Understanding - Culture - Society - and - Politi - Syllabus

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SUBJECT TYPE: Core Subject Grade 12
NCLATURE: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics First Semester

Core Subject Description:

This course uses insights from Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology to develop students’ awareness of cultural, social and
political dynamics, and sensitivity to cultural diversity; provide them with an understanding of how culture, human agency, society
and politics work; and engage them in the examination of the country’s current human development goals. At the end of the course,
students should acquire ideas about human cultures, human agency, society and politics; recognize cultural relativism and social
inclusiveness to overcome prejudices; and develop social and cultural competence to guide their interactions with groups,
communities, networks, and institutions.

Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to...
 adopt an open and critical attitude toward different social, political, and cultural phenomena through observation and reflection
 demonstrate a holistic understanding of culture and society
 analyze key features of interrelationships of biological, cultural and sociopolitical processes in human evolution that can still be
used and developed
 identify norms and values to be observed in interacting with others in society, and the consequences of ignoring these rules
 recognize other forms of economic transaction such as sharing, gift exchange, and redistribution in his/her own society
 evaluates factors causing social, political, and cultural change
 advocate how human societies should adapt to such changes

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. • McArthur Highway, Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan 3018 APPLIED Subject - 1
(044) 692 – 6750 • (044) 692 – 5291 • www.dyci.edu.ph
Content Content Standard Learning Competencies

1-2 A. Starting points for the understanding of The learners demonstrate an The learners…
culture, society, and politics understanding of…  articulate observations on human cultural
 human cultural variation, social variation, social differences, social
1. Sharing of social and cultural differences, change, and political identities
backgrounds of students as acting social change, and political
subjects or social actors, agents, identities
persons; (examples: gender,  demonstrate curiosity and an openness
socioeconomic class, ethnicity, to explore the origins and dynamics of
 the significance of studying
religion, exceptionality/non- culture and society, and political
exceptionality, nationality) culture, society, and politics
2. Observations about social, political,
and cultural behavior and  the rationale for studying
anthropology, political science,  analyze social, political, and cultural
phenomena (examples: food taboos,
istambay, political dynasties, and sociology change
3. Observations on social, political, and  recognize the common concerns or
cultural change (examples: texting, intersections of anthropology, sociology,
transnational families, local public and political science with respect to the
services, youth volunteerism) phenomenon of change
4. Definition of anthropology, political
science, and sociology  identify the subjects of inquiry and goals
of Anthropology, Political Science, and

3-7 B. Defining Culture and Society from the The learners demonstrate an The learners…
perspectives of anthropology and sociology understanding of…  explain anthropological and sociological
1. Society as a group of people sharing  culture and society as perspectives on culture and society
a common culture. anthropological  describe society and culture as a complex
2. Culture as a “‘that complex whole and sociological concepts whole
which encompasses beliefs,  perspectives in/approaches to  identify aspects of culture and society
practices, values, attitudes, laws, the study of culture and society  raise questions toward a
norms, artifacts, symbols,
knowledge, and everything that a (i.e., comparative, historical,  holistic appreciation of cultures and
person learns and shares as a structural functional, interpretive, societies
member of society.” (E.B. Tylor 1920 critical)  become aware of why and how cultural
[1871]).  the human origins and the relativism mitigates ethnocentrism
3. Aspects of Culture capacity for culture  identify forms of tangible and intangible
a. Dynamic, Flexible, & Adaptive  the role of culture in human heritage and the threats to these
b. Shared & Contested (given the adaptation  trace the biological and cultural evolution
reality of social differentiation)  processes of cultural and of early to modern humans
c. Learned through socialization
Dr. Yanga’s or Inc. • McArthur Highway, Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan
Colleges,  3018 the significance
explore Spec. Subj. (STEM) - 2
of human
enculturation (044) 692 – 6750 • (044) 692 – 5291 • www.dyci.edu.ph material remains and artefactual
d. Patterned social interactions
 Standards taken from Senior High School Curriculum Guides provided by the Department of Education

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. • McArthur Highway, Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan 3018 Spec. Subj. (STEM) - 3
(044) 692 – 6750 • (044) 692 – 5291 • www.dyci.edu.ph

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