Ava Sambora
Mikey Koffman
November 2010
08 L.A. Fashion Weekend
at Sunset Gower Studios
Email: [email protected].
For Advertising inquiries call: (323) 934-6397
ENTERTAINMENT or Online at: www.hollywoodweekly.net
28 Voda Spa
A Creative Synthesis for the New Century
Hollywood Weekly is a monthly publication wholly owned by
32 Giving Thanks for Globalization Jackson Publishing Company. ©2010 All Rights Reserved. Re-
production of any content without written permission of the
Dr. Laura Wilhelm
Publisher is expressly prohibited. Letters to the Editor may be
34 RUNGLISH sent to: Hollywood Weekly, 4221 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 290-06,
Los Angeles, CA 90010.
Is a Multi-Cultural Hit
Editor’s Note
November 2010
Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago has been named the #1 Large City Hotel in the
Continental U.S. and Canada in Travel + Leisure’s 2010 World’s Best Awards. Experience ultimate
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ikinis made out of
real water bottles, handmade
fashions using natural or re- By Jenn
y Wert
cycled materials, bold prints
and edgy styles captivated the Mikey koffMan
sizzling cat walk during L.A.
Fashion Weekend october 15-
Produced the thrilling
17 at Sunset Gower Studios in fashion show with its
The producer of the show, The Real
L Word’s Mikey Koffman welcomed the celeb-
usual incredible style!
filled, fashion-forward bash that started with a
sexy performance by singer Christina work perfectly. She says she gave
Milian, who also debuted her innova- bamboo a shot first, but found the
tive line of sunglasses. In a mat- fabric was too flexible while the water
ter of moments, a palpable electricity bottle bikinis don’t sag when they get
filled the air as pieces of glittery pa- wet. The designs are fun and easy to
per showered down on the audience mix and match. Bottoms and tops
and the first model strutted down the are $50 each. www.teekilove.com
cat walk. Fashion lovers watched with
anticipation as bikini-clad bodies de- The final catwalk of the day
buted swimwear lines by a.Che, Kooey by Kooey heated up the runway by
and teeki. starting the show off with a few en-
thralling men banging on drums! The
Friday evening’s first show, ‘SWIM Australian-landscape inspired swim-
at LA Fashion Weekend,’ commenced suits were made of vivid bright colors,
with the eclectic line by a.Che. The combining orange, whites and plums.
showcase gave the audience their first The line offered high waist styles, two
peek at the gorgeous models that piece bikinis and sultry one pieces
commanded the catwalk all weekend, along with lovely cover-ups. Kooey
complete with beautiful makeup by also featured clothing for men, such
David Klasfeld and Katie Pellegrino of as comfy, yet stylish and hot white
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics and pants. It never fails to amaze that
many whimsical curly, long hair looks a brand such as Kooey can make
thanks to Ginger Boyle and Dean ‘grandma-style’ high-waisted bottoms
Roybal of Planet Salon. a.Che’s col- look captivating! www.kooey.com
lection thrilled the audience with two
piece bikinis and bright colored one Off the catwalk, attendees min-
piece suits, animal prints with match- gled each day before and after the
ing head pieces, along with some shows in a beautifully decorated party
bold black and maroon suits. www. lounge decorated by HStudio and
acheswimwear.com. filled with bottomless cocktails from
White Trash Beautiful design team the open bar courtesy of Domenico
Next up was teeki who surprised of Richie sambora and Nikki lund Winery, 360 Vodka, Six Rivers Brewery,
the audience by sending a beauti- Tequila Mar Azul, Vita Coco Coconut
ful 8-year-old blonde show-stopper real water bottles. Designer Lindsay Water and Premier Label Water
down the runway! Teeki’s bikinis are Hemric says it took trial and error to Company. Party-goers also munched
truly amazing as they’re made out of find out that recycled water bottles on delicious hors’d’oeuvres from
White Trash Beautiful design team of Richie sambora and Nikki lund. and Terri Melkonian, Vice president of
sales & Marketing at sunset Gower studios
L.A. Fashion Weekend redcarPet
singer and
host kimberly
as with many of the ‘green’ attendees in
the audience.
White Trash Beautiful Design
Ava Sambora modeling a design by White Trash
LA Fashion Weekend held outside of Sunset
Gower’s Stage 7.
L.A. Fashion Weekend at Sunset Gower Studios
Mikey Koffman Written By Jenny Werth
Mikey Koffman is ensuring that Los Gower Studios. And by doing so, she’s ultimately created
a whole new genius of fashion acclaim and recognition in
Los Angeles. But, Mikey, 35, had extensive experience and
Angeles’ talented fashion designers the one thing essential for growing into a success in this
“cutthroat” town: determination.
will continue to be an essential part of “After completing LA fashion week events under
the celebrated fashion week line-ups Smashbox for years, it was important for me to keep the
event going when they left this market,” recalls Mikey.
that light up star-studded catwalks Indeed, Mikey is NOT one to ‘give up.’ So, after
in cosmopolitan cities throughout the Smashbox studios ended the Mercedes Benz LA fashion
week that she had helped establish and produce for many
world. years, she recalls, “at that point I knew I had to keep it
going…. and I felt like the only person who could make
Her incredible fashion influence has quickly diverted it work… (who had) the tenacity and balls to do it was
fashionista’s experienced eyes directly to the West Coast; myself.”
specifically Los Angeles where fashion columnists, their
loyal fashion-savvy apprentices and a fashion-forward audi- Lucky for us, it is simply in her blood to create as-
ence has been taking notice! Hollywood not only gives tounding fashion shows that leave our eyes staring at the
birth to a mind-blowing number of blockbuster movies; but catwalk. “It’s like having a baby,” she says of producing LA
also holds an imperative influence on amazing fashions. fashion weekend. One ‘baby’ she doesn’t intend on letting
Indeed, Hollywood has a history of debuting fashion-state- go. Clearly, simply ‘stopping’ the shows was not in Mikey’s
ments with the star-studded extravaganza that’s called the plans. Instead, she took the reins in her capable hands and
red carpet. But now, the newest “IT” fashion trends have moved the high profile event to the Sunset Gower Studios
become increasingly influential on the Los Angeles fash- in Hollywood creating what’s become an LA spectacle- both
ion weekend’s (LAFW) catwalk. During the October 15th for the fashion attendees and the energized media.
to 17th LAFW show held at the acclaimed Sunset Gower
Studios in Hollywood, each model’s sultry strut down the But then again, it’s not surprising that someone as
catwalk had most of the packed audience jotting down the unique and strong-minded as Mikey has come out on
newest “must-have” items for their closets. And they have top. She’s constructed her life a lot like her prized Harley
Mikey to thank. Davidson Mortorcycle; piece by thoughtful piece. She
gained enough knowledge and experience to create her
Like most of Tinseltown’s remarkable “real life sto- own flourishing company and revolutionize LA’s spot in the
ries;” Mikey wanted to be a cop when she was growing up. ever-extraordinary world of fashion. With an amazing work
She certainly had enough practice; she played with G.I. Joe ethic, she’s created a mini-empire by following her heart
action figures as a child; protected the kids in her school and branching off on her own.
who were being teased by bullies; survived the relentless
violence of the LA projects where she was raised and, And while doing so, Mikey’s found her freedom from
naturally, became a marksman by the age of ten. Well, a a childhood filled with the insecurity that comes from living
‘markswoman.’ in a very tough neighborhood. What sometimes destroys
one person can catapult another into great success. THIS
This being said, it’s really no surprise that this fierce- is the story of Mikey Koffman. She recalls there was a lot
ly independent and self-proclaimed “bad-ass” became the of violence where she grew up. She explains that, “having
producer of Los Angeles Fashion Weekend. It’s also not had that experience, I got the drive to never want to go
a shocker that Mikey’s full service marketing and produc- there again.” The once ambitious girl who literally put out
tion company called The Gallery LA has flourished since fires from discarded Christmas trees in her neighborhood,
she opened it in 2005. Naturally, she had no hesitation has created her own flame throughout Los Angeles and the
world. The smoke from her
personal fire is powerful. In
fact it’s almost surreal.
Keeokjay Designs
And it doesn’t stop
there. From Mikey’s debut
on the hit-reality show The
Real L Word to her sup-
port of multiple foundations
such as numerous eco-
conscious fashion design-
ers and groups to cancer
foundations, she’s rapidly
becoming Hollywood’s “IT”
girl. Sunset Gower’s VP of
Marketing, Terri Melkonian,
sums it up beautifully.
Beth Talbert Test Driving Volt “Mikey’s very charismatic…
there’s something from
within that draws people to
her. She’s very comfortable
with who she is and she
exudes that.” Her qualities
are amazing; she’s honor-
able and has an amazing
work ethic – just fantastic
to work with.” Without
question, since Mikey
started the first LAFW only
three-years-ago, it’s grown
into a red-carpet spectacle
packed with tons of sup-
porting celebrities, A-listers
and VIPS. This year’s LAFW
show was yet another hit in
what promises to be a long
The Chevy Volt career in producing memo-
rable fashion shows. Much to the audience’s delight, the show opened with a
fantastic performance by Christina Milian on Friday. And every day during the
exciting LAFW was filled with amazing fashions shows by some of LA’s most
talented and eco-friendly activists. The weekend ended with Richie Sambora
and Nikki Lund’s White Trash Beautiful fashion show collection on Sunday
evening where his daughter, Ava strutted the cat walk! Plus, this year LAFW
proudly had its first auto sponsor: Chevy’s Electric car, VOLT. Chevy’s exciting
new electronic car, VOLT, could be seen zipping around Sunset Gower’s lot
for attendees’ to test. The VOLT even goes up to 50-miles on only electric-
ity! Naturally, the VOLT’S ‘eco-friendly’ message supported the LA fashion
week’s crucial concept to ‘Go Green,’ and its proud Green Youth Movement
Sponsor (GYM).
Friday Night’s Swimwear Show
White Trash Beautiful Design
Jonano Design
ur M
Singer and actress Christina
Milian who opened Los Angeles Fashion *Jet Setter Deluxe Travel
Train Case- This is the only cosmetics
Weekend with a dazzling performance
case any woman should use while traveling!
and launched her own sunglass line at The high-end travel kit just makes sense; it
the event tells us how she gets ‘red car- contains empty bottles, jars, and more for you
pet ready!’ Here, you’ll find an inside to transfer your favorite products into that are
look at some of Christina’s fave products, all airline security approved. Say goodbye to
along with similar products that are more throwing out any of your favorite products be-
affordable! So, if you’re looking for a cause airline security say their bottles are “too
large” for carry-on luggage! Plus, it’s a per-
new “look” then go to your mirror and
fectly fashionable and functional cosmetic case
try some of these fab products! Keeping that even comes with dual-sided brushes for all
in mind, of course, that the most impor- your beauty items. The perfect carry-on case
tant rule for a gorgeous face is a smile! MACAdAMiA hEAling Oil sprAy for each woman’s important beauty products!
$200 www.minikittour.com
Christina’s a fan
CHEEKS: Christina likes using of extensions, especially
rosy colors on her cheeks. A favorite of when she’s going out
and wants a really full
OBsEssivE COMpulsivE
hers is MAC’s Chesnut blush.
‘wild’ look. She also likes COsMEtiCs “lip tAr.”
products that add a bit
of body such as Redken Christina really likes ‘lip
tar’ by Obsessive Compulsive
BEtsEy JOhnsOn twEEzErs products. Plus, her sis-
ter just introduced to Cosmetics. The one she wore
Every Woman’s Moroccan Oil. She says for her opening performance was
it gave her hair a nice ‘Memento Lip Tar’ with ‘Clear Lip
shine but didn’t weigh it Tar’ on top. She says one little
*Betsey Johnson down. dab of the gloss fills your whole
Tweezers- Fashion Icon lips. “And lately I’ve been doing
Betsey Johnson partnered *Another amazing color, and I’ve found that it has
with Tweezerman to cre- hair product for shine been a way of expressing myself
ate some killer designs on and manageability is Macadamia and adding a pop of color to my
every woman’s must-have Natural Oil Healing Oil Spray. It’s a outfits.” In fact, she thinks the lip tar
item! Think roses and light oil that heals, shines and protects is “almost like a can of paint in a
skulls. Designer Series your hair and offers a frizz-free finish! little tube.” $12.50 www.occmakeup.com
Slant Tweezer Collection $24 www.macadamiahair.com
www.sephora.com $25 each.
hidE And glOw ChEEK
She especially favors Like the
rest of the
MElissa aNNE sMEd
NOT JusT a sMall TOWN GiRl
photo Credit: Henry Czuprinski
Simply being “noticed” does happen to some famous actors
and models. We all have heard of the stories where people get
“discovered” eating an ice cream cone in a nonchalant way, walking CROESUS
down the sidewalk, browsing the aisles of your local supermarket,
or just sitting on a park bench. And while, this may seem like the
ideal way to go about a career in the industry I can also think
of so many other stories of people living out of their cars and
eating at soup kitchens all across L.A., and NYC who came hop-
ing to strike it big just by being “noticed”. The reality is however,
that the much more efficient way of getting there is by having a Realtor
Jenny Werth
backup plan. Just like you would backup the hard-drive on your
computer or your impractical college degree – why wouldn’t you
want a backup plan in life?
Melissa Anne Smed has the idea. Born November 11, 1987 in
Waukon, Iowa, Melissa graduated from graduate school in Minnesota
with a Masters degree in acupuncture. However, always loving the
spotlight, Melissa has long had dreams of one day being able to be
a famous actress. She recalls many high school plays and com-
munity theater opportunities she was given at as young as 6 years
old. “I grew up in a really small town” Melissa says, “and because
it was so small we didn’t have the same opportunities available to
us that you would in a city. But my parents were great. They sup-
ported me in everything, if I wanted to take up playing the violin or
vocal lessons they would find ways for me to accomplish this. As
they did with acting, my mother used to ask around to my aunt and
older cousins to see if there was an opportunity for me to be in
the upcoming high school musical or the community play. If there
was she would make sure she was available to drive me to all of
the practices, help me with my costumes, and just generally sup-
8960 Cynthia St. #116
port me.” This love of theater continued and Melissa was actively
involved in drama as a junior high school and high school student.
She says, “I did every play possible. I was in Oklahoma, Grease,
West Hollywood,
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, MASH, The Sound
of Music, as well as so many more and I loved every second of it.”
CA 90069
She continues, “When I’m acting, I feel like I’m complete, like I am
free, and truly happy. I feel like it helps me complete a piece of
the puzzle. I don’t know how to explain it. Since I’m from a small
town, we didn’t have a big drama club, we had two productions a
year. But, we did have speech, and I was able to fulfill my need for
acting off season by participating in and winning many monologue
contests.” Melissa is a true thespian.
Contact info:
Melissa anne smed “One Call
uEM Management Does It All”
Email:[email protected]
there are certain peo-
ple you meet who possess
that “it” quality and celebri-
ty factor--people who have
that effervescent, natural
way about them who you
immediately want to get to
know. i had the pleasure of
encountering one of those
people in the muse of ac-
tress cat limket. the gor-
geous 22-year-old texas
beauty has that rare com-
bination of a humor, wit
and tons of magnetic ap-
peal. the multicultural ac-
tress who is part hawaiian
spanish, filipino and Polish
shares her story with
hollywood weekly. we
CaT liMkET
cess and what keeps her
grounded and happy.
thank you for speaking
my mother is Hawaiian/Spanish/ BEEN dOiNG pROFEs- For instance, when I went shopping with
my mother, I would go up to complete
Filipino/Thai, and my father is Polish.
siONal plays siNCE strangers and start to make up stories.
I guess that was my first introduction
HW: WHaT Was iT likE THE aGE OF 14 suCH into acting. I had an active imagina-
tion. Because of this, I performed in
FOR yOu GROWiNG up? as Guys aNd dOlls, many plays when I was a kid. In middle
school, I was rebellious and always get-
FiddlER ON THE ROOF, ting into trouble. I had a lot of energy
so a drama teacher suggested I try
I was really lucky. I grew up with
an innate respect for other cultures OuR TOWN, aNd THE out for a school play and I really en-
joyed it.
and it opened my eyes to the world.
BEVERly HillBilliEs.
HW: You also start- wrote about his experience. My charac-
ter is Nutty Nancy who is smart-ass with
I would have to say the remake
of Alfred Hitchcock with Tippi Hedren
ed modeling in high a ton of issues. I call this movie Sex in
the City for men.
in, “The Birds.” That movie is a classic
and you know Tippy was not the typical
school. Can you talk They are all ex military guys deal-
helpless woman, she was a take-charge
kind of woman and I love that.
about that experi- ing with their love lives.
dise of Bachelors”
which is set to debut HW: If you could star
November 2011. Can in a re-make of a
you tell us about classical film, who Contact Info: Ms.Cat Limket
email:[email protected]
[email protected]
Voda Spa
A Creative Synthesis
for the New Century
for creating Voda Spa has been to
f you can do it in West combine the best of what he has seen
Hollywood, you can do it anywhere.” with the best of what he hasn’t.
This statement uttered by Glenn
One innovation is Voda’s cafe
Dellimore, former COO and Director
and fully licensed bar, where clients
of Business Development for Voda Spa
often linger for many hours. The ca-
(7700 Santa Monica Boulevard), reflects
fe’s American and Russian dishes are
a sentiment commonly held in a city
equally delicious, while the juice bar
known for the diverse and demanding
serves up some of the finest smoothies
nature of its consumers. But for Leon
this writer has yet tasted in Southern
Shparaga, one of Voda’s six Russian
owners, the unique challenges posed
by his US clientele are just business Food and drink quell the raven-
as usual. ous hunger and thirst sometimes expe-
rienced by clients who choose the spa’s
Mr. Shparaga emigrated to
signature banya platza treatment, which
America in 1980 at the age of nine.
is modeled on practices going back to
Like so many West Hollywood resi-
the time of Tsar Peter the Great. In
dents, he and his family appreciate
combination with visits to the sauna
the chance to grow with our young
and pool, leafy oak branches imported
from Russia (venik) are soaked in water
Shparaga’s enthusiasm for the and gently applied to the body. The
city is matched by his extensive knowl- euphoric process is said to draw out
edge of spas, which he has visited all impurities, improve circulation, and re-
over Europe and the USA. His method fresh the spirit.
Additional services include fa-
cials, massages, salon treatments,
and scrubs and wraps. The deep
tissue “Russian Bear” massage re-
stores strength to forearms, wrists,
necks, and shoulders.
“the language
of friendship
uganda Family is not words
but meanings.”
photo Credit: april davis
Giving Thanks
Written by dr. laura Wilhelm
lauraWil intercultural
for Globalization
hanksgiving has always been earth and our elders. For several years provided entertainment in the form of
one of my favorite holidays. This my father’s grandmother made it her “Hava Nagilah” and other world clas-
classic model of intercultural col- mission to fly out from her home in sics played on the acoustic keyboard.
laboration suggests endless new the frozen Northern Midwest to spend
applications for today’s globalizing Thanksgiving with my free-wheeling On Thanksgiving many Americans
economy. Southern California family. make it a tradition to give donations
of food and funds to global families
Most American school chil- Great Grandma enjoyed sharing much like our own. Groups such as
dren have participated in pageants her family Thanksgiving recipes with us Designers 4 Africa work year round
dressed as Pilgrims and Indians sit- all and proudly spent hours assembling to alleviate hunger and other poverty-
ting down together at an autumn feast elaborate centerpieces made with dried related conditions. In LA charity of-
of Thanksgiving in 1621. The Pilgrim gourds and Indian corn combined with ten begins in our own back yard with
colony was nearly devastated until the fresh berries and greenery from our holiday donations to homeless shelters
Indians arrived to assist it through the back yard. The pairing of the old with and other community organizations.
long first winter. the new is what makes Thanksgiving
such a meaningful holiday for most of On October 19th a lively group
The Native Americans’ welcoming us. gathered for an intercultural feast
committee included English translators at the RUNGLISH book signing co-
named Samoset and Squanto who had Bicultural director Gurinder hosted by my company with author
mastered the language through living Chadha’s film WHAT’S COOKING? Nina Naydenova at West Hollywood’s
and working with white settlers. (2000) insightfully portrays Thanksgiving Russian/American Voda Spa. The
Day as filtered through the diverse per- guests on our list boasted descent
Furthermore, the Native Americans ceptions of four families in Los Angeles’ from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
taught the new Americans to fish, hunt, Fairfax District. I have had even more as well as Russia and Eastern Europe.
and plant using sustainable methods uproarious Thanksgiving experiences in America has branched out in so many
that made the most of precious natural this city. fascinating directions since that mo-
resources. All parts of both plants and mentous Thanksgiving Day in 1621.
animals were used for clothing, hous- At one Thanksgiving potluck
ing, and implements as well as food. I was greeted by the Iranian securi- In these times of transition we
I know eco-friendly fashion designers ty guard at the mid-Wilshire campus are all pilgrims whose lives may depend
who have based entire collections upon of LA ORT where I sometimes teach upon our dealings with the natives. We
these timeless Native American styles. ESL. “It’s a good thing to be friendly, can all survive if we trust each other
obviously,” he observed while adding enough to pay it forward and pool our
Our American Thanksgiving feast some kebabs to the sumptuous inter- skills and resources. Global conscious-
is based upon age-old harvest tradi- national feast spread out in the stu- ness is always something to be thank-
tions that respect the wisdom of the dent lounge. One of his countrymen ful for.
Is a Multi-Cultural Hit!! Written By Jenny Werth
Q & A with Laura Wilhelm
HW: How did you be-
come interested in the
Russian language?
I have been a voracious bibliophile
practically since birth and read the clas-
sics of Russian literature early in life. I
actually wanted to major in French when I
took it in high school, but Russian seemed
like a more versatile field of study when
I entered Reed College in 1983. I gradu-
ated with honors from the U of Kansas in
Laura Wilhelm and Nina Naydenova
1994 with a doctorate in Russian language
and literature and now run a global busi-
ness development company for speakers
of Russian and English called LauraWil
Intercultural. I have therefore been work-
ing with Russian in one way or another
since the 1970s and the RUNGLISH pro-
motion is one of the most enjoyable of
these by far!!
Shaun Twiddy
New Talent
Aloha, meet 10-year-
old Shaun Twiddy
from Hawaii
He is an actor, model,
singer, ukulele player,
bowler and aspiring
We’re all still drying off from the un-
Daniel Shoenmann and directed by Annie McVey, it runs by Lorraine Hansberry and directed by Lou Bellamy, it runs
through November 21 at the Hudson Mainstage Theatre in November 17 through November 21 at L.A. Theatre Works
Hollywood. For tickets call 323-960-7714 or visit www. at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. For tickets
plays411.com/ohio4th. call 310-827-0889 or visit www.latw.org.