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Direct Shear Test

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Direct Shear Test

A direct shear test is a laboratory test which is most commonly used by the geo-technical
engineers in order to determine the shear strength properties of the soil.
This test can be used for both cohesive and non-cohesive soil.
This test is performed on three or four specimens from an undisturbed soil sample in order to
determine the most accurate value of the shear strength of the soil.

 To determine the shear strength (maximum shear stress) of the soil.
 To determine the deformation in soil.

The geotechnical engineers are mostly deal with design work which is directly related to soil
behavior, such as

 Design of foundation
 Retaining walls
 Slab bridges
 Pipes
 Sheet piling
The value pf the internal friction and cohesion of the soil involved are required for these design.
Direct shear test is used to determine these values quickly.

Shear Strength
The maximum shear stress that a soil can sustain without any failure.

Bearing Capacity
The maximum load that a soil can take safely without any failure.The bearing capacity of soil
depends on two things

 Shear strength of soil

 Settlement

 Direct Shear Box apparatus
 Loading frame (motor attached)
 Dial guage for horizontal deformation measurement
 Dial guage for vertical deformation measurement
 Proving ring for shear force measurement.
 Tamper
 Straight edge
 Spatula
 Soil sample
 Weights (loads)
 Soil container

 First we find the inner dimension of the soil container and put the parts of the soil
container together.
 Then we calculate the volume of the container. We find the empty weight of the soil
 Then we place the soil sample in smooth layers in soil container with the help of spatula
and compact it properly with the help of tamper so that the soil becomes dense.
 Then we calculate the weight of the soil container along with soil sample and find the
weight of the soil sample.
 After that we calculate the density of the soil.
 Then we level the top surface of the soil with spatula and place the upper grating stone
and loading block on top of soil
 Then we measure the thickness of the soil specimen.
 Then we set the dial gauge and proving ring to zero.
 Then we apply the load by placing it on the weight hanger.
 Then we start the motor.
 And we note the reading of the proving ring at each 50 division of the deformation dial
gauge which give us shear strength.
 Then we plot the graph between the deformation and the shear stress and the maximum
value of the shear stress will be the shear strength of the soil specimen.

 All the readings should be noted carefully.
 The direct shear test apparatus should be handle carefully.

Observation and Calculation

Diameter of the soil container = 6 cm
Depth of soil container = 2 cm
Tf = c + αf tan(φ)
Tf = Shearing resistance of soil at failure
c = Apparent cohesion of soil
αf = Total normal stress on failure plane
φ = Angle of shearing resistance of soil (angle of internal friction)

Data Table For Stress Vs Deformation Curve ( 100% Clay)

No of Horizo Vertical Load of 5kg Vertical Load of Vertical Load of 15kg Vertical Load of 20kg
Divisi ntal 10kg
ons Defor No of Shear Shear No She Shear No Shear Shear No of Shear Shear
On mation Divisi Force Stress of ar Stress of Force Stress Divisi Force Stress
Defor (cm) ons (Kg) (Kg/sq. Divi Forc (Kg/sq Divi (Kg) (Kg/sq ons (Kg) (Kg/sq.c
matio On cm) sion e .cm) sion .cm) On m)
n Dial Provi s On (Kg) s On Provin
Guage ng Pro Pro g Ring
Ring ving ving
Ring Ring
0 0 0 0 0.0000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.0000
0 0
50 0.05 24 10.2 0.3608 26 11.0 0.390 23 9.775 0.345 17 7.225 0.2555
5 8 7
100 0.1 28 11.9 0.4209 31 13.1 0.466 33 14.02 0.496 42 17.85 0.6313
75 0 5 0
150 0.15 33 14.02 0.4960 33 14.0 0.496 43 18.27 0.646 51 21.675 0.7666
5 25 0 5 3
200 0.2 36 15.3 0.5411 35 14.8 0.526 49.5 21.03 0.744 59.5 25.288 0.8944
75 1 8 0
250 0.25 39 16.57 0.5862 36 15.3 0.541 56 23.8 0.841 67 28.475 1.0071
5 1 8
300 0.3 42 17.85 0.6313 39 16.5 0.586 66 28.05 0.992 77 32.725 1.1574
75 2 1
350 0.35 44 18.7 0.6614 40 17 0.601 70 29.75 1.052 84 35.7 1.2626
3 2
400 0.4 45 19.12 0.6764 43 18.2 0.646 75.5 32.08 1.134 90 38.25 1.3528
5 75 3 8 9
450 0.45 45 19.12 0.6764 47 19.9 0.706 77 32.72 1.157 97 41.225 1.4580
5 75 5 5 4
500 0.5 46 19.55 0.6914 52 22.1 0.781 80 34 1.202 101 42.925 1.5182
6 5
550 0.55 46 19.55 0.6914 57 24.2 0.856 84 35.7 1.262 106 45.05 1.5933
25 8 6
600 0.6 46 19.55 0.6914 59 25.0 0.886 89.5 38.03 1.345 109 46.325 1.6384
75 8 8 3
650 0.65 46 19.55 0.6914 60 25.5 0.901 91 38.67 1.367 113 48.025 1.6985
9 5 8
700 0.7 46 19.55 0.6914 65 27.6 0.977 92 39.1 1.382 116 49.3 1.7436
25 0 9
750 0.75 46 19.55 0.6914 68 28.9 1.022 93.5 39.73 1.405 119 50.575 1.7887
1 8 4
800 0.8 46 19.55 0.6914 70 29.7 1.052 94 39.95 1.412 122 51.85 1.8338
5 2 9
850 0.85 46 19.55 0.6914 71 30.1 1.067 94 39.95 1.412 124 52.7 1.8639
75 2 9
900 0.9 46 19.55 0.6914 72 30.6 1.082 94 39.95 1.412 125 53.125 1.8789
3 9
950 0.95 46 19.55 0.6914 72 30.6 1.082 94 39.95 1.412 125 53.125 1.8789
3 9
1000 1 46 19.55 0.6914 72 30.6 1.082 94 39.95 1.412 125 53.125 1.8789
3 9
Shear Shear 0.6914 Shear 1.082 Shear 1.412 Shear Strength : 1.87891
strength,corres Strength : 4 Strength : 3 Strength : 94
ponding to 15%
of Dia of Ring

Data Table For Mohr's

Maximum Normal
Shear Stress
Stress (Kg/Sq.cm)

0.6914 0.5

1.0823 1.0

1.4129 1.5

1.7436 2.0
Stress-Strain Curve for Soil Specimen
Shear Stress (kg/sq.cm)

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Horizontal deformation (cm)

Mohr's curve


y = 0.6975x + 0.3608
Max. Shear stress








0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal stress

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