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Green Pharmacy | Mini-Monograph

Cradle-to-Cradle Stewardship of Drugs for Minimizing Their Environmental

Disposition While Promoting Human Health.
II. Drug Disposal, Waste Reduction, and Future Directions
Christian G. Daughton
Environmental Chemistry Branch, Environmental Sciences Division/National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

waste pickup programs. Indeed, standardized

Since the 1980s, the occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) as trace nationwide or international guidance is needed
environmental pollutants, originating primarily from consumer use and actions rather than manu- for disposition of noncontrolled substances by
facturer effluents, continues to become more firmly established. The growing, worldwide impor- end users of unused/expired drugs as well as by
tance of freshwater resources underscores the need for ensuring that any aggregate or cumulative disposal companies. A formal but voluntary
impacts on (or from) water supplies are minimized. Despite a paucity of effects data from long- Product Stewardship program (previously
term, simultaneous exposure at low doses to multiple xenobiotics (particularly non-target-organ- known as Extended Product Responsibility;
ism exposure to PPCPs), a wide range of proactive actions could be implemented for reducing or Hanisch 2000; U.S. EPA Office of Solid
minimizing the introduction of PPCPs to the environment. Most of these actions fall under what Waste 2002) implemented by all involved
could be envisioned as a holistic stewardship program—overseen by the health care industry and industries would be a proactive way to guide
consumers alike. Significantly, such a stewardship program would benefit not just the environ- the disposal of unwanted, expired (“outdated”)
ment—additional, collateral benefits could automatically accrue, including the lessening of med- PPCPs by the public, state, local, and medical
ication expense for the consumer and improving patient health and consumer safety. In this article communities (e.g., nursing homes, hospitals,
(the second of two parts describing the “green pharmacy”) I focus on those actions and activities physician samples). National policies are usu-
tied more closely to the end user (e.g., the patient) and issues associated with drug disposal/recy- ally directed solely at the internal generation of
cling that could prove useful in minimizing the environmental disposition of PPCPs. I also out- wastes by the medical care industry—not by
line some recommendations and suggestions for further research and pose some considerations the public. For example, Australia [National
regarding the future. In this mini-monograph I attempt to capture cohesively for the first time the Health and Medical Research Council
wide spectrum of actions available for minimizing the release of PPCPs to the environment. A (NHMRC) 1999] advises, “Wherever possible,
major objective is to generate an active dialog or debate across the many disciplines that must this waste should be incinerated. It should not
become actively involved to design and implement a successful approach to life-cycle stewardship be sent for landfill. Such waste should not be
of PPCPs. Key words: cradle-to-cradle stewardship, drugs, environmental pollution, green phar- discharged into sewerage systems” (p. 14).
macy, pollution prevention. Environ Health Perspect 111:775–785 (2003). doi:10.1289/ehp.5948 Little exists in the peer-reviewed literature
available via [Online 12 December 2002] regarding drug disposal regulations and atten-
dant issues. Within the gray literature (i.e., lit-
erature not captured by traditional means of
This article is part II of a mini-monograph on disposal/recycling rather than those that reside archiving), four of the more informative
the many facets of a little-discussed but more under the control of the health care resources are Musson and Townsend (1998),
important aspect of the overall issue of phar- industry (further up the chain of events Smith (2002), Wang (2000), and the World
maceuticals and personal care products involved with a drug’s cradle-to-grave disposi- Health Organization (WHO 1999). The ideas
(PPCPs) as environmental pollutants: pollu- tion), which is the focus of part I (Daughton
tion prevention. In light of the fact that trace 2003). In this second part, I also outline some
This article is part of the mini-monograph “Cradle-
residues from this large, diverse galaxy of specific suggestions centering more on end to-Cradle Stewardship of Drugs for Minimizing
sometimes highly bioactive chemicals gain use, present recommendations for further Their Environmental Disposition While Promoting
entry to the environment simply by way of research, and pose some considerations Human Health.”
their use and disposal (Daughton 2001a; regarding the future; the background and con- Address correspondence to C.G. Daughton, Chief,
Daughton and Jones-Lepp 2001; Daughton text for why pollution prevention is a topic Environmental Chemistry Branch, ESD/NERL,
and Ternes 1999; Heberer 2002; Kolpin et al. worth considering for PPCPs are covered in Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA, 944
East Harmon, Las Vegas, NV 89119 USA. Telephone:
2002; Kümmerer 2001; Servos et al. 2002), part I. (702) 798-2207. Fax: (702) 798-2142. E-mail:
and regardless of what little is known regard- [email protected]
ing the consequences for ecologic or human Drug Disposal/Recycling/ I thank the following people for their valuable
health (Daughton 2001a; Daughton and Pollution Prevention time in providing helpful review of both technical
Ternes 1999), a wide spectrum of actions can Responsible disposal and product stewardship. and policy aspects of this manuscript: O. Conerly
be taken to minimize or eliminate their fur- Of all the inquiries received from the public (U.S. EPA, Office of Water) and the EHP’s anony-
mous reviewers, all of whom contributed to improv-
ther environmental disposition. Significantly, and the news media on the topic of PPCPs in ing the quality of the manuscript.
these actions toward pollution prevention the environment, the most frequent regards The U.S. EPA, through its Office of Research and
(e.g., source reduction/control) hold the “proper” (ecologically sound) disposal of Development, funded and performed the research
potential at the same time for beneficial unused medications. Unfortunately, definitive, described. This article has been subjected to the U.S.
human health consequences unrelated to their consistent guidance is not available. The age- EPA’s peer and administrative review and has been
occurrence as pollutants (Daughton 2002). old wisdom of flushing medication down the approved for publication. Mention of trade names or
commercial products does not constitute endorse-
This second of two parts focuses on those toilet (still recommended by many profession- ment or recommendation by the U.S. EPA for use.
source control/reduction activities tied more als), however, is probably the least desirable of The author declares he has no conflict of interest.
closely to the end user (e.g., the patient and all the alternatives, which include disposal in Received 20 August 2002; accepted 10 December
consumer) and issues associated with drug household trash and community hazardous 2002.

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embodied in Extended Product Responsibility, forces that cast a product into the unsaleable to municipal systems when feasible. Im-
incidentally, have evolved separately from class have been enumerated by Siecker provements in capacity can reduce overflow
those of “industrial ecology,” but the principle (2001); these range from simple expiry issues events, a problem of escalating proportions in
of closing the loops for material flows is shared to new market forces (rapid obsolescence by many urban areas (e.g., see one of an extensive
by both. The first professional society devoted market-entry of new products) to seasonal news series on aging sewer infrastructure in
to industrial ecology, the International Society demand. Industry has brainstormed on ways Sforza et al. 2001). It has long been assumed
for Industrial Ecology, was recently formalized to reduce the need for returns (Siecker 2001), that ocean discharge of sewage protects coastal
(International Society for Industrial Ecology and some of the ideas correspond with those exposure (by way of dilution). A recent study,
2001). presented in this mini-monograph. That the however, shows the possibility of sewage plume
Incentives. One of many possible ap- returns industry is so large and that it is dri- redirection to coastal areas by tidal events
proaches to fostering stewardship programs ven by the many vagaries of consumerism (Boehm et al. 2002). As sewage discharges
[those that tie both environmental and perhaps cast some light on the scope and increase with expanding populations, the dilu-
human health together—“ecology of health” magnitude of the parallel issues with con- tion previously afforded by receiving waters
(Daughton 2003)] would be to offer patent sumer creation of unused drugs. The total will continually diminish.
extensions to companies that formulate cost for drugs that are placed into the returns Recycling (reclamation). “Drug mining,”
vibrant, comprehensive stewardship programs network amounts to a little more than 1% of such as hospital reclamation of highly toxic
tailored for each particular drug. Precedent total sales. The 2002 Chain Pharmacy drugs from excreta and other wastes, could be
for this resides in what was the U.S. Food and Industry Profile [National Association of pursued and expanded; a prototype example
Drug Administration (FDA)’s Pediatric Rule Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) 2002] reports can be found in work by
[an incentive-based rule that encouraged clini- US$164 billion in 2001 total retail pharmacy (2002).
cal trials designed for children (Center for sales resulting from more than 3 billion pre- Responsible reuse, recycling, and donation.
Drug Evaluation and Research; CDER 2002), scriptions, representing 2-year increases of The entire area of charitable drug donations
since replaced by the Best Pharmaceuticals for 13–16% in sales and 5–6% in scripts; $188.5 and pharmacy reuse (sometimes referred to as
Children Act (U.S. FDA 2002a), which offers billion in sales are projected for 2002 (a 15% recycling) is a complex issue fraught with con-
6-month patent extensions for doing research increase from 2001). Four of every five cerns, especially regarding safety, liability, and
that defines safe dosages for children. patients leave the doctor’s office with a pre- compensation. Donations are complicated by a
Interestingly and ironically, the rationale for scription (NACDS 2002), so the distribution morass of international regulations, politics,
this need is that it is not possible to predict of drugs through the consumer sector is interconnected organizations and charities, and
the differing responses of children (compared clearly enormous. controversy (Reich 1999). One of the technical
with adults)—the same as what might very Physician samples. Although physician issues associated with drug donations and reuse
well be true for potential effects on nontarget samples (manufacturer samples distributed is that of expiry. More information can be
organisms. free to medical practices) constitute an found at the website maintained by the
Expanded use and mission of reverse unknown percentage of the overall disposal Wemos Foundation (2002). Certain state leg-
distributors. Many but not all U.S. pharma- problem, distributors of physician samples islation in the United States (e.g., Ohio
cies use “reverse distributors” for return of often instruct physicians to dispose of out- General Assembly 2001) has been attempting
unsold/expired inventory [e.g., Returns dated samples to the sewage system. This to establish drug “repository” programs for col-
Industry Association (RIA) 2002; source should also be subject to any nation- lecting and redistributing unadulterated pre- 2002]. This existing indus- wide guidance or regulations. scription drugs for subsequent represcribing to
try could serve as the foundation for an over- Source separation for domestic wastes. patients meeting eligibility requirements.
arching returns industry—by its expansion Advancement in, and implementation of, new The reuse by pharmacies of previously
into a larger, comprehensive disposal/recycling technologies for dealing with waste at the prescribed, within-date drugs has been a con-
program, one that accommodates the con- source (e.g., separation of distinct streams) tentious and complex issue for more than two
sumer sector. Great value could be added by holds the highest potential for the future min- decades—partly because of the rising costs of
designing an integral database that compiled imization of waste flows to the environment. new-generation drugs and because of insuffi-
information mined from consumer returns, Sewage source separation schemes such as cient public resources dedicated to the med-
with the objective of ultimately improving those involving toilet reengineering are ically indigent. There is also debate over who
health care; such data are traditionally but one example (e.g., Larsen et al. 2001; should benefit (in terms of compensation)
extremely difficult to obtain. Novaquatis 2002; Otterpohl 2002). from reuse, given that the original patients,
Pharmaceutical “returns” result directly Sewage recycling. Also under development insurance companies, or Medicaid programs
from the many issues associated with are various “toilet-to-tap” plans for upgrading originally paid for the unused medications.
“unsaleables” (products unwanted by the con- sewage to potable water (or at least to a level Dispensing laws often run counter to
sumer, for any of a wide spectrum of reasons, suitable for groundwater reinjection) (Drewes responsible reuse of still-usable drugs (OSU
and products that have expired), a topic and Shore 2001; Greene 2000). By use of 2000a) despite the fact that modern, tamper-
whose entire scope is not even understood by advanced water treatment technology such as evident packaging would greatly assist in the
the involved industries, but one that has been reverse osmosis, nearly complete removal of assurance of the quality of reused drugs. In
captured in a report by Siecker (2001). The all PPCPs can be achieved. However, all the Oklahoma alone, long-term care facilities
monetary costs associated with returns in the solutes removed by reverse osmosis are con- (LTCFs) each month are directed by state law
United States have been estimated at up to centrated in the rejected “brine”—a waste to dispose of millions of dollars of unused
(or even exceeding) $2 billion per year, stream that must be disposed itself. medications (and incur substantial personnel
exceeding the actual market value of the Improvements to sewage infrastructure. oversight/implementation costs); an unknown
products (Siecker 2001); these costs, however, Straight-piping of sewage (e.g., Pressley 1999) portion of the disposed drugs is directed to
have never been factored in to a cradle-to-cra- to surface waters should continue to be identi- municipal sewers (OSU 2000a). At the same
dle approach. Clearly, many inefficiencies fied and eliminated on an ongoing basis. time, the medically indigent often do not
exist in the distribution system. The many Privies and septic systems should be converted receive medications that they may require,

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Mini-Monograph | The green pharmacy—actions, opportunities, future issues

and when they do, it is often with the use of extensive as a result of long-term medication Nutrition and health maintenance. The
public funds (OSU 2000a). and heroic treatment measures. Furthermore, key and critical disease-prevention role played
One rough estimate of the national mone- in North America, those areas where embalm- by nutrition should continue to be explored
tary value of unused drugs in LTCFs is ing is practiced commonly discharge with- and emphasized at all levels. A number of fed-
US$73–378 million (OSU 2000a); statistically drawn body fluids (containing whatever eral agencies and organizations are active in
based estimates are difficult to compile medications the dying patient had been purveying information regarding the critical
because of the proprietary nature of the indus- administered) directly into municipal sewage linkage between nutrition and health (wellness
try. This estimate assumed wastage rates of systems (Funeral Consumers Alliance 2002). or disease prevention), including the U.S.
4–15%, which have been revealed by various An analogous problem might exist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
state studies (OSU 2000a). disposal of carcasses from medicated or eutha- (CDC 2002a), Health Canada (2002), and
It is illegal in certain states (e.g., Okla- nized pets (see Daughton 2001a), where the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA
homa) to give away (e.g., donate to charity) lethal concentrations of barbiturates such as 2002a, 2002b). This type of information
any drug already obtained by prescription sodium pentobarbital are often used. could be made an integral, visible part of
(OSU 2000a, 2000b). It is also illegal in cer- Public outreach/education—heightening direct-to-consumer advertising for drugs
tain states for pharmacies to accept returned public awareness. A well-designed, concerted (Daughton 2003). The connections between
unused drugs; this is a result of long-recog- public outreach program for communicating health maintenance/improvement via proper
nized, complex issues regarding quality assur- the issues associated with PPCPs as environ- nutrition and the reduced need for medication
ance (particularly problematic is a drug’s shelf mental pollutants could accomplish dual aims: are well documented.
history—whether it was stored in a controlled a) enhance the public’s appreciation and Placebos. Although “alternative” medicine
environment, especially regarding tempera- understanding of a wide range of principles (e.g., standardized, bioactive, naturally occur-
ture and humidity—as well as the issue of associated with environmental science, and ring substances such as phytochemicals and
counterfeiting). Because of these complicating b) increase the public’s sense of environmental other “nutraceuticals”) has received much
factors, the FDA has no general policy gov- responsibility by showing how their actions as renewed attention (Daughton and Ternes
erning reuse and instead prefers that each individuals collectively contribute to the bur- 1999) and could eventually reduce the use of
state set its own individual policy (OSU den of PPCPs in the environment, how PPCPs synthetic drugs, more emphasis could be
2000b); the FDA does not disallow reuse—it can possibly affect environmental processes placed on expanding the exploration of non-
simply highlights the dangers and pitfalls that (e.g., aquatic biota), and the collateral advan- chemical alternatives to traditional medica-
require vigilance in establishing a reuse pro- tages (human health and economic) accrued by tions. As an example, more research could be
gram. The American Medical Association conscientious/responsible disposal and use of directed at reducing (or eliminating) drug
(AMA) supports the reuse of drugs in LTCFs PPCPs. The educational aspects of the topic dosages via the use of placebos (e.g.,
(AMA 2001). In light of this, it behooves the are summarized in Daughton/U.S. EPA Christensen 2001; Leuchter et al. 2002).
states to study and emulate best practices and (2002a). Probiotics. Probiotics (beneficial, endoge-
try to align their practices accordingly. Two additional potential opportunities nous microflora) have long been used and
Demonstrating the disparate implementa- exist with leveraging the public education studied for the protection of the gut [largely by
tion of drug reuse across the United States, it aspect of PPCPs as environmental pollutants: blocking pathogen adhesion (e.g., Kaur et al.
has proved difficult to ascertain exactly what First, the fact that drugs can theoretically be 2002)]. More recent work has expanded this
state practices do entail. One survey maintains monitored in sewage now provides society for important domain of clinical microbial ecology
that as of the year 2000, 36 states allowed at the first time with the science to quantify the to other medical uses such as prophylaxis for
least some form of drug reuse (recycling) or actual extent and magnitude of community- postsurgical infection [in lieu of prophylactic
resale; 17 allowed both reuse and resale with- wide use of illicit/abused drugs (Daughton antibiotics (e.g., Harder 2002; Reid et al.
out restrictions, and 12 prohibited any reuse 2001b); this would objectify the decades-old 2001)]. The U.S. FDA Center for Veterinary
or resale (OSU 2001, 2000b). A subsequent and emotionally charged national debate Medicine approved the first probiotic for ani-
survey (OSU 2001), however, revealed only regarding the actual magnitude of drug abuse. mals (known as a “competitive exclusion cul-
six or so states with reuse/resale provisions. It Second, parallel to this is the fact that monitor- ture” product) in 1998; still the only approved
is clear that the issue is complex, with different ing for illicit drugs in sewage or the environ- competitive exclusion product, it is known by
meanings, interpretations, and implementa- ment could raise community awareness of the trade name Preempt, and its New Animal
tion across the states. Certain states have been inadvertent financial support to terrorism Drug Application number is 141-101 (U.S.
actively working on legislation that would (Daughton/U.S. EPA 2001a; ONDCP 2002). FDA 2002b). Sometimes called “bacteriother-
enable reuse; Ohio (Ohio General Assembly These activities, in turn, would heighten the apy,” the wide range of medical uses of probi-
2001) and Oklahoma (OSU 2001) are public’s awareness that their combined, daily otics for displacing pathogens is summarized in
two examples. individual activities, actions, and behaviors can Beale (2002).
Environmentally sound funeral practices. have immediate, intimate, and inseparable
In countries practicing burial, cemeteries connections with the environment and with Research and Development
[which are a special landfill subclass (Ucisik world events. With improved knowledge of Further research and development on a wide
and Rushbrook 1998)] can pose problems these connections, behaviors (e.g., con- range of fronts could contribute to the mini-
with respect to groundwater pollution if they sumerism) affecting pollution prevention, dis- mization of PPCPs in the environment.
have not been properly engineered and sited posal, and recycling may eventually become Several are summarized here.
with local hydrogeologic processes in mind self-adjusting or self-regulating. Determining the relative importance of
(Croukamp 1999). Although a number of sources. Disposal versus excretion/washing.
investigations have examined the transport of Drug Alternatives Determine the relative contributions to envi-
pathogens from burial grounds to the ground- A variety of alternatives to drug therapy, rang- ronmental loadings of PPCPs from direct,
water (Santarsiero et al. 2000), little is known ing from nutrition to advanced use of medical purposeful disposal to sewage (and trash) of
regarding the release of PPCPs, whose pres- microbial ecology, could help reduce society’s unwanted/unused PPCPs versus inadvertent
ence in dead bodies could be expected to be use of medications. excretion and washing. That portion of the

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overall environmental drug burden emanating as aging and under-capacity treatment plants ble of detecting the types of effects that could
from direct disposal versus end use is totally cannot keep pace with urban populations. ensue. Particular attention should be paid to
unknown. More extensive public surveys and Waivers for over-capacity overflows are fre- accounting for shared mechanisms of action
actual monitoring could be used to tease these quently granted for discharges to marine envi- (to accommodate cumulative exposure; see
apart. For example, for those oral drugs that ronments, in contrast to straight-piping and Daughton 2003, Figure 2). Also needed is
a) are efficiently absorbed and undergo malfunctioning septic systems, which can be attention to chemicals that are not necessarily
extensive, nearly complete metabolism excrete found discharging into any type of receiving toxic in their own right but can potentiate the
low levels of the parent form (e.g., imipra- water. Another potential source of PPCPs toxicity of other substances (“chemosensitiz-
mine, morphine, itraconazole, isoproterenol, from raw sewage (although more geographi- ers”). A good example of this concern is the
meperidine, verapamil, among many) and cally confined) is cruise ships, which have a possible need to screen for a pollutant’s poten-
b) also are documented to occur in the envi- history of discharge of insufficiently treated tial to inhibit multidrug efflux pumps, which
ronment, perhaps it could be concluded that sewage (Alaska Department of Environmental serve as the first lines of defense for aquatic
direct disposal plays a significant role in their Conservation 2001a, 2001b, 2002; Nowlan organisms (Daughton 2001a; Daughton and
entering the environment. Bathing would be and Kwan 2001). Ternes 1999; Epel and Smital 2001); this
expected to be the most significant source for Illicit versus licit drugs. The prevalence of would obviously be important for the new
those drugs that are extensively applied exter- illicit drugs in the environment is completely generations of efflux pump inhibitors them-
nally (e.g., silver sulfadiazine burn cream) and unknown (Daughton 2001b). Although the selves but also would apply to any PPCP hav-
other topically applied antibiotics (e.g., baci- occurrence database for licit drugs continues ing efflux-pump inhibition potential. As just
tracin) as well as for personal care products to be expanded, with new publications one example of a new therapeutic class of
(e.g., synthetic musk fragrances), but disposal appearing frequently, almost no effort has drugs that may pose environmental concern,
could play a role. been devoted to illicit drugs. consider the angiogenesis inhibitors (see links
Disposal from LTCFs versus general Effect of health status on excretion. at NCI 2003). This broad therapeutic class
population. The accumulation of unused Health or disease status probably has a large consists of a number of synthetics—including
medications at LTCFs presents major, well- but undetermined significance with respect to legacy drugs such as thalidomide, as well as
documented problems for disposal. It is not determining the extent of excretion of drugs many new ones. These compounds have pro-
known, however, how significant this source in their unaltered states. Gastrointestinal dis- found teratogenic potential (thalidomide
is compared with disposal from the general ease can dramatically reduce uptake and being a well-known example), but little
populace. This issue grows more important as thereby enhance excretion (or expulsion, e.g., is known about their aquatic toxicology
our population’s age structure becomes more through vomiting) of the parent drug. (especially important during embryogenesis
inverted. Sequestration (e.g., chelation of tetracycline and development).
Maintenance versus short term. The rela- by dairy products or of fluoroquinolones by Early warning monitoring. A nationwide,
tive overall contributions to the environment divalent cations), alteration in gastrointestinal universal early-warning water monitoring
by long-term maintenance drugs (used exten- mobility, or alteration of gastric pH can simi- system that can detect any newly appearing
sively at LTCFs) versus short-term drugs is larly alter excretion. A better understanding of xenobiotic (including PPCPs) would be
not known. these parameters for the individual patient tremendously useful for detecting new trends
Hospitals versus domestic. The use of not only would better serve patients (e.g., by (including illicit drugs) and for permitting
on-site waste reclamation and treatment varies altered delivery routes) but also could reduce early intervention as needed before adverse
greatly for hospitals and other medical care unnecessary excretion. impacts might occur. A proposal on the utility
facilities. Hospitals especially might be Release into waters with low versus high of an early-warning monitoring system based
expected to be more significant contributors existing pollutant loads. An argument can be solely on the simple approach of identifying
for certain highly toxic drugs such as antineo- made that windows of aquatic toxicity vulner- anomalous constituents exclusively (largely
plastics and other cytotoxic drugs. ability open as a dynamic function of the rate ignoring all pre-existing constituents) has been
Domestic animals versus humans. We of change or status of overall cellular stress. outlined (Daughton/U.S. EPA 2001b). A col-
should attempt to determine the relative con- Organisms that have accommodated to new lateral benefit from a real-time early-warning
tributions from veterinary animals (e.g., con- stress (e.g., by synthesis of cellular stress pro- monitoring system is that it could be easily
fined animal feeding operations, aquaculture, teins or overexpression of efflux pumps) may designed to serve double duty for homeland
pets) versus that for humans. This is especially be significantly more resistant to the effects of security—to detect any newly present chemical
important regarding steroids (e.g., Renner newly present toxicants than those organisms sabotage agent. A monitoring system is also a
2002) and antibiotics (certain antibiotics and equilibrated to a constant environment. For key component of any effort to measure the
anabolic steroids are used exclusively for vari- this reason, organisms in slowly changing, effectiveness of pollution prevention strategies
ous domestic animals), where the overall load- pristine environments may be more suscepti- that have been implemented [in keeping with
ings could be important. Although the ble to new exposure to chemical stressors than the U.S. EPA’s new Innovation Strategy
discussion in this article has focused on are organisms experiencing ongoing exposure (Gibson 2002; U.S. EPA 2002)]. In recent
human therapeutics, veterinary drugs clearly to many, changing stressors. years, there have been a number of proposals
can be major contributors to environmental New drugs and ecotoxicology. Regardless for creation of a national health monitoring sys-
exposure (e.g., see Boxall et al. 2002). of the environmental significance of the cur- tem—one based on epidemiology and environ-
Straight-piping and raw sewage versus rent universe of drugs, the anticipated contin- mental monitoring, illustrated recently by a
treated sewage. Straight-piping sidesteps ben- uing expansion in new drug entities (those meeting sponsored by the Institute of
efits that might exist in secondary and tertiary from new chemical classes and with previously Medicine’s Roundtable on Environmental
sewage treatment for further drug removal, so unknown mechanisms of action—whose Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine (IOM
the relative contributions from straight-piping development will be driven largely by 2002). A nationwide early-warning monitoring
versus those for treated sewage would be use- advancements on the many fronts of “omics”) system for previously unrecognized or newly
ful to know. Overflow discharge of raw, provides the opportunity to develop ecologic emerging pollutants could be integrated within
untreated sewage is becoming more prevalent toxicity testing approaches that are more capa- such a system. Furthermore, the system could

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Mini-Monograph | The green pharmacy—actions, opportunities, future issues

be expanded to include the tracking of envi- and other medically related reagents, diagnos- vaccine for hepatitis B were the contaminant?
ronmental health in addition to human health tics, and vaccines. Today, molecularly farmed For in-depth discussions of the many complex
pollutants because the argument can be made pharmaceuticals are primarily recombinant facets of this topic, see CFIA (2001); Freese
that the two are inseparable (Daughton 2003). proteinaceous therapeutics, such as enzymes, (2002); Golz (2001); Kirk (2001); McCalla et
Guidance on groundwater recharge. With hormones, and monoclonal antibodies, that al. (2002); Pew Initiative (2002); see also
dwindling supplies of potable water supplies in tend to be costly to produce by existing other resources at Daughton/U.S. EPA
many parts of the world, efforts to recycle means (e.g., cultured mammalian cells) and (2002b).
water are accelerating (Drewes and Shore more risky because of transference of human Omics. As pointed out by Daughton and
2001). One approach is to store treated sewage pathogens. For a listing of relevant web Ternes (1999), rapid and escalating advance-
in aquifers by a variety of active reinjection or resources and reports on plant-made pharma- ments in genomics, proteomics, glycomics,
recharge approaches. Although this approach ceuticals, see Daughton/U.S. EPA (2002b). and others, coupled with an inverting societal
seems straightforward, the fact that the envi- Although these current-generation phy- age structure, will contribute greatly to the
ronmental half-lives of many substances are topharmaceuticals are proteins (and therefore commercial introduction of an ever-increas-
increased in the subsurface domain (because of at least have an innate susceptibility for degra- ing array of new drug entities, many of which
reduced microbial activity, lack of photolytic dation in the environment), questions must target new receptors and possess previously
alterations), it is imperative that reinjected be asked as to the wisdom of mass biosynthe- unforeseen mechanisms of action. As an
water be cleaned to standards protective of eco- sis of pharmaceuticals in food plants, whether example, novel (non-native, “mutated”) pro-
logic and human health. Consistent, national the large quantities that can be produced will teins can now be theoretically engineered
guidance (but which can be tailored to local have the ability for direct escape to the envi- (using native biochemical machinery) by
geology) is therefore needed regarding the ronment (with the attendant unknowns of modification of existing proteins and incorpo-
composition of active recharge waters. persistence and nontarget, unanticipated ration of non-natural amino acids (e.g.,
Extended expiry. Extend the shelf life effects), and whether the technology will Bessho et al. 2002). These “mutated” proteins
research already being performed for factory- eventually gain the routine ability to synthe- may not be as easily catabolized as native pro-
sealed drugs under the Shelf-Life Extension size small-molecule nonproteins, which may teins and therefore may have the potential for
Program (Daughton 2003) to see if expiration pose different concerns than for proteins. longer ecologic half-lives. This fact, in light of
dates on public-sector factory-sealed drugs and Contamination of the common agricul- the precautionary principle, provides ample
pharmacy-dispensed drugs can be extended tural food-plant gene pool by cross-pollina- forewarning to institute measures for mini-
or maximized. tion has been established as a major concern mizing the risks that might be associated with
Excipients and “alternative” medicines. (albeit hotly debated), especially if the thera- introducing drugs to the environment—and
Even though registered drugs and diagnostics peutic is bioactive at trace concentrations at the same time improves consumer health
have a paucity of data regarding potential or (e.g., hormones). This concern is reflected by and economy.
actual environmental effects (other than for the current U.S. regulations on intercrop dis- Personal “medical statistics card.” A volun-
conventional ecotoxicologic tests), excipients tances and crop-cycle timing, as stipulated in tary, personal “medical statistics card” contain-
(the nontherapeutic agents in formulated med- regulations by the USDA (via the Animal and ing an individual’s medical treatment history
icines), alternative drugs such as nutraceuticals Plant Health Inspection Service) and the U.S. could help minimize the overuse and inappro-
and dietary supplements, and personal care FDA (see links at Daughton/U.S. EPA priate use of prescription drugs. The history
products (except the synthetic musk fra- 2002b). Furthermore, the crops most fre- stored on such a card (including, e.g., past and
grances, some surfactants, and sunscreen quently used for molecular farming are corn, present medication, allergies) could assist an
agents) have even less. Some research effort soybeans, and rice. Any progress in eliminat- attending physician prevent redundant or ill-
should be devoted to these underinvestigated ing (vs. minimizing) the possibility of cross- advised prescribing because of a lack of patient
classes of PPCPs in the environment to gage pollination would be desirable—a true data; this would be especially valuable for those
their possible importance. The diverse classes closed-loop system would be preferable patients having multiple physicians and those
of bioactive chemicals in nutraceuticals and because any controversy regarding contamina- who “self-medicate.” It could even be used to
dietary supplements are growing as a result of tion of the common food supply would then help consumers in prescreening over-the-
renewed interest in “self-care.” Several exam- be negated. Although the primary concern counter (OTC) drugs and food supplements
ples are summarized by Daughton and Ternes regarding risk has focused on humans (cen- that could lead to adverse interactions with
(1999). In contrast to the use of pharmaceuti- tered around allergenicity, and toxicity in the prescription medication they are taking.
cals (with the exception of “cosmetic” or form of direct endocrine disruption or other Consumers would not need to understand the
“lifestyle” pharmaceuticals), consumer use of mechanisms), perhaps more imminent (but status of any of the medications and supple-
personal care products is almost always one of largely unanticipated) hazards could be pre- ments they are taking as long as they were dili-
personal discretion. Also unlike pharmaceuti- sent for nontarget organisms, whose interac- gent in using their card when purchasing
cals, most personal care products are used tions with crops are extremely difficult to medications or supplements; the card would
externally (or not ingested) and in larger quan- prevent. Any failure of the systems in place to rely on accessing a standardized, up-to-date
tities, maximizing their likelihood for release to ensure the complete containment of plant- expert system of prescribing information. Such
the environment (via bathing or oral discharge). made pharmaceuticals could at the least lead a card, whose information content could be
to widespread distrust (and disruption) of the stored anonymously (no need to encode with
Future Concerns/Opportunities long-established and trusted U.S. food indus- personal information) would not be confused
Molecular farming (“pharming”). The large- try. Such concerns would at the least affect with the concept long and hotly debated in the
scale production (kilograms per hectare) of mass psychology. As an example, although a United States of a “national health card,”
pharmaceuticals by transgenic organisms, low level of contamination of nongenetically which is intended more for obtaining medical
especially plants and food crops (known as modified foodstuffs with herbicide-tolerant or services rather than ensuring efficiency and effi-
molecular farming or “pharming”), is cur- insecticidal grain may be tolerable to some cacy of medical treatment; national health
rently aimed mainly at producing phytophar- people, would the same level of tolerance con- cards have been successfully implemented for
maceuticals—“functional foods,” “biologic” tinue if a drug for rheumatoid arthritis or a some time in a number of other countries but

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 5 | May 2003 779

Mini-Monograph | Daughton

have been controversial in the United States (2002) regulations stipulate that “non-con- such collateral benefits are characteristic of
because of real or perceived issues with privacy trolled substances shall be disposed of by incin- cradle-to-cradle approaches. For example, the
protection. Patients could, however, also elect eration, flushing into septic or sewer system, or Alberta Pharmaceutical Association has been
to store medical information keyed to their by transfer to a local pharmacy for destruc- mining the data compiled from their program
personal identity if they wished to avoid tion.” Many pharmacy or health care websites to answer questions regarding what consumer
repeated requests for the same information by recommend disposal to the sewer. Typical sectors are discarding PPCPs and why they
multiple medical care providers (and thereby examples include “flush old drugs down the are not fully using their supplies (Driver
also ensure a more accurate, thorough, and toilet; don’t just toss them in the trash where 1998). For example, a major problem long
consistent portrayal of their medical histories little hands could get hold of them” (MSN faced by medical practitioners has been
across a continuum of providers). 2002), and the California Poison Control “patient noncompliance” (why patients do
System (2002), advocates flushing unwanted not finish their medication). The Alberta
Insights and Recommendations: drugs down the toilet. Sometimes, the advice is take-back program provided the rare opportu-
Disposal of PPCPs by the End nebulous and circular: “Contact your state nity to perform a follow-up, life-cycle analy-
User board of pharmacy or your state Environmental sis—the type of study normally missing from
In North America, only a fragmented patch- Protection Agency office for the appropriate current prescribing practices. The knowledge
work of often-contradictory regulations, guid- means of disposal of prescription samples. Local gained could prove extremely beneficial to the
ance, and formal/informal advice attempts to law enforcement may not be aware of specific health care consumer. At the same time,
direct the purposeful disposal of PPCPs. This disposal issues relating to prescription drugs” potential adverse environmental impacts are
uncoordinated guidance is geographically (Volunteers in Health Care 2001). In contrast, reduced. The study learned, for example, that
uneven and varies greatly among governing other websites give more proactive advice. For geriatric patients return the most medications.
bodies. Regardless of what the best environ- example, Great Pacific Industries’ (2002; e.g., This led to the recommendation for “trial
mental disposition of expired/unwanted Save-On-Foods) pharmacy network has its prescriptions” that provide small initial quan-
PPCPs might eventually be, clearly there own “take-back” program, more in line with a tities, enabling the physician to determine the
would be benefits in having but one optimal nationwide program that has been imple- suitability of the prescription for the patient
approach. Much work is needed in formulat- mented in Canada since the mid-1990s and in before large quantities go unused.
ing a single, cohesive set of nationwide (or Australia since 1998. There are also some take-back programs in
global) regulations or guidance addressing dis- Take-back programs. Most British Co- Europe. Two major ones are Italy’s Ass.Inde
posal or recycling. Comprehensive regulations lumbia pharmacies belong to the Medications and France’s Cyclamed (e.g., Macarthur
or guidance would address PPCPs that have Return Program (MRP). The MRP was insti- 2000). The European Agency for the
entered the consumer chain, as well as those tuted in March 2001 as a relaunch of the for- Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA
used in hospitals, medical practices (e.g., merly known EnviRx program, which was 2001, sec 5) also recommends that “unused
physician’s samples), LTCFs (e.g., nursing founded in November 1996 as a consumer-ori- preparations or old preparations should be
homes), and humanitarian relief efforts. ented stewardship program, established volun- returned to pharmacies.” In Australia, a free
Locating literature regarding drug disposal tarily by British Columbia’s pharmaceutical “returns” program was launched in July 1998
is not easy, primarily because there are no industry. The program’s most recent annual using a not-for-profit organization (National
unique search words. To broaden success in report can be found in Driedger (2002). The Return and Disposal of Unwanted Medicines
key word searching of English documents program was made mandatory in March 1997 Ltd.) in partnership with the New South
available on the Internet and published in the by an expansion of the scope of the Post- Wales Government and various pharmaceuti-
printed literature, multiple terms must be consumer Residual Stewardship Program cal industry entities. Dubbed the RUM
used, including the coupling of the words Regulation (Government of British Columbia Project (Return Unwanted Medicines), the
“drug,” “medicine” (or the adjective “medica- 2002). It is designed to accept the free return program plans to enlist more than 5,000 phar-
tion”), or “pharmaceutical” with “disposal,” of all prescription and OTC medications (and macies nationwide. As with other take-back
“destruction,” “recycling,” “reuse,” “return,” certain other medically oriented products); it programs, RUM’s mission is to lessen disposal
“take-back,” “outdated,” or “expired.” Once does not, however, accept physician samples. to the environment, reduce child poisonings,
formal disposal/recycling program names The MRP derives from a true cradle-to-cradle and minimize inappropriate sharing of medi-
have been identified (e.g., EnviRx or RUM, philosophy in that “ecology of health” is the cines (RUM 2002). A similar Australian pro-
discussed below), they can be used in turn to central focus (Daughton 2003). The MRP was gram is Overseas Pharmaceutical Aid for Life
locate many more references (this is especially formed to balance the concerns and objectives (OPAL 2003)
useful for non-English-language web pages). for ensuring or improving the health of the Sparse literature. Surprisingly, the various
Current practice: patchwork of diametri- environment, consumer, and economy. facets of the topic of drug disposal have been
cally opposed approaches. To illustrate the The MRP has been embraced by Canada’s infrequently addressed in the literature over
disharmony of current practices, consider the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory the years, and the few reports that have been
following: Most existing laws directed at drug Authorities (NAPRA) for a number of reasons, published in the open literature have received
disposal are written around two concerns: including consumer/child safety (accidental little attention outside the pharmacy commu-
a) the disposition of “controlled” substances or poisonings, unwitting consumption of expired nity. Drug disposal has interested medical
b) the imperative to keep expired/unwanted product or product prescribed for someone professions primarily because of insights it
medication away from children (this is perhaps else), reduced costs (encouraging purchase of can yield on issues relating to patient compli-
the major imperative for disposing of drugs to manageable drug amounts that are fully con- ance and economic costs to the consumer.
sewage that has been instilled in the public sumed), improved therapeutic outcomes, and The driving force has rarely emanated from
over the years). Environmental concerns are “reduced potential for environmental damage” the potential for environmental benefits
rarely cited (in the United States, California is (NAPRA 2002). (which are currently ill-defined because of the
one exception). Some states require nursing The Canadian take-back programs (as lack of science), although progress toward one
homes to dispose of unwanted drugs to the founded under EnviRx) have also had unfore- aim is often relevant to the other—they are
“toilet.” For example, State of North Carolina seen benefits, especially for consumer health; intimately tied. The two major issues in the

780 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 5 | May 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Mini-Monograph | The green pharmacy—actions, opportunities, future issues

literature are misuse and inappropriate use disposal (before the Canadian take-back pro- incinerated, 17% directed to hazardous waste
(both resulting in overuse) and noncompli- gram), 46% had disposed of their unwanted handlers, and 68% disposed to solid waste or
ance (resulting in discharge of unused drugs medications to the toilet, 31% disposed them the toilet (but unfortunately, the two were not
to sewage and solid waste when a course of to trash, 17% had already been taking them distinguished). In contrast to internal operat-
medication is not completed). Inappropriate back to the pharmacy, 2% to their physician, ing procedures, only 5% of the surveyed phar-
use especially among the elderly has been a and 4% used other routes. The predominance macies had consistent recommendations for
topic of continuing debate (e.g., Gurwitz and of disposal to the toilet over other routes, cor- their customers. Little information on safe
Rochon 2002; Pitkala et al. 2002). The pub- roborates the few other published studies, disposal of drugs was routinely relayed to the
lic needs to be better informed regarding the despite claims to the contrary (e.g., Velagaleti public. The authors recommend that uniform
appropriate use of medications to maximize et al. 2002). guidelines are needed for the safe disposal of
the benefits for themselves and the environ- In a study of drug use at LTCFs, Paone et expired medications and that these policies be
ment. The following is a synopsis of some of al. (1996) make a number of recommenda- included in consumer education provided by
these relevant studies. tions regarding the reduction of medication pharmacies and poison information centers
Coambs et al. (1997) reported that for use. They found medication wastage to alike. Indeed, note that the California Poison
Canada’s health care system, the economic amount to 6.7% of the total cost of dispensed Control System (2002) advocates flushing
annual costs that could be potentially avoided medications. This resulted partly from prob- unwanted drugs down the toilet. For the 12-
by better engineering of prescribing practices lematic “prn” (take as needed) medication and month period before the COMPAS survey (for
and patient education (i.e., inappropriate use because medication was discontinued by Health Canada), 19% and 20% of those sur-
and medication noncompliance) were esti- physicians 27% of the time because it was no veyed disposed of unused/expired nonprescrip-
mated to be as high as Can$7–9 billion. More longer needed or suitable; the dose of medica- tion and prescription drugs, respectively, to
recent studies (e.g., CSHP 2002) corroborate tion was altered in 5% of patients. The sewage (with higher percentages of women
the economic aspects: “Misuse of drugs is not researchers recommended that dispensing be doing so than men), and 50% and 39% dis-
only a major health concern, it is a major eco- limited to 10-day (instead of 30-day) supplies. posed of nonprescription and prescription
nomic concern.” In one of the earliest analy- The AMA’s Council on Scientific Affairs drugs to the garbage, respectively (COMPAS
ses of the economic costs of drug disposal, addresses the issue of drug “recycling” (AMA 2002); interestingly, 26% and 37% disposed
Kidder (1987) determined that monthly per- 2001) and reaches the conclusion that the of these by a means other than garbage,
patient drug wastage costs ranged from costs associated with LTCF unused medica- recycling, sewage, or dumping/burying.
US$1.52 to $5.67. tions is between 4% and 10% of the total dis- Only as recently as the late 1990s was the
Boivin (1997) reports some of the only pensed costs. Of the wastage, more than 90% concept of “treating the environment as our
actual survey data on drug disposal. As many results from “discontinuation or change in patient” [in line with the “ecology of health”
have noted, as the population age structure medication or death, transfer, or hospitaliza- (Daughton 2003)] beginning to emerge from
becomes more inverted, the number of pre- tion of the resident.” But they were not able the pharmacy sector (e.g., Blanchard 1998).
scriptions per patient also tends to increase; to assess the method by which this substantial Blanchard (1998) noted a survey recommen-
for example, those patients 75 years and older quantity of unreturned medication was dis- dation that reducing a prescription’s supply to
in 2000 received per capita the most new pre- posed. The AMA encourages the use of tam- 28 days could reduce the need for discarding
scriptions—an average of 12 (NACDS 2002). per-evident seals on medication to facilitate by as much as 30% (but also observed that
But medication use not only rises with age; it return/recycling. The AMA policy is consis- progress in that direction is hampered by the
also tends to result in more wastage (for a tent with the policy of the American Society desires of insurers and patients, both of whom
variety of reasons, most of which result from of Consultant Pharmacists, which “supports want bulk filling of prescriptions). Also, with
issues specific to geriatric medicine). Boivin the return and reuse of medications to the the issue of waste aside, 28-day supplies
(1997) discovered that substantial quantities dispensing pharmacy to reduce the waste would also reduce inappropriate use of left-
of drugs go unused from both classes of thera- associated with unused medications in LTCFs over medications and accidental poisonings
peutics—acute (short term) and maintenance and to offer substantial cost savings to the (Blanchard 1998).
(long term). Many of the most frequently health care system” (ASCP 1996).
unused (returned) drugs also happened to be Very sparse data are available that indicate Disposal Guidance
ones that have since been identified in the quantities of drugs that are purposefully Little formal guidance has been developed for
environmental monitoring studies (e.g., disposed. The Australian RUM Project (RUM drug disposal. The WHO was forced to
Daughton and Ternes 1999). Factors that 2002) has recently been collecting more than develop guidance as a result of the humanitar-
contribute to noncompliance include fre- 200 tons of unwanted drugs each year; this ian efforts during the Bosnia conflict. A major
quent physician alterations in dosage of exist- perhaps gives a glimpse of the magnitude of problem arose from the enormous quantities
ing drugs and prescribing of new drugs, the disposal issue. In one of the only published of expired and inappropriate medications that
patient death, patient improvement, and surveys relevant to the United States, Kuspis were received as part of humanitarian dona-
silent symptoms (those that the patient can- and Krenzelok (1996) also surveyed commu- tions. But the WHO’s (1999) guidance is
not detect as worsening or improving, e.g., nity drug disposal. Of those surveyed, only more relevant to large-scale field situations.
high blood pressure, and that provide the 1.4% returned medications to a pharmacy, The Canadian NAPRA has also taken a
patient with no feedback or incentive for con- 54% disposed of medications in the garbage, proactive stance toward drug disposal (e.g.,
tinuing with their medication). The survey and 35.4% flushed medications down the NAPRA 2002); their philosophy is reflected
indicated that more than 63% of the popula- toilet or sink; 7.2% did not dispose of medica- in the consumer pamphlet prepared by the
tion had disposed of medication in the past. tions, and 2% said that they used all medica- Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA
The estimated annual cost of the wasted med- tions before expiration. Of the pharmacies 2002), which gives the consumer tips on
ication across the province of Ontario surveyed, 97% had specific policies regarding disposal of unwanted drugs, including guid-
exceeded Can$40 million; if extended for all disposal of undispensed medications, and these ance to not dispose drugs in the garbage or to
of Canada, the wastage could have exceeded policies directed return to the producer. For the toilet—because “it’s not good for the
Can$110 million. Regarding the method of medication that was not returnable, 15% was environment.”

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 5 | May 2003 781

Mini-Monograph | Daughton

The American Pharmaceutical Association in personal care products is indeed regu- Some listed PPCP ingredients are OTC
coordinated the development of the 1998 lated—namely, chemicals listed as hazardous constituents (e.g., nicotine). These issues are
Pharmacist Practice Activity Classification under the Resource Conservation and further discussed by Smith (1999, 2002).
(PPAC) system (APhA 1998), which describes Recovery Act (RCRA 1976). The U.S. These and other commonly used PPCP
and classifies the activities of licensed pharma- Department of Justice’s Drug Enforcement ingredients become hazardous waste at the
cists throughout the health care delivery sys- Agency (DEA) strictly regulates the disposal time the decision is made to actually dispose.
tem. Activity C.3.4. in the PPAC (to promote of unwanted controlled substances (but there The responsibility for determining if the waste
safe medication use, storage, and disposal) has are many exemptions, depending on such fac- is indeed hazardous rests with the waste gener-
two tasks involving drug disposal: task C.3.4.4 tors as whether the substance is used in a pre- ator. As mentioned above, note that for con-
(educate groups about the proper disposal of scription medication, e.g., pentobarbital, trolled substances (e.g., codeine, opiates,
medications and devices) and task C.3.4.5 phenobarbital, diazepam, codeine, and many tranquilizers, etc.), DEA regulations apply.
(provide a general medication and device dis- others). The DEA disposal program is not Although RCRA directs the disposition of cer-
posal service pursuant to state and federal laws discussed here; for more information, refer to tain select PPCPs, this determines how distrib-
and regulations). But specifics are not DEA (2003). The Schedules of Controlled utors and pharmacies handle these drugs when
provided on their website. Substances can be obtained from the Code of they are outdated. Significantly, the law is not
For the most part, however, a large dis- Federal Regulations (CFR 2002a). The DEA closed around the complete use cycle, because
jointed patchwork of often conflicting guid- classifies controlled substances into five cate- it has no impact on the actions of consumers.
ance and regulations exists for directing the gories (schedules I through V), indicating For example, mention is never made on a drug
disposal or destruction of drugs. It has long progressively lower potential for substance container that the ingredients are subject to
been common knowledge among pharmacists abuse. Schedule I substances have a high RCRA. But even then, the fact that a drug is
and physicians, at least in some states and potential for abuse (and no recognized med- listed by RCRA and handled appropriately
locales, that oversight/regulatory authorities do ical uses); the other schedules contain drugs cannot completely prevent it from entering the
recommend “proper disposal” of drugs, but at with recognized medicinal uses. environment—because the mere use of these
the same time, they contradictorily recom- For a drug to be RCRA listed, it generally substances by consumers results in direct input
mend disposal to sewage. Oversight regarding appears on the RCRA “P” or “U” lists. P-List to the environment—by both excretion (cur-
disposal/destruction usually resides in a variety RCRA chemicals are deemed acutely haz- rently unavoidable) and consumer disposal.
of agencies and departments, and those that ardous in any concentration (40 CFR A paradox arises in that many regulated
oversee pharmacies differ from those that 261.33e); U-list chemicals are deemed less industrial chemicals have dual uses—as con-
oversee nursing facilities, and yet others some- toxic (40 CFR 261.33f). Quite a number of sumer nonfood products and as industrial
times oversee consumer end use (Light 1997). PPCPs appear on these two RCRA lists pri- chemicals. These chemicals are not subject to
The importance of uniform guidance for marily because of toxicity. In addition to P- the same strict disposal standards for con-
disposal of PPCPs is illustrated by one of the and U-listing, a substance is subject to RCRA sumer use as they are for industrial use.
outcomes from the American Academy of D-listing if it exhibits one or more of four Phthalic acid esters (phthalates) are but one
Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement on the RCRA characteristics: toxicity, ignitability, cor- example; others include a wide array of com-
implications of mercury in pediatric health care rosivity, and reactivity. D-listing, however, mon solvents, including alkanes, alcohols,
(Goldman et al. 2001). One of the many usually applies not to active ingredients but aldehydes, ketones, esters, and aromatics (all
sources for mercury in the environment is from rather to other ingredients (e.g., excipients such of which can be used in formulating cosmetics
personal care products and devices such as as solvents). Some RCRA-listed chemicals that and for some drugs). The consequence is that
mercury thermometers. One of the recommen- have major medicinal therapeutic uses are substantial exposures to very high concentra-
dations set forth to pediatricians by the AAP listed in Table 1 (but note that many other tions of industrially regulated substances can
policy statement was for “parents to remove nonmedicinal chemicals on these lists are com- result from direct application of cosmetics to
mercury thermometers from their homes.” monly used in various other aspects of medi- the body by unregulated consumer use.
Unfortunately, advice on the proper methods cine and therapeutics). For the complete lists, The CDC published the first large-scale
for disposal of elemental-mercury thermome- refer to 40CFR§261.33 (CFR 2002b). environmental contaminant human exposure
ters did not accompany the report. A follow-up Whether a PPCP is available only by prescrip- study through direct biomonitoring of blood
study (DiCarlo et al. 2002) surveyed a variety tion is not a determining factor for listing. and urine (Blount et al. 2000; CDC 2000b).
of local, county, and state health officials to
ascertain the advice that they would be giving Table 1. Some RCRA-listed chemicals that have major medicinal therapeutic uses.
to public inquirers regarding proper ther-
P Lista U Listb
mometer disposal. Only 24% would have
made the correct recommendation (viz., turn Epinephrine (adrenaline) P042 Chlorambucil (Leukeran) U035
thermometers in to hazardous waste pickup). Nicotine P075 Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar, Procytox) U058
Nitroglycerine P081 Daunomycin (Dauorubicin, Cerubidine) U059
The major (and incorrect) recommendation Physostigmine P204 Diethylstilbestrol U089
would have been to dispose in domestic trash Physostigmine salicylate P188 Melphalan (Alkeran) U150
(45%). This one example (which should have Warfarin > 0.3% P001 Mitomycin C (Mutamycin) U010
been clear-cut) shows the importance of uni- Paraldehyde U182
fied, clear guidance regarding disposal or Phenacetin U187
recycling of all medical products. Reserpine U200
Saccharin U202
Hazardous Chemicals: A Selenium sulfide U205 (e.g., dandruff shampoos)
Streptozocin (Zanosar) U206
Special and Paradoxical Case Uracil mustard U237
regarding PPCPs Warfarin (Coumadin) < 0.3% U248
There does exist a special circumstance where aRepresentative P-listed drugs (some have other uses). bThe U list has a number of antineoplastic agents (among other
the disposal of specific drugs and ingredients PPCPs).

782 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 5 | May 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Mini-Monograph | The green pharmacy—actions, opportunities, future issues

The study verified human exposure to chemi- Stewardship programs (centered around a Technol 36(9):1899–1906.
cals via personal care products—namely, phtha- cohesive take-back or returns program) would Boivin M. 1997. The cost of medication waste. Can Pharm J,
May, 32–39. Available:
lates. These ubiquitous, high-volume industrial prove critical to the birth of the “green phar- toolkits/toolkit9/wastecost.pdf [accessed 10 May 2002].
chemicals (often used as flexibility promoters in macy.” For true cradle-to-cradle stewardship Boxall ABA, Fogg L, Blackwell PA, Kay P, Pemberton EJ. March
plastics) have a plethora of end uses in con- of PPCPs, a holistic integration of all aspects 2002. Review of Veterinary Medicines in the Environment.
Bristol, UK: Environment Agency R&D Technical Report P6-
sumer products, including vinyl flooring, wall of the production–consumption cycle is 012/8/TR. Available:
coverings, detergents, lubricating oils, solvents, required—one that takes into consideration rdreport.nsf/cb25ea8bb5cda7ce8025670d0046afca/ebb707d
food packaging, and medical devices. They also the needs and costs of the complete cycle from 23d5c38f980256bf1005ca749?OpenDocument [accessed 2
August 2002].
are frequently used in many formulations of drug discovery/design to distribution, end use, California Poison Control System. 2002. How Can You Prevent
PPCPs—for example, soap, shampoo, hair and disposal/recycling. The economies and Poisonings? San Francisco, CA:California Poison Control
spray, sunscreens, antiperspirants, medication, ecological/human health efficiencies of no sin- System. Available:
and many types of nail polish; their uses are gle aspect can be optimized in isolation from prevent.html [accessed 10 May 2002].
CDC. 2002a. Nutrition and Physical Activity. Atlanta, GA:Centers
designed around the very abilities of phthalates the others. Although in this mini-monograph for Disease Control and Prevention. Available: http://
to penetrate the skin and to act as humectants I survey many of the avenues for reducing the [accessed 10 May 2002].
and emollients. They are incorporated into for- controllable introduction of PPCPs to the ———. 2002b. National Report on Human Exposure to
Environmental Chemicals. Atlanta, GA:Centers for Disease
mulations at high concentrations. Their use has environment, I do not address the many other Control and Prevention. Available:
been so widespread for such a long time that issues (especially the potential for adverse nceh/dls/report/Highlights.htm [accessed 10 May 2002].
they are frequent background contaminants in effects) associated with the unintended, CDER. 2002. Frequently Asked Questions on Pediatric
Exclusivity (505A), The Pediatric “Rule,” and Their
environmental analyses. The CDC study uncontrollable excretion of PPCPs and their Interaction. Washington, DC:Center for Drug Evaluation
showed that human exposure is higher and metabolites into the environment—a subject and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
spans a wider spectrum of phthalates than pre- of a future publication. Supplementary and Available:
[accessed 10 May 2002].
viously suspected. Exposure of wildlife is updated materials for this mini-monograph CFIA. 2001. Public Forum on Plant Molecular Farming. Ottawa,
unknown, but given the widespread and heavy are available at the Green Pharmacy web page Ontario:Plant Biosafety Office, Plant Health and Production
use of these compounds, exposures to a wide (Daughton/U.S. EPA 2003). Division, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 30 October
2001. Available:
array of organisms can be inferred. plaveg/pbo/mf/mf_fore.shtml [accessed 10 May 2002].
REFERENCES CFR. 2002a. 21 CFR Section 1308: Schedules of Controlled
Conclusions/Recommendations Substances. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Available:
A patchwork of inconsistent and often Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. 2001a.
Report to the Alaska Cruise Ship Initiative: Near-Field CFR. 2002b. 40 CFR—Chapter I—Part 261§ 261.33 Discarded
conflicting advice, guidance, or regulations Dispersion of Wastewater Behind a Moving Large Cruise commercial chemical products, off-specification species,
exists among and within countries to guide the Ship. Cruise Ship Wastewater Science Advisory Panel, 26 container residues, and spill residues thereof. U.S. Code of
disposal of PPCPs and ultimately determine June 2001. Juneau, AK:Alaska Department of Environmental Federal Regulations. Available:
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