Results of Investigations Into Fatal Shooting of Gay Plack

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OFFICE OF THE COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY FOR HENRICO COUNTY ‘Shannon L. Taylor Commonweal Atiomey For immediate Release Date: November 182019, Contact: Shannon Taylor 808.310.0117 Shannon Taylor, Henrico County Commonwealth’s Attorney, Releases Results of the Investigations into the September 17, 2019 Officer Involved Shooting Henrico Henrico Commanwealth’s Attorney released this statement regarding the thee independent reports about the September 17,2019 officer involved shooting: "have received the independent reports fom two Virginia Commonsiealth’s Atorneys whom asked to review the case, and our office has concluded its Investigation. All htee reports unanimously conclude there sno criminal labilty onthe pat ofthe officers. “while, therefore, no charges wil be fled, ths was a tragic circumstance and| reiterate my callfor a review of mental health polices at every level, to Include stakeholders at bth the state and loal levels, to ry and avoid future tragic Incidents “also want ta take this opportunity to thank Mr. Erie Olsen, Stafford County Commonwealth's Attorney and Mr. Anton Bel, Hampton City Commonweatt's Attorney fr thelr thorough review and Investigation of this case. “Fnaly let me reiterate my sympathies forthe family." we Background Investigations by all three Commonwealth's Attorney offices attached to this release “Zola Psa od i, agin all ~ PO. Ba TTR tn, Vigna TOTS "opton ot Soe ~ Fa [oy ser nate Donest Dv: 08) S88 ~ Ysa: Progen: (209 60-600 ‘eat: tse nem ay OFFICE OF THE COMMONWEALTH’S ATTORNEY FOR HENRICO COUNTY ‘Shannon L. Taylor CCommonwoati's Atlomoy November 18, 2019 Colonel H. I. Cardounel, Chief of Police Henrico County Division of Police P.O. Box 90775 Henrico, Vieginis 23273-0775 Rez Officer Involved shooting of Gay Ellen Plack on September 17, 2019 Dear Chief Cardoune!, ‘This Report is the Provisional Report regarding Incident Crime Report #190917060, the Officer Involved Shooting of Gay Ellen Plack, on September 17, 2019, inside her residence at 2909 Huntwick Court, Hentico, Virginia 23233. The investigation, thus far, lacks a final autopsy report, toxicology report, and ballistics report; these are all needed to complete a final report but are unnecessary for purposes of this provisional report Sources of information used for this review include the following: erime scene reports, audio and video interviews of both involved Henrico County police officers, body-wom camera Footage, a Henrico County Police Forensics report, photographs, FARO 3D scene scans, prior Henrico County Police Calls for Service and Incident Report records pertaining to Gay Ellen Plack, Henrico County Fire Department records, Henrico County Police Communications recordings and records, Henrico County Police and other police personnel and training records, interview of and ‘medical records from Dana Soper, M.D. with Commonwealth's Counseling Associates, P.C., Richmond Community Hospital medical records, Tucker Psychiatrie Pavilion (hospital) medical records, VCU Medieal Center medical records, and witness interviews. ‘THE INCIDENT AND FACTS CAPTURED ON BODY-WORN CAMERA On September 17", 2019, at 10:20 am, Officers TE ond HIE were dispatched on a “check the welfare” call for service to a house located at 2909 Huntwick Court ‘The caller, Dr, Dana Soper, a psychiatrist, was concerned for her patient, Gay Ellen Plack (hereinafter “Plack"), Dr. Soper advised that Plack had been in the day before and was “disorganized” and “all over the place”. Dr. Soper further relayed that a “friend had brought her [to the appointment) and the plan was for Mrs. Plac to go to the hospital. The friend called her that same afternoon and could not get Mrs, Plack to go to the hospital” Dr. Soper told ~ oi tat P Rot i Vii B88" PO. Bac 7H in ln BETTIS "Tarrant asta ~ Fax 060140 rsa enol & Dante (9) 2490" staas Pans (0) eD-1E00 Meds’ nvmbotooustomaty ‘communications that she called the adult son and he said he would try to get her to go to the hospital lastnight. Dr. Soper advised that she had called Plack this day to follow-up, but she did not answer. Dr. Soper expressed concem as to whether Plack was atthe home but was not sure. While Dr. Soper sid she did not need to “see" an officer, she advised that the officer could eal her back and ask questions”. Dr. Soper used terms with communications that Plack was “bipolar”, “paranoid”, “doing bizarre stuff, “being strange” and “off, but also shared that Plack denied thoughts of suicide or hurting herself ‘The two Henrico County police officers heard the call for service as it was dispatched by Henrico County Police Communications and heard that lack had a history of Wipolar Disorder and Paranoia, They were made aware that a doctor had made the call for a “welfare check”. They ‘also were advised thatthe residence had a “hazard message” associated with the address (his message is used to indicate to any responder to use caution when responding, and to send police ‘on all FitgEMS calls). Furthermore, the officers were made aware that Plack, identified as “a rental heath consumer", would not alow police to enter and would attempt to barricade herself, After being dispatched, the officers arrived minutes later. There was no answer to numerous knocks on the door orto announcing themselves as Henrico Police and calling for Plack by name, ‘The officers obscrved a vehicle registered to Plack parked in the rear ofthe residence. A neighbor told Officer fll that Plack had not been seen for several days. ‘The officers found a rear doot inside an enclosed porch; it was shut but unlocked. The officers continued to receive ho response to their knocking on this back door and announcing themselves. At 10:31 am, both officers made entry into the residence through the unlocked door, again announcing Henrico Police. ‘The officers continued to repeatedly announce their presence and call for Plack as they searched through the interior of the residence; they announced “police” approximately 11 times and called for Plack, as “ma'am” or “Ms, Gay", approximately 17 times. Plack never responded tothe officers. Evidence observed by the officers, including recent food preparation, made them believe someone was inside the residence. As they walked throughout the residence, the officers found two locked doors which appeared tobe connected to the same room, a bedroom, on the fist floor. Neither lock had a keyhole fom the outside, making the officers suspeot that someone was inside the bedroom. The rest of the two-story residence was cleared, and no one was located in the residence “The officers knocked on hath locked doors, announcing themselves, and attempted 10 unlock the two doors—once with a credit card and again with a butter knife-without success. Officer IIH exited the front door of the house and looked through the exterior window of the flocked bedroom. Ofticer IIE observed the bedroom light on and a purse inthe room. The officers believed that someone was in the locked bedroom, Based on the current observations and the reason for the eall for service, the officers requested rescue to stage outside the residence in case Plack was inside and needing medical atention. At approximately 10:37 am., Office MINH breached the bedroom door fom the 2 kitchen, Both officers made entry into the room. Ofcee MM ened the room frst and ‘walked in the direction of the bed calling for “Ms. Gay”. Officer [J entered the room, also ideniying them as police, and went to check the bathroom (sated almost immediately to the Tht). On Officer MB inital approach, the bathroom door was slighty ajar. He posed the thor open farther witout entering and he didnot appear to ntice that the door began to move bh hip eon si ie nl gy og, “Or enced blood in the bathroom and verbally advised Officer INN. As Officer slowly peered inside the bathroom, Plack swung, what was later determined o Bean axe, at his head, striking the ide of tee batluvoin door instead. Officer ll pushed back on the door and quickly retreated, tripping ver Otc NII ot ashe ithe rom te bedroom and falling int the kitchen When Oticer I inquired as to what had happened, Officer was only abet stage toannounc “knife” as he reached the kitchen aren ‘As Officer [IE retreated, Officer [I walked towards the bathroom, asking what Officer INI had discovered. Plack came out of the bathroom and charged at Officer suththeate nth han swinging itinactiscosied manne, OM howe at ek, “Spelling outNos No Novan aling rbot he weapon dows lack sang the axe overhanded at Officer [MIE wwice as Officer III backed away farther into the bade ucwgmn fe lb a Oe eats age oe on te pais ll, An Fock Sanne 0 care ovens hin and wes swinging ete him fre a ine, Of comodo shout Pak rss ons oe dag is wenpon fom ele range. Pack stumbled backwards momentarily before charging at Occ Magan while patie im ek ving Os MM ig hs een, oh es Giacharged their weapons, Officer once and Otticr MN cvice.-Plck fell othe round, The officers reported to Henrico Police Communications that shots were fired and Tequesting rescue at 10:38 am, Per the body-worn camera footage, approximately four seconds elapsed between the time when Plack firs appeared from the bathroom and began advancing towards Office Med th first sho was fired. Within the next two seconds, Plck stepped buck, moved to draw the axe back again, andthe officers discharged their weapons Approximately 15 seconds after the shots were firs fired, the officer called for rescue to be sent in. After approximately 90 seconds after the shots were first fired, Officer requested Office lil to go get rescue from ouside. Within dee minutes of the shooting, ‘ditional Henrico County police officer, one a tained EMT, arrived and began raging Pack Otter MM ota personne! that he inal believed Plack lad only been shot in her fingers. Within five minutes ofthe shooting, Henrico County Fie Department began life-saving measures ter Plack ksked one ofthe Fite medies in the groan, she had to be placed in leg shackles. At nproximately 10-8 am. Plack was transported to VCU Medical Center by Henrico Fire. A review ofthe body-worn camera fotage showed tat EMS requested a search of Plack’s pockets [assumed fr personnel safety] and a police officer riding in the ambulance searched her pockets and located a pointed knife consistent wih a cheese knit. a Once at VCU Medical Center, medical professionals attempted life saving measures on Plack, However, at 2:17 p.m. she was pronounced deceased FORENSICS ‘That same day, Henrico County Police forensics detectives responded to the residence to process the scene ad collect evidence. Photographs were taken, and a FARO 3D scanner was lized to ereate scaled images ofthe residence inside and out, Items of physical evidence were ‘documented and collected, ‘The residence is @ two-story home with an attached two car garage. Outside, the driveway is to the let of the house and wraps around to the back. In the back of the house isa lage deck and a large sereened-in space (like a Flotida oom). Upstairs in a bathroom, prescriptions medications were found. The detectives documented Risperidone, Lithium Carbonate Estradiol and Lorazepam. There were & bottles of Lithium with varying contents, Some of the bottles had not been used at all and contained 90 pill. One bottle dated July 24, 2019, only had one pill remaining. The most recent filled prescription on August 23, 2019, was for 30 pills, and there were 15 pills left. According tothe prescription labels on the bottle, they were prescribed at one a day. Based on the quantity left in many of the bottle, there appeared to be a lengthy period when none were taken at all, at most, and, atthe very lest the ‘medication was not being taken as had been prescribed. There were three bottles of Lorazepam, ‘most recently one was filled on August 1, 2019, with a quantity of 30 pills; there were 16% pills remaining, “The first-floor bedroom where the incident occurred was described by one ofthe forensic

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