Zxr10 5960 Switch
Zxr10 5960 Switch
Zxr10 5960 Switch
Version 2.8.23.A
ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South,
Hi-Tech Industrial Park,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
P. R. China
Tel: (86) 755 26771900
Fax: (86) 755 26770801
URL: http://ensupport.zte.com.cn
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ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.
Users may visit ZTE technical support website http://ensupport.zte.com.cn to inquire related information.
Revision History
Chapter Summary
Chapter Summary
Safety Description
Table of Contents
Safety Introduction............................................................. 1
Symbol Descriptions ........................................................... 1
Safety Introduction
Only qualified professionals are allowed to perform installation,
operation and maintenance due to the high temperature and high
voltage of the equipment.
Observe the local safety codes and relevant operation procedures
during equipment installation, operation and maintenance to pre-
vent personal injury or equipment damage. Safety precautions
introduced in this manual are supplementary to the local safety
ZTE bears no responsibility in case of universal safety operation
requirements violation and safety standards violation in designing,
manufacturing and equipment usage.
Symbol Descriptions
Contents deserving special attention during ZXR10 5900/5200
configuration are explained as follow.
It indicates that the fault will happen if safety is ignored.
It provides additional information.
Table of Contents
Configuration Mode............................................................. 3
Command Mode Function ...................................................12
Command Line Function .....................................................13
Configuration Mode
As shown in Figure 1 , ZXR10 5900/5200 offers multiple configu-
ration modes. A user can select configuration mode based on the
connected network.
1. Configuration of Console Port Connection
2. TELNET Connection Configuration
3. SSHSecure Shell Connection Configuration
4. SNMP Connection Configuration
i. ZXR10 5900/5200 allows up to four Telnet users at a time.
ii. Never modify/delete the IP address of the management
Ethernet port during Telnet configuration through the man-
agement port; otherwise, the Telnet connection will be bro-
4. Click Open to log in to the switch and input the correct user
name and password following the prompt.
The user enters switch configuration interface upon successful lo-
At the end of the above example, the system prompts that the
command is not complete and other keyword or parameter should
be input.
All commands in the command line operation are case-insensitive.
Command Abbreviation
ZXR10 5900/5200 allows the command or keyword to be abbre-
viated into a character or character string that uniquely identifies
this command or keyword. For example, the show command can
be abbreviated to sh or sho.
History Commands
The input command can be recorded in the user interface. Up to
10 history commands can be recorded and this function is useful
for invoking a long or complicated command again.
Command Function
<Ctrl+P> or <-
-> Invoke a history command in the
buffer forward
<Ctrl+N> or <¯
¯> Invoke a history command in the
buffer backward
System Management
Table of Contents
File System.......................................................................17
FTP/TFTP Overview ............................................................19
Backing up Data and Restoring Data ....................................22
Software Version Upgrade...................................................23
Configuring System Parameters...........................................26
Viewing System Information ...............................................28
File System
Introduction to File System
In ZXR10 5900/5200, FLASH is used as the major storage device
for storing version files and configuration files. Operations, such
as version upgrading and configuration saving, must be conducted
in flash.
There are three directories in Flash by default.
1. IMGSystem mapping files (that is, image files) are stored un-
der this directory. The extended name of the image files is
.zar. The image files are dedicated compression files. Version
upgrade means to change the corresponding image files under
the directory.
2. CFGThis directory is for saving configuration files, whose name
is startrun.dat. Information is saved in the Memory when using
command to modify the switch configuration. To prevent the
configuration information loss at the time of switch restart, use
write command to write the information in the Memory into
FLASH, and save the information in the startrun.dat file. When
there is a need to clear the old configuration in the switch to
reconfigure data, use delete command to delete startrun.dat
file, then restart the switch.
3. DATAThis directory is for saving log.dat file which records alarm
FTP/TFTP Overview
ZXR10 5900/5200 can server as an FTP/TFTP client. Files can be
used as backup and restore purpose. Files can also be used as
import/export configurations.
1. When use copy command to transfer FTP file between back
host and switch, fisrt configure host ip address in the same
network segment that VLAN interface ip address is in and the
interface which host connects belongs to the vlan and can ping
through Vlan ip address.
2. Pay attention to the format requirement while editing
startrun.dat with a text editor.
Type “c” in the Boot state, and press ENTER to enter the param-
eter modification state. Change the boot mode to booting from
the background FTP; change the FTP server address to that of
the background host; change the client and gateway addresses
Welcome to ZXR10 5928 Switch of ZTE Corporation
5. If the system starts successfully, the user can use the show
version command to check whether the new version is running
in the memory. If not, booting from the background server
failed. The user must repeat steps 1 to 5.
6. Delete the old version file (zxr10.zar) from the Flash’s IMG
directory with the delete command. If there is enough space
in the Flash, the user can reserve the old version with another
7. Copy the new version file on the background FTP server to the
Flash’s IMG directory with the filename as zxr10.zar.
i. Set temporary Vlan interface which is interworking with the
host (suppose IP address is
ii. Set the host ip address (suppose ip address is in the same network segment that Vlan
interface ip address is in. The interface which host
connects belongs to the vlan and can ping through Vlan
ip address.
iii. Use copy command at the privileged mode.
ZXR10#copy ftp: //
flash: /img/zxr10.zar
Starting copying file
file copied successfully.
8. Check for the new version file in the Flash. If not found, the
copying failed, when must repeat step 8 to copy the version
9. Reboot ZXR10 5900/5200, and follow step 4 to change the
boot mode to booting from Flash, when Boot path changes to
/flash/img/zxr10.zar automatically.
can also change the boot mode to booting form Flash with the
nvram imgfile-location local command in the global config-
uration mode.
10. Type @ at the prompt ZXR10 Boot: and press ENTER to boot
the system with the new version in the Flash.
11. When the system is booted successfully, check the running ver-
sion to confirm the success of upgrade.
Configuring System
Setting a Hostname of System
The default hostname of system is ZXR10. Use hostname <netw
ork-name> in global configuration mode to modify the hostname .
Log on to router again after hostname modification and the prompt
will include the new hostname.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
be care for the reason that the configuration could bring switch
configuration disorder.
Interface Configuration
Table of Contents
Basic Port Configuration .....................................................29
Port Mirroring Configuration ................................................37
Loopback Detection Configuration ........................................40
DOM Configuration ............................................................42
The GE port and XGE port can’t support hot swap.
Enabling/Disabling Auto-Negotiation
on an Ethernet Port
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
1. It shows the state and statistics for port gei_1/2
ZXR10#show int gei_1/2
gei_1/2 is up, line protocol is up
Description is none
Keepalive set:10 sec
The port is electric
Duplex full
Mdi type:auto
VLAN mode is access, pvid 10 BW 100000 Kbits
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 0Day 0Hour 3Min 8Sec
120 seconds input rate : 0 Bps, 0 pps
120 seconds output rate: 0 Bps, 0 pps
Interface peak rate :
input 40 Bps, output 0 Bps
Interface utilization: input 0%, output 0%
/* Forward packets input/output statistics,
including error packet statistics */
Packets : 19 Bytes : 1501
Unicasts : 19 Multicasts: 0
Broadcasts : 0 Undersize : 0
Oversize : 0 CRC-ERROR : 0
Dropped : 0 Fragments : 0
Jabber : 0 MacRxErr : 0
Packets : 0 Bytes : 0
Unicasts : 0 Multicasts: 0
Broadcasts : 0 Collision : 0
LateCollision: 0
64B : 0 65-127B : 19
128-255B : 0 256-511B : 0
512-1023B : 0 1024-2047B: 0
Line diagnosis and analysis will restart the tested port, when links
of the port is broken and then restored. This function is used only
for faulty ports, and is not recommended for ports connected to
Configuration of switch:
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#monitor session 1 source direction rx
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#monitor session 1 source
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#monitor session 1 destination
Configuration of Switch A:
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#monitor session 1 source direction rx
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#monitor session 1 source
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#monitor session 1 destination rspan-vlanid 10 priority 1
Loopback Detection
Port Loopback Detection Overview
ZXR10 5900/5200 supports single port loopback detection. This
function can detect the loopback of user which connects to the
switch and switch itself. Then it can solve this problem. It can
avoid broadcast storm in result of loopback.
ZXR10 5900/5200 detects loopback of a few ports or all ports. By
default it is not detected. It supports loopback detection in Vlan.
One port supports up to loopback detection of 8 Vlans at the same
Configuration of Switch A:
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport trunk vlan 1-2
ZXR10(config)#loop-detect interface gei_1/1 enable
ZXR10(config)#loop-detect protect-interface gei_1/1 enable
ZXR10(config)#loop-detect reopen-time 5
ZXR10(config)#loop-detect interface gei_1/1 vlan 1-2 enable
DOM Configuration
DOM Function Overview
DOMdigital optical monitoring is a part of optical module specifica-
tion. The optical module with DOM function can read temperature,
voltage, current, sending and receiving power of optical module.
In addition, each optical module sets some threshold values of
module (include alarm threshold and warning threshold ) when
leaving the factory. After DOM function is enabled, the module
running state value can be polled by I2C bus of optical module. It
is compared with threshold value. When the current value exceeds
the threshold value that manufacturer sets, the alarm will be sent
by syslog and SNMP trap.
Configuring DOM
Only support physical interface, 100M port, gigabit port and 10G
Parameter Description
Network Protocol
Table of Contents
IP Address Configuration ....................................................47
ARP Configuration..............................................................49
IP Address Configuration
IP Address Overview
Network addresses in the IP protocol stack refer to IP addresses.
IP address is composed of two parts: Network bit identifying the
network to which this IP address belongs. Host bit identifying a
certain host in the network.
IP addresses are divided into five classes: Class A, Class B, Class
C, Class D and Class E. Classes A, B and C are the most common
ones. Class D is the network multicast address and Class E is
reserved for future use.Table 5lists range of each class.
Class A 0 8 24
Class B 10 16 16
Configuring IP Address
ARP Configuration
ARP Overview
Network device when sends data to another network device. It
should know the IP address and physical address (MAC address)
of the destination device. ARP is to map the IP address to the
physical address, to ensure smooth communication.
At first, the source device broadcasts the ARP request with the IP
address of the destination device. Then, all the devices on the net-
work receive this ARP request. If one device finds the IP address
in the request matches with its IP address, it sends a reply con-
taining the MAC address to the source device. The source device
obtains the MAC address of the destination device through this re-
To reduce ARP packets on the network and send data faster, the
mapping between IP address and MAC address is cached in the
local ARP table. When a device wants to send data, it looks up the
ARP table according to the IP address first. If the MAC address of
the destination device is found in the ARP table, it is unnecessary
to send the ARP request again. The dynamic entry in the ARP table
will be automatically deleted after a period of time, which is called
the aging time of the ARP.
Configuring ARP
Command Function
The “-”of Age in the result indicates that it is the ARP of the switch
vlan interface. The arp is generated in the process of configuring
switch vlan interface address. “s” indicates that it is a static ARP,
and “P” indicates that it is a permanent ARP added manually. The
number means the time since ARP updates last time.
Table of Contents
Switch Stack System Introduction........................................53
Configuring Switch Stack System.........................................57
Accessing the Specific Stack Member by Command Line .........57
Viewing Switch Stack System Information.............................58
Reference Information
1. The function of enabling MAC switching.
In stack system, the MAC address of main device is that of
whole system. When main device leaves, standby device will
be the main device. Meanwhile, its MAC address will replace
MAC address of original main device to be that of the whole
system. Now a time delay 1-300s can be configured by MAC
switching function after device leaves. In this time, if the orig-
inal main device joins this stack system again the MAC address
of original main device will become that of stack system and
whole system MAC address is not switched; If original main
device doesn’t join this stack system the MAC address of new
main device will become that of stack system.
2. Default Configuration
nvram stack-machine-id 1
Command Function
ACL Configuration
Table of Contents
ACL Overview ...................................................................59
Configuring ACL ................................................................60
ACL Configuration Example .................................................66
ACL Maintenance and Diagnosis...........................................68
ACL Overview
Packet filtering can help limit network traffic and restrict network
use by certain users or devices. ACL’s can filter traffic as it passes
through a router and permit or deny packets at specified inter-
An ACL is a sequential collection of permit and deny conditions
that apply to packets. When a packet is received on an interface,
the switch compares the fields in the packet against any applied
ACL’s to verify that the packet has the required permissions to be
forwarded, based on the criteria specified in the access lists. It
tests packets against the conditions in an access list one by one.
The first match determines whether the switch accepts or rejects
the packets because the switch stops testing conditions after the
first match. The order of conditions in the list is critical. If no
conditions match, the switch rejects the packets. If there are no
restrictions, the switch forwards the packet; otherwise, the switch
drops the packet.
Packet matching rules defined by the ACL are also used in other
conditions where distinguishing traffic is needed. For instance, the
matching rules can define the traffic classification rule in the QoS.
ZXR10 5900/5200 provides the following six types of ACLs:
� Standard ACL: Only match the source IP address.
� Extended ACL: Match the following items: Source IP address,
destination IP address, IP protocol type, TCP source port num-
ber, TCP destination port number, UDP source port number,
UDP destination port number, ICMP type, ICMP Code, DiffServ
Code Point (DSCP), ToS and Precedence.
� L2 ACL: Match source MAC address, destination MAC address,
source VLAN ID, L2 Ethernet protocol type and 802.1p priority
� Hybrid ACL: Match source MAC address, destination MAC ad-
dress, source VLAN ID, source IP address, destination IP ad-
Configuring ACL
Configuring Time Range
Command Function
Example This example defines a standard ACL. The ACL permits packets
from the network segment to pass, but reject
packets with the source IP address of
ZXR10(config)#acl standard number 10
ZXR10(config-std-acl)#rule 1 deny
ZXR10(config-std-acl)#rule 2 permit
Configuring L2 ACL
Step Command Function
Example In this example, define a ACL to permit IP packets with the network
segment as to pass.
ZXR10(config)# ipv6 acl standard number 2000
ZXR10(config-std-v6acl)# rule 1 permit 10::/16
One physical port only can apply one ACL. The new configura-
tion will cover the old one. For example, on gei_1/1 configuration
mode, the following two commands are configured.
ip access-group 10 in
ip access-group 100 in
Only ACL 100 takes effects.
1. Currently, ACL type that VLAN binds only supports IPv4 hybrid
2. One VLAN can only apply one ACL, the new configuration will
cover the old one. For example, in vlan configuration mode,
the following two commands are configured
ip access-group 300 in
ip access-group 305 in
only ACL 305 takes effects.
Currently only IPv4 standard ACL, IPv4 extended ACL, IPv4 hybrid
ACL and IPv4 layer 2 ACL support ACL renaming function.
Configuration of switch:
/*Configure time range*/
ZXR10(config)#time-range en
ZXR10(config)#time-range working-time
ZXR10(config-tr)#periodic daily 09:00:00 to 17:00:00
QoS Configuration
Table of Contents
QoS Overview ...................................................................69
Configuring QoS ................................................................73
QoS Configuration Example.................................................78
QoS Maintenance and Diagnosis ..........................................80
QoS Overview
Traditional networks provide best-effort service, treating all pack-
ets identically and handling them with the first in, first out (FIFO)
policy. This service policy delivers the packets to their destination
as it can, without any assurance and guarantee for reliability and
delivery delay, and so on for packet forwarding.
With the continuous emergence of new applications a new require-
ment for network service quality is raised because the traditional
network at the best effort cannot satisfy the requirement for ap-
plications. For example, the user cannot use the VoIP service and
real-time image transmission normally if packet transfer delay is
too long. To solve the problem, provide the system with the capa-
bility of supporting QoS.
QoS is designed to provide different qualities of service for differ-
ent demands from various applications, such as, providing specific
bandwidth, reducing packet loss ratio, shortening packet transfer
delay and delay-jitter. To achieve the above purposes, QoS offers
the following functions:
1. Traffic classification
2. Traffic Policing
3. Traffic Shaping
4. Queue scheduling and default 802.1p Priority
5. Redirection and policy routing
6. Priority Mark
7. Flow Mirroring
8. Traffic statistics
Traffic Classification
Traffic refers to packets passing through switch. Traffic classifica-
tion is the process of distinguishing one kind of traffic from another
by examining the fields in the packet.
Traffic classification of QoS is based on ACL and the ACL rule must
be permit. The user can classify packets according to some filter
options of the ACL which are as follows: Source IP address, desti-
nation IP address, source MAC address, destination MAC address,
IP protocol type, TCP source port No. TCP destination port No.,
UDP source port No., UDP destination port No., ICMP type, ICMP
code, DSCP, ToS, precedence, source VLAN ID, Layer 2 Ethernet
protocol type and 802.1p priority value.
Traffic Policing
Traffic policing is to impose restriction on bandwidth occupied by
some traffic flow to prevent it from exceeding specified bandwidth
and thus affecting other services. As for the exceeding amount of
traffics, conduct the following operation:
� Discard or forward
� Modify its DSCP value
� Modify its drop precedence (packets with higher drop prece-
dence will be dropped preferentially when congestion occurs)
Traffic policing will not introduce extra delay. Its working process
is shown in Figure 19.
Traffic Shaping
Traffic shaping is used to control the rate of output packets thus
sending packets at even speed. Traffic shaping is used to match
packet rate with downlink equipment to avoid congestion and
packet discarding.
The difference between traffic shaping and traffic policing is that
traffic shaping is to cache packets whose rate exceeds the limited
value and send packets at even rate whereas traffic policing is to
discard packets whose rate exceeds the limited value. Moreover,
traffic shaping makes delay longer but traffic policing does not in-
troduce any extra delay.
that multiple packets compete with each other for resources at the
same time.
ZXR10 5900/5200 supports Strict Priority (SP) and Weighted
Round Robin (WRR) queue scheduling modes. Eight output
queues of a port can adopt different modes respectively.
� SP Scheduling
SP is to strictly schedule data of each queue according to queue
priority. First send packets in the highest priority queue and
after that, send packets in the higher priority queue. Similarly,
after that, send packets in the lower priority queue, and so on.
SP scheduling makes packets of key services processed prefer-
entially, thus guaranteeing service quality of key services. But
the low priority queue may never be processed and "starved”.
WRR makes each queue investigated possibly and not
“starved”. Each queue is investigated at different time, that is,
has different weight indicating the ratio of resources obtained
by each queue. Packets in the high priority queue have more
opportunities to be scheduled than the low priority queue.
Data priority is contained in the 802.1P label. If data entering the
port is not marked with an 802.1P label, a default 802.1p value
will be assigned by the switch.
Priority Marking
Priority marking is used to reassign a set of service parameters
to specific traffic described in the ACL to perform the following
1. Change the CoS queue of the packet and change the 802.1p
2. Change the CoS queue of the packet and do not change the
802.1p value.
3. Change the DSCP value of the packet.
4. Change the discard priority of the packet.
Traffic Mirroring
Traffic mirroring is used to copy a service flow matching the ACL
rule to the CPU or specific port to analyze and monitor packets
during network fault diagnosis.
Traffic Statistics
Traffic statistics is used to sum up packets of the specific service
flow. This is to understand the actual condition of the network
and reasonably allocate network resources. The main content of
traffic statistics contains the number of packets received from the
incoming direction of the port.
Configuring QoS
Configuring Traffic Polices
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Example This example shows the redirection of the packet whose source
IP address is on the port gei_1/4 to the port gei_1/3.
In addition, it is to implement the policy routing to packet whose
Command Function
Example This example shows how to change the DSCP value of the packet
whose source IP address is on the port gei_1/1 to 34
and selects the output queue to 4.
ZXR10(config)#acl standard number 10
ZXR10(config-std-acl)#rule 1 permit
ZXR10(config)#priority-mark in 10 rule-id 1 dscp 34 cos
4 drop-precedence low
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#ip access-group 10 in
Command Function
Example This example shows how to configure outer vlan value of traffic
which complies with rule 1 on gei_1/4 as 2000.
ZXR10(config)#acl standard number 10
ZXR10(config-std-acl)#rule 1 permit
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#ip access-group 10 in
ZXR10(config)#qos set acl-svlan-map acl 10
rule 1 to out-vlanid 2000
Command Function
Example This example shows the mirror data traffic whose source IP ad-
dress is on the port gei_1/8 to the port gei_1/4.
ZXR10(config)#acl standard number 10
ZXR10(config-std-acl)#rule 1 permit
ZXR10(config-std-acl)#rule 2 permit
ZXR10(config)#traffic-mirror in 10 rule-id 2 interface gei_1/4
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/8
ZXR10(config-gei_1/8)#ip access-group 10 in
Configuring Tail-Drop
Command Function
To enable the tail-drop function on the port, use the following com-
drop-mode tail-drop <session-id>
Example This example shows the configuration of tail-drop. In queue 1:
Red packets tail-drop value is 120. Yellow packets tail-drop value
is 120. all packets tail-drop value is 240. This is configured on the
port gei_1/8.
ZXR10(config)#qos tail-drop 1 queue-id 1 240 120 120
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/8
ZXR10(config-gei_1/8# drop-mode tail-drop 1
Command Function
Switch configuration:
ZXR10(config)#acl extend number 100
ZXR10(config-ext-acl)#rule 1 permit tcp any
ZXR10(config-ext-acl)#rule 2 permit ip any
ZXR10(config-ext-acl)#rule 3 permit ip any any
/*To guarantee the service quality of the VOD, change the
802.1pvalue to 7*/
ZXR10(config)#priority-mark in 100 rule-id 1 dscp 62
cos 7 local-precedence 7 drop-precedence low
/*Restrict the bandwidth of Network A to access Internet*/
ZXR10(config)#traffic-limit in 100 rule-id 2 cir 5000
cbs 2000 ebs 3000 mode blind
/*Sum up traffic of Network A*/
ZXR10(config)#traffic-statistics in 100 rule-id 2
pkt-type all statistics-type byte
Switch configuration:
/*Define an ACC, which describes users in
network segment and network segment*/
ZXR10(config)#acl standard number 10
ZXR10(config-std-acl)#rule 1 permit
ZXR10(config-std-acl)#rule 2 permit
traffic-limit in 1 rule-id 1 cir 10000 cbs 2000 ebs 2000 mode blind
ZXR10(config)#qos conform-dscp 1 0 7 2
ZXR10(config)#show qos conform-dscp
qos conform-dscp 1 0 7 2
ZXR10(config)#qos cos-local-map 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
ZXR10(config)#show qos cos-local-map
qos cos-local-map 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
ZXR10(config)#qos cos-drop-map 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 1
ZXR10(config)#show qos cos-drop-map
qos cos-drop-map 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 1
DHCP Configuration
Table of Contents
DHCP Overview .................................................................83
Configuring DHCP ..............................................................84
DHCP Configuration Example...............................................99
DHCP Maintenance and Diagnosis ...................................... 103
DHCP Overview
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) enables a host on the
network to obtain an IP address ensuring its normal communica-
tion and relevant configuration information from a DHCP server.
DHCP adopts UDP as the transmission protocol. Host sends a mes-
sage to Port 67 of the DHCP server and the DHCP server returns
the message to Port 68 of the host. The DHCP works in the fol-
lowing steps:
1. Host sends a broadcast packet DHCPDiscover including the re-
quest of IP address and other configuration parameters.
2. DHCP server returns a unicast packet DHCPOffer including the
valid IP address and configuration.
3. Host selects the server which returns DHCPOffer arriving at
first and sends a unicast DHCPRequest to the server, indicating
to accept relevant configuration.
4. Selected DHCP server returns a unicast packet DHCPAck for
By now the host can use the IP address and relevant configuration
obtained from the DHCP server for communication.
DHCP supports three mechanisms for IP address allocation:
1. Automatic allocation—DHCP assigns a permanent IP address
to a client.
2. Dynamic allocation—DHCP assigns an IP address to a client for
a limited period of time (or until the client explicitly relinquishes
the address).
3. Manual allocation—the network administrator assigns an IP ad-
dress to a client and DHCP is used simply to convey the as-
signed address to the client.
Usually Dynamic allocation method is adopted. The valid time seg-
ment of using the address is called lease period. Once the lease
period expires, the host must request the server for continuous
lease. The host cannot continue to lease until it accepts the re-
quest, otherwise it must give up unconditionally.
Configuring DHCP
Configuring IP Pool
1. To configure or delete an IP pool, use the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
As for DHCP Server, DHCP user quota is used to limit the max
number of DHCP users on an interface, thus limiting the num-
ber of IP addresses assigned on the interface.
As for DHCP Relay, DHCP Relay standard mode doesn’t support
DHCP user quota, thus user quota doesn’t take effect. But if
DHCP Relay is configured forwarding in safety mode, DHCP
Relay will make DHCP user quota configuration valid.
5. To configure the interface select outside DHCP Server policy or
cancel this policy, use the following command.
1 ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp snooping binding <mac> This adds user binding entry
vlan <vlan><ip address><interface-number> expiry to binding-database manually.
<2147483647> <mac> user MAC address
<vlan> the VLAN user belongs
to, 1~4096input the range.
<ip address> DHCP binding
IP address.
<interface-number> physical
interface numbersuch as fei,
gei and smartgroup.
Command Function
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp snooping clear [<interface-num This deletes the entry of DHCP
ber>] SNOOPING binding table on
layer 2 interface manually.
<interface-number> physical
interface numbersuch as fei, gei
and smartgroup.
10. To enable DHCP network packet that all reply on the interface,
use the following command.
11. To enable DHCP network packet that all request on the inter-
face, use the following command.
12. To enable the interface as DHCP Relay trust or disable the in-
terface as DHCP Relay trust, use the following command.
1 ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp relay snooping trust enable This enables DHCP Relay
Snooping Trust.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
DHCP Configuration
DHCP Server Configuration Example
R1 acts as the DHCP server and default gateway and the host ob-
tains IP addresses through the DHCP dynamically, as shown in
Figure 22.
R1 configuration:
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan 10
ZXR10(config-if-vlan10)#ip dhcp mode server
ZXR10(config-if-vlan10)#ip address
ZXR10(config)#ip pool pool1
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp pool dhcp1
ZXR10(config-dhcp-pool)#ip-pool pool1
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp policy p1 1
ZXR10(config-dhcp-policy)#dhcp-pool dhcp1
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan 10
ZXR10(config-if-vlan10)#ip dhcp policy p1
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp enable
R1 configuration:
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10
ZXR10(config-if-vlan10)#ip dhcp mode relay
ZXR10(config-if-vlan10)#ip address
ZXR10(config-if-vlan10)#ip dhcp relay agent
ZXR10(config-if-vlan10)#ip dhcp relay server
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp enable
R1 configuration:
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switch access vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switch access vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp snooping enable
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp snooping vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp snooping trust gei_1/1
R1 configuration:
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp snooping enable
ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp snooping vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#vlan 100
ZXR10(config-vlan100)#ip arp inspection
VRRP Configuration
Table of Contents
VRRP Overview ............................................................... 105
Configuring VRRP ............................................................ 106
VRRP Configuration Example ............................................. 107
VRRP Maintenance and Diagnosis....................................... 109
VRRP Overview
Host in a broadcast domain usually sets a default gateway as the
next hop of route packets. The host in the broadcast domain can-
not communicate with the host in another network unless the de-
fault gateway works normally. To avoid the single point of failure
caused by the default gateway, multiple router interfaces are con-
figured in the broadcast domain and run the Virtual Router Redun-
dancy Protocol (VRRP) in these routers.
VRRP is used to configure multiple router interfaces in a broadcast
domain into a group to form a virtual router and assigns an IP
address to the router to function as its interface address. This
interface address may be the address of one of router interfaces
or the third party address.
The router is used as the master router if its interface address is
used and other routers are used as the backup ones. The router
with high priority is used as the master router if the third party
address is used. If two routers have the same priority, the one
with the greater interface address wins. For ZXR10 5900/5200, if
the two routers priorities are same, master apply priority rule.
Set the IP address of the virtual router to gateway on the host
in this broadcast domain. The master router is replaced with
the backup router with the highest priority if the master router
is faulty, without affecting the host in this domain. The host in
this domain cannot communicate with outside world only when all
routers in the VRRP group work abnormally.
These routers can be configured into multiple groups for mutual
backup. The hosts in the domain use different IP addresses as
gateway to implement data load balance.
Configuring VRRP
1. To run VRRP, use the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
VRRP Configuration
Basic VRRP Configuration Example
This example shows that R1 and R2 run in the VRRP protocol
between each other. R1 interface address is used as
the VRRP virtual address, therefore R1 is considered as a mas-
ter router. This is shown in Figure 26.
R1 configuration:
ZXR10_R1(config)#interface vlan 1
ZXR10_R1(config-if-vlan1)#ip address
ZXR10_R1(config-if-vlan1)#vrrp 1 ip
R2 configuration:
ZXR10_R2(config)#interface vlan 1
ZXR10_R2(config-if-vlan1)#ip address
ZXR10_R2(config-if-vlan1)#vrrp 1 ip
R1 configuration:
ZXR10_R1(config)#interface vlan 1
ZXR10_R1(config-if-vlan1)#ip address
ZXR10_R1(config-if-vlan1)#vrrp 1 ip
ZXR10_R1(config-if-vlan1)#vrrp 2 ip
R2 configuration:
ZXR10_R2(config)#interface vlan 1
ZXR10_R2(config-if-vlan1)#ip address
ZXR10_R2(config-if-vlan1)#vrrp 1 ip
ZXR10_R2(config-if-vlan1)#vrrp 2 ip
Network Management
Table of Contents
NTP Configuration............................................................ 111
RADIUS Configuration ...................................................... 113
SNMP Configuration ......................................................... 115
RMON Configuration......................................................... 119
SysLog Configuration ....................................................... 121
TACACS+ Configuration.................................................... 124
NTP Configuration
NTP Overview
Network Time Protocol (NTP) is the protocol used to synchronize
the clocks of computers on a network or across multiple networks,
like the Internet. Without adequate NTP synchronization, organi-
zations cannot expect their network and applications to function
properly. In practice, ZXR10 5900/5200 can act as the NTP client
and support the configuration of at most 5 NTP time servers.
Configuring NTP
1. To define a time server, use the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
ZXR10 Configuration:
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan24
ZXR10(config-if-vlan24)#ip address
ZXR10(config)#ntp enable
ZXR10(config)#ntp server version 2
RADIUS Configuration
RADIUS Overview
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) is a stan-
dard AAA protocol. AAA represents Authorization, Authentication
and Accounting. AAA is used to authenticate the users accessing
the routing switch and prevent illegal users from accessing which
results in enhancing security of the equipment.
ZXR10 5900/5200 supports RADIUS authentication function to au-
thenticate Telnet users accessing the routing switch.
ZXR10 5900/5200 supports multiple RADIUS server groups. Three
authentication servers can be configured in each RADIUS group.
The server timeout time and times of timeout retransmission can
be set for each group. The administrator can configure different
RADIUS groups to select a specific RADIUS server.
Configuring RADIUS
1. To configure RADIUS accounting group, use the following com-
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
SNMP Configuration
SNMP Overview
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the most popu-
lar NMS protocol nowadays. An NMS server can manage all the
devices on the network through this protocol.
SNMP is managed based on server and client. The background
NMS server serves as the SNMP server and the foreground network
device serves as SNMP client. The foreground and background
share an MIB and communicate with each other through the SNMP
protocol. It is required to configure the specific SNMP server for
the rouging switch as the SNMP agent and define contents and au-
thorities availably collected by the NMS. ZXR10 5900/5200 sup-
ports multiple versions of SNMP.
Configuring SNMP
1. To set the SNMP packet community, use the following com-
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server context < context name > This defines context name of
Command Function
10. To configure safe mode group of user, use the following com-
Command Function
11. To set the maximum packet size of SNMP, use the following
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
RMON Configuration
RMON Overview
Remote Monitoring (RMON) system is to monitor network terminal
services. A remote detector, the local routing switch system, com-
pletes data collection and processing through the RMON. The rout-
ing switch contains RMON agent software communicating with the
NMS through the SNMP. Information is usually transmitted from
the routing switch to the NMS.
Configuring RMON
1. To enable the interface statistics function (only for Ethernet),
use the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Configure an alarm control entry and wait for 10s, and then
view RMON event contents with the show command.
ZXR10#show rmon event
Event 1 is active, owned by rmontest
Description is test
Event firing causes log and trap to community rmontrap,
last fired 05:40:20
Current log entries:
index time description
1 05:40:14 test
SysLog Configuration
SysLog Overview
ZXR10 5900/5200 provides users with log information setting
and query functions. Log information provides convenient routine
maintenance of the routing switch. User can view alarm infor-
mation and port state change condition on the routing switch
through log information. Log information can be displayed on the
configuration terminal in real time or can be saved to a file on
the routing switch or background log server. The syslog protocol
can be enabled on ZXR10 5900/5200 so that the routers can
communicate with the background syslog server to deliver the log
Configuring SysLog
1. To enable the log function, use the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
5. To set the log level saved in log buffer, use the following com-
Command Function
6. To set the background FTP log server parameter, use the fol-
lowing command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
TACACS+ Configuration
TACACS+ Overview
TACACS+, Terminal Access Controller Access Control System, is
the most popular AAA protocol which is the simplified name of Au-
thorization, Authentication and Accounting. TACACS+ supports in-
dependent authentication, authorization and accounting, allowing
different TACACS+ security server to be authentication, authoriza-
tion and accounting server respectively.
PPP user and Telnet user that use the system service should be au-
thenticated, authorized and accounted in ZXROS. TACACS+ proto-
col can solve this problem effectively. TACACS+ module provides
centralized security authentication, authorization and accounting
for logging user.
TACACS+ software module in ZXROS is client software authen-
ticated by TACACS+. It implements the protocol interaction be-
tween NAS and TACACS+ security server to complete TACACS+
AAA function. TACACS+ client also provides the operation that
TACACS+ configuration needs to configure TACACS+ environment.
At present, ZXR10 5900/5200 supports TACACS+ authentication
to provide authentication of Telnet users accessing the routers.
ZXR10 5900/5200 supports multiple TACACS+ server groups.
Each TACACS+ group permits the configuration of four authen-
tication servers and each group can be configured with two
parameters: server timeout time and retry times. The adminis-
trator can configure different TACACS+ server groups to select a
specific TACACS+ server.
Configuring TACACS+
1. To enable TACACS+ protocol function, use the following com-
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Parameter Description
Command Function
Parameter Description
<ip-addr> Client IP
Command Function
Parameter Description
port Port number for TCP connection. The default value is 49.
Command Function
Parameter Description
Command Function
Parameter Description
Command Function
Parameter Description
Command Function
ZXR10(config)#aaa group server tacacs+ <group-name> This enters into AAA server
group configuration mode.
Server group configuration is
deleted with no command.
Parameter Description
DOT1X Configuration
Table of Contents
DOT1x Overview ............................................................. 129
Configuring DOT1X .......................................................... 130
DOT1X Configuration Example........................................... 137
DOT1X Maintenance and Diagnosis .................................... 140
DOT1x Overview
DOT1X, IEEE 802.1x, is a port-based network access control pro-
tocol. It optimizes the authentication mode and authentication
architecture and solves the problems caused by traditional PPPoE
and Web/Portal authentication modes, therefore it is more suitable
for the broadband Ethernet.
IEEE 802.1x protocol architecture contains three major parts:
Supplicant System, Authenticator System and Authentication
Server System.
1. Generally client system is a user terminal system where client
software is often installed. User originates IEEE802.1x protocol
authentication by booting the client software. To support port-
based access control, the client system needs to support the
Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN (EAPOL).
2. Authentication system is network equipment supporting the
IEEE802.1x protocol, such as the switch. The equipment cor-
responds to different user ports (physical port or MAC address,
VLAN and IP of the user equipment) and has two logical ports
composed of the controlled port and uncontrolled port.
� Uncontrolled port is always in bidirectional connection state
and delivers EAPOL protocol, which ensures the client to
always send or receive authentication.
� Controlled port opens upon success of the authentication
to deliver network resources and services. The controlled
port modes can be configured as bidirectional controlled
and only transmission controlled to adapt to different ap-
plication environments. If the user fails to pass authentica-
tion, the controlled port is in unauthenticated state and the
user cannot access services offered by the authentication
Controlled port and uncontrolled port in the IEEE 802.1x pro-
tocol are logical concepts and such physical switches are inex-
istent in the equipment. The IEEE 802.1x protocol establishes
Configuring DOT1X
Configuring AAA
1. To create an AAA control entry, use the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
12. To bind an AAA control entry with the radius server group, use
the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
ZXR10(config-nas)#dot1x quiet-period < period > This configures the quiet period
of dot1x authentication.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
3. To bind the user with the port, use the following command.
Command Function
ZXR10(config-nas)#localuser <user-id> port <port-name> This binds the user with the
4. To bind the user with the VLAN, use the following command.
Command Function
ZXR10(config-nas)#localuser <user-id> vlan <vlan-id> This binds the user with the
5. To bind the user with the MAC address, use the following com-
Command Function
ZXR10(config-nas)#localuser <user-id> mac This binds the user with the MAC
<mac-address> address.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
DOT1X Configuration
Dot1x Radius Authentication
Workstation of a user is connected to Ethernet A of the Ethernet
switch. This is shown in Figure 29.
Cluster Management
Table of Contents
Cluster Management Overview .......................................... 143
Configuring Cluster Management ....................................... 145
Cluster Management Configuration Example........................ 149
Cluster Management Maintenance and Diagnosis ................. 149
Cluster Management
Cluster is a combination of a group of switches in a specific broad-
cast domain. This group of switches forms a unified management
domain which provides a public network IP address and a man-
agement interface to the outside and provides the functions of
managing and accessing every member in the cluster.
The management switch which configures public network IP ad-
dress is called command switch and other managed switches are
called member switches. Generally, public network IP address is
not configured for the member switch but a private address is as-
signed to the member switch with similar DHCP function of the
command switch. Command switch and member switch form a
cluster (private network).
It is suggested to isolate the broadcast domain of the public net-
work and that of the private network on the command switch,
and shield the direct access to the private address. The command
switch provides a management and maintenance channel to the
outside to manage the cluster in a centralized and unified manner.
A broadcast domain is usually composed of four kinds of switches:
command switch, member switch, candidate switch and indepen-
dent switch.
There is only one command switch in a cluster. Command switch
can collect equipment topology and establish a cluster automati-
cally. After the cluster is established, command switch provides a
management channel for cluster to manage member switch. Mem-
ber switch serves as a candidate switch before being added into
cluster. Switch which does not support cluster management is
called independent switch.
Configuring Cluster
Configuring ZDP Neighbor Discovery
1. To enable the ZDP function globally or in specific interface, use
the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
4. To set each hop delay in sending ZTP protocol packets, use the
following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Establishing Cluster
1. To set the switch to command, candidate or independent
switch, use the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Maintaining Cluster
1. To restart the member on the command switch, use the fol-
lowing command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Cluster Management
Configuration Example
Connect two devices to implement cluster management, as shown
in Figure 33.
Cluster Management
Maintenance and Diagnosis
When encountering cluster management problem, we can locate
the fault and remove them with relevant debugging commands.
Among these commands, show command and debug command
may be used.
Command show can be used to view current cluster configuration
1. To display ZDP configuration information, use the following
show zdp
2. To view ZTP configuration information, use the following com-
show ztp
3. To display cluster configuration information, use the following
show group
4. To display ZDP neighbor, use the following command.
show zdp neighbour [ interface <interface>| mac <mac-a
5. To display received equipment information, use the following
show ztp {device-list | device {mac <mac-address>|<id
6. To display group member information, use the following com-
show group {member | candidates [mac <mac-address
Command debug group-management can be used to trace
packet sending, receiving of ZDP and ZTP and its processing
during cluster management process.
IPTV Configuration
Table of Contents
Internet Protocol Television Overview ................................. 151
Configuring IPTV ............................................................. 151
IPTV Configuration Example .............................................. 154
IPTV Maintenance and Diagnosis ....................................... 155
Configuring IPTV
Configuring IPTV Global Parameters
1. To set the least preview time, use the following command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
4. To set the max preview time on global, use the following com-
Command Function
5. To set the period of global reset preview counts, use the fol-
lowing command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
ZXR10(config)#iptv cac-rule <1-256> name This sets the name of CAC rule.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
VBAS Configuration
Table of Contents
VBAS Overview ............................................................... 157
Configuring VBAS ............................................................ 157
VBAS Configuration Example............................................. 158
VBAS Maintenance and Diagnosis ...................................... 159
VBAS Overview
VBAS is the abbreviation of Virtual Broadband Access Server. It
is an extent inquiry protocol between IP-DSLAM and BRAS equip-
ment. The communication method between IP-DSLAM and BRAS
is layer 2 point-to-point, that is, interface information inquiry and
response packets are encapsulated in layer 2 Ethernet data frame.
The principle is to configure DSLAMDigital Subscriber Line Access
Multiplexer) corresponding to VLAN on BAS. During the procedure
of PPPOE calling, DSLAM applies VBAS protocol, that is, mapping
to corresponding DSLAM according to VLAN of user. BAS demand
the user line identity inquiry from DSLAM. In this user manual,
switch means DSLAM equipment.
VBAS protocol is implemented by sending VBAS packet between
Configuring VBAS
Enabling/Disabling VBAS
Command Function
VBAS Configuration
Enable VBAS on the switch and configure VBAS enable vlan as vlan
1. Configure gei_1/1 as trust interface and interface type is user.
Configuration is shown below:
ZXR10(config)#vbas enable
ZXR10(config)#vlan 1
ZXR10(config-vlan1)#vbas enable
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#vbas trust
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#vbas port-type user
In this example, vlan1 which enables VBAS should include at least
two interfaces, one connection user and another BRAS enquip-
ment. In this example gei_1/1 is used to connect BRAS equip-
Table of Contents
ZESR/ZESR+ Overview .................................................... 161
Configuring ZESR/ZESR+ ................................................. 162
ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration Example .................................. 165
ZESR/ZESR+ Overview
ZESRZTE Ethernet Smart Ringis a solution for solving the layer 2
loop problem (RFC 3619). Compared with STP, the biggest advan-
tage is that the link will switch and recover quickly when one way
is disconnected and the shortest time is 50ms.
ZESR is applicable with multi-ring area. Multi-ring is designated
that every level is an independent ring and low-level has two entry
points to connect with high-level ring. The highest level ring is
named as major-level ring and others are named as access rings.
Multi-area is named that there are many protection instances on
the same ring suitable to different service vlan. Their logic routes
are different and independent.
ZESR+ , in double nodes double uplinks networking, improves the
current ZESR to meet redundancy protection for uplink and node
at the same time in double nodes double uplinks networking.
Configuring ZESR/ZESR+
Configuring ZESR Area Protection
Parameter Description:
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
<0-500> Preup value, the unit is second. After Master detects that
loop is up, the status is switched until delaying preup time.
The default value is 0.
< 1-6> Hello value, the unit is second. the time of master/zess-transit
major interface sending hello protocol message, the default is
After node role and interface are ensured, preforward and preup
can be configured, of which hello, fail and preup only can be used
for master or zess-tranist, preup only can be configured as mas-
ter or zess-master. Interface must be configured in control vlan
before it is configured. Interface can use lacp interface but must
be dynamic lacp and member interface must close stp.
Besides secondery interface of zess-master node decides blocking
location. Therefore the interface must be placed on the uplink
which need to be blocked, but secondery interface of zess-transit
is suggested to be placed on uplink.
Example 1. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role
as master, interface as gei_2/10 and gei_2/20.
ZXR10(config)# zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level role master
gei_2/10 gei_2/20
2. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role
as zess-master, interface as gei_2/10 and gei_2/20.
ZXR10(config)# zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level role zess-master
gei_2/10 gei_2/20
3. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role
as master, preforward as 20s, preup as 20s.
ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level preforward 20 preup 20
4. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role
as master, hello as 2s, fail as 4s.
ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level hello 2 fail 4
2 ZXR10(config)#no zesr ctrl-vlan < 1-4094> level This cancels the configuration
<1-2> seg <1-4> of access ring ZESR.
Parameter description
< 1-4094> Area control vlan, indicating zesr area
<1-2> Level of access ring
<1-4> access ring SN, at most 4 access rings in each level.
<1-600> Preforward value, the unit is second. After the discon-
nected port reconnecting, unless ZESR protocol is set or after wait-
ing for preforward time open automatically and the default is 10s.
<0-500> Preup value, the unit is second. After Master or edge-
control detects that loop is up, the status is switched until delaying
preup time. The default value is 0.
<primary-interface-name> <secondary-interface-name> access
ring two interfaces.
< 1-6> Hello value, the unit is second. The default is 1s.
< 3-18> The maximum time dalay that master or edge-control
hasn’t received hello packet. The unit is second. The default value
is 3s.
<edge-interface-name> edge node interface
Switch could be in the entry that major-ring and access ring con-
nect. At that time, it can be in major-ring or access ring . There
are two interfaces in major-ring and one interface in access ring .
Switch is named as entry node. The entry node could be edge-as-
sistant and edge-control in access ring and edge-control plays a
general node master role.
Example 1. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role
as master, level as 1 , seg as 1, ports as gei_2/10 gei_2/10
ZXR10(config)# zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role
master gei_2/10 gei_2/20
2. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role
as edge-assistant, level as 1 , seg as 1, ports as gei_2/1/10
ZXR10(config)# zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role
edge-assistant gei_2/1/10
3. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000,
level as 1, seg as 1, preforward as 20s, preup as 20s
ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1
preforward 20 preup 20
4. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000,
level as 1, seg as 1, hello as 2s, fail as 4s
ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 hello 2 fail 4
Command Function
ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration
ZESR Configuration Example
As shown in Figure 34,
ZXR10_S1(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup1)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1 (config-smartgroup1)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config)#interface smartgroup2
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup2)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1 (config-smartgroup2)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup2)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup2)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#spanning-tree disable
ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#spanning-tree disable
ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#smartgroup 2 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#spanning-tree disable
ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#smartgroup 2 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#spanning-tree disable
SW2 Configuration
ZXR10_S2(config)#spanning-tree enable
ZXR10_S2(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10(config-mstp)# nstance 1 vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2 (config-smartgroup1)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/2)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/2)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/2)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)negotiation auto
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)spanning-tree disable
ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)negotiation auto
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)spanning-tree disable
SW3 Configuration
Interface instance configuration is as SW2
ZXR10_S3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1
ZXR10_S3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major level role master
smartgroup1 gei_1/1
ZXR10_S3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role
edge- assistant gei_1/2
SW4 configuration
Interface instance configuration is as SW2
ZXR10_S4(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1
ZXR10_S4(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role master
gei_1/1 gei_1/2
Node 2 configuration:
Node 3 configuration:
The configuration such as interface instance of node 3 is the same
as that of node 2.
//Configure ZESR+ Tansit node
ZXR10_S3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1
ZXR10 s3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level role zess-transit
gei_3/2 gei_3/1 //configure zess-transit node
/*When configuring zess-transit role, note that Primary interface
decides the direction that node sends hello frame, therefor
Primary interface must be configured the corresponding interface
of link between ZXR10-2 and ZXR10-3, or configuration error will occur.*/
ZXR10 s3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role edge-assistant
gei_3/3 //configure ordinary ZESR border node role
Node 4 configuration:
The configuration such as interface instance of node 4 is the same
as that of node 2.
//Configure ZESR low-level main node
ZXR10_S4(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1
ZXR10 s4(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role master
gei_4/2 gei_4/1 //configure ordinary ZESR master role
Security Configuration
Table of Contents
IP Source Guard .............................................................. 171
Control Plane Security Configuration .................................. 174
DAI Configuration ............................................................ 177
MFF Configuration............................................................ 180
IP Source Guard
IP Source Guard Overview
IP Source Guard is an application based on DHCP SNOOPING.It
records dynamic user information ( IP, MAC ) by constructing DHCP
SNOOPING binding database. After enabling this function, user
only can use the address that DHCP server dynamically distributes
to access external network. This prevents other users from using
other IP address for deceit.
Command Configuration
1. To enable/disable control-plane-security function, use the fol-
lowing command.
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
Command Function
The discard of some protocol packets will make the correspond-
ing service invalid.
Configuration Example
1. This example shows how to configure port arp protocol and set
alarm threshold as 2500.
Zxr10#conf t
Zxr10(config)#inter gei_1/1
Zxr10(config-gei_1/1)# protocol-protect mode arp enable
Zxr10(config-gei_1/1)# protocol-protocol alarm mode arp 2500
DAI Configuration
DAI Overview
The attack based on ARP often happens in network. DHCP SNOOP-
ING module on the switch implements DAI (Dynamic ARP Inspec-
tion) function, but this function is limited.
Currently DAI function only checks binding table in DHCP SNOOP-
ING for switch learning ARP packet, that is, only can check layer
3 user.
If users of the switch are in the same VLAN, the communication
between users requires switch to forward not on layer 3 but layer
2. Switch need not to learn ARP packets of these users. Therefore
there isn’t relevant security check. It is a big security bug, which
causes man-in-the-middle attack, as shown in Figure 39.
A/B/C are in the same broadcast domain, that is, the same net-
work segment. When A and B communicates with each other,
ARP packet is sent first, which can be learned by C. If C acts as
man-in-the-middle to do malicious scanning, only sends free ARP
to A to inform that IP corresponding MAC address of B has been
updated to that of C, the flow from A to B is directly forwarded
to C; Based on the same principle the flow from B to A can be
forwarded to C. After doing malicious scanning on packet, C mod-
ifies the destination address as the real MAC address of B or A
and return the packet to switch. The flow between A and B can
be forwarded normally and not be perceived. So that C completes
man-in-the-middle attack.
To avoid this bug, all ARP packets should be checked. Those that
conform to the qualification are forwared by software. The ARP
packets that fail in check will be discarded.
Based on this requirement, the following methods that prevents
usual ARP attack are added.
1. As for untrusted interface, DAI blocks all ARP packets and send
them to upper layer software for check.
2. The speed that ARP packet sent to CPU is configurable.
3. When DHCP SNOOPING is enabled, laye 2 IP ,MAC and port
corresponding relationship are checked. Illegal user will be
Configuring DAI
MFF Configuration
MFF Overview
MFF MAC-Forced Forwarding mainly implements layer 2 isolation
and layer 3 intercommunication among different client hosts in
the same broadcast domain. MFF blocks user ARP request packet
and reply response packet of gateway MAC address by ARP an-
swer-agent mechanism. This way can force user to send all traf-
fic (includes traffic in the same subnet) to gateway, which makes
gateway monitor data flow, prevent malicious attack among users
and ensure safety of network deployment.
MFF supports manual and automatic modes. Manual mode is ap-
plied in user static IP address configuration scene. Automatic
mode is used in user dynamically getting IP address by DHCP pro-
tocol scene.
Configuring MFF
1. To set MFF mode, use the following commands.
Information Description
POE Configuration
Table of Contents
POE Overview ................................................................. 185
Configuring PoE............................................................... 186
PoE Configuration Example ............................................... 187
PoE Maintenance ............................................................. 188
POE Overview
PoEPower over Ethernetis an extended feature of network device
that supports Ethernet electrical interface. The network device
supporting PoE function such as switch and router can provide
power supply to remote PD including IP phone, WLANE AP and
Network Camera through twisted pair for implementing remote
power supply.
Ethernet remote power supply sometimes is called network power
supply. It is the technology that transfers power through 10 BaseT
and 100 Base-TX. When the current Ethernet Cat.5 infrastructure
doesn’t change, data signal can be transmitted to the terminals
based on IP (such as IP phone, AP and network camera and DC
power can be supplied to those at the same time. PoE technology
can ensure the structured cabling security and the current network
normal operation to decrease the cost greatly.
Figure 42 displays a common PoE power supply example.
Configuring PoE
Step Command Function
PoE Maintenance
ZXR10 5900/5200 provides show command to help maintenance
and diagnosis of PoE. Common commands used in PoE mainte-
nance and diagnosis are as follows.