Ergonomics Activities in The Product Development Process: August 2017

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Ergonomics activities in the product development process

Conference Paper · August 2017


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3 authors:

Lars-Ola Bligård Eva Simonsen

Chalmers University of Technology Vattenfall AB


Cecilia Berlin
Chalmers University of Technology


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NES 2017 Conference ”JOY AT WORK” 20-23 August 2017 Lund University ISBN 978-91-7753-152-4

Ergonomics activities in the product development


Bligård, Lars-Ola, Simonsen, Eva and Berlin, Cecilia

Department of Industrial and Materials Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology
[email protected]

Ergonomics and human factors (E/HF) has an important role throughout the whole
product development process, but the scope and content of E/HF work differs
depending on the phase of the project. The aim of this paper is to describe
ergonomics activities in the product development process, with special focus on the
purpose of ergonomics activities in different parts of the process. As a base for the
description the ACD³-framework is used.

Keywords: Ergonomics, Human Factors, Product Development Process

1. Introduction
During the development process of a product, a variety of design variables are
gradually determined to constitute the final design. For products that require input
from many different types of expertise, the development process must be led and
structured so that this expertise can be involved in a timely manner and with the
appropriate level of influence over design decisions. In many design decisions, and
consequently in many design activities, ergonomics and human factors (E/HF)
professionals have an important role to ensure effective and safe human use. Therefore,
the involvement of E/HF expertise has great potential to support the development of
useful, usable products, thanks to the discipline’s overall goal to improve both human
well-being and system performance in parallel.
Design decisions drive the development process and can be made at different
levels of detail - from higher system-level issues like the intended use and technical
principles, down to low-level specifics like the colour of buttons and size of screws.
Depending on the nature of the product development project, some of these design
decisions may not be actively made – as examples at both extremes, not all projects will
aim to change the product’s overall purpose or use, while others will not call into
question the assumption that the product can be built of anything other than standard-
supplier components. But in all development projects, an awareness of the fact that
design decisions should actively be made can be a great benefit to design teams. To
prepare for and to make these decisions, the design process involves different types of
design activities (such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation) that support the process of
making design decisions at all detail levels.
Many methods and tools to support a user perspective exist within the E/HF field
– these vary in scope, focus and detail level as the product development nears the
realization stage. Within the process, E/HF work results in increased knowledge of the

NES 2017 Conference ”JOY AT WORK” 20-23 August 2017 Lund University ISBN 978-91-7753-152-4

users’ needs, the interaction with the product’s interfaces, and enablers and pitfalls that
may support or hinder access to the product’s intended functionalities. However, it is
all too common that E/HF expertise is involved too little or too late, resulting in
suggestions for change that come too late to be deemed economically or practically
feasible, and thus limited leverage of the expertise. To gain appropriate influence, E/HF
professionals must foster a strong collaboration with other roles and professionals
involved in the product development process. It must therefore be clarified how E/HF
fits into product development work and what benefits it can give to the project as a
To this end, this paper argues that the product development process must be
described in a way that clarifies how E/HF work can be integrated with the other parts.
This is to avoid the risk of separate parallel design processes with lack of
communication (aka “silo thinking”). To support this description, an existing systems-
theory based framework for product development, ACD³, is used to provide a
language for the different conceptual parts of the main process and how the E/HF
expertise at each stage must shift in scope and character across the phases of the
product development process. Table 1 provides explanations of the terminology used
in this paper.

Table 1. Terms used in this paper to clarify the relation between E/HF activities and the product
development process
Term Definition
Design Specific goal-oriented activities carried out by designers/developers for the purpose of
activities identifying, assigning value to and communicating design variables.
Design A design variable is a property related to the product that can be specified from the point
variables of view of the designer.
Design A design decision is made when the possible value of a design variable is constrained.
decisions A design decision eliminates other solution variants once the choice is made.
Development The gradual formation of a product, technical system or service, with its starting point in
work a defined problem or a need. Development work is performed in a development process.
E/HF The use of ergonomics and human factors-related knowledge, methods and tools to
activities optimize the use- and user aspects of the product development.
Machine Term from the ACD3 framework signifying any human-made artefact, such as a product,
tool, production system, workplace, IT system, vehicle, clothes, furniture, etc.
System view Viewing of the product as a system at a specific level of abstraction, focusing on the
relation between objects on that level.
Technical The portion of product development that is purely concerned with setting and fulfilment
development of requirement specifications to optimize technical performance.

2. The product development process according to Activity Centred Design

ACD³ is a comprehensive framework that structures the development of products
based on a systems view and the philosophy that design decisions should (ideally) be
made on many abstraction levels; and if they are not made intentionally, they will still
be constrained by chance, circumstances and coincidences.
The ACD³ framework (Bligård et al., 2016, Berlin and Bligård, 2016, Bligård, 2015)
is intended for use in product development projects to manage decisions and activities
that should be addressed among the different professional roles in the process. The

NES 2017 Conference ”JOY AT WORK” 20-23 August 2017 Lund University ISBN 978-91-7753-152-4

framework visualises a clear structure for where certain design decision types belong,
but allows flexibility in the work sequence so as not to inhibit the product development
team’s innovation and creativity. The three main objectives are:
 Clarify which design variables need to be considered
 Provide a coherent and structured overview of the development work
 Liberate human resources for creative work by clarifying the decision-making

2.1. The ACD³ process

This paper focuses on development process within the ACD³ framework. ACD³
divides the product development process into five distinct phases, within which design
activities take place to identify, determine and communicate the design variables. The
first phase, Needfinding, focuses on formulating the problem, describing the needs and
designing the desired effects. The second phase, Design of use, concerns how the
product is intended to be used to achieve the effects. The third phase, Overall design,
deals with the product’s technical architecture, which enables the intended use. The
fourth phase, Detailed design, focuses on finalising the design of the product’s interface
and physical shape. The fifth phase, Structural design, deals with the design of the
product's internal structure and function. Table 2 shows which principal design
decisions that need to be made at which system view during the five phases.

Table 2. The five phases of the ACD³ process

Phase System view Principal design decisions Example: vacuum cleaner
Needfinding Socio-technical The effect that the machine is A cleaner home
system intended to achieve within the context
Design of use Human-machine The use of the machine by humans Manually moving the device
system when cleaning
Overall Machine system The technical architecture of the An electrical motor that sucks
design machine air through a filter
Detailed Machine The interaction between Design of the physical form and
design interfaces human/context and machine in details user interface
Structural Sub system The technical elements of the Structural design of the motor,
design machine the dust bag etc

Even though the process is described in distinct phases, the work at different
detail levels is often carried out iteratively and in parallel. This means that activities in
several phases can and should take place in parallel rather than sequentially, and
should be iterated both within and between the phases to arrive at well-grounded
design decisions that fits into the product as a coherent whole at that particular detail
level. When partial design decisions to be made early within the phase are dependent
on design decisions made later in the same phase, iterations may be necessary to
ensure internal coherence. This kind of iteration within a phase is also a good way to
use ACD3 in a project managed with milestones, i.e. when it is more difficult to iterate
between the phases. Iteration between the phases may also be needed, since new
information emerge later in the process that creates a need to be reconsidered earlier
made design decisions (hard to know everything from the beginning).

NES 2017 Conference ”JOY AT WORK” 20-23 August 2017 Lund University ISBN 978-91-7753-152-4

3. Integrating E/HF activities into the process

Across the previously defined phases of a product development process, E/HF work
has a natural role to play in supporting the overall product development work. Work
carried out by E/HF professionals typically includes investigation, generating design
alternatives and evaluation activities. In general, the emphasis of the E/HF work
gradually shifts from investigation, via designing, to testing and validation throughout
the development process. However, it is important to note that E/HF activities may be
needed to some degree even when they are not emphasised. E/HF activities involve
continuous data collection from users and observing the use as a base for guiding
design decisions. The data collections in the later phases are also to a lesser extent in
content compared to the earlier phases. Furthermore, E/HF activities involve
continuously evaluating the appropriateness of design decisions against the use and
with users.
The following subsections will first describe each of each phases in the ACD³
process (which prescribe a shift in perspective in each phase to define increasingly
detailed requirements) alongside appropriate E/HF activities within each of the phases.
The phases are summarized at the end in Table 3, which specifies specific tasks that
E/HF professionals should be involved in within each process phase.

3.1. Needfinding
The purpose of the first phase of the ACD³ process is to investigate and determine how
the context and surrounding environment place demands on the solution and how the
solution in turn will affect the context (i.e. design the effect). Another purpose is to
investigate and determine what the user values and requires of the solution, which
leads to the formulation of a high-level requirement specification.
The focus is on the effects that the user wants to achieve and the problems the
user has in reaching them, thus the development work is user-centred. This phase
considers the entire socio-technical system that the product will be introduced into,
with a particular focus on the users of the solution (where “users” refers both to those
who directly use the solution, and those who indirectly benefit from its effects). The
main design output from the phase is the formulation of the desired effect that the
solution is intended to achieve in its context, while the main requirements from the
phase specify the needs that the human-machine system must fulfil.
The main objectives for E/HF professionals in this phase are to identify
requirements from the users and the use situation, how the environment affects and
places demands on the future product and how the product should affect its
environment. The output is then to formulate system effect goals from a user
perspective. Furthermore, ergonomics approaches can support the development e.g. by
evaluating existing products as a form of benchmarking.

3.2. Design of use

The purpose of the second phase is to investigate and determine which use (defined as
purposeful human-machine interaction) will meet the defined needs and consequently
provide the intended effects, as well as to investigate and determine which overarching
(technical) solutions are needed to enable the use.

NES 2017 Conference ”JOY AT WORK” 20-23 August 2017 Lund University ISBN 978-91-7753-152-4

The focus in this phase is on the use activity, making the work use-centred and
the system level view is the human-machine system as a whole (i.e. this phase “zooms
in” relative to the previous socio-technical system). The main design output from this
phase is the intended use of the machine, while the main requirements from the phase
specify requirements stemming from the use that are needed to reach the system goals
(and consequently attain the effects).
The main objectives for E/HF professionals in this phase are to specify the tasks
that the user performs when using the product and to define requirements based on
the intended use (which may include usability and aesthetic aspects).

3.3. Overall design

The purpose of the third phase of the ACD³-process is to investigate and determine the
machine’s technical structure that can achieve the intended effects; this includes
investigating what constitutes a good user interface for the machine and determining
the main principle of interaction, aesthetics and form.
The development work in this phase is technology-centric. The main design
output from the phase is the technical architecture (i.e. the machine structure divided
into parts) that satisfies the intended use elaborated by the previous phase, and the
main requirements from the phase specify the demands that the machine must meet in
order to enable or afford the intended use.
The main objectives for E/HF professionals in this phase are to participate in and
support the design of solution concepts for the physical form and user interface for the
product, as well as supporting the formulation of detailed design requirements.

3.4. Detailed design

The purpose of the fourth phase is to investigate how the machine will interact in detail
vis-à-vis the user and towards other parts of the socio-technical system, as well as to
investigate how the technical subsystems of the machine will work together (i.e. design
the machine's interactions with the user and the environment).
Consequently, the focus of the phase is the machine's physical exterior and the
development work therefore becomes interaction-centered. The system under
consideration is the external structure of the machine, i.e. how the different parts of the
machine together constitute the whole. The main design outputs from the phase are the
user interface and physical form of the machine and the main requirements from the
phase focus on the various parts of the machine in order for them to fulfil the
interaction and function as a technical whole.
The main objectives for E/HF professionals here are to support the finalization of
the design and to support the design of use manuals and instructions.

3.5. Structural design

The purpose of the fifth phase of the ACD³-process is to investigate and determine how
the machine's technical elements (subsystems) should be constructed in detail and
investigate and determine how the machine will be manufactured (choose the principle
of production to allow for manufacturing preparations).

NES 2017 Conference ”JOY AT WORK” 20-23 August 2017 Lund University ISBN 978-91-7753-152-4

The focus in this phase is the inside of the machine and the system under
scrutiny is the machine's totality of internal subsystems. The main design output from
the phase is a complete technical design specification of the machine and base for setup
of manufacturing in the form of e.g. drawings, assembly instructions, etc.
The main objectives for E/HF professionals here are to support the development
work by testing prototypes appropriately to ensure correct ergonomics and
functionality and to assess the performed activities in relation to principles for good
ergonomics and human factors.

3.6. Summary of the process and respective tasks and roles

Table 3 below summarizes how E/HF fits in the development work as defined by the
ACD3 process, and what outputs can be expected from each phase. Throughout the
whole development work, E/HF activities also include data collection from the users
and the use as a basis for the design decisions.

Table 3. Specific tasks for E/HF professionals to take part in and/or lead during the ACD³-process
Phase Tasks for E/HF professionals Focus and outputs
Need- - investigate and describe main problems that justify the The users of the solution
finding product’s existence - Description of the intended
- investigate the delimitations of the development work effects of the machine
- investigate and describe stakeholders - Specification of needs that
- investigate existing machines the machine must meet
- investigate existing use and users
- describe intended use and users
- set system goals (effect goals)
- investigate and identify needs from use and users
Design of - perform in-depth analysis of system goals The use
use - design the intended use of the machine - Design of the use
- explore ideas for interaction, aesthetics and forms - Overarching technical
- investigate and specify use and user requirements principle
- develop guidelines for usability and aesthetics
- evaluate the design use with users
Overall - analyze what is needed to enable the intended use The technical architecture
design clarify central design variables for the machine - Description of the machine
- generate suggestions for the interaction overall in parts
- specify system requirements for the machine as a whole - Specification of
- develop design guidelines for detailed design requirements that must be met
- evaluate overall design with users to afford the intended use
Detailed - design the human-machine interaction, i.e. The interaction
design - design the physical form and the user interfaces - Description of the user
- design the manuals and technical documentation interfaces and physical form
- design the training (for use) - Specification of
- evaluate detailed design with users requirements on interacting
machine parts
Structural - test of the structural design The machine’s subsystems
design - verification of the structural design - Complete technical design
- final risk analysis of the structural design specification
- validation of the structural design - Specification of
- evaluation of the completed E/HF-work manufacturing requirements

NES 2017 Conference ”JOY AT WORK” 20-23 August 2017 Lund University ISBN 978-91-7753-152-4

4. Discussion
The purpose and scope of E/HF activities vary throughout the development process. At
the beginning the focus is on understanding the user and the use, in the middle on
supporting the design of the solutions, and in the end on testing and evaluating
solutions from an E/HF perspective. This paper has used a framework (the ACD³) to
clarify how and when E/HF work can be integrated throughout the product
development process, by matching the outcomes of E/HF-activities to decision-support
needs in the development work. Identifying and clarifying the purpose of E/HF
activities is meant to raise the awareness of how E/HF work supports the planning and
the implementation of the development work as a whole; both in terms of helping to
clarify the possible space of design solutions, and in order to ensure explicit definition
of how the design possibilities are gradually constrained towards a final solution. But
to enable a development project to get the greatest leverage from E/HF expertise,
additional aspects need to be considered, as discussed in the following sections.

4.1. Competence and staffing

Since the E/HF knowledge and competencies needed in the beginning of a process are
not the same as those required at the end, it is important to map out types of E/HF
activities that should be performed in the phases. This mapping should then be
compared to the available E/HF-competence that exists within the organisation. If there
is a mismatch and more competence is needed, it can be solved in three ways: 1) by
educating existing or hire new staff, 2) hiring consultants, or 3) adjusting the E/HF-
work to fit the competence of the organisation. If ignored or done inaccurately, the
result of the mismatch may be a less useful product, or that resources may be used sub-
optimally. Also, it is not enough to identify the need for E/HF-work and which persons
in the organisation should perform these activities. In order to be able to perform the
E/HF-work successfully, knowledge of suitable methods and theory from the
ergonomics / human factors discipline is crucial. The description of the E/HF activities
in development work proposed in this paper is not aimed to remove the need for
E/HF-competence; on the contrary, it is meant to clarify and emphasize the need for
such competence.

4.2. The guiding nature of E/HF activities

The guiding nature of E/HF activities is often the hardest to communicate to project
management, since it can be hard to quantify the benefits of letting E/HF have a
prominent, proactive role in development projects. Product development is often
initiated by the emergence of a new technical solution, a possible new market or the
emergence of a new problem/need. However, regardless of initiation, E/HF activities
play a central role to ensure successful use of the machine and consequently enable the
intended effects. These activities include the work of clarifying and describing the
overall purpose of the machine, which frames the entire development work and
provides significant input to the other disciplines in the development process. For this
reason, E/HF activities should be performed early in each phase of the development
process so that input can be leveraged. It is also important that other disciplines
participate to an appropriate extent in these E/HF activities to ensure the quality and

NES 2017 Conference ”JOY AT WORK” 20-23 August 2017 Lund University ISBN 978-91-7753-152-4

integration of the results; e.g. software developers should be involved in the design
decision regarding the user interface to ensure acceptance of the underlying reasons.

4.3. The role of the ergonomist

It is important here to view E/HF as an engineering discipline, as it is the design and its
properties that are the focus of the E/HF work. More specifically, the E/HF work
objective is to design the human-machine system to achieve the intended effects. It is
therefore important to clarify how E/HF relates to system performance and efficiency,
both in the final product and in the development project. E/HF should therefore not be
regarded as a Human Resource (HR) or an occupational health discipline, or be
equated with operational competence (e.g. that users intrinsic have E/HF competence) .
The E/HF professional should work in close collaboration with system engineers and
system architects to maximise the benefits of E/HF activities. Also, since it is in the use
of the product that much of value for the user/customer emerges, the E/HF professional
becomes a natural link between the marketing and management functions, who focus
on customer value, and the other engineering disciplines, who focus on the product.
For example, Institoris and Bligård (2014) showed that Human Factors can contribute
to Lean Product Development by offering an approach that continuously considers the
user and the use throughout the whole product development process. To clearly
analyse human behaviour as part of the value proposition for a product would benefit
the final design of the machine. However, the E/HF professional should not carry out
all the E/HF activities independently; instead, the majority of the work should be
integrated into the development process and carried out together with the project

5. Concluding remarks
Clarifying the need for and purpose of E/HF activities, increasing opportunities to raise
awareness of E/HF benefits and integrating E/HF work into development work mean
that more competences can be effectively involved, that user- and use-centered
decision support is better utilized, and that duplication of work can be avoided. To
achieve this, it is important to have sufficient E/HF competences and staffing in the
organization, and to recognise the guiding nature of E/HF activities. It is also important
to regard E/HF as one of the engineering competencies, since E/HF helps with ensuring
system performance and efficiency. In the end, doing this means that better machines
(that reach the intended goals) can be developed more efficiently.

Berlin, C. & Bligård, L. O. (2016) An activity centered design framework for determining
design decision levels in production systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Bligård, L.-O. (2015) Utvecklingsprocessen ur ett människa-maskinperspektiv - ACD3-
procesen, Göteborg, Chalmers tekniska högskola.
Bligård, L. O., Simonsen, E. & Berlin, C. (2016) ACD3 - A new framework for activity-
centered design. Proceedings of NordDesign, NordDesign 2016.
Institoris, M. & Bligård, L.-O. (2014) Human Factors Engineering as a supportive tool for Lean
Product Development. NordDesign 2014. Espoo.


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