This document is an exam crossword puzzle with environmental science terms. Across clues include terms like deforestation, endangered species, acid rain, pollution, non-renewable resources, and solar power. Down clues include greenhouse gases, CFCs, finite resources, waterborne diseases, ozone layer, fossil fuels, and skin cancer. The goal is to complete the crossword by filling in the blanks with the correct environmental science terms.
This document is an exam crossword puzzle with environmental science terms. Across clues include terms like deforestation, endangered species, acid rain, pollution, non-renewable resources, and solar power. Down clues include greenhouse gases, CFCs, finite resources, waterborne diseases, ozone layer, fossil fuels, and skin cancer. The goal is to complete the crossword by filling in the blanks with the correct environmental science terms.
This document is an exam crossword puzzle with environmental science terms. Across clues include terms like deforestation, endangered species, acid rain, pollution, non-renewable resources, and solar power. Down clues include greenhouse gases, CFCs, finite resources, waterborne diseases, ozone layer, fossil fuels, and skin cancer. The goal is to complete the crossword by filling in the blanks with the correct environmental science terms.
This document is an exam crossword puzzle with environmental science terms. Across clues include terms like deforestation, endangered species, acid rain, pollution, non-renewable resources, and solar power. Down clues include greenhouse gases, CFCs, finite resources, waterborne diseases, ozone layer, fossil fuels, and skin cancer. The goal is to complete the crossword by filling in the blanks with the correct environmental science terms.
Created with TheTeac hers Co Cro s s wo rd Puz z le Generato r
Across Down 2. No wadays,defo restatio n happens rapidly, o ne day 1. o ne o f the greenho use gases so me species might no t have suitable place to live and 3. Po llutant which was used in refrigerato rs and air they may beco me... co nditio ner 5 . Sulfur dio xide will disso lve in rainwater to pro duces ... 4 . Reso urces that when we use them,they are no t being 6 . Pro duced o n inco mplete co mbustio n o f fuels made again is called .... 7 . It is essential fo r co mbustio n 12. o ne o f example o f renewable energy is .... 8. This chemical pro tects o ur cro ps and is washed into water bo dies fro m the field 9 . One way to save energy is 3R (reuse, reduce and ....) 10 . Disease which is caused by drinking co ntaminated water 11. This layer pro tects us fro m harmful UV-rays 13. Co al,o il and natural gas are .... 14 . UV- rays can cause skin .... 15 . taking care o f the enviro nment and helping o ther species to survive is called