Summer Training Report Submitted Towards The Partial Fulfillment of Post Graduate Degree in Management
Summer Training Report Submitted Towards The Partial Fulfillment of Post Graduate Degree in Management
Summer Training Report Submitted Towards The Partial Fulfillment of Post Graduate Degree in Management
Enrollment No. : A30101913111
This is to certify that Mr. Nirbhay Kumar , a student of Post Graduate Degree in
The period for which he was on training was for 8 weeks, starting from 02/06/2014
to 30/07/2014.This Summer Internship report has the requisite standard for the
partial fulfillment the Post Graduate Degree in International Business. To the best
of our knowledge no part of this report has been reproduced from any other report
Signature Signature
Nirbhay Kumar
En No: A30101913111
I do hereby declare that this piece of project report entitled “Production And
Distribution of Coal By Central Coalfield Limited” for partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of M.B.A. is a record of
original work done by me under the supervision and guidance of Mr. V.N.RAM ,
Nodal Manager, Central Coalfield Limited, Piparwar Project. This Project work is
my own and has neither been submitted nor published elsewhere.
In order to achieve practical and concrete result, the classroom training needs to be
effectively suited to the realities of the situation existing outside the classroom.
This is particularly true of the management to develop healthy managerial and
administrative skills in potential manager, it is necessary that theoretical
knowledge must be supplemented with exposure to the real environment. Actually
it is a life for the management. It is in practical training that the measuring of the
management itself is realized.
I did my training in a well managed organization CENTRAL COALFIELD
LIMITED, Piparwar Project was fortunate to get training here as I got ample
opportunities to view the overall working of the company. Staff of the company
was very cooperative and friendly. In the following pages an attempt has been
made to present report covering different aspects of my training in the company.
Table of content
1) Executive summary
2) Introduction
a) Types of coal
b) Production of coal in other parts of world
c) Objective
d) Gradation of coal
3) Research methodology
a) Research objective
c) Research Plan
4) Industry profile
a) Review of literature
b) History
c) About CIL
d) Major companies
e) SWOT Analysis
5) Company Profile
a) History of B.C.C.L
b) organization chart
c) International Cooperation
d) Performance Graph
e) SWOT Analysis
6) Issue and challenges faced by organization
8) Recommendation
9) Bibliography
There are 21 coking coal washeries in production both in private and public
sectors. Production of clean coal in these washeries during 1989-90 was 12 million
tonne and it is expected to go upto 14 million, tone during 1990-91. There are 2
washeries under construction now and these are expected to be completed by 1995.
Present washeries face problems in optimum production more on quality aspects
than on quantity and it appears that trend of using imported coking coal of low ash
to blend with indigenous high ash coal for steel sector requirement, may continue
for some time to come on considerations of optimised steel production. Besides the
above coking coal washeries, Bina deshaling and Piparwar beneficiation plants are
in preliminary stages of construction in non-coking coal sector. Future prospects of
washeries for non- coking coal beneficiation, appear to be bright as, in view of
sharp rise in demand for coal, there is increasing trend in mechanised mining of
inferior seams resulting in deterioration in quality and consequent reluctance by
consumers to accept the same. Planning Commission has taken the decision that
non-coking coal meant for Thermal Power Plants situated far away from feeding
coalfield, should be beneficiated. The benefits of low ash coal burning in boilers
are realised but reimbursement of extra cost of beneficiation for washed non-
coking coal needs to be considered.
Believed approximate position of the proto-continents toward the end of the
Carboniferous period; the light blue represents shallow seas where many of today's
coal deposits are found, as opposed to deeper waters which gave rise to oil-bearing
rocks derived from marine species. As geological processes apply pressure to dead
biotic material over time, under suitable conditions it is transformed successively
Lignite, also referred to as brown coal, is the lowest rank of coal and used
almost exclusively as fuel for electric power generation. Jet is a compact
form of lignite that is sometimes polished and has been used as an
ornamental stone since the Iron Age
Bituminous coal, dense mineral, black but sometimes dark brown, often
with well-defined bands of bright and dull material, used primarily as fuel in
steam-electric power generation, with substantial quantities also used for
heat and power applications in manufacturing and to make coke
Steam coal is a grade between bituminous coal and anthracite, once widely
used as a fuel for steam locomotives. In this specialized use it is sometimes
known as sea-coal in the U.S.[2] Small steam coal (dry small steam nuts or
DSSN) was used as a fuel for domestic water heating
Anthracite, the highest rank; a harder, glossy, black coal used primarily for
residential and commercial space heating. It may be divided further into
metamorphically altered bituminous coal and petrified oil, as from the
deposits in Pennsylvania
Graphite, technically the highest rank, but difficult to ignite and is not so
commonly used as fuel: it is mostly used in pencils and, when powdered, as
Coal in Australia
Coal in Australia is mined in every state and territory of the country. It is used to
generate electricity and is exported. 75% of the coal mined in Australia is
exported, mostly to eastern Asia. In 2000/01, 258.5 million tonnes of coal was
mined, and 193.6 million tonnes exported. Coal also provides about 85% of
Australia's electricity production. In fiscal year 2008/09, 487 million tonnes of coal
was mined, and 261 million tonnes exported. Australia is the world's leading coal
exporter. Coal mining in Australia is controversial because of the burning of
exported and imported coal which contributes to climate change, global warming,
sea level rise and the effects of global warming on Australia.. The burning of coal
produces 42.1% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, not counting export coal,
based on 2004 GHG inventory.
Two forms of coal are mined in Australia, depending on the region: high quality
black coal and lower quality brown coal. Black coal is found in Queensland and
New South Wales, and is used for both domestic power generation and for export
overseas. It is generally mined underground before being transported by rail to
power stations, or export shipping terminals. Black coal was also once exported to
other Australian states for power generation and industrial boilers.
Brown coal is found in Victoria and South Australia, and is of lower quality due a
higher ash and water content. As a result Victoria adopted German power station
and briquette technology in the 1920s to utilize the brown coal reserves of the
Latrobe Valley. Today there are three open cut brown coal mines in Victoria used
for baseload power generation.
Australia had 2009 coal production of 409.22 million tonnes, 6.68% of the world
total. The world's major producers are China, the USA, India, Australia, Russia,
Indonesia and South Africa. Australia had 2009 coal consumption of 50.82 million
tonnes oil equivalent, 1.55% of the world total.
Coal is Australia's major mineral export and accounts for nearly 25% of Australia's
export earnings. Australia is the world's 4th largest coal producer, and, according
to the 2008 BP Statistical Energy Survey, produced 393.92 million tonnes of coal
in 2007. Australia is also the world’s largest net exporter of coking and steaming
coal. According to the 2008 BP Statistical Energy Survey, Australia had end 2007
coal reserves of 76600 million tonnes, 9.03% of the world total and consumed
53.13 million tonnes oil equivalent. Australia exported 340.79 million tonnes of
coal in 2007. Japan is the destination for over 60 per cent of Australia’s coal
98% of Australia’s export production coal deposits are located in Permian age
sediments (250 million years old) in the Bowen Basin in Queensland and the
Hunter Valley basins in New South Wales. Western Australia has some producing
mines south of Perth. Australia also has reserves of lower grade lignite coal,
located in Victoria. Coal is exported from nine terminals at seven ports along the
east coast. Australia’s coal industry is dominated by BHP Billiton, Anglo
American (UK), Rio Tinto (Australia-UK), and Xstrata (Switzerland).
BHP Billiton is the world’s largest supplier of seaborne traded hard coking coal
from its predominantly open-cut mines at its low cost asset base in Queensland
(owned in alliance with Mitsubishi Corporation) and New South Wales (100 per
cent owned).
The Canadian coal industry plays an important role in the Canadian economy, both
as a mining industry and as an energy provider. According to the 2008 BP
Statistical Energy Survey, Canada had 2007 coal production of 69.36 million
tonnes, 1.17% of the world total, while consuming 30.42 million tonnes oil
equivalent. Close to one half of Canada’s coal production is exported, primarily as
metallurgical coal.
Canada is a major coal producer and consumer, with, according to the 2008 BP
Statistical Energy Survey, end 2007 coal reserves of 6578 million tonnes.
Currently over half of Canada’s coal production is bituminous, with sub
bituminous and lignite the rest. Nearly 90% of Canada’s coal consumption is used
for power generation, with the remainder used in steelmaking. Coal only provides
10% of Canada’s energy requirements.
The main coal producing regions are in Alberta (nearly 50%), British Colombia
and Saskatchewan. Minor coal is produced along the east coast provinces of New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
The People's Republic of China is the largest consumer of coal in the world and is
about to become the largest user of coal-derived electricity, generating 1.95 trillion
kilowatt-hours per year, or 68.7% of its electricity from coal as of 2006 (compared
to 1.99 trillion kilowatt-
hours per year, or 49% for the US). Hydroelectric power supplied another 20.7%
of China's electricity needs in 2006. With approximately 13 percent of the world's
proven reserves, China has enough coal to sustain its economic growth for a
century or more even though demand is currently outpacing production. China's
coal mining industry is the deadliest in the world and has the world's worst safety
record where an average of 13 people die every day in the coal pits, compared to
30 per year for coal power in the United States Coal production rose 8.1% in 2006
over the previous year, reaching 2.38 billion tons, and the nation's largest coal
enterprises saw their profits exceed 67 billion yuan, or $8.75 billion .
While China boasts the greatest use of coal power, it is third in the world in terms
of total coal reserves behind the United States and Russia. Most reserves are
located in the north and north-west of the country, which poses a large logistical
problem for supplying electricity to the more heavily populated coastal areas Coal
power is managed by the State Power Grid Corporation.
OBJECTIVE : Production and Distribution of Coal
Gradation of Coal
The gradation of non-coking coal is based on Useful Heat Value (UHV), the gradation of coking
coal is based on ash content and for semi coking / weakly coking coal it is based on ash plus
moisture content , as in vogue as per notification.
Grade Useful Heat Value (UHV) Corresponding Gross Calorific Value GCV
(Kcal/ Kg)
(Kcal/Kg) Ash% + Moisture %
(at 5% moisture level)
UHV= 8900-138(A+M) at (60% RH &
40O C)
A Exceeding 6200 Not exceeding Exceeding 6454
B Exceeding 5600 but not 19.6 to 23.8 Exceeding 6049 but not
exceeding 6200 exceeding 6454
C Exceeding 4940 but not 23.9 to 28.6 Exceeding 5597 but not
exceeding 5600 exceeding. 6049
D Exceeding 4200 but not 28.7 to 34.0 Exceeding 5089 but not
exceeding 4940 Exceeding 5597
E Exceeding 3360 but not 34.1 to 40.0 Exceeding 4324 but not
exceeding 4200 exceeding 5089
F Exceeding 2400 but not 40.1 to 47.0 Exceeding 3865 but not
exceeding 3360 exceeding. 4324
G Exceeding 1300 but not 47.1 to 55.0 Exceeding 3113 but not
exceeding 2400 exceeding 3865
The data which have been collected for this research purpose are taken from the
market in the form of primary data and secondary data.
a. Primary Data:
The primary data which have been used here is collected with the help interaction
with Nodal Manager of marketing and sales department , linkage, roadsales
b. Secondary Data:
The secondary data have been collected through available documents like articles
on derivative, news paper and websites.
Research plan for this study was to follow the collected information from the
Manager of various department and they told how they their plan works .
The first stage to any coal production operation is exploration and development.
This takes place to locate and determine the most appropriate methodology to
extract the mineral. Exploration and development involves the combined efforts of
geologists, geotechnical engineers, mining engineers, coal technologists and
surveyors. The geologist is responsible for defining the shape, size and quality of
the coal reserves and for producing a computer model. This model is used by the
mining engineers to plan and manage the mining process taking into consideration:
Surveyors support both the geologists and mining engineers by ensuring that the
data required for deposit modelling is correctly gathered in the first instance.
Surveyors also confirm that the engineers' mine plans are accurately reflected in
the mine development.
Step 2. Mining
Mining can take place through open cut or underground mining methods. At
Griffin Coal’s Collie mines open cut mining methods are used. The mining process
involves the removal of overburden and extraction of coal but can be considered as
four distinct operations:
1. Topsoil
2. Laterite
The cap rock (up to 2 metres thick) is either ‘ripped’ by dozers or blasted and
recovered for use as road surfacing material.
3. Overburden
All overburden apart from the ‘Nakina Formation’ is drilled with rotary ‘blast
hole’ drilling rigs and charged with bulk explosive, typically a mixture of
ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO).
After blasting, overburden is loaded by hydraulic excavator or front end loader into
rear dump trucks and placed in overburden dumps. Initially these had to be placed
out of the pit in order to create a large enough hole to work in. The worked over
areas of the pit are now filled in, a process known as backfilling.
When the mine gets to the back firing stage, the hole gets bigger and moves slowly
across the deposit. Then overburden materials are removed from the operating
faces and dumped into backfill on the other side of the mine.
4. Coal
When overburden has been removed from the coal seam, the roof of the seam is
cleaned using bulldozers. The coal seam is then drilled and blasted. Bulldozers
clean down to the floor of the coal seam and front end loaders and coal trucks
transport coal to either the Ewington Crushing Facility or direct to Muja Power
In some areas, coal can be loaded directly into trucks using a large backhoe,
without need for bulldozing. Once the coal has been extracted it is then processed.
Step 3. Processing
Coal is crushed in a feeder breaker, a chain conveyor under a toothed drum that
breaks the biggest lumps.
Coal size is further reduced through a sizer, where each oversize particles are
reduced to less than 75 millimetres.
Screening is used to separate different sizes of crushed coal. In this process coarse
and fine coal is separated so to accommodate for specific markets and industrial
usage. Screening takes place at a processing plant adjacent to Ewington Mine.
C.C.L Coal’s screened coal is ideal for burning in horizontal kilns. In these kilns
uniform particle grading is used to create even combustion along the length of the
kiln. Coarser coal is also required by customers who burn coal in grate–fired
Most cleaning processes involve washing the coal in order to separate coal
particles from stone particles as coal is considerably lighter.
Coal can be charred, a process wherein hydrogen and oxygen are removed from
the coal to make it purer form of carbon. Once processed according to
specifications, coal is loaded and transported accordingly.
Distribution of coal is done with the help of
By Road
Some of the small sector company purchase the coal by e-auction.the e-auction is
classified into two categories i.e.:-
1. spot e-auction
2. forwarded e-auction
Coal distribution through e-Auction has been introduced with a view toprovide
access to coal for such buyers who are not able to source coal through theavailable
institutional mechanism. In the long run it is expected that e-Auction mayhelp in
creating spot as well as future market of coal in the country.The purpose of e-
Auction is to provide equal opportunity to purchasecoal through single window
service to all intending Buyers.
E - Auction has been introduced to facilitate across the country wideranging access
to book coal on-line for all sections of coal Buyers enabling them to buy coal
through a simple, transparent and consumer friendly system of marketingand
distribution of coal.
Terms & Conditions
With reference to para VI (4) of the ‘e-Auction Scheme 2007’ for Spot-Auction the
detailed terms and conditions are given below :
1. Eligibility:
Any Indian Buyer (viz. individual, partnership firm, companies etc.) can
participate in e-Auction for procurement of coal.
2. Registration:
2.3The service provider shall issue “Photo Identity Card” to their registered
bidders duly authenticating the identity & signature, indicating a “Unique
Registration Number” allotted to them. The “Unique registration number” of the
registered bidders shall be communicated to the Coal Companies by the service
2.4Only one registration will be done against one PAN number. However, based
on more than one independent valid sales tax registration, more than one
registration against a PAN Number can be considered. In such cases, the details of
valid sales tax registration will be indicated in each ‘Photo Identity Card’.
2.5 All Buyers having been registered with the service providers shall also have to
furnish non-interest bearing Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) at the rate of Rs.200/-
per tonne, with the Service Provider. This EMD shall not be specific for a
particular Subsidiary Coal Company and shall be available with the Service
Provider for participation in the e-Auction across the Subsidiary Coal Companies
of CIL, as long as the required amount of EMD is available in the bidders a/c. with
the Service Provider.
3. Notification:
3.1 Coal companies would draw program for conducting at least two e-Auctions
per month and notify the same, minimum 7(seven) days in advance,through display
on the Company’s notice board and putting the same on the CoalCompany’s
websites for wide publicity. The program will be intimated to the Service providers
accordingly for hoisting the same on their websites also.
3.2 There will be separate auction for dispatches by rail and road mode.The
minimum quantity for bidding would be 50 (fifty) tonnes for a source for Road
mode, where as in case of Rail the minimum quantity for bidding would be 1
(one)rake. The rake size shall be as per prevalent Railway Rules. The quantity of
coal ina rake shall be as indicated in the notice of E-auction.
3.3 The Buyer should satisfy itself / himself about the Rake fit stations
/destinations from the Railways before participation in e-Auction by rail, Non
acceptance of the programme, even after the option exercised under extant Railway
rules, on account of rake-fit stations / destinations being not accepted by the
Railways shall be treated as a failure of the Buyer leading to forfeiture of relatable
4. Bidding Process
4.1 The registered Bidders shall be required to record their acceptanceafter login,
of the Terms & Conditions of the e-Auction before participation in theactual
Bidding Process.
4.2 Before participating in e-Auction, bidders are to satisfy themselves with the
quality of coal being offered from a source.
4.3 Prospective Bidders are entitled to Bid for the quantity to the extent of amount
of EMD for which is available with the service provider in the bidder’s account at
the time of bidding.
4.4 The Buyers while bidding shall quote their “Bid price” per tonne in Indian
Rupee as base coal price on FOR/FOB colliery basis, exclusive of other charges
like statutory levies, surface transportation charges, sizing/beneficiation charges,
taxes, cess, royalty, SED, & any other charges as will be applicable at the time of
delivery. These charges as well as freight etc. shall be on the Buyer’s account.
4.5 The bidder has to bid for a price equal to or above the reserve price tosecure
consideration in the concerned e-Auction.
4.6 The date, time and period of e-Auction as notified in advance including closing
time on portal of service provider shall be adhered to but for the event offorce
majeure. However, the closing time of e-Auction will be automatically extended up
to last Bid time, plus 5 minutes, so that opportunity is given to other Bidders for
making an improved Bid on that item.
4.7 The Bidder shall offer his Bid price (per tonne) in the increment of 10/-
(Rupees ten) during the Normal e-Auction period. During the extended period of
first two (2) hours, the Bidder shall offer his Bid price in the increment of Rs.20/-.
Beyond this extended period of two hours the bid price increment would be Rs.
50/- (Rs.Fifty ) only.
4.8 While maintaining the secrecy of Bidder’s identity, the web site shall register
and display on screen the lowest successful Bid price at that point of time. The
system will not allow a Bidder to Bid in excess of his entitled quantity as per his
However once a Bidder is out-bided by another (in part or full) the particular
Bidder shall become eligible for making an improved Bid.
5.1 Each successful bidder will be intimated through e-mail / SMS by the Service
Provider on the same date after the closure of e-Auction. However, it will be the
responsibility of the bidder to personally see and download the result displayed on
website, on the same date after close of e-Auction.
5.2 The successful bidders after the e-Auction, will be required to deposit coal
value with the concerned coal company, within a period of seven working days,
after the date of closing of e-Auction. Seven working days would be reckoned as
applicable to the respective Subsidiary Coal companies’ office where the
payment/deposit is required to be made.
6. Terms of payment:
6.1 The coal value to be deposited in advance by the successful bidders shall be
computed and deposited after making provision for the EMD amount for the
successful bid quantity already transferred by the service provider to the
subsidiary company. In other words, the coal value to be deposited and EMD
amount together, shall be equivalent to the 100 % coal value.
6.2 EMD amount shall not be treated as an adjustment towards the coal value but
would stand converted into a ‘Security Deposit’ for performance of the bidders
towards completion of the said transaction.
6.3 The above security deposit (as converted from the EMD amount) would be
adjusted as coal value, only after completion of lifting of coal covered under coal
value paid, excluding security deposit. However, in the event of default in
performance by the bidder, the provision of forfeiture of the ‘Security Deposit’
(as converted from the EMD) as stipulated, would be applicable.6.4 In case of road
supplies, once the coal value is deposited by way of demand draft /pay order,
drawn in favour of the concerned coal company, along-with the debit advice issued
by the bank, certifying that the DD/pay order has been issued, by debiting the
account of the concerned Buyer, Sale/Delivery orders shall be issued within seven
days by the coal company after encashment of buyer’s financial instrument. In case
of successful bidders, if the coal value is deposited for less than the allotted
Quantity but not below 50% of the allotted quantity or, 50 tonne whichever is
higher, the coal company shall accept the payment for the said amount and forfeit
the EMD for the failed quantity. However if the buyer fails to deposit the coal
value for at least 50% of the allotted quantity or 50 tonnes whichever is higher
then the entire EMD of the allotted quantity shall be forfeited.
6.4 However, a successful bidder whose allotted quantity is only 50 tonnes will
be allowed to deposit coal value for minimum 90% i.e 45 tonnes within the
stipulated period of 7 days without which the amount shall not be accepted. In
such event they shall be permitted to deposit the balance fractional amount, limited
to 10% of the total coal value of 50 tonne, within the subsequent period of
3(three)working days. In spite of this, if they fail to deposit full coal value of 50
tone (minimum bid quantity), EMD for entire 50 tone shall be forfeited.
6.5 In case of rail borne supplies, there shall be two options available. While
submitting program, the bidder at his option can deposit 100 % BG on the
prescribed format from the buyers own account or else may deposit 100% amount
through demand draft /pay order, drawn in favour of the concerned coal company ,
along with the debit advice, issued by the bank certifying that the DD/pay order
has been issued by debiting the account of the concerned Buyer.
6.6 In case of Buyers who have booked their rail programme through BG, a
notice for deposition of coal value by way of DD/Pay order, will be displayed on
the notice board of the coal company, at least three working days in advance before
the expected date of offer to the Railways for allotment. The Buyer will be
accordingly required to deposit DD/Pay Order along with the debit advice to the
tune of BG involved in the programme, within 48 hours of such notice.In the event
of non-deposition of 100% coal value by the Bidder in terms of Clause-
6.7 above, the consent given against rake programme will be withdrawn by the
coal company and EMD as per e-Auction scheme will be forfeited.
6.9 Coal companies is suitably developed & the same is notified on the websites
By Road:
1) Coal company shall issue Sale / Delivery Orders to the successful bidders
in terms of Clause 6.4 after realisation of payment. The Buyer has to submit
the option before the issue of the Sale / Delivery Order for movement of the
coal “within state” or “outside state” and the Sale / Delivery Order would
indicate the Same accordingly. However, the challan issued by the Coal
Company shall indicate the destination.
By Rail:
1) The seniority of buyers in case of rail borne supplies shall be guided by the
seniority list as provided by the service provider based on buyer’s bids.
2) The quantity allotted against each rake is indicative quantity only and delivery
shall be made on the basis of actual weighment by the Seller at the loading end.
3) The validity period for seeking allotment of rake in case of rail supplies shall
be 45 days from the date of issue of consent by the coal company. Once the rake
is allotted it shall remain valid for supply of coal as per prevailing Railway
4) Although loading will be the responsibility of the coal company, but to avoid
any complaint regarding over-loading, under loading and quality, the Buyer
himself or his authorized representative may supervise loading at the loading point.
The authorized representative must carry valid authority letter along with
photocopy of Identity Card issued by Service Provider.
Step 5. Rehabilitation
Restoring the environment to it's natural state.
2. Land Recontouring
When the landforms are no longer needed for mining or dumping purposes the
slopes are recontoured to around 10 degrees to control surface runoff and to ensure
stable slope. Topsoil is then spread to a depth of 150 millimetres before the area is
contour ripped, fertilized and seeded with local natives.
3. Seeding
Rehabilitation areas are seeded at the break of the winter rainy season, and initially
are susceptible to erosion damage until germination and root development has
occurred. Historically dumps were rehabilitated to pasture species. This approach
was chosen to stabilize the dump out-slope quickly to prevent erosion. More
recently efforts have been directed to the re-establishment of native flora.
4. Regeneration
Native species do not germinate and develop until the following spring, therefore
the potential for massive erosion is present during the winter. A strategy has been
developed whereby native bush species comprising grasses, groundcovers, shrubs
and trees, are sown together with a "nurse" crop of cereal rye.
The cereal rye germinates quickly and stabilizes the surface through the winter and
the natives emerge the following spring. The seed mix includes Jarrah, Wandoo,
Flooded Gum, numerous Acacias and under storey species.
Review of literature on Coal India limited
Coal India Limited (CIL) is one of the largest coal producers in India. The
company is engaged in the mining of coal and coal based products. Further, it is
also engaged in providing mining consultancy services across India and abroad.
CIL is the largest company in the world in terms of coal production. It operates
through eight wholly owned subsidiaries namely, Bharat Coking Coal Limited;
Central Coalfields Limited; Western Coalfields Limited; Eastern Coalfields
Limited; Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited; Mahanadi Coalfields
Limited; South Eastern Coalfields Limited; and Northern Coalfields Limited,
Singrauli. The company is headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Coal India Ltd. (CIL), a holding company, is wholly owned by the Government of
India through the Department of Coal and the Ministry of Mines and Minerals. CIL
is responsible for 88 percent of coal output in India. In 1999, production was 256.5
million tons of raw coal, up from 250.6 million tons the previous year. However,
like many state-owned concerns, CIL’s financial performance has been generally
poor.During the financial year 2000-2001, CIL reported a loss of Rs 1,400-crore—
a crore is equal to 10 million. At the start of the new millennium, the company
was under scrutiny by the Indian government for its performance and business
practices. Coal provides more than 67 percent of India’s energy requirements.
However, India’s per capita energy consumption is among the lowest in the world.
India has vast coal reserves, and these can be mined cheaply, although the coal is
generally of poor quality and has a high ash content. In 1998, India’s total coal
reserves were estimated at 200 billion tons, of which over 69 billion tons were
proven reserves. The bulk of India’s coal reserves are in the states of
Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, and Madhya Pradesh. Due to the structure of the coal
mining industry in India, CIL’s role is a major one, and its performance and
operations very much reflect the policies and priorities of the government of India.
History of CIL
The Indian energy sector is largely dependent on coal as the prime source of
energy. After the Indian independence, a greater need for coal production was felt
in the First Five Year Plan. In 1951 a Working Party for the coal industry was set
up, which suggested the amalgamation of small and fragmented producing units.
Thus the idea of a nationalised, unified coal sector was born. In the pre-
nationalised era coal mining was controlled by private owners, and suffered from
their lack of interest in scientific methods, unhealthy mining practices and sole
motive of profiteering. The miners lived in sub-standard conditions as well. 1n
1956, the National Coal Development Corporation (NCDC) was formed with 11
collieries with the task of exploring new coalfields and expediting development of
new coal mines.
The first was the oil price shock, which led the country to take up a close scrutiny
of its energy options. A Fuel Policy Committee set up for this purpose identified
coal as the primary source of commercial energy. Secondly, much-needed
investment for growth of this sector was not forthcoming from the private sector.
The objective of nationalisation was the conservation of the scarce coal resource,
particularly coking coal, in India by:
1843 : Bengal Coal Company takes over Ranigunj Coal Mines and others; is
first Joint Stock Coal Company in India
1835 : Carr, Tagore & Company takes over Ranigunj Coal Mines
The Indian coal industry has its origins in the early 19th century, when mining
activity became commercial in conjunction with the expansion of the railway
network, particularly in the west of the country. The monopoly interests of the
British East India Company were revoked in 1813. Initially, the coal fields were
operated by a large number of Indian private companies which possessed captive—
or company-owned—coalfields to support their iron and steel works. By 1900
there were 34 companies producing 7 million tons of coal from 286 mines.
Production continued to grow in the first half of the 20th century, especially during
World War I. Demand continued to grow during World War II, and production
reached 29 million tons by 1945. By then, the number of companies had increased
to 307, and the number of mines to 673. The trend continued for almost a decade
after India’s independence in 1947. However, India’s ambitious economic
development plans led to a tremendous demand for energy, and in the absence of
alternative sources, coal was targeted as the major source of power for
industrialization. Under the government’s Second Five Year Economic
Development Plan 1957-1961, a target of 60 million tons was set for the end of the
plan period. However, government economic planners were convinced that the
private sector would be unable to meet this target. Hence, the National Coal
Development Corporation (NCDC) was formed, which took the old railway
collieries as its nucleus and opened new mines as well. Production of coal
increased from 38 million tons in 1956 to 56 million tons in 1961.
During the 1960s, most of India’s collieries continued to be operated by the private
sector, with the exception of NCDC and the Singareni Collieries, both in the public
sector. At the national level, three factors emerged to force the government to
consider the nationalization of the coal industry. First, there was a fear that
contemporary mining methods were leading to great wastage. Second, the
government predicted that future demand for coal would be particularly heavy in
view of its industrial development priorities. Finally, during the Third Five Year
Plan 1962-1966, as well as the period 1966-1969, despite the increase in
production, there was a shortfall in private capital investment in the industry.
Coking coal mines, with the exception of the Tata Iron and Steel Company, were
nationalized in May 1972, and a new public sector company, Bharat Coking Coal
Limited (BCCL), was floated to manage them. In May 1973, the non-coking coal
mines were also nationalized and brought under the control of the Coal Mines
Authority (CMA). The Department of Coal was set up in the Ministry of Energy to
oversee the public sector companies. Further reorganization of the industry led to
the formation of Coal India Limited (CIL), which also absorbed NCDC, in
November 1975. The reorganization involved placing the majority of the public
sector coal companies under CIL. CIL has six subsidiaries. Five of these are
involved in production: BCCL, located at Dhanbad; Central Coalfields Limited at
Ranchi; Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) at Nagpur; Eastern Coalfields Limited
(ECL) at Sanctoria; and North Eastern Coalfields Limited (NECL) at Margherita;
the sixth is the Central Planning & Design Institute at Ranchi. Together with the
Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC), CIL is operated directly by the Indian
government through the Department of Coal in the Ministry of Energy. All the
subsidiaries of CIL have the status of independent companies, but the authority for
framing broad policies and taking administrative decisions rests with CIL.
The present structure of the Indian coal industry is a reflection of the priorities
placed by the government on coal as a source of fuel and energy in economic
development. Most of the production is the responsibility of the five subsidiaries of
CIL, but there are four other coal producers in the public sector: the Singareni
Collieries Limited, the government of Jammu and Kashmir collieries, the Damodar
Valley Corporation, and the Indian Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. These last four concerns
are responsible for about 10% of the output. Some 2% of the total output of coal is
provided by the captive mines—company-owned mines which ensure coal
supplies—of the Tata Iron and Steel Company, the only coal producer in the
private sector.
Production picked up in 1980 when it finally exceeded 100 million tons, and
increased to 115 million tons by 1983. However, the problems suffered by CIL in
particular and the coal industry in general had led to considerable shortages,
especially for industrial users. This shortage was compounded by the poor quality
of India’s coking coal, which has difficult washing characteristics and requires the
coal preparation plants to run extremely complex processes. The result was that the
country had to import coal from abroad, a trend that still persists. The bulk of the
imported coal came from the United States, Australia, and Canada, and was
significantly more expensive than locally produced coal. This situation had two
implications. First, it became feasible for CIL to adopt more expensive mining
methods, since they were still cheaper than the imported coal. Second, a need was
perceived to improve the coal handling facilities at India’s major ports. This need
was reflected in the Sixth Five Year Plan, when it was projected that the ports
would have to handle at least 4.4 million tons of imported coal by the mid-1980s.
During the Sixth Five Year Plan, coal production grew at 6.2% per year, especially
in the open-cast mines. Targeted production for the end of the plan period—1984-
1985—was for 165 million tons per annum, although actual production fell short at
148 million tons. During the first two years of the plan, CIL made a profit for the
only time in its history. This was argely due to the Indian government’s increasing
the price of coal in both February 1981and May 1982. The issue of pricing has
always been a serious problem for the Indian coal industry and for CIL. Coal prices
have been administered by the government since 1941, with the exception of a
period of seven years, 1967-1974. The pricing formula is based on an Indian
industry-wide average with differentials for different grades, but in practice the
price is usually set below the industry’s average cost. This practice may explain in
part CIL’s poor overall financial performance.
Coal production in the year 1981-1982 was 125 million tons, above the targeted
figure. Total production of coal and lignite was 146 million metric tons in 1983-
1984, and 155 million tons in 1984-1985, 162 million tons in 1985-1986, 175
million tons in 1986-1987, 191 million tons in 1987-1988, and 207 million tons in
1988-1989. Despite the increase in production, problems related to operations,
such as cost-overruns, poor quality, and low productivity, meant that targeted
output was frequently revised downwards. Part of the problem was the high cost of
new equipment necessitating new investment, since targeted budgets were overrun.
Furthermore, the number of mines, which had been reduced immediately following
nationalization, had again increased, to 684 by 1982, thereby negating some of the
initial cost reduction benefits of reorganization.
Since coal was meeting over 70% of the energy requirements of Indian industry,
CIL believed the output needed to increase by 25 million tons a year during the
1980s in order to keep up with demand. Demand for coal was projected to reach
165 million tons by 1985, 230 million tons by 1990, and over 400 million tons by
the year 2000. The structure of demand for coal had changed. The railways were
no longer the primary source of demand for coal.
Rather, demand now lay primarily with the steel plants, other industrial units, and
thermal power stations. The reliance on coal-fired thermal power plants for power
generation led to a steady increase in the demand for coal throughout this period.
To satisfy this demand, CIL relied primarily on the expansion of open-pit mines.
Mining coal from shallow seams was financially sound, but it resulted in a steady
deterioration of coal quality over time. The Seventh Five Year Plan of 1985
included some important changes introduced by CIL in the structure of its
The plan had set a production target of 226 million tons for coal, and by 1988-
1989, output for coal alone, excluding lignite, had reached 195 million tons. As a
result of the greater need for coal, new opportunities were created for international
partnerships in the coal sector throughout the 1980s.
coal ltd
Singareni Estern
Collieries Coal field
company ltd
INDIA Mahana-
Western LTD nadi
Coal field coalfield
ltd Ltd
Coal field
North ltd
Coal Field
Major consumer of coal industries
3% 1%
3% 4%
16% NCW/coal
0.50% fertilizer
* Mining in specified backward districts is eligible for a complete tax holiday for a
period of 5 years from commencement of production and a 30 percent tax holiday
or 5 years thereafter.
Most of the Indian mining companies do not have access to Indian capital
There is a lack of respect for the mining industry and it suffers from the
incorrect perception that ore deposits are depleted.
There is limited access to capital, and mines are increasingly more
costly to find, acquire, develop and produce.There are long lead times on
production decisions.
The Indian mining industry suffers from an out-dated, unattractive
approach to mining education that is partly to blame for insufficient
human resources.
The Opportunities
In the Second Five Year Plan (1956-1961) NCDC was called upon to increase its
production from new collieries, to be opened mainly in areas away from the
already developed Raniganj and Jharia coalfields. Eight new collieries were
opened during this period and the production increased to 8.05 million tonnes by
the end of Second Plan. During Third Five Year Plan (1961-1966), though the
Corporation had built up a much larger production capacity, it could not be utilized
due to a sluggish domestic coal market. Production had, therefore, to be pegged
down and the development of several collieries undertaken from the early part of
the Plan period, had to be suspended. By this time, the contribution of NCDC to
the nation’s coal production (67.72 million tones) increased to around 9.6 million
With gradual rise in the demand of coal due to commissioning of new power plants
and development of other coal-based industries during Fourth Five Year Plan
(1969-1974), NCDC’s production increased to 15.55 million tonnes by the
terminal year of Fourth Five Year Plan, i.e, 1973-74.
The formation of CMAL witnessed regrouping of the coal mines into three
divisions, namely, Western, Central and Eastern. The regrouping had to be done
for the convenience of management, keeping in view the geographical location of
the collieries.
Formation of CCL
The CMAL, with its three divisions continued upto 1st November 1975
when it was renamed as Coal India Limited (CIL) following the decision of
Govt. of India to restructure the coal industry. The Central Division of
CMAL came to be known as Central Coalfields Limited and became a
separate company with the status of a subsidiary of CIL, which became the
holding company.
Performance growth of C.C.L
1974-75 1991-92 1996-97 2001-02 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
1.4.1975 1.4.1992 1.4.1997 1.4.2002 1.4.2006 1.4.2007 1.4.2009
1974-75 1991-92 1996-97 2001-02 2006-07 2007-08
SWOT Analysis of C.C.L
* Export profits from specified minerals and ores are eligible for
certain concessions under the Income tax Act.
* Minerals in their finished form exempt from excise duty.
* Low customs duty on capital equipment used for minerals; on nickel,
tin, pig iron, unwrought aluminium.
* Capital goods imported for mining under EPCG scheme qualify for
concessional customs duty subject to certain export obligation.
Mining operations are not environment friendly. Least importance is given
to environment concerns.
High rate of illegal mining
Coal mining in India is associated with poor employee productivity. The
output per miner per annum in India varies from 150 to 2,650 tonnes
compared to an average of around 12,000 tonnes in the U.S. and Australia;
Historically, opencast mining has been favored over underground mining.
This has led to land degradation, environmental pollution and reduced
quality of coal as it tends to get mixed with other matter;
India has still not been able to develop a comprehensive solution to deal with
the fly ash generated at coal power stations through use of Indian coal.
C.C.L have proper distribution system of coal.
Public sector companies are major consumer of coal.
Here is the competition of coal is with international market.
Prices are set by the ministry of coal which is not up to the mark.
It has very limited area to work.
Magazines of navratan company
News paper