5. Introduce hierarchy in the
overall system design

Security The ability to ensure that the system is 1. Design for a secure system
designed to protect data as well as from the start
configurations/assets while continuing to 2. Employ state-of-the art
deliver value. protocols for all communications

Splunk Validated Architectures

Pillar Description Primary Goals / Design Principles

3. Allow for broad-level and
granular access to event data
4. Employ centralized
5. Implement auditing procedures
6. Reduce attack or malicious use
surface area

Manageability The ability to ensure the system is designed 1. Provide a centralized

to be centrally operable and manageable management function
across all tiers. 2. Manage configuration object
lifecycle (source control)
3. Measure and monitor/profile
application (Splunk) usage
4. Measure and monitor system

Appendix "B": Topology Components

Tier Component Icon Description Notes

Management Deployment The deployment Should be deployed on a

Server (DS) server manages dedicated instance. It can be
configuration of virtualized for easy failure
forwarder recovery.

License The license master is The license master role has

Master (LM) required by other minimal capacity and
Splunk components to availability requirements and
enable licensed can be colocated with other
features and track management functions. It can
daily data ingest be virtualized for easy failure
volume. recovery.

Monitoring The monitoring In clustered environments, the

Console (MC) console provides MC can be colocated with the
dashboards for usage Master Node, in addition to the
and health monitoring License Master and
of your environment. It Deployment server function in
also contains a non-clustered deployments. It
number of pre- can be virtualized for easy
packaged platform failure recovery.
alerts that can be
customized to provide
notifications for
operational issues.

Splunk Validated Architectures

Tier Component Icon Description Notes

Cluster The cluster master is In clusters with a large number

Master (CM) the required of index buckets (high data
coordinator for all volume/retention), the cluster
activity in a clustered master will likely require a
deployment. dedicated server to run on. It
can be virtualized for easy
failure recovery.

Search Head The search head The SHC-D is not a runtime

Cluster cluster deployer is component and has minimal
Deployer needed to bootstrap a system requirements. It can be
(SHC-D) SHC and manage colocated with other
Splunk configuration management roles. Note: Each
deployed to the SHC requires it's own SHC-
cluster. deployer function. It can be
virtualized for easy failure

Search Search Head The search head Search heads are dedicated
(SH) provides the UI for Splunk instances in distributed
Splunk users and deployments. Search heads
coordinates scheduled can be virtualized for easy
search activity. failure recovery, provided they
are deployed with appropriate
CPU and memory resources.

Search Head A search head cluster Search head clusters require

Cluster (SHC) is a pool of at least dedicated servers of ideally
three clustered Search identical system specifications.
Heads. It provides Search head cluster members
horizontal scalability can be virtualized for easy
for the search head failure recovery, provided they
tier and transparent are deployed with appropriate
user failover in case of CPU and memory resources.

Indexing Indexer Indexers are the heart Indexers must always be on

and soul of Splunk. dedicated servers in distributed
They process and or clustered deployments. In a
index incoming data single-server deployment, the
and also serve as indexer will also provide the
search peers to fulfill search UI and license master
search requests functions. Indexers perform
initiated on the search best on bare metal servers or
tier. in dedicated, high-performance
virtual machines, if adequate
resources can be guaranteed.

Data Forwarders General icon for any This includes universal and
Collection and other component involved in heavy forwarders, network data
data data collection. inputs and other forms of data
collection collection (HEC, Kafka, etc.)


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