Secretary Certificate of Incumbent Officers Blank

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Republic of the Philippines)

City of ) S.S.


I, ________________, of legal age, with residence address at___________________________________________.

That I am the duly elected and qualified Corporate Secretary of
______________________________________a corporation duly organized and existing under and by
virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with principal office located
at____________________________________________-, hereby certifies as follows:

That pursuant to the Corporation’s By-Laws as amended the following named

persons was/were designated appointed to the offices indicated below, and that said persons
does/do continue to hold such offices as this time, and signatures set forth opposite the
names are genuine signatures.


That pursuant to the Corporation's By-Laws, as amended, and certain resolutions adopted by the
Corporation's Board of Directors, the person(s) designated to serve in the above-entitled capacity
was/were given sufficient authority to act on behalf of and to bind the Corporation with respect
to transactions involving the leasing of equipment, including without limitation, and that the
execution by said person(s) of documents related to such transactions, including without
limitation Master Lease Agreements and Equipment Schedules thereto, constitute a legally
binding and enforceable obligation of the Corporation.

Corporate Secretary

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN before me this ____ day of_______20____, by affiant who exhibited to
me her ______________________ issued on ___________at____________, Philippines.

Notary Public

Doc. No.________;
Page No._______;
Book No,_______;
Series of 2019

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