Audit Process in Philippine Public Fiscal Administration: Harold Ian G. Rala Bpa - 3A

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As we all know, audit process is essential in any administration, agency or

department especially in public fiscal administration. The goal of the audit

process is to promote effective program administration and financial

management, and to ensure integrity in governance. The primary purpose of

an audit is to evaluate operations with a view towards improving future


The state audit cycle consist of seven phases:

Phase I. Preliminary survey of the agency or audited entity;

Phase II. Review of the legal and policy framework within which the agency

operates, and the plans, policies, objectives, and standards it has adopted;

Phase III. Review and evaluation of the agency’s internal, and evaluation;

Phase VI. In-depth examination of critical areas, analysis, and evaluation;

Phase V. Preparation of Draft report and presentation to agency officials;

Phase VI. Finalization of report; and

Phase VII. Follow - up on the implementation of audit recommendations.

In the preliminary survey is conducted to acquire a working knowledge of the

audit agency and its legal, policy, and administrative environment. The

auditors gather general background information on the agency and its

operations after which he defines the scope of his/her audit.


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The information gathered from the preliminary survey are reviewed in order to

obtain a general knowledge of the legislation and policies applicable to

agency objectives, policies, programs, and operating standard. In the courses

of his/her review, the auditor notes, among others, any failure on the part of

the agency exercise a delegated authority or any exercise of authority which

exceeds the limitations imposed on it. In any cases, the auditor has taken into

account the spirit or intent of the law then the auditors review the procedures

and practices actually applied by the agency in processing its transactions.

At the end of the phase, the auditor is expected to have identified any problem

areas which need further examination in detail. A draft audit report is prepared

based on the findings and recommendations formulated in the previous

phase. The report is then presented to agency officials for their review and

comments. After the meeting, the auditors finalizes the audit report, in writing

the final report, he/she has to observe certain principles or standards of report

writing. The scope of the audit should be stated clearly and concisely in the

report and any limitations should be explicitly mentioned. Audit

recommendations, such as suggested improvements, proposed adjustments

in the accounts, correction or discontinuance of malpractices, solution to exist

problems, etc. should be followed- up there is always room for improvement in

an agency’s resources which consist of manpower, material resources, and

management methods and systems it is such improvement that will lead to a

full attainment of its objectives and goals, or in other words the realization of

the 3 E’s of agency management – economy, efficiency and effectiveness.


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Also there are many objective of state audit and all these relate to the concept

of public accountability. Public accountability is central to government audit as

it is anchored on the tenet that public officials, as stewards of public office,

must give full and public accounting of the manner with which the utilize the

power and expended the resources entrusted to them. State auditing thus

occupies as a central role in its enforcement for it must verify, examine,

evaluate, review and attest to such stewardship. Establishing accountability

for compliance with applicable laws, policies, rules and regulations is another

objective of state audit. Accountability for compliance means the

accountability of government officials to higher authorities for adherence to

laws, policies, and rules and regulations. Through financial and compliance

audits, state audits aims to determine whether public officers have utilized

their powers, authorities, and funds in accordance with legal, policy, and

elementary requirements and limitations. The specific objective of state

auditing also include the following, as enunciated in the Lima Declaration of

Guidelines on Auditing Precepts: (Annex I)

a. Proper and effective use of public funds;

b. Development of sound financial management ;

c. Orderly execution of administrative activities; and

d. Communication of information to public authorities and the public

through publication of public reports.


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Government audit by virtue of its critical and sensitive functions is necessarily

bound by strict principles and standard of application. Audit principle and

standard serve to guide the auditor in conducting his audit with integrity,

objectivity, independence, and efficiency. Audit standards deal with the quality

with which the audit is performed based on the professional and ethical

qualifications of the auditor and his/her exercise of judgment in the course of

audit. Professional audit standards also serve as guidelines to measure the

quality of audit procedures used in the course of audit. Deviation from such

standard result to unsatisfactory audit .On the other hand, audit procedures

are the various methods used in obtaining evidence and the steps followed in

accomplishing the audit. audit techniques are ways and method of gathering

evidence and information; in a sense, a combination of procedures comprise

an audit technique. Audit procedures and techniques from part of an audit

program which is a program of action specifying the audit objectives, the

scope or coverage, and the audit procedures and techniques to be used.


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