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NZ HEC RAS Manual Workshop 1

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© SURFACE WATER SOLUTIONS www.surfacewater.


HEC-RAS 5.0 Training

New Zealand Workshop Guide

Prepared by:
Krey Price
Surface Water Solutions
57 Bromfield Drive
Kelmscott WA 6111
Tel. +61 400 367 542
e-mail: [email protected]
website: www.surfacewater.biz

June 2018
© SURFACE WATER SOLUTIONS www.surfacewater.biz


Introduction: Getting started .................................................................................................................. 3
Workshop 2: Set Up Project File and RAS Mapper ................................................................................. 7
Workshop 3: Create 1D geometry in RAS Mapper ............................................................................... 21
Workshop 4: Run and view 1D model results ....................................................................................... 31
Workshop 5: Create interpolated terrain ............................................................................................. 40
Workshop 6: Create 2D Flow Area........................................................................................................ 43
Workshop 7: Roughness Layers ............................................................................................................ 58
Workshop 8: Enter Boundary Conditions ............................................................................................. 65
Workshop 9: Run Plan Files................................................................................................................... 73
Workshop 10: Internal Structures......................................................................................................... 79
Workshop 11: RAS Mapper Output ...................................................................................................... 88
Workshop 12: 2D Options and Sensitivities .......................................................................................... 92
Workshop 13: Coupled 1D-2D .............................................................................................................. 98
Workshop 14: Create a Model from Scratch ...................................................................................... 100

In conjunction with the lecture notes,

these workshops are designed to prepare you
to build, run, and animate 1D and 2D flood models
using the new features available in HEC-RAS 5.0.5
Additional resources: www.surfacewater.biz/workshops/


Left-click Right-click Double-click Select Link Draw

© SURFACE WATER SOLUTIONS www.surfacewater.biz

Introduction: Getting started

This guidance document describes a basic model setup process for:

 HEC-RAS one-dimensional (1D) flood model

 HEC-RAS two-dimensional (2D) flood model

This guide includes new features available in HEC-RAS Version 5.0.5 and assumes that users have
downloaded and installed the latest version.

The schematic image below shows an example of the file setup for the files that will be developed
for these exercises along with the relevant icons for creating, running, and viewing basic HEC-RAS

Reading from left to right, the HEC-RAS icons that will be covered in these exercises correspond to
the following files:

 HEC-RAS project file (*.prj)

 Geometry file (*.g01)
 Unsteady flow file (*.u01)
 Plan file (*.p01)
 RAS Mapper file (*.rasmapper)

The first four icons shown in the inset image below require user input with a defined title that is
associated with each file name. The RAS Mapper file (*.rasmapper) is automatically created and
does not require the selection of a title.

Before beginning, an appropriate folder structure should be set up under a HEC-RAS directory
created within the overall project folder. Here is an example of the folders to be created:

 Aerial photos
 Hydrology
 Land use
 Projection
 Results
 Terrain
 Shape files

This folder structure may be adjusted to suit organisational IT requirements and geospatial data
standards. Available shape files, terrain files, hydrographs, and other relevant files should be placed
in the appropriate folders before proceeding. It would be beneficial to create new layers outside of
HEC-RAS for some features first, such as:

 Catchment delineations
 Flow paths
 Cross section and long section profile alignments
 Roadway or levee centreline alignments
 Building footprints

These features should be defined as shape files using CAD or GIS software (Arc, QGIS, AutoCAD,
etc.). The shape file should include a name field, and individual features should be assigned names
that will allow clarity and consistency in the HEC-RAS model once the shape file is imported.

© SURFACE WATER SOLUTIONS www.surfacewater.biz

HEC-RAS File Management:

© SURFACE WATER SOLUTIONS www.surfacewater.biz

Download elevation data (Skip this step if terrain and projection are already available)

 Google “New Zealand elevation data” and select Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)

 Select LINZ (Land Information New Zealand) and browse to “NZ Data Service”

Introduction: Getting started Page 5

© SURFACE WATER SOLUTIONS www.surfacewater.biz

 Select area of interest, select geotif format and NZGD2000 projection, download DEM file
 Hint: Search for 1m or 8m data to view coverage extents
 Hint: Older versions of Internet Explorer may not work; Chrome or Firefox may be preferred.

 Google “New Zealand projection files”, find relevant zone (NZGD2000 for example)

 Select relevant prj file and download to project directory

 Suggest renaming file to descriptive name (“NZGD 2000 NZTM Projection File.prj”) and
saving under separate “Projection” subdirectory

Introduction: Getting started Page 6

© SURFACE WATER SOLUTIONS www.surfacewater.biz

Workshop 1: Set Up Project File and RAS Mapper

 Download the latest version of HEC-RAS (Version 5.0.4)

o Google “Download HEC-RAS”
o Download link: http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-ras/downloads.aspx
o Recommend installing with Example Projects

 Open HEC-RAS (Select HEC-RAS 5.0.4 from Start Menu)

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 7

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 Set unit systems to default to SI units (Options | Unit System)

 Start a new project in SI units (File | New Project)

 If folder structure has not yet been set up, return to introduction for instructions or create a
new folder (recommend setting up folder in root directory, not in windows shortcuts)

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 8

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 Assign descriptive project title and relevant file name

[Note: the file name will be replicated in many other files with varying file extensions – sometimes to
hundreds or even thousands of files. The files are not easily renamed, so choose the file name

Project Title File Name

Project Description
 Enter description, including:
o Purpose of model
o End client
o Data sources for hydrology
o Data sources for terrain data
o Name and contact details for modeller
 Save files using File | Save

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 9

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 Open RAS Mapper (click on RAS Mapper icon or Menu: GIS Tools | RAS Mapper)

 Set projection (Menu: Tools | Set Projection for Project)

 Change Default XS River Stations to Metres and browse to downloaded projection file

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 10

© SURFACE WATER SOLUTIONS www.surfacewater.biz

 Confirm details and click “Apply” and “OK”

 Create a new terrain (right-click on Terrain | Create a new terrain) and select “plus” button

 Browse to downloaded or provided terrain file (Drag down to additional file types if needed)

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 11

© SURFACE WATER SOLUTIONS www.surfacewater.biz

 Change file name to relevant description of terrain and click “Create”

 Click “Close” when complete

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 12

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 Toggle on Terrains Layer Group, right-click on Terrain and click “Zoom to Layer”

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 13

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 Right-click on “Map Layers”, select “Add Web Imagery Layer”, and click on “Google Satellite”

 Double-click on “Google Satellite” and adjust transparency

 Select the measure tool and delineate a profile location

 Double-click when complete and select “Plot Terrain Profiles(s)”

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 14

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 Click on the “Table” tab to view the profile plot ordinates. Select the blank cell in the upper
left to highlight all text. These values can be copied and pasted into Excel or similar program.

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 15

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 Repeat the process by selecting the measuring tool, but this time click on “Save as Profile
Line” and enter a name for the profile line.
 Right-click on the name of the terrain file, then select “Layer Properties” (or double click on
the terrain name).
 Double click on the colour band (or press the Edit button) and adjust all desired parameters,
including colour ramp, min/max values, number of displayed values, and transparency.
 Click on “Create” and “Apply” when finished

 Select “Plot Contours” and adjust contour line colours and interval
 Select “Plot Hillshade” and adjust Z factor to observe effect on map appearance
 Hint: Use middle mouse button to adjust contour and hillshade values
 Left-click on Profile Lines tab at the lower left of the window, then use the plus button to
add a new profile line, and assign a profile name when prompted.

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 16

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 Right-click on the profile name, select “Plot Profile | Terrain” to view the long section

 Zoom to selected zoom levels and save views using view tab
 Note: more instructions for saved views available at www.surfacewater.biz/views/
 Right-click on web imagery and save the view extents as a static image (with a world file)
 Add static aerial images as existing map layers

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 17

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Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 18

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Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 19

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Bonus GIS and RAS Mapper tasks:

 Create your own shape file three ways:

o Creating a profile line, then right-click on the assigned name and select “Export
Profile to Shapefile”.
o Right-click on Map Layers and select Map Data Layers | Create New Generic Layer
and try making point, polyline, and polygon shape files. Right-click on layer name
and export as shape file when complete.
o Right-click on Features and select “Create New Layer”. Add features using create
features tool. Right-click on layer name and export as shape file when complete.
 Add the newly created shape files to the Map Layers in RAS Mapper
 Adjust symbols, colour palettes, ranges, intervals, and transparency for all layers to optimise
the view for later use in the Geometry Editor

Workshop 1: Set up project file and RAS Mapper Page 20

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