Trapper Strength and Conditioning Program
Trapper Strength and Conditioning Program
Trapper Strength and Conditioning Program
Now keep rotating your workouts in this 4-week cycle. You can expect to break 8 or more records per week, 400 records per year. Remember
we are not concerned with only breaking a 1 rep max, but all kinds of set-rep records. For example, if we break a 3-set or 5-set record our one-
rep max will have to go up! What would happen if you broke 8 personal records per week for one year? It kind of boggles the min... doesn’t
B. Missing a Rep: Sometimes you may miss a rep. For example, you're trying to do 3 x 3 with 275 and on the last set you can only do 2
reps. You have 2 options:
2. Penalize yourself 5 pounds per 100 pounds on the bar (in the above, for example, you would penalize yourself 10 pounds).
C. Adjusting: The BFS system gives you the flexibility in adjusting poundage's as you progress through your workout. For example, your 3 x 3
set record is 1095 pounds. So you do your first set with 370 pounds and it's fairly easy. On your next set you select 390 pounds, and it's super
tough (but you still get those 3 reps!). Therefore, on your 3rd set you bring it back down to 370 pounds. Now you've set a new set-rep record
of 1130 pounds!
D. When to Start Over: You should start your records over after a layoff of 3 or more weeks, a major sickness or a big drop in weight, or after
E. Time and/or Facility Challenges: The in-season workout can be used if time or facilities are limited, for your off-season program (PE Class,
Large Class, Small Weight Room, etc).
F. Auxiliary lifts: Generally, we recommend that you choose about five auxiliary exercises that will help you win in your sport. Typically do 2
sets of 10 reps, and no more than 5 auxiliary exercises per workout session.
Military Press: Great for shoulder strength, and upper body explosiveness. Place bar on lower pecs to start. End overhead with arms locked.
Incline Bench: Duplicates blocking position and therefore strengthens the upper chest and arms for more powerful blocking.
Heavy Dips: Unbelievable in developing powerful triceps and pecs. A must for every routine!
The BFS Super Set-Rep Program virtually eliminates plateaus. You should always be in a position of making progress. No other program can do
this. If you have been doing 3 sets of 10 reps, 1 set of 15 reps, 5 sets of 5 reps, you no doubt reach a plateau very quickly. You cannot do the
same workout time after time. You must alternate lifts, percentages of maximums, and alternate sets and reps. Even with more complex
systems, such as cycle/circuit workouts you will still eventually hit a plateau. The BFS system allows you to alternate your lifts, sets and reps in
such a way that a specific workout is repeated only every fifth week. This system has two simple rules: First, establish your records, and
second, break those records! If you follow this system exactly, you will never reach a plateau
The lifting part of the program consists of a 3-day workout week. If you lift more times than that, you will probably neglect or underemphasize
other important training areas like flexibility, agility, plyometric and speed training.
(3)Flexibility and agility can be done outside of the weight room. Your flexibility program can be done before and after your lifting program
for the best results. The BFS 10-minute 1-2-3-4 flexibility program and BFS Dot Drill are available on video.
(4)The effect of plyometric can be measured by testing the vertical jump and standing long jump.
(5)It is recommended that a Trap Bar be used for dead lifts. If a trap bar is not available, a spotted dead lift could be used.
Using the above routine for Box Squats, the work-out would be recorded as above (note: that on the 3+ set, 205 lbs. was lifted 10 times.
This is recorded as 205/the number of reps. The next time increase the amount of weight until you can do that weight 10 times.
Etc). The total amount of weight lifted is the Set Record. Each time you do a routine, set a new Set Record!!
Start right in with 3 sets of 3 reps (see set-rep log sheet). This is the first week of the BFS 4-week cycle. You will do 3 sets of 3 reps on each
core lift this entire first week. You will also begin recording your workouts as you establish your rep records and set records!!
Week 1
Start right in with 3 sets of 3 reps (see set-rep log sheet). This is the first week of the BFS 4-week cycle. You will do 3 sets of 3 reps on each core
lift this entire first week. You will also begin recording your workouts as you establish your rep records and set records!!
SQUATS: First set, 45-145 lbs. x 3 reps. Now for the 2nd set, you may either go up in poundage, stay the same or go down. Let's say you do
175 pounds for the second set and 205 for the 3rd set. Important Concept: on the final set, you should do 3 or more reps; up to 10 reps. Don't
worry if this 1st weeks routine seems too easy, you need to be concerned about proper lifting and spotting techniques.
BENCH: Since most athletes know their max. on the bench, use 70% of your max. for your first set. If you've never done benches before,
use 70% of your body weight, or 105 lbs., whichever is less. If this is too much weight for 3 reps, drop the poundage. For your 2nd set, you may
go up, stay the same or go down in poundage. Do 3 or more reps on the final set, up to 10 reps.
CLEAN: Do the 3 x 3 workout. Use 70% of your maximum. If you've never cleaned before, use 70% of your body weight or 105 pounds,
whichever is the least. Use the same procedure for the 2nd and 3rd set as on Monday's work-out and record your efforts as outlined above. On
the final set you should do 3+ reps up to 5 reps.
SQUATS: First set, 45-145 lbs. x 3 reps. Now for the 2nd set, you may either go up in poundage, stay the same or go down. Let's say you
do 175 pounds for the second set and 205 for the 3rd set. Important Concept: on the final set, you should do 3 or more reps; up to 10
reps. Don't worry if this 1st weeks routine seems too easy, you need to be concerned about proper lifting and spotting techniques.
BENCH: Since most athletes know their max. on the bench, use 70% of your max. for your first set. If you've never done benches before,
use 70% of your body weight, or 105 lbs., whichever is less. If this is too much weight for 3 reps, drop the poundage. For your 2nd set, you may
go up, stay the same or go down in poundage. Do 3 or more reps on the final set, up to 10 reps.
CLEAN: Do the 3 x 3 workout. Use 70% of your maximum. If you've never cleaned before, use 70% of your body weight or 105 pounds,
whichever is the least. Use the same procedure for the 2nd and 3rd set as on Monday's work-out and record your efforts as outlined above. On
the final set you should do 3+ reps up to 5 reps.
Same as Monday
SETS & REPS 3 sets-3 reps 3 sets-3 reps 3 sets-3 reps VARIATIONS
SETS & REPS 5 sets-5 reps 5 sets-5 reps 5 sets-5 reps VARIATIONS
SETS & REPS 3 sets-3 reps 3 sets-3 reps 3 sets-3 reps VARIATIONS
SETS & REPS 5 sets-5 reps 5 sets-5 reps 5 sets-5 reps VARIATIONS