Baumüller - Three-Phase Synchronous Motors

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Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

Table of contents

1.  Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200 ..................................................................................... 5 

1.1.  General technical data ................................................................................................................................. 5 
1.2.  General safety instructions ........................................................................................................................... 7 
1.3.  Definitions of power ratings .......................................................................................................................... 7 
1.3.1.  Definitions of power ratings for air-cooled machines .................................................................... 7 
1.3.2.  Definitions of power ratings for water-cooled machines ............................................................... 7 
1.4.  Watercooling................................................................................................................................................. 8 
1.4.1.  Coolant consistency ...................................................................................................................... 8 
1.4.2.  Min. coolant temperature against ambient temperature and humidity .......................................... 8 
1.4.3.  Details relating to the amounts of coolant required ..................................................................... 10 
1.4.4.  Materials in the motor that make contact with the medium ......................................................... 10 
1.5.  Winding insulation ...................................................................................................................................... 10 
1.6.  Noise intensity ............................................................................................................................................ 10 
1.7.  Explanation of the motor data .................................................................................................................... 11 
1.8.  Type key ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 
2.  Technical data........................................................................................................................................... 14 
2.1.  DS2-100 ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 
2.1.1.  DS2-100..23R-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)............................................................................... 14 
2.1.2.  DS2-100..54R-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled) ...................................................................................... 15 
2.1.3.  DS2-100..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled) ........................................................................................ 16 
2.2.  DS2-132 ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 
2.2.1.  DS2-132..23R-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)............................................................................... 17 
2.2.2.  DS2-132..54(A)R-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled) ................................................................................. 18 
2.2.3.  DS2-132..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled) ........................................................................................ 19 
2.3.  DS2-160 ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 
2.3.1.  DS2-160..23A(R)-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated) .......................................................................... 20 
2.3.2.  DS2-160..23I-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated) ................................................................................ 21 
2.3.3.  DS2-160..54A(R)-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled) ................................................................................. 22 
2.3.4.  DS2-160..54I-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled) ....................................................................................... 23 
2.3.5.  DS2-160..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled) ........................................................................................ 24 
2.4.  DS2-200 ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 
2.4.1.  DS2-200..23A(R)-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated) .......................................................................... 25 
2.4.2.  DS2-200..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled) ........................................................................................ 26 
2.5.  Bearings and shaft load .............................................................................................................................. 27 
2.6.  Radial force diagrams ................................................................................................................................ 28 
2.6.1.  Sample diagram ......................................................................................................................... 28 
2.6.2.  Diagrams DS2-100_R ................................................................................................................. 30 
2.6.3.  Diagrams DS2-100_W ................................................................................................................ 31 
2.6.4.  Diagrams DS2-132_A(R) ............................................................................................................ 33 
2.6.5.  Diagrams DS2-132_W ................................................................................................................ 34 
2.6.6.  Diagrams DS2-160 ...................................................................................................................... 36 
2.6.7.  Diagrams DS2-200 ...................................................................................................................... 37 
3.  Motor components (options)................................................................................................................... 39 
3.1.  Holding brake ............................................................................................................................................. 39 
3.1.1.  Brake supply ................................................................................................................................ 40 
3.1.2.  Brake connection ......................................................................................................................... 40 
3.2.  Encoder ...................................................................................................................................................... 41 
3.2.1.  Resolver ...................................................................................................................................... 41 
3.2.2.  SINCOS SRS/SRM 50 ( SICK/Stegmann) .................................................................................. 42 
3.2.3.  ECN 1313/EQN 1325 (Heidenhain) ............................................................................................ 43 
3.2.4.  ECN 1325/EQN 1337 (Heidenhain) ............................................................................................ 44 
3.2.5.  Dimensional drawing - socket for encoder and -plug .................................................................. 45

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 3
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.3.  Encoder cables for b maXX 4000............................................................................................................... 46 
3.3.1.  Technical data ............................................................................................................................. 46 
3.3.2.  Application references ................................................................................................................. 47 
3.3.3.  Order information for encoder cables .......................................................................................... 48 
3.4.  Encoder cables for b maXX 5000............................................................................................................... 49 
3.4.1.  Technical data ............................................................................................................................. 49 
3.4.2.  Application references ................................................................................................................. 50 
3.4.3.  Order information for encoder cables .......................................................................................... 50 
3.5.  Thermal sensor........................................................................................................................................... 51 
3.6.  Fan data ..................................................................................................................................................... 52 
3.6.1.  Standard fan motors .................................................................................................................... 52 
3.6.2.  Integrated axial blowers .............................................................................................................. 53 
3.6.3.  Filter............................................................................................................................................. 54 
4.  Dimension drawings ................................................................................................................................ 55 
4.1.  Dimension drawings DS2-100 .................................................................................................................... 55 
4.2.  Dimension drawings DS2-132 .................................................................................................................... 56 
4.3.  Dimension drawings DS2-160 .................................................................................................................... 58 
4.4.  Dimension drawings DS2-200 .................................................................................................................... 62 
4.5.  Main connection – Terminal box ................................................................................................................ 64 
4.5.1.  Terminal markin ........................................................................................................................... 64 
4.5.2.  Terminal box version ................................................................................................................... 64 
4.5.3.  Position of the terminal boxes and outlet direction of the main connection ................................ 65 
5.  Commissioning and maintenance instructions .................................................................................... 66 
6.  Declaration of Conformity ....................................................................................................................... 66 
6.1.  What is an EC directive .............................................................................................................................. 66 
6.2.  What does the CE mark signify? ................................................................................................................ 67 
6.3.  Declaration of Conformity, definition of term .............................................................................................. 67 
6.4.  EU-Declaration of Conformity..................................................................................................................... 68 

All the details in this list are non-binding customer information that is subject to ongoing change and continually
updated by our editing staff. Please note that all data/figures/information represent current data at the time of
going to press. This data is not legally binding for the purposes of dimensioning, computation, or calculation.
Before using the information in this document as a basis for your own calculations and/or applications, you
must ensure that it is the most up-to-date version of this information.
Therefore, we cannot accept liability for the correctness of the information in this document.

Issue: 06/2013

Technical alterations reserved 06/13 DS2 100-200

4 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
T synchrono us motors DS2
D 100-200

1 Three-phase synchron
s nous motors DS2
2 100-200

The thrree-phase synchronous mottors from the D DS2 series are

e air-cooled orr
water-ccooled perman nent magnet synchronous m motors. The motors are
designe ed with an extremely high power density, a very high degree of
efficien cy and high dynamics and are
a ideal for cocomplex engineering
applicattions due to a high overloadd capacity. Thhe robust, com
mpact motors
are larg
gely maintenance-free and provide
p an addded bonus forr economical
operatioon. Employingg a liquid cooling system redduces the size
e of the motor
and deccreases noise e emissions coonsiderably.

1 Gen
neral techn
nical data

V B3 Frame e size 100-200 0
B5 Frame e size 100-200 0
B35 Frame e size100-200
C Main conneection U V W (Terminal bo ox)
Control con
nnection 12-pinn connector, 17-pin connecttor, 9-pin conn nector with
ENDA AT interface
Thermal sensor In the main connecttion
Brake Axial ventilation:
v 8-p
pin connector
Radiaal ventilation orr water coolingg: Terminal de
T sensoor KTY84 - 130 Linearr temperature sensor for thee analysis in th he controller
T rrise Δϑ≤ 105K Insula
ation class F acc. to EN 600034
E l conditions Class 3K3/33Z12 as per D
DIN Repre esents 0 to 40 °C at 5 % to 885 % rel. humidity and an
f running EN 60721-3 3-3, however: absoluute humidity of 1 g/m³ to 25 g/m³ and an installation
temperaturee range 0-40 °°C heightt up to approx. 1,400 m.
E l conditions Class 1K2/11M1 DIN Repre esents -15 to 60
6 °C at 5 % too 85 % rel. hu umidity and an n
f EN 60721-3 3-1, however: absoluute humidity of 1 g/m³ to 25 g/m³;
ong-term stora
age temperaturee range -15-600 °C mperatures below 3 °C you sshould drain th
at tem he cooling watter
E l conditions Class 2K2/22M1 DIN Repre esents -15 to 60
6 °C at 5 % too 85 % rel. hu umidity and an n
f transport EN 60721-3 3-2, however: absoluute humidity of 1 g/m³ to 25 g/m³;
temperaturee range-15-600 °C at tem
mperatures below 3 °C you sshould drain th he cooling watter
S Black matt RAL 9005
B D-side Standard = ball bea aring; option = roller bearingg
N-side Locatiing bearing
S life of bearing L10h 20,0000h Standard value, antti-friction beariing with perma anent grease
V classs A Standard: according g to DIN EN600034-14: 2004 4-09
B Optionn: Size 100-16 60, ball bearinngs only
T running N Standard: Normal according
a to D
DIN 42955
R Optio
on: Size 100-160, ball beaarings only
V f up to radial 3 g / axial
a 1g Standard: 10 Hz - 55
5 Hz accordinng to EN 6006 68-2-6
radial 5 g / axial
a 1g n: Size 100-16
Option 60, 10 Hz - 555 Hz according g to EN 60068
F FF flange as perr standard IEC
C standard
S end Cylindrical accord
ding to DIN 7448
ering with interrnal thread acccording to DIN
N 332, shape D
n: with key acc cording to DIN
N 6885
A speed e
encoder ver
2-pin resolv Standard – see sec ction 3.2
Sincos/EnDDat encoder ns – see section 3.2
H brake Disk brakess n: Mounted on
Option n N-side as asssembly
manufactured by Baumülller Other manufacturerrs on request
A CE Standard

D 100-200 0 06/13 Technnical alteratio
ons reserved
B Nü
ürnberg Gmb
bH 5
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

Technical data for air-cooled motors

Type of protection / cooling IC 06 / IP23 Internally ventilated with fan

method IC 416 / IP54 Surface-cooled with fan
External ventilation Standard fan motor for Air direction from N to D
radial ventilation on the IC 06: Lateral air exhaust opening, D-side
N-side IC 416: Axial air exhaust opening, D-side
Blower filter Option: Flat or rectangular filter – see section 3.6.3

Standard fan motor for Air direction from D to N

axial ventilation on the Lateral air exhaust opening N-side

Axially integrated blower Air direction from D to N

for axial ventilation on the Lateral air exhaust opening N-side

Fan motor connection Mounted standard motor Terminal box of standard motor
Integrated fan motor 6-pin connector
Terminal box N-side Position options for external fan
D-side on request

Technical data for liquid-cooled motors

Type of protection/cooling IC3W7 / IP54 Water-cooled machine

Terminal box N-side top
Coolant input temperature 10°C to 25°C Maximum 5 K less than ambient temperature
Water connection D-side lateral

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6 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

1.2. General safety instructions

The standard versions of the motors are unsuitable for operation in salty or aggressive atmospheres and are
not suitable for erection outdoors. If, with an air-cooled motor, the air is contaminated with dust particles or
similar substances in the surrounding air, which cannot be kept out efficiently by the filter elements in use, then
the a conversation with the manufacturer is necessary to find a solution to the problem.

With allocation of the motor in a specific protection class, it is a standardized brief test procedure. This can vary
considerably depending on the actual environmental conditions at the site of installation.
Depending on the environmental conditions, such as the chemical consistency of the dust materials or the
cooling media being used at the site of installation, evaluation of the suitability of the motor based on the type of
protection is only possible to a limited extent (e.g. electrically conducting dust materials or aggressive coolant
vapors or coolant fluids). In these cases the motor must additionally be protected by appropriate measures on
the machine side.

1.3. Definitions of power ratings

1.3.1. Definitions of power ratings for air-cooled machines

The power ratings (torques) listed in the table apply to continuous operation (S1) at the rated speed and a
maximum ambient temperature of 40 °C, for machines installed below 1,000 m a.m.s.l.
If motors are to be operated at an ambient temperature of more than 40 °C, or altitudes above 1,000 m a.m.s.l.,
the required list power rating PL (list torque Mn)is calculated from the product of factors k1 and k2 (specified in
the table below) and the required power rating P (torque M).

Ambient temperature 40 °C 45 °C 50 °C 55 °C 60 °C
Correction factor k1 1 1.06 1.13 1.22 1.34
Altitude a.m.s.l. up to 1,000 m 2,000 m 3,000 m 4,000 m 5,000 m
Correction factor k2 1 1.07 1.16 1.27 1.55

Design changes may be necessary in the case of ambient temperatures above 40 °C and installation of motors
in an enclosure: For this reason, it is imperative that the manufacturer is contacted.

If, in the case of an increasing site altitude above 1,000 m, the ambient temperature decreases by approx. 10
per 1,000 m increase, no power correction is necessary (note the minimum operating temperature).

1.3.2. Definitions of power ratings for water-cooled machines

The power ratings (torques) that appear in the list apply to permanent operation S1 at nominal speed, provided
the cooling circuit requirements for water-cooled motors are met!
The reduction factors included in the table below must be considered when operating DSD2 motors with higher
coolant inlet temperatures:

Coolant inlet temperature 25 °C 30 °C 35 °C 40 °C 45 °C

Percentage of list performance (torque) 100 % 97 % 95 % 92 % 89 %

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 7
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

1.4. Watercooling

1.4.1. Coolant consistency

Conditions Unit Value

Maximum permitted system pressure bar 6
Temperature of coolant- for motor °C 10 bis 25
pH value (at 20° C) --- 6,5 bis 9
Overall hardness mmol/l 1,43 bis 2,5
Chloride - Cl- mg/l < 200
Sulphate - SO4²- mg/l < 200
Oil mg/l <1
Permitted particle size
mm < 0,1
of solid foreign objects, particles (e.g. sand)

Clean water that is free of dirt and suspended matter must be used as a coolant.

Sufficient quantities of additives for corrosion and germ protection must be mixed in. The additive type and
dosage are based on recommendations from the additive manufacturer and the prevailing ambient conditions.

1.4.2. Min. coolant temperature against ambient temperature and humidity


min. coolant temperature (°C)


umh ty
25 el. idi
r um ty
% l. h idi
re m
% . hu ty
75 re
l idi
l. hu ty
20 re idi
% um
55 l. h
re ty
% idi
45 m
l . hu
% ty
15 35 idi
e l. h
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
ambient temperature (°C)

The allowed coolant temperature depends on relative humidity and ambient temperature. For example with an
ambient temperature of 25 °C and a relative humidity of 65% the minimum coolant temperature is 18 °C.
Because these are limiting values on practical side a coolant temperature greater than 18 °C should be used. If
this minimum coolant temperature will be under run the two- point controller of Baumüller drive must be used to
avoid condensation.

Technical alterations reserved 06/13 DS2 100-200

8 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200


Twater≥ No Definition of min.

Definition rel.
Tambience-5K coolant temperature
(diagram 1.4.2)

(diagram 1.4.2)

Twater≤ 25 °C Yes

Yes Derating No
referred to Twater≤ 25 °C
No table
restrictions Ton = 70 °C
Toff = 50 °C


Twater≤ 25 °C



The supply of cooling fluid must be interrupted to prevent condensation when storing for an extended period. In
addition, at ambient temperatures < 3°C and if the motor has not run for an extended period, drain the cooling
fluid to prevent damage caused by frost. When using anti-freeze you need to consult the manufacturer.

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 9
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

1.4.3. Details relating to the amounts of coolant required

Motor Type Flow rate Pressure drop ±15% Temperature rise Max. coolant pressure Connection (G-
[l/min] [bar] [K] [bar] internal thread)
DS2-100KO 7 0,4 4 6 2 x G ½“
DS2-100MO 7 0,4 5 6 2 x G ½“
DS2-100LO 7 0,4 6 6 2 x G ½“
DS2-100BO 7 0,4 7 6 2 x G ½“

Motor Type Flow rate Pressure drop ±15% Temperature rise Max. coolant pressure Connection (G-
[l/min] [bar] [K] [bar] internal thread)
DS2-132KO 9 0,25 4 6 2 x G ½“
DS2-132MO 9 0,25 5 6 2 x G ½“
DS2-132LO 9 0,25 6 6 2 x G ½“
DS2-132BO 9 0,25 7 6 2 x G ½“

Motor Type Flow rate Pressure drop ±15% Temperature rise Max. coolant pressure Connection (G-
[l/min] [bar] [K] [bar] internal thread)
DS2-160KO 10 0,45 5 6 4 x G ¼“
DS2-160MO 10 0,5 6 6 4 x G ¼“
DS2-160LO 10 0,55 7 6 4 x G ¼“
DS2-160BO 10 0,6 8 6 4 x G ¼“

Motor Type Flow rate Pressure drop ±15% Temperature rise Max. coolant pressure Connection (G-
[l/min] [bar] [K] [bar] internal thread)
DS2-200KO 13 1,3 5 6 4 x G ¼“
DS2-200MO 13 1,45 7 6 4 x G ¼“
DS2-200LO 13 1,6 8 6 4 x G ¼“

1.4.4. Materials in the motor that make contact with the medium
The following materials that make contact with the medium are used in the motor:

Size 100-132 Size 160-200:

Cooling system: Cathodic dip painted aluminum Cooling system: Stainless steel
Connections: Galvanized steel Connections: Brass
Seals: NBR seals Seals: Vulcanized fiber

1.5. Winding insulation

The motors are designed for an operation on converters with intermediate link voltages of up to 640V.

Higher intermediate link voltages of up to ≤800V are possible, if voltage spikes on the motor terminals are
limited to <1200V by suitable filters in the motor supply line.

1.6. Noise intensity

The ventilated motors do not exceed the limit values specified in EN 60034.

Noise level

Type of Type of protection IP 54 Type of protection IP 54, water-

Motor frame size
protection IP 23 surface-cooled cooled
DS2-100 69± 3 dBA 69± 3 dBA 60± 3 dBA
DS2-132 71± 3 dBA 71± 3 dBA 63± 3 dBA
DS2-160 77 ± 3 dBA 77± 3 dBA 68± 3 dBA
DS2-200 80± 3 dBA - 73± 3 dBA

Measuring system:
The measuring surface sound pressure level LPA is specified according to the survey method DIN 45635-1, 10ff.
Measurement is performed using a sound pressure level meter with A rating (dB(A)), DIN IEC 651.

Technical alterations reserved 06/13 DS2 100-200

10 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

1.7. Explanation of the motor data

nN Rated speed [rpm]

M0 Nominal torque [Nm] with speeds ≥ 1 [rpm] without time limit
I0 nominal current [A] with speeds ≥ 1 [rpm] without time limit, I0 is the r.m.s. value
M0,max Maximum static torque [Nm] with maximum current [A] and speed = 0, momentarily
I0,max Static current [A] at Mo, max; I0max is the effective value
PN Rated output [kW] with MN and nN (see Performance definition)
MN Rated torque [Nm]
IN Rated effective current [A]
kE / cold Voltage constant (EMF) to [V per 1000 rpm]
fN Rated frequency [Hz]
J Rotor inertia incl. resolver without holding brake [kgm²]
m Motor mass [kg]

When the converter is operating, the specified rated outputs and torques at the rated speed are achieved with a
clocking frequency of ≥ 4 kHz in the power divider. A clocking frequency of > 6 kHz is recommended.
All converters scheduled for use must have the option of field weakening as a mandatory requirement.

The sizemaXX drive configurator is available at for designing the motors and the overall
drive system.

1.8. Type key






DS2-XXXXXXXX-XX-X-XXX-X-XXX-XXX-XX-X-XXX Degree of protection

23 - Degree of protection IP23
54 - Degree of protection IP54


A - Axially mounted external fan
I - Axially integrated external fan
R - Radially mounted external fan
W - Water cooling

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 11
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

DS2-XXXXXXXX-XX-X-XXX-X-XXX-XXX-XX-X-XXX Nominal speed class

05 - 500rpm
10 - 1000 rpm
11 - 1100 rpm
12 - 1200 rpm
15 - 1500 rpm
16 - 1600 rpm
17 - 1700 rpm
20 - 2000 rpm
21 - 2100 rpm
25 - 2500 rpm
26 - 2600 rpm
30 - 3000 rpm

5 - 540 V


O - No encoder
A - Resolver
D - SRS50
E - SRM50
F - ECN1313
G - EQN1325
H - ECN1325
I - EQN1337

O - Without brake
B - With spring brake


A - Smooth shaft
B - With parallel key

1 - IM B3
2 - IM B5
7 - IM B35
8 - IM B35 flange 400 mm (size 132)

DS2-XXXXXXXX-XX-X-XXX-X-XXX-XXX-XX-X-XXX Main connection type

K - Terminal box

DS2-XXXXXXXX-XX-X-XXX-X-XXX-XXX-XX-X-XXX Position of main connection

T - Top
L - Left with a view toward D-side on shaft end
R - Right with a view toward D-side on shaft end

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12 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200


T - Top
B - Bottom
L - Left with a view toward D-side on shaft end
R - Right with a view toward D-side on shaft end
N - NDE (N-side)

K - Ball bearing D-side
R - Roller bearing D-side


A - Vibration level A
B - Vibration level B


N - Normal
R - Reduced

DS2-XXXXXXXX-XX-X-XXX-X-XXX-XXX-XX-X-XXX Position of cooling

O - Without fan
T - Top
B - Bottom
L - Left with a view toward D-side on shaft end
R - Right with a view toward D-side on shaft end
A - Axial fan
C - Right and left with a view toward D-side on
shaft end


O - No cooling option
A - No filter
D - Flat filter with fine filter mat
G - Rectangular filter with fine filter mat
J - Flat filter with coarse filter mat
M - Rectangular filter with coarse filter mat
Q - No filter
Version Δ/Y 265-345V / 460-600V
R - Flat filter with fine filter mat
Version Δ/Y 265-345V / 460-600V
S - Flat filter with coarse filter mat
Version Δ/Y 265-345V / 460-600V
T - Rectangular filter with fine filter mat
Version Δ/Y 265-345V / 460-600V
U - Rectangular filter with coarse filter mat
Version Δ/Y 265-345V / 460-600V

DS2-XXXXXXXX-XX-X-XXX-X-XXX-XXX-XX-X-XXX Gear box / pump mounting

O -Without transmission mount and without pump
000 - Without option
XXX - Option (internal encoding)

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 13
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2. Technical data
2.1. DS2-100

2.1.1. DS2-100..23R-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. Max. Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still static static power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current torque current quency assignment
see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE / COLD fN

-1 V/1000
Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A Hz

1000 DS2-100KO23R-10-5 69 16.7 135 38.4 7 67 16.3 273 50 10

DS2-100MO23R-10-5 100 24.2 205 58 10 97 23.5 273 50 10
DS2-100LO23R-10-5 130 30.3 275 75 13 125 29.3 280 50 12
DS2-100BO23R-10-5 155 34.2 340 88 16 150 33 297 50 12
1500 DS2-100KO23R-15-5 69 23.3 135 54 10 66 22.4 196 75 10
DS2-100MO23R-15-5 100 33.1 205 79 15 96 31.7 199 75 12
DS2-100LO23R-15-5 130 40.3 275 100 19 120 38.4 210 75 12
DS2-100BO23R-15-5 155 48.5 340 125 23 145 45.8 210 75 12
2000 DS2-100KO23R-20-5 69 28.4 135 65 14 65 26.9 161 100 12
DS2-100MO23R-20-5 100 39,3 205 94 20 93 37 168 100 12
DS2-100LO23R-20-5 130 50 275 125 25 120 47,1 168 100 12
DS2-100BO23R-20-5 155 60 340 155 30 140 56 169 100 14
2500 DS2-100KO23R-25-5 69 34,4 135 79 17 64 32,2 133 125 12
DS2-100MO23R-25-5 100 48,4 205 115 24 92 44,9 136 125 12
DS2-100LO23R-25-5 130 61 275 150 30 115 55 140 125 14
DS2-100BO23R-25-5 155 73 340 185 36 140 66 140 125 14
3000 DS2-100KO23R-30-5 69 40,8 135 94 20 63 37,7 112 150 12
DS2-100MO23R-30-5 100 57 205 136 28 90 52 115 150 12
DS2-100LO23R-30-5 130 73 275 180 36 115 65 116 150 14
DS2-100BO23R-30-5 155 83 340 215 42 135 73 122 150 14

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-100KO23R 0.010 50
DS2-100MO23R 0.014 59
DS2-100LO23R 0.018 68
DS2-100BO23R 0.022 77

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14 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.1.2. DS2-100..54R-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. Max. static Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still statictorque current power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current quency assignment
see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

-1 -1
Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000 min Hz

1100 DS2-100KO54R-11-5 48 11.8 120 33.8 5.3 46 11.4 273 55 10

DS2-100MO54R-11-5 72 17.8 180 51 7.8 68 16.9 273 55 10
DS2-100LO54R-11-5 96 23.2 240 66 10 89 21.6 280 55 10
DS2-100BO54R-11-5 120 27.5 295 78 13 110 25.2 297 55 12
1600 DS2-100KO54R-16-5 48 16.5 120 47.1 7.6 45 15.6 196 80 10
DS2-100MO54R-16-5 72 24.4 180 69 11 66 22.6 199 80 10
DS2-100LO54R-16-5 96 30.9 240 88 14 86 27.9 210 80 12
DS2-100BO54R-16-5 120 38.9 295 110 18 105 34.4 210 80 12
2000 DS2-100KO54R-20-5 48 20 120 57 9.4 45 18.8 161 100 10
DS2-100MO54R-20-5 72 29 180 82 14 65 26.3 168 100 12
DS2-100LO54R-20-5 96 38.7 240 110 18 84 34 168 100 12
DS2-100BO54R-20-5 120 48.3 295 136 21 100 41.3 169 100 12
2500 DS2-100KO54R-25-5 48 24.3 120 69 11 44 22.4 133 125 10
DS2-100MO54R-25-5 72 35.7 180 101 17 63 31.6 136 125 12
DS2-100LO54R-25-5 96 46.4 240 132 21 81 39.5 140 125 12
DS2-100BO54R-25-5 120 58 295 165 26 98 47.9 140 125 12
3000 DS2-100KO54R-30-5 48 28.8 120 82 14 43 26.1 112 150 12
DS2-100MO54R-30-5 72 42.2 180 120 19 62 36.4 115 150 12
DS2-100LO54R-30-5 96 56 240 160 25 79 45.9 116 150 12
DS2-100BO54R-30-5 120 67 295 190 29 93 52 122 150 14

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-100KO54R 0.010 52
DS2-100MO54R 0.014 61
DS2-100LO54R 0.018 70
DS2-100BO54R 0.022 79

DS2 100-200 06/13 Technical alterations reserved

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 15
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.1.3. DS2-100..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. Max. Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still static static power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current torque current quency assignment
see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min-1 Hz

1000 DS2-100KO54W-10-5 61 15 130 36.5 6.3 60 14.8 273 50 10

DS2-100MO54W-10-5 94 23.2 195 55 9.7 93 22.9 273 50 10
DS2-100LO54W-10-5 130 30.9 260 71 13 125 30.7 280 50 12
DS2-100BO54W-10-5 165 37.4 320 84 17 160 37.2 297 50 12
1500 DS2-100KO54W-15-5 61 20.9 130 51 9.4 60 20.3 196 75 10
DS2-100MO54W-15-5 94 31.7 195 75 14 92 31 199 75 12
DS2-100LO54W-15-5 130 41.3 260 95 20 125 40.5 210 75 12
DS2-100BO54W-15-5 165 53 320 119 25 160 52 210 75 12
2000 DS2-100KO54W-20-5 61 21.6 130 52 11 54 20.7 190 100 12
DS2-100MO54W-20-5 94 37.7 195 89 19 90 36.4 168 100 12
DS2-100LO54W-20-5 130 52 260 119 26 125 50 168 100 12
DS2-100BO54W-20-5 165 66 320 147 33 160 64 169 100 14
2500 DS2-100KO54W-25-5 61 30.8 130 75 15 58 29.2 133 125 12
DS2-100MO54W-25-5 94 46.3 195 110 23 89 44.1 136 125 12
DS2-100LO54W-25-5 130 62 260 142 32 120 59 140 125 14
DS2-100BO54W-25-5 165 79 320 180 41 155 76 140 125 14
3000 DS2-100KO54W-30-5 61 36.6 130 89 18 57 34.1 112 150 12
DS2-100MO54W-30-5 94 55 195 129 27 87 51 115 150 12
DS2-100LO54W-30-5 130 74 260 170 37 120 70 116 150 14
DS2-100BO54W-30-5 165 91 320 205 47 150 86 122 150 14

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-100KO54W 0.010 35
DS2-100MO54W 0.014 45
DS2-100LO54W 0.018 55
DS2-100BO54W 0.022 65

Technical alterations reserved 06/13 DS2 100-200

16 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.2. DS2-132

2.2.1. DS2-132..23R-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. Max. Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still static static power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current torque current quency assignment
see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min -1

1000 DS2-132KO23R-10-5 210 47.7 355 89 21 195 44.4 300 50 20

DS2-132MO23R-10-5 270 61 475 119 27 255 58 300 50 22
DS2-132LO23R-10-5 330 68 590 137 32 310 65 325 50 22
DS2-132BO23R-10-5 375 84 710 180 38 365 82 300 50 22
1500 DS2-132KO23R-15-5 210 68 355 127 30 190 61 210 75 22
DS2-132MO23R-15-5 270 83 475 160 39 245 76 220 75 22
DS2-132LO23R-15-5 330 98 590 200 47 300 92 225 75 22
DS2-132BO23R-15-5 375 121 705 255 57 360 115 210 75 24
2000 DS2-132KO23R-20-5 210 87 355 160 38 185 75 165 100 22
DS2-132MO23R-20-5 270 106 475 205 50 235 94 173 100 22
DS2-132LO23R-20-5 330 126 590 255 61 295 115 175 100 24
DS2-132BO23R-20-5 375 149 705 315 73 350 140 170 100 24
2500 DS2-132KO23R-25-5 210 106 355 200 46 175 89 135 125 22
DS2-132MO23R-25-5 270 131 475 255 61 230 114 140 125 24
DS2-132LO23R-25-5 330 155 590 315 75 285 139 141 125 24
DS2-132BO23R-25-5 375 180 705 380 90 345 170 140 125 26
3000 DS2-132KO23R-30-5 210 119 355 225 53 170 97 120 150 22
DS2-132MO23R-30-5 270 155 475 295 71 225 129 120 150 24
DS2-132LO23R-30-5 330 190 590 380 89 285 165 116 150 26
DS2-132BO23R-30-5 375 210 705 445 105 335 190 120 150 26

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-132KO23R 0.045 110
DS2-132MO23R 0.058 125
DS2-132LO23R 0.071 145
DS2-132BO23R 0.084 165

DS2 100-200 06/13 Technical alterations reserved

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 17
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.2.2. DS2-132..54(A)R-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. Max. Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still static static power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current torque current quency assignment
see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min-1 Hz

1100 DS2-132KO54(A)R-11-5 130 29.3 305 76 14 120 27.3 300 55 20

DS2-132MO54(A)R-11-5 175 39 405 101 18 160 35.7 300 55 20
DS2-132LO54(A)R-11-5 215 45 505 117 22 195 40.4 325 55 20
DS2-132BO54(A)R-11-5 260 59 610 150 26 230 52 300 55 22
1600 DS2-132KO54(A)R-16-5 130 41.8 305 108 20 115 37.6 210 80 20
DS2-132MO54(A)R-16-5 175 53 405 138 25 150 46.5 220 80 22
DS2-132LO54(A)R-16-5 215 65 505 170 31 185 55 225 80 22
DS2-132BO54(A)R-16-5 260 84 605 215 36 215 69 210 80 22
2000 DS2-132KO54(A)R-20-5 130 53 305 138 24 115 46.3 165 100 22
DS2-132MO54(A)R-20-5 175 68 405 175 30 145 57 173 100 22
DS2-132LO54(A)R-20-5 215 84 505 215 37 175 68 175 100 22
DS2-132BO54(A)R-20-5 260 103 605 265 43 205 81 170 100 22
2500 DS2-132KO54(A)R-25-5 130 65 305 170 28 110 54 135 125 22
DS2-132MO54(A)R-25-5 175 84 405 215 36 140 67 140 125 22
DS2-132LO54(A)R-25-5 215 103 505 265 43 165 79 141 125 22
DS2-132BO54(A)R-25-5 260 125 605 325 50 190 91 140 125 24
3000 DS2-132KO54(A)R-30-5 130 73 305 190 33 105 58 120 150 22
DS2-132MO54(A)R-30-5 175 98 405 250 41 130 74 120 150 22
DS2-132LO54(A)R-30-5 215 125 505 325 49 155 90 116 150 24
DS2-132BO54(A)R-30-5 260 146 605 380 55 175 99 120 150 24

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-132KO54(A)R 0.045 110
DS2-132MO54(A)R 0.058 125
DS2-132LO54(A)R 0.071 145
DS2-132BO54(A)R 0.084 165

Technical alterations reserved 06/13 DS2 100-200

18 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.2.3. DS2-132..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. Max. Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still static static power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current torque current quency assignm
see p.

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

-1 V/1000
Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A Hz

1000 DS2-132KO54W-10-5 180 40.4 340 85 18 175 39.1 296 50 20

DS2-132MO54W-10-5 240 54 450 113 24 230 52 296 50 22
DS2-132LO54W-10-5 305 64 555 130 30 290 62 321 50 22
DS2-132BO54W-10-5 360 83 665 170 37 350 80 296 50 22
1500 DS2-132KO54W-15-5 180 58 340 121 27 170 55 207 75 22
DS2-132MO54W-15-5 240 74 450 155 35 225 70 217 75 22
DS2-132LO54W-15-5 305 92 555 190 45 285 87 222 75 22
DS2-132BO54W-15-5 360 118 665 240 54 345 112 207 75 24
2000 DS2-132KO54W-20-5 180 73 340 155 34 165 67 163 100 22
DS2-132MO54W-20-5 240 93 450 195 45 215 86 171 100 22
DS2-132LO54W-20-5 305 119 555 240 57 275 109 173 100 24
DS2-132BO54W-20-5 360 146 665 300 70 330 135 168 100 24
2500 DS2-132KO54W-25-5 180 90 340 190 35 165 82 133 100 22
DS2-132MO54W-25-5 240 116 450 240 55 210 102 138 125 24
DS2-132LO54W-25-5 305 147 555 300 69 265 130 140 125 24
DS2-132BO54W-25-5 360 180 665 365 84 320 160 138 125 26
3000 DS2-132KO54W-30-5 180 101 340 210 47 150 86 118 150 22
DS2-132MO54W-30-5 240 135 450 280 63 200 115 118 150 24
DS2-132LO54W-30-5 305 180 555 365 81 255 150 115 150 26
DS2-132BO54W-30-5 360 205 665 425 96 305 175 118 150 26

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-132KO54W 0.045 110
DS2-132MO54W 0.058 120
DS2-132LO54W 0.071 130
DS2-132BO54W 0.084 140

DS2 100-200 06/13 Technical alterations reserved

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 19
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.3. DS2-160

2.3.1. DS2-160..23A(R)-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. static Max. static Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still torque current power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current quency assignment
see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min-1 Hz

1000 DS2-160KO23A(R)-10-5 435 87 745 160 42 405 83 337 50 30

DS2-160MO23A(R)-10-5 525 107 920 205 52 495 101 334 50 30
DS2-160LO23A(R)-10-5 615 124 1110 245 60 570 116 336 50 32
DS2-160BO23A(R)-10-5 695 143 1170 255 67 645 132 331 50 32
1500 DS2-160KO23A(R)-15-5 435 131 745 245 62 400 121 224 75 32
DS2-160MO23A(R)-15-5 525 160 920 305 75 475 144 225 75 32
DS2-160LO23A(R)-15-5 615 190 1100 375 87 555 170 218 75 32
DS2-160BO23A(R)-15-5 695 195 1170 355 95 605 175 240 75 32
2000 DS2-160KO23A(R)-20-5 435 170 745 320 80 385 150 172 100 32
DS2-160MO23A(R)-20-5 525 210 920 400 96 460 180 171 100 32
DS2-160LO23A(R)-20-5 615 230 1100 455 109 520 200 179 100 32
DS2-160BO23A(R)-20-5 695 265 1170 475 121 580 220 179 100 34
2500 DS2-160KO23A(R)-25-5 435 215 745 400 97 370 185 137 125 32
DS2-160MO23A(R)-25-5 525 260 920 490 115 440 215 139 125 34
DS2-160LO23A(R)-25-5 615 295 1100 585 131 500 240 140 125 34
DS2-160BO23A(R)-25-5 695 320 1170 575 142 540 250 148 125 34
3000 DS2-160KO23A(R)-30-5 435 245 745 455 110 350 200 119 150 32
DS2-160MO23A(R)-30-5 525 305 920 585 131 415 240 117 150 34
DS2-160LO23A(R)-30-5 615 325 1100 645 144 460 250 127 150 34
DS2-160BO23A(R)-30-5 640 325 1170 640 155 495 260 133 150 34

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-160KO23A(R) 0.15 230
DS2-160MO23A(R) 0.18 255
DS2-160LO23A(R) 0.22 285
DS2-160BO23A(R) 0.25 310

Technical alterations reserved 06/13 DS2 100-200

20 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.3.2. DS2-160..23I-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. static Max. static Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still torque current power torque current constant Fre- box assignmen
torque current quency see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min -1

1000 DS2-160KO23I-10-5 425 85 740 160 41 395 80 337 50 30

DS2-160MO23I-10-5 520 105 925 205 50 480 97 334 50 30
DS2-160LO23I-10-5 605 122 1100 245 58 555 112 336 50 32
DS2-160BO23I-10-5 685 141 1170 255 65 625 128 331 50 32
1500 DS2-160KO23I-15-5 425 128 740 245 60 380 116 224 75 32
DS2-160MO23I-15-5 520 155 925 305 72 460 138 225 75 32
DS2-160LO23I-15-5 605 190 1100 375 83 530 165 218 75 32
DS2-160BO23I-15-5 685 195 1170 355 92 585 165 240 75 32
2000 DS2-160KO23I-20-5 425 165 740 320 77 365 144 172 100 32
DS2-160MO23I-20-5 520 205 920 400 92 440 175 171 100 32
DS2-160LO23I-20-5 605 230 1100 455 104 495 190 179 100 32
DS2-160BO23I-20-5 685 260 1170 475 116 555 210 179 100 34
2500 DS2-160KO23I-25-5 425 210 740 400 92 350 170 137 125 32
DS2-160MO23I-25-5 520 255 920 490 109 415 200 139 125 34
DS2-160LO23I-25-5 605 295 1100 585 124 470 230 140 125 34
DS2-160BO23I-25-5 685 315 1170 575 135 515 235 148 125 34
3000 DS2-160KO23I-30-5 425 240 740 455 104 330 185 119 150 32
DS2-160MO23I-30-5 520 300 920 585 123 390 225 117 150 34
DS2-160LO23I-30-5 605 325 1100 645 136 430 235 127 150 34
DS2-160BO23I-30-5 640 325 1170 640 146 465 245 133 150 34

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-160KO23I 0.15 220
DS2-160MO23I 0.18 245
DS2-160LO23I 0.22 275
DS2-160BO23I 0.25 300

DS2 100-200 06/13 Technical alterations reserved

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 21
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.3.3. DS2-160..54A(R)-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. static Max. static Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Fre- Terminal
speed still still torque current power torque current constant quency box assignmen
torque current see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min -1

1000 DS2-160KO54A(R)-10-5 325 68 700 160 30 285 59 337 50 30

DS2-160MO54A(R)-10-5 405 85 875 205 37 355 75 334 50 30
DS2-160LO54A(R)-10-5 480 101 1050 245 45 430 90 336 50 30
DS2-160BO54A(R)-10-5 555 118 1110 255 52 500 107 331 50 32
1500 DS2-160KO54A(R)-15-5 325 103 700 245 41 265 82 224 75 30
DS2-160MO54A(R)-15-5 405 127 875 305 52 330 104 225 75 32
DS2-160LO54A(R)-15-5 480 155 1050 375 63 400 130 218 75 32
DS2-160BO54A(R)-15-5 555 165 1110 355 74 470 139 240 75 32
2000 DS2-160KO54A(R)-20-5 325 134 700 320 51 245 100 172 100 32
DS2-160MO54A(R)-20-5 405 165 875 400 64 305 127 171 100 32
DS2-160LO54A(R)-20-5 480 190 1050 455 78 375 147 179 100 32
DS2-160BO54A(R)-20-5 555 220 1110 475 92 440 175 179 100 32
2500 DS2-160KO54A(R)-25-5 325 170 700 400 59 225 115 137 125 32
DS2-160MO54A(R)-25-5 405 205 875 490 74 285 145 139 125 32
DS2-160LO54A(R)-25-5 480 240 1050 585 91 345 175 140 125 32
DS2-160BO54A(R)-25-5 555 265 1110 575 107 410 195 148 125 34
3000 DS2-160KO54A(R)-30-5 325 195 700 455 65 205 122 119 150 32
DS2-160MO54A(R)-30-5 405 245 875 585 82 260 160 117 150 32
DS2-160LO54A(R)-30-5 480 265 1050 645 100 320 175 127 150 34
DS2-160BO54A(R)-30-5 555 295 1110 640 117 375 200 133 150 34

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-160KO54A(R) 0.15 230
DS2-160MO54A(R) 0.18 255
DS2-160LO54A(R) 0.22 285
DS2-160BO54A(R) 0.25 310

Technical alterations reserved 06/13 DS2 100-200

22 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.3.4. DS2-160..54I-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. Max. Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still static static power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current torque current quency assignment
see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min-1 Hz

1000 DS2-160KO54I-10-5 325 69 695 160 30 280 60 337 50 30

DS2-160MO54I-10-5 400 85 870 205 37 350 74 334 50 30
DS2-160LO54I-10-5 470 100 1050 245 44 415 88 336 50 30
DS2-160BO54I-10-5 540 115 1110 255 50 480 103 331 50 32
1500 DS2-160KO54I-15-5 325 104 690 245 41 260 83 224 75 30
DS2-160MO54I-15-5 400 126 870 305 51 325 103 225 75 32
DS2-160LO54I-15-5 470 155 1050 375 61 390 126 218 75 32
DS2-160BO54I-15-5 540 160 1110 355 71 450 133 240 75 32
2000 DS2-160KO54I-20-5 325 136 690 320 51 240 100 172 100 32
DS2-160MO54I-20-5 400 165 865 400 63 300 125 171 100 32
DS2-160LO54I-20-5 470 185 1040 455 75 360 142 179 100 32
DS2-160BO54I-20-5 540 215 1110 475 88 420 165 179 100 32
2500 DS2-160KO54I-25-5 325 170 690 400 58 220 116 137 125 32
DS2-160MO54I-25-5 400 205 865 490 73 275 143 139 125 32
DS2-160LO54I-25-5 470 240 1040 585 87 330 170 140 125 32
DS2-160BO54I-25-5 540 255 1110 575 101 385 185 148 125 34
3000 DS2-160KO54I-30-5 325 195 690 455 64 205 122 119 150 32
DS2-160MO54I-30-5 400 245 865 585 80 255 155 117 150 32
DS2-160LO54I-30-5 470 265 1040 645 95 305 170 127 150 34
DS2-160BO54I-30-5 540 285 1110 640 110 350 185 133 150 34

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-160KO54I 0.15 220
DS2-160MO54I 0.18 245
DS2-160LO54I 0.22 275
DS2-160BO54I 0.25 300

DS2 100-200 06/13 Technical alterations reserved

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 23
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.3.5. DS2-160..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. Max. Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still static static power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current torque current quency assignment
see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min-1 Hz

1000 DS2-160KO54W-10-5 305 59 695 146 30 290 56 337 50 30

DS2-160MO54W-10-5 380 74 870 185 39 370 72 334 50 30
DS2-160LO54W-10-5 465 90 1030 215 47 445 87 336 50 32
DS2-160BO54W-10-5 555 109 1210 255 56 535 105 331 50 32
1500 DS2-160KO54W-15-5 305 89 695 220 44 280 82 224 75 32
DS2-160MO54W-15-5 380 110 870 270 57 365 105 225 75 32
DS2-160LO54W-15-5 465 138 1030 335 69 440 131 218 75 32
DS2-160BO54W-15-5 555 150 1210 355 82 520 143 240 75 32
2000 DS2-160KO54W-20-5 305 116 695 285 57 270 103 172 100 32
DS2-160MO54W-20-5 380 145 870 360 74 355 135 171 100 32
DS2-160LO54W-20-5 465 170 1030 405 90 425 155 179 100 32
DS2-160BO54W-20-5 555 200 1210 475 107 510 185 179 100 34
2500 DS2-160KO54W-25-5 305 145 695 360 68 260 125 137 125 32
DS2-160MO54W-25-5 380 180 870 445 90 345 160 139 125 34
DS2-160LO54W-25-5 465 215 1030 520 110 420 195 140 125 34
DS2-160BO54W-25-5 555 245 1200 575 129 495 220 148 125 34
3000 DS2-160KO54W-30-5 305 165 695 410 79 250 137 119 150 32
DS2-160MO54W-30-5 380 210 870 525 104 330 185 117 150 34
DS2-160LO54W-30-5 465 235 1030 575 126 400 210 127 150 34
DS2-160BO54W-30-5 555 270 1200 640 144 460 240 133 150 34

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-160KO54W 0.15 225
DS2-160MO54W 0.18 260
DS2-160LO54W 0.22 295
DS2-160BO54W 0.25 330

Technical alterations reserved 06/13 DS2 100-200

24 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.4. DS2-200

2.4.1. DS2-200..23A(R)-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. static Max. static Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still torque current power torque current constant Fre- box assignmen
torque current quency see p. 64

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min-1 Hz

500 DS2-200KO23A(R)05-5 755 83 1230 155 39 740 82 609 16.7 40

DS2-200MO23A(R)05-5 1050 111 1710 210 53 1010 110 629 16.7 40
DS2-200LO23A(R)05-5 1340 146 2190 275 69 1330 145 617 16.7 42
1000 DS2-200KO23A(R)10-5 750 160 1220 300 76 730 155 316 33.3 42
DS2-200MO23A(R)10-5 1050 210 1710 400 103 985 205 331 33.3 42
DS2-200LO23A(R)10-5 1340 275 2190 515 133 1270 265 329 33.3 44
1500 DS2-200KO23A(R)15-5 755 240 1230 450 114 730 230 210 50.0 42
DS2-200MO23A(R)15-5 1050 320 1710 600 153 970 300 219 50.0 44
DS2-200LO23A(R)15-5 1340 385 2190 725 189 1210 360 234 50.0 46
2000 DS2-200KO23A(R)20-5 755 320 1230 600 149 710 300 156 66.7 44
DS2-200MO23A(R)20-5 1050 385 1710 725 186 890 350 182 66.7 46
DS2-200LO23A(R)20-5 1340 485 2190 910 235 1120 435 186 66.7 46
2700 DS2-200KO23A(R)30-5 645 325 1230 725 173 610 325 130 90.0 44
DS2-200MO23A(R)30-5 1050 485 1590 820 225 800 405 144 90.0 46
DS2-200LO23A(R)30-5 1340 655 2190 1230 295 1040 535 138 90.0 46

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-200KO23A(R) 0.44 435
DS2-200MO23A(R) 0.61 545
DS2-200LO23A(R) 0.79 660

DS2 100-200 06/13 Technical alterations reserved

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 25
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.4.2. DS2-200..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for converters with uncontrolled supply

Nom. Motor type Stand- Stand- max. Max. Nom. Nom. Rated Voltage Nom. Terminal
speed still still static staticcu power torque current constant Fre- box
torque current torque rrent quency assignm
see p.

nN M0 I0 M0,max I0,max PN MN IN KE/kalt fN

Min Nm A Nm A kW Nm A V/1000min-1 Hz

1000 DS2-200KO54W10-5 570 118 1130 270 58 550 114 316 33.3 40
DS2-200MO54W10-5 820 165 1570 360 83 795 160 331 33.3 42
DS2-200LO54W10-5 1080 220 2010 465 109 1040 210 329 33.3 42
1500 DS2-200KO54W15-5 570 180 1130 405 84 535 165 210 50.0 42
DS2-200MO54W15-5 820 245 1570 540 122 775 235 219 50.0 42
DS2-200LO54W15-5 1080 310 2010 655 154 980 285 234 50.0 44
2100 DS2-200KO54W21-5 570 240 1130 540 112 510 215 156 70.0 42
DS2-200MO54W21-5 820 300 1570 655 153 695 270 182 70.0 44
DS2-200LO54W21-5 1080 385 2010 820 193 880 335 186 70.0 46
2700 DS2-200KO54W30-5 570 285 1130 655 134 475 240 130 90.0 44
DS2-200MO54W30-5 820 375 1570 820 183 645 315 144 90.0 46
DS2-200LO54W30-5 1080 520 2010 1105 235 840 415 138 90.0 46

Motor type Inertia Weight

J [kgm2 ] m [kg]
DS2-200KO54W 0.44 400
DS2-200MO54W 0.61 500
DS2-200LO54W 0.79 600

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26 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.5. Bearings and shaft load

All machines are equipped with rolling-contact bearings. Normally, the non-locating bearing (ball bearing)
is intended for the drive end and the locating bearing (ball bearing) for the non-drive end. Machines with
roller bearings at the drive end are available for applications where increased radial forces can occur, for
instance when using pulleys. Please specify radial forces in your order.

Bearing assignment Standard:

Ventilated Water-cooled
Size D-side N-side D-side N-side
100 6209 2ZRC3 6209 2ZRC3 6209 2ZRC3 6306 2ZRC3
132 6212 2ZRC3 6212 2ZRC3 6312 2ZRC3 6310 2ZRC3
160 6313 2ZRC3 6311 2ZRC3 6313 2ZRC3 6311 2ZRC3
200 6315 2ZRC3 6313 2ZRC3 6315 2ZRC3 6313 2ZRC3

Bearing assignment, roller bearing option for D-side:

Ventilated Water-cooled
Size D-side D-side
100 NU 209E NU 209E
132 NU 212E NU 312E
160 NU 214E NU 313E
200 NU 315E NU 315E

The size 200 N-side bearing is insulated as standard. An insulated bearing for sizes 100-160 is available
as an option.

In the option "roller bearings for D-side" the rotor is secured by default with a transport lock. The transport
lock must be fixed during the transport and must first be removed before reassembling a driven element.
If the machine will be transport after mounting of a driven element, a suitable method for the axial and
radial fixation of the rotor must are taken.

Determination of radial forces FR

When using pulleys, the radial load is calculated according to the following formula:

PN = Nominal power in kW
n = Nominal speed in rpm
2 ⋅ 10 ⋅ PN
FR = k
D = Pulley diameter in mm

The belt tightening factor k is approximately:

k = 1.8...2.5 for V-belt
k = 2.2…3.5 for flat belt
(Observe specifications of the belt manufacturer)

To ensure safe and reliable torque transmission, it is necessary to utilize the entire bearing length of the
key. Otherwise, the key may be subjected to an excessive compressive load per unit area, which in turn
can result in the failure of the motor.
The pulley must be mounted up to the shaft shoulder and only tightened to the following maximum
tightening torques.

Gland M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20

2.2 Nm 4.0 Nm 10.0 Nm 19.0 Nm 33.0 Nm 80 Nm 160 Nm

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 27
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.6. Radial force diagrams

All bearings are designed for a service life of 20,000 h L10h. The load values specified below may thereby not
be exceeded. The permissible radial forces FR are valid only for the horizontal installation of the motor without
additional axial forces.
Furthermore, the specified average speeds must be adhered to to reach the grease consumption period of
20,000 h under the following conditions:
• low-vibration applications
• horizontal installation
• oscillatory bearing motion in which at least one pivot angle of 180° is performed
• Average operating temperature < 90°C
• Average operating speed < 2000 rpm (size 100-160)
• Average operating speed < 1500 rpm (size 200)
Axial load on the motor shaft:
No axial forces may develop when mounting clutches, pulleys, etc. on the motor shaft!
In this case, the internal thread on the shaft end should be used as a mounting aid.

2.6.1. Sample diagram

Sample diagrams:
Driving forces x = 110 mm from the shaft shoulder
Bearing service life 20,000 h, shaft with parallel key groove

Ball Bearing


4500 nmax


Drehzahl n in min-1

Speed n in rpm






0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

Explanation of the sample chart:

The maximum possible speed of the bearing can be calculated in the "Ball bearing" or "Roller bearing"
characteristic curve using the radial force FR from the application.
At a radial force of 1500 N with a driving force point of x = 110 mm from the shaft shoulder, a maximum speed
of 2000 rpm results.

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28 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200




Drehmoment M in Nm
Torque M in Nm



2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

Explanation of the sample chart:

The maximum torque to be still transmitted results from the characteristic "shaft".
At a centrifugal force of 3770 N with a driving force point of x = 110 mm from the shaft shoulder, a torque to be
still transmitted of 200 Nm results.

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 29
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.6.2. Diagrams DS2-100_R

Ball Bearing


4500 nmax


Drehzahl n in min-1

Speed n in rpm






0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

Roller Bearing

4500 nmax


Drehzahl n in min-1
Speed n in rpm






0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

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30 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200




Drehmoment M in Nm
Torque M in Nm



2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

2.6.3. Diagrams DS2-100_W

Ball Bearing


4500 nmax


Drehzahl n in min-1

Speed n in rpm






0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

80 60 40 20

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 31
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

Roller Bearing

4500 nmax


Drehzahl n in min-1

Speed n in rpm





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

80 60 40 20




Drehmoment M in Nm
Torque M in Nm



2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

80 60 40 20

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32 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.6.4. Diagrams DS2-132_A(R)

Ball Bearing




Drehzahl n in min-1

Speed n in rpm






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

Roller Bearing

4500 nmax


Drehzahl n in min-1
Speed n in rpm







0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 33
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200




Drehmoment M in Nm
Torque M in Nm



5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000 17000 19000 21000 23000 25000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

2.6.5. Diagrams DS2-132_W

Ball Bearing

4500 nmax



Drehzahl n in min-1
Speed n in rpm






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

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34 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

Roller Bearing

4500 nmax



Drehzahl n in min-1
Speed n in rpm






0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5




Drehmoment M in Nm
Torque M in Nm



5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000 17000 19000 21000 23000 25000

Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

110 82,5 55 27,5

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 35
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

2.6.6. Diagrams DS2-160

Ball Bearing




Drehzahl n in min-1
Speed n in rpm





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

140 105 70 35

Roller Bearing




Drehzahl n in min-1
Speed n in rpm





0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

140 105 70 35

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36 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200




Drehmoment M in Nm
Torque M in Nm





5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000 17000 19000 21000 23000 25000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

140 105 70 35

2.6.7. Diagrams DS2-200

Ball Bearing



Drehzahl n in min-1
Speed n in rpm





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

140 105 70 35

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 37
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

Roller Bearing


Drehzahl n in min-1
Speed n in rpm





0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

140 105 70 35





Drehmoment M in Nm
Torque M in Nm








10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 30000
Radialkraft FR in N
Radial-Force FR in N

140 105 70 35

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38 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3. Motor components (options)

3.1. Holding brake

For motor type Brake type Brake torque Input power Max. perm. Dis- Engaging Inertia Max. Weight
MB for switching engaging time perm.
holding brake energy time speed
Wperm. per
[Nm] [W] [kJ] [s] [s] [kgm²] [min ] [kg]
DS2-100..B SB 50 50 96 10 0,12 0,16 0,0005 4000 5
DS2-100..B SB 100 100 106 15 0,18 0,25 0,0015 3500 9,5
DS2-132..B SB 200 200 170 20 0,225 0,3 0,0040 3000 13
DS2-160..B1) SB 360 320 190 30 0,35 0,3 0,0090 3000 29
DS2-200..B On request

if radial ventilation requested

For use as a holding brake the following must be observed:

ƒ 3 emergency stops (individual braking operations) per hour are possible if evenly distributed
ƒ Switching times values are valid for switching on the AC side, in a cold state, with basic air gap and
holding brake
ƒ Disengaging time – Time until the brake has completely disengaged (brake without torque)
ƒ Engaging time – Time until the brake torque is reached
ƒ All information is valid for installation on a horizontal shaft.
ƒ The supplier must be contacted before vertical installation.
ƒ Requirements other than those indicated can be catered for on request

Brake time / Switching energy

It is necessary to check that the brake is suited for its application. For this, the switching energy must be

Determination of the braking time [tB]

∑ J * Δn
tB tB = + t 0 in s
9,55 * (MB ± ML )
∑J Total moment of inertia in kgm² = Jmot + Jadd (referred to motor shaft)
Jmot Motor moment of inertia in kgm²
Jadd Additional moment of inertia in kgm² (referred to motor shaft)
Δn Motor speed in rpm
MB Brake torque in Nm
ML Load torque in Nm (positively calculated if it decelerates, negatively calculated if it accelerates)
t0 Time in s from the switching instant to the full extent of the braking torque (response time)
I Number of cycles per hour

Determining the switching energy [WR] Determining the switching capacity [PR]

∑ J ⋅ Δn 2 MB joules W R ⋅i kJ
WR = ⋅ in PR = in
182.4 (M B ± M L ) switching operation 1000 h

WRperm≤ value from table

In most cases, t0 is negligible. If this is not the case and the time t0 must be reduced, you can achieve this by
interrupting the magnet circuit on the DC side.
However, this measure must be known before dimensioning the brake motor.

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 39
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.1.1. Brake supply

Standard: Normal voltage24 DC Supply with transformer and rectifier

Option: Normal voltage 104 and 176V DCSupply using brake supply unit
The brake supply unit must be order separately.
The brakes are designed with micro-switch (normally open contact). The silver contacts are coated with a layer of gold,
which enables two applications. By maximum load of the gold layer, the gold layer can be burned irreversible. In this case,
the contact material "gold layer" can not longer be used.

Electrical data of the switches:

Contact material Min. load Idealrange of use Max. load

0 mA; 0 V 0 mA; 0 V 10 mA; 12 V 0,1 A; 12 V
Gold coat
up to 3 Mio. cycles up to 3 Mio. cycles up to 1 Mio. cycles up to 100.000 cycles
10 mA; 12 V 100 mA; 12 V 5 A; 30 V 5 A; 30 V
up to 3 Mio. cycles up to 3Mio. cycles up to 50.000 cycles up to 50.000 cycles

The brakes can be executed optional with hand ventilation and lock.

3.1.2. Brake connection

DS2 100-160 for radial external ventilation or water cooling



B - Brake
M - Microswitch

DS2 132-160 for axial external ventilation

Connection diagram:

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40 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.2. Encoder

3.2.1. Resolver
Pole pair number 1
Transmission ratio 0,5 ± 0,05
Frequency 5 kHz
Nominal input voltage 7 Vrms
Effective input power at no-load speed 112 mW
Current consumption at no-load speed 70 mA
Max. output voltage at no-load speed 3,5 V ± 10%
Voltage constant 61 mV/°
Rotor resistance 48 Ω± 10%
Stator resistance 31 Ω± 15%
Rotor impedance at no-load speed 70 + j 74Ω± 15%
Rotor impedance with short circuit 62 + j 66Ω± 15%
Stator impedance at no-load speed with minimum coupling 108 + j 206Ω± 15%
Stator impedance with short circuit and maximum coupling 97 + j 183Ω± 15%
Phase shift 8° ± 3°
Zero voltage 30 mV
Angle error in relation to (Δϕmax+Δϕmin)/2 ± 6’
Shock according to DIN EN 60068-2-27 (11ms) ≤ 1000 m/s²
Vibration according to DIN EN 60068-2-6 (55-2000 Hz) ≤ 500 m/s²

Resolver connection
Pin Signal

1 cos -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 sin -
6 sin +
7 -
8 cos +
9 -
10 ref +
11 -
12 ref -
View on the contact side of the receptacle

Use only at low demands on the true running characteristics of the motor.
The technical data is specification from the encoder manufacturer, we cannot assume any liability for the
correctness of the data.

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 41
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.2.2. SINCOS SRS/SRM 50 ( SICK/Stegmann)

Number of sine, cosine periods per revolution 1024
Number of increments per revolution 32768
Number of absolute resolved revolutions 1 4096
Code type for the absolute value binär
Output frequency of the sine and cosine signals 0-200 kHz
Error limits for evaluating the sine, cosine periods, integral non-
+/- 45’’
Non-linearity within a sine, cosine, differential non-linearity at
+/- 7’’
nominal position
Operating speed until the absolute position can be formed 6000 rpm
Max. operating speed 12000 rpm
Output signals; 2 x 90° offset sinusoidal signals 1 Vss
serial RS 485
Output signal
asynchronous, half duplex
Operating voltage range 7-12 V
max. no-load operating current 80 mA
Shock according to DIN EN 60068-2-27 (10 ms) 100 g
Vibration according to EN 60068-2-6 (10-2000 Hz) 20 g

SRS/SRM50 Connection
Pin Signal

1 cos -
2 + 485
3 -
4 -
5 sin +
6 sin -
7 - 485
8 cos +
9 -
10 GND
11 -
12 +U
View on the contact side of the receptacle

Use only at low demands on the true running characteristics of the motor.
The technical data is specification from the encoder manufacturer, we cannot assume any liability for the
correctness of the data.

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42 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.2.3. ECN 1313/EQN 1325 (Heidenhain)

ECN 1313 EQN 1325
Number of sine and cosine periods per revolution 2048
System accuracy ± 20”
Number of absolute completed revolutions 1 4096 (12 bit)
Code type for the absolute value EnDat 2.1
Sampling limit frequency or limit frequency 0-200 kHz
Position values/revolution 8192 (13 bit )
Maximum speed at which the absolute position can be defined 12000 rpm
Maximum operating speed 12000 rpm
Power supply 3.6-14 V
Current consumption without load ≤ 160 mA ≤ 200 mA
Shock 6ms according to DIN EN 60068-2-27 (6ms) ≤ 2000 m/s²
≤ 300 m/s² bis +100 °C
Vibration according to DIN EN 60068-2-6 (55-2000 Hz)
≤ 150 m/s²bis +115 °C

Pin Signal

1 Up
2 -
3 -
4 0V
5 -
6 -
7 Up
8 Clock
9 Clock inv.
10 0V
11 -
12 B+
13 B-
14 Data
15 A+
16 A-
17 Data inv.
View on the contact side of the receptacle

Use only at low demands on the true running characteristics of the motor.
The technical data is specification from the encoder manufacturer, we cannot assume any liability for the
correctness of the data.

DS2 100-200 06/13 Technical alterations reserved

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 43
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.2.4. ECN 1325/EQN 1337 (Heidenhain)

ECN 1325 EQN 1337

Number of lines 2048
System accuracy ± 20”
Number of absolute completed revolutions 1 4096 (12 bit)
Code type for the absolute value EnDat 2.2
Position values/revolution 33554432 (25 bit)
Maximum speed at which the absolute position can be defined 12000 rpm
Maximum operating speed 12000 rpm
Power supply 3.6-14
Current consumption without load ≤ 160 mA ≤ 200 mA
Shock 6ms according to DIN EN 60068-2-27 (6ms) ≤ 2000 m/s²
≤ 300 m/s² bis +100 °C
Vibration according to DIN EN 60068-2-6 (55-2000 Hz)
≤ 150 m/s²bis +115 °C

ECN1325/EQN1337 Connection
Pin Signal

1 Clock
2 Clock inv.
3 Up
4 0V
5 Data
6 Data inv.
7 Sensor Up
8 Sensor 0V
9 -
View on the contact side of the receptacle

Use only at low demands on the true running characteristics of the motor.
The technical data is specification from the encoder manufacturer, we cannot assume any liability for the
correctness of the data.

Technical alterations reserved 06/13 DS2 100-200

44 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
T synchrono us motors DS2
D 100-200

3 Dim
mensional drawing - socket fo
or encoderr and -plug

R angle socket Straig
ght socket

M plug ((not for ECN1325/EQN13

S for EC
N1337 (matin not be supplied separatelly)
ng plug cann

D 100-200 0 06/13 Technnical alteratio
ons reserved
B Nü
ürnberg Gmb
bH 45
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.3. Encoder cables for b maXX 4000

General Information
A prefabricated encoder cable is used for all encoder systems. The connection at the motor end consists of a
12-pole circular signal connector on resolvers and Hyperface®-encoders, a 17-pole circular signal connector on
ECN1313/EQN1325 and a 9-pole circular signal connector on ECN1325/EQN1337. The connection at the
controller side consists of a 15-pole Sub-D connector.

The dragable cable is suitable for mobile applications such as drag chains, for example. Unlike non-dragable
cables made from PVC, the cable sheath is made from durable PU (suitable for environments where acids and
bases are present).

3.3.1. Technical data

Technical description - non-dragable for resolver/ SinCos Hiperface®-interface / SinCos - and TTL -
incremental encoder
• LiYCY, 5x (2x0.14mm²) + 2 x 0.5mm² copper strand, twisted pairs
• PVC sheath, grey; inscription with Baumüller logo, black
• 1st side: 12-pole circular signal plug connector with 12 socket contacts
• 2nd side: 15-pole Sub-D plug connector with pin contacts and locking screws 4-40UNC
• Outer diameter 9.0 mm (+/- 0.3mm)
• Bending radius: r ≥ 60 mm (fixed routing), r ≥ 135 mm (flexible use)
• Nominal voltage: 250VAC

Technical description - dragable for resolver/ SinCos Hiperface®-interface / SinCos - and TTL -
incremental encoder
• Li12YC11Y, 5x (2x0.14mm²) + 2 x 0.5mm² copper strand, twisted pairs
• PU sheath, black; inscription with Baumüller logo, white
• 1st side: 12-pole circular signal plug connector with 12 socket contacts
• 2nd side: 15-pole Sub-D plug connector with pin contacts and locking screws 4-40UNC
• Outer diameter 9.0 mm (+/- 0.3mm)
• Bending radius: r ≥ 70 mm (fixed routing), r ≥ 100 mm (flexible use)
• Nominal voltage: 300VAC

Technical description - non-dragable for EnDat® 2.1-interface

• LiYCY, 5x (2x0.14mm²) + 2 x 0.5mm² copper strand, twisted pairs
• PVC sheath, grey; inscription with Baumüller logo, black
• 1st side: 17-pole circular signal plug connector with 17 socket contacts
• 2nd side: 15-pole Sub-D plug connector with pin contacts and locking screws 4-40UNC
• Outer diameter 9.0 mm (+/- 0.3mm)
• Bending radius: r ≥ 60 mm (fixed routing), r ≥ 135 mm (flexible use)
• Nominal voltage: 250VAC

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46 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

Technical description - dragable for EnDat® 2.1-interface

• Li12YC11Y, 5x (2x0.14mm²) + 2 x 0.5mm² copper strand, twisted pairs
• PU sheath, black; inscription with Baumüller logo, white
• 1st side: 17-pole circular signal plug connector with 17 socket contacts
• 2nd side: 15-pole Sub-D plug connector with pin contacts and locking screws 4-40UNC
• Outer diameter 9.0 mm (+/- 0.3mm)
• Bending radius: r ≥ 70 mm (fixed routing), r ≥ 100 mm (flexible use)
• Nominal voltage: 300VAC

Technical description - dragable for EnDat® 2.2-interface

• PUR sheath, 1x(4x0.14mm²) + (4x0.34mm²)
• 1 twisted foursome 0.14mm2, 4 wires 0.34mm2, copper, tin-plated
• Total shield CuSn, inscription Heidenhain
• 1st side: 9-pole circular signal plug connector with 8 socket contacts
• 2nd side: 15-pole Sub-D plug connector with pin contacts and locking screws 4-40UNC
• Outer diameter 6.0 mm
• Bending radius: r ≥ 20 mm (fixed routing), r ≥ 75 mm (flexible use)
• Dielectric strength wire/wire and wire/shield: 0.5kV at 50Hz, 1 minute

3.3.2. Application references

• Operating temperature of encoder cable resolver/ SinCos Hiperface®-interface /

SinCos - and TTL - incremental encoder / EnDat® 2.1

Dragable Not dragable

Limit temperature on the surface on the surface
Static use/minimal movement - 40 °C to + 80 °C - 30 °C to + 80 °C
Permanent movement - 30 °C to + 80 °C - 5 °C to + 70 °C

• Operating temperature of encoder cable EnDat® 2.2

Limit temperature on the surface
Static use/minimal movement - 40 °C to + 80 °C
Permanent movement - 10 °C to + 80 °C

• Routing of cable on motor

The cables must not touch the surface of the motor.

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 47
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.3.3. Order information for encoder cables

Encoder cables for resolver/ SinCos Hiperface®-interface / SinCos - and TTL - incremental encoder -
prefabricated cables with connector

Not dragable, prefabricated Dragable, prefabricated

Cable 5 x (2x0.14mm2) + 2 x 0.5 mm2 with plug Cable 5 x (2x0.14mm2) + 2 x 0.5 mm2 with plug
connector connector

Length in m Item Number Length in m Item Number

1 243601 3 246658
2 211338 4 243379
3 219333 5 239540
4 231166 6 242954
5 209879 8 239541
6 220197 10 239542
7 216455 15 239543
8 220429 20 239544
10 210052 25 239545
15 215716 30 239546
20 218568 35 239547
25 218569 40 240520
30 217094 45 240521
35 216444 50 240522
40 217095 55 244033
45 217567 60 245484
50 217568
55 217569
60 217570
70 232088

Encoder cables for EnDat® 2.1- prefabricated cables with plug connector

Not dragable, prefabricated Dragable, prefabricated

Cable 5 x (2x0.14mm2) + 2 x 0.5 mm2 with Cable 5 x (2x0.14mm2) + 2 x 0.5 mm2 with plug
plug connector connector

Length in m Item Number Length in m Item Number

2 383152 2 393889
3 383923 3 369864
5 393885 5 394014
7 389445 7 389807
8 380138 8 393890
9 389446 9 389808
10 393886 10 393891
15 388505 15 393892
20 388418 17 371494
25 393887 20 393893
30 393888 25 393894
35 387958 30 380358
40 382006 35 391216
50 388419 40 382005
70 384473 50 378022
90 387391

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48 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

Encoder cables for EnDat® 2.2 - prefabricated cables with plug connector

Dragable, prefabricated
cable 1x4x0.14 + 4x0.34 PUR Ø 6mm with plug connector

Length in m Item Number

2 434056
3 434057
5 434058
10 434059
15 434060
20 434061
25 434062
50 434063

3.4. Encoder cables for b maXX 5000

A prefabricated encoder cable is used for all encoder systems. The connection at the motor end consists of a
12-pole circular signal connector on resolvers and Hyperface® encoder, a 17-pole circular signal connector on
ECN1313/EQN1325. The connection at the controller side consists of a 26-pole Sub-D connector.

3.4.1. Technical data

Technical description - dragable for resolver

• Li9YC, 1 x (2 x 0,25) + Li9Y, 2 x (2x0,25) + Li9YC11Y, 1 x (2 x 0,34), copper strand, twisted pairs
• PUR sheat, green; inscription with Baumüller Nürnberg and encoder cable Resolver
• 1st side: 12-pole circular signal plug connector with 12 socket contacts
• 2nd side: 26-pole Sub-D plug connector with pin contacts and locking screws 4-40UNC
• Outer diameter 7.3 mm (+/- 0.3mm)
• Bending radius: r ≥ 4 x D (fixed routing), r ≥ 10 x D (flexible use)

Technical description - dragable for SinCos Hiperface®-interface und SinCos - and TTL - incremental
• Li9YC, 3 x (2 x 0,25) , + Li9Y, 3 x (2 x 0,25) + Li9YC11Y, 1 x (2x0,34), copper strand, twisted pairs
• PUR sheat, green; inscription with Baumüller Nürnberg and encoder cable Hyperface or Incremental
• 1st side: 12-pole circular signal plug connector with 12 socket contacts
• 2nd side: 26-pole Sub-D plug connector with pin contacts and locking screws 4-40UNC
• Outer diameter 9.6 mm (+/- 0.3mm)
• Bending radius: r ≥ 4 x D (fixed routing), r ≥ 10 x D (flexible use)

Technical description – dragable for EnDat® 2.1-interface

• Li9YC, 3 x (2 x 0,25) , + Li9Y, 3 x (2 x 0,25) + Li9YC11Y, 1 x (2x0,34), copper strand, twisted pairs
• PUR sheat, green; inscription with Baumüller Nürnberg and encoder cable Endat 2.1
• 1st side: 17-pole circular signal plug connector with 17 socket contacts
• 2nd side: 26-pole Sub-D plug connector with pin contacts and locking screws 4-40UNC
• Outer diameter 9.6 mm (+/- 0.3mm)
• Bending radius: r ≥ 4 x D (fixed routing), r ≥ 10 x D (flexible use)

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 49
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.4.2. Application references

• Operating temperature of encoder cable resolver/ SinCos Hiperface®-interface / SinCos - and TTL -
incremental encoder / EnDat® 2.1

Limit temperature on the surface

Static use/minimal movement - 40 °C to + 80 °C
Permanent movement - 20 °C to + 60 °C

• Routing of cable on motor

The cables must not touch the surface of the motor.

3.4.3. Order information for encoder cables

Encoder cable - prefabricated with plug

For resolver For SinCos Hiperface® - interface
Length in m Item Number Length in m Item Number
1 429914 1 429958
2 429915 2 429959
3 429916 3 429960
5 429917 5 429961
7 429918 7 429962
10 429919 10 429963
15 429920 15 429964
20 429921 20 429965
25 429922 25 429966
30 429923 30 429967
35 429924 35 429968
40 429925 40 429969
50 429926 50 429970
75 429927 75 429971

For SinCos - and TTL - incremental encoder For SinCos EnDat® 2.1 - interface

Length in m Item Number Length in m Item Number

1 430015 1 429986
2 430016 2 429987
3 430017 3 429988
5 430018 5 429989
7 430019 7 429990
10 430020 10 429991
15 430021 15 429992
20 430022 20 429993
25 430023 25 429994
30 430024 30 429995
35 430025 35 429996
40 430026 40 429997
50 430027 50 429998
75 430028 75 429999

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50 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.5. Thermal sensor

As standard, the motors are equipped with a thermal sensor in the stator winding, the data of which is evaluated in the
motor controller. Additional PTCs or thermal sensors can be fitted on request. They are connected through the terminal

KTY84 - 130

Widerstand/Resistance (Ohm)

-50 0 50 100 150 200

Temperatur/Temperature (°C)

The motor temperature is continuously monitored using the thermal sensor type KTY84-130.
The resistance shown above results when the sensor is supplied with a measuring current of 2 mA.

Note: The KTY is a poled resistor and a component at risk of ESD.

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 51
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

3.6. Fan data

The motors are available with the following types of fan:

ƒ Standard blower motor for radial ventilation (size 100-200)

ƒ Standard blower motor for axial ventilation (size 132-200), only in IP 54 for size 132
ƒ Axially integrated blower (size 160)

3.6.1. Standard fan motors

Blower connection for standard fan motors via terminal box

Connection diagram

U V W Power connection

Standard fan motors for radial ventilation

Δ/Y 200-265V / 345-460V 50 // 60Hz

Size Power Nominal Blower/ Nominal input Flow rate Stat. pressure Speed Spec.
[kW] current [A] Fan motor power [kW] [m³/min] [Pa] [1/min] ratio
BFB 398/
100 0,08 // 0,12 0,57 / 0,33 0,12 4,8 438 2880 1
BFB 519/
132 0,2 // 0,3 1,4 / 0,8 0,36 11,5 599 2790 1
ODF 63-2
BFB 635/
160 0,45 // 0,6 2,4 / 1,4 0,52 13,9 879 2850 1
ODF 71-2

Δ/Y 265-345V / 460-600V 50 // 60Hz

Size Power Nominal Blower/ Nominal input Flow rate Stat. pressure Speed Spec.
[kW] current [A] Fan motor power [kW] [m³/min] [Pa] [1/min] ratio
BFB 398/
100 0,08 // 0,12 0,45 / 0,26 0,12 4,8 438 2880 1
BFB 519/
132 0,2 // 0,3 1,1 / 0,6 0,36 11,5 599 2790 1
ODF 63-2
BFB 635/
160 0,45 // 0,6 2,25 / 1,3 0,52 13,9 879 2850 1
ODF 71-2

Δ/Y 230/400V // 280/480V 50 // 60Hz

Size Power Nominal Blower/ Nominal input Flow rate Stat. pressure Speed Spec.
[kW] current [A] Fan motor power [kW] [m³/min] [Pa] [1/min] ratio
BFB 752/
200 1,1 // 1,65 5,5 / 3,2 0,54 14,5 1048 2962 1
ODF 90-L2

Δ/Y 240/420V // 280/480V 50 // 60Hz - UL approbiert

Size Power Nominal Blower/
[kW] current [A] Fan motor
100 0,08 // 0,12 0,48 / 0,28 BFB 398
132 0,25 // 0,3 1,07 / 0,62 BFB 519
160 0,45 // 0,6 1,8 / 1,05 BFB 635
200 1,1 // 1,1 3,7 / 2,15 BFB 752

The nominal currents are maximum values.

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52 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

Standard fan motor for axial ventilation

Δ/Y 200-265V / 345-460V 50 // 60Hz

Size Power Nominal Fan motor Nominal input Flow rate Stat. Speed Spec.
[kW] current [A] power [kW] [m³/min] pressure[Pa] [1/min] ratio
132 0,08 // 0,12 0,57 / 0,33 DF 56-2A 0,16 5,15 514 2800 1
160 0,2 // 0,3 1,4 / 0,8 ODF 63-2 0,28 6,4 824 2810 1
200 0,45 // 0,6 2,4 / 1,4 ODF 71-2 0,61 14,6 970 2850 1

Δ/Y 265-345V / 460-600V 50 // 60Hz

Size Power Nominal Fan motor Nominal input Flow rate Stat. Speed Spec.
[kW] current [A] power [kW] [m³/min] pressure[Pa] [1/min] ratio
132 0,08 // 0,12 0,45 / 0,26 DF 56-2A 0,16 5,15 514 2800 1
160 0,2 // 0,3 1,1 / 0,6 ODF 63-2 0,28 6,4 824 2810 1
200 0,45 // 0,6 2,25 / 1,3 ODF 71-2 0,61 14,6 970 2850 1

Δ/Y 240/420V // 280/480V 50 // 60Hz - UL approbiert

Size Power Nominal Fan motor
[kW] current [A]
132 0,08 // 0,12 0,48 / 0,28 LF56/2B-11H
160 0,25 // 0,3 1,07 / 0,62 AF63/2A-7H
200 0,45 // 0,6 1,8 / 1,05 AF71/2B-7H

3.6.2. Integrated axial blowers

Ventilation connectionsforintegrated axial blowers

Connection diagram

Integrated axial blowers

Y 400V // 460V 50 // 60Hz

Size Power [kW] Nominal current [A]
160 0,47 // 0,54 0,7 // 0,75

The nominal currents are maximum values.

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 53
T e synchrono
ous motors DS2 100-20 0

3 Filte

F filter Dime
ensions for fa
an mounting aat top or on the
t side

Motoor Fan type A ØB D E

100 BFB
B 398 1977 187 177 77
132 BFB
B 519 2644 210 214 105
160 BFB
B 635 2799 240 237 124
B 752 3433 284 271 124

R filter Dime
ensions for fa
an mounting aat top or on the
t side

Motoor Fan type A B C D E

100 BFB
B 398 140 177 246 172 145
132 BFB
B 519 175 207 306 213 163
160 BFB
B 635 185 237 338 237 189
B 752 233 277 386 271 280


T coarse fiilter mat is prreferred for IP54 motors and the fine filter mat forr IP23 motorss.

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erved 06/13 DS2
D 100-2000
5 Baaumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

4. Dimension drawings
4.1. Dimension drawings DS2-100
DS2-100..23R-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

If brake fitted: L1, L2 + 98 mm

DS2-100..54R-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

If brake fitted: L1, L2 + 98 mm

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 55
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

DS2-100..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled)

If brake fitted: L1, L2 +135 mm

4.2. Dimension drawings DS2-132

DS2-132..23R-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

If brake fitted: L1, L2 +108 mm

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56 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

DS2-132..54R-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

If brake fitted: L1, L2 +108 mm

DS2-132..54A-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

Brake fitted on request

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 57
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

DS2-132..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled)

If brake fitted: L1, L2 +140 mm

4.3. Dimension drawings DS2-160

DS2-160..23R-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

Brake fitted on request

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58 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

DS2-160..23A-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

If brake fitted (without manual ventilation): L2, L3 +175 mm

DS2-160..23I-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

If brake fitted (without manual ventilation): L2, L3 +175 mm

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 59
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

DS2-160..54R-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

Brake fitted on request

DS2-160..54A-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

If brake fitted (without manual ventilation): L2, L3 +175 mm

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60 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

DS2-160..54I-.. (IP 54 surface-cooled)

If brake fitted (without manual ventilation): L2, L3 +175 mm

DS2-160..54W-.. (IP 54 water-cooled)

If brake fitted: L2, L3 +150 mm

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 61
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

4.4. Dimension drawings DS2-200

DS2-200..23R-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

DS2-200..23A-.. (IP 23 internally ventilated)

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62 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

DS2-200..54W-..-2(7)-.. (IP 54 water-cooled, type ofcontruction IM B5 / IM B35)

DS2-200..54W-..-1-.. (IP 54 water-cooled, type ofcontruction IM B3)

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T e synchrono
ous motors DS2 100-20 0

4 Main
n connecttion – Term
minal box

4 Term
minal marrkin

minal markinng
Black Conn
nection diagra
UVW Power connection
K+ K- Thermaal sensor

4 Term
minal box version
T terminal box sizes ca an vary depe
ending on the e nominal mo otor current.
Information oon the assign
nment of currrents, bore ssizes for scre
ew fittings andd connector bolt sizes ca
an be found in
the following section.EMCC glands sho
ould be used .

No. C
Cable entry point Termina
al T
g1 [mm]
□ y [mm] see dimension sheetss s2
s [mm] s3
3 [mm]
in sect.
s 4
10 197 206
2 3xM8 1x M25x1,5 1x M25x1,5
12 197 206
2 3xM8 1x M40x1,5 1x M25x1,5
14 197 206
2 3xM8 1x M63x1,5 1x M25x1,5
20 258 250
2 3xM8 2x M25x1,5 1x M25x1,5
22 258 250
2 3xM8 2x M40x1,5 1x M25x1,5
24 258 250
2 3xM8 2x M63x1,5 1x M25x1,5
26 258 250
2 3xM10 2x M63x1,5 1x M25x1,5
Boore hole
g1 [mm]
□ y [mm] see dimension sheetss s2 [mm] s3 [mm] s4 [mm]
in sect.
s 4
30 215 270
2 3x M6 2x Ø40,5 1x Ø25,5 -
32 255 280
2 3x M10
0 2x
x Ø64 1x Ø25,5 -
34 315 290
2 3x M12
2 2x Ø76 1x Ø25,5 -
40 295 328 3x M10
0 1x
x Ø64 1x Ø25,5 -
42 295 328 3x M10
0 2x
x Ø64 1x Ø25,5 -
44 325 328 3x M12
2 2x Ø76 1x Ø25,5 -
46 365 363 3x M16
6 6x
x Ø51 1x Ø25,5 2xØ40,5

Cable shield
d with cable terminal routted to housin
ng in the term
minal box

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erved 06/13 DS2
D 100-2000
6 Baaumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

4.5.3. Position of the terminal boxes and outlet direction of the main connection
The terminal box is located on the N-side. The following terminal box positions are possible:

ƒ Terminal box at top

ƒ Terminal box on left (with view toward D-side on the shaft end)
ƒ Terminal box on right (with view toward D-side on the shaft end)

It is possible to configure the main connection in the following outlet directions depending on the position of the
terminal box (see also product configurator).

Size 100-132

Outlet direction of main connection

Cooling type
Terminal box
Top Bottom Left3) Right3) N-side

Top - -
mounted Left 3) - -
external fan1)
Right 3) - -

Top - -

Water cooling Left 3) - - - - -

Right 3) - - - - -

Top - -
mounted Left 3) - - -
external fan
Right 3) - - -

If a motor with a radial blower is installed, the position of the terminal box depends on the position of the
cooling system
(e.g. it is not possible to position terminal box at the top if the cooling system is at the top)
Preferred variant
with a view toward D-side on shaft end

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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 65
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

Size 160-200:

Outlet direction of main connection

Cooling type
Terminal box
Top Bottom Left 3) Right 3)

Top - -
mounted Left 3) - -
external fan 1)
Right 3) 2)
- -

Top - -

Water cooling Left 3) - - - -

Right 3) - - - -

Top - -
mounted /
Left 3) - -
external fan
Right 3) - -

If a motor with a radial blower is installed, the position of the terminal box depends on the position of the
cooling system
(e.g. it is not possible to position terminal box at the top if the cooling system is at the top)
Preferred variant
with a view toward D-side on shaft end

5. Commissioning and maintenance instructions

For information on commissioning the motors, please request a copy of the corresponding commissioning and
maintenance manuals.

6. Declaration of Conformity
In this section we give general information on EC directives, CE marking and on the Declaration of

6.1. What is an EC directive

EC directives state requirements. The directives are compiled by the relevant authorities
within the EU and are implemented in national law by all member states.
In this way, the EC directives safeguard free trade within the EU.

An EC directive contains only essential minimum requirements. You will find detailed requirements in
standards that are referenced in the directive.

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66 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Three-phase synchronous motors DS2 100-200

6.2. What does the CE mark signify?

a) CE marking certifies conformity with all the obligations that need to be met by the manufacturer
in relation to a product, based on the community directives
containing provisions relating to CE marking.

b) The CE mark applied to industrial products signifies that the natural or legal person
who applies the mark or has the mark applied, has ensured that the product meets all
Community directives on complete harmonization and has been subjected to all the conformity
assessment procedures demanded by the regulations.

Decision 93/465/EEC of the Council, Annex I B. a) + c)

We apply the CE mark to the unit and to the documentation as soon as we have ascertained
that we have met the requirements of the relevant directives.

As long as this Baumüller product is used correctly within your overall machine, you
can assume that the product complies with the requirements of 2006/95/EC.

A key aspect for ensuring compliance with 89/336/EEC (EMC directive) is how this product is installed.
Since you are performing the installation, you are also responsible for compliance with

We provide you with support in the form of EMC instructions. This information can be found in the relevant
technical instructions. If you have met all the requirements stated in this documentation and in the technical
instructions, you can assume (standard: ”suppose”) that the product complies with the requirements of the
EMC directive.

All national, local, and system-specific regulations must also be observed.

To operate your machine in the EU, the following must be available:

ƒ Conformity mark (CE mark)

ƒ Declaration(s) of Conformity in relation to the directive(s) relevant for the machine.

6.3. Declaration of Conformity, definition of term

Within the context of this documentation, a Declaration of Conformity is a declaration that the electrical
placed on the market complies with all applicable essential health and safety

With the Declaration of Conformity provided in this section, Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH declares that the
product complies with the applicable essential health and safety requirements from the directives and
standards that are listed in the Declaration of Conformity.

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6 EU-Declaratio
on of Confformity

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erved 06/13 DS2
D 100-2000
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T synchrono us motors DS2
D 100-200

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ons reserved
B Nü
ürnberg Gmb
bH 69
T e synchrono
ous motors DS2 100-200

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erved 06/13 DS2
D 100-2000
7 Baaumüller Nürnberg GmbH

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