M Corresponds To The Larger Mass, M Is Smaller Mass, G Is The Acceleration Due To Gravity and A
M Corresponds To The Larger Mass, M Is Smaller Mass, G Is The Acceleration Due To Gravity and A
M Corresponds To The Larger Mass, M Is Smaller Mass, G Is The Acceleration Due To Gravity and A
The purpose of this lab is to test Newton's 2nd Law of Motion by constructing an Atwood
Machine (a pulley system with masses on either side of the pulley). Newton’s 2nd law states that
for a given net force the magnitude of acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass. The
Atwood machine will be used to study the relationship between mass, acceleration and net
forces. We measured velocity over time by releasing a 0.100kg weight with paperclip to equal
0.101kg, through the pulley system, with a 0.100kg on the other side. We found the acceleration
to be 0.038 m/𝑠 2 , while the theoretical value was 0.049m/𝑠 2 . Our theoretical value was not
within −+3SE, therefore, a systematic offset was present with a 28% percent error.
See attached graph labeled Acceleration of a Pulley System with Masses which shows that
acceleration increases over time (for 0.100kg masses only).
Trials for
0.050kg masses Acc m/s2 Formula m/𝑠 2
1 0.124 average 0.09244
2 0.0954 SD 0.013094884
3 0.0733 SE 0.00414
4 0.0908 3SE 0.01242
5 0.0897
6 0.0823
7 0.0923
8 0.0879
9 0.0983
10 0.0904
We came to the conclusion that the difference between the two masses influence their
acceleration. We got better results with the 0.050kg mass and concluded that the smaller the
mass, the faster the acceleration, double what the 0.100kg mass showed and therefore we were
successful in proving Newton’s 2nd Law. We showed only a 4.3% error with 0.050kg mass,
having far less error. Our calculated acceleration theory was 0.096 m/𝑠 2 while the actual was
0.094 m/𝑠 2 , the −+3SE was 0.029 so the SE range was 0.0634-0.126 which our value falls into.