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Nutrition Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of

College Sportsmen

Peerkhan Nazni *1, MSc, MPhil, PhD, PGDY; Srinivasan Vimala2, MSc, MPhil

Authors’ Affiliation:
Purpose: Nutrition is an important component of any physical
1. Department of Food Science, fitness program. The main dietary goal for active individuals is to 93
Periyar University, Salem,
obtain adequate nutrition to optimize health fitness and to increase
Tamilnadu, India
sports performance. The present study aims to assess the nutrition
2. Department on Nutrition,
knowledge, attitude and practice among the selected athletes.
Shanmuga college of Nursing,
Salem, Tamilnadu, India Methods: Athletes from five different private colleges situated in
Salem District, Tamilnadu, India were selected. A total number of
102 athletes, 32 sportsmen belong to Volleyball discipline, 25
belongs to weightlifter discipline and 45 belong to runners
discipline in sports. All the selected athletes were including in the
* Corresponding Author; study. The Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) questionnaire
Address: Reader and Head,
Department of Food Science, Periyar contained ten questions about nutrition knowledge, nine questions
University, Salem, Tamilnadu, India about attitudes, and ten questions about dietary practice were
E-mail: collected from the selected athletes. Dietary composition of the
sportsmen is also assessed. The collected data was coded and used
for evaluation.
Results: Results about KAP revealed that 42 per cent of the
Received: Nov 20, 2009 volleyball players had good nutritional knowledge (60 – 69per
Accepted: Apr 21, 2010 cent) compared to weight lifters (43per cent) who had satisfactory
(50 – 59per cent) knowledge about nutrition. Twenty nine per cent
of the runners had very good (70 – 79per cent) knowledge about
nutrition. Regarding food consumption pattern intake of cereals,
Key Words: Athletes; Practice; other vegetables and milk was found to be less compared to the
Supplements; Knowledge; RDA for the athletes. Among the three disciplines sports persons,
the mean nutrient intake of the runners is high compared to
volleyball and weight lifters.
Conclusion: The sports disciplines strongly affected the nutrition
knowledge, attitudes and practices of sportsmen. The overall scores
indicate that most sportsmen had good knowledge of nutrition and

Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol 1 (No 2), June 2010, Pages: 93-100

© 2010 by Sports Medicine Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, All rights reserved. 
Nazni P, et al

INTRODUCTION Salem, Tamilnadu, India with the age group of 19- 24

years was selected by purposive sampling techniques.

N utrition plays a very important role in attaining

high level of achievements in sports. Nutritional
status has a direct bearing on the level of physical
The subjects in the present study were state and
national sportsmen. The sportsmen belonged to varied
sports disciplines viz. volleyball (n=32) weight lifters
performance. Hence, physical fitness and training are (n=25) and runners (n=45). Letters requesting trainers
very much dependent on nutritional status of sports consent were sent to their homes or clubs of the
personnel[1]. Nutrition is an important complement of respective sportsmen. The study had been approved by
any physical fitness program. The main dietary goal for the Ethical Committee Members of the institution.
active supplement information from nutritionists/ Questionnaire development: A well framed and
dietitians and individuals is to obtain adequate nutrition standardized questionnaire cum interview schedule was
to optimize health and fitness or sports performance[2]. used to elicit information on the following aspects. It
Nutrition is an important component of any physical consists of questions under various concepts such as
fitness program. The main dietary goal for active demographic, nutritional knowledge, attitudes,
individuals is to obtain adequate nutrition to optimize practices and sportsmen supplements questions. This
health and fitness or sports performance[3]. This is not question was developed from a similar study evaluating
only important to help to improve performance but also the nutritional knowledge of athletes by Mitchell[8].
to promote healthy dietary practices in the long term[4]. Face and content validity of the questionnaire was
So, a reasonable strength and condition program and a established in the study. The content of this
well balance diet must be presented as a sensible questionnaire was based on the common practices
alternative to a riskier, shortcut mindset[5]. followed by south Indian athletes.
Compare with parents, it has been found that The diet recall was a documentation of the actual
trainers had more influence on the attitude, subjective application of the selected player’s nutritional
norms, and intention of adolescents regarding knowledge. It consisted of 15 multiple choice questions
supplement use[6]. Adolescents from low income regarding particular foods that were consumed with the
communities receive less educational resources and last seven days. The diet recall contains questions that
may possess insufficient knowledge of nutrition and were a modification of the nutritional section of the
sports supplements to make health conscious decisions. 2005 Youth Risk Behavior Survey that is completed
Their study also indicated that a short – term nutritional each year by the Center for Disease Control
education program can significantly improve Prevention[9]. The diet recall answers were based on the
supplementations knowledge[7]. 1996 food guide pyramid, since the participants
However, there have been few studies assessing obtained information from health class using the
nutritional knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of previous guidelines. One registered and licensed
male athletes. The purpose of this study was to assess dietitian examined the questionnaire and diet recall for
the dietary composition and nutrient intake and clarity, order and selections as well as for content and
compare with RDA and also to evaluate the nutritional face validity. The diet recall was also viewed by five
knowledge of the selected sportsmen. certified athletic trainers who have nutrition knowledge
and experience working with athletes from various
The developed interview scheduled was coded and
used for evaluation. The dietary composition and
nutrient intake such as energy, protein, carbohydrate,
METHODS AND SUBJECTS fat, iron and calcium was calculated using the nutrient
value of Indian Food [10] and compared with RDA. The
Subjects: The study cohort, 102 sportsmen belongs to entire data was collected over a period of six months
five private colleges affiliated to Periyar University, from January 2007 to June 2007.

Vol 1, No 2, June 2010

Nutrition KAP of College Sportsmen 

Procedures: Questionnaires were distributed to the group of 23±0.6 years. All the participants were males.
selected athletes. A cover letter was included to explain About 60.7% of the participants were in Undergraduate
the purposes of the study to the participants and to degree course and 39.3% of the participants were doing
indicate their rights as participants. The demographic their Post graduate degree courses. Regarding the
questions, nutritional knowledge questionnaire and diet average number of years the participants played their
recall were distributed to the athletes on an assigned respective disciplined sports revealed that 66.3% of the
day. The cover letter and directions were read aloud participants were involved for 20.7±0.6 years and
while the participants read along. After the direction 33.7% of them were involved for 5.07±1.57 years.
was read, time was allotted for the participants to Seventy eight percent of the participants said they
complete the study. After completing both learned about nutrition in health class. About 80% of
questionnaires and the diet recall, the participants were the participants ate breakfast on most days. There were
asked to place them in a labeled envelope in the front 95% of the participants who ate their lunches every
of the room. The primary investigator collected the day. Result about frequency of meals and snacks 95
envelope after the participants left the room. consumed by the participants indicated the average
Statistical analysis: Pearson correlation and Z scores meals were 3 meals and the average numbers of snacks
were used to analyze the KAP. Z scores are used to were 4 snacks per day.
establish how many standard deviations above or Food Intake: Table 1 presents the composition of the
below the mean test score value lies. All statistical diet consumed by the sportsmen studied. The
analysis was performed with the use of SPSS for comparison of the food ingredients recommended in
WINDOWS (version 15; SPSS Inc, Chicago). diet A 1993 indicate that there was a vast difference in
the actual consumption. The intake of cereals and other
vegetables was less among all the participants. The
milk and fat consumption of Runners was high. The
consumption of fruits and vegetables was always
RESULTS stressed for their potential health benefits however the
recommended scale of ration is low.
Demographic information: The results showed that Regarding diet recall response (Table 2) 4.58% of
55% of the selected athletes were in the age group of the participants drank 100% fruit juice 4- 6 times in the
20±0.2 years and 45% of them belongs to the age last seven days. During the past seven days 26.79% of

Table 1: Dietary Composition of sportsmen

Recommended dietary allowances Volley ball Weight
Nutrients Runners
CES 1993 g/day/person players lifters
Cereals 550 340 340 348
Pulses 40 78 55 55
Protective vegetables 150 260 200 200
Other vegetables 200 130 90 110
Roots and tubers 150 200 180 180
Fruits 150 410 300 300
Milk 1000 760 800 1400
Fat 50 60 65 67
Sugar 75 80 55 55
Meat 400 425 460 510
Eggs 100 125 100 100

Vol 1, No 1, March 2010  

Nazni P, et al

Table 2: Diet recall response of the sportsmen

1-3 times 4-6 times

Frequency consumption of 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times
Did not during the during the
foods for past 7 days per day per day per day per day
past 7 days past 7 days
100per cent fruit juice 20.1 3.26 4.58 11.76 9.80 17.64 11.10
Fruit (1 medium size) - 12.42 26.79 13.06 9.15 12.42 24.18
Salad(50g) 28.43 10.46 - 3.92 24.19 29.41 11.11
Potatoes(50g) 11.76 17.65 20.26 10.46 16.99 16.99 7.84
Carrots(50g) 11.11 15.03 36.59 6.54 18.30 - 10.46
Other vegetables (50g) 4.08 9.15 23.53 30.71 10.46 15.69 3.92
96 Glass of milk (150ml) - 7.19 9.80 19.60 11.76 43.79 5.88
Chicken, fish or red meat 5.23 35.29 20.92 26.15 10.46 5.23 -
Beans, peanut, butter, - 24.19 5.23 26.15 17.64 15.02 11.76
peas and nuts (each 100g)
Cereals or bread (500g) 9.15 24.19 7.19 28.11 17.65 13.73 11.76
Rice, pasta and crackers 18.95 9.80 3.26 39.22 4.57 13.73 8.5
Fast foods (200g) 4.58 12.42 3.26 25.49 17.64 2.77 7.19
Glass of soda(cont one - 11.11 35.95 14.38 8.5 15.03 13.07
12oz can of soda or a 16oz
bottle as one glass)
Junk foods (150g) 14.05 9.80 11.11 24.19 24.83 6.54 6.54
Glasses of water (150ml) - 11.11 37.25 6.54 17.65 5.88 19.61

the participants ate fruit 4- 6 times. About 36.59% of and body weight. The nutrient intake of the sportsmen
the participants ate carrot 4- 6 times in the past seven was well comparable with RDA expect for protein and
days. About 43.79% of participant’s drank milk 3 times iron.
per day. Fast food was preferred by 25.49% of the The calorie intake was positively correlated with the
participants one time per day. About 35.95% of the body weight (r=0.5). The protein intake was low in
participants drank only 4- 6 times of soda during the comparison to RDA for Volleyball players and
past seven days. Regarding junk food about 24.83% of Runners. Both fat and iron intake was also low in
the participants consumed 2 times per day. Results on comparison to RDA for volleyball players, weight
water consumption revealed that 37.25% of the lifters and runners.
participants either drank water 4- 6 times in the past Nutrition Knowledge: Elite athletes are generally
seven days, 2 times (17.65%), 3 times (5.88%) or 4 knowledgeable and sophisticated with regard to
times (19.61%) per day. nutrition and effect on performance. Runners were best
Nutrient Intake: Nutrient intake of elite athletes is a informed and aware about the role of nutrients in
critical determinant of their performance and ability to athletic performance followed by volleyball players
compete. The nutrient intake (Table 3) shows and in that order with weight lifters faring least score.
significant variation with respect to sports discipline Carbohydrate was reported to be the concentrated

Vol 1, No 2, June 2010

Nutrition KAP of College Sportsmen 

Table 3: Nutrient intake of south Indian sportsmen

Body wt Energy Protein Carbohydrate Fat Iron Calcium

(kg) (Kcals) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
Volley ball players 55± 6.7 3972.6 ±575.6 122.2 ± 11.5 485.5 ± 50.9 109.4 ± 17.6 25 ±4.21 1650 ±105.3
Weight lifters 69.1±8.21 3563.7 ±350.7 155.3 ±30.2 545.1± 82.4 113.5 ±13 35.6 ±4.03 1810 ±238.2
Runners 60.2±5.4 4330.6 ±675.6 114.3 ±21.5 480.5 ± 120.0 107.8 ± 17.6 28.6 ±3.2 1440 ±151.2
RDA 3000-6000 135- 225 400 - 600 120 - 200 50 1500 - 2000
Ref: Sathyanarayana (1985) [11]

source of energy followed by protein and fat. The dietary practices (Table 6) of the sportsmen 97
Sportsmen were aware of the role of protein in muscle were variable. Among the selected athletes 63% of
building. The runners had a better knowledge about the them adopted a change in the dietary pattern at the time
role of vitamins and minerals and were able to list the of competition. Skipping of meals prior to competition
sources of iron, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C and was participated by 69 percent of the selected athletes.
the protective effects of fruits and vegetables. The Awareness about carbohydrate loading was seen in 38
sportsmen were aware of the importance of hydration percent of the selected athletes and consumption of
during the athletic period (Table 4). glucose polymer drink during exercise was followed by
Nutritional Attitude and Practice: The statements 58 percent of the athletes. Habit of taking energy bars
designed for the attitude test were based on certain during exercise was practiced by 34 percent of the
common beliefs, tradition, food fads and attitudes of athletes, consumption of energy gel during exercise
Indian athletes (Table 5). was not observed in 64 percent of the athletes,
About 90% of sportsmen agreed the attitude about consumption of rising was practiced by 66 percent of
exercise affect protein requirement, 87% of them the athletes at the time exercise. Habit of consuming
strongly disagree the statement of high water isotonic sports drinks was observed in 44 percent of the
consumption will increase the body weight , 80 percent selected athletes.
of them strongly agree that vitamin supplementation is Sports discipline had strong influence on the
recommended for physically active people and 72% nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practice of selected
of the athletes strongly agree that dehydration will sportsmen. The interview schedule used to gather
impair physical performance. Only 46.66% of them information about nutrition Knowledge, Attitude and
had a correct attitude that high consumption of ghee, Practice (KAP) was coded and analyzed using ‘Z’
almonds and milk enhance the performance of the score (Table 7). Z scores help to establish how many
athletes. Standard Deviation (SD) lies above or below the mean

Table 4: Nutrition knowledge of sportsmen

Volley Ball players Weight lifters Runners

S.No Nutrition Aspects
(positive answers %) (positive answers %) (positive answers %)
1 Carbohydrate 56 68 79
2 Protein 42 43 75
3 Fat 35 18 39
4 Vitamins and minerals 45 23 48
5 Hydration 51 17 43

Vol 1, No 1, March 2010  

Nazni P, et al

Table 5: Attitude of sportsmen regarding nutritional practices

Correct Percentage
S. No Statements
Response correct
1 A lack of Iron in the diet can result in fatigue, injury and illness SA 53.3
2 Dehydration can impair physical performance SA 72
3 The Nutritional needs of athletes differ from normal population SA 60
4 Vitamin supplementation is recommended for physically active people SA 80
5 Excess vitamin supplementation may harm the physically active person SA 76.66
6 High consumption of ghee almonds and milk enhance performance SA 46.66
7 High amount of water consumption will increase the body weight SD 86.66
8 Dietary pattern should change with season and climatic conditions A 65.33
9 How does exercise diet protein requirement A 90
98 SA: Strongly agree / A: Agree / U: Undecided / D: Disagree / SD: Strongly Disagree

test score values. The overall scores indicate that most DISCUSSION
sportsmen had satisfactory knowledge of nutrition and
supplements. Breakfast as a part of a healthy diet and life style can
positively impact student’s health and well being.

Table 6: Dietary practices of sportsmen

Yes No
S. No Questionnaires
No (%) No (%)
1 Is you dietary pattern change at the time of competition 95 (63.3) 55 (36.67)
2 Do you skipping meals prior to competition 47 (31.33) 103 (68.67)
3 Do you consuming sports drinks every day before practicing 39 (26) 111 (74)
4 Do you practice carbohydrate loading prier to competition 58 (38.67) 92 (61.33)
Do you consume glucose polymer drink (12g of glucose / 100ml) 87 (68) 63 (42)
during exercise?
(A) 250 ml (30g CHO) A=44
(B) 500 ml (60g CHO) B=43
Are you having the habit of taking energy base during exercise? 51 (34) 99 (66)
6 (A) ½ - 1 bar (30g CHO) A=24 A=38
(B) ½ - 1 bar (60g CHO) B=27 B=61
Do you consume energy gel during exercise 54 (36) 96 (64)
7 (A) 1 sachet (30g CHO) A=20
(B) 2 Sachet (60g CHO) B=34
Will you consume rising (or) sultanas at the time exercise? 99 (66) 51 (34)
8 A) 40g (30g CHO) A=54
B) 80g (60g CHO) B=45
Will you practice of eating bananas during exercise? 87 (68) 63 (42)
9 a) 1-2 banana (30g CHO) A=44
b) 2-3 bananas (60 g CHO) B=43
Do you consume isotonic sports drink (6g/100ml) during exercise 66 (44) 94 (36)
10 A) 500 ml (30g CHO) A=23
B) 1000 ml (6g CHO) B=43

Vol 1, No 2, June 2010

Nutrition KAP of College Sportsmen 

Table 7: Nutrition knowledge, Attitudes and practice of sportsmen based on Z Scores

Volley ball players Weight lifters Runners

Standard scores
(%) (%) (%)
Excellent > 80 Nil 14 3
Very good 70 - 79 18 7 29
Good 60 - 69 42 21 32
Satisfactory 50 - 59 25 43 25
Regular 40 - 49 7 11 7
Poor 30 – 39 8 4 4
Very poor 20 - 29 Nil Nil Nil
Bad < 20 Nil Nil Nil 99

Compared to 80% of the participants in this study who Pyramid’s recommendations of 2- 3 serving (App.
ate breakfast, Buergel’s[12] study indicated that only 41 200g) of chicken or beef per day[17].
per cent eat breakfast, while the remaining 59% skip There were encouraging results from this study.
breakfast more than three times a week. Hickson[13] Results about fast food consumption revealed that
study indicated that only 19 per cent of his sportsmen 25.49% of the participants ate fast food only once a day
ate breakfast and 81 per cent skipped breakfast almost and 4.58% of the participants did not eat in the past
daily. Although in one study 87% of participants said seven days. These numbers are surprising considering
they ate breakfast on most days, 54% of those breakfast the prevalence of fast food in today’s world. Eating fast
were high in fat[14]. By skipping breakfast, adolescents food only one time in a week is not a poor choice when
have already started off poorly and are mission out on considering that some fast food choices may actually
the essential nutrients[15]. Regarding diet recall be healthy. One study indicated that 77.5% of
responses of the athletes about 43.79% of the athletes participants ate junk food daily and the majority
drank 3 cups of milk 3 times every day. This is very consumed junk food several times a day[18].
similar when compared to the new My Pyramid Results about soda consumption indicated that the
guidelines in which 3 cups are recommended every participants are not drinking soda in excess. About
day. 14.38% of the participants drank soda only one time in
Calcium intake is an important source of growing the last week. These numbers seem low to one study
strong healthy bones. Not getting proper amounts of that claimed that 79.4% of adolescents consume soft-
calcium in the diet can pose a big health risk for drinks daily[19].
adolescent’s athletes now and in the future.
Athletes are not getting the recommended serving of
fruit and bread cereals group. Only 9.15% of
participants eat My pyramid recommended 2 cups of
fruits per day[16]. The serving size is similar to the 1996 CONCLUSION
Food Guide Pyramid of 2-4 serving per day consisting
of 1 medium piece of fruit or ½ cup of chopped The present study reveals that there is a paucity of
fruit[17]. Around 10.46% of participants are consuming nutrition education intervention among selected
the recommended serving of meat or protein. My sportsmen. There is sports specific variation in the food
pyramid recommends that adolescents consume 5.5 oz fads and practices indicating the strong influence of
meat daily[16]. This is similar to the 1996 Food Guide coaches and peers and tradition. It is vital to educate

Vol 1, No 1, March 2010  

Nazni P, et al

the sportsmen and accustom them to dietary pattern in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

different regions of India and abroad. Failure to
consume right diet during competition due to false The authors would like to thank all the coaches of
belief and constant fear of eating prohibited foods may different discipline and all healthy athletes who
hamper performance. Hence, delivering continuous willingly participated in the study. The authors are
education through workshops and courses helps to immensely thankful to the Institutional Review Board
improve trainers’ nutritional knowledge, attitudes and for approving the conduct of the study and Geethanjali
practices. Kelkar et al for their supportive studies.

Conflict of interests: The author(s) declare that they

have no conflict of interests.


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Vol 1, No 2, June 2010


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