Program Activities:: Government Programs

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1. HIV/STI Prevention Program

Objective : Reduce the transmission of HIV and STI among the Most At Risk Population and General
Population and mitigate its impact at the individual, family, and community level.

Program Activities:

With regard to the prevention and fight against stigma and discrimination, the following are the
strategies and interventions:
1. Availability of free voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Service;
2. 100% Condom Use Program (CUP) especially for entertainment establishments;
3. Peer education and outreach;
4. Multi-sectoral coordination through Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC);
5. Empowerment of communities;
6. Community assemblies and for a to reduce stigma;
7. Augmentation of resources of social Hygiene Clinics; and
8. Procured male condoms distributed as education materials during outreach.

2. HIV Awareness Campaign (ABCDE)

The key to prevent HIV is ABCDE which stands for abstinence, be mutually faithful with you
partner, consistent and correct use of condoms, don’t use drugs and early detection and education

3. HIV and AIDS Policy Act of 2018 (Republic Act 11166)

An Act Strengthening the Philippine Comprehensive Policy on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Prevention, Treatment, Care, and Support, and,
Reconstituting the Philippine National Aids Council (PNAC), Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act No.
8504, Otherwise Known as the "Philippine Aids Prevention and Control Act of 1998"

For reference of the whole law :

4. Republic Act No. 8504 February 13, 1998

An act promulgating policies and prescribing measures for the prevention and control of hiv/aids in the
Philippines, instituting a nationwide hiv/aids information and educational program, establishing a
comprehensive hiv/aids monitoring system, strengthening the Philippine national aids council, and for
other purposes

For reference:

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