PSY 3410 Autism Spectrum Disorders & Intellectual Disability
PSY 3410 Autism Spectrum Disorders & Intellectual Disability
PSY 3410 Autism Spectrum Disorders & Intellectual Disability
¨ Course description/textbook
¨ Exams
¨ Extra credit
¨ Topics overview
Purpose of this course
¨ Learn:
¤ History of developmental disorders
¤ Etiology of ASD and ID
¤ Intervention
¨ Lectures
¨ Discussions
¨ Videos/demonstrations
¨ Guest speakers
What do you know about autism?
¨ Impressions?
What do you know about Intellectual
¨ Impressions?
What do we mean by a “spectrum”
Severe and pervasive impairment in several
areas of development
Core characteristics (according to DSM-5):
¨ Intellectual disability
¤ Not called “mental retardation” anymore
Retardation has a negative connotation and is considered an insult
¨ Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
¤ Neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how one socializes with others
¤ Term “disorder” in keeping with DSM-5 and ICD-10 terminology
¤ Some argue not a disorder, but a difference
Psychologist at UCLA conducting studies of children with autism in the 1960s; but found improvement
and “treatment” for children with autism in improving IQ but not making them more social. Led to
children with autism being mainstreamed in school
Autism and IDEA
¨ In 1990, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
recognizes autism as one of 13 disabilities under which a
student can be eligible for special education services
Not perfect but it is an improvement in what we had previously and what other countries have
Guarantees at least some kind of education for these children, but does not mean it is the best
History of DSM and Autism
DSM is how we diagnose all mental disorders (separated from physical or medical/genetic disorders)
Durand (2014)
Key Point