Bottom Aeration of Stepped Spillways
Bottom Aeration of Stepped Spillways
Bottom Aeration of Stepped Spillways
Abstract: The upstream reach of stepped spillway flows may become prone to cavitation damage for large specific discharges because
of the absence of air close to its bottom, until the point of bottom self-aeration is reached. This study considers the effect of two aerator
types located at the first vertical step face to add air to the chute bottom. Compared to standard stepped spillway flow, considerable
differences may be observed closely downstream of the aerator, whereas no significant deviations occur in the far-downstream chute
reach. The characteristics of bottom air concentration curves on stepped chutes are investigated with an experimental approach. The
results are then compared with flows on both smooth chutes and standard stepped chutes. The data analysis results in design equations that
may be applied to usual stepped spillways of chute angles around 50ⴰ. In addition, a sinusoidal variation of air concentration about the
average value as a novel phenomenon is described relating to a local instability in the minimum bottom air concentration reach.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9429共2006兲132:8共850兲
CE Database subject headings: Aeration; Spillways; Hydraulics.
A large number of hydraulic studies on stepped spillways were Fig. 1共a兲 shows a definition plot with q as discharge per unit
presented during the past decade. Practically all of these investi- width, hc = 共q2 / g兲1/3 as critical flow depth 共where g⫽gravitational
gated stepped spillway flow originating with a standard spillways acceleration兲; s as step height; as angle of pseudobottom
crest located at its upstream end and a dissipater at its down- against the horizontal; z as vertical coordinate; zA as deflector
stream end. The main topics investigated were the point of air elevation of takeoff; zB as elevation difference between the latter
inception, the mean air concentration downstream of it, the char- and jet impact; zC as length of the steep bottom air decay zone; zD
acteristics of the air–water mixture flow, and the overall energy as elevation difference between the latter and bottom air detrain-
dissipation of the spillway structure 共Boes 2000; Minor and Hager ment; zE as elevation difference between the latter and uniform
2000; Chanson 2002; Boes and Hager 2003a,b兲. mixture flow; and zF as uniform air–water mixture flow region.
Depending on the unit discharge, the chute slope, and the step The experiments were conducted in a stepped rectangular
height, air presence close to the chute bottom may be located far chute of width 0.50 m, with a chute angle = 50ⴰ typical for
downstream from the spillway crest. Accordingly, the bottom stepped spillways, a step height s = 0.093 m, and standard crest of
reach between the spillway crest and the bottom air inception design 共subscript D兲 discharge qD = 0.863 m2 / s. For a prototype
point is not protected against cavitation damage. Stepped chutes step height of 1.2 m, the scale factor would be 1:12.9, and the
are therefore limited in unit discharge to some 30 m2 / s as com- unit discharge q = 40 m2 / s. The two aerator geometries are shown
pared to typically 100 m2 / s for smooth spillways 共see the Appen- in Figs. 1共b and c兲: Type I ending at the first vertical step face,
dix兲. This work introduces the flow characteristics on a stepped and Type II mounted downstream from it. Both aerators have a
spillway in which two different aerator types were added. In both slope 1:7 and a length of 0.6s. Accordingly, length zA is 4.86s for
cases, a deflector was employed, mounted upstream 共Type I兲 and Type I and 5.34s for Type II. The air was supplied in both cases
downstream 共Type II兲 of the first vertical step face. from the chute side wall, corresponding to a prototype simplifi-
cation with a ducted air supply 共Rutschmann and Volkart 1988兲.
1 Unit discharges considered were q = 0.11, 0.22, 0.43, 0.65, and
Ph.D. Student, Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology,
0.86 m2 / s, i.e., large enough to avoid scale effects 共Boes 2000;
VAW, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland.
Professor, Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology,
Boes and Hager 2003a兲. Flow depths were measured with a con-
VAW, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland 共corresponding author兲. ventional point gage, whereas the RBI fiber-optic probe was used
E-mail: [email protected] for local air concentration and velocity measurements 共Boes
Professor, Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology, 2000兲.
VAW, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland.
Note. Discussion open until January 1, 2007. Separate discussions
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
Experimental Results
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this technical note was submitted for review
and possible publication on August 16, 2004; approved on August 19, Definitions
2005. This technical note is part of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineer-
ing, Vol. 132, No. 8, August 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/2006/8- Fig. 2 relates to the typical bottom 共subscript b兲 air concentration
850–853/$25.00. Cb observed in the present tests. Four main flow regions may
Downloaded 29 Mar 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see
Fig. 2. Bottom air concentration curve Cb共z兲 in Regions 1–4, 关see
also Fig. 1共a兲兴
Region 2
The end of the steep bottom air concentration decrease was at
zC / s = 1.5 independent of discharge. Accordingly, most of the air
entrained close to the spillway pseudobottom is detrained within
less than two step heights. This important effect was also ob-
served for smooth spillways 共Kramer 2003兲. Based on high-speed
video observations, the significant detrainment can be associated
with jet impact on the horizontal step face and the generation of
vortices that contain a large amount of air that is lost by rolling up
on the step face.
Downstream of the significant air decrease along zC, the bot-
Fig. 1. 共a兲 Definition sketch for stepped spillway flow with aerator tom air layer increases with distance, similar to a turbulent bound-
located at first step: 共1兲 black water and air cavity; 共2兲 transition flow ary layer due to boundary roughness. For stepped chutes, the
along z2; 共3兲 developing flow along z3; 共4兲 uniform mixture flow roughness is extremely large as compared with smooth spillways
共PB兲 = pseudobottom; definition sketch for 共A兲 aerators at first because the roughness height has the order of the flow depth.
vertical spillway step face; 共b兲 upstream 共Type I兲; and 共c兲 downstream Because no air is detrained in this region containing a black water
共Type II兲 configuration, 共B兲 first step, 共C兲 air supply central flow portion, the air concentration reduces in the stream-
wise direction. Fig. 3共b兲 shows the normalized bottom air
concentration Cb共hc / s兲 as a function of the step number
n = 关共z2 − zC兲 / s兴 counted downstream from zC. The plot shows un-
be identified: 共1兲 black water region along zA 共z 艋 zA兲 and jump expected sinusoidal curves of a wavelength of about two steps,
length along zB; 共2兲 transition region along zC and zD 关for which depart from the mean 共subscript m兲 bottom air concentra-
0 ⬍ z2 ⬍ 共zC + zD兲兴; 共3兲 developing flow region along tion curve Cbm once they enter Region 3. The bottom air concen-
zE 共0 ⬍ z3 ⬍ zE兲; and 共4兲 uniform mixture flow region for z3 ⬎ zE, tration was measured at the step corners typically over 20 s, at
with the coordinate origins z2 and z3 defined in Fig. 1共a兲. Along distances 2, 6, 11, 16 mm and so on perpendicular to the pseudo-
length zC the bottom air concentration decreases significantly bottom. The wave patterns of the individual curves thus reflect a
from the air cavity value Cbo = 1 to a much smaller value; along local feature. Note the small differences in the corresponding
length zD air detrains much less to an absolute minimum at curves for the two aerator types.
z2 = zC + zD; further downstream air is entrained from the free sur- Consider, for instance, steps n = 0 and 1 in Fig. 3共b兲. Whereas
face in Region 3, once the air–water interface has reached the the deviation of Cb at Step 0 from the mean curve Cbm is almost
pseudobottom to finally attain the uniform 共subscript u兲 bottom zero, the bottom air concentration at Step 1 is significantly above
air concentration Cbu in Region 4. In the following subsections, the mean. This anomaly was attributed to the air cavity in Region
these reaches are analyzed. 1, which undergoes pressure fluctuations and thus generates pul-
sating flow close to the pseudobottom. Small deviations of jet
Region 1 impact on the next step may result in a slightly larger or smaller
pressure in the step niches that control individual step air entrain-
The aerators described deflect the water flow away from the chute ment and detrainment. A detailed determination of total air flow
bottom. The impact location zB of the lower jet trajectory may be close to the pseudobottom demonstrated absolutely no air loss
described independently from the aerator type 共R2 = 0.94兲 关Fig. between the individual steps along length zD, and indirectly sub-
3共a兲兴 stantiated the accuracy of the probes used in this research.
The mean bottom air concentration Cbm in terms of step num-
zB/hc = 0.16 · 共hc/zA兲−2, for 0.2 ⬍ hc/zA ⬍ 1 共1兲 ber n was approximated as 关Fig. 3共b兲兴
Downloaded 29 Mar 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see
Fig. 4. 共a兲 Comparison of predictions 共lines兲 with observations
共symbols兲 for two runs; 共b兲 comparison of cavitation indices at first
step for 共—兲 hydrostatic pressure and 共䉱兲 pressure measurement with
共- - -兲 trend line; grey: cavitation reach upscaled for prototype
Cbm = 0.1 · 10−0.035·n, for n 艌 0 共2兲
Along the 16 steps, Cbm共hc / s兲 thus decreases from only 0.10 to
0.05, as compared to the much larger reduction along length zC.
Depending on discharge, the curve Cbm共q兲 of Eq. 共2兲 ends at
point z3 = 0 independent of the aerator type. Eq. 共2兲 applies along
the length zD as 共R2 = 0.99兲
= 1.5
冉冊 2
for 1 ⬍ 冉冊hc
⬍3 共3兲
For a small discharge or a large step height, the air from the free
surface thus reaches the pseudobottom faster than for larger dis-
charges or small steps, resulting in a significant increase of bot-
tom air concentration in Region 3, as shown in Fig. 3共c兲. The
present observations relative to the bottom air inception point
compare on average with those of stepped spillways without aera-
tors. According to Boes and Hager 共2003a兲, small discharges re-
sult in larger zD values for the present configuration, whereas the
Fig. 3. 共a兲 Vertical location of jet impact on pseudobottom zB / hc as opposite applies to large discharges 关Fig. 3共c兲兴. For design dis-
function of hc / zA, 共—兲 共1兲; 共b兲 Bottom air concentration along charge, an aerator shifts the bottom air inception point upstream
transition Region 共2兲, with individual data for both aerator Types I as compared to standard stepped spillways.
共open symbols兲 and II 共full symbols兲, 共—兲 Cbm共hc / s兲关n兴 from 共2兲; 共c兲
Location zD / s of bottom air concentration increase as function of
relative discharge hc / s for both aerator designs, 共—兲 共3兲, 共- - -兲 Boes Region 3
and Hager 共2003a兲; and 共d兲 relative bottom air concentration Cb / Cbu Fig. 3共d兲 shows the bottom air concentration Cb normalized with
as function of z3 / s, 共—兲 共4兲 the uniform bottom air concentration Cbu as a function of relative
Downloaded 29 Mar 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see
distance z3 / s, i.e., the step number downstream of zD. All data s = 1.2 m. Note that the cavitation risk increases in the down-
follow a tangent hyperbolic function as 共R2 = 0.95兲 stream direction due to higher velocities. So far cavitation dam-
冋 冉 冊册
Cb/Cbu = tanh 0.22
for z3 艌 0 共4兲
age has not been reported in the upstream reach of stepped chutes,
certainly because the specific discharges were limited, associated
with a self-aeration point located in the upstream chute region.
With F* = 关q / 共g · sin · s3兲兴1/2 the uniform bottom air concentration Increasing the hydraulic load shifts the point of self-aeration
in Region 4 is from Boes 共2000兲 downstream.
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