General Question: Saudi Council Exams For Laboratory Technologist

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Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist

General Question

 One is not found (involve) in colorimetric:

1- Cuvett
2-light source
3- Photo sensor and analyzer
4-fule source

 The atomic mass of an atom is the number of:

1- Protons and neutrons
2- Protons only
3- Neutrons only
4- Electrons
5- Non of the above

 Deionization of impure water means:

1- Boiling.
2- Filtration.
3- Exchange of protons and electrons.

 If you see this sign (symbol) in the lab it means:

1- Flammable
2- Corrosive
3- Oxidizing
4- Explosive
5- Toxic

 Most common method (technique) used to detect hormone amount in the

1- Spectrophotometry
2- Enzyme Linked Immuno Surbant Assay (ELIZA)

 Test should be kept away from light:

1- Serum bilirubin

 Buffer solution is:

1- Chaing color when chaing pH
2- Resist acidic pH
3- Resist alkaline pH
4- Weak acid + weak base
5- Strong acid + weak base
 An indicator is:
1- Change color with change pH
2- Resist acidic pH
3- Resist alkaline pH
4- Weak acid + weak base
Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
5- Strong acid + weak base
 Heparin is:
1- Protein
2- Enzyme
3- Polysaccharide
4- Oligosaccharide
5- Non of the above

 Not find in the flam photometry:

1. Burner
2. Filter
3. Fuel source
4. Cuvete for sample
5. Photo

 Low effective sterilization with:

1. Ethyl alcohol 70%
2. Methyl alcohol
3. Chloroform
4. 5%phenol
5. 5% cresol

 Prolonged fast cause:

1. Hyperglycemia
2. Keton in urine

 Lens near the slid in light microscope:

1. Objective
2. Eye lenses

 does not sterile with hot air oven:

1. Dry glassware
2. Oil
3. Powder
4. Waxes
5. Rubber gloves
 Autoclave sterilize in temp:
121◌ْ c-20-30min

 Alkali skin burn treatment by neutralization with:

1. Sodium bicarbonate powder
2. Boric acid
3. Acetic acid 1%
4. Cold water
5. Hot water

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist

 You do not take this stage for treatment small cut in emergency:
1. Clean with soap and water
2. Do pressure with piece
3. Immediately rinse mouth well and water
4. Cover it with water dressing
5. Sterilize

 the (u) unit used to evaluation of :

1. Protein in serum
2. Hemoglobin
3. Hormone assay
4. Enzymatic activity

 During reaction of two chemical substances, the color produced asses by

1. Spectrophotometer
2. Flame photometer

 To detect pH from solution use:

1. pH meter
2. Indicator
3. Micrometer

 This Symbol means, when you see in laboratory:

1. acute flammable
2. Toxic
3. Corrosive
4. Explosive

 The microscope which used in investigate syphilis is?

1. light microscope
2. ultra-violet microscope
3. dark field microscope

 How much water should we add to 500ml of a solution of 10% of NAOH to bring it to
1. 666
2. 250
3. 166
 Calibrator sera are?
1. secondary standards
2. internal standards
3. primary standards

 A buffer made of?

1. a strong acid + a strong salt
2. a weak acid + a weak salt

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
3. a weak acid + a strong salt
 The difference between plasma & serum is that plasma?
1. does not contain fibrinogen
2. has more water
3. contains fibrinogen (Plasma)

 Five ml of colored solution has an absorbance of .500nm the absorbance of 10ml of

the same solution is?
1. 1.000nm
2. 0.250nm
3. 0.500nm

 Plasma or serum should be separated at the earliest time for estimation of glucose
1. glucose value increases with time
2. lyses of blood will occur
3. glucose value decreases with time

 Wave Length Visible To Naked Eye:

 400-700 nm.

 Purpose of standard deviation:

1. to measure external quality control
2. to measure internal quality control
3. precise & accuracy
4. both 1 & 2

 Substance used in catalyses reaction:

 H2 O2

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist

Neutrophil count is high in:
1-Acute bacterial infection
2- Iron deficiency anemia
3-Megaloblastic anemia

HbA2 is consisting of:

1- 3 ά chains and 2 γ chains
2- 2 ά chains and 2 β chains
3- 2 ά chains and 2 δ chains
4- 2 ά chains and 3 δ chains
5- 3 ά chains and 2 δ chains

The main (most) Hb found in adult is:

1. Hb A
2. Hb A2
3. Hb F

Detection of malaria parasite is by:

1. Thick blood film

Leukocyte that involve in Adaptive and Acquired immunity:

1- Lymphocyte
2- Neutrophil
3- Monocyte
4- Basophile
5- Eosinophil

Normal range of leukocyte is:

1- 11 X 10^9

Reticulocyte is immature:
1- RBC
2- WBC
3- Platelet

Leukocyte responsible for cellular immunity:

2- B- lymphocyte
3- Monocyte
4- Basophile
5- Eosinophil

 Malaria infection transmitted by:

1- Male anopheles mosquito
2- Female anopheles mosquito
Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist

One stage Prothrombin time used to detect (diagnose) disorders in:

1- Extrinsic coagulation pathway (factors)
2- Intrinsic coagulation pathway (factors)

Thrombin time is:

1- Extrinsic coagulation pathway (factors)
2- Intrinsic coagulation pathway (factors)
3- The conversion of Prothrombin to fibrinogen in addition of thrombin

Most sever (serious) malaria infection caused by:

1- Plasmodium Falciparum
2- Plasmodium Malaria
3- Plasmodium Ovale
4- Plasmodium Vivax
5- All of the above

Leukocyte responsible for response to parasitic and allergic infection:

1- Lymphocyte
2- Neutrophil
3- Monocyte
4- Basophile
5- Eosinophil

With Romanowsky stain, 2-5 lobes and give violet or pinkish granules:
1. Neutrophil
2. Eosinophil
3. Basophile
4. Monocyte

Lymphocyte is elevated in:

1. Viral infection
2. Acute bacterial infection
3. Iron deficiency anemia
4. Megaloblastic anemia
5. None of the above

Thrombin time measure:

1. Convert fibrinogen to fibrin with activate of thrombin

In presence of clotting defect one of this not measure:

Leukocyte count
Bleeding time test detect the abnormality in :
Defect in vessels and platelets

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
S hemoglobin is the same defect of thalassemia but the different is :
1. Long B chain
2. Glutamic acid on B chain is substituted with valine
3. Glutamic acid on a chain is substitutes with valine

Hormone that cause replication of RBC:


Which of White blood cell give immunoglobulin :

 Lymphocyte
 Neutrophil
 Basophile
 Monocyte
 Eosinophil

Neutrophil is a common White blood cell present in blood and the percentage of
presence is :
 90%
 15%
 75%

23. Normal range of erythrocyte

4, 5- 6,5X 10^9

One of these cell the largest leukocyte cell:

 Neutrophil
 Basophil
 Monocyte
 Lymphocyte
 Eosinophil

Malaria chizonts are present in?

1. reticulo-endothelial
2. leukocyte
3. RBCs

 Unidirectional movement of WBCs directly to its target is?

1. Sliding
2. phagocytes
3. Chemo taxis

Malaria does not grow in?

1. EDTA blood
2. heparin zed blood
3. Plasma

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
Hemophilia man married to normal woman the incidence of his children is?
1. Carrier male
2. Diseased female
3. Carrier female

IVY method of bleeding time

For vascular and platelets abnormalities (function)

Most abundant in WBCs

(Adult haemoglobin) for adult, dominant in adult

(Infant heamoglobin) fetal haemoglobin

 Neutrophil
Firstly increased in bacterial infections

Prolonged application of tourniquet

Venous stasis increased calcium level

Best time for collection of blood for malaria :-

A-before and after paroxsym
B-shortly after paroxsym
C-later paroxsym
D-just before paroxsym

In folic acid deficiency what happens to RBCs :-

A- Enlarged RBCs ( Megaloblastic anemia ) = Macrocytic
B- Crenated RBCs
C- Haemolyzed RBCs

In iron deficiency anaemia :

RBCs are smaller than normal = Microcytic
 The malarial sporozoite in man invades:-
1. White blood cells
1. RBCs
2. Reticulo-endothelial cells
3. All of the above

The defect of thalassemia occurs in:

 Cycle of heme
 Glubin chain

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist

All Cells Are Nucleated EXCEPT:-


 Romanowsky stain consists of:

1. Eosin + Alkaline methylene blue
2. Eosin only
3. Methylene blue only
4. Indian Ink

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist


 One is not correctly paired:

1-α- cells→ glucagon
2-β- cells → insulin
3- Parathyroid → calcium
4- Corpus luteum→ Progesterone
5- Estrogen → seminiferous tubules

 In case of obstructive jaundice one is commonly not found:

1- Total bilirubin is elevated
2- High bilirubin in urine
3- Direct bilirubin is within the normal
4- Dark color of urine
5- Clay color of stool

 In case of Hemolytic jaundice one is not likely to be found:

1- Total bilirubin is elevated
2- High bilirubin in urine
3- No change in color of urine
4- Direct bilirubin is within the normal
5- Normal color of stool

 One is not true about acid:

1- Proton donor
2- Turn litmus paper to blue
3- Sour taste
4- React with alkaline to give water and salt
5- Non of the above

 Pentose phosphate metabolism cycle is important to the cell because it give:

1- Acetyl CoA
2- ADP
3- ATP

 Hydrolysis of sucrose result:

1- Only glucose
2- Galactose
3- Fructose + glucose
4- Glucose + Glucose
5- Maltose + Glucose

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
 Consider ketose:
1- Glucose
2- Fructose
3- Mannose

Presence one from this substance in urine detect abnormal condition;

1. Calcium
2. Phosphates
3. Glucose
4. Urates

 In cardiac infraction one of the measurements is not benefited:

1. Creatinine

 One of the following has highest conc. Of cholesterol:

1- Chylomicron
2- LDL
3- HDL
5- Apolipoprtein

 11. Hyper secretion of insulin cause:


Hyperglycemia hormone

 Pyrimidin base:
1. Adenine
2. Guanine
3. Thymine
4. Uric acid
5. Urea

 One use for measure abnormality in kidney :


 Does not stimulate with slight hemolysis:

 One is stimulate on serum calcium level:
Prolonged application of tourniquet on arm
Glycolysis done in :
 Nucleus
 Endoplasmic reticulum
 Mitochondrion
 Cytoplasm
 Non of the above

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One of the above not present in Diabetic mellitus coma :
 Hyperglycemia
 Hypercholesterolemia
 High number of ketene in urine
 Non of the above

 In which substance give blood glucose when hydrolysis :

 Muscle glycogen
Liver glycogen
Heart glycogen
Unsaturated fat

Urea is final product of catabolism of:

 Amino acid
 Triglyceride
 Cholesterol
 Polysaccharide

Alkaline phosphates is the important enzyme to detect function in :

 Liver
 Bone
 Liver and bone
 Non of the above

One of the following anticoagulant used for blood glucose :

 Heparin
 Sodium oxalate
 Florida Oxalate
 Sodium citrate

AST important enzyme to detect abnormality in:

 Liver disease
 Heart disease
 Liver and heart disease
 Non of the above

 The diabetic patient is going to comma when blood glucose is?

*120 mg/dl
*160 mg/dl
*Less than 50mg/dl

 Amylase value is high in the following disease?

*salivary glands
*pancreas diseases
*All of the previous

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
One jaundice patient has yellow skin, his Bilirubin is:

Acute diabetic patient has?

*blood sugar more than 150mg/dl
*blood sugar more than 180mg/dl
*Glucose & Acetone in urine

Diabetic patient has one of the following symptoms?


Insulin is regulating blood sugar by?

*Increase the influx of glucose into cells
*activate glycogensis
*All the previous

 To check the intestinal efficacy the following test is done?

*stool fats

 Comma of diabetic patient shows?

*glucose grater than 200mg/dl
*glucose less than 200mg/dl
*glucose grater than 500mg/d
 Bone matrix can also call?
*vascular tissue
*fibrous tissue
Serum LDH is elevated in all the following except?
*skeletal disease
*cardiac/ hepatic diseases
*renal disease

 Elevated Sodium & Chloride is seen in?

*diabetic acidosis
*Severe dehydration
 Which test is better to diagnose chronic bile duct?
*total bilirubin

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
 With age the renal threshold for glucose?
*does not change

 Causes of high serum bilirubin are?

*overload on liver
*all of the previous

 One of the following enzymes is affected by hemolysis?

 HbA1C of diabetic patient is important for?
*he has to come fasting
*short term follow up
*Long term follow up

 For glucose tolerance test?

*collect 5 blood samples only
*collect 5 urine samples only
*collect 5 blood samples + 5 urine samples

 One of the following heart enzymes is measured after 4-8hr of chest pain?

 Light affects one of the following?


 One of the following is specific diagnostic liver enzyme?


 One of the following is important before anesthesia?

*alkaline phosphates
*acidic phosphates
*Pseudocholine esterase
 Acid phosphate is?
*heart enzyme
*liver enzyme
*Prostatic enzyme
Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
 In Uric acid estimation?
*it's affected by carbohydrate meal
*no need for fasting
*The patient has to come fasting

 All of the following are affected by meal except?


 Na+ is the main?

*intra cellular anion
*intra cellular cation- - - -- (K)
*extra cellular cation
 One of the following electrolytes is affected by hemolysis?
The best kidney function test?
*total protein
*Creatinine clearance

 For GTT in adults the dose of glucose is?


 For GTT in children the dose of glucose is?


 Random blood glucose gives an idea?

*to justify blood glucose
*fasting patient
*blood glucose in urgent cases

 Exogenous triglyceride is carried on?


 Endogenous triglyceride is carried on?

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
 Harmful cholesterol is carried on?

 Useful cholesterol is carried on?


 For lipid investigation patient has to fast?

 Test Used To Diagnose Obstructive Bile Duct
A- Bilirubin
B- biliverdin
C- urobilinogen
D-none of the above
Which of the following is protected from light :-
C- Total protein (TP.)
D-BUN (blood urea nitrogen)

 All of the following can asses the liver function except :-


 Purine Associated With


Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist

Bacteria can cause pathogenesis to human by:
2-Secret enzymes
3-Endogenous toxins
4-Exogenous toxins
5-All of the above

 Function of pili of the bacteria:

1- Attachment to the host tissue
2- Movement
3- Reproduction (multiplication)
4- Engulf of food
5- All of the above

 Bacteria motile gram-rods:

1. Shigella
2. Bordetela pertusis
3. Pseudomonas aeruginoea
4. Yersenia pestis

 Strict aerobe bacteria


 One is always non motile gram –ve rods:

1-Haemophilus Influenza
3- E.coli
4- Salmonella
5- Borditella Pertusis

 One is motile gram –ve rods:

1- Haemophilus Influenza
2- Bacillus anthracis
3- Pseudomonas aerogenes
4- Vibrio cholerae
5- Yersinia Pestis

One is gram +ve oval (Cocci):

1- Bacillus anthracis
2- Meningococci
3- Pneumococci

 A child diagnosis show scarlet fever the cause is:

1- Streptococcus Pyogenes
2- Staphylococci aureus

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
 Xylose lysine Deoxycholate (XLD) is:
1- Selective media
2- Simple media
3- Differential media
4- Enriched media
5- Enrichment
 One is not a Romanowsky stain:
1- Fields stain
2- Gram stain
3- Geimsa stain
4- Leishman stain

 Best sterilization of Nutrient media done by:

1- Hot air oven
2- Autoclaving

 Org. (bacteria) arranged in Chinese litters:

1- Corynebacteria Diphtheria
2- Bacillus anthraces

 Confirmatory test of streptococcus pneumonia:

1- Catalase
2- Optochine disc
3- Coagulase
4- Bile insolubility
5- Bacitracin

 Gram +ve Cocci arranged in groups (clusters):

1- Streptococci
2- Staphylococci

 One is always oxidase +ve

1- Haemophilus Influenza
2- Pseudomonas aurogenase

 Gram -ve bacteria color :

1. Dark purple
2. Pale to dark red
3. Orange
 Bacteria need dark field to detect
T.pallidium (Syphilis)

Citrate test assis :

1. Mycobacterias
2. Staph
3. Strept
4. Colistridia sp
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 Nutrient agar:
Basic media

Disease caused by Pyogen streptococcus:

Scarlet fever.

Org cause bloody in stool:

Shigella sp.

Z.N stain use for diagnose :


Media use for differentiate between L.F and N.L.F:

Maconky media

Use for clean slide:

1. Ethyl alcohol
2. Methyl alcohol

The following is ingredient of culture medium:

 Meat extract
 Mineral salts
 Agar
 Peptone
 Non of the above
 All of the above

The most source of ATP in cell is :

 Mitochondria
 Cytoplasm
 Nucleus
 Cell wall
 H Ag present in :
 Pilli
 Capsule
 Flagella
 Cell membrane

 Selective and Differential medium of entero pathogen is:

 Chocolate agar
 Blood agar
 DCA medium
 Meat extract agar
 Non of the above

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 One of these is prokaryotic cell:
 Fungi
 Bacteria
 Entameba histolytica
 All of the above
 Non of the above

 One of these org gram +ve Cocci arranged in pairs :

 Staphylococci
 Meningococci
 Entrococci

Substance used in catalyse reaction :


 The best sample for the culture of children paralysis virus is?
*anal swab
*blood culture
*stool culture

All of the following is true for salmonella except?

*produces H2S
*oxidase positive

 The best media for urine culture is?

*blood agar
*chocolate agar
*CLED agar

 The sterilization of autoclave is?

*85c for 30min
*150c for 30min
*121c for 15min

Shigella soni colored in maconkey & EMB?


 All the following bacteria are interobacter except?

*Non of the previous

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 All the following parameters affecting gram staining except?
*use H2SO4
*add absolute alcohol after washing
*Delaying the dryness of the slide

 Blood sample is used to diagnose?

*non from them

 Serious that causes food poisoning?

*Staph albus
*salmonella typhi
*Salmonella enteritidis

 Which of the following causes UTI & INDOL positive?


 Which of the following culture media is suitable for semi quantitative bacterial count
in urine samples
a- Mc Conkey agar
b- Blood agar
c- XLD medium
d- Mannitol salt agar
e- CLED medium
 One of the following is capsulated bacteria?
*klebsiella Pneumonia
The following organisms are lactose fomenters except
a-E. Coli
b-Enterobacter cloacae
c- Shigella sonnei
d- Proteus spp.

 All is true about Enterobacteriaceae except :-

a-They are …… hemolytic and sorbitol
b- Ferments Mannitol
c- Grow in Methylene blue medium
d- Inhibited growth with 6.5 % NaCl and/or at temperature

 All are true of campylobacter jejuni or Which of the following statements about
campylobacter is false:-
a-Gram negative curved bacilli
b-Slow growth
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c-Grow on XLD medium
d- Arranged in pairs
 Beta hemolysis is enhanced when group B Streptococci is streaked at an angle in
blood agar plate with :
a- Streptococci
b- Staph aureus
d-Streptococcus epiedermidis
e- Corynebacterim diphteriae
 All statements are true about proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris except :-
Oxidase negative & liquefies gelatin
a-Exhibits swarming on BAP and Mc Conkey's agar
b-Urease positive
c-KCN and N2S positive
d- Positive to INDOLE test
 Klebsiella pneumonia
 Some organisms are to said to be pathogenic if they are containing the following
features :-
A- coagulase
 Sterilization is best done by
121c 15 PSI for 15-20 minutes
Organism Soluble In Bile :-
A- Staph
C- Pneumococci (streptococcus pneumonia)
D- Haemophilous influenzae

 Thayer-martin media is the choice for the isolation of the following organism : -
A- Pseudomonas Aeroginosa
B- Haemophilous influenzae
C- Nisseria gonorrhoea

 Confirmatory test for Strept. Pneumoniae :-

A- Optochin sensitivity disc
B- Bacitracin disc sensitivity
C- Bile solubility
D- Catalase test

 Specimen suitable for microfilaria


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 Which of the following organisms is an anaerobic bacterium :-

A- Clostiridium spp.
B- Haemophilus
C- E. Coli
D- Yersinia enterocolitica

 Nutrient agar is :-
A- Selective media
B-Differential media
C-Special media
D- Basic medium

 The Following Organisms Are Encapsulated Except :-

A- Pseudomonas aeroginosa
B- E. Coli
C- Haemophilous influenzae
D- Streptococcus pneumoniae

 Vi Ag is seen in :-
 All are true about enterococci except :- (Strept. Faecalis)
A-have carbohydrate antigen of group d streptococci
B-positive aesculin hydrolysis
C-grow in the presence of bile salts
D- Do not grow in the presence of 6.5 % NaCl nor at 45 oc

 Significant bacteruria , puria , and alkaline urine probably indicate urinary tract
infection due to::
A- Staphylococcus epidermidis
B- E. Coli
C- Proteus vulgaris
D- Pseudomonas aerginosa
E-Enterococcus Faecalis

 Streptococci responsible for the majority of human infections are :-

A- Group A
B-beta-haemolytic streptococci
C-bacitracin-s and camp ( - )
D-all of these
E-none of these

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 To differentiate between nisseria gonorrhoea and nisseria meningitidis :

A-fermentation of dextrose and lactose
B- Fermentation of dextrose and maltose
C-fermentation of maltose and lactose
D- Fermentation of maltose and sucrose

 Blood culture is indicated in the following bacterial diseases except

C- Gastroenteritis
 Which of the following statements about campylobacter jejuni is false
A-gram negative curved bacilli
B- Arranged in pairs (see-gull)
C-slow growth
D-Grows on XLD medium
E-incubation temperature at 42 oc

 The invasiveness of streptococcus pneumoniae is due to the production of:

D- Polysaccharide capsule
 Agar is characterized by all the following except?
*freezing point is 42c & melting point is 100c

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Infective stage of Entrobius Vermicularis is:
1- Larva
2- Cercaria
3- Egg
4- Cyst
5- Metacercaria

 The definitive host is an animal:

1-Entamoeba histolitica
2-Toxoplasma gondii
3-Trypanosoma cruzi
5- Giardia lamblia

 Parasite can cause fetal cerebral infection:

1- Taenia
2- Toxoplasma gondii

 Intracellular parasite:
1- E.coli
2- Toxoplasma gondii
3- Giardia lamblia
4- Typanosoma cruzi
5- Trichomonas vaginalis

 Non motile protozoa:

1- E.coli
2- Entamoeba Histolytica
3- Trypanosoma cruzi
4- Giardia lamblia
5- Trichomonas vaginalis
 Identification of Leishmania parasite
Lymph node aspirate.
 Infective stage of Taenia:
1- Larva
2- Cercaria
3- Embrocated egg
4- Cyst
5- Metacercaria
 Autoinfection of human can caused in case of:
1- Entrobius Vermicularis
2- Taenia Sp.
3- Anclystoma Dudenal
4- Ascaris Lumbercoidis

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 Iodine stain of Entamoeba cyst used to detect (diagnose):
1- Chromatoidal bars
2- Cell wall
3- Nuclei

 Diagnostic stage of Ascaris lumbericoidis:

1- Finding of a typical fertilized egg in stool

 Parasite can be detected in vaginal and urethral discharge:

1- Trichomonas Vaginalis

 Blood of Microfilaria infection diagnostic with:

Wuchereria bancrofti

 Oocyst benefited to diagnose:

1- E.histolytica
2- E.coli
3- Toxoplasma gondii
4- Giaradia lamblia
5- Typanosoma cruzi

 Cutaneous Leishmanias is transmitted by:

Phlebotomus sand fly

 Shistosoma hematobium diagnosis:

Egg in urine with terminal spine

 One of these organism multiply intracellular parasite:

 Giardia lamblia
 Entameba histolytica
 E. coli
 Trypanosoma Cruzi
 Toxoplasma gondii
 infective stage of Ascaris lumbricodes :
 Larva
 Cercaria
 Egg
 Cyst
 Metacercaria
 The worm that causes blood in urine?
*Shistosoma haematobium

 Generally diagnosed by recovery & identification of typical larva in stool?

*hook worms
Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
 Which of the following is not laying eggs in small intestine?
*hook worm
*Pin worm

 Polio myeletis is transmitted through?


 A parasite which does not deposit eggs in the intestine

a- E. vermicularis (Pin Worm)
b- A. duodenale
c- A. lumbricoides
d- T.saginata
e- T. spiralis

 The causative parasite of Egyptian Bilharisiasis

a- Trichomonas Vaginalis
b- Shistosoma haematobium
c- Shistosoma japonicum
d- Shistosoma mansoni
e- All of the above

 Best for identification of parasite if you can not see it in stool (Negative in stool)
Concentration Technique

 Identification of fertilized eggs in feces

Ascaris Lumbricoides

 Sugar can not be detected in urine using copper reduction test

A- Fructose
B- Galactose
C- arabinose
D- Sucrose
The infective stage of Ancylostoma Duodenale is :-
A- Eggs in stool
B-larva in stool
C-larva in tissue
D-cysticercous bovis

 What practical Cardiolipin is applicable in laboratory work?


Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
 The intermediate host of Toxoplasma is :-
B- Cat

 A semen specimen, contain sugar source of the spermatozoa energy is:

 Glucose
 Mannose
 Galactose
 Fructose
 Sucrose

 To check the intestinal efficacy the following test is done?

1- pepsin
2- lipase
3- stool fats

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist


The smallest molecular weight Ig is:


B-lymphocyte after attack foreign bodies ,called

Plasma cell

One of the immunoglobulin present in trace amount in serum :

 IgG
 IgE
 IgM
 IgD
 IgA

Immunoglobulin is?
*B globulin
*Alfa globulin
*Gamma globulin

 Ig ( Immunoglobulin ) Increased In Case Of Parasitic Infection & Allergy

A- IgG

Ig can cause HDN :-


Ig not part of acquired immunity :-

One of the immunoglobulin present in trace amount in serum :
 IgG
 IgE
 IgM
 IgD
 IgA

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
A standard micro plates in ELISA test has?
*98 wells
*94 wells
*96 wells

The enzyme in ELISA testing is present in the?

*micro plate

 Antigen antibody complex are?

*weakly bound
*no bounds
*strongly bound

 Washing must be done in all heterogeneous ELISA technique because?

*increase the specificity
*increase the sensitivity
*it removes the excess binding

 The label in ELISA tests is?

*radio active substance

Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist


Function of Thyroxin is:

1- Increase Oogenesis
2- Stimulate contraction of uterus
3- Increase basal metabolic

Increase in Thyroxin Stimulating Hormone (TSH) causes:

1- Cushing disease
2- Gigantism
3- Exophthalamic goiter
4- Hypoglycemia

Function of Estrogen:
1- Increase Oogenesis
2- Stimulate contraction of uterus
3- Increase basal metabolic

Increase in growth hormone causes:

1- Cushing disease
2- Gigantism
3- Exophthalamic goiter
4- Hypoglycemia

Immunoglobulin pregnancy test related to:

1- IgG
2- IgM
3- Human chorionic Gonadotropin

Target of Prolactin in female:

1- Ovary
2- Mammary glands

Hyperparathyroidism hormone cause:

1. Elevated ca level
2. Decrease ca level
Regulation of calcium level in serum by:
1. Calcitonine hormone only
2. Parathyroid hormone only
3. Calcionine with parathyroid hormone
4. Vitamin D
5. PTH+Vitamin D+calcitonin

Oxytocine hormone function :

 Increase Oogenesis
 Stimulate contraction of uterus
 Increase basal metabolic
Saudi Council Exams for Laboratory Technologist
Function of Cortisol :
 Increase Oogenesis
 Stimulate contraction of uterus
 Increase basal metabolic

While using the pregnancy test we are measuring?

*total HCG
*beta HCG &LH
*beta HCG

ADH is secreted from?

*thyroid gland
*anterior pituitary
*Posterior pituitary

Saudi Counsel Exams for Lab. Technician

Instruction: Selecton e best answer for the following multiple choice Questions:
1. The concentration of total bilirubin in the serum of normal adult ranges at.
A. 0.1 – 1 mg/dl
B. 0.1 – 1 ug/dl
C. 1 – 10 mg/dl
D. 10 – 20 mg/dl
E. 100 -110 mg/dl
2. Laboratory tests of hepatic function include:
A. Serum bilirubin
B. Urine bilirubin
C. Excretory function test
D. All of the above
3. Marked elevations in serum amylase levels are seen in:
A. Bone disease
B. Acute pancreatitis
C. Salivary gland lesions
D. Liver disease
E. B and C
4. Glycogen, the storage form of carbohydrates in the body is predominantly found in.
A. Liver tissue
B. Muscle tissue
C. Liver and muscle
D. Bone
E. B and D
5. The hormone insulin helps to maintain constant plasma glucose concentration by:
A. Allowing entry of glucose from plasma in to muscle and fat tissue
B. Moving glucose out of cells into the plasma
C. Inhibiting glycolysis
D. All the above mechanisms
E. Non of the above mechanisms


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