The Diagnosis of Scabies by Non-Expert Examiners: A Study of Diagnostic Accuracy

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The diagnosis of scabies by non-expert

examiners: A study of diagnostic accuracy
1,2,3 4 4 5,6
Millicent H. Osti , Oliver Sokana , Christina Gorae , Margot J. Whitfeld ,
Andrew C. Steer1,2,3,7, Daniel EngelmanID1,2,3,7*

1 Tropical Diseases, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2 Department of
Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 3 Melbourne Children’s Global Health,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 4 Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Honiara, Solomon Islands,
5 Department of Dermatology, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 6 School of
Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 7 Department of General
Medicine, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
a1111111111 * [email protected]

a1111111111 Abstract

OPEN ACCESS Although scabies is estimated to be one of the most common skin conditions globally,
Citation: Osti MH, Sokana O, Gorae C, preva-lence data is not available in most settings. Disease mapping is required to
Whitfeld MJ, Steer AC, Engelman D (2019) develop and monitor successful control programs. Non-expert health workers are likely to
The diagnosis of scabies by non-expert play an impor-tant role in scabies mapping activities in endemic settings.
examiners: A study of diagnostic accuracy.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 13(8): e0007635. pntd.0007635 Methodology
Editor: Katja Fischer, QIMR Berghofer Four non-expert health workers were trained in the diagnosis of scabies and impetigo. The
Medical Research Institute, AUSTRALIA health worker diagnosis was compared to a reference consensus diagnosis of two doctors
Received: March 17, 2019 experienced in diagnosis. The study was conducted in a primary school in Gizo, Solomon
Islands, in August 2018. The six examiners consecutively assessed school students, blinded
Accepted: July 16, 2019
to each other’s findings. Training and diagnostic procedures followed criteria for sca-bies
Published: August 19, 2019
diagnosis established by the International Alliance for the Control of Scabies in 2018.
Copyright: © 2019 Osti et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
Principal findings
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and Amongst the 171 students who underwent clinical assessment the prevalence of scabies and
reproduction in any medium, provided the
impetigo according to the reference standard was 55% and 45% respectively. Sensitiv-ity of
original author and source are credited.
the non-expert health workers’ diagnosis compared to the reference standard was
Data Availability Statement: All 55.3% for scabies (95% confidence interval [CI], 50.1–60.4) with a specificity of 89.9% (95%
relevant data are within the manuscript
CI 86–93.1) and 52.6% for impetigo (95% CI 46.9–58.3) with a specificity 97.8% (95% CI
and its Supporting Information files.
95.7–99). Sensitivity for moderate to severe scabies was 93.5% (95% CI 86.3–97.6)
Funding: DE and ACS are supported by fellowships
with a specificity of 74% (95% CI 70.2–77.5).
from the National Health and Medical Research
Council of Australia. ACS is also supported by the
National Heart Foundation of Australia. MHO is Conclusions
supported by an Australian Government Research
Training Program (RTP) Scholarship. The funders Following brief training, the diagnostic accuracy of non-expert health workers for scabies
had no role in study design, data collection and and impetigo was promising, especially for moderate to severe disease. Modifications to

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

analysis, decision to publish, or training and processes are recommended to further improve accuracy. The diagnosis by
preparation of the manuscript.
non-expert health workers may be acceptable for scabies and impetigo mapping in
Competing interests: The authors have endemic areas.
declared that no competing interests exist.

Author summary
Scabies is a parasitic infection that leads to significant morbidity worldwide. Mapping of
scabies prevalence would improve the understanding of the true burden of disease and
the need for control programs in specific countries and regions. The diagnosis of scabies
in low resource settings, where the disease is most prevalent, is reliant on clinical
examina-tion. A task shifting approach, utilizing local health staff, could substantially
increase the feasibility to undertake mapping surveys in low-resource settings. In this
study, we aimed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of clinical assessment of local health
workers following brief training. Our study found that these non-expert health workers
could diagnose sca-bies with moderate accuracy and diagnose more severe disease with
high accuracy. Fur-ther work is needed to develop standardized training packages to
ensure a high level of diagnostic accuracy by non-expert health workers.

Human scabies is a parasitic skin condition caused by infestation with the mite Sarcoptes
sca-biei var. hominis. Scabies is a significant public health problem, affecting more than 200
mil-lion people globally, with the highest burden in low-resource settings in tropical and
subtropical regions [1, 2]. Scabies frequently leads to bacterial skin infection (impetigo), which
places individuals at risk of developing serious sequalae including invasive bacterial
infections, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis and possibly rheumatic fever [3–5].
The need for global control of scabies has been recognized by the World Health
Organiza-tion with the recent addition of scabies to the Department of Neglected Tropical
Disease (NTD) Control portfolio [6]. In order to achieve development and implementation
of effective control programs, accurate burden estimates are needed. This requires
development of an eas-ily implementable protocol for standardized diagnosis in settings
where scabies is endemic. Scabies disproportionately affects low resource communities,
where clinical diagnosis remains the most commonly used method in programs and
research, performed by experts or by local health staff such as nurses [7]. However,
clinical diagnostic methods and case definitions are not consistent across studies [7, 8].
Diagnostic criteria, developed through a global Delphi consensus study, and published in 2018
by the International Alliance for the Control of Scabies (IACS), aim to improve the stan-dardization
of diagnosis for observational and interventional research [9]. The IACS Criteria enable diagnosis at
three levels of diagnostic certainty: level A—Confirmed Scabies; level B— Clinical Scabies; or level
C—Suspected Scabies (Table 1). Levels B and C aim to facilitate stan-dardized diagnosis in
settings where clinical assessment is the only available or practical diag-nostic tool. In the absence
of the development of a simple diagnostic test and an expected shortage of available experts,
trained non-expert examiners are likely to play a central role in future population screening. This
reflects the ‘task shifting’ approach suggested by the World Health Organization in order to
maximize human resources by the reallocation of specific tasks to health workers with reduced
training time and less qualifications [10]. Brief training of

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

Table 1. IACS Criteria for the diagnosis scabies.

A: Confirmed scabies
A1: Mites, eggs or feces on light microscopy of skin samples
A2: Mites, eggs or feces visualized on individual using high powered imaging device
A3: Mite visualized on individual using dermoscopy
B: Clinical Scabies
B1: Scabies burrows
B2: Typical lesions affecting male genitalia
B3: Typical lesions in a typical distribution and two history features
C: Suspected Scabies
C1: Typical lesions in a typical distribution and one history feature
C2: Atypical lesions or an atypical distribution and two history features
History Features
H1: Itch
H2: Close contact with an individual who has itch or typical lesions in a typical distribution

A diagnosis of scabies should only be made if other differential diagnoses are considered less likely than scabies.

health workers can improve their diagnostic ability following clinical assessment [11]. The
clinical assessment of trained, non-expert examiners has been used for diagnosis and
mapping for other NTDs including trachoma, leprosy and podoconiosis [12–14].
Although the IACS Criteria provide a consensus approach for scabies diagnosis, they
have not yet been validated. The feasibility of implementing these criteria for scabies in a
low-resource setting, and the accuracy of non-experts in using the criteria remain
unknown. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of briefly trained,
non-expert exam-iners in the diagnosis of scabies, using the IACS criteria.

Ethics statement
Ethics approval was granted by the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne Human
Research Ethics Committee (reference number 38099A) and the Solomon Islands
Health Research and Ethics Review Board (reference number 05/18).

Study design and setting

This single site, prospective study of diagnostic accuracy took place in Gizo, a town in the
Western Province of the Solomon Islands, with an estimated population of 7,177 [15]. The Sol-
omon Islands is categorized as a low human development country, based on the United
Nation’s Human Development Index, ranking 156 out of 188 countries and territories [16]. A
survey of scabies in the Western Province (but not including Gizo town) in 2014 estimated the
prevalence of scabies to be 19.2% and the prevalence of impetigo to be 32.7% [17]. The study
followed the STARD criteria for studies of diagnostic accuracy (S3 Table) [18].

The Western Province Ministry of Health recruited four nurses from surrounding towns to
travel to Gizo for the study. The nurses provided informed written consent to participate.
Students from a single primary school were consecutively enrolled from August 21 to 24,
2018. Information was sent out to families in the weeks leading up to study. Members from the

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

study team attended a meeting with teachers and parents to answer any questions. Signed
writ-ten consent was obtained from parents or guardians of all participating students. All
students with parental consent were eligible for inclusion. There were no exclusion criteria.
All participants underwent six sequential, blinded clinical assessments (by four non-
expert examiners and two expert examiners) at Gizo Primary School over four days.
Each child was assessed by all examiners on the same day. Data were collected on
skin examination and his-tory features based on the components of the IACS Criteria.

Four nurses were recruited to participate based on availability and pre-defined desirable attri-butes
and skills, similar to the indicators used by the Global Trachoma Mapping Project (GTMP) [13].
These included effective communication skills, ability to work long days, capac-ity to work with
technological devices and ability to travel for fieldwork. The nurses were cur-rent employees of the
Ministry of Health working in local health centers clinics or hospitals. They were aware of scabies
and impetigo through previous professional experience but had no formal training in diagnosis of
these skin conditions prior to the study. In August 2018, the nurses participated in an intensive two-
day training program led by two doctors with extensive experience in the clinical diagnosis of
scabies and in training of skin disease. A third doctor provided background information on the public
health importance of scabies. Training con-sisted of interactive tutorials focused on the clinical
features of scabies, based on the IACS Cri-teria [9]. At the time of the study, only the basic criteria
levels were published, and detailed information on the criteria (for example, how to define ‘typical
lesions’ and ‘typical distribu-tion’) was not available. Trainers therefore interpreted these terms using
previous experience. Nurses were also trained in the diagnosis of bacterial skin infection, which
frequently compli-cates scabies lesions (causing infected scabies), or can coexist as impetigo [19].
They were also trained to identify other locally relevant skin conditions that may present similarly to

Written assessment
As a component of training, the nurses took a written test consisting of 50 clinical
cases, simi-lar to the GTMP grader training slide-test [13]. Each case included one
clinical photograph and relevant history features. Nurses were instructed to indicate
the presence or absence of scabies and/or bacterial skin infection. Responses were
marked against the consensus diagno-sis of two experts. There was no minimum
competency required in order to progress to the clinical assessment.

Clinical assessment
Supervised, practical training was then conducted in the school setting and included partici-
pants with and without the target skin conditions. Diagnosis relied on clinical assessment
(IACS Criteria Level B, Clinical Scabies, and C, Suspected Scabies, Table 1). Neither micros-
copy nor dermoscopy were used by any examiner for reasons of logistics and cost, and to
resemble the conditions that may be anticipated as part of a scabies mapping surveys in a
low-resource setting. There was no specified time limit for clinical examination.
The clinical assessment was a focused skin examination of exposed areas. The
children wore school uniforms consisting of shorts and a short-sleeved shirt or a
short-sleeved school dress. Shoes (most often sandals) were removed prior to
assessment. Therefore, exposed areas were neck, face and scalp, from fingers to
upper arms, and from toes to upper thighs. The geni-tals were not examined so the
IACS subcategory B2 (typical lesions affecting male genitalia) was not included.

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

For the purpose of this study, typical lesions were defined as multiple small lumps (papules,
nodules or vesicles) occurring in the same area. Typical distribution of lesions was defined as
lesions on the fingers, finger-webs, wrists, hands, forearms toe-webs, feet and legs. All examin-ers
were provided with a body diagram outlining the regions considered typical for scabies lesions.
Scabies severity was defined by number of lesions, consistent with previous studies [17, 20]: mild,
1–10 lesions; moderate, 11–49 lesions; or severe, � 50 lesions.
Each examiner also assessed the two history components of the IACS Criteria (presence
of itch, and contact history). A positive response to any of the four following questions was
con-sidered as a positive contact history: whether an individual lived with someone with itch;
lived with someone with a rash that looked like scabies; had a friend or classmate with itch; or
had a friend or classmate with a rash that looked like scabies. Students were shown
reference photo-graphs of typical scabies rashes to aide these questions.
Impetigo was defined as papules, pustules or ulcerative lesions with associated
erythema, crusting or pustular exudate. Impetigo included both infected scabies lesions
and discrete impetigo lesions. Severity of impetigo was defined as: very mild (1–5 lesions);
mild (6–10 lesions); moderate (11–49 lesions); or severe (� 50 lesions) [21].

Index test
The index test was the clinical diagnosis of scabies (and impetigo) by non-expert
examiners (the four nurses) following training.

Reference standard
The reference standard was the diagnosis made by two medical doctors (a dermatologist and a
pediatrician) with extensive experience in the diagnosis of scabies and tropical skin diseases. The
two doctors independently assessed participants for scabies (using the IACS Criteria) and bacterial
skin infection. Where there was disagreement on the presence of scabies or impetigo, the
participant was re-examined by both doctors together to establish a consensus diagnosis.

Sample size was calculated based on an anticipated sensitivity and specificity of 90% for
scabies diagnosis, with a confidence interval (CI) of 80–99%. This required enrolment of
at least 40 individuals with scabies and 40 without scabies [22]. However, the school
principal requested that the study team examine all individuals who provided consent.
Therefore, as many partici-pants as feasible were enrolled within the four-day period
when all six examiners were avail-able. Eligible participants that could not be examined
during this time were examined off-study at a later date.
Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for the diagnosis of scabies and impetigo by com-
paring the index test to the reference standard. As secondary outcomes, the accuracy in diag-nosis
of more severe forms of each disease was also calculated. Agreement between the two experts on
the diagnosis of scabies and impetigo was calculated using Cohen’s kappa coeffi-cient [23]. Inter-
rater agreement for the reporting of itch and contact history was calculated using Fleiss’s kappa, for
all participants where an answer was recorded by all six examiners [24]. Stata 15.1 (Statacorp,
College Station, TX, USA) was used for all statistical calculations.

All participants diagnosed with scabies by expert examiners, as well as their household con-
tacts, were offered treatment with permethrin 5% cream. Individuals diagnosed with mild

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

impetigo were provided information on home-based management. Individuals with

moderate or severe impetigo, or other conditions requiring treatment, were referred
to the local health service.

171 individuals participated, and all were assessed by four non-expert examiners
and two expe-rienced doctors, resulting in a paired index and reference test (Fig 1).
There were no adverse events. The mean age of the children was 8.8 years
(standard deviation 2.3, range 4–14) and 51.5% were female (Table 2).
According to the reference standard, the prevalence of scabies was 55% (95% CI 47.2–62.6),
and 67% of these had mild disease (Table 2). The prevalence of impetigo was 45% (95% CI 37.4–
52.8), and 83.1% of these had very mild disease (Table 2). Of individuals with scabies, 47
(50.5%) had bacterial superinfection or co-infection (Fig 2).
The prevalence of scabies according to the two individual doctors was 53.2% (95%CI 45.4–
60.9) and 49.7% (95%CI 42–57.4) respectively.
Overall, the prevalence of scabies according to the index test (briefly trained nurses) was
34.9% (95% CI 31.4–38.6, Table 3). Prevalence by individual examiner ranged from 22.8% to
40.9% (Fig 3). The prevalence of impetigo according to the index test was 25.2% (95% CI 21.9–
28.7, range of individual examiners 18.7% to 32.2%, Table 4).
The sensitivity of the index test compared to the reference standard for scabies diagnosis was
55.3% (95% CI 50.1–60.4, Table 3). Sensitivity for individual non-expert examiners ranged from
41.5% to 64.9% (Table 3). The specificity of the index test was 89.9% (95% CI 86–93.1, range of
individual examiners 87.0% to 100%). When considering only the moderate and severe cases of
scabies (n = 31), the sensitivity of the index test was 93.5% (95% CI 86.3–97.6,

Fig 1. Flow of participants for the diagnosis of scabies.

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

Table 2. Severity of disease and clinical characteristics.

Characteristic N=171 %
Scabies n = 94 55.0
Mild (1–10 lesions) 63 67.0
Moderate (11–49 lesions) 21 22.3
Severe (�50 lesions) 10 10.6
IACS Criteria
Clinical Scabies
� 4 2.3
B1: Scabies Burrows
B3: Typical lesions in a typical distribution with itch and positive contact 65 69.1
Suspected Scabies
C1: Typical lesions in a typical distribution with itch or positive contact 23 24.5
C2: Atypical lesions or typical distribution with itch and positive contact 6 6.4
Impetigo n = 77 45.0
Very mild (1–5 lesions) 64 83.1
Mild (6–10 lesions) 8 10.4
Moderate (11–49 lesions) 2 2.6
Severe (�50 lesions) 3 3.9

Individuals with burrows were additionally categorized as either B3, C1, C2

range of individual non-expert examiners 87% to 95.7%). The specificity of the

index test for moderate and severe scabies was 74.0% (95% CI 70.2–77.5, range
of individual non-expert examiners ranged 67.3% to 87.1%, S1 Table).
For impetigo, the sensitivity of the index test was 52.6% (95% CI 46.9–58.3, range of indi-vidual
non-expert examiners 39.0% to 68.8%), and specificity was 97.8% (95% CI 95.7–99, range of
individual non-expert examiners 96.7% to 98.8%, Table 4). If only cases of impetigo with six or
more infected lesions were considered (n = 13), then the sensitivity of the non-expert nurses was
84.6% (95% CI 71.9–93.1) and the specificity was 79.8% (95% CI 76.4–82.9).
Repeat assessment was required to define the reference standard for 46 out of
171 (26.9%) cases due to disagreement on presence of scabies or impetigo
between the doctors. Agreement between the two experts for scabies was 83.6%
(kappa = 0.67) and for moderate to severe sca-bies was 91.3% (kappa = 0.68).
Agreement between the experts for impetigo was 87.1% (kappa = 0.73).
The inter-rater agreement (Fleiss kappa) for the reporting of history by individuals between
the six examiners was 0.63 for self-reported itch and 0.52 for any contact history (S2 Table).
The results of the written test completed during training for each non-expert
examiner were 76%, 92%, 96% and 96% correct for scabies respectively, and
70%, 76%, 76% and 80% correct for impetigo respectively.

We found that briefly trained, non-expert examiners had moderate sensitivity and high speci-ficity in
the diagnosis of scabies using the IACS Criteria, compared to reference diagnosis by two expert
examiners. The accuracy of examiners is dependent on the effectiveness of training and
examination protocols. Our results suggest that modifications to the training protocol are needed to
maximize the accuracy and utility for non-expert scabies assessment. More detailed

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

Fig 2. Example appearance of scabies lesions (A. Scabies lesions over feet and ankles with bacterial super-infection, B.
Papular scabies lesions over fingers, finger-webs and dorsum of hand).

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

Table 3. Accuracy of scabies diagnosis.

Participants Screened (n) Scabies % (95%CI) Measurement of accuracy (95%CI)
TP FP FN TN Total Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV OR
Nurse A 60 10 34 67 171 40.9 (33.5–48.7) 63.8 (53.3–73.5) 87 (77.4–93.6) 85.7 (73.3–92.9) 66.3 (56.2–75.4) 11.8 (5.4–25.7)
Nurse B 61 6 33 71 171 39.2 (31.8–46.9) 64.9 (54.4–74.5) 92.2 (83.8–97.1) 91 (81.5–96.6) 68.3 (58.4–77.1) 21.9 (8.8–54.3)
Nurse C 39 0 55 77 171 22.8 (16.8–29.8) 41.5 (31.4–52.1) 100 (95.3–100) 100 (91–100) 58.3 (49.4–66.8) �

Nurse D 48 15 46 62 171 36.8 29.6–44.5) 51.1 (40.5–61.5) 80.5 (69.9–88.7) 76.2 (63.8–86) 57.4 (47.5–66.9) 4.31 (2.2–8.6)
Total 208 31 168 277 684 34.9 (31.4–38.6) 55.3 (50.1–60.4) 89.9 (86–93.1) 87 (82.1–91) 62.2 (57.6–66.8) 11.1 (7.3–16.9)

TP = true positive, FP = false positive, FN = false negative, TN = true negative

OR could not be calculated due to 0 values

information regarding the IACS Criteria, particularly relating to the definition of typical
lesions, is expected to be available soon, which will inform components of training [9].
Although a sensitivity of 55% for scabies diagnosis is lower than expected, a sensitivity of
94% for mild to moderate cases is substantial. Our results are similar to a previous study in Fiji,
where nurse examiners’ diagnosis was compared to a single experienced examiner, with

Fig 3. Prevalence of scabies by examiner with 95% confidence intervals.

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

Table 4. Accuracy of impetigo diagnosis.

Participants Screened (n) Impetigo % (95%CI) Measurement of accuracy (95%CI)
TP FP FN TN Total Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV OR
Nurse A 36 1 39 84 160 23.1 (16.8–30.4) 48.0 (36.3–59.8) 98.8 (93.6–100) 97.3 (85.8–99.9) 69.3 (59.3–76.4) 77.5 (12.9-)
Nurse B 42 3 35 89 169 26.6 (20.1–34) 54.5 (42.8–65.9) 96.7 (90.8–99.3) 93.3 (81.7–98.6) 71.8 (63–79.5) 35.6 (10.9–115)
Nurse C 53 2 24 92 171 32.2 (25.2–39.7) 68.8 (57.3–78.9) 97.9 (92.5–99.7) 96.4 (87.5–99.6) 79.3 (70.8–86.3) 102 (25.3-)
Nurse D 30 2 47 92 171 18.7 (13.2–25.4) 39.0 (28.0–50.8) 97.9 (92.5–99.7) 93.8 (79.2–99.2) 66.2 (57.7–74) 29.4 (7.4-)
Total 161 8 145 357 671 25.2 (21.9–28.7) 52.6 (46.9–58.3) 97.8 (95.7–99) 95.3 (90.9–97.9) 71.1 (66.9–75) 49.5 (24.1–102)

TP = true positive, FP = false positive, FN = false negative, TN = true negative

diagnosis based on the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness protocol [25]. Nurses in that
study had a higher sensitivity (89%) for cases of infected scabies (which may be represen-tative of
more severe disease) compared to non-infected scabies (58%). In our study, 66% of scabies
cases were mild, similar to the severity found in other studies [17, 20]. We suggest future training
incorporate a more specific focus on the diagnosis of mild scabies.
The lower sensitivity in the diagnosis of mild disease may have reflected the
normalization of mild cases by nurses, and strict diagnosis by expert examiners. This is
supported by the higher prevalence of scabies and impetigo by the reference standard
(55% and 45% respec-tively) compared to the index test (35% for scabies and 25% for
impetigo). Scabies and impe-tigo can be under-recognized by local health care workers
at the health clinic level [26], and therefore mapping of scabies and impetigo using non-
expert examiners may under-report the true disease prevalence. Improved awareness of
scabies in communities and amongst health care workers where it is endemic, as well
as the suggested modifications to training, may lead to improvements in accuracy.
Sensitivity for scabies diagnosis varied between the nurse examiners, from 41% to
65%, despite the same training and similar background experience. There were few false
positives, reflected by the narrow specificity range among nurses (87–100%). This again
highlights that missed mild disease was the major issue encountered. The range in
accuracy is as expected and illustrates the inherent variability in proficiency among
health care workers at all levels. If examiners were to be employed for mapping
exercises, a minimum competency (for example, of � 80%) should be achieved for
accreditation, similar to methods used in training for tra-choma [13] and other diseases.
The written, picture-based test was a valuable component of the training, enabling trainers
and nurses to identify areas for further training, prior to commencing supervised practical
training. The written test allowed trainers to revisit concepts that individuals may have not
grasped adequately, similar to the role of the GTMP slide-assessment [13]. We propose this
be used as a hurdle-requirement during training that must be passed to proceed to practical
train-ing. Refinements to the written test, such as the inclusion of more mild cases, may
ensure that the test is more representative of the clinical disease profile.
This study was the first to implement the IACS Criteria for scabies diagnosis. These criteria
were easily adapted for data collection, allowing standardization of diagnosis amongst the
examiners. However, the criteria rely on self-reported itch and contact history, which may be
less reliable components. Itch was reported more consistently by the participants (Fleiss
kappa = 0.63) than contact history (Fleiss kappa = 0.52). Potentially, these self-reported
history components may be less reliable in children than in adults.
We found a very high prevalence of scabies (55%) amongst the participants in the study.
This is much higher than previous figures reported by the Solomon Islands Ministry of Health.

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

It is likely that this high burden of disease has a detrimental impact on schooling
and health outcomes, highlighting the need for further epidemiologic mapping and
control responses in these settings.
This study has several limitations. First, all evaluations of scabies diagnosis are limited by the
lack of an objective reference or “gold” standard for diagnosis. However, agreement between the
expert examiners was good (kappa = 0.67 for scabies, kappa = 0.73 for impetigo). Second, the
blinding of expert assessment and the requirement of consensus diagnosis between two expert
examiners was used for a more rigorous diagnostic process. However, it is possible that the
consensus process led to an overly sensitive reference standard, particularly as 27% of individuals
required re-assessment and discussion for consensus. Many of these were mild cases with a very
small number of lesions, where one examiner had thought the most likely cause to be scabies. The
potential overdiagnosis may have reduced the diagnostic accu-racy of the index test. Third, we only
included clinical assessment of school-aged children, and accuracy may be different in other age
groups. However, scabies and impetigo present simi-larly among older children and adults [27], and
the inclusion of a wider age group may not yield vastly different results. Additionally, the inclusion of
only four non-expert examiners is a limitation, however, this was a feasible number for training and
ensured that training was closely supervised. Finally, due to resources and infrastructure available
in the school build-ings, particularly a lack of electrical power, and conditions of severe heat and
humidity, exam-iners had suboptimal lighting and examination conditions, which may have
influenced the results. Although limiting, this environment may reflect the real-world implementation
of the index test in settings such as the Solomon Islands. Conditions for examinations in low
resource settings may be optimized by the use of torches or external lighting for examination and
by emphasizing the need for appropriate working environments.

The results of this study reflect the training program, the participating examiners and the
population and may not be generalizable to other settings, particularly those with a lower prev-
alence. However, this study is an important step toward standardization of diagnosis of
scabies and impetigo for mapping and research in low-resource settings. In order for scabies
preva-lence mapping to occur, either in isolation, or integrated with other NTD assessments,
govern-ments and organizations need to be able to feasibly and confidently train local staff in
diagnosis. Further refinements to the training and assessment processes are required and
may lead to improvements in diagnostic accuracy.

Supporting information
S1 Table. Accuracy of moderate to severe scabies diagnosis.
S2 Table. Consistency in the reporting of history features.
S3 Table. STARD checklist.

We wish to thank the participating nurses, the school principal Nester Thugea and
teachers, and the participating children and families for their involvement and
support of the study. We would also like to thank Dickson Boara, Sophie Phelan,
Michael Marks, John Kaldor, Anneke Grobler, Deanne Seppy, Vivegan Visvalingam
and Ender Malasa for their assistance with study design and conduct.

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Diagnosis of scabies by non-expert examiners

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Millicent H. Osti, Daniel Engelman.
Data curation: Millicent H. Osti.
Formal analysis: Millicent H. Osti, Daniel Engelman.
Investigation: Margot J. Whitfeld, Daniel Engelman.
Methodology: Millicent H. Osti, Andrew C. Steer, Daniel Engelman.
Supervision: Andrew C. Steer, Daniel Engelman.
Writing – original draft: Millicent H. Osti.
Writing – review & editing: Millicent H. Osti, Oliver Sokana, Christina Gorae, Margot J.
Whitfeld, Andrew C. Steer, Daniel Engelman.

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