Development of The Can Crusher Machine
Development of The Can Crusher Machine
Development of The Can Crusher Machine
“I declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion, this thesis is enough to fulfill
the purpose for the award for the Diploma of Mechanical Engineering from the aspects
of scope and quality.”
Signature : ……………………………
Date :
I declare that this report entitled “Development of the Can Crusher Machine” is the
result of my own research except as cited in the references. The report has not been
accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other
Signature : ……………………………
ID Number : MB06007
Date :
Designing and fabrication the can crusher machine is a product that fulfills the
customer needs. This project uses many materials such as sheet metal, hollow steel bar
and others. Overall, this project involves many processes, starting from the design
concept, fabrication and assembling procedures. Even though there are many types of
the can crusher machine in the market, the completion of this new model provides a
more practical usage.
Meraka bentuk dan membuat mesin pengemik tin merupakan salah satu produk
untuk kepentingan pengguna. Projek ini meggunakan pelbagai jenis bahan seperti
kepingan besi, besi berongga dan sebagainya. Keseluruhan projek ini melibatkan
berbagai-bagai proses bermula dengan idea konsep rekabentuk, pemotongan bahan,
mereka bentuk dan fabrikasi. Walaupun mesin pengemik tin seperti ini telah banyak di
pasaran, namun kelainan dalam penyelesain produk ini telah dilakukan bagi memastikan
ianya lebih praktikal untuk digunakan.
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Project Review 6
2.2.1 Foot Operated Can Crusher 7
2.2.2 Can Crusher Bin Single Pack 8
2.2.3 6 Can Aluminium Can Crusher 9
2.2.4 Easy Pull Can Crusher and Storage
System 10
2.3 CNC Shearing Machine 11
2.4 Drilling 13
2.4.1 Introduction 13
2.4.2 Hammer Drill 13
2.4.3 Drill Press 14
2.5 Vertical Bandsaw 16
2.5.1 Introduction 16
2.5.2 Powermatic Bandsaw 16
2.5.3 The Control 17 Start/stop 17 High/Low Range 17 Bandsaw Speed 17
2.6 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) 17
2.6.1 Introduction 17
2.6.2 MIG Welding Benefit 19
2.7 Rivet 19
2.7.1 Introduction 19
2.7.2 Blind Rivet 20
2.8 Bending Machine 21
2.8.1 Introduction 21
2.8.2 CNC Bending 22
2.8.3 Specification for CNC Bending 22
4.1 Introduction 45
4.2 Result 45
4.2.1 Introduction 45
4.2.2 Product Specification 48
4.2.3 Types Of Defects 48
4.3 Discussion 50
5.1 Introduction 51
5.2 Recommendation 51
5.3 Conclusion 52
Usually we use leg to stamp the cans. This method is very dangerous because
can make injure for us, but nowadays many can crusher was produce. But most of the
current product was attached at the wall. So the current product is not portable. Then
the current products are troublesome and difficult because it make user feel not
suitable as well. Beside that most of products also not have hopper to prepare the can
before crush and not have storage for the crushed cans.
Diploma final year project objectives is to practices the knowledge and skill
of the student that have been gathered before solving problem using academic
research, to born an engineer that have enough knowledge and skill. This project also
to complete the subject on this semester. The student also can be explore the
advanced machine before involves in industries. The project otherwise will be
produce and train student capable of doing work with minimal supervisory and more
independent in searching, detailing and expanding the knowledge and experiences.
The project also will generate student that have capability to make a good research
report in thesis form technical writing.
In order to finish this project require precise scope of work and proper plan
need to be followed because this project must through various process before it
would be produce. Beside that this project title is new idea which is come from
instructor engineer in lab and as the knowledge isn’t entirely covered in classes or
lab. So it give us advantages to learn new process to produce this product and
absolutely we could find lot of advantages neither we are realized or not. These are
scope of work in this project:-
The Gantt chart (time management) and flow chart (process management)
will be developing on second week. This is done using Microsoft Excel using Gantt
chart system.
The week second and third, have to make three sketching. These sketching
based on the advantages and disadvantage product in marketing.
The Fourth week the Pugh analysis and matrix analysis will be developing.
The function of this analysis is to get a final design, from three designs any criteria
will be research to get good concept. After get a final design solid work will be start.
Just final design will use this software. Each part will be developed and lastly
the assembly part will be begun.
On weeks fifth and sixth the progress report will be start. Meeting with
supervisor on weeks seventh and eight gather data to complete progress report. That
week the mid presentations also start.
The getting material will be start after mid presentation. The process cutting
raw materials start on week nine. At the same time the fabrication also starts. The
planning process of fabrication around week’s nine until twelve.
After finish the process fabrication, the final report will be start. To complete
the report I will use format thesis 2008.The last presentation will be started on week
Study about the current design is important in order to determine what the
product function really are and find out how it perform and getting out it advantages
for each and then compare with other product that been review already. In this
process, it is decided to study about three current designs in market now in order to
gain information that could help me created my new design as well.
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
i. No hopper
ii. No have container to storage the crushed cans
iii. Need more time to crush many cans
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
i. No hopper
ii. Need more time to crush many cans
iii. Heavy
iv. High force need to operate
• Advantages
i. Have hopper
ii. Can crushed 6 can at a times
iii. Little force need to operate
• Disadvantages
i. Not portable
ii. Not have storage
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
i. Not portable
ii. Not have hopper
Shearing is a process for cutting sheet metal to size out of a larger stock such
as roll stock. Shears are used as the preliminary step in preparing stock for stamping
processes, or smaller blanks for CNC presses. During the shearing process, an upper
blade and a lower blade are forced past each other with the space between them
determined by a required offset.
Typically, the upper shear blade is mounted at an angle to the lower blade
that is normally mounted horizontally. The shearing process performs only
fundamental straight-line cutting but any geometrical shape with a straight line cut
can usually be produced on a shear. Metal shearing can be performed on sheet, strip,
bar, plate, and even angle stock. Bar and angle materials can only be cut to length.
However, many shapes can be produced by shearing sheet and plate.
i. Aluminum
ii. Brass
iii. Bronze
iv. Mild steel
v. Stainless steel
2.4.1 Introduction
A drill is a tool with rotating drill bit used for drilling holes in various
materials. Drills are commonly used in woodworking and metalworking. The drill bit
is gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill, and is pressed against the target material
and rotated. The tip of the drill bit dose the work of cutting into the target material,
slicing off thin shaving ( twist drills or auger bits ) or grinding off small particles ( oil
drilling )
The hammer drill is similar to a standard electric drill, with the experience
that is provided with a hammer action for drilling masonry. The hammer action
maybe engaged or disengaged as required. The hammer action is cheap but delicate.
It uses two cam plates to make chuck accelerate towards to the work. However
because of the relative masses of the chick bit and the remainder of the drill the
energy transfer is inefficient and will fail to penetrate harder materials and vibrates
the operator’s hand. The cams were fast. Compare this to a rotary/ pneumatic
hammer drill where just the bit is accelerate to the work is sucking the bit inwards.
Large cam hammer drills, especially transverse motor, are crude in their
action. The energy delivered in each stroke is highly variable. The cheaper drill will
smash its way through the work and vibrate the surroundings which can cause lots of
collateral damage.
A drill press (also known as pedestal drill, pillar drill, or bench drill) is a fixed
style of drill that may be mounted on a stand or bolted to the floor or workbench. A
drill press consists of a base, column (or pillar), table, spindle (or quill), and drill
head, usually driven by an induction motor. The head has a set of handles (usually 3)
radiating from a central hub that, when turned, move the spindle and chuck
vertically, parallel to the axis of the column. The table can be adjusted vertically and
is generally moved by a rack and pinion however, some older models rely on the
operator to lift and reclamp the table in position. The table may also be offset from
the spindle's axis and in some cases rotated to a position perpendicular to the column.
The size of a drill press is typically measured in terms of swing. Swing is defined as
twice the throat distance, which is the distance from the center of the spindle to the
closest edge of the pillar. For example, a 16-inch (410 mm) drill press will have an 8-
inch (200 mm) throat distance.
i. less effort is required to apply the drill to the work piece. The movement of
the chuck and spindle is by a lever working on a rack and pinion, which gives
the operator considerable mechanical advantage.
ii. the table allows a vise or clamp to position and lock the work in place making
the operation much more secure.
iii. the angle of the spindle is fixed in relation to the table, allowing holes to be
drilled accurately and repetitively.
2.5.1 Introduction
Vertical band saws, also known as contour saws, perform metal removal jobs
that save time and material. Large sheets and bars of material can be cut to size or
shape without creating too many chips in a short period of time. Most materials, from
wood and plastics to aluminum and steel, can be cut on the two band saws in the
shop. Certain metals require specific saw bands in order to be cut, so check with
someone in the shop before cutting steels or hardened materials.
This bandsaw is used for cutting steel and stainless steel. The other band saw
in the shop should not be used to cut these harder materials.
-high / low range
-bandsaw speed
The green button will start the bandsaw, the red button will stop it. The
bandsaw will coast to a stop, so wait until the blade has stopped moving before
removing your part or scrap pieces from the table.
The bandsaw has a high speed and low speed gear that can be changed with
this lever. The bandsaw must be stopped before attempting to change the range.
2) Bandsaw Speed
The speed of the bandsaw may also be changed with this hand wheel. The
bandsaw must be running to adjust the variable speed.
2.6.1 Introduction
The method joining that able to fabricate and assembled the can crusher is
Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding. The equipment used in GMAW is a welding gun; a
wire feed unit, an electrode wire and a shielding gas supply. When the control switch
is turned on the wire feed, electrical power and gas flow are initiated. This causes an
electric arc to be struck. The gas nozzle is used to direct the welding gas evenly into
the welding zone.
The Figure 2.10 below shows the basic structure of MIG nozzle
(1) Torch Handle (2) Molded phenolic dielectric (3) shielding gas nozzle (4) Contact
tip (5) Nozzle output fac
To perform gas metal arc welding, the basic necessary equipment is:
i. a welding gun
ii. a wire feed unit
iii. a welding power supply
iv. an electrode wire
v. a shielding gas supply
2.7.1 Introduction
Because there is effectively a head on each end of an installed rivet it can support
tension loads (loads parallel to the axis of the shaft); however, it is much more
capable of supporting shear loads (loads perpendicular to the axis of the shaft). Bolts
and screws are better suited for tension applications.
Fastenings used in traditional wooden boat building like copper nails and clinch bolts
work on the principle of the rivet but they were in use long before the term rivet was
invented. So, where they are remembered, they are usually classified among the nails
and bolts respectively.
Blind rivets are tubular and are supplied with a mandrel through the center.
The rivet assembly is inserted into a hole drilled through the parts to be joined and a
specially designed tool used to draw the mandrel into the rivet. This expands the
blind end of the rivet and then the mandrel snaps off. (These are also commonly
called pop rivets from the sound and feel through the setting tool when the mandrel
breaks.) These types of Blind rivets have non-locking mandrels and are avoided for
critical structural joints because the mandrels may fall out, due to vibration or other
reasons, leaving a hollow rivet that will have a significantly lower load carrying
capability than solid rivets. Furthermore, because of the mandrel they are more prone
to failure from corrosion and vibration.
Due to this feature, blind rivets are mainly used when access to the joint is
only available from one side. The rivet is placed in a pre-drilled hole and is set by
pulling the mandrel head into the rivet body, expanding the rivet body and causing it
to flare against the reverse side. As the head of the mandrel reaches the face of the
blind side material, the pulling force is resisted, and at a predetermined force, the
mandrel will snap at the break point of the mandrel. A tight joint formed by the rivet
body remains, the head of the mandrel remains encapsulated at the blind side,
although variations of this are available, and the mandrel stem is ejected.
Figure 2.11: Three aluminium blind rivets: 1/8", 3/32", and 1/16"
2.8.1 Introduction
Press brakes and bending machine are used to bend and fold metal by
pressing it into a die. There are several types of press brakes and bending machines.
Example include a hydraulic press brake, folding equipment, bending machine, press
brake tooling, CNC brake press and a sheet metal press brake. A hydraulic press
brake is designed for both specialized sheet metal work and continuous production
application. A hydraulic press brake is designed to handle tough industrial
production jobs from single-cycle operations to automated cell components. Folding
equipment can be used to stiffen new metal panels that would otherwise flap around,
and to put lips on pieces of sheet that would normally need screws passed through
the front face. A bending machines forms angels in sheet metal. Press brake tooling
is used in cold-forming metal sheets or strips into desired sections. A CNC brake
press is a computer numerically controlled, fully automated brake press with
extensive bending capacity and networking function. A sheet metal press brake is
used to bend.
From the flow diagram on Figure 3.1, this project started with discussion
with supervisor about title after got from lecturer. This discussion covering project
overview supervisor and throw out opinion that related about title and supervisor
instruct to proposed a certain design and concept before go up to next step.
Then go to literature review about the title. The most important in these
manner is a determined the project scope, objective and project planning so that we
could easy get a clear overview. Then study and gather information related to the
design and these entire task been done through study from internet, journal and other
After gather and collect all related information and obtain new idea and
knowledge about the title, the project would continue with the design process. In this
stage, the knowledge and idea should throw out in sketching process. After several
design sketched, the best design would be choose among previous design so that we
could carry on designing process. Then the selected design would be transfer to
engineering drawing using SolidWork software in order to improve it capability and
for analysis process.
After that material preparation which is has been confirm initially. Purpose of
this process is a to determine the suitable and strength material follow the product
and design requirement. This process covering purchased material, measuring