Texto Final Sobre Nuvens

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Texto Final sobre Nuvens (8ºs anos)

A cloud is water vapour in the atmosphere (sky) that has condensed into very small water droplets or ice
crystals that appear in visible shapes or formations above the ground.
Water on the Earth evaporates (turns into an invisible gas) and rises up into the sky. Higher up where the air
is colder, the water condenses: it changes from a gas to drops of water or crystals of ice. We see these drops
of water as clouds. The drops fall back down to earth as rain, and then the water evaporates again. This is
called the "water cycle".
The atmosphere always has some water vapour. Clouds form when the atmosphere can no longer hold all the
invisible air vapor.[1] Any more water vapor condenses into very small water drops.[1]
Warm air holds more water vapor than cool air.[1] So if warm air with lots of water inside cools, it can form
a cloud. These are ways air can cool enough to form clouds:
when air close to the ground is heated by the sun and rises to where the air is colder.
along weather fronts warmer air is cooled as it runs into colder air;
when air goes up the side of a mountain it cools as it goes higher;
when warm air goes over something colder such as cool water in a lake) or ground that is cooled at night it
Clouds are not heavy. The water in a cloud can have a mass of several million tons. Every cubic metre (m3)
of the cloud has only about 5 grams of water in it. Cloud droplets are also about 1000 times heavier than
evaporated water, so they are much heavier than air. They do not fall, but stay in the air, because there is
warm air all round the heavier water droplets. When water changes from gas to droplets, this makes heat.
Because the droplets are very small, they "stick" to the warm air.
Sometimes, clouds appear to be brilliant colors at sunrise or sunset. This is due to dust particles in the air.
Cloud classification
Clouds are classified according to how they look and how high the base of the cloud is in the sky. This
system was suggested in 1803. There are different sorts of clouds because the air where they form can be
still or moving forward or up and down at different speeds. Very thick clouds with large enough water
droplets can make rain or snow, and the biggest clouds can make thunder and lightning.
There are five basic families of clouds based on how they look:[2]
Cirrus clouds are high and thin. The air is very cold at high levels, so these clouds are made of ice crystals
instead of water droplets. Cirrus clouds are sometimes called mares' tails because they look like the tails of a
Stratus clouds are like flat sheets. They may be low-level clouds (stratus), medium-level (altostratus), high-
level (cirrostratus), or thick multi-level clouds that make rain or snow (nimbostratus).
Stratocumulus clouds are in the form of rolls or ripples. They may be low-level clouds (stratocumulus),
medium-level (altocumulus), or high-level (cirrocumulus).
Cumulus clouds are puffly and small when they first form. They may grow into heap clouds that have
moderate vertical extent (nothing added to the name), or become towering vertical clouds (towering
Cumulonimbus clouds are very large cumulus-type clouds that usually develop cirrus tops and sometimes
other features that give them their own unique look.

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