Differential Protein Expression During Tail Regeneration of Anolis Carolinensis

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Differential protein expression during tail regeneration of Anolis carolinensis

Victor Hong and Benjamin Thornton

Biology & Allied Health, Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, TN, 37315

Abstract – Some animals have the ability to regenerate lost limbs. Lizards are unique in that

they can autotomize their tails and regrow them. In this study, changes in protein expression

occurring within the regenerating tail of Anolis carolinensis (Green anole) 72 h post amputation

were examined. Proteins were separated using 2-dimension gel electrophoresis followed by

detection of differential expression using SameSpots software. Six different protein spots of

interest (t-Test, p < 0.05) were excised and MS/MS performed for protein identification. Within

those spots, proteins involved in immunity, energetics, and protein folding and degradation were

identified. The proteins that were up-regulated were transferrin, nucleotide-binding domain of

the sugar kinase superfamily, and CH1 domain in immunoglobulin. The down-regulated proteins

include T-complex protein 1, phosphoglucomutase 1, AAA, creatine kinase, ESP15 homology

domain, and PINT motif.


Many organisms have strategies to maintain their forms and cope with physical damage.

In order to recover from injury, the damaged tissue must be replenished with new cells. Although

regeneration of differentiated cells occurs in all animals, regeneration of lost body parts is not a

universal trait. Some invertebrates can regrow almost any parts of their bodies, such as sea stars

(Mladenov et al. 1989), planarians (Reddien and Sánchez Alvarado 2004), and hydras (Shimizu
et al. 2002). Among the vertebrates, newts have an exceptional regeneration capacity; they can

regrow lens (Reyer 1954), jaws (Oberpriller and Oberpriller 1974), limbs (Ghosh et al. 1994) and

even their hearts (Brockes 1997). The regenerative ability of other vertebrates is more limited;

zebra fish can regrow their fins (Akimenko et al. 1995), and most of the lizard species are able to

autotomize their tails when threatened by predators and regrow them rapidly (Fitch 2003, Meyer

et al. 2002).

Studies in lizard tail regeneration have been performed focusing on morphological (Cox 1969)

and physiological changes (Meyer et al. 2002). Advances in knowledge in signaling pathways

have broadened the scope on various mechanisms of control for regeneration of limb (Mercader

et al. 2005), and their implications in regenerative medicine (Stoick-Cooper et al. 2007). In this

study, we are interested in identifying the proteins that are differentially regulated during tail

regeneration process of Anolis carolinensis (Green anole). Our study will contribute to a better

understanding of the limb regeneration process.

Materials and Methods

Housing conditions

Male anoles purchased from BackwaterReptiles.com were housed in 38 L terrarium.

Anoles were fed, twice weekly, a diet of vita-crickets (BackwaterReptiles.com). Incandescent

lamps (60W) were used to maintain proper rearing temperatures.

Sample Collection

Two weeks habituation was allowed prior to tissue collection. Tails were excised 2 cm

posterior to the hip. One-half centimeter tissue samples were collected from the excised tissue,

frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80˚C. After 72 h, 0.5 cm samples were collected from the

regenerating tissue for comparison and stored at -80˚C.

Protein extraction

Total protein extraction was performed in a similar manner to Thornton (2010) and

Hajduch et al. (2005). Aliquots of tissue (0.20 g) were ground in liquid nitrogen with a mortar

and pestle as described by Leutwiler (1984). Tissue extraction medium (0.1 M Trizma base, 10

mM EDTA, 0.9 M sucrose, 0.4% B-mercaptoethanol, pH 8.8) and tris-saturated phenol (pH 8.8)

were added to the samples followed by brief sonication (Amplification set at 25 for 15 seconds;

Q700, QSonica, LLC, Newtown, CT) and incubated at -20˚C for 30 minutes on a rocker. Phenol

and aqueous phases were separated by centrifugation at 5000 g for 10 min at 4˚C. The top phenol

phase (1 ml) was removed and proteins were precipitated by adding 5 mL of cold 0.1 M

ammonium acetate in 100% methanol. The samples were incubated overnight at -20˚C (Hajduch

et al. 2005).

Protein purification

Samples were centrifuged for 10 min at 5,000 g and the supernatant decanted. The

protein was washed once using 0.1 M ammonium acetate in 100% methanol, two times in 80%

(v/v) acetone, and once in 70% (v/v) ethanol. Proteins were incubated in each solution at -20˚C

for 15 min and centrifuged. In each of the washes, the supernatant was decanted and the proteins

were resuspended in the next solution. After washing, samples were resuspended in a minimal

volume of isoelectric focusing (IEF) buffer (8 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 2% CHAPS, 2% Triton X-

100, and 50 mM DTT) needed to dissolve all protein (Hajduch et al. 2005). Samples were

quantified with the BioRad Protein Assay 425584 (Hercules, CA) against a standard curve of

bovine serum albumin using a 96-well plate reader (Multiskan Go, Thermo Scientific, West

Palm Beach, FL). Samples were stored at -80˚C.

Isoelectric focusing
Protein samples were focused using immobilized pH gradient (pH range: 5-8) 11 cm

strips. The strips were actively rehydrated at 50V using 185μL IEF buffer (with DL-dithiothreitol

and pH 3–10 ampholytes) along with 450μg of protein. IEF was performed in a BioRad Protean

IEF cell (Hercules, CA) for a total of 45,000 Vh. Samples were held at 500V until they were

stored at -80˚C. Equilibration was performed for 20 minutes in an equilibration buffer with 10

mg of DL-dithiothreitol/mL, and then in equilibration buffer with 25 mg of iodoacetamide/mL

for another 20 minutes (Hajduch et al. 2005).

Second-dimensional electrophoresis

Immobilized pH gradient strips were rinsed in SDS running buffer (25 mM Tris, 0.192 M

glycine, and 20% [w/v] SDS) and applied to a 16 cm, 14% (w/v) acrylamide gel with a 5 mm

10% (w/v) acrylamide stacker. Strips were then overlaid with 0.75% (w/v) low-melting-point

agarose in SDS-PAGE running buffer with bromophenol blue added. The second dimension was

briefly run at 110 V driving the sample through the stacker and then at 330 V (Hajduch et al.


Data analysis

Normalized protein differences were analyzed using SameSpots software from Nonlinear

Dynamics Ltd. (Newcastle, United Kingdom). Spots of interest (spots with >±1.1 average fold-

difference in normalized protein volume, and p<0.05) were excised from the gels and sent to the

University of Nebraska Mass Spectrometry Core Facility (Lincoln, NE) for protein identification

using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) with a Waters Q-TOF Ultima mass spectrometer

(Micromass/Waters, Milford, MA). Sequences were searched against Matrix Science database

20100701 (www.matrixscience.com) for protein mass fingerprints of possible homologues

(147241 sequences in the database) with the significant threshold set at P < 0.05. Significant
differences between pre- and post-amputation samples were identified with T-tests calculated

with SameSpots software Version 4.5.4325.3262. Molecular weight search scoring (MOWSE)

used an algorithm in Pappin et al. (1993) to determine the “rank” of the peptide compared to all

matches in the database. MOWSE was also used in conjunction with the percent coverage and

individual ion scores (not shown) for each amino acid in the peptide to verify homology or the

identity of the protein.

Results and Discussion

There were eleven protein spots in our gels that showed significant alterations in

expression. Many spots had more than one protein, and some proteins were found in multiple

spots. Therefore, these changes cannot be attributed to differential expression of one particular

protein per spot. Ion masses derived from mass spectra were submitted to the MASCOT online

database for identification. Within these spots, only proteins with over 20% coverage were

analyzed (Table 1).

Proteins that were significantly down-regulated during tail regeneration are shown in

Figure 1A. They include t-complex protein-1 (#393), phosphoglucomutase-1 (#393), AAA-

family (#411), creatine kinase (#485), ESP15 homology domain (#485), and PINT motif

(Proteasome subunits, Int-6, Nip-1, and TRIP-15; #614).

T-complex protein-1 directs protein folding, especially actin and tubulin (Sternlicht et al.

1993). Eps 15 homology domain plays a vital role in endocytosis (Carbone et al. 1997).

Phosphoglucomutase-1 catalyzes conversion of glucose-1-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate

(Najjar 1948). Creatine kinase catalyzes conversion between phosphocreatine and creatine, both

of which are involved in cellular energetics (Wallimann et al. 1992). AAA family (ATPases

associated with a variety of cellular activities) is involved in various cellular activities, such as
controlling gene expression and proteolysis (Leonhard et al. 1996). PINT motif is a subunit

within a proteasome, which selectively degrades proteins within eukaryotic cells (Aravind and

Ponting 1998).

Proteins that were significantly up-regulated are shown in Figure 1B including transferrin

(#307), nucleotide binding domain of the sugar kinase/HSP 70/actin superfamily (#310), and

CH-1 domain of immunoglobulin (#310). Transferrin is an iron-binding protein in plasma,

regulating the level of iron in the body (Aisen et al. 1966). Nucleotide binding domain of sugar

kinase/HSP70/actin superfamily acts as an ATPase and binds to ATP. The hydrolysis of ATP is

important in HSP70 cycle (Golas et al. 2015). CH1 domain is the first constant domain of the

immunoglobulin heavy chain, which is involved in a body’s immunity against bacteria or disease

(Macpherson et al. 1996).

It is difficult to correlate the function of some of these proteins with the processes of the

limb regeneration. Seventy two hours after the initial tail amputation, altered expression of

proteins involved in the immune system, cellular energetics, and protein folding and degradation

was detected in this study.


Southern Adventist University Academic Research Committee Research Sustainability Grant


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Table 1. MALDI-TOF MS identification of differentially expressed proteins from A. carolinensis 72 h post tail
amputation; α = 0.05, n = 3.

Spot # Calculated/ Nominal/ Protein I.D. Coverage MOWSE Average T-test (P) Function
Observed Observed (accession #) (%) score fold
pI* mass change
307 5.7/6.5 76.455/75 cd13617 29 560 1.1 0.016 Transferrin (iron-binding blood plasma
310 5.23/5.3 42.024/73 cd00012 30 347 1.4 0.034 Nucleotide-Binding Domain of the
sugar kinase superfamily
310 5.98/5.3 57.643/73 cd04985 21 269 1.4 0.034 CH1 domain in immunoglobulin
393 5.60/6.3 60.439/60 cd03335 31 545 -1.5 0.016 T-complex protein 1 (involved in
productive folding of protein)
393 6.01/6.3 61.717/60 cd03085 21 358 -1.5 -0.016 Phosphoglucomutase 1 (sucrose
411 5.87/6.6 49.196/55 cd00009 63 938 -2.0 0.023 ATPases Associated with a wide variety
of cellular Activities.
485 6.47/6.5 43.842/46 cd00716 32 795 -1.3 0.017 Creatine kinase

485 6.18/6.5 52.928/46 cd09913 27 795 -1.3 0.017 Eps15 homology domain (endocytic
614 5.37/5.8 42724/36 pfam01399 43 427 -1.1 0.015 PINT motif (Proteasome, Int-6, Nip-1
and TRIP-15)
* - Isoelectric point.

Figure 1. Representative 2-D gels of male Anolis carolinensis stained in coomassie blue; (A) 0 h, N = 3 (B) 72 h, N = 3.
Molecular weight standards are on the left side of the gel, and isoelectric focusing point at the top. The selected spots
were up- or down-regulated by 1.1-fold or greater (p <0.05) between 0 h and 72 h gels and had over 20% coverage
(Table 1). Solid arrows indicate up-regulated proteins, and dashed arrows down-regulated proteins.

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