Complete The Crossword Below: Name

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2 3 4







Created with TheTeac hers Co Cro s s wo rd Puz z le Generato r

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2. No wadays,defo restatio n happens rapidly, o ne day 1. o ne o f the greenho use gases
so me species might no t have suitable place to live and 3. Po llutant which was used in refrigerato rs and air
they may beco me... co nditio ner
5 . Sulfur dio xide will disso lve in rainwater to pro duces ... 4 . Reso urces that when we use them,they are no t being
6 . Pro duced o n inco mplete co mbustio n o f fuels made again is called ....
7 . It is essential fo r co mbustio n 12. o ne o f example o f renewable energy is ....
8. This chemical pro tects o ur cro ps and is washed into
water bo dies fro m the field
9 . One way to save energy is 3R (reuse, reduce and ....)
10 . Disease which is caused by drinking co ntaminated
11. This layer pro tects us fro m harmful UV-rays
13. Co al,o il and natural gas are ....
14 . UV- rays can cause skin ....
15 . taking care o f the enviro nment and helping o ther
species to survive is called

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