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STB2010 - Slope Stability Page 1

Copyright © 2010 by A. Verruijt

p\79.stb, New Problem

General Data
Licensed User : p\79.stb
File Name : 79.stb
Problem Name : New Problem
Number of Slices : 1000
Relative Horizontal Force: 0.000000
Number of Nodes : 15
Number of Soil Polygons : 1

Definition Figure
2 3

13 14

1 4

11 5 12

10 15

Input Data

Coordinates of Nodes

Node x y
1 6.315 18.897
2 6.330 24.004
3 13.925 24.004
4 13.925 18.897
5 10.124 5.040
6 0.000 0.000
7 0.000 0.000
8 0.000 0.000
9 0.000 0.000
10 0.000 0.000
11 0.000 5.000
12 15.000 5.000
13 20.000 20.000
14 35.000 20.000
15 35.000 0.000
STB2010 - Slope Stability Page 2

p\79.stb, New Problem

Structure of Polygons
Window of centers of slip circles
Nodes 1 2 3 4
Fixed point of all slip circles
Node 5
Water Polygon
Nodes 6 7 8 9
Soil Polygons
1: Nodes 10 11 12 13 14 15

Properties of Soils
Soil Wd Ws Ko c phi P/F p=0 cap
kN/mł kN/mł -- kN/m˛ degrees m m
1 26.900 26.900 1.000 167.000 34.500 P 0.000


Output Data

Safety Factors

3.289 3.114 3.000 2.931 2.895 2.885 2.897 2.928 2.977 3.041 3.121
3.358 3.151 3.017 2.935 2.890 2.874 2.881 2.909 2.955 3.018 3.097
3.446 3.199 3.041 2.943 2.887 2.863 2.866 2.890 2.934 2.995 3.073
3.558 3.260 3.072 2.955 2.887 2.855 2.851 2.871 2.912 2.972 3.049
3.703 3.339 3.113 2.972 2.889 2.847 2.837 2.853 2.890 2.948 3.024
3.892 3.438 3.164 2.995 2.894 2.841 2.823 2.834 2.868 2.923 2.998
4.147 3.566 3.229 3.025 2.902 2.836 2.809 2.814 2.844 2.897 2.971
4.497 3.731 3.309 3.061 2.913 2.830 2.794 2.792 2.818 2.868 2.941
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Critical slip circle

Center: x = 11.643, y = 20.429, Radius: 16.411, F = 2.792

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