Mixers 2
Mixers 2
Mixers 2
Liam Devlin
1. Introduction
Mixers are frequency translation devices. They allow the conversion of signals between a high frequency (the
RF frequency) and a lower Intermediate Frequency (IF) or baseband. In communications systems the RF is the
transmission frequency, which is converted to an IF to allow improved selectivity (filtering) and an easier
implementation of low noise and high gain amplification. This paper details the design of mixer circuits,
concentrating on low cost Printed Circuit Board (PCB) based designs using discrete Surface Mount Technology
(SMT) components.
2. The Fundamentals
The non-linear behaviour of a mixing device is used to realise the mixing function. Diodes, Field Effect
Transistors (FETs) and bipolar transistors can all be used as mixers and are all covered in this paper. Figure 1
shows the typical I-V characteristics of a Schottky diode, which can be described by equation (1).
I (mA)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
Vf (volts)
When expanded this contains the term 2a2Cos(ω1t)Cos(ω2t) which has the trigonometrical relationship shown
in (3). It is either the sum or difference term that is the desired output of a mixer.
Liam Devlin is with Plextek Communications Technology Consultants, London Road, Great Chesterford, Essex,
CB10 1NY Tel: +44 (0)1799 533200 Fax: +44 (0)1799 533201 Email: [email protected]
Diodes are “square-law” devices, which means the function describing their non-linear behaviour has a strong a2
component. This means that if excited correctly they should be able to produce a strong mixing product. Thus
the basic mixer design entails injecting the signals to be mixed and extracting the desired mixing product whilst
maximising the efficiency of the conversion. One significant problem with mixers is that in addition to the
wanted product, there are also numerous unwanted spurious products, often referred to as “spurs”. Figure 2
depicts the spectral output of a downconverting mixer. The Local Oscillator (LO) is mixed with the wanted RF
signal to produce a copy of the
RF signal at the difference
frequency (the IF). In general
the mixer will generate outputs IF
at a range of frequencies given (RF-LO)
by mRF ± nLO. The spectrum LO
shown in Figure 2 has an LO Image
frequency below the IF, this is (LO-IF) RF
known as low-side injection. 2IF
One frequency of particular 3IF
importance is the image
frequency. This is 2IF away
Figure 2: Mixer spectral output
from the RF and will be
converted directly to the same
IF frequency as the RF. Noise and unwanted signals present at this frequency can severely degrade the system
performance. Filtering and/or image reject mixers (covered later in this paper) are normally incorporated to
address this problem. More detailed information on the system design can be found in [1].
In the case of upconverting mixers the input signal is the IF and the desired output signal is either the product or
difference of the LO and IF frequencies, depending whether high-side or low-side injection is being used. If the
wanted output is LO+IF, the difference product (LO-IF) is termed the unwanted side-band, or image and must
be rejected by filtering or the use of an image-reject mixer.
Most mixers incorporate some form of filtering which helps to reduce the levels of the unwanted spurious
outputs. Another commonly used technique, which helps reduce spurious outputs, is the use of balanced mixer
designs. More detail on balanced mixer design is included in Section 4.
3. Mixer Terminologies
Listed below are some of the terms used in referring to mixers or mixing performance:
Conversion loss: The ratio of the wanted output signal level to the input, normally expressed in dB.
Noise Figure: The ratio of the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) at the input compared to the SNR at the output,
measured at 290K. To avoid ambiguity this paper will use the term noise figure to refer to the value of this ratio
in dB and the term noise factor to refer to the value as an absolute ratio.
Double Sideband (DSB) Noise Figure: Includes noise and signal contributions at both the RF and the
image frequencies.
Single Sideband (SSB) Noise Figure: No image signal is included although image noise is included.
Provided the mixer performance is the same at the image and the wanted frequencies, the SSB noise
factor = twice the DSB noise factor.
Compression: For small input signal levels, each dB increase in signal level results in a dB increase in the
output signal level. As the input signal level continues to increase, the conversion loss of the mixer will
eventually start to increase. The 1dB compression point is the input signal level at which the conversion loss has
increased by 1dB. Mixers should be used “backed-off” from the 1dB compression point as in addition to
distortion of the wanted signal, operation at or close to it would give rise to significant increases in the levels of
the spurious outputs.
Third Order Intercept Point. This is a figure of merit to give an indication of the mixer’s signal handling
capability. In particular it provides an indication of the levels of third order products a mixer is likely to
produce under multi-tone excitation. It is measured by applying two closely spaced input tones at frequencies F 1
and F2. Third order products from the
mixing of these tones with the LO (at
frequency FLO) occur at frequencies
given by: (2F1±F2)±FLO and
F 2 -F LO F 1 -F LO
P IF (2F2±F1)±FLO. In the case of a
downconvert mixer, the third order
products of most interest are (2F1-F2)-
∆L FLO and (2F2-F1)-FLO as they fall in, or
close to the IF band. Figure 3 depicts
(2F 2 -F 1 )-F LO (2F 1 -F 2 )-F LO the IF output spectrum of a
downconvert mixer under two-tone
Figure 3: IF spectrum for mixer third order intercept
The third order intercept point itself is
point measurement an entirely imaginary point, at which
the third order product becomes as
large as the direct downconverted product. The level of the third order products rises at three times the rate of
increase of the input signal level and fundamental output level. The mixer’s output referred third order intercept
point (TOIout) is given by equation (4), all values are in dB and it is the dB value of ∆L which is divided by 2.
TOI out = PIF + (4)
With mixers, the third order intercept point is often referred to the input, which just requires adding the
conversion loss to TOIout.
Linearity. The linearity of a mixer refers to its signal level handling ability. Thus a mixer with high linearity
will have a high TOI.
Spur’s. An abbreviation of spurious product. The term is used to describe any unwanted mixing product.
Sub-harmonic mixer. This is a mixer circuit designed to accept an LO input at a fraction (often a half) of the
desired LO mixing frequency.
Harmonic mixer. This is just another term for sub-harmonic mixer but is more commonly used for circuits
employing higher multiples of the input LO to produce the mixing LO.
Pump. A term sometimes used to describe the LO drive. The LO input is said to be “pumping” the mixer.
Image frequency. For high side injection (FLO > FRF) this is FLO + FIF, for low side injection (FLO < FRF) it is
FLO - FIF. In downconvert mixers, it is a frequency that is converted directly to IF along with the IF itself. In
upconvert mixers it is an unwanted sideband which, without additional filtering, is usually at a similar level to
the wanted signal.
Image-reject mixers. A more complex mixer configuration, which has the advantage of providing inherent
cancellation of the image signal.
Image enhancement. A method for reducing the conversion loss of a mixer by terminating the image frequency
in an appropriate reactive impedance. Should be used with caution as the resultant mixer can have severely
degraded intermodulation performance [5]. Also, the exact image impedance is normally found empirically.
4. Diode Mixers
Most modern diode mixer designs use Schottky diodes. The main reason for this is that the Schottky diode is a
majority carrier device which means it has a higher switching speed than p-n junction diodes [2]. In-expensive
plastic packaged diodes are now available, which are suitable for designing mixers up to around 13GHz.
Manufactures normally specify the intended application of a particular diode and the selection of a suitable
diode is a vital step in diode mixer design. It is also common for manufacturers to refer to diodes as low,
medium or high barrier. The higher the barrier height, the higher the forward voltage required to turn the diode
on. The exact definition of what constitutes a low, medium or high barrier is open to the manufacturer’s
interpretation. However, broadly speaking, for a forward current of 1mA, low barrier diodes require a forward
voltage of around 0.2 - 0.3V, medium 0.4 - 0.5V and high 0.6 - 0.7V. The higher the barrier, the higher the LO
drive which will be required to obtain low loss mixing but the resultant mixer should have greater linearity.
The electrical equivalent circuit for a packaged Schottky diode is shown in Figure 4. Also shown in Figure 4 is
a typical RF Schottky diode in a SOT23 package; with a pencil tip for size comparison, Lp and Cp are the
packaging parasitics. Rs is the parasitic series resistance of the diode and Cj and Rj are the non-linear
components of the Schottky diode junction. The non-linearity of Rj is responsible for the square law behaviour
of the diodes DC characteristics (Figure 1).
C j(V) R j (V)
1. Choose a suitable diode for the application. Factors effecting this choice include operating frequency,
available LO drive, cost versus performance trade-offs and package style.
2. Design the IF filter, the techniques described in [3] can be used. In addition to having low insertion loss
it is important that it presents a high input impedance at the LO and RF frequency's. See also the
comments on matching, below.
3. Design the RF and LO filters [3], in addition to having low loss and providing a diplexing action which
gives isolation between the two inputs, the common output of these filters must provide a high
impedance across the IF frequency band. See also the comments on matching, below.
4. Large signal simulators are now commonly available and most manufacturers supply large signal
models for their diodes. It is strongly recommended that, when possible, a large signal analysis of the
mixer be carried out prior to fabrication.
Matching: If a diode is considered as a switch, being either open or short-circuit, then impedance matching
between the mixer ports and the diode is not possible and indeed not necessary. However, it is more appropriate
to think of a mixer diode as a square-law device. The impedance that the diode presents is a time varying
impedance, dependent on the LO level and frequency. It is the time-averaged value of the diode’s impedance,
which must be used if matching is attempted. If an accurate large signal model and the packaging parasitics are
available, simulation of the LO-dependant diode impedance is possible. For those without access to a large-
signal simulator an estimate of the time-averaged value of Rj(V) and Cj(V) can be made. Matching to the diode
can improve the performance of a mixer but it must be addressed with care. It is important to note that the filter
requirements detailed in steps 2 and 3, above must still be satisfied with any matching networks present.
Linearity: The best way to improve the linearity of a diode mixer is to increase the LO drive level. Higher
barrier-height diodes should be used for best performance, provided that adequate LO drive is available.
Techniques such as image-enhancement should be avoided as this can degrade linearity [5].
One disadvantage of
balanced designs is that RF
they require a higher LO
drive level. Figure 6 shows 0
a block diagram of a single-
balanced mixer. It utilises LO 0°°
an anti-podal diode pair. -180°°
Matched diode pairs, in
various configurations, are R F sho rt-circu it
readily available in low-
cost plastic packages.
Other configurations of Figure 6: Block diagram of a single-balanced mixer
single-balanced mixers are
possible, more details can
be found in [2].
For the topology shown in Figure 6, the LO drive to the two diodes is in anti-phase (balanced) and the RF signal
is in-phase. If the mixing products are at mRF ± nLO, this mixer will reject all products where m is even. If the
RF drive were in anti-phase and the LO in-phase, all spurious products with n even would be rejected. The anti-
phase signal is also cancelled at the IF port. Because the LO drive should be at a significantly higher level than
the RF signal, it is often chosen as the anti-phase signal to increase the LO to IF isolation. However, it is also
important to consider the spurious rejection properties.
The ceramic resonator filter to the bottom left of Figure 8 is the RF image filter. At the output of this filter is
the lumped element RF filter of the mixer. It connects to the common port of the antipodal diode pair (in the
SOT23 package). The IF port of the mixer (at the top centre of Figure 8) is also connected to the common port
of the diode pair via a filter. The output of the RF filter needs to present an open circuit to the output of the IF
filter and vice-versa. The LO input is to the bottom right and a simple lumped element balun providing a
differential drive across the diode pair.
Vrf 0
0 5 10 15 20
Vlo 0
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 12 shows the result of multiplying the RF and LO waveforms. A low frequency sinusoid is clearly
visible. This is a replica of the RF signal (i.e. a sinusoid) translated to the IF frequency of 130MHz. Although
this method of mixer analysis
provides a qualitative
understanding of how the 1
mixer functions, it is not
adequate to predict the RF
functionality. Ideal square
wave multiplication, such as Vif 0
this, results in a conversion
loss of 3.9dB. In practice
diode-ring mixers have
additional losses (in the 1
baluns and diodes) and
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
imperfections which increase
the conversion loss actually n
achieved. A loss of between Figure 12: IF voltage waveform (Vrf*Vlo) versus time in ns
6 and 8dB is typical for a
well designed diode ring mixer. In order to predict accurately the mixer’s performance, large signal circuit
simulation must be performed.
The block diagram in Figure 9 shows the differential RF and LO signals provided using wire-wound ferrite
transformers. Wire-wound transformers can be used at frequencies up to over 2GHz but lower cost printed or
lumped element baluns are often implemented in practical mixers. At higher frequencies wire wound
transformers become impractical and printed and/or lumped baluns become the norm. Care should be taken to
consider how the performance of these baluns differs from wound transformers; additional filtering may be
necessary. An overview of practical balun configurations is given in Section 5.
The circuit makes use of an anti-parallel diode pair and provided the diodes are identical it has no fundamental
mixing response. It also benefits from the fact that the FRF and FLO are normally relatively close in frequency
(for a comparatively low IF). Thus the short circuit λLO/2 stub at the LO port is a quarter of a wavelength long
at the input frequency of FLO/2 and so is open circuit. However, at FRF this stub is approximately a half
wavelength long, so providing a short circuit to the RF signal. Conversely, at the RF input the open circuit
λLO/2 stub presents a good open circuit to the RF but is a quarter wavelength long at the frequency FLO/2 and so
is short circuit. The IF is normally far enough away from the RF frequency to allow easy realisation of an IF
filter presenting an open circuit output to the RF port.
λLO/2 λLO/2
The conversion loss versus RF frequency has been measured for this mixer at three LO input power levels
(+5dBm, +8dBm and +10dBm), a graph of the results is shown in Figure 16. For LO drive levels of 8 or
10dBm the conversion loss is between 9.5 and 11dB, which is only slightly more than would have been achieved
with a fundamental diode mixer design, with the advantage of only having to generate an LO signal at half the
actual LO frequency. One disadvantage to the mixer compared to a fundamental design is increased spurious
products. This is not only due to the fact that the mixer is not balanced but also that there are additional
spurious products due to spurs with F LO/2 products.
Conversion Loss (dB)
10 LO=+8dBm
11.7 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.5 12.7
RF Frequency (GHz)
Figure 16: Measured conversion loss versus frequency for sub-harmonic mixer
5. Baluns
A balun is used to transform a signal between BALanced and UNbalanced modes. An unbalanced signal is
referenced to a ground plane, as in a coaxial cable or microstrip. A balanced signal is carried on two lines and is
not referenced to a ground plane. Each line can be considered as carrying identical signal but with 180° of phase
difference. A comprehensive presentation of balun design is beyond the scope of this paper but an overview of a
number of practical implementations is given below and references are provided.
Wire-wound transformers are more expensive than the printed or lumped element baluns described below,
which find greater adoption in practical mixer designs. It should be noted that most of these lumped element and
printed baluns do not provide the centre-tapped ground to even mode signals and this fact must be accounted for
in the mixer design.
5.2. Printed baluns
C o m m o n -m o d e
in p u t
D ifferen tia l o u tp u t
O pen
C o m m o n-m o d e C ircu it
in pu t
D ifferen tia l o u tp u t
Figure 21: Printed Marchand Balun
2C 2C
Σ In /O u t1
In /O u t2 ∆
ωo L = = 2Zo
ω oC
6. FET Mixers
FETs can be used in mixers in both active and passive modes. Active FET mixers are transconductance mixers
using the LO signal to vary the transconductance of the transistor. They have the advantage of providing the
possibility of conversion gain
rather than loss and can also IF O u tp ut
have lower noise figures than
passive designs. Figure 25 RF and LO
In p u t
shows the simplest realisation of
a transconductance mixer,
biasing circuitry has been R F sh o rt-circu it
omitted for clarity. The RF (and
LO) short circuit at the drain is
important to ensure that the Figure 25: Simple transconductance mixer
value of Vds is not moved
significantly from its DC bias point by the applied LO. This ensures the magnitude of the time varying
transconductance is maximised so optimising the conversion gain. Unfortunately it also means that this mixer
topology is not well suited to realising upconverters.
The topology of Figure 25 has the disadvantage that some form of diplexing is required to separate the RF and
LO inputs which are incident on the same port. For this reason dual gate FET mixers are often used. This
toplogy is essentially a cascode arrangement of two transistors as shown in Figure 26, although in practice four
terminal dual gate FET devices are sometimes used.
The RF input is applied to the bottom device which is matched using the well-known techniques developed for
amplifier design, the LO signal is applied to the top device, which is often resistively matched. One advantage
this structure has is that the LO and
IF O u tp u t RF signals are inherently isolated. It
can be used to develop compact
L O In p u t mixers with conversion gain, as
described in [15]. Although the
potential of conversion gain rather
R F s h o rt-c irc u it than loss, which the
R F In p u t transconductance mixer offers, is
attractive the downside is that they
tend to have lower linearity than
passive designs.
FET switching mixers will not function well if the gates are left unbiased. If the LO signal is large enough to
turn the FETs “off” on the negative cycle, it will drive the gate-source junction in to forward bias on the
positive cycle. It is vital that the gate bias voltage is set appropriately if optimum mixer performance is to be
obtained. For discrete implementations this gives a problem as the specified range of pinch-off voltages for the
FETs can be very wide (-0.5V to –2.5V is a typical range). Whilst integrated designs can overcome this
problem with on-chip bias circuitry, for discrete designs there are two solutions: Select on test resistors can be
used to set the bias or a supply of FETs with a reduced range of pinch-off voltages can be agreed with the
manufacturer. Both solutions have cost penalties.
Rg Rg
G ate B ias
A practical implementation of this switching mixer is shown in Figure 29. Composite printed/lumped baluns,
with broadside coupling, are used for the RF and LO. The IF is extracted from the centre point of the RF balun
through an inductor (bottom left of the photograph)
which is open-circuit resonant at the RF frequency.
This mixer was part of an early GSM handset
design. It had a conversion loss of 8dB and an input
1dB compression point of +8dBm for an LO signal
level of +5dBm.
Q4 Q3
Figure 30: FET quad ring mixer
7. BJT Mixers
Discrete bipolar mixers tend to find applications in low cost, low power receivers such as discrete
implementations of pager front ends. Designs can be compact, inexpensive and have conversion gain, however
they tend to have poor linearity. Figure 31 shows two typical implementations of low cost, discrete bipolar
IF O u tp ut
IF O u tp ut
L O In pu t L O In pu t
R F Inp u t
R F Inp u t R F sho rt-circu it
R F sho rt-circu it
There is a wide range of commercially available Si bipolar integrated RF receivers and transceivers. The mixers
they contain differ significantly from the discrete implementations described above. The transistors fabricated
close to each other on an IC behave very similarly (they are well matched) and the die area they occupy is
smaller than that occupied by passive components [18]. This leads to different circuit topologies being exploited
with the almost universal choice for mixer realisation being the double-balanced “Gilbert Cell” [19] shown in
Figure 32. A long-tail differential pair amplifies the RF input to the mixer. This determines the gain of the
mixer and limits its linearity. The differential outputs of this amplifier are switched, by the LO signal,
alternately to each of the differential IF outputs. Once again it is essentially a multiplication of the RF by ±1 at
the LO frequency. This circuit relies on the different transistors being well matched and a discrete realisation is
not practical.
IF output
LO input
RF input
In-phas e LO
–3dB, 90° Hybrid splitter –3dB, 90° Hybrid
2 2 IF o u tp u t is L O -R F (w a n te d )
M 2 ⋅ ( LO − RF ) M 2 ⋅ ( RF − LO )
2 2
M 1 ⋅ ( LO − RF ) M 1 ⋅ ( RF − LO )
M 2 ⋅ ( LO − RF )
2 2
M 2 ⋅ ( RF − LO )
To achieve perfect image cancellation, the mixers must be identical and the amplitude balance and phase shift of
all quadrature and in-phase splitters perfect. An integrated solution will yield higher image rejection than a
discrete and image reject mixer ICs are commercially available. With care, a discrete implementation should be
able to achieve over 20dB of image rejection. The rejection of a discrete implementation can be improved if
tuning of the circuit is carried out but this is not normally a viable option for high volume commercial products.
9. Summary
This paper has attempted to explain the operation of RF mixers and to provide guidelines for their design.
Diode, FET and BJT implementations have been considered and a number of practical examples presented.
10. References
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