CRA Report 2
CRA Report 2
CRA Report 2
Verification of Met Office Unified Model (UM)
quantitative precipitation forecasts during
the Indian monsoon using the
Contiguous Rain Areas (CRA) method
March 2015
March 2015
Earth System Science Organisation
National Centre For Medium Range Weather Forecasting Document
Control Data Sheet
1 Name of the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting
2 Document NMRF/RR/03/2015
3 Date of March 2015
4 Title of the Verification of Met Office Unified Model (UM) quantitative
document precipitation forecasts during the Indian Monsoon using the
Contiguous Rain Area (CRA) method
5 Type of Research Report
6 No.of pages & 32 Pages, 15 Figures and 3 Tables
7 Number of 31
8 Author (S) Raghavendra Ashrit, Elizabeth Ebert*, Ashis K. Mitra, Kuldeep
Sharma, Gopal Iyengar and E.N. Rajagopal
9 Originating NCMRWF
10 Abstract The operational medium range rainfall forecasts of the Met
(100 words) Office Unified Model (UM) are evaluated over India during six
monsoon (JJAS) seasons from 2007-2012 using the Contiguous
Rainfall Area (CRA). The forecasts show a wet bias (due to
excessive number of rainy days) and higher rainfall frequency
for thresholds of 0-20 mm d -1. Over the South-West (SW) India,
the forecasts tend to underestimate rain intensity and the events
tended to be displaced to the west and southwest of the observed
position on an average by about 1° distance. Over eastern India
(E) forecasts of lighter (heavy) rainfall events tend to be
displaced to the east on an average by about 1°(southwest by 1-
2°). In all four regions, the relative contribution to total error
due to displacement increases with increasing CRA threshold.
11 Security Non-Secure
12 Distribution Unrestricted Distribution
13 Key Words
The operational medium range rainfall forecasts of the Met Office
Unified Model (UM) are evaluated over India using the Contiguous
Rainfall Area (CRA) verification technique. In the CRA method, forecast
and observed weather systems are objectively matched to estimate
location, volume, and pattern errors. Daily rainfall forecasts from six
(2007-2012) monsoon seasons are verified against two observed
rainfall datasets, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)
rainfall and the India Meteorological Department and NCMRWF merged
rainfall data (NSGM).
The model forecasts show a wet bias (due to excessive number of
rainy days) and higher rainfall frequency for thresholds of 0-20 mm d-1
when verified against both observed data sets. Verification against the
NSGM data consistently suggests higher skill in the forecasts as
compared to TRMM data. Forecast rain systems are also verified using
10, 20 and 40 mm d-1 CRA thresholds for four sub-regions namely (a)
north west (NW) (ii) south west (SW) (iii) eastern (E) and (d) north
east (NE) sub-region. Over the SW sub-region, the forecasts tend to
underestimate rain intensity. In the SW region, the forecast events
tended to be displaced to the west and southwest of the observed
position on an average by about 1° distance. Over eastern India (E)
forecasts of lighter (heavy) rainfall events tend to be displaced to the
east on an average by about 1°(southwest by 1-2°). In all four regions,
the relative contribution to total error due to displacement increases
with increasing CRA threshold. These findings can be useful for
forecasters and for model developers with regard to the model
systematic errors associated with the monsoon rainfall over different
parts of India.
1. Introduction
contributes over 75% of the annual rainfall in most parts of the Indian
subcontinent and is the lifeline for agriculture and economy of the entire
sporadic weather events having spatial scales from 100 to 1000 km. The
daily and weekly rainfall during the season poses a significant forecasting
conditions is quite low (Goswami and Ajay Mohan 2001). Drivers of the
predicted position of the rain system, shape and size of the rain pattern,
grid scale. Ebert (2008), Ebert and Gallus (2009), and Gilleland et al.
and to separate the total error into components due to location, volume,
and pattern errors (Ebert and McBride 2000; Ebert and Gallus 2009).
The present study forms an important component of India’s
range rainfall forecasts over India are evaluated in this study to assess
the model performance during the monsoon season. The Met Office
Unified Model rainfall forecasts (UM hereafter) during the six monsoon
(JJAS) seasons from 2007 to 2012 are evaluated using traditional and
verification over India based on different models (Mandal et al. 2007, Das
et al. 2008, Ashrit and Mohandas 2010, Chakraborty 2010, Iyengar et al.
2011). In general these studies indicate that the average root mean
rainfall regions and that RMSE increases with lead time. Spatial
show that models tend to have better forecast skill over northern and
UM forecasts and its comparison with National Centre for Medium Range
examples of CRA method applied to rain systems over India and discusses
data sets, (a) the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 (V7)
daily multi-sensor 0.25° x 0.25° gridded rainfall and (b) the IMD and
daily rainfall data accumulated at 0000 UTC is used in this study to match
with the Met Office forecast which is also accumulated at 0000 UTC.
However, the NSGM data which uses 24 hour gauge rainfall and the 3
TRMM rainfall data have been used in numerous studies since its
the monsoon region are very useful for monsoon studies and verification
of rainfall forecasts, since they cover large data sparse oceanic regions.
However there are biases over the land regions which require correction
(Mitra et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2013). The NSGM objectively analyses IMD
daily rain gauge observations onto a 1° grid using a successive
the first guess field, thus providing spatially continuous rainfall over land
appropriate for capturing the large scale rain features associated with the
monsoon. The merging of the IMD gauge data into TRMM 3B42 not only
corrects the mean biases in the satellite estimates but also improves the
Both the rainfall analyses (TRMM and NSGM) are used in the
present study. The higher resolution of the TRMM data may detect spatial
detail and heavier rainfall that is not resolved by the coarser NSGM, as
can be seen in Figure 2 for the case of 24 hour accumulated rainfall valid
for 00Z22nd August 2012. On the other hand, the TRMM estimates
sometimes miss out on some of the heavy rain over land that is captured
by the gauge observations in the NSGM analysis (Mitra et al. 2009 and
different thresholds (1, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160 mm d-1) is shown for both
TRMM and NSGM in Figure 3, based on data exclusively over the land
regions. While both data sets have similar rain intensity distributions,
2.2 Model Rainfall Forecasts over India
modelling system developed and used at the Met Office in the United
different configurations of the same model are used across all time and
costly ocean component. It can be run in global and limited area domains
and can also be coupled to land surface, ocean models, wave models,
This study uses the rainfall forecasts from the Met Office operational
per year. Some of the important changes during the 2007-2012 study
time stepping. It is a grid point model with the ability to run with a
1990, Gregory and Allen 1991, Grant 2001), boundary layer turbulence
al., 2003). The model is initialized using a state of the art global four
Day1 (t+0 ->t+24h) through Day5 (t+96h -> t+120h). For brevity, the
results are presented for Day1 forecasts. It is found that the results for
Day2, Day3, Day4 and Day5 forecasts (not shown) are consistent with
rainfall data over land only, to focus on model performance over land.
predictions. The forecast daily rainfall fields are verified using standard
categorical verification scores frequently employed in evaluating
(BIAS) , Equitable Threat Score (ETS) and Hanssen and Kuipers score (HK
errors in predicted location, the CRA method decomposes the total error
location errors in the model forecasts suggest issues with the model
dynamics. The volume and pattern errors possibly emanate from physics
given here.
rain system with an observed rain system under the assumption that they
are associated with a common synoptic situation, which is reasonable for
monsoon rain events. During the monsoon season, large parts of India
the location error. Here the forecast field is horizontally translated over
the observed field until the best match is obtained. The geometric
estimated fields forms the location error or vector displacement. The best
overlaying the centres of gravity of the two entities. For a good forecast,
all of the methods will give very similar location errors. In the present
error, volume error and pattern error) are computed as shown below (see
MSEDisplacement = 2sFsO (rOPT - r),
In the above expressions F’ and O’ are the mean forecast and observed
precipitation values after shifting the forecast to obtain the best match, sF
value (rOPT) in the process of correcting the location via pattern matching.
that matched well with observations when the optimum correlation (rOPT)
was (statistically) significantly greater than zero (accessed via two tailed
and tropics in general is a challenge for the NWP models. While the
evident even in the observed and forecast seasonal mean rainfall over
India. The observed and forecast mean JJAS rainfall over India during
2012 is shown in Figure 5 for forecasts with different lead times. The
rainfall in terms of high rainfall amounts (16-32 mm d-1) along the west
Similarly, the model captures high rainfall amounts (16-32 mm d-1) over
India. The model shows large biases in rainfall over northern India
adjoining the Himalayas. This feature is typical and can be seen during
each of the monsoon seasons. The low level winds (850 hPa; not shown)
over the Gangetic plains typically show strong easterly bias (Iyengar et al.
2011) which partly explains the rainfall bias over that region. To further
for the Day1 forecasts and the two observation data sets (TRMM and
It is also found that the model features high number of rainy days
distribution of the rainy day counts over India in Figure 7. The panels (a)
and (b) show the observed (NSGM) and forecast count of rainy days
(rainfall >1mm d-1). The difference between the two is striking with the
parts of India. The forecasts have an excessive number of rainy days,
throughout the SW, E and NE regions of India. Even over most of the dry
The panels (c) and (d) show the rainy day counts in the UM forecasts with
2mm d-1 and 5mm d-1 thresholds respectively. The 5mm d-1 threshold
produces a more realistic pattern overall of the rainy day counts where
other hand, large parts of the peninsula show a reduced number of rainy
than average. Over the north east (NE) the number of rainy days is still
India are summarized using box and whisker plots in Figure 8. Scores are
pairs of each day during the six monsoon seasons and represent the grid
scale QPF performance that may be expected on any given day. The
verification results are presented against both TRMM and NSGM data.
The panels in the top row (Figure 8a,b) show the Probability of
Detection (POD) and Success Ratio (SR). While POD indicates the fraction
forecast ‘yes’ events that were actually observed. Both scores range from
0 to 1 with 1 being a perfect score. Both the scores have high values for
the NSGM shows higher scores at all thresholds compared to verification
against TRMM.
The two panels in the middle row (Figure 8c,d) show Probability of
False Detection (POFD) and Bias Score or Frequency Bias (BIAS). POFD
events. POFD varies from 0 to 1 with 0 being a perfect score. The POFD
values indicate that forecasts have high false alarms at low rainfall
thresholds. Again, the verification against the NSGM shows better score
values compared to TRMM. The Frequency Bias (BIAS) indicates how the
Similarly, the panels in the bottom row (Figure 8e,f) show the box
and whisker plots for two summary scores, the Equitable Threat Score
(ETS) and Hanssen and Kuipers score (HK Score). While ETS tells how the
random hits), HK Score tells how well the forecasts separate the ‘yes’ and
‘no’ events. For both scores, 0 denotes no skill and 1 means a perfect
score. The ETS and HK show low values of the score at all rainfall
3.2 Example of CRA Verification over India
and intensity using the CRA verification method. We first demonstrate the
heavy rain event over western India on 3rd July 2007 associated with a
low pressure system that formed over the Arabian Sea close to the Indian
coast and moved inland over the Gujarat region. The verification scores
POD=0.82). The RMSE was 24.5 mm d-1, about half of the observed mean
rainfall. Although the forecast underestimated the average rain rate, the
predicted rain volume was higher than the observations due to a larger
area of rain being predicted. The biases can be related to high forecast
rainfall along the Myanmar coast and along the foothills of Himalayas.
isolate the heavy rainfall along the west coast of India. The CRA is
bounded by the domain from 8.5° - 26°N and 69° – 78.5°E and includes
the forecast and observed rainfall after attaining the best match (rOPT) by
shifting the forecast slightly to the north. For this forecast, the CRA
3.3 CRA verification results for 2007-2012
considered as rainfall zones for CRA verification. The rainfall over north-
eastern India (NE) and the south-western peninsula (SW) strongly reflects
the effects of the low level monsoon flow and the orographic
enhancement over the mountains. The rainfall over eastern India (E) can
be associated with the monsoon trough and south-easterly flow from the
the head of the Bay of Bengal. The low pressure systems that develop
over the Bay of Bengal and track in the westerly and north-westerly
direction also significantly contribute to the rainfall over eastern India (E).
Some of the low pressure systems track far inland in the westerly and
north-westerly direction to produce rainfall spells over the arid and dry
regions of northwest India (NW). However the rainfall over the NW region
CRA verification results are presented for each zone based on the
central location of the CRA. These results are based on the CRA statistics
from six monsoon seasons (2007-2012) and for four different rainfall
CRAs in each zone and for different CRA thresholds. Verification using the
TRMM analysis gives a slightly higher total number (940, 770 and 85) of
NSGM analysis (901, 541 and 51) for 10, 20 and 40 mm d-1 CRAs
of heavy rain events (refer to Figure 6). However the total number of
(546, 217 and 18) compared to TRMM (381, 147 and 12). NSGM analyses
d-1 threshold, a good match is obtained in over 50% of the CRAs. The
indicating the decreasing skill of the NWP forecast model to predict the
heavy rainfall. For an 80 mm d-1 CRA threshold (not shown) the number
of good matches is so low that it does not form a good sample for
threshold is high (60% and 40%, respectively) for NSGM and relatively
low (40% and 19%, respectively) for TRMM. The CRA verification results
for these thresholds can be considered robust and significant, while for
the 40 mm d-1 CRA threshold, the number of good matches is low (35%
for NSGM and 14% for TRMM) and the results of the CRA verification
Based on the good matches, the scatter plots in Figure 11 show the
association among the observed and forecast average rainfall for rain
systems located in each of the four zones. The difference in the CRA
verification results for TRMM and NSGM is rather striking in all zones and
for all thresholds. Especially over the SW region, the model bias brought
out in the NSGM (panels on right) is not seen as clearly in the TRMM
(panels on left) which has fewer samples. Similarly, Figure 12 shows the
the four zones. The scatter of mean rain intensity (Figure 11) and
the mean rain intensity (Figure 11) is also reflected in the maximum rain
intensity (Figure 12). It is likely that the model forecasts tend to rain
errors (in degrees latitude and longitude) in each of the four zones in the
Day1 forecasts. Each point in scatter plots shows the east-west versus
these points indicates increased frequency. Panels on the right show the
distribution counts are not shown for 40 mm d-1 CRAs since the available
points are too few. Similar distributions are evident in the Day3 and Day5
forecasts (not shown). Figure 14 shows the distributions of the position
after correcting for location error are presented in Table 3. The pattern
correlation (and RMSE) values range from 0.45 to 0.64 (18.3 to 30.7 mm
d-1) for lower CRA thresholds (10 and 20 mm d-1). These can be
considered robust since they are based on a large sample. For a higher
CRA threshold (40 mm d-1), the pattern correlation (0.49 to 0.68) and
RMSE values (30 to 37 mm d-1) are higher since the focus is on a smaller
area of heavier rain, but due to the much smaller sample size these mean
indicates that rain events are forecast to the east (west) of the observed
indicates that rain events are forecast to the north (south) of the
with the reported slow movement of the low pressure systems (Iyengar et
al. 2011 and 2014) in model forecasts over eastern India after landfall.
decrease for higher CRA thresholds. This clearly suggests that in eastern
India (E), the location of heavier rain is predicted with greater accuracy
than the lighter rain events. The mean north-south displacement errors
and pattern are also summarized in Table 3. In all four regions, the
contribution from pattern error forms the highest share for the 10 mm d-1
CRAs, which tend to have larger areas. Over E and SW regions, the
Referring to Figure 13, it can be noted that over the NW region, for
quadrant with highest counts of 6 just east of the origin. Over the SW
the west coast of India with a majority of forecasts displaced to the west
of the observed event (also seen in Figure 14b). Over eastern India (E),
The vector errors are highest for 10 mm d-1 CRAs in all regions
except over the NE region where the vector errors for 10 and 20 mm d-1
compared to the 10 and 20 mm d-1 CRA results, and represent stronger
storms on average. Overall, vector errors were lowest in the SW, probably
The panels in Figure 15 show the RMSE (mm d-1) and the
error. Not surprisingly, the RMSE is least for 10 mm d-1 CRAs with
lighter rainfall events. The 20 and 40 mm d-1 CRAs show higher RMSEs
all four regions for 10 mm d-1 CRAs with the median value ranging from
error due to displacement is around 15% for all regions for 10 mm d-1
and 14, but the pattern error in this region is very large and dominates
the total error. Contributions from volume error are generally least except
scientific challenge to better predict the Indian monsoon. This study has
examined the performance of the Met Office Unified Model (UM) over
India for six years (2007-2012) during the monsoon season, using both
TRMM 3B42 and the IMD blended gauge analysis (NSGM). Both data sets
NSGM observed data sets lead to better performance of the model when
CRA analysis with 10, 20 and 40 mm d-1 threshold for four regions: the
north-west (NW), south-west (SW), east (E) and north-east (NE). The
trends, depending on the CRA threshold. In the NW and SW, the forecast
east while heavier forecast rainfall events are displaced slightly southwest
of the observed location by about 1°. Southerly forecast displacements
dominant in all four regions, and the contribution from volume error is
any region may be useful guidance for the forecaster. For example, over
the plains adjoining the Himalayas, it is often seen that the UM forecasts
in the 850 hPa winds (Iyengar et al. 2011). Another example is the
rainfall associated with the Bay of Bengal low pressure systems where the
predicted low pressure systems in the model make a rather slower than
The detailed analysis presented in this study can help the model
Acknowledgements The authors thank Noel Davidson of CAWCR and
manuscript. The model forecast data used in this study is obtained from
the Met Office which is duly acknowledged. This work was supported by
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Table 1. Some of the important Unified Model (UM) changes in recent years.
UM Versions Configuration
2007 UM6.4 (Feb2007), UM6.5 (Jul2007) N320L50 (~40km in mid-latitudes)
2008 UM7.0 (Mar2008), UM7.1 (Aug2008) N320L50 (~40km in mid-latitudes)
2009 UM7.3 (Mar2009), UM7.4 (Aug2009) N320L70 (~40km in mid-latitudes)
12 min timestep
2010 UM7.6 (Apr2010), UM7.1 (Aug2010) N512L70 (~25 km in mid-latitudes)
10 min time step
4DVAR data assimilation
2011 UM7.9 (Apr2011), UM8.0 (Aug2011) N512L70 (~25 km in mid-latitudes)
10 min time step
Hybrid data assimilation
2012 UM8.2 (Apr2012) N512L70 (~25 km in mid-latitudes)
10 min time step
Hybrid data assimilation
Table 2. The number of CRAs verified in each zone and the number of good matches.
20mm NW 70 21 122 30
SW 170 83 115 19
E 210 84 302 63
NE 91 29 231 35
Total 541 217 770 147
40mm NW 5 1 12 1
SW 23 9 12 1
E 20 6 43 6
NE 3 2 18 4
Total 51 18 85 12
Table 3. (a) Verification of Day1 rainfall forecasts (b) mean displacement errors and (c)
components of total mean squared error (MSE) over four rainfall zones and for three
CRA thresholds, as verified against NSGM data.
-1 -1 -1
10 mm d threshold 20 mm d threshold 40 mm d threshold
(a) Forecast Verification
Correlation 0.54 0.63 0.45 0.48 0.58 0.64 0.55 0.48 -- 0.59 0.68 -
RMSE(mm d ) 18.3 21.1 18.8 18.6 30.1 30.7 23.5 30.0 - 41.0 30.0 -
Figure Captions
Figure 1. Geographical domain over India used for rainfall verification showing terrain
elevation (km) and typical distribution of the rain gauge network on any day during the
monsoon season.
Figure 2. 24 hour rainfall valid for 22nd Aug 2012 in (a) TRMM (valid for 00UTC) and (b)
Figure 3. Frequency distribution of observed daily rainfall (JJAS) over India during 2007-
2012. The box-whiskers compare the rainfall based on satellite estimates (TRMM) and
thresholds. The values greater (lower) than 3/2 times the 75th percentile (25th percentile) are
Figure 5. (a) Observed (NSGM) and UM forecast (b)Day1, (c)Day2, (d)Day3 and (e)Day5
Figure 6. Observed and UM Day1 forecast rainfall frequency distribution over India.
Figure 7. (a) Observed (NSGM) and (b) UM Day1 forecast number of rainy (>1mm d-1) days
during JJAS 2012;(c)same as (b) with >2mm d-1as the definition of a rainy day and (d) same
as (b) with >5mm d-1as the definition of a rainy day. The boxes show the four domains that
Figure 8. Rainfall forecast verification scores for Day1 forecasts verified against TRMM
3B42 and NSGM rainfall analyses: (a) Probability of Detection (POD), (b) Success Ratio
(SR), (c) Probability of False Detection (POFD), (d) Frequency Bias or Bias Score (BIAS),
(e) Equitable Threat Score (ETS), and (f) Hanssen and Kuipers score (HK score).
Figure 9. Verification of forecast (left) rainfall over India valid for 3rd July 2007. Observed
(NSGM; right) rainfall and the skill scores (using raining (>1mm) grids) are also shown.
Figure 10. CRA verification results for forecast rainfall along the west coast of India valid for
3rd July 2007. The CRA is defined using a 10mm d-1 threshold.
Figure 11. Forecast vs observed (TRMM, left; NSGM, right) mean rain intensity over four
regions of India (NE,SW, E and NE) for three different CRA thresholds.
Figure 13. Spatial distributions (scatter plots on left) of displacement errors and the CRA
counts (shaded grids on right) in 1 degree grid box for individual rainfall zones and CRA
Figure 14. Box-whisker plots summarizing the correlation, x-, y-, and vector errors (degrees)
over (a) north west (NW) (b) south west (SW) (c) east (E) and (d) north east
Figure 15. Box-whisker plots summarizing the RMSE and contribution to total error from
displacement error, volume error and pattern error over (a) north west (NW) (b) south west
(SW) (c) east (E) and (d) north east (NE).(Computations are based on NSGM data)
Figure 1. Geographical domain over India used for rainfall verification showing
terrain elevation (km) and typical distribution of the rain gauge network on any day
during the monsoon season.
Figure 2. 24 hour rainfall valid for 22nd Aug 2012 in (a) TRMM and (b) NSGM.
(TRMM rainfall is accumulated at 00UTC while NSGM rainfall is accumulated at
Figure 3. Frequency distribution of observed daily rainfall (JJAS) over India during
2007-2012. The box-whiskers compare the rainfall based on satellite estimates
(TRMM) and satellite+gauge merged (NSGM). The comparison is presented for
different rainfall thresholds. The values greater (lower) than 3/2 times the 75th
percentile (25th percentile) are outliers.
Figure 7. Observed (NSGM) and UKMO Day1 forecast number of rainy days (rainfall
> 1mm/day) during JJAS 2012. The boxes show four domains that are used to
investigate regional variation in forecast performance.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 8. Rainfall forecast verification scores for Day1 forecasts verified against
TRMM 3B42 and NSGM rainfall analyses: (a) probability of detection (POD), (b)
success ratio (SR), (c) probability of false detection (POFD), (d) extreme dependency
score (EDS), (e) equitable threat score (ETS), and (f) Hanssen and Kuipers score (HK
UKMO 00-24 forecast for 20070703 NSGM analysis for 20070703
Figure 9. Verification of forecast (left) rainfall over India valid for 3 rd July 2007.
Observed (NSGM; right) rainfall and the skill scores are also shown.
Figure 10. CRA verification results for forecast rainfall along the west coast of India
valid for 3rd July 2007. The CRA is defined using a 10mm d-1 threshold.
Figure 11. Forecast vs observed (TRMM, left; NSGM, right) mean rain intensity over four regions of India (NE,SW, E and NE) for three
different CRA thresholds.
Figure 12. As in Figure 11 for maximum rain intensity.
Figure 13. Spatial distributions (scatter plots on left) and frequency (shaded contour plots on right) of CRA displacements for individual rainfall
zones and CRA thresholds. The x- and y- axes are in degrees longitude and latitude respectively.
Figure 14. Box-whisker plots summarizing the correlation, x-, y-, and vector errors (degrees) over four rain zones.
Figure 15. Box-whisker plots summarizing the RMSE and contribution to total error from displacement error, volume error and pattern error
over four rain zones.