Lab 1: Iseries User Interfaces: What This Exercise Is About
Lab 1: Iseries User Interfaces: What This Exercise Is About
Lab 1: Iseries User Interfaces: What This Exercise Is About
What This Exercise Is About The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with iSeries Navigator and
how to navigate through it. As iSeries Navigator is the primary system
administration interface, it is essential to get acquainted with the basic
What You Should be Able to Do At the end of the lab, students should be able to:
• Access Navigator from their Windows Desktop
• Define a new connection to the server and verify the connection
• Send messages
• Display messages
• Display message Properties
• Display system operator messages
• Delete messages
• Working with the character-based (traditional) user interface
• Using menus to perform administrative tasks
• Close Navigator
Additional information sources This section lists reference literature and Web resources that contain further
information pertaining the different tasks within this lab exercise.
• Host server
– IBM Redbook: AS/400 Internet Security Scenarios: A Practical
Approach, SG24-5954
• Messages in iSeries Navigator
– IBM Redbook: Managing OS/400 with Operations Navigator V5R1,
Volume 1: Overview and More, SG24-6226
• Twinax
– IBM Redbook: IBM eServer i5 and iSeries System Handbook, GA19-
• Basic system operations
– iSeries Information Center, Systems Management –>Basic system
Task 1: Starting iSeries As mentioned in the introduction chapter to iSeries Access, iSeries
Navigator Navigator is the graphical tool to administer and operate an iSeries server.
It was enhanced over the last couple of years to also provide functions to
manage integrated Windows servers and logical partitions (not on i5
servers). In addition, it also offers a system management function called
Management Central. Even though iSeries Navigator is a very function-rich
tool, it should be noted that many administrators and programmers still
prefer the character-based interface (more about the character-based
interface later in this lab unit).
iSeries Navigator can be installed from CD or directly from the i5/OS
integrated file system via a mapped network drive. The product source is
located within i5/OS in the following IFS directory:
A default file share named QIBM is shipped with the operating system and
can be used to install iSeries Access for Windows on a PC.
iSeries Navigator is one of the options included in iSeries Access for
Windows. When installing iSeries Access, iSeries Navigator is automatically
installed with the base support and the Basic Operations option. For this
lab, iSeries Navigator was already installed with several options.
The default installation path on a PC is \Program Files\IBM\Client
Perform the following steps to start iSeries Navigator on your workstation:
Task 2: Adding a new When iSeries Navigator is launched for the very first time for a certain
connection Windows user account, a wizard starts that allows you to define a new
connection to an iSeries server. In this lab it is assumed that you started
iSeries Navigator the first time. In addition, an online help wizard is
displayed. You can remove the checkmark on the online help window to
prevent the window from popping up every time iSeries Navigator is started.
Perform the following steps to add a new connection:
3. Complete the wizard with the following data until you reach the last
page of the wizard. This page shows the Finish button.
Add Connection page
Server: <M820_P2>
Description: i5/OS connection to <M820_P2>
Environment: leave My Connections
iSeries Navigator allows you to maintain one
or more environments. You can one or more
server connections to an environment. In
case, you need to manage various servers in
different locations, you could create an
environment for each location and add the all
servers/partitions of a given location to the
corresponding environment.
5. Complete the wizard. You can see your new connection added to
the iSeries Navigator window. Expand the system connection
Study Time Use the iSeries Navigator online help and read about the various signon
options that are available for authentication.
Task 3: Exploring Basic iSeries Navigator is grouped into several functional components. By default,
Operations a user will only see the Basic Operations option displayed when opening a
system connection. To be able to work, for example, with users and group,
more iSeries Navigator options have to be installed. In this lab environment,
all options have been installed. Further, an administrator can also control
which user can see what option and what specific authority that user has, by
setting permissions via iSeries Navigator Application Administration.
In this lab task, you will familiarize yourself with iSeries Navigator and the
way it works. You will use some basic function to explore some
administration tasks. Even though the tasks seem quite simple, they are the
foundation work for all upcoming lab exercises that use iSeries Navigator.
Note: The very first time after you received your personal user profile,
iSeries Navigator shows you a message that your password has expired.
Follow the displayed options to change your password at this time and then
continue with the lab.
4. This time you will send a message to your own user. If you can’t
remember your user name, just use the Browse function to list all
5. Now display the message you just sent in iSeries Navigator. You will
notice that the right pane does not contain your new message. You
need to use the Refresh option to read all new messages from the
Series server.
Study Time Familiarize yourself with the other options on the Send Message window
and the details section of a displayed message.
7. Okay, you sent a message to the operator queue, but how do you
display messages for the system operator. You are not always
signed on as the system operator profile, which is QSYSOPR.
There are several ways for displaying system operator messages.
You will get a brief description of both approaches and then you will
try to perform both.
i. Customize the properties of the Messages section under Basic
Operations. There is a way to include the system operator
message queue in the list of messages that are shown on the
right pane of the iSeries Navigator window.
ii. You can use the Users and Groups section of iSeries Navigator
and display messages for a specific user. Remember that
messages are sent to message queues. These message queues
Background Information The system operator queue is the most important message queue within
i5/OS. It carries the name of the system operator profile QSYSOPR. Every
single alert, problem, system job and networking information are logged into
this queue. It the place to start with troubleshooting on the system. For
example, you can see in the queue when any by whom an IP interface was
taken down. Of course, many of these events are also logged in the
system-wide history log. Sometimes it is necessary or desirable to filter out
critical system and security messages. This can be achieved by creating
another message queue with the special name QSYSMSG. If this message
queue exists in the system library QSYS, the operating system
automatically logs critical message into this message queue.
8. In the last step of this lab task, use the iSeries Navigator interface
to delete all messages in your user’s message queue.
Task 4: Using the traditional Traditionally, applications were always run through a character-based user
character-based interface interface. Different line protocols exist for these kinds of interfaces. On the
iSeries server, the protocol is a 5250 data stream protocol. This protocol
was supported by many display units that were connected via a Twinax
cabling topology. The 5250 data stream is still heavily used. However, in
todays environments PC workstations running a 5250 emulation program
provide this kind of interface. It should be noted that the 5250 protocol and
commands offer a far more enhanced and comfortable way of displaying
characters than typical VT based emulation programs or terminals.
For many iSeries administrators, the character-based 5250 interface is still
their favorite interface to control the system. You can compare this to typical
Unix or Linux administrators. Even though they do have a graphical
interface available, they find their way around the system much faster via a
command shell interface.
In this lab section, you will explore the 5250 terminal emulation interface.
You can start and create 5250 session profiles in several ways:
• Via the Windows Start menu under IBM iSeries Access for Windows –>
Emulator –> Start or configure session
• Via the Windows desktop context menu under New->iSeries Desktop
• Through the connection context menu in iSeries Navigator
Since you started this lab unit with iSeries Navigator, the following steps
also use this interface to start a 5250 emulation session.
1. If not already done so, start iSeries Navigator and sign on with
your personal user profile to <M820_P2>. In case, you are still
logged into the same Windows session, you will notice that you will
©International Business Machines, 2006 Module 2 7
not be prompted to enter a password when starting iSeries
Navigator again and open a connection. The reason for this is that
the password is cached in Windows.
Study Time Use the PC5250 emulator online help to understand what the remaining
configuration options are used for.
5. Click OK to start the session. Before you are going to sign on to the
system, select the Edit –> Preferences menu of the emulator
window. Familiarize yourself with the various options, including but
not limited to keyboard mapping and appearance. Try to find the
option to display some user-defined text in the window title bar.
Enter the system name you are connected to as a text. This is very
useful when you have active sessions to multiple systems or
partitions. That way, you can easily recognize the correct session in
8 Module 2 ©International Business Machines, 2006
the Windows active task bar.
7. Sign on to the system with your personal user profile and continue
with the next lab task.
Task 5: Navigating through You already worked your way through some basic administration and
i5/OS via menu options navigation tasks in iSeries Navigator. The character-based or 5250
interface, offers you basically two ways to perform tasks on the system.
• Using the i5/OS provided menus and their options
• Using the i5/OS command language
In the following section you will learn how menus are built and how they are
When you signed on to the system, by default, you will be presented with
the i5/OS Main Menu (currently still referred to as the OS/400 Main Menu).
The options you are seeing depend on your user profile’s user class. For
users with higher privileges you will see all options (don’t worry you will
eventually get more authorities later on). i5/OS also provides the option to
define other start menus or start programs via user profile parameter. We
will cover those in lab module 3.
You will start by sending a message via menu options in the 5250 session;
the equivalent to what you did with iSeries Navigator.
Background Information The System Request menu is, unless it is restricted within user applications,
always available to a user via a special key combination. On regular PC
10 Module 2 ©International Business Machines, 2006
keyboards you can open the System Request menu by pressing Shift-Esc.
This shows a line at the bottom of the 5250 window. You can now just press
the Enter key to get to the System Request menu as shown in Figure or
you can directly enter the System Request menu option on the entry line at
the bottom of the window.