Electomagnetic Induction:-Faraday's Law: Project Report
Electomagnetic Induction:-Faraday's Law: Project Report
Electomagnetic Induction:-Faraday's Law: Project Report
induction :-
faraday’s law
Submitted By:
This is to certify that SUSHANT SINGH, student of Class XII ‘A’, KENDRIYA
VIDYALAYA BEG, has completed the project titled ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION
during the academic year 2014-15, and submitted satisfactory report, as compiled in the
following pages, under my supervision.
Department of Physics
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my physics mentor Mrs. Giri for her
vital support, guidance and encouragement, without which this project would not
have come forth. I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff of the
Department of Physics at Kendriya Vidyalaya BEG for their support during the
making of this project.
1. Magnetic Flux
2. Faraday’s Experiments
7. Eddy Currents
10.Additional Information
-: Magnetic Flux through any surface is the number of magnetic lines of
-:It can also be defined as the product of the area of the surface and the
Positive Flux:
Zero Flux:
Negative Flux:
Φ = B . A cos θ
Magnetic flux linked with the coil changes relative to the positions of the
coil and the magnet due to the magnetic lines of force cutting at
Observe:i) the relative motion between the coil and the magnet
iv) that the induced current (e.m.f) is available only as long as there is
the coil and magnet can be moved ( towards each other or away from
iii) magnetic flux linked with the coil changes relative to the positions of
iv) current and hence the deflection is large if the relative velocity
between the coil and the magnet and hence the rate of change of flux
When the primary circuit is closed current grows from zero to maximum
This changing magnetic flux is linked across the secondary coil and
as long as the current in the primary coil and hence the magnetic flux in
value to zero.
This changing magnetic flux is linked across the secondary coil and
However, note that the direction of current in the secondary coil is
previous case.
I Law:
Whenever there is a change in the magnetic flux linked with a circuit,
II Law:
The magnitude of the induced emf is directly proportional to the rate of
enz’s Law:
The direction of the induced emf or induced current is such that it
induced current in the coil sets itself to stop the motion of the magnet.
According to Lenz’s law, the induced emf opposes the change that
If, however, the reverse would happen (i.e. the induced emf does not
oppose or aids the change), then a little change in magnetic flux would
produce an induced current which would help the change of flux further
thereby producing more current. The increased emf would then cause
further change of flux and it would further increase the current and so
on. This would create energy out of nothing which would violate the
E = - dΦ / dt
E = - (Φ2 – Φ
1) / t
E = - N dΦ / dt
E = - N (Φ2 – Φ1) / t
to change in magnetic field (magnetic flux) in the metal are called eddy
1. In induction furnace eddy currents are used for melting iron ore,
Self Induction:
Self Induction is the phenomenon of inducing emf in the self coil due
The induced emf opposes the growth or decay of current in the coil
Self Inductance:
Φ α or = LI
If I = 1, then L= Φ
Mutual Induction:
coil due to change in current in the primary coil and hence the change in
Mutual Inductance:
secondary coil when unit current flows through the primary coil.
B1 = μ
μ0N1N2I1A / l But,
Φ21 = M21I1
lllly M12 = μ
0N1N2A / l = μ0n1n2Al
For two long co-axial solenoids of same length and cross-sectional area,