Dos II - Lecture Notes

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UNIT – 1

Part A

1. What are the assumptions made in the working stress method?

a) At any cross-section, plane sections before bending remain plain after bending.
b) All tensile stresses are taken up by reinforcement and none by concrete, except
as otherwise specifically permitted.
c) The stress-strain relationship of steel and concrete, under working loads, is
a straight line.
d) The modular ratio m has the value -280/3σbc.

2. Difference between Elastic method and limit state method.

Advantages of limit state method over the other methods
a. In the limit state method of analysis, the principles of both elastic as well
as plastic theories used and hence suitable for concrete structures.
b. The structure designed by limit state method is safe and serviceable under
design loads and at the same time it is ensured that the structure does not collapse
even under the worst possible loading conditions.
c. The process of stress redistribution, moment redistribution etc., are considered in
the analysis and more realistic factor of safety values are used in the design. Hence
the design by limit state method is found to be more economical.

d. The overall sizes of flexural members (depth requirements) arrived by limit

state method are less and hence they provide better appearance to the structure
e. Because of the modified assumptions regarding the maximum compressive strains
in concrete and steel, the design of compressive reinforcement for double reinforced
beams and eccentrically loaded columns by limit state method gives realistic valued
which is not so in other methods.

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3. Draw stress-strain curve for concrete in working stress design and mention
the salient points.

4. Define characteristic strength in limit state method.

The term ‘characteristic strength’ means that value of the strength of the
material below which not more than 5 percent of the test results are expected to

5. What is meant by balanced section?

When the maximum stress in steel and concrete simultaneously reach their
allowable values, the section is said to be balanced section. In this section the actual
neutral axis depth is equal to the critical neutral axis.

6. Define: Limit state".

The acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability requirements
before failure occurs is called a ‘limit state’. The aim of design is td achieve
acceptable probabilities that the structure will not become unfit for the use for
which it is intended, that is, that it will not reach a limit state.
7. What are the expressions recommended by the IS 456-2000 for Modulus of
Elasticity and Flexural Strength?

 Flexural strength f 0.7.fck N/mm


Where ‘fck’ is the characteristic cube compressive strength of concrete in N/mm2.

Where, E, is the short term static modulus of elasticity in N/mm2
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8. Write the formula for the neutral axis depth factor 'K in working stress

Where σbc, Permissible stress in concrete. σst Permissible stress in steel.

M = modular ratio.

Part B

1. Explain the limit state philosophy as detailed in the current IS code.

The Answer is in Page No.67 of IS 456:2000.

In the method of design based on limit state concept, the structure shall be
designed to withstand safely all loads liable to act on it throughout its life; it shall
also satisfy the serviceability requirements, such as limitations on deflection and
cracking. The acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability requirements
before failure occurs is called a ‘limit state’. The aim of design is td achieve
acceptable probabilities that the structure will not become unfit for the use for
which it is intended, that is, that it will not reach a limit state. 351.1 All relevant
limit states shall be considered in design to ensure an adequate degree of safety
and serviceability. In general, the structure shall be designed on the basis of the
most critical limit state and shall be checked for other limit states.

35.1.2 For ensuring the above objective, the design should be based on
characteristic values for material strengths and applied loads, which take into
account the variations in the material strengths and in the loads to be supported.
The characteristic values should be based on statistical data if available; where
such data are not available they should be based on experience. The ‘design
values’ are derived from the characteristic values through the use of partial safety
factors, one for material strengths and the other for loads. In the absence of special
considerations these factors should have the values given in 36 according to the
material, the type of loading and the limit state being considered.

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2. Design a R.C beam to carry a load of 6 kN/m inclusive of its own weight on an
effect span of 6m keep the breath to be 2/3 rd of the effective depth .The
permissible stress in the concrete and steel are not to exceed 5N/mm2 and 140
N/mm2. Take m=18.
Step 1: Design constants.
 Modular ratio, m =18.
 Lever arm Coefficient, j=1-(n/3) = 0.87
 Moment of resistance Coefficient Q = σbc/2. n. j = 0.84

Step 2: Moment on the beam.

M = (w.l2)/8 = (6x62)/8

= 27kNm

M = Qbd2

d2 = M/Qb = (27x106)/ (0.84x2/3xd)

d = 245mm.

Step 3: Balanced Moment.

Mbal = Qbd2 = 0.84x245x3652 = 27.41kNm. > M.

It can be designed as singly reinforced section.

Step 4: Area of steel.

Ast = Mbal / (σst.j.d) 616.72mm2

Use 20mm dia bars ast π/4 (202) = 314.15mm2

No. of bars = Ast/ast = 616.72/314.15 = 1.96 say 2nos.

Provide 2#20mm dia bars at the tension side.

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3. Design a doubly reinforced beam of section 240X500mm to carry a bending
moment of 80kNm.Assume clear cover at top a bottom as 30mm and take
m=18.Adopt working stress method.
Assume the permissible stressed in the concrete and steel are not to exceed
5N/mm2 and 140 N/mm2.
Step 1: Design constants.
 Modular ratio, m =18.

 Lever arm Coefficient, j=1-(n/3) = 0.87

 Moment of resistance Coefficient Q = σbc/2. n. j = 0.84

Step 2: Moment on the beam.

M = 80kNm

M = Qbd2

D = 500mm, b = 240mm

d = 500-30mm = 470mm

.Step 3: Balanced Moment.

Mbal = Qbd2 = 0.84x240x4702 = 44.53kNm. < M.

It can be designed as doubly reinforced section.

Step 4: Area of Tension steel.

Ast = Ast1 + Ast2

Ast1 = Mbal / (σst.j.d) = (44.53x10 )/(140x0.87x470) = 777.87mm2

Use 20mm dia bars

Ast=π/4 (202) = 314.15mm2

No. of bars = Ast/ast = 777.87/314.15 = 2.47 say 3nos.

Ast2 = (M-Mbal) / (σst.(d-d1)) = (80x106-44.53x106)/(140x(470-30)) = 575.8mm2

No. of bars = Ast/ast = 575.8/314.15 = 1.8 say 2nos.

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Step 5: Area of Compression steel:

Asc = (M-Mbal) / (σsc.(d-d1)) = (80x106-44.53x106)/(51.8x(470-30))

=1580.65 mm2
Use 20mm dia bars

ast = π/4 (202) = 314.15mm2

No. of bars = Ast/ast = 1580.65/314.15 = 5.5 say 6nos.

Provide 6#20mm dia bars as compression reinforcement.

4. Design a beam subjected to a bending moment of 40kNm by working stress

design. Adopt width of beam equal to half the effective depth.

Assume the permissible stressed in the concrete and steel are not to
exceed 5N/mm2 and 140 N/mm2.take m=18.
Step 1: Design constants.
 Modular ratio, m =18.

 A Coefficient n σbc.m/(σbc.m + σst)

Lever arm Coefficient, j=1-(n/3)

Moment of resistance Coefficient

Q= σbc /2. n. j = 0.84

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Step 2: Moment on the beam.

M = 40kNm

M = Qbd2

d2 = M/Qb = (40x106)/ (0.84x1/2xd)

d = 456.2 say 460 mm.

b = ½ d = 0.5x460 = 230mm

Step 3: Balanced Moment.

Mbal = Qbd2 = 0.84x230x4602 = 40.88kNm. > M.

It can be designed as singly reinforced section.

Step 4: Area of steel.

Ast = Mbal / (σst.j.d) = (40.88x106)/(140x0.87x460) = 729.64mm2

Use 20mm dia bars

ast π/4 (202) = 314.15mm2

No. of bars = Ast/ast = 729.64/314.15 = 2.96 say 3nos.

Provide 3#20mm dia bars at the tension side.

5. Determine the moment of resistance of a singly reinforced beam 160X300mm

effective section, if the stress in steel and concrete are not to exceed 140N/mm2
and 5N/mm2.effectve span of the beam is 5m and the beam carries 4 nos of
16mm dia bars. Take m=18.find also the minimum load the bam can carry.
Use WSD method.

Step 1: Actual NA.

b xa2/2 = m.Ast.(d- xa)
160. xa2/2 = 18 X 804.24(300 –xa)
Xa = 159.42mm

xc σbc.d/(σst/.m + σcbc) = 117.39mm < Xa 159.42mm.

It is Over reinforced Section.
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M = (b. xa/2 .σcbc )(d- xa/3) = (160x159.42/2x5)(300-159.42/3)
= 15.74kNm
Step 4: Safe load.

M = (w.l2)/8

W = (8 x 15.74)/52 = 5.03 kN/m

6. Differentiate between working stress method and limit state method.

 In the limit state method of analysis, the principles of both elastic as well
as plastic theories used and hence suitable for concrete structures.

 The structure designed by limit state method is safe and serviceable under
design loads and at the same time it is ensured that the structure does not
collapse even under the worst possible loading conditions.

 The process of stress redistribution, moment redistribution etc., are considered
in the analysis and more realistic factor of safety values are used in the design.
Hence the design by limit state method is found to be more economical.

 The overall sizes of flexural members (depth requirements) arrived by limit
state method are less and hence they provide better appearance to thestructure

 Because of the modified assumptions regarding the maximum compressive
strains in concrete and steel, the design of compressive reinforcement for double
reinforced beams and eccentrically loaded columns by limit state method gives
realistic valued which is not so in other methods.

7. Explain the following terms :
a. Characteristic strength and characteristic loads.
The Answer is in Page No.67 of IS 456:2000.
b. Partial safety factors.
The Answer is in Page No.68 of IS 456:2000.
c. Balanced section and under reinforced section.

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When the maximum stress in steel and concrete simultaneously reach their
allowable values, the section is said to be balanced section .In this section the
actual neutral axis depth is equal to the critical neutral axis.

When the percentage of steel in the section is less than that required for a
balanced section. In this section the actual neutral axis depth is equal to the critical
neutral axis.
8. Derive the expressions for the depth of Neutral axis and Moment of resistance
of a Rectangular Singly reinforced balanced beam section under flexure and
obtain the design constants K, j and Q for M 20 grade concrete and Fe 415
grade steel. Use working stress method.
9. A reinforced concrete rectangular section 300 mm wide and 600 mm overall
depth is reinforced with 4 bars of 25 mm diameter at an effective cover of 50
mm on the tension side. The beam is designed with M 20 grade concrete and Fe
415 grade steel. Determine the allowable bending moment and the stresses
developed in steel and concrete under this moment. Use working stress

Step 1: Actual NA.

b xa2/2 = m.Ast.(d- xa)

300 xa2/2 = 18 X 1963.50 (550 – xa)

Xa = 117.81mm

Step 2: Critical NA.

xc σbc.d/(σst/.m + σcbc) = 194.66mm > Xa = 117.81mm.

It is Under reinforced Section.

M = (Ast.σst )(d- xa/3) = (1963.5x230)(550-117.81/3)

= 230.64kNm
For concrete:
M (b. xa/2 .σcbc )(d- xa/3) = (300x117.81/2x7)(550-117.81/3) = 63.17kNm

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UNIT – 2

1. When do you do for doubly reinforced beams?

The section reinforced in both tension and compression zone is known
as doubly reinforced section. The doubly reinforced beams are adopted when
the balanced moment is smaller than the Actual moment.

2. Distinguish between under reinforced and over reinforced sections.

A beam reaches its permissible stress in steel under the working moment
before concrete reaches its stress is called as under reinforced section.

A beam reaches its permissible stress in concrete under the working

moment before steel reaches its stress is called as over reinforced section.


1. Design a simply supported RC beam having an effective span of 5m.the beam has
to carry a load of 25 kN/m. sketch the reinforcement details.

Step 1: Effective length.

Effective span, le = 5m

Step 2: Size of the beam.

Effective depth = le/10 = 5000/10 = 500mm
Assume, b = 2/3d = 2/3x500 = 333.2mm say
= 340mm

Step 3: Load Calculation

Live load = 25kN/m
Dead load = 1x.340x.500x25 = 4.25kN/m
Total load = 29.25kN/m
Factored load = 29.25x1.5 = 43.85kN/m

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Step 4: Moment Calculation.

2 2
M = wl /8 = (43.85x5 )/8 = 137.08kNm

M = Qbd2

d = M/Qb = 137.08/2.76x.340 = 382.2mm say 380mm.

Hence it is safe.

Step 5: Check for effective depth.

Mbal = Qbd2 = 2.97x340x5002 = 252.06kNm > M
Hence it can be designed as singly reinforced beam section.

Step 6: Area of Steel

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))
137.08x10 = 087x415xAstx500(1-(415 Ast)/(20x340x500))
Ast = 846.15mm2
Use 20mm dia bars

No of bars = As t/ ast = 846.15/314.15 = 2.45 say

3nos Provide 3#20mm dia as tension

2. Design a RC beam 350X700mm effective section, subjected to a bending

moment of 300kNm.Adopt M20concrete and Fe415 steel.
Step 1: Size of the beam.
b = 350mm & D =
d = 700-25-20/2

Step 2: Moment
Calculation. M = 300kNm.

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Step 3: Check for effective depth.

Mbal = Qbd2 = 2.97x350x6652 = 459kNm > M

Hence it can be designed as singly reinforced beam

Step 4: Area of Steel

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))
459x106 = 0.87x415xAstx 665(1-(415
Ast = 369.38 mm2
Use 20mm dia bars
No of bars = Ast/ast = 369.39/314.15 = 1.45 say
2nos Provide 2#20mm dia as tension

3. Deign a rectangular beam of cross section 230 x 600 mm and of effective span
6m.imposed load on the beam is 40 kN/m. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
Step 1: Size of the beam.

Breath =230mm & Depth=600mm

Depth (d) = 600-25-
Step 2: load
calculation Live load
= 40kN/m2

Dead load = 1x.23x.565x25 = 3.245kN/m2

Total load = 43.24kN/m2
Factored load = 43.24 x 1.5 = 64.86kN/m2

Step 3: Moment Calculation.

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M = wl2/8 = (64.86x62)/8 =

Step 4: Check for effective depth.

Mbal = Qbd2 = 2.97x230x5652 = 218kNm < M
Hence it can be designed as Doubly reinforced beam

Step5: Area of Steel

Ast = Ast1 + Ast2

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))

218x10 = 087x415xAstx565 (1-(415 Ast)/ (20x230x565))
Ast = 1365mm

Use 20mm dia bars, ast = π/4 (202) = 314.15mm2

No. of bars = Ast/ast = 1365/314.15 = 4.47 say 5nos.

Ast2 = (M-Mbal)/(0.87fy(d-d1)) = (291x106-218x106)/(361x(565-20))


Use 20mm dia bars, ast = π/4 (202) = 314.15mm2

No. of bars = Ast/ast = 371.03/314.15 = 1.8 say 2nos.

Step 6: Area of Compression steel:

Asc = (M-Mbal) / (fsc.(d-d1))

= (291x106-218x106) / (351.8x(470-30))
= 1580.65 mm2

Use 20mm dia bars, ast = π/4 (202) = 314.15mm2

No. of bars = Ast/ast = 1580.65/314.15 = 5.5 say 6nos.

Provide 6#20mm dia bars as compression reinforcement.

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UNIT – 3

Part A

1. Explain the check for deflection control in the design of slabs?

The deflection of a structure or part thereof shall not adversely affect the
appearance or efficiency of the structure or finishes or partitions. The
deflection shall generally be limited to the following:
a) The final deflection due to all loads including the effects of temperature,
creep and shrinkage and measured from the as-cast level of the , supports
of floors, roofs and all other horizontal members, should not normally
exceed span/250.
b) The deflection including the effects of temperature, creep and shrinkage
occurring after erection of partitions and the application of finishes should
not normally exceed span/350 or 20 mm whichever is less.

2. What type of slabs are usually used in practice, under reinforced or over
The depth of slab chosen from deflection requirements will be usually
greater than the depth required for balanced design. Hence the area of steel
required will be less than the balanced amount. So, the slab is designed as
under reinforced section.
3. Why is necessary to provide transverse reinforcement in one way slab?
Since the one way slab bends in one direction and also in shorter
direction, so it is necessary to provide transverse reinforcement in one way
slabs. These slabs adopted when availability of two supports in one direction.

4. Sketch the edge and middle strips of a two way slab.

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Part B

1. Design a one way slab with a clear span of 5m, simply supported on
230mm thick masonry walls and subjected to a live load of 4kN/m2 and a
surface finish of 1kN/mm2.Assume Fe 415 steel. Assume that the slab is
subjected to moderate exposure conditions.

Step 1: Type of Slab.

ly/lx = 5/1 = 5>2.
It has to be designed as one way slab.

Step 2:Effective depth calculation.

d = span/(basic value x modification factor) = 5000/(20x0.95)
= 270mm
D = 270 + 20 + 10/2 = 295mm

Step 3: Effective Span.

Le = clear span + effective depth = 5000 + 270 = 5.27m
(or) Le =c/c distance b/w supports = 5000 + 2(230/2) = 5.23m
Adopt effective span = 5.23m least value.

Step 4: load calculation

Live load = 4kN/m2
Dead load = 1x1x0.27x25 = 6.75kN/m
Floor Finish = 1kN/m2
Total load = 11.75kN/m2
Factored load = 11.75 x 1.5 = 17.625kN/m

Step 5: Moment calculation

2 2
M = wl /8 = (17.625x5.23 ) /8 = 60.26kNm

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Step 6: Effective depth calculation

M = Qbd2

d = M/Qb = 60.26/2.76x1 = 149.39mm say 150mm.

Step 7: Area of Steel.

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))

60.26x106 = 087x415xAstx150 (1-(415Ast)/(20x1000x150))

Ast = 300mm. Use 10mm dia bars

Spacing ,S = ast/Astx1000 = (78.53/300)1000 = 261mm say 260mmc/c

Provide 10mm dia @260mm c/c.

2. Design a one way slab for a clear span 4m simply supported on 230mm thick
wall. Subjected to a live load of 4kN/m2 and floor finish of 1kN/m2.use M20
concrete and F415 steel.
Step 1: Type of Slab.
ly/lx = 4/1 = 4> has to be designed as one way slab.

Step 2:Effective depth calculation.

d = span/(basic value x modification factor) = 4000/(20x0.95) =
270mm D = 270 + 20 + 10/2 = 295mm

Step 3: Effective Span.

Le = clear span + effective depth = 4000 + 270 = 4.27m (or)
Le =c/c distance b/w supports = 4000 + 2(230/2) = 4.23m
Adopt effective span = 4.23m least value.
Step 4: load calculation

Live load=4kN/m2
Dead load = 1x1x0.27x25
= 6.75kN/m
Floor Finish = 1kN/m
Total load = 11.75kN/m2

Factored load = 11.75 x 1.5 = 17.625kN/m

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Step 5: Moment Calculation

2 2
M = wl /8 = (17.625x4.23 ) /8 = 60.26kNm

Step 6: check for effective depth

M = Qbd2
d = M/Qb = 60.26/2.76x1 = 149.39mm say 150mm.

Step 7: Area of Steel.

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))
60.26x106 = 087x415x Ast x150(1-(415
Ast)/(20x1000x150)) Ast = 300mm2
Use 10mm dia bars
Spacing ,S = ast/Astx1000 = (78.53/300)1000 = 261mm say
260mmc/c Provide 10mm dia @260mm c/c.

3. A hall has clear dimensions 3 m x 9m with wall thickness 230 mm the live
load on the slab is 3kN/m2 and a finishing load of 1kN/m2 may be assumed.
Using M20 concrete and Fe415 steel, design the slab.

Step 1: Type of Slab.

ly/lx = 9/3 = 3> has to be designed as one way slab.

Step 2: Effective depth calculation.

d = span/(basic value x modification factor) = 3000/(20x0.95)
= 270mm
D = 270 + 20 + 10/2 = 295mm.

Step 3: Effective Span.

Le = clear span + effective depth = 3000 + 270 = 3.27m (or)
Le =c/c distance b/w supports = 3000 + 2(230/2) = 3.23m
Adopt effective span = 3.23m least value.

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Step 4: load calculation

Live Load=4 kN/m2

Dead load = 1x1x0.27x25 = 6.75kN/m
Floor Finish = 1kN/m2
Total load = 11.75kN/m2
Factored load = 11.75 x 1.5 = 17.625kN/m2
Step 5: Moment calculation

M = wl2/8 = (17.625x3.232)/8 = 60.26kNm

Step 6: Check for effective depth.

M = Qbd2
d2 = M/Qb = 60.26/2.76x1 = 149.39mm say 150mm.
For design consideration adopt d = 150mm.

Step 7: Area of Steel.

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))
60.26x106 = 087x415xAstx150(1-(415 Ast)/(20x1000x150))
Ast = 300mm2
Use 10mm dia bars
Spacing ,S = ast/Astx1000 = (78.53/300)1000 = 261mm say
260mmc/c Provide 10mm dia @260mm c/c.

4. Design a two way slab panel for the following

Size = 7mx5m
Width of Supports = 230 mm
Edge condition = interior
Live load = 4kN/m2
Floor finish = 1kN/m2
Consider M 20 grade concrete and Fe 415 grade steel.

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Step 1: Type of Slab.

ly/lx = 7/5 = 1.4 < 2.

It has to be designed as two way slab.

Step 2:Effective depth calculation.

For Economic consideration adopt shorter span to design the slab.
d = span/(basic value x modification factor) = 5000/(20x0.95)
= 270mm
D = 270 + 20 + 10/2 = 295mm
Step 3: Effective
For shorter span:
Le = clear span + effective depth = 5000 + 270 = 5.27m
(or) Le =c/c distance b/w supports = 5000 + 2(230/2) =

Adopt effective span = 5.23m least value.

For longer span:

Le = clear span + effective depth = 7000 + 270 = 7.27m
(or) Le =c/c distance b/w supports = 7000 + 2(230/2) =
7.23m Adopt effective span = 7.23m least value.

Step 4: load calculation

Live load = 4kN/m2
Dead load = 1x1x0.27x25 = 6.75kN/m2
Floor Finish = 1kN/m2
Total load = 11.75kN/m2
Factored load = 11.75 x 1.5 = 17.625kN/m2

Step 5: Moment calculation

Mx = αx . w . lx = 0.103x17.625x5.23 = 9.49kNm
My = αy . w . lx = 0.048 x17.625x5.23 = 4.425kNm

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Step 6: Check for effective depth.
M = Qbd2
d2 = M/Qb = 9.49/2.76x1 = 149.39mm say 150mm.
For design consideration adopt d = 150mm.

Step 7: Area of Steel.

For longer span:

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))
4.425x106 = 087x415xAstx150(1-(415 Ast)/(20x1000x150))
Ast = 180mm2
Use 10mm dia bars
Spacing ,S = ast/Astx1000 = (78.53/300)1000 = 261mm say
260mmc/c Provide 10mm dia @260mm c/c.

For shorter span:

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))

9.49x10 = 087x415xAstx150(1-(415
Ast = 200mm
Use 10mm dia bars
Spacing ,S = ast/Astx1000 = (78.53/300)1000 = 281mm say
300mmc/c Provide 10mm dia @300mm c/c.

5. Design an interior panel of RC slab 3mX6m size, supported by wall of

300mm thick. Live load on the slab is 2.5kN/m2.the slab carries 100mm thick
lime concrete (density 19kN/m3).Use M15 concrete and Fe 415 steel.

Step 1: Type of Slab.

ly/lx = 6/3 = 2 = 2.It has to be designed as two way slab.

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Step 2: Effective depth calculation.
For Economic consideration adopt shorter span to design the slab.
d = span / (basic value x modification factor) = 3000/(20x0.95)
= 270mm
D = 270 + 20 + 10/2 = 295mm.

Step 3: Effective Span.

For shorter span:
Le = clear span + effective depth = 3000 + 270 = 3.27m (or)
Le =c/c distance b/w supports = 3000 + 2(230/2) =3.23m
Adopt effective span = 3.23m least
For longer span:
Le = clear span + effective depth = 6000 + 270 = 6.27m (or)
Le =c/c distance b/w supports = 6000 + 2(230/2) = 6.23m
Adopt effective span = 6.23m least value.

Step 4: load calculation

Live load = 2.5kN/m2
Dead load = 1x1x0.27x25 = 6.75kN/m2
Dead load = 1x1x0.1x19 = 1.9kN/m2
Floor Finish = 1kN/m2
Total load = 12.15kN/m2
Factored load = 12.15 x 1.5 = 18.225kN/m2
Step 5: Moment calculation.
Mx αx . w . lx = 0.103x18.225x3.23 = 9.49kNm
My αy . w . lx = 0.048 x18.225x3.23 = 4.425kNm
Step 6: Check for effective depth.
M = Qbd2
d = M/Qb = 9.49/2.76x1 = 149.39mm say 150mm.

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Step 7: Area of Steel.

For longer span:

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))
4.425x10 = 087x415xAstx150(1-(415 Ast)/(20x1000x150))
Ast = 180mm2.Use 10mm dia bars
Spacing ,S = ast/Ast x1000 = (78.53/300)1000 = 261mm say
260mmc/c Provide 10mm dia @260mm c/c.

For shorter span:

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fy ast)/(fck b d))

9.49x106 = 087x415xAstx150(1-(415 Ast)/(20x1000x150))

Ast = 200mm
Use 10mm dia bars
Spacing ,S = ast/Astx1000 = (78.53/300)1000 = 281mm say
300mmc/c Provide 10mm dia @300mm c/c.

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1. Design a simply supported square slab of 4.5m side length to
support a service live load of 4kN/m2. Adopt M20 grade
concrete and Fe415 steel. Assume load factor according to IS:

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2. Design a rectangular slab 5m by 4m in size and simply supported at the
edges to support a service load (live) of 4kN/m2. Assume co efficient of
orthotropy as 0.7.adopt M20 concrete and Fe415 steel bars.
(AUC May/Jun-2013, 2012) (AUC Nov/Dec-2013, 2011)

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Ultimate Moment m = M u = wu L

Ultimate Shear V u = w u L

Ultimate Moment m = Mu = wu L


Ultimate Shear V u = w u L

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2 2
Ultimate Moment m = M u = w u α L [3 + µα 2 − α µ ]2
Ultimate Shear V u = wu L



Ultimate Moment m = M u
w L
= u


= wuαL
Ultimate Moment m = Mu
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Ultimate Moment m = M u = wu r

Ultimate Shear V u = Wu L


Wu L
Ultimate Moment m = Mu =
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3. Design a circular slab of diameter 4m which is simply supported at the
edges. Adopt service live load as 4kN/m2 and M20 grade concrete with
Fe415 steel bars. Assume load factor according to IS: 456-2000.
(AUC May/Jun-2013) (AUC Nov/Dec-2012)

fy = 415 N / mm2 fck = 20 N / mm 2

= 4000 / 28 = 142.8mm

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4.A hexagonal slab of side length 4m is simply supported at the edges and it
is isotropically reinforced with 12mm diameter bars at 150mm centers both
ways, at an average effective depth of 120mm.the overall depth of the slab is
150mm.calculate the ultimate load capacity of the slab and also the safe
permissible live load if M20 grade concrete and Fe415 bars.

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8. A right angle triangular slab is simply supported at the adjacent edges AB
and BC. the side AB=4M and BC=3m and CA=5m.the slab is isotropically
reinforced with 10mm diameter bars at 100mm centers both ways at an
average effective depth of 120mm.the overall depth of the slab is 150mm.if
M20 concrete and Fe415 steel bars are used, estimate the permissible
service live load on the slab.
AB = 4 m L=4m
BC = 3 m 2
CA = 5 m
fck = 20 N / mm α L = 3m
d = 120 mm fy = 415 N / mm 2 α = 0.75
D = 150 mm

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UNIT – 5


1. What is a stair case?

A staircase consists of a number of steps arranged in a series, with landings at
appropriate locations, for the purposes of giving access to different floors of a building

2. Define tread:
Tread: The horizontal portion of a step was the foot rests is referred to, as tread.250 to
300 mmis the typical dimensions of a tread.

3. Define Riser
Riser is the vertical distance between the adjacent treads or the vertical projection of the
step with value of 150 to 190 mm depending upon the type of building.

4. Define Going:
Going is the horizontal projection of an inclined flight of steps between the first and last

5. What are the types of staircases?

They are broadly classified as
i.Straight stair
iiQuarter turn stair
iii.Half turn stair
iv.Dog legged stair
v.Open newer stair with quarter space landing
vi.Geometrical stairs such as circular stair, spiral stair, etc.

6.What is a flight?
A flight is the length of the staircase situated between two landings. The number of steps
in a flight may vary between 3 to 12.

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7. What is the minimum rise and tread in residential buildings?
In residential buildings, the rise may vary between 150mm to 180mm tread
between200mm to 250mm.

8. What is the minimum rise and tread in public buildings?

In public buildings, the rise may vary between 120mm to 150mm tread
between200mm to 300mm.

9. Mention the places where the following staircase can be used

Single flight staircase is used in cellars or attics where the height between floors
is small and the frequency of its use is less.
Quarter turn staircase flight generally runs adjoining the walls and provides
uninterrupted space at the centre of the room. Generally used in domestic houses
where floor heights are limited to 3m.

10. Dog legged staircase is generally adopted in economical utilization of available

Open well staircases are provided in public buildings where large spaces are
In congested locations, where space availability is small, Spiral stairs are

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1. The structural members which provide vertical movement

(circulation) between floors of the building at different
vertical levels.
2. The stairs of RC buildings may be designed by using various
materials (wood, steel, RC, etc.).
3. The idealization of support conditions of the stairs may not be
straight forward as in other parts of the building. Therefore, a
careful assumption should be made. Different assumptions
may lead to different design solutions for the same staircase.
4. Basic Definitions: flight of step, landing, step width, step
height, stair width.

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2. Design a dog legged stair case for a residential building hall measuring 2.2 m x
4.7 m. The width of the landing is 1m. The distance between floor to floor is 3.3 m.
The rise and tread may be taken as 150mm and 270mm respectively. The weight of
floor finish is 1 kN/m2. The materials used are M20 grade concrete and Fe415
grade steel. Sketch the details of steel. Here flight and the landing slabs spans in
the same direction i.e, Flight spans longitudinally.

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3.Design a dog-legged stair case for floor to floor height of 3.2 m, stair case clock of
size 2.5m×4.75m; Subjected to live load of 3kN/m2 and floor finish 1.25kN/m2.. Design flights
from plinth beam to mid landing and mid landing to floor landing. Draw reinforcement details
for both flights.

It is a dog-legged staircase
Floor to floor height =3.2m=3.2m
Height/flight =(3.2/2)=1.6m=(3.2/2)=1.6m
Assume Riser =160mm=160mm
Tread =250mm
No. of riser in one flight =(1600/160)=10=(1600/160)=10 Nos.
No. of tread in one flight =R−1=10−1=9

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